#HCPSteach Archive

Thursday February 15, 2018
8:00 PM EST

  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:00 PM EST
    Welcome to #HCPSTeach. Tonight's topic is HOMEWORK. Let's enjoy a professional conversation about it for the next 60 minutes to get the bottom of how, if, when it should be used.
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:00 PM EST
    Thanks, @Litlovegal1. I enjoyed your tweets as you read #HackingHomework last year. #HCPSTeach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:01 PM EST
    I'm Connie Hamilton, co-author of #HackingHomework with my dear friend @mssackstein. Thanks for joining #HCPSTeach to talk about this topic. Let's start with introductions.
  • MrsCervone_AP - Moderator Feb 15 @ 8:01 PM EST
    Welcome @conniehamilton thanks for leading our chat tonight. Who is here? Take a moment to introduce yourself #HCPSteach
    • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:00 PM EST
      Welcome to #HCPSTeach. Tonight's topic is HOMEWORK. Let's enjoy a professional conversation about it for the next 60 minutes to get the bottom of how, if, when it should be used.
  • SylviaEllison Feb 15 @ 8:01 PM EST
    Welcome @conniehamilton to #HCPSTeach !! We are so excited to have you here tonight!
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:02 PM EST
    Hi Stacyand Sylvia. Thanks for having me in #HCPSTeach tonight. @SylviaEllison
    In reply to @MrsCervone_AP, @SylviaEllison
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:03 PM EST
    Happy to join. I've been looking forward to hosting #HCPSTeach. Now we're LIVE and talking about Homework.
  • lleist77 Feb 15 @ 8:03 PM EST
    Lisabeth Leist GSHS secondary math #hcpsteach
    In reply to @MrsCervone_AP, @conniehamilton
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:03 PM EST
    Hi Lisabeth. Thanks for joining #HCPSTeach tonight
    In reply to @lleist77, @MrsCervone_AP
  • SylviaEllison Feb 15 @ 8:04 PM EST
    Sylvia, Academic Coach / ENG tchr at Title 1 HS in Tampa, FL ... in NJ training teachers tomorrow in #SpringBoardPL #HCPSTeach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:05 PM EST
    We'll start with Q1 in one minute. #HCPSTeach
  • blackwellTBK8 Feb 15 @ 8:05 PM EST
    Excited about tonight’s topic! Hi! I am Melanie - a fifth grade teacher @TBK8 in Tampa, FL #HCPSTeach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:05 PM EST
    Hi Melanie. Great to see you here tonight. #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @blackwellTBK8, @TBK8
  • lleist77 Feb 15 @ 8:05 PM EST
    Glad to be here #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @conniehamilton, @MrsCervone_AP
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:06 PM EST
    Q1: As a student, how did you think about and approach homework? #HCPSTeach
  • Kelsey_Harrell Feb 15 @ 8:06 PM EST
    Kelsey! Teaching kinder at TBK8 #hcpsteach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:06 PM EST
    Hi Kelsey. Thanks for joining #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @Kelsey_Harrell
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:07 PM EST
    A1: As a student I begged for HW. Even played school with my dolls with leftover worksheets. Doesn't mean I learned anything from them. #HCPSTeach
  • SylviaEllison Feb 15 @ 8:07 PM EST
    A1 (that was a long time ago 🤭) ... I did as much as I could during school time ... I was a work horse in HS, but I didn’t want to do work at home #HCPSTeach
  • hackmylearning Feb 15 @ 8:07 PM EST
    Looks like #HCPSTeach is just starting. Join the live chat to talk about homework tonight.
  • lleist77 Feb 15 @ 8:07 PM EST
    Back in the dark ages when I was in high school......I regarded homework as a necessary evil. #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @conniehamilton
  • MrsCervone_AP - Moderator Feb 15 @ 8:08 PM EST
    A2: for me it was pages and pages of drill and practice. When we were lucky we only had to do the even numbers #HCPSteach
  • NashwaMekky Feb 15 @ 8:08 PM EST
    Nashwa Mekky, 5th grade teacher in Arlington Heights, Illinois. #hcpsteach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:08 PM EST
    Did you have other activities that needed your after school time when you were in HS? #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @SylviaEllison
  • SylviaEllison Feb 15 @ 8:09 PM EST
    As a parent, that’s what I think now 😝 #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @lleist77, @conniehamilton
  • Kelsey_Harrell Feb 15 @ 8:09 PM EST
    A1: as an elementary/middle school student. I did it with no complaints. I often finished at school. High school- it took me HOURS to get it done. I had no time for anything else. #hcpsteach
  • TheMrHendricks Feb 15 @ 8:09 PM EST
    Justin here. HS SS in Missouri. I saw homework as a “necessary evil” as a kid. I was sure there was a good reason I had to complete it, but hated every minute of it. #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @conniehamilton
  • lleist77 Feb 15 @ 8:09 PM EST
    Welcome! #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @NashwaMekky
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:10 PM EST
    That's because the answers to the odd problems were in the back of the book... at least in my math class. #HCPSTeach
  • blackwellTBK8 Feb 15 @ 8:10 PM EST
    As a student, I liked homework and always had it done on time, up until about 8th grade.. after that - I lacked the desire or motivation to complete the assignments I was asked to do at home.. #HCPSTeach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:10 PM EST
    Hi there, Nashwa. Thanks for being in #HCPSTeach tonight.
    In reply to @NashwaMekky
  • Kelsey_Harrell Feb 15 @ 8:10 PM EST
    😂😂 it was the BEST when the teacher said “pages 50-53... even problems only” #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @MrsCervone_AP
  • SylviaEllison Feb 15 @ 8:10 PM EST
    Yea ... we were involved in our church ... piano lessons ... with 3 of us there was a lot of activity #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @conniehamilton
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:10 PM EST
    What are some of the things you had to sacrifice in order to do homework? #HCPSTeach
    • Kelsey_Harrell Feb 15 @ 8:09 PM EST
      A1: as an elementary/middle school student. I did it with no complaints. I often finished at school. High school- it took me HOURS to get it done. I had no time for anything else. #hcpsteach
  • msweisenbeck Feb 15 @ 8:11 PM EST
    Kellie from Virginia Beach, VA- 4th grade A1- When I was young, I loved school and doing extra work and homework. However, it was more because it was "easy!" #hcpsteach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:11 PM EST
    Sure there was a good reason - because you simply trusted that there must be? Or did you know why you were doing HW? #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @TheMrHendricks
  • blackwellTBK8 Feb 15 @ 8:11 PM EST
    A1: As a student, I liked homework and always had it done on time, up until about 8th grade.. after that - I lacked the desire or motivation to complete the assignments I was asked to do at home.. #HCPSTeach board
  • SylviaEllison Feb 15 @ 8:12 PM EST
    Mine too!! #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @conniehamilton
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:12 PM EST
    Funny - that's about the age when focused, purposeful, and well designed HW begins to see some benefits. #HCPSTeach
  • Kelsey_Harrell Feb 15 @ 8:12 PM EST
    I had to sacrifice my friends. 😩 straight from school I attended lacrosse practice- because it was at school. Which was fun to me... but being with friends outside of school rarely happened. (Except on weekends) #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @conniehamilton
  • lleist77 Feb 15 @ 8:12 PM EST
    Reading time! I was a complete bookworm and I resented it (hw) cutting into my time. #HCPSTeach
    • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:10 PM EST
      What are some of the things you had to sacrifice in order to do homework? #HCPSTeach
      • Kelsey_Harrell Feb 15 @ 8:09 PM EST
        A1: as an elementary/middle school student. I did it with no complaints. I often finished at school. High school- it took me HOURS to get it done. I had no time for anything else. #hcpsteach
  • MrsCervone_AP - Moderator Feb 15 @ 8:13 PM EST
    Homework is an ongoing struggle for me as a parent. It’s hard to manage time and other activities #HCPSteach
    In reply to @SylviaEllison, @lleist77, @conniehamilton
  • SylviaEllison Feb 15 @ 8:13 PM EST
    Welcome Kellie! #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @msweisenbeck
  • NashwaMekky Feb 15 @ 8:13 PM EST
    A1: A student, I remember homework not being a very rudimentary experience. The sooner I finished, the faster, I can get to my other activities. #Hcpsteach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:13 PM EST
    Me too. Now that I look back on it, I'm sure it didn't really do much to deepen my learning at all. #HCPSTeach
    • msweisenbeck Feb 15 @ 8:11 PM EST
      Kellie from Virginia Beach, VA- 4th grade A1- When I was young, I loved school and doing extra work and homework. However, it was more because it was "easy!" #hcpsteach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:14 PM EST
    AMEN! Now that I'm a parent of HS students, I see how the negativity around HW damages my relationships with my kids and steals valuable time I have with them. I resent HW. #HCPSTeach
    • MrsCervone_AP - Moderator Feb 15 @ 8:13 PM EST
      Homework is an ongoing struggle for me as a parent. It’s hard to manage time and other activities #HCPSteach
      In reply to @SylviaEllison, @lleist77, @conniehamilton
  • msweisenbeck Feb 15 @ 8:14 PM EST
    I do remember the drill and kill of math facts in the 3rd and 4th grades. My parents tormented me, making me memorize those darn facts! However, memorize them I did! #hcpsteach
  • Kelsey_Harrell Feb 15 @ 8:14 PM EST
    A1: what was awful though... you struggle with content in class... you go home to practice it- which is clearly practiced wrong bc I struggled... to get to class and are expected to succeed??? #hcpsteach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:15 PM EST
    Moving on to Q2 in one minute. #HCPSTeach
  • SylviaEllison Feb 15 @ 8:15 PM EST
    And Stacy, I hate fighting my children to do their homework when my papers to score just get a “vacation” from school (because I don’t want to do my current homework) 🤭 #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @MrsCervone_AP, @lleist77, @conniehamilton
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:15 PM EST
    I wonder how many teachers consider this perspective. Is writing my spelling words 10X each really more valuable than READING for enjoyment? #HCPSTeach
    • lleist77 Feb 15 @ 8:12 PM EST
      Reading time! I was a complete bookworm and I resented it (hw) cutting into my time. #HCPSTeach
      • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:10 PM EST
        What are some of the things you had to sacrifice in order to do homework? #HCPSTeach
        • Kelsey_Harrell Feb 15 @ 8:09 PM EST
          A1: as an elementary/middle school student. I did it with no complaints. I often finished at school. High school- it took me HOURS to get it done. I had no time for anything else. #hcpsteach
  • Michelle4EDU - Moderator Feb 15 @ 8:15 PM EST
    Hi everyone! Running late from tucking the kiddos in but I’m here now! #hcpsteach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:16 PM EST
    Q2: What's the difference between required homework and learning at home? #HCPSTeach
  • TheMrHendricks Feb 15 @ 8:16 PM EST
    That’s how I feel with my MS daughter now...multiple hours of homework every night of the week. AHHHH! #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @MrsCervone_AP, @SylviaEllison, @lleist77, @conniehamilton
  • SylviaEllison Feb 15 @ 8:16 PM EST
    Preach!! 💜💜💜 #HCPSTeach
    • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:15 PM EST
      I wonder how many teachers consider this perspective. Is writing my spelling words 10X each really more valuable than READING for enjoyment? #HCPSTeach
      • lleist77 Feb 15 @ 8:12 PM EST
        Reading time! I was a complete bookworm and I resented it (hw) cutting into my time. #HCPSTeach
        • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:10 PM EST
          What are some of the things you had to sacrifice in order to do homework? #HCPSTeach
          • Kelsey_Harrell Feb 15 @ 8:09 PM EST
            A1: as an elementary/middle school student. I did it with no complaints. I often finished at school. High school- it took me HOURS to get it done. I had no time for anything else. #hcpsteach
  • lleist77 Feb 15 @ 8:16 PM EST
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:17 PM EST
    A2: While I agree that learning can happen at home in many ways, it's not my opinion that it should be routinely assigned. Allow for authentic learning to occur in homes. #HCPSTeach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:17 PM EST
    I've thought a lot about this. I think this is an important skill and can be reinforced at home. But as a suggestion, encouragement, and partnership with families - Not sure it should be required as HW. #HCPSTeach
    • msweisenbeck Feb 15 @ 8:14 PM EST
      I do remember the drill and kill of math facts in the 3rd and 4th grades. My parents tormented me, making me memorize those darn facts! However, memorize them I did! #hcpsteach
  • NashwaMekky Feb 15 @ 8:17 PM EST
    I agree. Learning happens in-context, not through repetition. #hcpsteach
    In reply to @conniehamilton
  • SylviaEllison Feb 15 @ 8:17 PM EST
    Love the intro board! #HCPSTeach
  • lleist77 Feb 15 @ 8:17 PM EST
    Yes! As the parent of three high schoolers - conversations with them have completely revamped how I approach HW in my classroom. #HCPSTeach
    • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:14 PM EST
      AMEN! Now that I'm a parent of HS students, I see how the negativity around HW damages my relationships with my kids and steals valuable time I have with them. I resent HW. #HCPSTeach
      • MrsCervone_AP - Moderator Feb 15 @ 8:13 PM EST
        Homework is an ongoing struggle for me as a parent. It’s hard to manage time and other activities #HCPSteach
        In reply to @SylviaEllison, @lleist77, @conniehamilton
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:18 PM EST
    A2: Look at the learning that can result from allowing time to do things like prepare a meal together. Nightly homework might suck this time away from families. #HCPSTeach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:18 PM EST
    Exactly. Picture this: Boys and girls, we ran out of time in class today because this new learning is really difficult. So - take it home and do by yourself what you couldn't do with me in the room supporting you YET. #HCPSTeach
    • Kelsey_Harrell Feb 15 @ 8:14 PM EST
      A1: what was awful though... you struggle with content in class... you go home to practice it- which is clearly practiced wrong bc I struggled... to get to class and are expected to succeed??? #hcpsteach
  • msweisenbeck Feb 15 @ 8:18 PM EST
    A2- Required homework is what is held over a Ss head- It has to be done. Learning at home is more student choice and desire. Making student do an activity on TenMarks- homework. Opening a nightly "game" time on Quizizz for those who want to play- "choice learning: #hcpsteach
  • SylviaEllison Feb 15 @ 8:18 PM EST
    A2 Passion & choice! I love learning about new things in different ways. I had to take a course for compliance long ago & decided to read ahead - the prof & I loved the class b/c I was ready to talk! #HCPSTeach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:19 PM EST
    A2: If you think this is what homework looks likes in most homes across the country - you are in LaLaLand and need a more realistic picture of what mandated, nightly HW does for family dynamics. #HCPSTeach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:19 PM EST
    Glad you made it to #HCPSTeach Michelle.
    In reply to @Michelle4EDU
  • TheMrHendricks Feb 15 @ 8:19 PM EST
    A2 A2 My classroom today revolves around student choice...and that includes homework. For my students, the difference is...they choose (and often want) to do it. #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @conniehamilton
  • Michelle4EDU - Moderator Feb 15 @ 8:19 PM EST
    A2: learning at home can happen in a multitude of ways. My favorites are #STEM activities all family members can engage in; very different from required HW only one person can be a part of #HCPSteach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:20 PM EST
    A2: Responsibility, time management, and organization are important skills. However, HW doesn't TEACH them, it just EXPECTS students to have them. #HCPSTeach
  • Kelsey_Harrell Feb 15 @ 8:20 PM EST
    A2: workbook pages vs exploration/inquiry #hcpsteach
  • blackwellTBK8 Feb 15 @ 8:20 PM EST
    A2: I think learning at home is just as it sounds - related, in some way, to the authentic learning happening in the classroom.. required homework should encourage that but, I have a feeling, it is all of the different types of homework we all hated doing as kids! #HCPSTeach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:20 PM EST
    Love this description of the difference between required homework and learning at home. #HCPSTeach
    • msweisenbeck Feb 15 @ 8:18 PM EST
      A2- Required homework is what is held over a Ss head- It has to be done. Learning at home is more student choice and desire. Making student do an activity on TenMarks- homework. Opening a nightly "game" time on Quizizz for those who want to play- "choice learning: #hcpsteach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:21 PM EST
    As my friend, @alicekeeler says, we don't NEED homework. We should be more thoughtful about if/when we assign it. #HCPSTeach
  • SylviaEllison Feb 15 @ 8:21 PM EST
    Doesn’t Learning at home also help with sts not practicing a skill wrong? It’s about their passions not about a critical skill that needs a good coach. #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @conniehamilton
  • NashwaMekky Feb 15 @ 8:21 PM EST
    A2: This is an area I believe I still need to grow in. When I assign homework, I feel I need to measure its completion, accuracy, thinking and ensure students are extending their learning. If it's not assigned, I can't always measure the learning. #hcpsteach
  • JMaguregui22 Feb 15 @ 8:21 PM EST
    A2 The term Homework can be redefined by the teacher and not have the stigma it carries within education. #hcpsteach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:22 PM EST
    Couldn't we partner with parents to support them in ways to build skills that some educators believe HW teaches? What if we had a parent night to help families make job boards? #HCPSTeach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:22 PM EST
    UGH! Workbook pages. #HCPSTeach
  • msweisenbeck Feb 15 @ 8:22 PM EST
    I recently showed my Ss how to do memes for a book we were reading. They loved it. I offer a #sidequest challenge in @classcraft- One choice was to make a meme about homework- kids are loving it! #hcpsteach
  • Michelle4EDU - Moderator Feb 15 @ 8:22 PM EST
    Yes! It’s sometimes the cause of so much stress in my home. Tears from everyone in that photo at times... real photo of my life below. #hcpsteach
    In reply to @conniehamilton
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:23 PM EST
    OMGosh how fun. #HCPSTeach
    • msweisenbeck Feb 15 @ 8:22 PM EST
      I recently showed my Ss how to do memes for a book we were reading. They loved it. I offer a #sidequest challenge in @classcraft- One choice was to make a meme about homework- kids are loving it! #hcpsteach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:23 PM EST
    You're not alone, Michelle. #HCPSTeach
    • Michelle4EDU - Moderator Feb 15 @ 8:22 PM EST
      Yes! It’s sometimes the cause of so much stress in my home. Tears from everyone in that photo at times... real photo of my life below. #hcpsteach
      In reply to @conniehamilton
  • Michelle4EDU - Moderator Feb 15 @ 8:23 PM EST
    Yessss 👏👏👏👏 #hcpsteach
    • Kelsey_Harrell Feb 15 @ 8:14 PM EST
      A1: what was awful though... you struggle with content in class... you go home to practice it- which is clearly practiced wrong bc I struggled... to get to class and are expected to succeed??? #hcpsteach
  • SylviaEllison Feb 15 @ 8:24 PM EST
    If you have not yet, you’ll want to check out @conniehamilton and @mssackstein ‘s book Hacking Homework ... part of the #HackLearning book series #HCPSTeach
  • NashwaMekky Feb 15 @ 8:24 PM EST
    Agreed! Homework should have a purpose and not be considered repetitive and rudimentary. #hcpsteach
    In reply to @JMaguregui22
  • HcpsTeach Feb 15 @ 8:24 PM EST
    Great chat on hacking homework happening now #HCPSteach #JOINUS
    • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:18 PM EST
      Exactly. Picture this: Boys and girls, we ran out of time in class today because this new learning is really difficult. So - take it home and do by yourself what you couldn't do with me in the room supporting you YET. #HCPSTeach
      • Kelsey_Harrell Feb 15 @ 8:14 PM EST
        A1: what was awful though... you struggle with content in class... you go home to practice it- which is clearly practiced wrong bc I struggled... to get to class and are expected to succeed??? #hcpsteach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:25 PM EST
    Next is Q3 in 60 seconds. #HCPSTeach
  • lleist77 Feb 15 @ 8:25 PM EST
    Ahhhh! Her book inspired me so much- the one thing that deeply impacted me was (paraphrasing) -hw is often more a mark of compliance rather than learning- So true in secondary #hcpsteach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:25 PM EST
    Sometimes what my kids are learning in school inspires them to want to learn more at home. Especially if it's relevant. My daughter had a sign language class and used it to follow a TV show. #HCPSTeach
  • NashwaMekky Feb 15 @ 8:25 PM EST
    We've all been there! Definitely not fu for child or the parent. #hcpsteach
    In reply to @Michelle4EDU, @conniehamilton
  • Michelle4EDU - Moderator Feb 15 @ 8:25 PM EST
    I love summers because I can cook with my sous chef. Unfortunately not enough time during the school week nights to squeeze it in... ☹️ #hcpsteach
    • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:18 PM EST
      A2: Look at the learning that can result from allowing time to do things like prepare a meal together. Nightly homework might suck this time away from families. #HCPSTeach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:26 PM EST
    Q3: Does doing homework make good students or do "good" students just do homework? Explain. #HCPSTeach
  • MrsCervone_AP - Moderator Feb 15 @ 8:26 PM EST
    Sorry everyone. Doing double duty at the school’s soccer game. #HCPSTeach
  • blackwellTBK8 Feb 15 @ 8:26 PM EST
    I LOVE this idea! Thank you @conniehamilton I think parents would appreciate the life skills it teaches, too! #HCPSteach
    • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:22 PM EST
      Couldn't we partner with parents to support them in ways to build skills that some educators believe HW teaches? What if we had a parent night to help families make job boards? #HCPSTeach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:27 PM EST
    A3: Students who are not motivated by grades are not going to suddenly become inspired to do HW just because their teachers threaten a zero for not doing it. #HCPSTeach
  • Michelle4EDU - Moderator Feb 15 @ 8:27 PM EST
    This. 😒 💯👏 You cannot repeat yourself to mastery. #hcpsteach
    • NashwaMekky Feb 15 @ 8:17 PM EST
      I agree. Learning happens in-context, not through repetition. #hcpsteach
      In reply to @conniehamilton
  • MrsCervone_AP - Moderator Feb 15 @ 8:28 PM EST
    This is an interesting question. Guess it goes back to the purpose of the task #HCPSteach
    • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:26 PM EST
      Q3: Does doing homework make good students or do "good" students just do homework? Explain. #HCPSTeach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:29 PM EST
    A3: What kind of evidence does it provide to us when students don't see the value in the HW anyway. Now we're getting compliance - but not necessarily learning. #HCPSTeach
  • Michelle4EDU - Moderator Feb 15 @ 8:29 PM EST
    Yes. OMG where is every teacher who needs to read this right now? Please RT and share. Show the world. Education is so much better than this. #HCPSteach
    • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:27 PM EST
      A3: Students who are not motivated by grades are not going to suddenly become inspired to do HW just because their teachers threaten a zero for not doing it. #HCPSTeach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:29 PM EST
    Think HW teaches responsibility? How about paid chores for young kids or employment for HS students. I hear students say that don't have time for a job b/c they have too much homework. #HCPSTeach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:30 PM EST
    At the elementary level, the research compiled by @john_hattie is clear. Homework has an insignificant impact on student learning. #HCPSTeach
  • MrsCervone_AP - Moderator Feb 15 @ 8:30 PM EST
    This!!! #HCPSteach
    • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:27 PM EST
      A3: Students who are not motivated by grades are not going to suddenly become inspired to do HW just because their teachers threaten a zero for not doing it. #HCPSTeach
  • Kelsey_Harrell Feb 15 @ 8:30 PM EST
    A3: good students just do homework. I did homework because I was told to. I was being a good student and following directions. #hcpsteach
  • SylviaEllison Feb 15 @ 8:30 PM EST
    A3 good sts do HMWK - but not to learn, usually to “do school” ... they are compliant ... and they probably know how to do it so it’s easy .. those who struggle don’t do it because they don’t know how (or are unsure) #HCPSTeach
    • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:26 PM EST
      Q3: Does doing homework make good students or do "good" students just do homework? Explain. #HCPSTeach
  • msweisenbeck Feb 15 @ 8:31 PM EST
    A3- I hate to admit, it took me too many years to really figure this out. I'm a 27 year vet, and this year, I took @jmattmiller's advice and "Ditchthathomework I've decided that its not worth the fight with the Ss who don't do it. .#hcpsteach
  • lleist77 Feb 15 @ 8:31 PM EST
    A3 If you survey your ‘good’ students you will find that rarely do they need a ton of practice on a particular concept. They know what they need to work on. They should have the ability to choose to do so instead of a one size fits all approach. #HCPSTeach
    • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:26 PM EST
      Q3: Does doing homework make good students or do "good" students just do homework? Explain. #HCPSTeach
  • JMaguregui22 Feb 15 @ 8:31 PM EST
    If they don’t find the value in your homework then there are most likely bigger issues in regards to the students buy in to your class #hcpsteach
    In reply to @conniehamilton
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:31 PM EST
    Bet you're having a better year.... any difference in student achievement? #HCPSteach
    • msweisenbeck Feb 15 @ 8:31 PM EST
      A3- I hate to admit, it took me too many years to really figure this out. I'm a 27 year vet, and this year, I took @jmattmiller's advice and "Ditchthathomework I've decided that its not worth the fight with the Ss who don't do it. .#hcpsteach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:32 PM EST
    Children can learn responsibility by seeing the benefits of being responsible and the consequences of not being responsible. Homework is not the best way to instill this character trait. #HCPSTeach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:32 PM EST
    Good point! #HCPSteach
    • lleist77 Feb 15 @ 8:31 PM EST
      A3 If you survey your ‘good’ students you will find that rarely do they need a ton of practice on a particular concept. They know what they need to work on. They should have the ability to choose to do so instead of a one size fits all approach. #HCPSTeach
      • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:26 PM EST
        Q3: Does doing homework make good students or do "good" students just do homework? Explain. #HCPSTeach
  • Michelle4EDU - Moderator Feb 15 @ 8:33 PM EST
    A3: I’ve had lots of good students who don’t complete work outside of class because of extenuating circumstances at home. Also saw “good students” copying hw at lunch, pressures of HS. #hcpsteach #ThingsThatMakeYouGoHmm
    • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:26 PM EST
      Q3: Does doing homework make good students or do "good" students just do homework? Explain. #HCPSTeach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:34 PM EST
    How much real learning is happening when both students and parents have this perception of the HW that being sent home? #HCPSTeach
  • NashwaMekky Feb 15 @ 8:34 PM EST
    A3: Depends on the homework. Today I assigned an EdPuzzle. They watch a video and answer questions as they watch. It's a review of what we learned in class. My Ss think it's fun and it's a motivator for them to learn. I look for opportunities like this whenever I can! #hcpsteach
    • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:26 PM EST
      Q3: Does doing homework make good students or do "good" students just do homework? Explain. #HCPSTeach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:35 PM EST
    We will launch Q4 in one minute. #HCPSTeach
  • blackwellTBK8 Feb 15 @ 8:35 PM EST
    A3: Students who need the support that extra time with a concept provides, are likely unable to complete required homework or homework that comes from incomplete work during the lesson. #HCPSTeach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:36 PM EST
    Q4: Agree or Disagree. Students should be graded on homework. Explain. #HCPSTeach
  • SylviaEllison Feb 15 @ 8:36 PM EST
    I know I am having a better year ... I too did not find this out until later in my career ... and I stumbled into it as a parent first ... my sts and I seem to get more done in class now #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @conniehamilton
  • NashwaMekky Feb 15 @ 8:36 PM EST
    He is amazing. Such an inspirational speaker! #hcpsteach
    In reply to @conniehamilton
  • TheMrHendricks Feb 15 @ 8:36 PM EST
    And, as stated before, when the teacher isn’t there to vent to, the frustration often causes our night to be so much worse. #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @conniehamilton
  • MrsCervone_AP - Moderator Feb 15 @ 8:36 PM EST
    Yes! If they couldn’t do it while with the teacher, it’s probably going to be that much harder without #HCPSteach
    In reply to @blackwellTBK8
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:37 PM EST
    If you must give homework, it should NOT be graded for sooo many reasons. #HCPSTeach @kenoc7
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:37 PM EST
    I admit - I've said to my HS. I know it's irrelevant, boring, and a waste of time. But just do it, get it over with, and play the homework game. #HCPSteach
  • SylviaEllison Feb 15 @ 8:37 PM EST
    I agree ... too much cheating/copying due to 1 lack of value 2 it’s too hard or 3 it’s too easy and doesn’t need to look differently... #HCPSTeach
  • msweisenbeck Feb 15 @ 8:37 PM EST
    I always gave homework because it was what had always been done. Our students are not the same as the students we were. Just because it is what we always did, doesn't mean it is what we should always do. #hcpsteach
  • NashwaMekky Feb 15 @ 8:37 PM EST
    You bring a good point. We need to be more flexible and empathetic! #hcpsteach
    In reply to @Michelle4EDU
  • CassyDiaz Feb 15 @ 8:38 PM EST
    Maybe we need to re-evaluate the effectiveness and appropriateness of the homework that we are assigning #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @conniehamilton
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:38 PM EST
    I copied my fair share of HW when I was in school. Sure - I was motivated by grades. Let's not confuse grades with learning. Oops - that's another chat topic. #HCPSteach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:39 PM EST
    Sounds like Ken O'Connor @kenoc7 author of 15 Fixes for Broken Grades could be talking about HW, doesn't it? #HCPSTeach
  • msweisenbeck Feb 15 @ 8:39 PM EST
    A4- Disagree- Even when I gave homework, it was as a practice. Hopefully a practice with parent support. But it was not a true assessment of what Ss could do. #hcpsteach
  • Michelle4EDU - Moderator Feb 15 @ 8:39 PM EST
    High school is so hard now. Kids have games, get home at nine, stay up til one doing homework, and then are back at school by 7:30 am. It’s crazy to me. For what? We’re ruining their health bc we feel are “content” is so important #HCPSteach
    In reply to @NashwaMekky
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:40 PM EST
    Is this what we're trying to accomplish when assigning HW? Do secondary teachers coordinate projects/tests/etc to prevent lack of sleep and added stress to a generation of high anxiety in students? #HCPSTeach
  • SylviaEllison Feb 15 @ 8:40 PM EST
    A4 well ... if I don’t like HMWK, then can I agree or disagree? 😂 ... I disagree - have so many sts with duties & responsibilities outside of school (poverty) ... it’s not fair to penalize them when they can’t (time) or can’t (ability) #HCPSTeach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:40 PM EST
    Somebody put that on a billboard, please! #HCPSteach @mssackstein @markbarnes19
    • CassyDiaz Feb 15 @ 8:38 PM EST
      Maybe we need to re-evaluate the effectiveness and appropriateness of the homework that we are assigning #HCPSTeach
      In reply to @conniehamilton
  • TheMrHendricks Feb 15 @ 8:40 PM EST
    A4 - “Homework” as it is currently defined - Strongly Disagree. The work students choose to do or take part in to further their learning or achieve their goals in my class...that’s part of the process and naturally becomes part of the grade. #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @conniehamilton
  • Michelle4EDU - Moderator Feb 15 @ 8:40 PM EST
    lol! That is another great topic. #HCPSteach
    In reply to @conniehamilton
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:42 PM EST
    TRUTH - My high school daughter was given this as a HW assignment for biology. Teacher said if it's too hard, just Google the answers. WHAT?!? #HCPSTeach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:42 PM EST
    John Hattie did a meta analysis of other research. Lots of them. #HCPSteach
    • JMaguregui22 Feb 15 @ 8:36 PM EST
      What is the title of the study?
      In reply to @conniehamilton, @john_hattie
  • blackwellTBK8 Feb 15 @ 8:42 PM EST
    A4: I disagree that homework should be graded! It’s added pressure to an already stressful day for most kids who need positive experiences and encouragement to be #risk-takers, and who likely haven’t learned how to cope w a natural lack of understanding of new concepts #HCPSTeach
  • SylviaEllison Feb 15 @ 8:42 PM EST
    Yes ... that is another chat ... valuable one, though ... when I moved to standards-based planning, learning, & grading, my instructional practices changed ... focused on the standards not “completing the novel” #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @conniehamilton
  • NashwaMekky Feb 15 @ 8:43 PM EST
    I have a sophomore and a senior in HS and you're 100% right. The physical and mental demands are excruciating. A lot is asked of them. #hcpsteach
    • Michelle4EDU - Moderator Feb 15 @ 8:39 PM EST
      High school is so hard now. Kids have games, get home at nine, stay up til one doing homework, and then are back at school by 7:30 am. It’s crazy to me. For what? We’re ruining their health bc we feel are “content” is so important #HCPSteach
      In reply to @NashwaMekky
  • JMaguregui22 Feb 15 @ 8:44 PM EST
    Not to say homework is beneficial, but do we think of the cognitive load that is put on students who for around 7 hours a day learn 6-7 different subjects does not put them in the same mindset as Squidward shows #hcpsteach
    In reply to @conniehamilton
  • TheMrHendricks Feb 15 @ 8:44 PM EST
    Why, Why, Why? Can I demand a rationale or justification from her teacher? #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @conniehamilton
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:45 PM EST
    We're pushing our thinking and beliefs around homework in #HCPSTeach tonight. Moving on to Q4 in one minute.
  • Michelle4EDU - Moderator Feb 15 @ 8:45 PM EST
    No, if I’m assessing my students on mastery of my content standards, I should have enough in/formal assessment data from class to assign a grade. (Part 1/2) #hcpsteach
  • SylviaEllison Feb 15 @ 8:45 PM EST
    And just a thought ... what are we doing to ourselves? Added work to score, added frustration when they don’t complete it, added stress because we think they are ... (fill in the blank) ☺️ #HCPSTeach
    • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:40 PM EST
      Is this what we're trying to accomplish when assigning HW? Do secondary teachers coordinate projects/tests/etc to prevent lack of sleep and added stress to a generation of high anxiety in students? #HCPSTeach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:46 PM EST
    Q5: If a teacher gives homework and a student doesn't do it, what should the teacher do? #HCPSTeach
  • Michelle4EDU - Moderator Feb 15 @ 8:46 PM EST
    Yes if part of my course requires a performance task that may need to be completed outside of class as well. But that’s not usually the hw people think of/assign. (Part 2/2) #hcpsteach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:46 PM EST
    I chose not to ask... Just Google it @ahamilton328 #HCPSteach
    • TheMrHendricks Feb 15 @ 8:44 PM EST
      Why, Why, Why? Can I demand a rationale or justification from her teacher? #HCPSTeach
      In reply to @conniehamilton
  • shirky17 Feb 15 @ 8:46 PM EST
    how many kids fail at the responsibility of "bring in some materials tomorrow to build something" #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @conniehamilton
  • SylviaEllison Feb 15 @ 8:46 PM EST
    What is the point if Google can provide us with the answers? #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @conniehamilton
  • lleist77 Feb 15 @ 8:46 PM EST
    A4 #HCPSteach
    In reply to @Michelle4EDU
  • CassyDiaz Feb 15 @ 8:46 PM EST
    HW does have a purpose, but T’s need to re-evaluate the appropriateness and effectiveness of assignments. I often ask my s’s to explain concepts we’re learning to their parents for HW. My S’s are excited to do this, & parents are able to share in their child’s learning #HCPSteach
    • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:34 PM EST
      How much real learning is happening when both students and parents have this perception of the HW that being sent home? #HCPSTeach
  • NashwaMekky Feb 15 @ 8:46 PM EST
    A4: I don't think it should be graded, but I do give a grade for completion. If I'm giving homework, I want it to be a review and extension of the day's learning. #hcpsteach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:47 PM EST
    A5: if students don't do homework, find out WHY, then take the appropriate action. #HCPSTeach
  • MrsCervone_AP - Moderator Feb 15 @ 8:47 PM EST
    A4: I wonder why it is necessary to grade homework, when we should have enough opportunities to formally and informally assess in the classroom every day #HCPSteach
  • TheMrHendricks Feb 15 @ 8:48 PM EST
    A5 First, find out why. Family/life issues, other responsibilities, too much other homework, didn’t understand it, need I keep going? Almost every reason I’ve ever heard was a valid reason to NOT give homework. #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @conniehamilton
  • Michelle4EDU - Moderator Feb 15 @ 8:48 PM EST
    Lol. I almost typed no no no. #HCPSteach
    In reply to @lleist77
  • SylviaEllison Feb 15 @ 8:49 PM EST
    A5 in all honesty ( and in my opinion ) ... re-evaluate the practice and get curious ... ask the student why ... their rationale could inspire you or break you heart #HCPSTeach
  • Michelle4EDU - Moderator Feb 15 @ 8:49 PM EST
    In reply to @MrsCervone_AP
  • SylviaEllison Feb 15 @ 8:50 PM EST
    Now that sounds like HMWK I would enjoy with my children! #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @CassyDiaz
  • blackwellTBK8 Feb 15 @ 8:50 PM EST
    A5: Ask meaningful questions about why it wasn’t done. If it was difficult for one it could be difficult for many. Review the concept again. I give little to no homework and it is meant as practice. We go over it the next day and focus on the ‘tough’ questions. #HCPSTeach
  • TheMrHendricks Feb 15 @ 8:50 PM EST
    I actually overheard one student use this in my class today (they hear me say it often). She said, “If Google can answer it, it’s not a good question for our discussion.” Made my day! #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @SylviaEllison, @conniehamilton
  • NashwaMekky Feb 15 @ 8:50 PM EST
    I love this! Need to make time to dig deeper! #HCPSTeach
  • lleist77 Feb 15 @ 8:50 PM EST
    A4 pt 2. What does graded homework tell you? How well they copied it? How well their older sibling remembers it? How much better a home with internet will score than a home without? #hcpsteach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:51 PM EST
    It's in Ken O'Connor's @kenoc7 new book. How to Grade for Learning #HCPSteach
  • SylviaEllison Feb 15 @ 8:51 PM EST
    Awesome! #HCPSTeach
    In reply to @TheMrHendricks, @conniehamilton
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:51 PM EST
    Retweet - Retweet - Retweet. #HCPSteach
    • lleist77 Feb 15 @ 8:50 PM EST
      A4 pt 2. What does graded homework tell you? How well they copied it? How well their older sibling remembers it? How much better a home with internet will score than a home without? #hcpsteach
  • bonnie_strohl Feb 15 @ 8:52 PM EST
    Q5 Reevaluate the work. Help the student. Have 1:1 chat with student. Don’t punish Ss for something out of their control. Reflect: Did many Ss not do it? If so, why? Same should go for Ss who did all HW, but guessed on all ?ns. #HCPSTeach
  • SylviaEllison Feb 15 @ 8:52 PM EST
    Remember ... our moderator tonight has written all these wonderful ideas and more in her book #HCPSTeach
  • CassyDiaz Feb 15 @ 8:54 PM EST
    A4. I teach 3rd grade and I’ve noticed that grading projects & assignments completed at home sometimes puts my S’s on an uneven playing field. Some s’s have more parental support, access to technology or materials than others. #HCPSteach
  • Kelsey_Harrell Feb 15 @ 8:54 PM EST
    A5: it’s on our report card as a behavior indicator. I teach kindergarten... and in all honesty (if I gave homework) I don’t see it to be their fault. Especially if the homework requires reading skills they haven’t achieved yet. #hcpsteach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:55 PM EST
    Closing up an important topic on Homework with Q6 in one minute. #HCPSTeach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:55 PM EST
    Such an important noticing, Cassy. #HCPSteach
    In reply to @CassyDiaz
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:56 PM EST
    Q6: What criteria do you use to determine if you should give homework or not? #HCPSTeach
  • NashwaMekky Feb 15 @ 8:56 PM EST
    A1: Ask Questions! Talk to me Ss and make them part of the process! what motivates my Ss to learn? How can I get Ss to interact with their parents? What is their favorite mode for learning? It shouldn't be a guessing game #HCPSTeach
  • Shapiro_WTHS Feb 15 @ 8:56 PM EST
    Q4. We should only grade HW if it actually improved the quality of learning for students. If it’s just busy work, or meant as just a number, no real value happens and students will have little enthusiasm to actually get better. #hcpsteach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:57 PM EST
    A6: If we're assigning homework for these reasons - we're not being very intentional or mindful about the cost/reward of HW. #HCPSTeach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:57 PM EST
    We haven't even talked about the inequities HW creates for students in poverty. #HCPSTeach
  • SylviaEllison Feb 15 @ 8:58 PM EST
    A6 how much coaching would sts need to be and feel successful? If the answer is any, then I don’t give it. I do offer a lot of ELP (extended learning program) for resubmissions though #HCPSTeach
  • conniehamilton Feb 15 @ 8:58 PM EST
    This speaks volumes about how important, necessary, and beneficial HW is. #HCPSTeach
  • MrsCervone_AP - Moderator Feb 15 @ 8:59 PM EST
    A6: we should think about the impact it will have on their learning. My son’s teacher does a Flip it Friday hw. We watch a video on an upcoming topic and post a reflection. Kids can do it on Monday morning if needed. #HCPSteach
  • SylviaEllison Feb 15 @ 8:59 PM EST
    Exactly! I’m proud that our school provides time at school to help our sts whose families gave economic struggles ... #HCPSTeach
  • Shapiro_WTHS Feb 15 @ 8:59 PM EST
    A5. In my experience if homework wasn’t done it’s because the value isn’t clearly defined, nor does the student see the true purpose. The “why” in teaching is s cornerstone of instruction. #hcpsteach
  • NashwaMekky Feb 15 @ 8:59 PM EST
    A5: Ask Questions! Talk to my Ss and make them part of the process! what motivates them to learn? How can I get Ss to interact with their parents? What is their favorite mode for learning? It shouldn't be a guessing game #HCPSTeach