The #educoach hashtag is used by instructional coaches around the world. We chat each Wednesday at 8pm CST on Twitter and use the hashtag throughout the week to share resources, ask questions and collaborate with instructional coaches.
Hey #educoach Pam, Instructional Coach, Charleston, SC. Great second week of PLC's in the books. We came up with a quick solution for getting admin. feedback quickly. Love my new job!
I'm Kathy a co-moderator of #educoach along with @lsmith0917 tonight. My success was taking some time off during the Labor Day weekend. Added bonus - I celebrated my birthday!
Hello all 👋🏻 Starting my sweet 16 year in edu, but my first as an #educoach a success - teachers have embraced writing in the social studies classroom and analyzing data to improve lessons.
Hi! Lauren, Instructional Coach, Indiana. My #eduwin is seeing lots of evidence of student ownership in classrooms. Seeing students grow and hold new understandings is so powerful! Happy to join @KathyPerret for tonight's chat! #educoach
I created a Google Form to submit PLC notes to admin. She get's a notification in her email so she can review & comment on the notes for us to review at the beginning of our next PLC. I also added a row of checkboxes and notes on the sheet for her documentation. #educoach
Hi #educoach first timer here. Coach for lateral entry teachers in NC. Got to hear two former participants in our program speak tonight about the impact coaching had on them growing professionally.
I created a Google Form to submit PLC notes to admin. She get's a notification in her email so she can review & comment on the notes for us to review at the beginning of our next PLC. I also added a row of checkboxes and notes on the sheet for her documentation. #educoach
I'm happy to be joining the #educoach chat tonight from Southwest Iowa! My #eduwin -- digging into @jimknight99 Impact Cycle tomorrow with fellow IC's.
A1: We would be hearing all opinions and ideas being shared and equally represented, teachers collaborating with one another, even if they are at different grade levels, and coaches supporting everyone as we work together to move forward. #educoach
A1: Coaches aren't used as admin. They are the support between admin and T's in a zone of trust. #educoach They are welcome in classrooms to help T's & S's grow.
A1: Schools that value coaching have more lateral conversations then vertical ones. It's about "how we can work together" rather than "what I expect you to do." #EduCoach
A2: Not enough coaching support in larger schools. It comes down to funding really, so that's above the "school" and more "district". I think it's getting better though, realizing that we need boot on the ground to support T's & S's. #educoach
A2: Schools (and educators in general) often feel a need to assign a value to every move and meeting rather than just trusting their gut about the work that feels good. Not everything we do has a hidden agenda. We're all here for the kids. #EduCoach
A3: Clear expectations, transparent conversations, and targeted action steps with meaningful resources all help build a school culture that values coaching. #EduCoach
A3 Schools that have a common focus area can build peer coaching partnerships with teachers. Learning together makes a deeper impact. The partnerships add some accountability because learning new things time and multiple uses of new approach. #educoach
A3: Still trying to fine-tune this area. Ha! Administrators that support and buy-in to the coaching work -- and keep encouraging Ts to seek out coach. #educoach
A3: Building relationships first! Then asking what the T's need, supporting school plans, goals, vision, etc. Asking ?'s & listening to input, then creating plans together. I love @artofcoaching1 resources as well as @jimknight99@robertjmarzano#educoach
A3: Sharing your why/coaching beliefs. As a staff, we have had an article discussion on this article that really emphasized the idea that everyone needs a coach. Support from building leaders is also crucial. #educoach
Yes - I love that we have so many coaches in our state, but I often see them doing so many things besides coaching. If we want coaching to make an impact we have to have time for actual coaching. #educoach
I want to start #observeme in our school to get T's visiting other T's & reflecting on practices. Since I'm new, I didn't want to jump into that too quick. #educoach
A1 - Bethany from AZ - Secondary Instructional Coach - When a school culture values coaching, the coach is included w the rest of the staff, there isn't a stigma that a T is working with a coach. Being coached is the norm. #educoach
Have you guys read The Art of Coaching? It's a great resource for a beginning coach. The self evaluation tools she has made it easy to set goals for myself. #educoach
In reply to
@mimitexas, @Mrsbrownteacher, @mrs_janusz
Love the reflection journal idea. I have used that concept with some coaches I virtually coach. It is a good tool to watch for trends. I encourage them to include things they are grateful for - even in hard situations. #educoach
In reply to
@mimitexas, @Mrsbrownteacher, @mrs_janusz
A4: Coaches can resist the urge to sugarcoat classroom observations. Simultaneously push and support teachers toward more effective practices. Trust is built through honesty. #EduCoach
A3 my district has been an awesome resource. We have educoach Fridays with awesome PD, a mentor coach, and coach & Content resources. I feel valued and supported #educoach
A4: I love sharing blog posts or tagging teachers on tweets that I think would be beneficial for them. We also can't forget to take time to just talk with our teachers. They also have amazing ideas that need to be heard! #educoach
A1- trust and legitimacy. Trust in the person/ process and trust in their legitimacy of practice. You have to know they have been there , done that.
I have worked with schools to offer #ObserveMe as a professional learning option but not something that is required. It's a good way to begin weaving it into regular practice. #EduCoach
A4 promote the lightbulb moments Ts and Ss have to make change more desirable. Side note - Ts desperately need to be publicly valued and praised within their building for incorporating effective instructional strategies #educoach
I created a Google Site for my T's this year. One of them actually said they don't even go to the district site much since I have the resources easy to find. It made my day! #educoach
A2 - When the coach is seen as "the fixer" it can prevent opportunities for growth from the rest of the staff. I depend on the site/district admin to communicate w staff the purpose of my role in order to overcome that perception. #educoach
A5: Principals can support coaching by making clear delineations between coaching and evaluation. Don't put a coach in a position to promote/demote/fire but instead one to highlight and celebrate effective practices. We grow together by lifting one another up. #EduCoach
- Opt In procedures
- Outcome based approaches
- Clear expectations/ processes
- Non evaluative (and mean it)
- co teaching is a MUST
- repeated, sustained contact, not one and done.
A5 define the path for a staff to go down that includes specific areas (instructional, classroom management, building relationships with Ss, etc.) a staff can strive to grow in #educoach
A3 - To echo @lsmith0917 having a clear vision that is communicated clearly to ALL stakeholders is key in order to build a culture that values coaching. #educoach
A4- be able to provide examples of student impact. Be willing to be in th classroom as a co teacher to model and assist over a period of time. Stay confidential.
Sure. This is what it looks like. Very short so you can just copy the url from the PLC notes (google doc) in the last question. #educoach The important part is sharing the sheet created from the form w/admin. and have him/her set up notifications. :)
A6: Our district did a great job setting up roles (including NOT rules) as an agreement between admin and coach. Having set meetings can keep the communication going. #educoach
A1: My principals regularly recommend me to teachers for collaboration and not in a punative way. In a building of 700 students I can walk in any classroom at almost any point during the day and be greeted with positivity by teachers. #educoach
Evidence of student learning is key. Serving as a collaborative partner in the learning process that is focused on students provides momentum toward making change. #educoach
A4 - Being present, being consistent, being approachable, being credible, being trustworthy, demonstrating competence. All these things help to build rapport in a culture that values coaching. #educoach
A6: We build trust by being good listeners. As coaches, it is tempting to focus on action steps, but sharing evidence (from both individuals) is equally important. Dialoguing about the "why" makes people want to do the "what." Otherwise, it is just more noise. #EduCoach
A6 most of the time a principal is going to know about teacher strength and weaknesses before I get there. Norms on this issue need to be set way ahead of any coaching #educoach
Lots of open dialogue with my principals as we started the program. Honoring her vision for the building while staying true to teacher advocacy. And lots of convos about boundaries. #educoach
A7: Coaching focuses on a play-by-play - not the end score. The more we can make it comfortable for educators to give one another formative feedback, the better results for everyone (most importantly, kids). #EduCoach
Here's what the sheet looks like. I have a blog post started with the directions and such. I'll share as soon as I'm done! #educoach It's not the prettiest here, just wanted you to get the idea.
By offering learning walks and opportunities for observation we can all coach up each other. Sometimes hearing from a peer can be very valuable feedback #educoach
A8 Teachers can be the biggest cheerleader for coaching w/coaches and peer coaching. Ts can share their success - how did coaching change student outcomes? How did coaching aid in new growth as a T. #educoach
A7: by building a school community that recognizes and capitalizes on staff’s interests and strengths.. by Providing ALL staff a chance to share their knowledge.. and by building a culture based on trust, support and risk taking. #educoach
A8: Teachers have to be willing to be vulnerable and open to feedback. Talk to each other! Coaching stems from coaching. The more colleagues talk with one another, the more opportunities will present as a result. #educoach
A8: Teachers can help build a coaching culture by teaching with an open door and an open heart. Invite others into your classroom to share feedback - and reciprocate. We don't expect our students to operate solely w/in the 4 walls of the classroom. We shouldn't either. #EduCoach
A8: Being willing to try new things. Being positive and not taking suggestions as criticisms. Sharing ideas with other T's without being asked to. T's don't need to work in silos anymore. #sharingiscaring#educoach
A4: take time.. get to know be teachers as educators and as people.. learn about the kids, the history of where the staff/district as a whole has been.. in the beginning, just be there to support in ANY way #educoach