#OhEdChat Archive
#OHEdChat was started by an ad hoc group of Ohio educators and other interested people. For information and updates about the chat, visit https://ohedchat.wordpress.com/
Wednesday May 11, 2016 9:00 PM EDT
Neil Gupta, Director of Secondary Ed for and co-moderator of - I stay current with and
I'll be your moderator for the evening. Invite your friends to join us!
Kevin, HS English at Highland. I keep current by reading articles, following certain Twitter feeds, & Gupta's hair-styling mags
Hi ! Beth, ELA from SW OH, in the homestretch, looking for some inspiration.
Ray. My two favorites are and
Love learning about what others reach out for to stay current. Meredith, from IL
We would love to have all ODE leaders in this chat!
Danielle, Early Childhood Education and Coaching student at OU Lancaster. Through OSEA and Twitter chats
Sierra, special ed major at Ohio University. I like using Twitter, both for the chats and the articles.
Glad you are here, Meredith!
Jeremy here from Dover. I read the tabloids and follow to stay up on the edu topics.
Hello! I'm Hannah new alumnus of Ohio State! Last ed chat for the next couple weeks bc I'll be in Europe! My favorite is
Tricia Ebner, Lake Local GIS, keeping current EDU--or trying to-- with , , & Twitter.
Welcome, Ray! Thanks for inviting others to the tonight!
Kelli Wohlgamuth ready to drain my brain. Long day workin on CCIP
Glad you're here tonight!
Hello everyone! Alisa, Ohio State, . I enjoy engaging with others about education through opps and current lit.
Lori, instructional coach, I keep up on Twitter, podcasts, and educational/leadership/business journals and articles
Yikes! That's a 4-letter word!
Ryan from Columbus. I keep up to date on education.
introduce yourself and share your favorite way to keep up to date with hot topics in edu-I like twitter of course and blogs!
Scott Jones from Hilliard. 5th grade. I use Twitter and blogs to keep current in edu.
Dr. Nancy Sulla - author of and ; Pres of ; creator of
Just joining
Yep, but that doesn't mean we can't go out with fireworks!
Well, it's a good thing you're here then!
Jodie, IS, stay current through chat groups, blogs, connecting w others!
Tara Grove from Hilliard. Hi everyone!
Awesome! Thanks for being here!
Good Evening No’el Fortner, HS English from SE Ohio! Reading, chatting, questioning with as many passionate educators as I can!
Twitter, IG and various blogs help me stay informed on hot topics in ...Bethany from Charlotte, NC ✨
Excited to be part of for the next hour.
Thanks for joining us tonight! What are you favorite podcasts?
Jessica, HS Librarian, Cbus, OH - Twitter is one of my fav ways to stay up on hot EDU topics!
Gret seeing you yesterday, Dr. Rivera! Thanks for all you do for our schools!
Good evening everyone. Greg from Hilliard
Ian Davis - 2nd grade @
Herbert Mills STEM. Twitter, , & are a few of my favorites.
Welcome, Scott! Thanks for being here!
Congrats ! Hope you have a safe trip to Europe.
Ryan Rismiller, Assistant Principal Marion Harding High School
Interesting that not many are mentioning an outstanding conference they attended.
I know it is early, but I'm cautiously optimistic about the new state superintendent.
Glad you are here! Love all the Instagram pictures!
Hello Char, Dir. of Curr. & taking Steve Leinwand's challenge to change 10% to keep improving my inst.
Mike from PA have to say twitter is my #1 for ed news
Oh, for how I keep up with edu ... Read a lot; thinktank w/ my team; synthesize; join Twitter chats; ponder; Google; try things
Cathy Sankey, former principal Dublin Jerome HS, thought leader . PLN on Twitter/LinkedIn & presenting.
I'm with you both! Talks & mock trials going on--wears me out but keeps Ss learning!
Hoping for some lively discussion about hot topics tonight!
I see a lot of you read blogs, most blogs have RSS Feeds so u can stay on top of new blog posts from several at a time!
Me too. We need to give it the benefit of the doubt for sure.
*****Q1 coming up in 1 min *****
Welcome. Thanks for being here!
Staying current through Twitter chats, blogs, audio books and podcasts
thanks, Neil! Happy to be here and love all of your IG pics, too! Hey, , be sure to connect with both of us on IG! ✌🏼️
Really? How do you do that? Sounds interesting https://t.co/Bppg6U0Wiv
I see a lot of you read blogs, most blogs have RSS Feeds so u can stay on top of new blog posts from several at a time!
Love Mock Trial! Do you do OCLRE?
I love National Boards conference for this--didn't get to go this year. Was awesome in 2014 & 2015!
I did brief research on him and it didn't make me want to break my computer.
Hello I'm Kauthar Guled from OUL
hope you can come visit soon, Jodie! Nice to meet you! ✨
A1 That's an easy one. No homework.
Have been to training with them but don't do the statewide mock trial. Use book called Blind Justice.
A1 Meaningful work that takes place in or out of school. Not worksheets.
A1: No Homework. That was easy. Next question.
A1. Only if it is related to something the family can discuss - real world, something in their lives.
I'd say no homework unless for some reason we absolutely have to complete or backup what we did in class with it
and Emily----join me tonight at
Good news. What is Education FIrst?
look for RSS Feed icon on blog and use program like Feedly to be a one stop place to read all new entries.
Cool. We can't keep a team together for the statewide trial; too many time commitments.
Is there any meaningful homework?
A1: Homework that provides reinforcement to concepts - not drill and kill - and not producing angst!
Jake - instructional coach in Hilliard - glad I can join tonight's !
A1 homework is over used. It should be purposeful and not busy work
A1 I lean towards no HW, but have seen if the topic is very engaging students will just work from home anyway
A1: Elementary level, no homework; school is long enough for them. HS level, homework to prepare for college-type work.
Why fight it? Just don't do it.
A1 Differentiated, Purposeful Homework! Important to step away from the day, return later, and see what you've retained & can use
I am partial to and I am currently listening to leading with grit
Jenny joining in late from Toledo! Great Q1 To be or not to be... that's a great homework question.
Feedly is the element I was missing. TERRIFIC! You taught me something new! https://t.co/leFKnjiyK1
look for RSS Feed icon on blog and use program like Feedly to be a one stop place to read all new entries.
Lots of reasons. If S can do it when they leave class, no need. If they can't do it, HW isn't going to help.
Hello from West Michigan--Allyson, elementary principal
Oh! did you mean "mindless work"? NO HOMEWORK!
A1: I agree with Jeremy. Mark it down.
A1: For me, it's finishing work we did in class or exploring something new. Not daily, and very purposeful & used in class.
A1: Elementary homework: NO. Every student w/ same hmwk: NO
Hmwk counted as points: NO
Thanks for joining us tonight! We're on Q1-Homework or no homework? Why?
No homework at the elementary level
A1: Hw should enhance learning not cause anxiety for ss or parents…it’s not a yes or no…it’s a case by case basis.
A1: Lots of variables with this topic. If you give it, make it reasonable and not a multi-hour affair. Otherwise? No
A1: Instantly...No homework, but "homework" gets a bad wrap. It would be awesome to call it another name to see how Ss react.
And do you grade it? What do you say to teachers who do?
A1: not needed. And IF someone thinks it's necessary, please quit grading it and making it worth so much! 😞
A1 Research says it has no positive effect. I say that's a good reason to avoid.
Remember to add to your tweets! https://t.co/paGpkwNIxy
Homework as class prep, homework as practice, homework not for a grade
I am a proponent of work which kids are intrinsically motivated to do
I'm currently reading 'The Homework Myth'! At the Elem. level, I see no gain from it. Typically, it's a nightly, family fight.
a consulting group he was affiliated with. That's my cautiously part.
Would like to someday. Book is based on real trials, like Lindbergh baby kidnapping or Rosenbergs.
This...or to share learning with parents https://t.co/wWy8S2Khfh
A1: For me, it's finishing work we did in class or exploring something new. Not daily, and very purposeful & used in class.
I completely agree with that, Sierra https://t.co/BWYRVfTJZ2
A1: Elementary level, no homework; school is long enough for them. HS level, homework to prepare for college-type work.
About six years ago I was on the evening news because the community was in shock that I disagreed with homework
Watertank Math saw in another chat instead of hmwk a set # of probs, have it be work for certain amt of time on a topic.
. Some, but most of it not. Kids need to know how to do it. I only assign it before an assessment.
A1: I like HW that extends classroom lesson into real-world, i.e. Find 3 examples of cylinders at home and calculate their vol
A1: Meaningful and differentiated homework- don't hate it.
Good evening ! Craig from Hilliard, OH. Late to the conversation but excited to hop in!
A1 As a P, I see my kids for about 2 hours a night. I don't want to spend that time doing homework.
A1: yes to homework at HS level but we need to rethink its purpose, type, quantity and use.
hi!!!! Good seeing you here!
A1: depends... The goal for me is to get kids to be so engaged in the learning that they do homework by choice. Desire to learn!
A1: "Homework" has a negative connotation; purposeful ungraded practice is essential to building skills & content knowledge
A1: Any research saying hmwk helps Ss academic perf? NO
Hmwk as extra credit? NO
Hmwk that purposeful & differentiated? YES
Putting the "HOME" in homework. Opportunities for productive struggle, authentic tasks, games.
A1: My 5th grader is doing this amazing project with research in his own area - he loves its relevancy and it fosters his passion
I'd love to hear others weigh in on this. Are there grade levels where hw is appropriate? https://t.co/qqBCvCQOXH
A1: yes to homework at HS level but we need to rethink its purpose, type, quantity and use.
Even "reading logs" are still homework. I believe reading is critical, but nightly reading should be a habit, not a task
almost sounds like Genius Hour
I visited the website and I just can't tell what they do yet. It might be policy consulting.
A1 Can homework be made to order to fit Ss need for reinforcement, fit Ps needs to support & is deemed necessary for learning?
Also, make it sure S should be able to do independently, NOT their parents! Never graded, only as practice https://t.co/ThL81FGqQG
A1: Lots of variables with this topic. If you give it, make it reasonable and not a multi-hour affair. Otherwise? No
A1: I once had students ask to continue a stock market challenge over the summer. Not sure what that says about HW.
And let's be real...what % of reading logs do you think are not doctored?
Some of my most successful "homework assignments" have been Ss asking parents questions abt. issues or topics.
Genius hour implementation in our 8th grade ELA has invigorated Ss excitement for research and learning
Is this true at any grade? https://t.co/iewqZ5Vck2
A1: "Homework" has a negative connotation; purposeful ungraded practice is essential to building skills & content knowledge
A1: not a fan of the homework- skill sets and help not available at home
A1- No homework. Should be opp for kids to practice in real life situation but not completed overnight
A1: Choice and differentiation might make homework better. Maybe.
How can you grade something you didn't witness a S doing? Unfair adv to Ss with educated parents helping https://t.co/BsxYc4NSvQ
And do you grade it? What do you say to teachers who do?
Two keys relevancy and passion https://t.co/rVACSQW3hj
A1: My 5th grader is doing this amazing project with research in his own area - he loves its relevancy and it fosters his passion
A1: I do like how "homework" has evolved as well. The flipped classroom model is something that I wish I had back in school.
I agree! It's ample time and guidance doesn't make him stress - and he loves it!
yes. Every day in June and July.
A1: How about reconceptualizing hw to include different and authentic learning opportunities e.g. a flipped model?
A1: HW as practice is ok, I'm over making it part of the grade (at least on a daily basis) it shows responsibility, not knowledge
At our school, we have sent home design challenges as "homework". Much more engaging - unlike typical HW - the kids are excited.
A1 Have u seen a sub-division neighborhood FB page? Parents do the work and share it on there! (at least they do in my 'hood)
A1: The Buckeyes don't get ranked based on practices. No affect on wins/losses. So hmwk should count either. It's PRACTICE!
A1: some assignments are necessary for out of class completion. Visiting museums, watching movies, creating something etc.
We did "homework" where Ss shared passion in whatever format they chose, gr8 for relationship building and Ss & parents loved it
So agree with this! Often it's a rush to get something down and it's not even Ss work. Purpose?
A1 In some content is peripheral to the target content; let students tackle that for homework.
Librarians are great resources on these! We were just talking abt this weekend https://t.co/8rEd5Owzff
Genius hour implementation in our 8th grade ELA has invigorated Ss excitement for research and learning
well wall street was closed that day.
I agree. My experiences with the flipped classroom model at the college level have been very positive
James from the home of ! Just got in from a great walk! Sorry for joining late.
*****Q2 coming up in 1 minute *****
At HS, writing outside of class and using class time to conference w/peers, or w/me, is a better use of time.
I quit reading books bc it turned into a task. Took me a while to read for pleasure bc I saw books as an assignment.
Welcome! Thanks for jumping in
Ha! Love learning with you and the other leaders at
It's OK to keep track of who does it and who doesn't, but grades, no. Just no.
took me a long time to cross back over to where I could read for fun again
true but they also get timely feedback from the coach. We need to give timely feedback to students
This is when HW is beneficial! Writing is TIME consuming there just aren’t enough minute in a school day!
Not sure about elementary, but for secondary, work outside of class can be an awesome opportunity to extend learning
I'm going to have to check this out! Thanks, Rachelle! I am followingnow for more learning!
I've worked with teachers who have fudged their own child's reading log. Life happens.
I absolutely love the idea! Ss are able to connect w/ Ts when they need it the most.
creation of relevance in tasks and meaning will develop want to continue material at home
Agree with the model, but I still find "home"work is still unequal; some Ss don't have same access
I totally support recess for HS students. Oh wait we weren't on the list. Darn it!!!!
A1 can you do a little more, go a little further outside of class...can you upload videos/pics, can you look up another resources
A2: Elementary yes. MS not sure. We have it and it causes 90% of discipline problems.
Exactly! Meaningful work w/peers is better than worksheets for sure.
A2. Recess - let's think about what we would like to build toward five yrs. from now? Research guides our thoughts?
A2: Recess is absolutely necessary at the Elementary and probably middle school level. They need the break from school
Hey! Sorry I'm not around tonight! I'll catch up with the chat later! Can't wait to read up on your thoughts!
if we are building skills is it necessary to have work completed in one night?
Good evening all! Jason Bates, Assistant Principal, Columbus Ohio. Sorry for the tardiness, but excited to join in!
A2 My kiddos need unstructured play and time to socialize. YES to recess at MS and ES. Wish we had it HS too.
A1: Don't underestimate the role of hanging back on homework if you know certain subjects are homework-heavy in your building.
Exactly. Guilty as charged here. So now the reading log has taught the S that sometimes you don't have to do the work.
A2 students in younger grades need more recess time, unstructured play is good
Could it be structured differently to move away from discipline challenges? https://t.co/vdiU2cUK8j
A2: Elementary yes. MS not sure. We have it and it causes 90% of discipline problems.
but does that mean MS doesnt need it???
A2: Recess is essential! Every PD session, mtg, etc I've been to we take BREAKS. Kids need that too! Physical and mental recess.
Is there a place for recess/downtime in HS? How would that look? https://t.co/kSKhnxs75N
A2 My kiddos need unstructured play and time to socialize. YES to recess at MS and ES. Wish we had it HS too.
A2: There is no need for recess at Middle School. There are other ways to have time to explore, connect, and rejuvenate!
YES! HS kids after a lunch period DEFINITELY need recess!!!
we always hope the force remains strong with them
I agree. I'm pretty strongly against it mostly because we assign way too much.
A2: Do recess duty for 3 days. You'd be amazed at the imaginative ways Ss spend that 20 min. Need that play based time.
A2: YES! The Ss need breaks through the day. They need to get out and MOVE. Too many video games at home.
A2: Yes to recess in elementary, absolutely. On the fence in MS.
Totally agree. It can be limiting to some students if technology isn't available.
Q2 I believe kids need a time to just be kids & play! To me recess was always a way to relax & take a break during the school day
True! For my 5th graders, I want to give feedback on what THEY can do indep. Not what they did w/ parents help.
A1: You can play a crucial part in maintaining homework balance in your building by being mindful of students' overall workload.
Just some time to move around and not have to sit still.
It could. It might be a supervision issue, not sure. Kids need more choice.
Purposeful "homework" should be responsive to S need - Ts should opportunities for S to access when they need it
So how do we provide MS students a chance to socialize and have a break? Is there another way?
A2: Recess is needed at elementary level. 30 min session 1x day
would HS kids be too cool for recess....might mess up my hair, get clothes dirty.... many wont even change for gym
Yup,my Ss w/best grades on HW often do poorly on tests & vice versa w/Ss who struggled w/HW. Assessment=understanding
A2 YES for both! They need to use this time to recharge, get out the jiggles and build relationships with peers
A2: Children learn through play! Recess is a must. At MS level I know it is more challenging but they still need a mental break
A2: YES! Especially in elem, Ss have energy to burn off. Off the top of my head, about 45 min to an hour of recess a day.
Agree! Even many adults would bulk at having to sit as much as HS Ss! https://t.co/EZnshhTXZu
I totally support recess for HS students. Oh wait we weren't on the list. Darn it!!!!
A2 what is the purpose of recess? Seems like 15 min 2 times would be better than 30 min
In middle grades that break can take the form allowing students time to explore learning opportunities such as Sphero
Not necessarily. Could be a problem with us not the concept.
A2 Show me an adult who learn effectively for 6 hours w/out a "physical" brain break! Recess is not optional!
A2: Tiny bodies need to burn energy AND the big bodies need to have some down time… the HS Ss need a "time out" to recharge too!
totally agree! HS is already stressful why not just have a time to relax
so technically they did hw that day...
K-2 students need more recess time.
Q2 the dream of every elementary educator... Less testing, more recess
A2: Yes to both and maybe even high school? Dreaming big..it would be great to see if recess was broken throughout the day.
A2: hoping recess is more than just games- creativity, cooperation, teaming & strategizing come to mind as reasons for even at HS
We have thought about that. How do you structure that?
Can u imagine a 6 hour admin mtg w/ only 1 break? Ugh. I keep wondering if we add a mini recess in the AM & PM.
Not sure, but unstructured time away for Ss to do what they want to do-makerspace or genius hour, open gym...
I'm glad you brought up relationships. This is also a time for Ts to form relationships with Ss if they have duty
maybe HS recess would be "let's go for a walk outside around the building"
I need to incorporate more movement into activities next year. Move, interact, & hope it is handled appropriately
But we could rethink "recess:" We have a huge contingent of HS boys who love playing b-ball during lunch https://t.co/jd9usAZXrJ
would HS kids be too cool for recess....might mess up my hair, get clothes dirty.... many wont even change for gym
A2: YES for elementary! We had a 'walk and talk' break for middle school. Went pretty well, some kids ended up tossing ball around
A2: Ss (and Ts) in all grades need time to play and wind down from the schedule that is school; maybe we could change the concept?
Our HS offers Ss a 1-hour lunch/break as privilege; otherewise 30 minute lunch/30 minute study hall. Maybe for MS?
A2 Watertank Math saw thru RSS Feeds about European schools give more time for recess, anyone else see an article like this?
A2: Exercise, movement and breaks at all levels is essential to stimulate the brain and maximize learning.
Creating an enrichment time or providing students learning opportunities which instructors enjoy to expose Kids
I think we'd have less discipline probs. Right after lunch would be awesome.
Great way to get parents involved...kids love learning from parents
We created flexible seating around our HS to give students opportunity to collaborate and hang out. A2.
Absolutely! Ryan designed great opportunities for students through at his school!
or have an open gym during lunch periods as an option?
Maybe more "club" sports; soccer teams, bball teams, mini-tournies? Club activities, genius hours, etc https://t.co/jd9usAZXrJ
would HS kids be too cool for recess....might mess up my hair, get clothes dirty.... many wont even change for gym
Hi everyone, Lori from Canal Winchester, late to the chat but hoping to answer a few Qs:)
How is that working? What do the kids think of it? https://t.co/IhhBVFyDwr
We created flexible seating around our HS to give students opportunity to collaborate and hang out. A2.
A2- One question I've wondered about: recess before or after lunch?
HS recess option ---- build something
A2: I wonder if we used a wider variety of strategies & collaboration, if MS/HS Ss would have same need for recess?
*****Q3 in 1 minute *****
Glad you're here! Thanks for joining us.
Sometimes the only "unstructured" time in a HS Ss day is the 3-4 min. passing time between classes
Tried both - benefits and drawbacks to each. https://t.co/8uENeY0zEK
A2- One question I've wondered about: recess before or after lunch?
A2: I would like to think of recess at the MS as an opportunity to check-in. A social tech-break. They crave that. Work with em.
A2 Recess is certainly important across grades. Kids need chance to move. Plus also chance to give learning opp in a fun way
Inside our bodies don't stop moving and yet we try to make kids stay still, sometimes for hours. How is that logical?
How do they earn privilege? Do you feel this blocks S who might need break the most?
A2 Recess for everyone! Exercise helps build and reduces stress
And we wonder why they are so wild during that time sometimes?
Always a pleasure:) thank you!
some ppl forget that many young boys tend to sweat a lot.... how does recess now look to you for the rest of the day
I'm telling you...a coffee bar in the high school. Grab a quick drink and energy bar and back at it. HSr happy with coffee in hand
Of course teachers get to move around constantly and I hear principals never get to stop moving either
Yeah. Some admin don't trust Ss w/unstructured time. Get respect, give respect, right?
I've seen both. Kids just need the break. https://t.co/g4LLTSTsBq
A2- One question I've wondered about: recess before or after lunch?
Q2 Another STEM elementary in our district created a for their playground. Much more to gain
Really good point. Recess allows Ss to mingle with people that they wouldn't normally get to talk with.
Same in HS. https://t.co/eYRNlD8Fjl
A2: I would like to think of recess at the MS as an opportunity to check-in. A social tech-break. They crave that. Work with em.
A3: By themselves, are worthless...
Yes. Recess doesn't have to be outside. Could be sensory walks, brain breaks, etc.
can we eliminate cell phones during recess...otherwise many would play vidoe games the whole time
I tried convincing my P that we needed a coffee bar staff, including him, could take time manning. No go.
Ss have to maintain certain grades. I'm not sure--don't know enough.
That's how I remember HS too-seems like they need a break. Maybe engagement would increase
can't get away from them as colleges still use them. But I'm fighting to get them dialed in on the 4pt mastery scale
A3. Letter grades - how long will they continue? 5 yrs? 10? Bet it won't be long once individualization kicks in ...
A2.1: I like the definition of recess as a time of withdrawal- time for creative lab time, self discovery, etc
Agreed, w/ some structure, it can be very successful. Big kids need exercise, freedom and fresh air too https://t.co/0kwBtTiOHg
A2: I would like to think of recess at the MS as an opportunity to check-in. A social tech-break. They crave that. Work with em.
Oh boy! will be trending for sure!! What’s our drive as humans to categorize and quantify everything?!?
A3 I want standards based-letter grades are meaningless. I also want mastery based learning. Alas, not in my school, yet.
My theory - just bc college is messed up, doesn't mean we have to be
A3: What is a B, really? Letter grades alone don't tell me much as parent or teacher.
Ummm, you forgot to put "A3" in front of your comment - get it :)
A3 Grades GET RID OF THEM....the bane of our existence
A2: I will say some MS Ss find motivation to do work when their recess is threatened or taken away for the day. :)
A3: Grades in any form are typically not reflective of what students know and can do - evidence of MASTERY should determine grade
A3 letter grades are symbols of the way we used to measure learning; with mastery-based learning, letter grades should go bye bye
A2:They know it is privilege based on trust. Many collaborate on work; some socialize. Adds to learning culture.
Better than number grades but not as good as clearly defined mastery levels
no question. But as long as we still have to report grades/send transcripts we can't escape
A3: This is a good one. A grading system has pros and cons. Good grades or bad grades. Black or white. There's no gray area.
A3:until the Univ. system is willing to accept something different,I feel we are stuck.I don't like it,doesn't represent learning
Hello ! Joining late; spring program at school tonight. A1: No homework, esp for elem students
if I could put a Starbucks out by the sign, PD budget would be KILLER
Some things we just struggle to let go, even when they get in the way of learning https://t.co/sE3ICJ5mWh
A3. Letter grades - how long will they continue? 5 yrs? 10? Bet it won't be long once individualization kicks in ...
A3: IF you use letter grades, they must come with feedback! But I say no letter grades- prefer mastery learning
I refuse to be part of the status quo :)!!
Great article, Scott! I look to and are the grading gurus!
A2: play is vital in elementary, but I've seen huge benefits w/ structured recess that builds collaboration and community for SS.
A3: Real Q is how to capture succinctly all evidence of lrng/growth for a Ss & provide spark & feedback for Ss to take next step
A3 Curious to know what other elementary schools are using as "letter grades". We use 4: E, M, P, L (in that order)
I assume it's hard as a HS to not give letter grades when so much is based on those for college. https://t.co/ICNGh6a6Fo
A3:until the Univ. system is willing to accept something different,I feel we are stuck.I don't like it,doesn't represent learning
A3: Looking forward to the day when more standards based grading practices are embraced at higher levels.
A2 Agree! I design schools in which Ss take charge of their learning: movement, choice, engagement. https://t.co/jxYwTnsmPd
A2: I wonder if we used a wider variety of strategies & collaboration, if MS/HS Ss would have same need for recess?
A3: Progress towards a goal- formative assessments are most important for student growth
Maybe work "drink without spilling" into the curriculum somewhere?
A3: Grades make school a game. Focus on the learning/mastery/growth. Not the average %
A3: Not a fan, had an incredible prof this semester who showed us effectiveness issues w/ system. If corrected, could work
So true---and when grades are part of the culture of higher edu do we have a choice to not give grades? https://t.co/uktP2SLOEb
A3: Real Q is how to capture succinctly all evidence of lrng/growth for a Ss & provide spark & feedback for Ss to take next step
A3: EE, M, P, D, NI- can we use something like these in multiple categories in each subject at HS level
A3 We are looking at our grading policies & it has brought up so many ?s. Why do we take 50% of a grade equal to an F?
Getting away from letter grades will require a MAJOR culture shift at the HS & University level
A3 learning is "Got it" or "not yet"....who came up with "73%" ?????
Or just clean up your own mess. Or just treat them like semi adults.
A3: Not sure if they are a true representation of what my Ss know. I'd rather have convos and feedback about learning
A3: When Ts prioritize course outcomes & define evidence of mastery ( Ts create rubrics), grades have meaning
I've seen kids play cards, chess at lunch. Leave a chess board lay around and watch kids learn to play.
speaking of which. This year's Day is May 20th. All are welcome
read somewhere that some colleges are ignoring GPA because they are understanding it is meaningless....
A2: I often get up & get moving. Kids need the same. I appreciate T's that get kids moving w/ learning. Those blue chairs hurt!
& are my Standard-based Learning heroes.
Word! Can our little brains handle that?!?
A3: If have to have grades, wish they could be a true reflection of learning, skills, knowledge. Not happening at secondary level.
A3 I am finding I like the 1-4 scale way more. I have always told my students they start with 100% and just have to keep it
That's promising! https://t.co/PPPdmhMjPs
read somewhere that some colleges are ignoring GPA because they are understanding it is meaningless....
I have seen times when kids would eat more if they ate after recess. Plus it allowed for time to calm down
Also with parents. When letters aren't used, often try to translate the new system to letters.
A3 It seems like it always comes back to a grade. Should be about way better feedback. We communicate to parents & higher Ed
There are schools that have and colleges that accept
We open library during lunch per's for Ss to work,game,play chess,or just lounge.Can eat in there too!
my Standard-based Learning heroes are & .
- you might want to check that out! https://t.co/DLyUMO0EeK
speaking of which. This year's Day is May 20th. All are welcome
indeed. Most Ps and Ss still have laser focus on letters/numbers.
Ss need time for reflection too. Think of everything they have to do in that passing time.
A3: As college S, that's all I care about. I need a certain grade to pass each class so I can get my degree.
That was one of the points my professor made https://t.co/gQos4KX5yl
A3 We are looking at our grading policies & it has brought up so many ?s. Why do we take 50% of a grade equal to an F?
Letter grades can still be used AND have meaning if mastery of concepts and skills is used to determine the grades
YES! We introduced games into our library last year. Major success! HS Ss playing chess, Jenga, UNO, etc. https://t.co/UPrzxcVSz1
I've seen kids play cards, chess at lunch. Leave a chess board lay around and watch kids learn to play.
*****Q4 coming up in 1 ****
A3 My District does SBG. Ps & Ss know that there is an expected continuum; Its not a 1 & done mentality. Growth over time; not A-F
Let's have the college professors sit in 'ittle blue chairs all day - maybe pain would accelerate change? https://t.co/0cjQc9Z2Vt
ah. That's wonderful though I hadn't heard anyone mention that yet. Hopefully it's a trend that takes hold
Oh how I loved taking classes credit/no credit in college.
Better late than.... to . Brian, HS principal from Mass.
A3 what grades do home school kids receive???? and they go to college
Very true. Even at the master and doctorate level too. It's amazing how we revert back to what we were taught yrs ago.
A3: As T, letter grades are oversimplifications of learning. I see more benefit from standards-based grading.
Is this SBG K-12? https://t.co/TEUtbnhuDg
A3 My District does SBG. Ps & Ss know that there is an expected continuum; Its not a 1 & done mentality. Growth over time; not A-F
I get that- A better grade was important once I was paying to earn it. But even in college I know it was subjective
Letters/numbers feel concrete. Less subjective. Even though they aren't necessarily objective.
A3: Honest question - is it the grading system that needs an overhaul or the activities just not rich enough to allow Ss to shine?
A3: If it is the Ts job to ensure all Ss perform at high levels, summative grades reflect the Ts skills. https://t.co/Qt0a5WYCMr
A3: Progress towards a goal- formative assessments are most important for student growth
A3: I think in time grades will go away at HS but higher Ed drives what we do and it will take time to make change.
Is gym ever open for bball? Sports? Guess it would be hard to monitor.?
I got 1 B at the master level. I still haven't gotten over that :-)
A2: how physical activity impacts brain activity. Let's get 'em moving...especially before a test! https://t.co/f9sGz6H8qA
A3.1- the feedback is more critical than the letter.
A3: We need a shift from STUDENT to LEARNER - emphasize GROWTH and DEVELOPMENT OF SKILLS as SUCCESS rather than a GRADE
I hadn't thought of it like that until I saw a chart and realized that we really do stack the deck against Ss
As it is now,I think it would be impossible. So much is determined off GPA for kids. Still doesn't show learning.
I agree. Would love to do full-fledged standards-based grading.
Yeah. Supervision might be an issue, but I would love some unstructured time.
yep. Exactly why I prefer HIGHLY detailed rubrics. What good is a number or letter if you don't know EXACTLY why
Slow to catch, but possible. Hope for future.
As long as the Ss and parents understand what they represent to U they can be helpful
I say brick and mortar, WiFi and study table Do it right!
A4: Teacher of gifted . . . three guesses as to what I'll say here. *grin*
I think it would be difficult to eliminate grade levels, esp with the way the standards are set up
A3: Perhaps instead of letter grades, promote continual growth: Novice, Apprentice, Practitioner, Expert
We are lucky 47min per's w/ 6mins of passing time on either end. Lots of time to eat & relax.
A3 Whatever we use to grade we just have to make sure we are being fair and mindful & the Ss know our expectations
We have choice to help Ss see "grades" as clear feedback on progress & not a gift/consequence that is given to them
A4: True SBG requires students to master concepts before moving on; "messy" as grade levels tend to break down, but personalized!
It can be hard and it lingers too.
sounds like an idea, but you could end up with a log jam at different 'levels' and not be able to personalize appropriately
A4 Definitely NOT by age. I know Ss right now that are less mature and have less skill than their age peers.
SBG CAN work effectively at HS level AND translate into college. Just need to know how and why you are measuring the learning.
A4 These are too easy! No more "born on date" grouping!!!!!!! Please!!!!
We initiated SBG K-5 four years ago. Overall, it has been very positive for Ts, Ps and Ss.
I don't know if it's the grading system or lack of communication system that needs more help
can only take a certain # of credit hrs like that throughout our collegiate careers plus letter grades=GPA
Absolutely! Grades should be INFORMATIVE! Parent "training" and a change in culture would be essential!
I am accused of "management by walking around" guilty as charged. Can't sit still
ooooohhhh this is interesting. I've never thought about that before. I'm interested to see the convo
JP- I think you are holding back with your questions.
Q4---Follow up----but how do we sell this to parents/admin/community? Not as easy as it sounds.
Using different methods of grading to demonstrate mastery is a difficult but necessary cycle to break. https://t.co/Th2A0dnmAx
A3 It seems like it always comes back to a grade. Should be about way better feedback. We communicate to parents & higher Ed
A4 didn't care about grade levels, we should focus more on knowledge levels
yep. Was a SpecEd law class. Learned a ton but it was BRUTAL with all of the depth and details to consider
I think we need to group children according to ability - it would probably increase motivation.
A4- Like letter grades, it may be hard to get away from "birth date" grouping but I think it is where we should go eventually
A4: My oldest misses cut off by 25 days, is she not as ready as a child born 25 days earlier? Age grouping doesn’t seem logical
A4: I favor multi-age classrooms where Ss "own" the room, engage in problems of interest; and Ts join them as their consultants
A4: May be hard to avoid, but the key is differentiation inside the classroom and school. We move Ss around as needed
Well...would require quite a bit of change...almost a complete redesign. Individualized paths for all.
Is ability grouping always best? https://t.co/y9aHubRClh
I think we need to group children according to ability - it would probably increase motivation.
I am in agreement that staff would need to be diligent and intentional with this personalized and fluid instruction.
A4: it would be interesting if K-8 was standards based, with high school being grade based. Standards met to advance
Use examples & case studies wherever possible. Educating the school community is vital for buy-in.
I totally agree. If Ss saw school as a place to try hard things, and persist, it'd be transformative.
A4-p1 I don't like Ss who are so low they struggle daily having to be with Ss who excel so much they feel stupid
So, is it sociallly/developmentally appropriate to have a gifted 9 yr old algebra w/ 14 yr olds?
There we go--not so easy after all. How do we set up conditions to try this? https://t.co/oXDa7b6MNe
Well...would require quite a bit of change...almost a complete redesign. Individualized paths for all.
A4 p2- BUT I don't necessarily like my HS kids hanging w/my Elem kids either- different mentalities
Sometimes Ss need to see older, more mature peers so they have good role models. Hard on the models, tho.
A4: Freshmen helped by good transition programs. Very few barriers now for courses by grade level. Have frosh in AP.
A4: had this convo w/colleague today! I see pros & cons on both sides of the story.
Yep. It could be done. But the possible log jam at some levels could be a 'cut of your nose to spite your face' thing
hmmm Without sufficient stretch to help Ss actually see growth an A+ doesn't really capture depth of understanding?
Super cool. Love the progressions for Ss growth. We could use this for Tt when discussing their PD....
I'm sure there are other ways that are equally effective - that's what came to mind.
A4: Too many developmental concerns to fit into 130 characters. ;)
Right...that's what I'm questioning too https://t.co/afmHEbjwnO
So, is it sociallly/developmentally appropriate to have a gifted 9 yr old algebra w/ 14 yr olds?
Exactly. Some classes were easy As, others struggling to keep Cs. All depends on the prof.
It would be interesting to see how universities react if schools decided to changed letter grades
searching. Deleted. GAH!!!
A4: Why hold Ss back or force conformity? Set indicators and benchmarks, but let students soar by progressing at their own pace!
Or should we make the 9 yr old do fact worksheets, b/c that's what her age peers are doing?
Don't they already basically throw out gpa? It is so arbitrary.
That's very true, too. I'm a fan of Ss starting school when ready, not tied to birthdate. .
A4 : Age grouping perpetuates a factory model of education.
A4 In my HS, grade determined by number of credits earned. No social promotion. Options to catch up as well.
A4: Lots of factors to consider. Ss want to move w/ their "age" group cause it's cohort like. Then again its homogenizing.
*****Q5 is up in 1 minute *****
We invented the double selfie that day!
A4 I'm hung up on the social aspect still. I'd like the idea part day...
Maybe not full day.
I guess they would have to adapt if everyone changed! 😂
searching! Can't find it! Rut-roh!
A4: I have seen many classrooms over the years with multi-age groupings and the most important aspect is still differentiation.
A4: How about - Ss have Curriculum Dashboards of expectations and work with Ss of diff ages interested in the same ?
A4: Aren't there more COMMON developmental/social traits among "born on date" group than differences?
Flexible grouping tends to better reflect a personalized approach and is responsive to student needs
I'd counter; most Ss in THE lowest "group" don't have increased motivation but rather a feeling of failure.
A4 Not sure how an older S would react with a much younger S potentially out performing them in the same room
Would ability grouping also yield a factory model…just a different brand?!
Need to have options for placements/settings, yes. Tech gives wider range of options.
change & strengthen culture through deliberate work, communication, and overall involvement from EVERYONE
But, per Q5, if that is the culture, then it becomes norm.
A5 This one is hard. I'd love for the culture of my school to be different.
long answer or short? Based on my work and the world I live I would say no.
Because of grade inflation, most colleges see test scores as an important leveler.
Ss need to feel safe enough to ask ?s and not be afraid to fail- then everyone can be transformed
A5 Culture goes hand-in-hand with connection. What (meaningful) relationships are you building?
A4: I think grouping by ability in individual subjects (math, reading, science, art, etc.) would be more beneficial.
It is a step towards differentiating, but ultimately the factory model could still be an issue
A5. Leaders must prioritize relationships. The rest will follow.
By providing various pathways that allow for more personalization based on Ss needs, interests, and goals.
A5: communication, trust, shared vision
A3: Grades are for adults, not Ss. Ss need feedback they can use. Grades do not motivate struggling learner.
A5 Strengthen culture thru empowerment, engagement, collaboration, freedom to fail; transparency
True perhaps placing 9 yr olds together w/ diff instruction is better option than 9 yr old w/ 14 yr olds
A5: Consistency! Lack of consistency kills everything!
very true. That was a very interesting question... It had honestly never crossed my mind to disband grade levels
A5:I think it has to start w/the leaders of the building making the culture evident to all others. Have to model
Seems a case-by-case manner would be best
Taught two-year looped lang. arts class. 7th & 8th graders grew into mutual encouragement. All grew more.
A5: dig deep and find the needs. Culture change is not immediate
A5: lead by example! If you want to have strong culture, live and breath what you preach.
Heard of some schools doing cultural days where students are dressed in their cultural attire & share their culture w their peers
A5: Don't let the desire to "be a friend" to your Ss trump the vitality of consequences for poor choices!
A5: Culture must be alignment and focus on learning with all key stakeholders. Everyone rowing in same direction.
Totally agree with . Not appropriate on so many levels. Augment rather than supplant. https://t.co/01Ab38D57j
So, is it sociallly/developmentally appropriate to have a gifted 9 yr old algebra w/ 14 yr olds?
A3: Awesome approach to providing student-centered feedback for engagement and learning... approach: https://t.co/Rkz2D1v1EZ
A5 culture is the words we say, the way we feel, how we treat each other and understanding the purpose of why we work together
Time flies in this chat! Great insights all around.
A5: The RIGHT culture is extremely important - identify needs, change attitudes, behaviors and outcomes thru purposeful community
A5: I make sure the culture is palpable. Ss should know our values & expectations of our learning culture.
A5: I hope to model that laughter, having fun together, making memories, and not taking yourself too seriously is ok.
A5: Collaboration, exploration, shared resources & problem-solving. Open communication.
A5 the power of positivity is key. Everyone sets the culture.
One day could decide a grade. Neighbor girl was SpEd in K and 1st just bc she was SO young, like day of. Not right.
A5- Teachers got to buy in and model it first-. The students will then know expectations and feed off of it
Interesting idea. How would Ss transition from standards-based to grades? Assigning a letter for meeting standards?
Building more vertical relationships PreK-16 will change the dynamic of education reform. We are all on the same team!
A5-Culture is everything-honesty and trust must be a top priority
A5: Be an advocate to introduce new ideas and promote diversity/inclusiveness. Creating this environment increases awareness.
A5: Pick 1-2 key things and get buy-in across the board, i.e. , argumentative writing, etc. Practice more than 1 yr.
A5: By genuinely listening and responding to stakeholders. Focus on the positive and solutions in difficult situations.
what does this look like?
A5: To breed a strong culture there needs to be buy in from all potential members! Mutual interests from all!
Don't forget to build your PLN tonight. Follow Five.
A5 Culture is strengthened by listening, and by a consistent message
A5 Kids need authenticity. Culture can't be lip service; but rather people & programs who meet their immediate needs!
A5: Figure out your brand/what makes you special; Then, promote, promote, promote!
A5:change culture by modeling expected behavior.Good listening,empathy,hard work,doing the right thing every time.It's infectious
That's what we did A=Exceeds, B=Meets, C=Not yet. Less than that and we needed remediation & P help.
maybe this is bringing up bad memories of me being one of the few seniors in my math class 🤔 necessary & deserving
GOT IT! You rock! Way to go being a leader! https://t.co/leFKnjiyK1
look for RSS Feed icon on blog and use program like Feedly to be a one stop place to read all new entries.
I am a college professor. I am all about change. We are on the same team.
Knowledge levels...interesting
At my school we have 9th-12th graders in class together - there is a noticeable difference with their interactions
There is no easy fix to grouping students. FLUIDITY is key! Students should not be trapped after they master material.
though grade based would demonstrate fluency of the standards- almost like an early college
w/technology options today, would that have happened? Wondering.
A5: Just re-read C 6 & 7 of Dweck's MINDSET. Change culture, focus on nurturing growth mindset in adults - will then impact Ss too
****Last Q coming up in 1 min ****
Band, shop, electives all make it work.
At we had a Multi-cultural fair that allowed Ss to showcase cultures from around the world
A5 I would like to find ways to empower our teachers more & help the students become more responsible for their own education
Preach on! https://t.co/W2Rq0FvlK0
There is no easy fix to grouping students. FLUIDITY is key! Students should not be trapped after they master material.
speaking of GLHS, no or tonight?
A4: I'd be willing to try a modified tracking system where college bound and VoTech students are appropriately individualized.
continue our focus on personalization, but shift culture so kids fight/scratch/claw to ALWAYS achieve/master on a high level
A6 I see the lines between HS and college blurring. We need to keep the quality strong.
A6 We need to be sure these kinds of conversations are happening everywhere, not just on Twitter.
A5: Common language strengthens culture. Shared habits/beliefs/values must be ubiquitous
A6: Stay current: continue reading, sharing, discussing, trying & failing & succeeding, learning, growing. Change continues
Glad is on my team! Our OH Lrng Standards based on progressions, our should be too. https://t.co/nG8kTYVFxE
Building more vertical relationships PreK-16 will change the dynamic of education reform. We are all on the same team!
That's a great point! https://t.co/gv81Aes4vs
A6 We need to be sure these kinds of conversations are happening everywhere, not just on Twitter.
absolutely. Maintain high quality, but also realize not all of them have college as a goal
Facet of the accelerating change: young people today can expect to make from four to seven career changes https://t.co/1rBfWhv5EH
A6: Thinking about who's missing from the conversation? Who's voice isn't being heard to bring about change in your school.
Global citizenship, entrepreneurship, world languages. Ask the kids where they want to go with their learning....
A6 I think we will see the pendulum swing so we are not as bogged down by state and federal mandates
A6:Need to focus on ever-changing future our Ss will face when they r adults & adapt 2 prepare them https://t.co/sXfU7aFppi
A6: PERSONALIZE! Use assessments purposefully to meet the needs of every S & provide timely feedback about what they know & can do
A6: Focus less on What and more on How to learn. Ss can google facts in 30 sec, but think creatively/critically? Not always easy.
A6: Be practical in our desire to implement individualized differentiation. Don't remove the work, just the obstacles to the work.
Yes! Identifying core values common to the group focused on nurturing a growth mindset! https://t.co/i4suLpUBW5
A5: Just re-read C 6 & 7 of Dweck's MINDSET. Change culture, focus on nurturing growth mindset in adults - will then impact Ss too
A5: Model what you want to see and model it everywhere. Practice what you preach, and expect others to do the same.
A6: Keeping a finger on the pulse of what works, striving to stay at the forefront of what best engages and motivates Ss
Finding ways to honor all kinds of intelligence is key to students as stakeholders. Many kids feel lost.
If we don't take control from political hacks we have a grave future
A6: we need to understand our Ss. Help educate families. Make learning relevant for them. Truly preparing for the unknown
Totally agree with the CollegeCredit Plus more and more HS are coming in with 30+ credits, but struggle w/ transition
A6: Keep recess, toss grades, and personalize learning!
A5: Empower teachers. Starts with mindset. It's a process. Can't be done with a book or a banner. Have patience. Foster it.
A6: more individualization for Ss, change in teacher evaluation system
A6-Continually growing in differentiation. I see many districts pushing a focus on individual student growth.
A6 I'm hoping the testing pendulum begins to swing back and we can push our students to be more future-minded
A6-we cannot get caught in "the way we've always done it" mentality. We have to be ready to change and jump in
Q6: Continue to see More collaboration - between Ts, Ss, Parents, Admins. Continue shifts to .
A6 I am hoping it goes in the future of focusing on the whole child & the whole teacher. More mindfulness and kindness
Thanks again, ! We didn't solve any problems, but we sure had a meeting of the minds!
Thanks again, ! We didn't solve any problems, but we sure had a meeting of the minds!
A6: Bring back the and of learning. These are keys to higher achievement!
A6: Don't get sucked in by flashy fads - focus on AND SUPPORT high-quality teaching and learning for every teacher and student
Yes! Kindness. Like doctors, "First, do no harm..." https://t.co/hx2V7MEgXV
A6 I am hoping it goes in the future of focusing on the whole child & the whole teacher. More mindfulness and kindness
Thanks for joining me for a great tonight! Check back next week as hosts.
A6: Personalization is where we are headed in HS. So many options now to earn HS credit. Much change coming.
This is why Ts need to speak up. Share what's working in our classrooms. Share how we're trying to solve problems.
A6 keep innovating and trying new strategies, fail, fix, try again. And always have FUN people. Kids need to see you having fun
Q6:Personalization of student learning. We need to continue to remove barriers that allow Ss to learn at their own path and pace.
More individualized attention as Ss progress!!
A6. Model. Continue to evolve with humility, joy and laughter. Redefine relationship building and advocate for those who can't.
A6:Personalization of student learning. We need to continue to remove barriers that allow Ss to learn at their own path and pace.
Stand against the oppressor! Sorry folks....CCIP STRESS TALKING. Don't mind the crazy one in the corner😜
I'm teaching CCP. Hard to align time, skills, grades, to make the course comparable. Worth it. Love my Ss.
Where do you see these tracks intersecting? Career Tech Educ is also often a path to college.
Thanks for hosting this Asking ?s is a great way to start any change!
Thanks for a great chat ! Talk to you all in a couple weeks!
Thanks for moderating . Some thought provoking topics.