Donna, 3rd grade teacher from Ft. Worth. My 3rd grade teacher had a large wooden chair at the back of the room. We all got to sit in it and be queen or king for the day. #3rdchat
I was a 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade teacher by choice. However I switched from 4th to 5th grade bc I had a Ss steal a goat out of a petting zoo and I told my As I would prefer to start the year with the goat stealer then end the year with the goat stealer. #3rdchat
Azure from Derby, KS. My 2nd grade teacher was also my dad’s 2nd grade teacher. She retired after my class. I always had wonderful teachers that loved me and showed it every single day. #3rdchat
Hey #3rdchat John from STL MO checking in but worn out a bit from turning our classroom into an Immigration Station for an upcoming presentation... so we'll see if I can stick around
Hey #3rdchat I’m Jeni from Cincinnati! I loved having school Olympics every spring in elementary school! Learning about other countries then competing in athletic events!
#3rdchat Karyn...3rd gr math/sci t from SE Arkansas...a 6th gr t (Mrs. Wagh) who gave me the job of filling in the weather map everyday. Would cut the forecast out of the paper every afternoon. (Days of afternoon delivery) Loved it!
Angela from CA - Hhhmmm...I remember being able to bring our family's tortoise to school for a show-and-tell and it peed on the classroom floor...Thank goodness it was linoleum! #3rdchat
Hey! Lesa Haney Austin, TX. I remember my dad and his commanding officer being called to my school because I was caught looking in classroom windows during recess making faces behind the teachers' backs and disrupting classes. #3rdchat
Hi! I'm Jeremy, a parent from Connecticut, fostering school/family engagement through @ParentCamp. I'll pick a 3rd grade memory: My fitness-focused teacher having us run around the field every day. We made the local news. Was most in shape I've ever been in my life. #3rdchat
Ron Martiello. 3rd Grade from PA. The snow needs to go. We have been digging out all day. Need to be back at school. I remember my friends and many adventures as we walked to and from school. Good Evening, #3rdchat !
We do a project every year called Immigration Station. Ss break into groups (boat/homeland, Ellis Island, Angel Island and Tenement House) and research the experience. Then they design/build these in the room and take on a role of an immigrant to give 30 sec speech #3rdchat
Another memory ...In pre-school we were able to take home the class guinea pig over weekends and breaks. Well, it was my turn and it died while we had it. I DID NOT want to go back to school!! #3rdchat
Hello, #3rdchat. Andrea from CT here. When I think of third grade, I think of the amazing Ms. Nidz, our school's own Ms. Frizzle who had us fully energized and engaged with #PBL before anyone called it that. Our best group project was building an indoor planeterium.
A1: I feel this was never really covered, so never really knew where to even begin with parent involvement, something I still struggle with... #3rdchat
A1: Top three: Parents are your strongest partners. Invite them in to share their expertise, Know that parents only want the best for their children. #3rdchat
A1: I would like to know how technologically connected parents are at the start. Do they have internet? Do they use their phone/apps? How willing are they to encourage their children to use technology? I’m amazed at the number of parents who are still not connected. #3rdchat
I think my dad brought him to make a point to me. Nothing like sitting across from them both in their dress blues having to explain my choice. The life of an Air Force brat! #3rdchat
A1: Top three: Parents are your strongest partners. Invite them in to share their expertise, Know that parents only want the best for their children. #3rdchat
Ditto! I have 3 kids in multiple activities all year long. Just like @alicekeeler said the other day. Homework should not be considered quality family time. #3rdchat
A1 In my 2nd year teaching, I remember when I began an open house presentation at a loss for words, so instead of talking, I just played the students' own broadcast video & the parents all burst into applause at the end. Lesson learned: the kids' work speaks for itself. #3rdchat
Jen from MA. Did a 1 person skit of Charlotte's Web ... Fern, Wilbur and Fern's dad all at once. Axe scene. Was up for an Oscar in my mind. Save Wilbur! #3rdchat
A2: Build relationships that foster trust/mutual respect! @Catlin_Tucker inspired me to rethink back-to-school night: create a video to send out the week before about what’s going on, then just answer questions when parents come in. Be transparent and caring! #3rdchat
Every family is different. Access is a HUGE issue we face #3rdchat A lot of people do not know Comcast gives discounts to free and reduced lunch families #3rdchat
A2: At the beginning of the year I invited my parents to a Parent Technology Workshop to show what students are doing in the classroom and what they can do at home. #3rdchat
A2: At the start of each unit, I send an email with what we are studying and ask if any parents have expertise or have a related hobby if they would like to visit or Skype with us. #3rdchat
I think it make a difference. Many people are used to a Facebook or Twitter type format for getting information. @seesaw is my current way of giving “bite sized” bits of information and the kids do half of the communication with me. #3rdchat
YES! I do a Google training. If Ss are going to be using these tools Ps need to learn how to support them. Not everyone knows how to use them. #3rdchat
We do a project every year called Immigration Station. Ss break into groups (boat/homeland, Ellis Island, Angel Island and Tenement House) and research the experience. Then they design/build these in the room and take on a role of an immigrant to give 30 sec speech #3rdchat
A2: We have a college and career readiness month. Many parents came into our building to talk about their career fields. Also, I always tell parents about fun activities and invite them in! An open door policy is essential! #3rdchat
Approx. 5 out of 28 of my students have access at home.
I didn't know that about Comcast...I'm sure it depends on how much of a discount too. Thanks for sharing. #3rdchat
We have class social media ambassadors. They take pics using a digital camera (had to teach them how to use it LOL) and write tweets out on paper. Then I share on accounts #3rdchat
A2 Math morning = PK-3 invited parent in from drop off-8:45 to play math games (Investigations & other). Kids set up/invited parents to play favs. #3rdchat
A3 I know it is hard on t's but we have to be available to meet with them before and after school, have literact/math/science nights and events in the evening, evening/early morning library hours one a week #3rdchat
A2: Student Showcase! Allows Ps & Ss 2 check out work samples, participate in interactive learning games, grab materials to take home! We are also inviting Ps in to help w Design Lab-working w engineers 2 create our own food distribution places #3rdchat
A3: Can't wait to talk to with @EdwardsPSD about 'Parent University' activities. She engages families by hosting informational sessions on technology. #3rdchat
A2 I think this is an area for growth for me. I go the “field trips and big projects route”... Thinking small is my next step. I’m listening everyone... #3rdchat
A3: 1st! By not assuming they are uninterested when they can't make it to conferences or class parties. being flexible about time to visit with them about Ss. #3rdchat
It was at Riverside School in the 70's/early 80s. Ms. Nidz was the legendary TAG teacher back in the day. She combined group problem solving with individual projects; she let us do things like perform student-written plays, run our own newspaper & even taught us Basic! #3rdchat
A3: Provide weekly communication about goings on in the classroom, class Twitter account updates, personalized notes from teacher about their child, meet up at the child’s soccer game and chat
A3) Tech! I wonder if many of my fellow parents are so busy that they NEVER look at their phones. Share what you're doing on whatever digital platforms work for you and them. Find ways to engage, too--a question of the day, something they can respond to and learn from. #3rdchat
A3: As much as we need to know our Ss, we need to know their families! Be mindful of what you’re asking Ss to do outside of school, times and days you offer activities, and can you be flexible to work around as many Ps as possible!? #3rdchat
A2: Student Showcase! Allows Ps & Ss 2 check out work samples, participate in interactive learning games, grab materials to take home! We are also inviting Ps in to help w Design Lab-working w engineers 2 create our own food distribution places #3rdchat
I scheduled right after school and students were invited to do a "parent and me" workshop. This is a struggle we have at our entire school site for all activities. #3rdchat
A3: Making information clear, concise, and easily accessible. I try to be brief in communication and offer it to parents through several different venues, ie facebook, Twitter, dojo, email etc. #3rdchat
YES! We did a Google expedition the other day and a Ss was talking about how he was in the Eiffel Tower. His mom commented on Facebook! Bring the classroom to them. It changes the dinner conversation. #3rdchat
A3: I grew up with both parents working. This is important to me. May need to be flexible. These parents want to optimize family time as much as possible. Don't overload them at night. Don't make kids feel badly because things aren't signed. #3rdchat
A3: Be flexible in communicating with parents. I like to use Remind texts. Also, be respectful about creating huge home projects that the parents have to do. Some parents can't. #3rdchat
Agree. My daughter had a teacher who sent parents a weekly newsletter with photos and updates. I never knew as much about Kindergarten until that year! I also love the use of Twitter as a tool to stay in touch with parents, though Districts must set the tone & allow it. #3rdchat
A4: Weekly letters, Remind Texts, Google Classroom. My daughter's Kindergarten teacher does a daily blog. I love it, and wish I could get something started like that. #3rdchat
I love using Google Classroom & Google Drive as student digital portfolios. Our district uses Google everything so their digital products travel with them yr. to yr. I use a class Shutterfly site and class Twitter acct to post videos. #3rdchat
A4: I started out the year with a Flipgrid, inviting parents and students to contribute. When we create different projects I share out our google docs/slides for parents to see... #3rdchat
I used to do a daily blog but now I only blog when something pedagogically awesome happens so Ps understand why we are doing what we are doing #3rdchat
A4: We like to do family challenges in our newsletters! Make dinner together and bring in recipe, snap a pic reading together, take a walk, complete an act of kindness and write a little about it #3rdchat
A1 In my 2nd year teaching, I remember when I began an open house presentation at a loss for words, so instead of talking, I just played the students' own broadcast video & the parents all burst into applause at the end. Lesson learned: the kids' work speaks for itself. #3rdchat
A5: Communication is key. Also, fostering a classroom family environment via class meetings and encouraging student buy-in to the climate of the classroom. #3rdchat
We used it on curriculum night. Ss left one for Ps and Ps responded to Ss. I have also done activities in class and invited Ps to join in and do one. I also just did a snow day one where Ss and Ps responded. #3rdchat
In reply to
@Ed_Stories, @ChristineBemis2, @Flipgrid
Having open & honest communication. Visiting Ss outside games/events, calls home, notes Home, class Twitter Page- it’s crucial for our parents to know our ❤️. I talk about my family, too. It helps them know me as a person, not just “teacher”. #3rdchat
A5: I try to write a positive letter home to each student. My best relationships with parents come though from just talking to them and knowing their children. #3rdchat
Agree...I try to do those immediately at the beginning of the year: academics and/or behavior. I find if I do this then when the concern comes up again later in the year there are no surprises. #3rdchat
A5: I communicate with parents via a texting tool on @classdojo. Every message is an opportunity to build up those relationships. Parent communication is not about one big event. You build relationships daily. #3rdchat
On the first Friday of the first week of school I stay late at school and personally call every parent in my class. I ask how the week went and how their child is feeling about school. I answer any questions they may have. They must know you care!#3rdchat
I know libraries are access to many, a role that's a burden for schools but I wonder if community partnerships would help. I'm sure some are out there. #3rdchat
In reply to
@azurehenwood, @rlfreedm, @MrsBarnett_Tchr
A6: Moat parents who are this way, often have a reason. Foster positivity. Poaitive phone calls home, a phone call goes a long way! Be the teacher that changes their approach! #3rdchat
Ha. Some parents may say I’m a smoother teacher! You can disengage from me! 🤗😬 I’ll find you via text, Facebook, email, phone, letter in the mail, Twitter, Insta, Remind 101, your kids football game ..... #3rdchat
A5 Our school had a Math games night in February. Basic games w/ connections to grade specific outcomes. Everyone in our school received a baggie with everything they need to play the games. This was a whole school effort that payed off! #3rdchat@krlinton@TammyONeil1719
A6: JUST DON’T GIVE UP!!! They don’t call teachers superheroes for nothing!! I’ve walked Ss all the way down the street and around the corner to reach out to a P I needed! #3rdchat
LOL we do more in school then at home. I have thought about removing all projects but QMS is ALL projects so I would be doing a disservice to the Ss by removing them and not preparing them for what is coming your way #3rdchat
A6: Every case is different. "Seek first to understand and then to be understood." Disengaged parents still have hopes and dreams for their kids. #3rdchat
YES cannot just happen once! #3rdchat I remember one P called me the crazy lady bc she was not used to so much communication. Then she missed it the following year. #3rdchat
A6 Just because there’s no or few replies doesn’t mean the families aren’t hearing what we are saying. We can continue putting our messages that we care without being overbearing. #3rdchat
A7: Stealing an idea from earlier tonight. I want to implement a parent tech night so they can have exposure to technology that they can use as well as their students. #3rdchat
A7: A few years ago we changed curriculum night to the Student Showcase! Math games out, simple science experiments ready to go, hottest new kid lit out to read, & every fam gets a snack and resource bag to take home! #gamechanger#3rdchat
Letting kids pick the games was key to a great morning for us #3rdchat Also Pk-3 so Ps with multiples could visit 2 (or 3!) classrooms to be/w their kids.
A7: stations to help parents login to different tools they themselves can use as well as what their child will be using in and out of class so they are comfortable with it too #3rdchat
@suzmcarey came in to introduce herself as math specialist and said Ps were so engaged and laughing that she left She did not want to interrupt. #3rdchat
Awesome to provide them responsibility in #DigitalCitizenship. Social media may have age restrictions, but they're never too young to learn. Most end up learning social media on their own -- and often without the citizenship part. #digcit#3rdchat
We have class social media ambassadors. They take pics using a digital camera (had to teach them how to use it LOL) and write tweets out on paper. Then I share on accounts #3rdchat
A7 I like to have the parents engage in the same activities the kids are doing. Use the same technology, use design thinking, participate in a stem activity. #3rdchat
A7: Don't start with "The Rules". Help parents envision the picture of their child at the end of the year. Acknowledge that they know their own child best. Tell them that you are thankful to be a small part of their child's school experience. #3rdchat
A8 I work really, really hard and truly want every child to succeed. When I tell you I love your kids I really mean it. That is why I have high expectations, push them, and expect them to give school everything they have! #3rdchat
Agreed... ours seems to be right on the heels of the getting to know you/class culture building time that we haven't done enough for Ss to have much to share??? #3rdchat
A7) Don't make it a sit-and-get. As a parent I so look forward to them, but admittedly it's too much information to digest. So much of that can be shared through other means. Use the time together to "play" and experience for themselves -- maybe students can be involved. #3rdchat
Q8: I honestly cannot think of a thing that my parents do not know about our classroom. I think between @Seesaw, Twitter, and our weekly updates, parents have a front row seat to what is going on. I am going to have to ask them. #3rdchat
A7: Don't start with "The Rules". Help parents envision the picture of their child at the end of the year. Acknowledge that they know their own child best. Tell them that you are thankful to be a small part of their child's school experience. #3rdchat
A8: my door is open, please stop by, when you see me outside of school I’m more than happy to chat, I work hard to inspire, encourage, and learn from your child each and every day! #3rdchat
Love the idea that they would envision their students at the end of the year. It helps to explain the "why" of so many things that we do in the classroom. #3rdchat
A7: A few years ago we changed curriculum night to the Student Showcase! Math games out, simple science experiments ready to go, hottest new kid lit out to read, & every fam gets a snack and resource bag to take home! #gamechanger#3rdchat
Interesting... or a QR code scavenger hunt, etc that allows them to get what they want... would require more prep work to have something like that but could be more engaging #3rdchat
Huge THANK YOU #3rdchat! I loved every minute of hour together. I hope you will try one new things u learned tonight to engage Ps in the learning process.