#WCPSSchat Archive
#WCPSSchat is designed to be engaging and all interaction should be 'solution-oriented' and consist of constructive feedback. Please refrain from derogatory comments. #WCPSSchat is a virtual opportunity for Wake County public school stakeholders to engage in conversations around instructional practices, county-related resources, and unique educational challenges.
Wednesday May 25, 2016 8:00 PM EDT
Thanks for joining in on our ! Follow our hashtag and for tonight's questions. Topic - Genius Hour
My next few tweets will be designated to the . The topic is .
Sarah here glad we're chatting about - curious and want to know more!
Hi! Kim from Brier Creek, third grade!! Excited for
Netflix and...? Let's go!
Lauren Genesky, ELA teacher at Millbrook HS
Lindsey...1st grade from Brier Creek!
Thanks! Excited to learn and chat with you!! I hear wonderful things from
Ryan Doggett from Holly Springs HS, CTE Business and Marketing.
Hey! I'm Amy Stone at the beach, but here for you . Love ! I teach 2nd grade at Laurel Park Elem.
Phil with the Office of Professional Learning (PLTs). Looking fwd to learning with and all of you tonight!
Alexis Kagel, new music teacher Brier Creek Elem. New to Wake County, and ready to learn!
Courtney 1st grade Brier Creek Hi!
Ashley Literacy Coach and IRT at BCES Hello!
Q1 coming up. Please use A1: etc format in answers. 😊
Chambers here, principal,
A1 - Time for Ss to learn what they want to learn using the skills that they’ve gathered throughout the year
A1: Maybe start by having other Ss in the school who have done it come in and share!
A1: I don't understand genius hour. Interested in learning more.
Lol, currently in an AP meeting... Multi-tasking
A1: An opportunity for Ss to be creative and critical thinkers
A1: Something we don't really have in HS..ready to learn & hear more
Got a couple! Good to talk to both of you!
A1: Read a few books to the Ss and then we brainstormed a list of ideas that we wanted to learn more about.
A1: is a time set aside in class for students to explore what interests them; to discover passions.
Absolutely! Time for them to take the reigns if you will! https://t.co/zVdPUB1hoj
A1: An opportunity for Ss to be creative and critical thinkers
Me either. Looking fwd to learning more. Read the article shared by & seems interesting
A1: creative and Ss opportunity, not sure, here to learn more
A1 Totally forgot created a Wonderwall too!!
A1: Ready to learn all about Genius Hr! 🕗
Dr. Chambers in the house!
A1: Parents love it because Ss come home and share so much about what they're learning. That's a win!
Great start! Wonders Ss have guide learning in ! https://t.co/X8dLvfHGuD
A1: Read a few books to the Ss and then we brainstormed a list of ideas that we wanted to learn more about.
A1: We really don't see this enough in HS b/c of the length of curriculum, but there are a few opportunities for implementation.
A1: Intro to parents & S's as a creative way to integrate real world skills into their learning!
The man, the myth, the legend :)
haha! love it! Not creepy at all! ;)
Bam! https://t.co/N3MVNbsRK9
A1: is a time set aside in class for students to explore what interests them; to discover passions.
Melissa form late but here!!
A1: is one hr a week where Ss are allowed to expand on their passion/curiosity of what they want to learn.
Hi! From Heritage ES and Rolesville MS
A1: You could introduce to both Ps and Ss as a way to discover passions in the classroom.
Thanks for joining Melissa!
comes from 20%time gave employees to explore own interests. It is free learning time!
A1: An opportunity for Ss to explore a topic of choice... It promotes creativity and critical thinking. Excited to learn more
A1. A time to pursue passions & parents buy into their kids passionate learning!
Seth! We got our box this week :) Looking fwd to using it. We need to connect!
Hello All - STEM advocate, volunteer, serving Wake-Durham area in NC
I introduce by discussing passion. Ss read about Jane Goodall and other passionate, successful people
A few of you are mentioning readings…any specific come to mind?
A1: has some awesome resources about for those new to it.
is a time for students to explore and discover passions, new ideas, and talents.
did our first breakout box today!!
Hello 3rd grade teacher wake county
A1: I have a section on my webpage that explains Genius Hour to Ps. We just finished our 1st round of Genius Hour & Ps/Ss love it.
Tahquetta Hunter. North Garner Middle School 6th grade science
Do your math students integrate math obj.? Or is it open to any topic?
A teacher who has been a guru She's one to follow
GSK tried, and failed, offering a "genius hour" as a way to spur innovations in R&D. Killed by managers focused on productivity
"Me Jane," "the dot," "how to be a genius" (nonfiction), "going Places." Pic books it still good https://t.co/HzExZiyGPj
A few of you are mentioning readings…any specific come to mind?
there are class blogs by grade level on the LiveBinder site by . Our class blog is even there!
Thanks for jumping in tonight!
A2: No experience with , but I totes recommend using Question Formation Technique (https://t.co/NX9KvQJNRL ) It rocks!
I'm a general ed teacher so the topics vary. We focus on different categories such as tech, passions, creativity
a2 questions are at the heart of this work it's cyclical, question, learn, repeat
Caitlin McCommons 2nd grade late but here:)
A2 - Creating compelling questions is the first part. We spent a few days designing ?s and then critiquing each other
We do many lessons on how to develop research questions and skills. We use and other resources
A2: I think that best way would be to have students brainstorm questions and research from there.
A2: no@experience with genius hour, but want learn more!
I've done many stem challenges this year, but would like to do genius hour next year. Where do you get 20% of your time?
Thank you for participating tonight!
yes! Learning to question is huge! It teaches Ss to dig deeper, connect info, search in various ways.
Anna Gaines here!! Teacher at Brier Creek Elem. running late tonight but excited!
A2: learning to question your research & ideas makes S's expand their thinking and grow their curiosity about other topics
A1 - key learning from GSK - 2 many priorities kills unfettered innov. Ss + T's may be similarly burdened https://t.co/fhk0n8JkEy
so sad! FAIL=first attempt at learning :)
I love this matrix! What a great way for Ss to visually determine effectiveness of question https://t.co/A5tgJcCH2c
A2 Create Qs that drive their learning, model questions first to guide the Ss, working in collaborative pairs/groups is helpful
I use 1 hour in Friday mornings. Great time for Ss to put to use all they have been learning in reading & writing.
A2: Ss use KidRex and Sweet Search (like Google for kids). Ss use a question guide to stay focused. https://t.co/xnzZsU8VTm
I tell my Ss that if you can google answer, it isn’t a good question so they enjoy “helping” each other with that
2nd grade and it was problem solving bliss :)
A2: Questions are definitely the central focus of the work.
absolutely! I think google-able are ok for starting & littles but then teach them to grow them.
Ashli from Jumping in late, but excited for this! Thanks !
. Definitely! I try to stay away from solely "what" questions and guide students to the "why."
A2: 💜 the concept of students challenging their thinking & use of digital resources-it's one way to grow, learn & challenge.
A2: Safe websites my Ss use are kidsrex, sweetsearch, , discovery kids
we use bc listening features to search info.
Would it be useful 2 understand "Wins" derived from Genius hr and encourage T's+ Ss motivated by hunt for wins to explore G hrs
Now this is an awesome idea. Get ready fifth graders! https://t.co/fJjAOh74ky
I tell my Ss that if you can google answer, it isn’t a good question so they enjoy “helping” each other with that
A2: different questions challenge thinking and widen perspective for S's and T's!
A2 I would imagine schools being prime for and being able to do research on their device of choice.
A2: Questions play a huge role in teaching Ss how to revise their question and create deeper ones https://t.co/BlKHo19rPI
A3: Haven't done in my room, but I dont feel like you can grade something that is a Ss I wouldn't want to be graded....
A3: I wouldn't necessarily take grades, but I would check on student progress and have them share discoveries and topics.
I was just thinking settings are perfect for this environment.
I think wins are student engagement, motivation, & in 1st grade they are reading, writing& ❤️ing it!
A3: Oooo...something similar to TEDTalks at the end?
No grades are given for the discovery of a topic. I do look at notes, presentations, and products for assessment
A3. No grades, and so far a lot of conferring and notes I wrote and their and written reflections
A3: We just finished 6 weeks of in High School. Kids manage their own projects with varying levels of success!
A3: Does grading genius hr hurt creativity?
A3 Construction paper folders, notebooks, Ss keep but I think next year I want to use folders with prongs so everything is safe!
A3... I haven't done this yet but I'm inclined to not grade student driven passionate projects
A3 - Definitely don’t feel like I want to associate a grade w/ this, but do need to monitor progress (google classroom?).
A3: Share out because if students share an interest or spark another's interest, it creates discussion and teaching moments.
Amen! I don't grade it. I enjoy coaching them in this learning experience. Not everything needs a grade. https://t.co/JflmeQjjpb
A3: Haven't done in my room, but I dont feel like you can grade something that is a Ss I wouldn't want to be graded....
A3 No grades, check in with students on their progress, assist in anyway but let the students take the lead!
I think it definitely can because they may feel like it is an obligation over an interest.
A3: I do think it's ok to grade. Ss are spending quite a bit of time on their projects. No tests but assessing with conferences
I agree, anyone use rubrics for students to monitor processes? https://t.co/5AFU76ylyo
A3 - Definitely don’t feel like I want to associate a grade w/ this, but do need to monitor progress (google classroom?).
A3: Online or boss storage method (cereal box maybe)Grades...mehh...Feedback ayeeee. Possibly via Google something.
A3: We have one place for storage. Also use Google Drive and Slides to take notes and present. https://t.co/RHCTZz75ns
A3: Opportunity for conferencing... A chance to talk to kids about their wonderings & findings & ask probing Qs to push them on
Yes! We've got to keep that spark and fuel the fire!! https://t.co/ulAMW6l0HX
A3: Share out because if students share an interest or spark another's interest, it creates discussion and teaching moments.
I would think so! More pressure kids don't need! https://t.co/hd57qJgWNl
A3: Does grading genius hr hurt creativity?
. 100% agree. You can't really put a grade on passion in that environment.
A3: At the end of the hour we talk what worked & not worked & ideas for next week. I keep folders of everyone's research (2nd gr)
Yes! A majority of my Ss use their own devices!! It's very helpful!
Copy of GH (ICEE) student work guide.docx - Google Drive
My Ss use this guide and keep it in a binder to help track progress.
Yes! Reflection and feedback is essential to the learning process
A3: At the end of the hour we talk what worked & not worked & ideas for next week. I keep folders of everyone's research (2nd gr)
A3: let me clarify. Ss aren't given rubrics or given expectations. I look at their progress in mastering any related standards
A3: Don't grade passion/curiosity
agreed! This is their discovery time...no need for a grade!
Are these academic standards? Which standards do you use?
A3: No grades! But a great time to work on questioning, creativity, revising skills & risk taking!
I do not but I have found some that look ok. Contemplated using a rubric.
Yes! It shows you a whole other side to Ss they may often not bring out in structured lessons. https://t.co/G6uW8Y3dUW
A3: Opportunity for conferencing... A chance to talk to kids about their wonderings & findings & ask probing Qs to push them on
A3. I see this investigating as a perfect opp. For effective feedback, asking Q., researching , note taking
Concern re: rubric as they require certain things from Ss, which can impact their passion.
A3: I guess I'm in the minority! 😄 although ss explore passion I do look at work and assess to both help and inform my grading
A3: I keep track of project progress on Google Classroom. Ss are graded on final project (RI stds). https://t.co/8qCVZUIwLC
I haven't, wasn't sure-thinking of maybe more a continuum for S's to monitor work through the process https://t.co/5BCvaG89Uy
I do not but I have found some that look ok. Contemplated using a rubric.
are your student driven projects completed over weeks? One hour seems unrealistic
Maybe something we can do during guided study?
Not in the minority- there is value in both! I think we agree on that. https://t.co/tiMusUBeqC
A3: I guess I'm in the minority! 😄 although ss explore passion I do look at work and assess to both help and inform my grading
A3: Instead of grading, maybe look for growth? Does their questioning improve over time
I would probably put out a guide for GeniusHour, but not a rubric. Constricts what we'd want them to do; explore.
A4: it's everything! :) Some Ss need more guidance to find that tho!
yes I was just thinking a way to self monitor progress possibly-i get stuck or sidetracked sometimes...
. Can G Hrs be themed to a topic and limited to a set duration 1 (month)? Allowing diff people with diff interests to contribute
A4: That's the money shot, right? Passion, wonder, the 4Cs?
Shouldn't be all of that?
A3: There are assignments that need rubrics, but for this type of exploration, I think just a guideline to assist is enough.
why can't we build an open rubric liked used for exploratory research projects in CTE class for grading
I think it looks different in dif grade levels and for dif students. Not one size fits all. https://t.co/BZHhHx9bjQ
Not in the minority- there is value in both! I think we agree on that. https://t.co/tiMusUBeqC
A3: I guess I'm in the minority! 😄 although ss explore passion I do look at work and assess to both help and inform my grading
A3: 4Cs rubric would be a learning opportunity for both T's and S's.
I’m all about the 4Cs for sure, but do kids have to use all 4Cs to be effective?
A4: I believe the passion bring in the 4Cs more because it's student voice and choice driven. https://t.co/YRJrbBtYyw
It's all about wonderings! Let students explore and discover. For littles we define boundaries such as art or technology
Yes I agree! https://t.co/PYgiz0BwYZ
A4: That's the money shot, right? Passion, wonder, the 4Cs?
Shouldn't be all of that?
A4:100% passion driven!! All about creativity & collaborAtion!
My 1st graders usually take around 4 weeks to complete a proj.I like that they take time to investigate. https://t.co/R1haa4KoLh
are your student driven projects completed over weeks? One hour seems unrealistic
Yes! My Ss have working working for almost a month! But I only do 30 minutes and morning work time.
A4 - When Ss get to be passionate about something they’re more likely to engage in authentic 4C learning/experiences
Absolutely! It should be reflected in their reading in class if it does! https://t.co/HKGjzpCRDs
A3: Instead of grading, maybe look for growth? Does their questioning improve over time
I really like this thought
A4: I think the whole concept of revolves around wonder & passion. You're looking for Ss to explore their interests.
Q4 Thinking back on my childhood. I would have loved spending time researching things I loved. Would have encouraged the 4Cs.
My Ss choose Qs from our wonder wall so it's personal. A topic may not interest every S. https://t.co/29ieaRsU1J
. Can G Hrs be themed to a topic and limited to a set duration 1 (month)? Allowing diff people with diff interests to contribute
Boom! 🎉👍🏽 https://t.co/CUQNJ84op2
A4: That's the money shot, right? Passion, wonder, the 4Cs?
Shouldn't be all of that?
A4: Genius Hour is an additional opportunity in classrooms with S choice to engage in 4Cs.
A4: wonder & passion in G HR provide an opportunity to see our S's differently, strengthen learner agency and relationships.
A4: passion & wonder is what drives me to be a better teacher so wouldn't it make our S's better learners?!?
Final thought is Genius Hrs are likely to thrill some MyersBriggs types (INIJ or ENTJ) and annoy others.
A4: I agree it's all about wonder/passion & the 4Cs in .
A4: For , Ss communicate their interests, collaborate/connect with others, think about the "why", and create their learning.
A4: Generating quality Qs & finding answers =crit. thkg & creativity if done well + communication when sharing + collab if grps.
A4: ..thinking wonder leads the way.The possibilities seem endless, but they have to reign it in some. Def takes critthinking
A4.. Wonder plays a huge role .. This is a time to hook in Ss that may be disengaged during other times
Random thought—do any of you participate in Genius/Passion Hour while your kids do it as well?
If say no! passions/talents may be displayed diff ways based on project study. This why rubrics tricky. https://t.co/Wg0IEqzGbU
I’m all about the 4Cs for sure, but do kids have to use all 4Cs to be effective?
Absolutely. I'm a lifelong learner and always looking for new ways of teaching; so it should be the same for the Ss
A4 All I read was was Nintendo Power in the 7th Gr. Had I been able to create a project around creating a guide for gaming tips!?
A4. It's all intertwined, S's using learning about what they love to grow their love of learning-it all stems from that-
A4 Passion is the driving force in what keeps the Ss going! Allows the Ss to step outside the box
my students complete projects in 3-4 week cycles. Time is dependent on the kid. https://t.co/ZnyDX8LvMt
are your student driven projects completed over weeks? One hour seems unrealistic
I plan too! Problem is I have too many ideas
I do find that with some kids. I allow those students to tinker or even read! https://t.co/WLVvRc2UGF
Final thought is Genius Hrs are likely to thrill some MyersBriggs types (INIJ or ENTJ) and annoy others.
Mom duty tonight with 2 baseball practices. Sorry I'm missing the . Can't wait to catch up later for awesome ideas & dialogue!
Mind if I ask, what's a Wonder Wall?
we begin w a wonder wall & move into exploration so passion & personal inquiry are at ❤️.
This guy does! I create while the kids work https://t.co/74dWfaEWVa
Random thought—do any of you participate in Genius/Passion Hour while your kids do it as well?
Yes! Thank you Twitter! https://t.co/wwOQLXfQnV
A4: passion & wonder is what drives me to be a better teacher so wouldn't it make our S's better learners?!?
I'm thinking for those random questions during the unit. I always take a mental list...I should write them down.
It’s almost like a K-W-L chart, but much more involved and actually allows us to answer the ?s we have
GH days are my busiest. I am all over talking to ALL Ss. That is my passion project
We are still getting our feet wet - mostly research and a little creating. Digging deeper in June! https://t.co/pkdBX1oB6d
Here's a link to a 20% Time Folder from Melissa and Don bloggers. I connected w/ them last yr on G Hr. https://t.co/JLSopFZ1V2
A4: I'd try to do my own while the students are working. That way I can also share and be a part of the project.
A5. Looks messy and neat, noisy for some quiet for others, busy and energetic feeling
Well sometimes! Trying to figure out our ! & had a great staff style too! https://t.co/S15bVIPYRe
Random thought—do any of you participate in Genius/Passion Hour while your kids do it as well?
A place for the students write down wonders that they may have. Then the wonders/questions can guide
A5 - It looks different daily, but sure sounds the same…like engagement.
Grades often lead to conformity and/or expectations of what an A should be
yay! Welcome aboard! Would ❤️to get our classes together again!
A5: Two words, controlled chaos. For a marketing/ business class, they'll usually research careers or further explore topics.
A5 Ss guiding their own learning through Qs, collaborating, using technology, talking, excited, high energy! Having fun!
Yes fun! As learning should be for everyone-the thrill of the challenge! https://t.co/Vvc9OQfbpa
A5 Ss guiding their own learning through Qs, collaborating, using technology, talking, excited, high energy! Having fun!
I'm just exploring this idea but I'm hoping it looks like organized chaos and enthusiastic kiddos
A5: Definitely in progress. I need to shift some things around...<---My own mindset.
split w challenge time.Loud, busy, totally engaging & buzzing w excitement. Building, searching, tech etc
is research-based in my room. Ss enjoy exploring on tech. Time for other stuff is an issue. https://t.co/8EymSQaNi3
A5: GH on Fridays is my Ss favorite day. It's busy, engaging, chaotic, I'm running around helping/listening to Ss excitement
Mine too! I had a parent email when a S had to leave early because he was devastated to have to miss! https://t.co/bHcvrGqIa6
A5: GH on Fridays is my Ss favorite day. It's busy, engaging, chaotic, I'm running around helping/listening to Ss excitement
Absolutely! I say wear comfortable shoes & drink coffee bc you will be tired & feet will hurt. https://t.co/WUE3dDqclK
A5: Two words, controlled chaos. For a marketing/ business class, they'll usually research careers or further explore topics.
It looks like structured chaos. Noisy, active, movement, and happiness.
almost out of time so Q6 is coming up!
on those 1.5hr specials days? 😉👍
me too! Ss get upset when they miss Genius Hour time.
Mindset is a huge part of ! I started by introducing & Ss reflecting on it. https://t.co/KFGgN9USN0
A5: Definitely in progress. I need to shift some things around...<---My own mindset.
Yes! S's are reflecting in and/or written...sometimes self inspired sometimes with a few ?'s to inspire
Do you let S (4th-8th gr) work in groups of 2 or 3
Any kindergarten teachers out there doing this & have advice for getting started? Sounds amazing not sure where to start
I thought the same thing!
A6. This is such a valuable part of the process-where have I been? and where am I going? what do I need along the way?
I understand that,I want 2 find a balance btw no grade & assessing effort/accountability
Thinking that when S ponder their idea, they should have a goal in mind for their product ... Great op for reflection
I have never integrated formal self reflection. Ss conference and support each other
Totally! The 2 intermix so much! Kids passions can lead them to research, design & reporting. https://t.co/zXRcLsKmlJ