#SAMedchat Archive
#SAMedchat is a an excellent interactive forum that discusses the latest in trends, strategies and issues relating to the exciting world of education and school leadership! Please join us on Thursdays from 7 pm to 8 pm, MST!
Thursday April 21, 2016 8:56 PM EDT
Welcome to ! We hope that you enjoy the rich conversation of tonight's topic w/ host !
Welcome! Tell us who you are, where you are from, and what role you play in education.
Crista Anderson, PK-8 Principal of Dixon School and Co-Founder of (excited to be here!)
Tobin Novasio Superintendent Lockwood Schools
Good evening. Thank you for joining us!
Patrick Audet - Associate Director, SAM ..Retired admin
Hi Pat. Thank you for being here tonight!
Peter Hamilton High School Principal Cut Ban MT
Good evening! Thank you for joining
Welcome to our first edchat!
I'm Teri Bauerly, I live in Belle Fourche & teach grades 6-8 STEM & EdTech at Spearfish Middle School in South Dakota
We will be using the Q1: A1: format for questions and responses. Let's get started.
Thank you for joining us tonight!
Rachel, SPED teacher from Cheyenne
A1 lolling at the big pic. What's good for kids
A1: being present and being aware and thinking about the world and those around you
A1. Looking at the big pic. What's good for kids
A1 Concentration and focus for a purpose - a worthy skill to acquire
A1: Mindfulness is being aware- who you are, interactions w/Ss, Ts, & Ps, your surroundings...
A1: Consciously planning and making instructional decisions
A1: Mindfulness, to me... Is finding your breath. Learning and using tools to settle your mind and focus. Calming mind to cope.
Yes! Let's always keep our kids at the center of any discussion!
A1: Taking the time to be aware of your thoughts and feelings & how that impacts your life.
We must give ourselves permission to stop & reflect
This is something I've struggled with the first few years of teaching. This year I'm making an effort to reflect!
A2 great question. I think you model it w others to teach. You always go back to it when explaining
A2 Providing a task that requires attentive focus
A2: Have Ss think about certain situations & recall how they felt, talk through the emotions & their reactions. Model & share
"Be the change you wish to see in the world."
A2b: when I teach about growth mindset we learn about mindfulness, being aware of how our internal convos impact our learning
A2: We can work on being better active listeners and model mindfulness with Ss & Ts
A2 I it is in your everyday actions by modeling for staff and students and praising the process of others who are mindful
A2: A lot of it is experience. Practice reflection. Agree on importance of mindset. "Academic autopsies"
"Academic autopsies" - interesting term. Please explain
A3 we move mountains. We accomplish great things
Having Ts and Ss practice analyzing assignments and assessments; not simply move forward.
A3 total change of school culture!!!
A3 Ss working together, in teams and paying care and attention to each other's input, ideas, etc.
A2: Mindfulness, like most things, takes building stamina.Little at a time, then grow. Know audience. Kids in trauma need empathy
A3: We have a better understanding of the people we work with and the students we teach
Yes! This is not an overnight thing. Change needs to be thoughtful and be built on trust & relationships
A3: I would hope people would be more empathetic
We are smarter, braver, stronger than I...
Mindfulness, moving from "I" to "we" takes trust. (True story, my 1st exp w/training had panic attack. Swore no air left for me)
Trust strengthens our relationships - with it we are able to build, create, grow, learn
A3: For some, group meditation component can be hard. Closing eyes and breathing in crowded room is a risk. Practice & support
A4: With school culture of mindfulness, trust grows. Reflection, communication, empathy and patience become an art.. Life skills.
A4: We build a stronger community, we create gracious space, we strengthen trust between all stakeholders
A4. Your school will have a different atmosphere and academics and athletics will benefit! This would be amazing!
A4 Changes may include development of mutual existence: respect, sharing, realization of character and strengths in each other
A4 learning from students and staff is enhanced
Yes. Mindfulness effects all aspects of a school! It isn't just a "touchy-feely" experience
Good evening, all! Jason, AssistantDir/CurriculumDir and doc candidate in c&i. better late than never :)
A1 Mindfulness means being connected to what you value, professionally and personally.
Welcome Jason. Thank you for jumping in!
ALWAYS better late than never :) https://t.co/IGixD0th9E
Good evening, all! Jason, AssistantDir/CurriculumDir and doc candidate in c&i. better late than never :)
A4: A community that cares about each other and supports each other.
Our final question of the day is coming up...
A4b: When we feel safe we're willing to take more risks and share more, which would hopefully lead to more learning
A4 Any community that embraces mindfulness can expect to be in better tune with their values.
Great insight - we want to foster future caring and contributing members of our society
A5. Have a book study on mindset
A5 It is a bit different at but I always encourage purposeful planning and not lettings things happen by accident
Wow that is a tough question and I think most of us here would try just about anything to get staff and students more mindful!
A5: As a building leader, I need to be more strategic about modeling mindfulness strategies and building background for staff.
A5: Ss do mindset survey, reflect on progress & talk about growth mindset. Continue modeling mindfulness
A5. Looking to forward to all of your answers and insight!
A5. Model. It's like eating an elephant. One bite at a time.
We want to make sure we are asking the tough, thoughtful, questions that will promote change in our schools :)
A5. Keep going back to your plan your mission. 4 Plc questions are good to run meetings schools with.
Ha! I've never heard that one!
A5 Discuss the attributes that can develop from mindfulness. Provide tasks and strategies that exemplify mindfulness.
Thank you all for participating in our very first
Thank you for moderating! Nice job first time out!
Thanks to all of you for your
great insight! This was an informative evening for the very first ! Thanks to !!!
Thank you all thanks for moderating
we can start to become aware of how policy and practices shape our school culture through school mindfulness
Thank you for joining us tonight!
Thanks for moderating! Thanks for starting
Thank you for being a part of tonight's conversation
Welcome! Culture and Mindfulness go hand in hand!
Thank you both for being part of our discussion! Thank you Pat for building our PLN!
Great job !! Your leadership and preparation were spectacular tonight! From all of us, I want to thank you so much!
Yes - and we always need to remember to keep the focus on our kids https://t.co/owxPAen2yV
better late than never, yes...mindfulness can ensure the culture enables our kids to succeed