A1 Storytelling allows us to step out of ourselves and be someone else. It gives us a chance to wonder "what if" or go back and "instead." Storytelling makes all of us more curious #Edumatch
A2 Stories can be extremely powerful. As a teacher, stories can be used to “hook” the students, used as a preview of the lesson or to sum up the lesson, show empathy, show relevance and connect with students. #edumatch
RT edu_match: RT PegGrafwallner: A1 Storytelling allows us to step out of ourselves and be someone else. It gives us a chance to wonder "what if" or go back and "instead." Storytelling makes all of us more curious #Edumatch
RT edu_match: RT steven_kolber: A2 - Apparently it is biologically primary, we are wired to enjoy and engage with content presented as story the most! #EduMatch
RT edu_match: RT cyndy8412: A2 Stories can be extremely powerful. As a teacher, stories can be used to “hook” the students, used as a preview of the lesson or to sum up the lesson, show empathy, show relevance and connect with students. #edumatch
A1 - I’m from Melbourne, Australia, currently on holidays but tuning in to this, I’ve been very inspired by your use of technology to improve the complexity of your twitter chat and to get educators across the globe to connect! #EduMatch
Stories reveal humanity in its many forms - strengths, weaknesses, ethics, emotions. We learn through others; we learn through story. More imp, stories provide foundations for realizations. When those realizations integrate with facts, you have powerful learning. #edumatch
A3: Perhaps not just one person, but rather any person that brings in multiple experiences that work together to bring fervor (realness) and value to the story to include the passion through which they communicate it. #edumatch
I thoroughly enjoy the insightful storytelling poetry of @brodbagert. Ralph Fletcher is a great storyteller ~ for both teacher craft and kid lit.
But everyone has a story to share. It depends on what you need + when you get it. The moment provides my "favorite".
A3 So many wonderful educators are inspiring story tellers @msmagiera and @pernilleripp. My students would always said they enjoyed my life stories I would use in the classroom as they kept me going on a tangent with them. #EduMatch
RT edu_match: RT dene_gainey: TechTia A2: Telling stories about what was sheds great light on what is and opens the doors to what could be... #edumatch
Personal stories make me real to my Ss. They let them know I've hurt, I've struggled, I've misunderstood and been misunderstood. I share my stories to make their awkward moments less awkward, to resolve conflict, to demo risk, and to show trust in them. #sel#edumatch
RT edu_match: RT dene_gainey: edu_match A3: Perhaps not just one person, but rather any person that brings in multiple experiences that work together to bring fervor (realness) and value to the story to include the passion through which they communicate it. #edumatch
RT edu_match: RT cyndy8412: A3 So many wonderful educators are inspiring story tellers msmagiera and pernilleripp. My students would always said they enjoyed my life stories I would use in the classroom as they kept me going on a tangent with them. #EduMatch
A4 On the first day of school I would read The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by Jon Sciezka @Jon_Scieszka to make my students aware of perspective. #EduMatch
A4: I love the authenticity, the natural integration of stories as it applies to what is being focused on in the classroom. Sometimes that is before a lesson, during a lesson or even after, but naturally... #edumatch
A3: Neal Postman wrote The End of Education, and while he was not an educator per se, he was a journalist, he had a crucial understanding of education and how it should bring everyone together to pursue a common goal. #edumatch
A4 I'd share my own personal stories which encourage my students to tell their stories to promote their voice. Whether hearing or sharing their a story it builds their critical thinking skills. #EduMatch
Remember to share your learning with other educators in your PLN! Participate in the #EduMatch challenges, and let's all learn together. Find out more at https://t.co/GaYTehaT0b.
RT edu_match: RT cyndy8412: A4 On the first day of school I would read The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by Jon Sciezka Jon_Scieszka to make my students aware of perspective. #EduMatch
RT edu_match: RT dene_gainey: TechTia A4: I love the authenticity, the natural integration of stories as it applies to what is being focused on in the classroom. Sometimes that is before a lesson, during a lesson or even after, but naturally... #edumatch
RT edu_match: RT dougdesu: edu_match A3: Neal Postman wrote The End of Education, and while he was not an educator per se, he was a journalist, he had a crucial understanding of education and how it should bring everyone together to pursue a common goal. #edumatch
RT edu_match: RT cyndy8412: A4 I'd share my own personal stories which encourage my students to tell their stories to promote their voice. Whether hearing or sharing their a story it builds their critical thinking skills. #EduMatch
RT edu_match: Remember to share your learning with other educators in your PLN! Participate in the #EduMatch challenges, and let's all learn together. Find out more at https://t.co/mf2F41WdAJ.
A4: Ss listen to & read stories in my #EFL classes: classic novels, excerpts from books, in tge form of short or long paragraphs to retell, understand, refect, answer activities. #edumatch
We are proud to announce that #DaddysFavBook by @fraziersvision is now available. You don't want to miss this story of five-year-old Jill and her talented, exceptional seven-year-old brother with special needs, Danny. https://t.co/D1Rhu0ymWA#EduMatch
RT edu_match: We are proud to announce that #DaddysFavBook by fraziersvision is now available. You don't want to miss this story of five-year-old Jill and her talented, exceptional seven-year-old brother with special needs, Danny. https://t.co/qUqYsF7GtM#EduMatch
RT edu_match: #EduMatch® is back for our third annual #EduSnap18.Topics include purpose, instructional strategies, equity, cultural competence, education technology, and more! Now available on Amazon at https://t.co/qpyIL2Ibvy and as a free PDF at https://t.co/qDiHD04ujz.
Did you know that #DivergentEDU by @froehlichm is available on Amazon? Check out this amazing read about thinking outside the box, while avoiding burnout, and working with all stakeholders for student success https://t.co/RPofHqMQuc#edumatch
RT edu_match: Thanks to everyone for a great discussion tonight on #EduMatch about storytelling! We appreciate you all (moderators, panelists, YouTubers, tweeters, and all)! Moderator: brentcoley Panelists: mmbrown_brown, Mrs_Koppers, ElfordRawlsDill, ed… https://t.co/hA0V3bw0Hd
RT edu_match: Did you know that #DivergentEDU by froehlichm is available on Amazon? Check out this amazing read about thinking outside the box, while avoiding burnout, and working with all stakeholders for student success https://t.co/VZ5dvvogHn#edumatch
RT edu_match: #FireWithinBook by froehlichm is now available! Check out this amazing compilation from educators who have faced personal adversity head-on and have become stronger people for it. Order at https://t.co/fSAdibAEdM#EduMatch