The mission of #TynkerChat: Are we adequately preparing students for an unknown future? Can we, through community and sharing, make this unknown “known?” Let us lift up the conversation about making sure that when our students enter the workforce- they have the skills to thrive.
#TynkerChat will be held every Monday, starting March 13th.
Q0: We'll be using the typical Q and A format. For those of us who are new to this- anyone want to explain to others what #HourofCode is? Hour of Code is.... #TynkerChat
Hour of Code is an introduction to coding principals. It helps students explore the world of computer science and helps shape their sequencing, perseverance, and critical thinking skills. #tynkerchat
Sorry meant to do: A1: opportunity to connect students who have not done coding or programming to connect and learn that all can do it. #tynkerchat
A1: This year we are going for more community involvement by combining schools, 3 elementaries and one middle school. Hoping for more interest! #TynkerChat
A1: @gotynker created this AWESOME Infographic that you can share with other teachers to help get the word out. Please RT and share with your network!
A1: To help bring in newbies, I'm also hosting a webinar each week to help teachers get set up for #HourOfCode. It's only like 20-30 minutes. You can register here:
A1: @gotynker created this AWESOME Infographic that you can share with other teachers to help get the word out. Please RT and share with your network!
A1: I have my #genyes student tech teams go out and lead #hourofcode for the various classes on campus. We try to get ALL students to get contact with code. #tynkerchat
A2: I have those who are taking regular CS Classes provide support to those who are being introduced through HoC activities and I integrate the Curriculum into the HoC, like unplugged coding and sight words. #tynkerchat
A2 I think the difference is that it might be less structured than a lesson. With #hourofcode I feel like there is more freedom to explore and try different activities as they wish. #tynkerchat
I hear you on that. Often we have to keep reminding our parents and community why coding is important. It shouldn't be this hard! Every day should be an #hourofcode (at least) #TynkerChat
A3: I'd love more for those who are already teaching CS - ways to make #CSEdWeek a special week but not disrupt the flow of an established class. #tynkerchat
I'm looking forward to trying a bunch of activities this year and will know better afterwards. I would love to see more unplugged options for the littles. #tynkerchat
Our problem is that no one actually teaches any CS - students need an opportunity to become aware of how CS can work with all subjects they are interested in. #TynkerChat
Both: different activities, different sites, different goals. We've done analog and digital coding. CS this year will tackle physical computing during the #hourofcode#tynkerchat
Only a couple of us teach CS in my school - but I have a flexible schedule so I'm starting to integrate CS across grades into their curriculum by going into classes and working with them. #tynkerchat