#100wcCHAT links teachers and educators from around the globe to get together and discuss exciting and engaging opportunities for writing, with particular reference to the 100 Word Challenge (100wc.net). This simple, free online project provides a weekly a prompt of a picture or a series of individual words and students respond, ideally using 100 words to produce a creative piece. This is posted on a class blog and then linked to 100wc.net. The link is open from midday on Sundays until midnight the following Saturday.
A team of volunteers are assigned posts to comment on and it is these comments that give writing a purpose and change writers into authors.
Do join the conversation on Twitter every Wednesday at 9pm GMT, 4pm ET, 3pm CT, 1pm PT, Thursday 5am SGT/WA (Perth), Thursday 8am AEDT, Thursday 8am NZT.
#100wcCHAT Hi I'm Ross - one part of Literacy For Pleasure. Existential dread and the absurdity of life keep me awake. Reading Sartre and Camus gets me back to sleep....
I'm sleeping better than I used to but there are days when work gets busy and it's more difficult to empty my mind! @BBCiPlayer is great for relaxing to. #100wcCHAT
Good evening! Steve here in Norfolk. Sleep - sometimes good, sometimes not so good! A gentle stroll round the mansion or a coffee and a couple of digestives helps! Tired today after three days in school! #100wcCHAT
for those new visitors, 100 Word Challenge is a weekly writing challenge linked to blogging which is having a huge impact on writing https://t.co/6eLcFYObOK#100wcCHAT
As I'm working part-time until Christmas in Y3/4 class, I can answer this. For some reason, the theme is Brazil so I created my own FIVE SENTENCE CHALLENGE to get the children writing. Today I used a picture from 'Colourful Chameleons'. #100wcCHAT
A1: Nice idea, Steven. I was also teaching both the #fivesc and the 100 word challenge today. Using a scheme of work I designed over the summer it's all going amazingly well - today boy's writing really took off! #100wcCHAT
No, it doesn't have to be but I'm trying to link the writing to other work. I will try the 100wc in a couple of weeks. Year 3's find 5SC easier to handle! #100wcCHAT
They often set aside one session a week to focus on the challenges. The teacher of the youngest children in my school has now taken the step to blog #fivesc with the children. I'm thrilled! #100wcCHAT
Difficult to answer this, as this is a new school for me. But, if I was in a school more permanently, I would try to put together a scheme of work using 100wc and 5SC with progression. #100wcCHAT
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@TheHeadsOffice, @irockey, @100wcCHAT1
I also spoke to some children and asked them to tell me what they enjoyed about #fivesc and #100wc. I recorded the audio and I'll share that once edited #100wcCHAT
It's all about getting the word out! I think folks are nervous about blogging & don';t realise it only needs a simple blog which I can provide free #100wcCHAT
Definitely. My staff member is flying now and is even continuing what I started today with her children tomorrow after they saved their drafts #100wcCHAT
A2: I think the prompts allow writing to be tailored to topics and cross curricular writing. This week's focus on commas and clauses allowed a variety of ideas to be covered #100wcCHAT
#100wordchat hi, bit late and a bit tired! We try to include grammar or VCOP learning points into our writing. Not always easy, as the students forget!!
I don't think they are at all, Julia. I think they are excellent in that they allow a real depth of writing but do not limit either the teacher or the children to one particular focus #100wcCHAT
I use the ones you give in conjunction with the prompt. The children like the direction you give within the ideas section but allows them to write completely independently and creatively #100wcCHAT
A bit of both really. Often it occurs from individual feedback - I might say, 'Let's see if we can practise Direct Speech in this week's prompt. #100wcCHAT
@100wcCHAT1#100wcchat I've noticed a much heavier emphasis on formal grammar elements in the UK. Lots of us here wouldn't know a fronted adverbial if we met one!!!
In reply to
@irockey, @TheHeadsOffice, @ktregunna, @SPH23, @100wcCHAT1
@100wcCHAT1#100wcchat I've noticed a much heavier emphasis on formal grammar elements in the UK. Lots of us here wouldn't know a fronted adverbial if we met one!!!
In reply to
@irockey, @TheHeadsOffice, @ktregunna, @SPH23, @100wcCHAT1
It's fantastic. It is often set as homework now too. Children also love clicking on the 'continue reading' to comment on other children's writing from around the world #100wcCHAT
I will do a session at a staff meeting at the current school. 100wc is included in my 'Writing and ICT' workshops that I lead. I have also written an article for 'First News' about 100wc and eTwinning. #100wcCHAT
#100wcchat@100wcCHAT1 yes I follow a plan each week. We discuss prompt on a mon and then the students write during the week at home. I publish on Friday /Saturday
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@TheHeadsOffice, @irockey, @ktregunna, @SPH23, @100wcCHAT1, @100wcCHAT1
Not so sure, could that lose the creative element of the 100wc? My ch love the freedom to take their writing in their own direction without having a checklist of things to include and consider #100wcCHAT
It is so frustrating because you all know that #100wc can support SPaG but so many teachers say they can't do #100WC because of time spent on SPaG! #100wcCHAT
#100wcchat yes, they all take part, usually. I ask them to complete their writing by Thursday and I check it for glaring errors! They can then correct before publication. Some more enthusiastic than others!!
In reply to
@irockey, @TheHeadsOffice, @ktregunna, @SPH23, @100wcCHAT1
That's exactly how I approached it again today. I love the reaction when I say every time that the children choose what they write, there are no rules #100wcCHAT
No. I think #100WCChat should promote a love of writing. Writing without too many boundaries. Writing for pleasure. Writing for an audience. Writing online. Improved typing skills. Better use of spell check. @100word
#100wcCHAT I would often try to link it to some era in History if possible. Last year a lot of my boys used to write historical fiction pieces. It ticked 2 subjects on the curriculum!
Don’t think I’ve ever seen a play script on 100wc and haven’t read any poems for ages either. It’s always refreshing to read something other than a story #100wcCHAT
Can I think you all for your comments about SPaG. It has worried me that I needed to include it more but it goes against the grain to be prescriptive! #100wcCHAT