HEEELLLLPPP! I’m creating a professional book lending library. Goal is to inspire Ts to take charge of their own PD. What is best?? Selecting a few texts and purchasing multiple copies of each OR purchasing many different reads? #personalizedPD#educoach#CoachClub#EdCamp
Love this...comment made at #edcamp: there is often more to the story that meets the eye when it comes to our Ss and their families. Don't always jump to the the worst judgment. #edcampmetrodc
Another strategy for supporting students with trauma - finding literature that speaks to them; Ss need to see themselves in books. #edcamp#edcampmetrodc
Elem TCs: The next #TeacherReboot is on Thursday, March 21! Bring a colleague from your school to learn about and grow in your writing instruction! Location: @MissSliger's classroom at Beagle Elementary! Topics of discussion with be chosen #EdCamp style! #RCWP18
Lots of districts/schools do their own #edcamp. Easy PD that teachers choose. Plus it's free to put on - no paying trainers. #edcampmetrodc@edcampmetrodc
You know your #edtech friends love you, when you happen to be in their city, and they meet you for breakfast at 6:30AM on a Saturday! Love my Mountain Brook friends!! @mumms@SuzanBrandt#satchat
A2: We have staff-led/staff-chosen PLCs and offer choice, #edcamp style PDs when possible. Staff feels PD is more for them and their needs, and are more excited about attending now! #leadlap
A3: Besides playing "idea" role in my A2, have helped push our PD days to offer more choice and voice, including a modified #edcamp style day. We do themes and have fun w/staff. I also treat the staff before Christmas break to a coffee bar morning. Barista friend helps! #LeadLAP
If you work in the #healthcare industry — or are a patient/consumer— would you fill out this 3-question survey on frustrations, challenges, disruptors?
#Edcamp is a terrific opportunity to be surrounded by educators who understand your trials, celebrate your triumphs and encourage your growth - #edcampbos thank you for investing in our educator community @edcampboston#grateful#LearnTogether
We're grateful for your post! RT @T_HEB: RT @jlkes: #Edcamp is a terrific opportunity to be surrounded by educators who understand your trials, celebrate your triumphs and encourag…
#Edcamp is a terrific opportunity to be surrounded by educators who understand your trials, celebrate your triumphs and encourage your growth - #edcampbos thank you for investing in our educator community @edcampboston#grateful#LearnTogether
I love opportunities where I can be surrounded by ppl that are so much smarter than me. I am always in awe of people's minds, and their execution. It reminds me that there is nothing gained from silencing your creativity or your wildest dreams. The time is now. #EdCamp
Today's #edcamp Boston demonstrated to me once again that there are many, many dedicated educators out there--it also demonstrated that we need greater financial support to help schools reach their potential https://t.co/hMFEchWngq#edchat#edchatma