#ctedu Archive
#ctedu is a great way for Connecticut educators to share teaching strategies, educational resources, and more.
Tuesday April 5, 2016
8:00 PM EDT
Hello everyone. I’m Sean and I teach 4th grade in Stamford. Please take a moment to introduce yourself. https://t.co/9vXhsgxvZ3
Hey thanks for dropping by for this evening’s chat
JImmy from Stamford checking for a bit.
Hi Starr from NY - HS English and journalism teacher, author :) Happy to talk Homework
Scott from near Lansing Michigan. Middle School Principal.
Life is good except for the snow and ice . I thought this was spring break
hey guys Keisha from Norwalk is here
Hey! Melissa from Stamford - 3rd grade teacher
Hi Keisha! Welcome to ! How are you?
thx for joining. This should be a good chat.
Hey Scott thanks for dropping in this evening
Hi Scott!! How are you this Tuesday?!
Good evening . Jess from CT
Hello everyone- Rob from Norwalk. Excited for the chat tonight.
Hi, ! Maura from New Fairfield. 6th grade sped/ELA. Multitasking tonight!
Long time no see! How are you doing?
Paul from Stamford - 4th grade ela/ss
Hi Maura!!! Happy Tuesday!!! When are we NOT multitasking?!
Maura thanks for dropping in this evening. This chat should be interesting.
It always takes me a second to recognize you with the new avatar - Happy Tuesday!
Hi, Melissa! True that! lol
Hey Jessie! how are you doing?
I feel that hmwk is necessary but it can be done in new and exciting ways that can even reach Ss who come from lower socioecon sit's
Hey, Sean! Looking forward to the chat!
Hi Christie!! Happy Tuesday!
Jeremy, parent from West Hartford. Interested in perspectives on homework.
Thanks. Will there be homework assigned after this chat? https://t.co/rH6an1Nybh
Hey Scott thanks for dropping in this evening
A1 HW in the traditional sense is NOT necessary. Nightly HW for all that is graded is a waste of time
Hey looking forward to a great conversation
Great. On Spring Break. I need some learning tonight. https://t.co/ZFJHZo7tah
Hi Scott!! How are you this Tuesday?!
A1 - not all students need to do HW every day. And if Ss learn something wrong and it gets graded, it creates more damage
A1: For awhile I was that teacher that use to give a ton of homework, but now I have shifted to more meaningful assignments
A1: Most nights Homework is not necessary. It takes away from valuable family and extracurricular time.
A1: I think HW that is authentic is the best...prep for tomorrow's discussion, flip a lesson, practice for presentation.
A1: No HW is not necessary. Maintaining that mindset is outdated.
A1. HW for HWs sake isn't necessary. I think it's the purpose that matters.
Loved your Hacking Assessment book! Read the passage on pg15 to my Ss & they agreed w/ yr idea of a gradeless classroom
A1: I don't think it's necessary to give homework...especially if it's just 'busy work'
in my early career, I was required to give numbered, nightly homework for a grade. I hated it
Devils advocate , but what those who it maintains skill level and reinforces learning
A1: However, focused integration using a can quickly prep kids for tomorrow's lesson.
My fav professor said no homework. I give educational opportunities outside of class. https://t.co/DJ60ygZgGQ
A1 HW in the traditional sense is NOT necessary. Nightly HW for all that is graded is a waste of time
A1: homework is not necessary; only when needed to complete; for a reason
a1 practice is important. Not necessarily teacher assigned hw
Great! How are you? What an excellent topic to explore at this time of year
A1:No more busy work. HW is not allowed to count towards grades at our school.
like flipped classroom. I fell in love with in while in grad school. Tried it out while interning and it was a hit.
We want to promote a curiosity outside the classroom that gets kids into the habit of learning https://t.co/2TmJfzAysf
A1: No HW is not necessary. Maintaining that mindset is outdated.
Totally agree - especially when homework turns into a frustrating experience that doesn't support learning.
A1) Especially hate weekly homework packets sent home at the beginning of the week. https://t.co/DJ60ygZgGQ
A1 HW in the traditional sense is NOT necessary. Nightly HW for all that is graded is a waste of time
A1: Time spent on passions is more valuable than a 59th grammar worksheet or multiplication drill sheet
Thank you. That's great to hear! We have to talk to kids more and more about these things https://t.co/TCFL4vnnsF
Loved your Hacking Assessment book! Read the passage on pg15 to my Ss & they agreed w/ yr idea of a gradeless classroom
I totally agree!! There is so much more learning to be done than what's inside the classroom
A1: It seems math is given a lot to practice. Kids def need that.
We're working on a hacking homework book now
if done properly the teacher can see what children have q's about and see their struggles. Plus the kids like it
A1) Big problem is when Ts assign HW before students have achieved a success rate on the skill.
it's all about the purpose. It needs to be meaningful to kids
If we do our jobs systematcally and with precision in the classroom, HW is not needed.
A1) HW not guided by the T often leads to misconceptions being formed.
I agree, but I am finding ways to shorten assignment and include more reflections on process.
not sure it does that. If we call it practice, differentiate it appropriately and only provide feedback, maybe
A1: If parents have to "help" Ss get HW done, it's not appropriate. Leads to too much frustration.
Homework shouldn't be given just because it is expected or someone feels like it SHOULD be given because it always has
matters! When will the homework book be published?
kids should have a say in it though. We can't control everything and it's presumptuous to take over family time
A1: We teach in a data driven society. Recent studies show very little to no impact of nightly HW, especially in elementary.
A1: I dont even send home reading logs. Intrinsic love over extrinsic "fear".
you are 100% right, but flipped classroom, previewing lesson?
Yes! https://t.co/5VK2W0SoTc
If we do our jobs systematcally and with precision in the classroom, HW is not needed.
I agree but that is the push back and it is real in this era of standardized testing
A1) And reinforces a child's fixed mindset leading to avoidance of new learning. https://t.co/e8iZ9M0WOw
Totally agree - especially when homework turns into a frustrating experience that doesn't support learning.
Especially when parents end up doing the HW for the kids or they copy the answers - what's the point?
A1: We need to inform and explain research to parents and admin. That is where the shift must occur.
Q2: How do you balance a parent’s expectation for more homework with your desire to give less homework https://t.co/Q9zRtoHkYJ
Love that. Words matter and how we package it also changes how it is received
So true. Ts use classroom time wisely Ss learning is like squeezing all the juice from an orange https://t.co/PUF2Kus9C8
If we do our jobs systematcally and with precision in the classroom, HW is not needed.
does CT have specific requirements? Up to district/school? Do teachers have complete/partial discretion?
A1: We want to start including HW in habits of mind to promote life long learning of responsibility.
how do you know that homework reinforces learning?
down with worksheets and packets! I HATE them and I'm using the work hate... strong
Reading is the only "homework" given. Other than that, kids need time to be kids.
So instead of teaching kids to be learners we teach them to do what we tell them and kill their curiosity https://t.co/w9LCq67qEj
A1) And reinforces a child's fixed mindset leading to avoidance of new learning. https://t.co/e8iZ9M0WOw
Totally agree - especially when homework turns into a frustrating experience that doesn't support learning.
A1: Necessary if purposeful. ex: assigned "hw" to on my blog. Helped me troubleshoot home tech issues & gauge independence
I usually have kids watch lesson at the end of class periods. Some chose to rematch at night, too.
Hopefully by Septemberish, I think?
Should school districts adhere to the 10 minute rule? It seems difficult as teachers try to extend their instructional time
in my experience the school
I know the NEA has standards for homework
we don't move forward as a society by doing things "the way we always have", homework included!
I hear you. There is push back, but we need to explain that the research doesn't support it
Allow our little ones time to lie in the grass and look at clouds. Let them look for 4 leaf clovers or count cracks in sidewalks.
how awesome that you started so early! Is yours video-based for home learning?
A2: I don't know a lot of parents that want more HW! Some find ways to get their kids from doing it now.
A1: and please, I can't stress this enough. JUST SAY NO TO READING LOGS.
it has been school by school in NY
A2. We have to educate parents. Have to have open discourse.
I wish I could TRIPLE retweet this!
This year I gave up HW. Only expectation is to read 20-30 minutes of their choice text a night. No Ps argued. Ss said less stressful
I totally agree but we are pushing back against a culture of homework that is pretty intrenched
Hi Sorry I'm a bit late... VERY passionate about your topic ! Connie Hamilton co-author of Hacking Homework w/
A2: I tell parents at open house night that I don't send home reading logs and HW is minimal - I want them to PLAY
How has that been working for you?
Hahahahahahaa!!!! That's what I always remember about you!
I've used flipped lessons w/mixed results. Sometimes feels like a lecture at home.
A1) I think better life long skill is curiosity/responsibility for being active learners. https://t.co/wIYQeTKgia
A1: We want to start including HW in habits of mind to promote life long learning of responsibility.
haha! So my message is out there, huh. Good!
A2 Projects in my class are done over time, so are therefore flexible. Kids can decide how and when they choose to do the work
But if we don't push back who will? We need to be ones to start the change otherwise it won't happen
A2 I'm happy to engage in a dialogue with parents about how and why we do or don't do what we do in class. Ss need to learn to manage
In Stamford, my 5th grader HW exceeds 10 minutes daily. Ts need 2b considerate of Ss after school life 2 https://t.co/O69R65IkWa
Should school districts adhere to the 10 minute rule? It seems difficult as teachers try to extend their instructional time
A2: Ps have to understand the rigor and stress of the school day. When they do, they will get why downtime at night is crucial.
A2: I also assign 'play outside' as HW -then kids are technically getting homework?
And how many kids don't do the flip anyway?
A1: Homework is not necessary. Especially not daily.
I agree. What will you do to change that?
Very cool Connie. I didn't know you were writing a book. Can't wait. https://t.co/C5zy6YMHHa
Hi Sorry I'm a bit late... VERY passionate about your topic ! Connie Hamilton co-author of Hacking Homework w/
Love that! Nothing wrong with asking kids to spend 20 reading, either!
Love it. Now I see what my Ss can write in class. Not what their tutors & Ps write for them :)
A2: We must clearly communicate research & inform parents. This message should be ongoing and reiterated w/ a focus on family time
If you want to change what they are used to you have to engage parents to help them understand why https://t.co/3u2wapzwVU
A2 I'm happy to engage in a dialogue with parents about how and why we do or don't do what we do in class. Ss need to learn to manage
Most Ps welcome less hw. Tends to lessen home frustrations once they understand the reasoning.
and learn to ride a bike. Balance helps with many things
Choice is important when designing any type of learning experience (including homework) for students.
Could we assign homework - have a conversation with your mom/dad/bro/sis about their day? Technically it IS homework
I agree but we need a consistent message across classroom and the field of education as a whole
Show Ps how the cycle of instruction,practice, support,feedback,practice,learning occurs efficiently @ school making HW less relevant
Yea Sept;) Have you received any feedback from teachers who have tried this assessment method?
I always ask teachers when they give piles of HW. "Do you correct that?" Most times they say no. Breaks my heart.
Love that - take a walk, read something, enjoy time w/friends & family. Notice something new - that's what HW should be
Ah yes - I don't want to grade it - so why give it?
Next question is coming up
Yep! That's a good one! https://t.co/DiQr72qhtE
Could we assign homework - have a conversation with your mom/dad/bro/sis about their day? Technically it IS homework
agreed. I hate when my 10 year old comes home with ridiculous homework that means nothing https://t.co/wrYHXxt95X
Most Ps welcome less hw. Tends to lessen home frustrations once they understand the reasoning.
I don't want to grade piles of papers - I'd rather have a convo about what you experienced & learned & saw
unfortunately, the general population still believes in this outdated practice. I have to do right by what kids need.
A2) We need to show Ps the great impact of effective written feedback over arbitrary grades and percentages.
If homework is supposed to be practice, then it shouldn't be graded anyway.
We do have some Ps who expect it- Important to have these conversations.
I'm curious: In your experience, parents most often want more homework? That's not the case with us. https://t.co/C5wm3wceHD
Q2: How do you balance a parent’s expectation for more homework with your desire to give less homework https://t.co/Q9zRtoHkYJ
When I see Ss copy HW off each other during lunch, Im upset w/Ts for assigning work that's easy to copy & Ss https://t.co/6pUYMYHCgN
I always ask teachers when they give piles of HW. "Do you correct that?" Most times they say no. Breaks my heart.
Also brings about the idea that it's tough to grade something you aren't sure the student did.
A3. I find this to be the challenge, especially when everyone is expected to hit the same mark at the end of each semester.
that's another layer for sure.
What can happen w/HW:
1. Didn't do it.
2. Copied
3. Got help
4. Did it wrong
What good is all of that?
I think you have both - I think some ps equate hw with class success? I have never had a parent say less hw tho...
We need to add student choice into what we give and offer different, meaningful long term work Let kids have flexibility
Im really into this for Ss to show me what they know, learn, & do. Using it for projects now
A2:"Less is more"-Does your child understand the concepts? If so, have them read enrichment articles for science (Wonderopolis/ TNFK)
everything is smoother when we're transparent
Ooo...I will have to check that out! Thanks! ...that's my next project
A3: Since I teach ELA/SS students are expected to read. Students reading something engaging that they understand is differentiated
this is where the struggle happens informing Ps is a must
especially if parents can't figure it out. Flipped classroom model seems a worthy alternative. We could even learn along!
Just heard say this weekend. "Homework is often given too early in the learning progression"
How do you hold them accountable for their reading?
it should be clear from the onset of what the expectation is and the conversation on-going
Agree! Kids have really stepped up reading this year with 's reading challenge! https://t.co/f9r8R39TUy
A3: Since I teach ELA/SS students are expected to read. Students reading something engaging that they understand is differentiated
TO differentiate work in my classroom Ss have choice menus like bingo boards, think tac toe, 2-4-8s.
A3: Can differentiate homework by accessing student voice. Let them have input on how to show their own learning.
can you send a picture of your board?
A3: If it is math I write on it and differentiate it - otherwise HW is to read...read whatever you want for however long u want
A2: I provide a list usually of online games to practice skills, used them in class so students knew how to access them
Without a reading log... please?
just say no to reading logs. Parents were so happy when I started this!
huh! Interesting. Well, here's one parent who would support your efforts to change!
A3) That's the key. It's about learning target mastery and not compliance assignments. https://t.co/WlGzhSIOjb
A3. I find this to be the challenge, especially when everyone is expected to hit the same mark at the end of each semester.
Agreed. And it involves student choice. Independent reading doesn't count as hw in my book. More a necessity.
not so much held accountable as seeing the value in it. If they enjoy it and see the importance they will do it
How do you hold them accountable of the games you assign?
5. Created misconceptions and false understandings that are hard for Ss to unlearn. https://t.co/8ZWKhhXdD5
What can happen w/HW:
1. Didn't do it.
2. Copied
3. Got help
4. Did it wrong
What good is all of that?
100% it is expected in my class
What if homework was to play a board game or TALK at the dinner table? What would that do for learning and families?
I feel like more kids actually READ each night if they don't we talk about it -I don't read each night
Plus accountability comes through conferencing f2f & journaling. Learn a lot through that.
which all happens at school if managed correctly, maybe not every day but as much as possible!
yes! https://t.co/vPEbRCPe6h
What if homework was to play a board game or TALK at the dinner table? What would that do for learning and families?
Yes! I suggested this earlier! I feel like SO much more learning can be done with this! https://t.co/65BmTLUrqq
What if homework was to play a board game or TALK at the dinner table? What would that do for learning and families?
if we created passionate and wild readers, most kids will read because they want to. .
A3: Differentiate in the way it is completed, when its handed in, or points to be earned Ss may find intrinsic motivation
As a parent I can definitely see the value in that non academic time. It is time to make connections and sharing
Would we still call it "Homework"? https://t.co/r0R38418S2
if we created passionate and wild readers, most kids will read because they want to. .
"Passionate readers" -- isn't that all we want? Kids who love to read - thats so powerful
Qt5: How do you prepare and support parents to help them assist their child at home during homework https://t.co/qRqyLTnFyN
it all comes down to the love of it!
It'd bring back traditional homework mighty fast.
What if homework was to play a board game or TALK at the dinner table? What would that do for learning and families?
absolutely not. Negative connotation that comes with that word.
most important "homework" of all. Tons of research on family dinners. Its undeniable.
A3) Utilizing tech to engage Ss with their peers outside of school. Google Classroom, Twitter Chat, Podcasting
It's important to get kids excited about reading- anything and everything.
careful. Not teaching the parents. Changing mindsets is one thing. But not telling what to do.
Building towards that should be the goal. "Skills" come from Ss ability to comprehend & discuss text at a high level
A5: I find this to be the big work because Ps are the one that are supporting learning at home . I think parent nights are key.
A5: open house explain try on own, come in with questions, let the teacher handle the teaching don't fight the battle
A5) Becomes more challenging now for Ps with harder content and diff teaching methods. https://t.co/HF9zEncYtm
A5: I find this to be the big work because Ps are the one that are supporting learning at home . I think parent nights are key.
A5: Don't expect Ps to be able to understand Common Core math!
A4. Continual coaching and not just on tools but on the process of meaningful use. We are only limited by our creativity.
We always start with 'Math looks different than what you did'
agreed, which happens in class during small groups, conferring, whole group, etc.
I find with math we have to move away from skill & drill and shift toward application assignments that mimic the real world.
A5: Providing online support and perhaps answer keys for Ps can help if Ss do have to accomplish some HW.
What a great discussion! My mind is still spinning! Please follow new friends and expand your connections. Thank you all!
Sounds like you've rebranded "traditional" homework.
A5:Have a parent mtg to discuss short/long term goals. Ss should dev strategies for completing the assignments. Empower, not enable.
I find that the flipping my classroom is helping.
Even hard for us ELA Ts, too!
Thanks for stopping by tonight!!!
Thank you all for a great chat! Have an awesome week! So close to spring break! Bring it on!
I see elements of collaboration & "good failure" in these outcomes. But homework may not be the best avenue. https://t.co/ihJeSr2LFg
What can happen w/HW:
1. Didn't do it.
2. Copied
3. Got help
4. Did it wrong
What good is all of that?
Thanks for dropping by and sharing with us
Thank you for rocking the chat tonight. Please share with your colleagues to join the conversation.
always helpful to get feedback! Sounds like you have a positive approach.
CC math isn't much different than "old math" as written. Instructional strategies have changed, I'll grant you that.
Great chat tonight !!! Never knew I was so passionate about HW until now!
for sure. YOu def bring up a valid point about how we approach it. So thanks for that.
Inviting to shift conversation to encouraging reluctant readers/writers in starts at 9pm EST https://t.co/9gfHmaqw5u
Thanks participating and sharing this evening. We are all better when we share and collaborate
thank you so much! Great chat.
Thank you for participating this evening. . There is a lot of energy out their changing us for the better.
that's def better. I don't get excited when my boss says "it's due tomorrow".