#mschat Archive
A chat that offers middle school teachers a chance to have a collaborative discussion about a different topic each week. Our topics change from week to week, ranging from Common Core State Standards to Character Education. During the chat, participants exchanges ideas and resources. The chat group ranges in size each week from 10 to 50+ participants. Discussion can be general talking about instructional style or process to specific. Recently members of the chat group help each other create lessons.
Thursday February 25, 2016 8:00 PM EST
It's 8pm! time 2 fire up the oven in the kitchen & cook up healthy stew of posi behavior support in middle grades!
Let's start w/ intros! Who RU? Where RU? What's your role in the education?
Honored for sure! Thanks for the support my friend! You inspire me daily!
so proud to be part of your - hope I get to see you speak on the big stage!
Hi! What's cookin? Susan, Secondary Instructional Coach in Loudoun County VA
Hello! Im Jill, I am an intern in a master's program in Arkansas
Hello I'm Katie a Middle Level Ed Major at Grove City College
good evening, - michael from columbus, OH - teacher (math, science, reading)
Good evening Todd checking in from Warren, MI 6th grade science teacher
Good evening ! Formerly a Middle Level Principal, I currently serve as Asst. Supt. and as SWO Reg. Rep.
Kenny Ward Bridge Creek MS Principal Oklahoma
Follow for all the questions tonight
Mike elem principal from N Jersey
Hi! Christie from suburban Chicago. I'm a middle school math teacher & math dept chair.
Hi I'm Lori, a middle school counselor.
MSchat = Middle School Talking PBIS tonight
Katy, Middle Level Math/Science Ed Major from PA.
How is everyone doing ! Brandon, from Buffalo, NY Principal at
I'm Teri Bauerly. I teach grades 6-8 STEM & Ed Tech in Spearfish, SD.
Hi Dru! Ellen D'Amore fr NE OH via roots in NY/NJ. Proud MS T @ RLSD Paineville!
I'm John, proud to serve as the principal of Carleton Middle School in Sterling Heights, Michigan.
a1) If we expect it,we must teach it.no assumptions about what "should already be known."accountability needs explicit expectations
Kim from KS 6/7 sciences
Good evening John, Hope you had a great day with FAMILY
Hi all, Jeff from Suburban Chicago and a MS Assistant Principal.
Well I submitted my proposal, but win or lose there I'm putting my name in to go from my school!
Laura, 6th grade ELA T and PBIS Team Leader for my school. Would love some great ideas to support the team!
I did, hope you did the same.
Thx, Todd! You rock non-stop for the middle grades and ! https://t.co/pWnFQypENW
Follow for all the questions tonight
We can't assume they are coming to us with it. Expect to start fresh and then expect! https://t.co/2PEfPDwg6o
a1) If we expect it,we must teach it.no assumptions about what "should already be known."accountability needs explicit expectations
Good evening, . Walt, MS principal from Macomb County, MI.
Greetings All. Dennis -- Middle School Principal from Long Island, NY.
For a friend like you Mike, I'll double dip - glad to join and . Let the fun begin.
For our tweet soufflé B sure 2 use & A1 for Q1, A2 for Q2 & so on!
I agree, and I think this is where a lot of the trouble stems from with behavior issues. not every1 learns it @ home
Jay, Principal from Merton, WI, joining late after a nice 4 mile run.
awesome - I did six and it felt like I was in a snow globe :)
Big ups 2 every1 for joining in the 2 night! So many familiar & fresh faces in the cognition-kitchen! Bring yr tasty edu-dishes!
Good evening Jay hope all is well
Ann joining from BG Ohio! Executive director of teaching and learning
Hoping for two 4 milers tomorrow. It would be a great way to start and end the school day.
Here's the 1st savory Q for the tweet up: What behavioral support do young adolescents need? What ingredients R in that recipe?
I'm Angie from VA. New to Twitter chats. First time
I'm Angie from VA. New to Twitter chats. First time
A1 It all starts with relationships. The need to know you care if you want them to care. https://t.co/7srgV0xJY9
Here's the 1st savory Q for the tweet up: What behavioral support do young adolescents need? What ingredients R in that recipe?
Remember is here every Thursday 8 pm, Talk to if you want to get remind (ers) or join group
A1: PBIS must support the social and emotional needs of young adolescents w/ the objective of improving upon their academic success.
, sorry I'm joining late, Steve a Middle School Assistant Principal from Missouri
a1: first and foremost they need to know they are cared for. From there you can reach any tween/teen
A1: You need to support and encourage Ss
A1: I believe in being up front. Tell people what you expect, praise when you see it, address I when you don't. Follow through.
Ingredients: patient adults, expectations in positive language, lots of retracting and a fresh start each day.
Liz Wells from CA. Teacher and former PBIS coach
A1: Ts need to explicitly teach what positive behaviors look and sound like.
A1 Students need adults they trust and respect. First step to any behavior issues.
A1: Know you care, See you care, notice you listen and TIME
very true. a teacher at my school has said "if they don't know I care, I can't teach them a darn thing"
A1: They need adults who understand the unique needs of YA's & who respond to them as YA's.
A1: I also think students in the middle grades sometimes struggle to self-reflect. We have to help with that process.
Bravo, Jay! When and how do U get every1 on board w/ that philosophy, so it's a school-wide effort? https://t.co/ZZdinWsbdU
A1 It all starts with relationships. The need to know you care if you want them to care. https://t.co/7srgV0xJY9
Here's the 1st savory Q for the tweet up: What behavioral support do young adolescents need? What ingredients R in that recipe?
A1: for me it has always been about personalizing it for each s. Find out what motivates them - keep an open mind. Get their input
A1: Like the academic supports Ss need there are a ton of behavioral supports they need as well. Establish strong relationships 1st.
always such a tough balance between 'I'm not a child' and 'i'm just a kid!'
Truth ... We need to model self-reflect so it can be seen by our students: Hard at MS age
Yep, they don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.
A1 It truly does start w/ the relationship. Start with the heavy hand & they will butt heads as long as we choose to go at it.
2)In the SBG world we live,understand behaviors are learned as well.They are not binary-got it or not.they are learned.A progression
A1 Begins w/ proactive support: letting our Ss know what, when, where, & HOW. Modeling this for them and giving feedback to improve
I agree, John. Having a chance to really sit down and discuss behaviors is vital for successful interventions.
No apologies needed, Steve! Thanks 4 being here at ! Just started Q1. https://t.co/Eazz5n8T6B
, sorry I'm joining late, Steve a Middle School Assistant Principal from Missouri
A1: Ss need relationships, and Positive Specific Feedback, Ss, Ts, Ps all like hearing what they are doing well
A1 The recipe itself should be shared with young adolescents, giving them a say in what desired behaviors are and how they look.
A1: An ingredient is teachers who care and who explicitly show their Sts that they care about them as more than just their Sts.
A1 also important to praise a student when they do something right (despite the 200 things they did wrong). Goes a long way.
Agreed. We often assume that students know how to meet expectations, but don't often take the time to teach https://t.co/XOLc5RfspL
A1: I believe in being up front. Tell people what you expect, praise when you see it, address I when you don't. Follow through.
SO true! They wont respond well when they don't think you care
A1: Relationships + clear expectations, explicitly taught.
What is the hook that works for them. There is always at least one thing they will do anything for!
It's what I "preach" every time we meet and in every conversation we have. Always working to be better.
Oh, hi! Michele. Spec ed coteacher for 10+ years. Moved to 3-5, self cont. Adjunct teaching MS instructional strategies.
A1: Starts and Ends with TIME: time for relationships, time to listen and reflect... NEED to give students our TIME
A1: Engage students in the discussion of what their learning environment should look like, feel like, and sound like.
So hard! Especially since some seriously look like adults and some look like 3rd graders.
A1: Ts need to show them they care. Ts need to seriously build relationships with their students.
A1: from a school level, I think a program that can potentially recognize all students - esp those who always do the right thing
A1 All about relationships and flexibility. Need to connect to Ss and adapt to Ss needs
Right, Christine, providing support to meet our Ss facilitates growth
Right on, John! Following thru w/ both praising & coaching behavior--that's the tough part. https://t.co/EmbWFR31Gs
A1: I believe in being up front. Tell people what you expect, praise when you see it, address I when you don't. Follow through.
and some are talking about their bf/gf and others are still talking about playing minecraft
A1: A safe and caring environment with staff to support needs of every student beyond our core teaching objectives.
A1 Behavioral supports must include social emotional learning.Be proactive! Be deliberate in teaching students positive behavior.
Nice list! If U had 2 measure them out, would certain ones be more prominently in the dish? Cup of... https://t.co/RGRBsyibyX
Ingredients: patient adults, expectations in positive language, lots of retracting and a fresh start each day.
Model desired expectations giving examples as well as non-examples and use common language :)
A1: Authenticity. A bit of sugar. A pinch of humor. Stir.
Absolutly. YA's when invested, are some of the most motivated people in the world.
True!! I have 8th graders who play tag at recess & others who are WAY beyond that. It's so interesting to see!
Agree. Brandon. Requires purposeful scaffolding to assist our Ss in "seeing" the importance of a lrng-aligned environ
A1: Ss need caring adults, clear expectations, a safe environment to learn & make mistakes w/ ability to talk thru missteps
A1: Need to notice ALL the good our students do!
A1: Clear expectations and consistency school wide.
A1: celebrate the positives. It becomes contagious
Very important!
Make students part of the process. https://t.co/UkmA5O5nfL
A1: Engage students in the discussion of what their learning environment should look like, feel like, and sound like.
I find that students who struggle with behaviors have a difficult time accepting praise and acknowledgement.
When we are looking at problematic behavior, we ask "is this a can't or a won't issue." Determines discipline.
YES to strong relationships!
Spot on with modeling. Ss are very aware of what adults do and may base their behavioral etiquette by this https://t.co/sf2y2C9vwk
A1 Begins w/ proactive support: letting our Ss know what, when, where, & HOW. Modeling this for them and giving feedback to improve
Can't, won't or I am bored and want a path out issue ... FOR sure need to classify the WHY with behavior
This is true, Ann. We are charged with helping our Ss engage in positive consistency
Very powerful movement if you can get a staff to move in the direction of recognizing the little things our S's do good!
When it moves from a me to an us, success increases exponentially. https://t.co/5mxliItz1L
Very important!
Make students part of the process. https://t.co/UkmA5O5nfL
A1: Engage students in the discussion of what their learning environment should look like, feel like, and sound like.
A1: One S came to me today w/a request saying I was someone she could trust. Just a technical problem w/a book bag. Trust matters.
Sitting down with students also helps create contact points and shows that Ss matter and won't be forgotten https://t.co/et94KRcwn7
I agree, John. Having a chance to really sit down and discuss behaviors is vital for successful interventions.
If we fail to see that behavior is a form of communication, we've lost.
This is a huge question to ask. Most assume Ss just can't, but need to evaluate further
I began shifting my thinking to problematic behavior as a learning disability. How would we approach if it were academic?
Now that's tasty, Lori! And served with warmth. Posi behavior support can't be a dish served cold! https://t.co/8V6FFoXgAU
A1: Authenticity. A bit of sugar. A pinch of humor. Stir.
YES, we spend too much time on negative: like the evening news: Schools need to shift to the POSITIVE
Yes, Giving appropriate praise for success, and reteaching as needed, all the while reiterating "Why"
Diagnosing and addressing the function of behavior is key!
Ps critical in supporting students. Ps need to see the balance that their S is allowed to learn from errors https://t.co/zK2LSQjPzf
A1: Ss need relationships, and Positive Specific Feedback, Ss, Ts, Ps all like hearing what they are doing well
Key point, John. Requires being attuned to the shifts in our Ss behavior
and being clear with the what engrains the positive behavior.
Teaching when things don't well is also very important. Powerful when we see mistakes truly as an opportunity!
Wonderful example. Just a problem w/ a bag, but U opened up a joyful satchel of trust, hope & possibility https://t.co/LlIFBBMOsd
A1: One S came to me today w/a request saying I was someone she could trust. Just a technical problem w/a book bag. Trust matters.
You promote what you permit
We have to avoid punishing symptoms instead of finding the root issue.
I always tell my Ts that they may not always see the fruit of their labors, but their work has a huge impact on S behavioral growth
Very true, every time a Ss comes to the office, it is another learning experience and reflection for Ss
Sorry I'm a little late to the game! Catherine, LMS from Long Island
So many awesome ideas & comments stirring in the soup 2night! Bravo! Q2 is about 2B served up! What'll ya have? What'll ya have?
A1: Student behavior supports begin with building a strong relationship
Ooh, that says it all, Steve! You Promote what you permit. Boom. https://t.co/CagNJhdutC
You promote what you permit
Agreed! This seems especially true in the ML grades as students all mature at different rates. https://t.co/eIajwOJV1M
and some are talking about their bf/gf and others are still talking about playing minecraft
Here's the warm & tasty Q2 4 : what should each teacher do in his/her class & school daily 2 help kids grow behaviorally?
I love the use of 'consistency' as it allows for growth and doesn't expect 'perfection'
If a student cannot open demonstrate a skill, it's our role to help them learn.
A2 I think it all goes back to getting to the root, as mentioned previously
A2: Build relationships! Create/Cultivate PBIS; nurturing a safe and secure environment; conducive to social and emotional learning.
a3) model, remind, support, reflect, support
A2 Daily meeting (circle of power and respect) to set the tone of respect for all people and ideas. https://t.co/sfaZeebhPv
Here's the warm & tasty Q2 4 : what should each teacher do in his/her class & school daily 2 help kids grow behaviorally?
Any innovative ideas for praising the little things?
Here's the first step, the last step, and each and every one in between. Relationships are what matter most. https://t.co/oDgZwndR6r
A1: Student behavior supports begin with building a strong relationship
A2:After building the relationship w/ Ss and Ps,they need to model appropriate behaviors and be consistent on enforcing expectations
A2: Set the example, Ss are always watching your behavior
A2: Model expectations, be fair, build relationships, reflect and remember Students are only youngsters and will make mistakes
A2: In schools where the students change almost daily, adult consistency is key. As they develop, they should know where you stand.
A2 Teachers can personalize school wide expectations for their students, in their classrooms.
Joining late from Thunder Bay, Ontario
A2 Build relationships from Day 1 & show you really care. Accentuate positives, celebrate achievement, model appropriate behavior
Listen! Ss need to know they have a voice and their opinion matters.
Absolutely agree - my thought was, especially at the MS level, we cannot assume its a choosing not to issue.
Powerful tweet! All students need an advocate
Create relationships, listen to kids side of the story, learn 1 new thing about a kid each day
A2: be consistent, model, start each day fresh, & help them learn from mistakes. Don't assume they "know better"
A2 consistency! Always recognize the positive & teach behavior when opportunities present themselves.
A2: ID positive behaviors and celebrate them. Constantly remind Sts of & be consistent w/ expectations. Develop relationships w/Sts.
Awesome! How long is that meeting & does it happen in every class? Or an advisory period? https://t.co/8KW0JgQ0vz
A2 Daily meeting (circle of power and respect) to set the tone of respect for all people and ideas. https://t.co/sfaZeebhPv
Here's the warm & tasty Q2 4 : what should each teacher do in his/her class & school daily 2 help kids grow behaviorally?
a2: say good morning - use student names - smile, and not just after thanksgiving!
A2 Build relationships. Be out in the hallway, show school spirit, ask Ss about their day. Connect with Ss
providing a safe environment is crucial at this age level.
Grow relationships
Promote safety (physical & emotional)
Consistently reinforce expectations
A2Provide clear expectations to Ss, model, provide feedback, & reflect on their proactive & reactive practices 2 improve S behavior
About 5 minutes. Not in every class but in most. No advisory period for us. I join in but only when invited.
A2 Be predictable. In ways that make students feel safe, welcome, and important. The simple gestures are what matter most.
We cannot assume it is a choosing not to issue, but there are times when it is, particularly with our older students.
A2 minor thing, but I take attendance with a fun ?. For example, fave ice cream? Every student answers & helps to build relationship
A2: Welcome them by name and mention something of interest to them. Ask how they're doing.
Staff completes post card when S does good. Recognized at lunch & card mailed home.
We give students tickets, then have a monthly drawing of random prizes donated by community
circles are great, Ts need to know how to implement properly. Must give up a bit of control
Bingo, Tim! Like building home. Relationships= framework upon which & around which we can build anything! https://t.co/nCd3LJ3oUw
A2: Build relationships! Create/Cultivate PBIS; nurturing a safe and secure environment; conducive to social and emotional learning.
True! I cringe every time Ts talk during an assembly where Sts are instructed to be quiet. We need to model.
Then when you remember what they have said they can see you listen and care
a2: KNOW that Ss WANT to do well - go into EVERY interaction with this perspective. Be their ally and coach, NOT a cop!
Yes, the emphasis on the positive changes the overall dynamic of S behavior in classrooms
A2: don't ever forget what it was like to be 12. Also ask yourself if you would want to be a S in your class.
but really a piece of gum, cool pencil or a thumbs up works
A2 create a safe atmosphere 4 Ss 2 learn positive characteristics.Reflect & discuss.Lack of trust & fear reveal as poor behavior
We need to practice what we preach
Awesome! Does intellectual safety fit into emotional safety? https://t.co/lDhowibHOb
Grow relationships
Promote safety (physical & emotional)
Consistently reinforce expectations
A2) sharing the good with others, no matter how small it is.
A2: Laugh with the students every day, ask about their day. Deal with situations consistently.
A2. One of my Ts has a classroom job in which one student each day is required to pass out a behavior reward and praise fellow S
YES, need to remember ALL the mistakes we made when we were 12...
Megan, sped teacher from PA- joining late tonight
Very important to recognize growth in behavior!!
A2: Our world is so fast right now: slow down, notice, listen, smile and make eye contact. (Even when the wheels are falling off)
I like giving out high fives to all the students I see
Comfort to take academic risk is essential. https://t.co/zioLcsaUSb
Awesome! Does intellectual safety fit into emotional safety? https://t.co/lDhowibHOb
Grow relationships
Promote safety (physical & emotional)
Consistently reinforce expectations
A2: Consistent reflection on the agreements that each class makes to create a healthy learning community.
A2 We have Mustang Medals for students who do something over & above. Sent home monthly. 1 per grade level selected for iTunes card.
A2 consistent expectations, everyone gets what they need, build relationships
Nurture the relationships-build the community, nurture the community, build the culture.
very few mistakes are anything but a great opportunity to learn a better way!
I'm curious - does this lead to any resentment and/or competition?
Q3. Another patron in posi behavior restaurant: school admin. So what should school leaders do daily 2 help Ss grow behaviorally?
True! Thank goodness we didn't have Twitter, Snapchat, cell phone cameras, etc. when I was 12!! :) https://t.co/WmUo8l1fSw
YES, need to remember ALL the mistakes we made when we were 12...
Aren't the kids in control anyway?
A3 clear expectations. then they can more easily support teachers.
A3: BE Present, Smile, Say Hi to all students, MODEL behaviors we want in staff and students
A3: Provide staff w/ high quality professional development/necessary resources to successfully implement PBIS into their classrooms.
Exactly! How do you ensure that those reflections R happening on each team, grade level, classroom? https://t.co/22hkFwmLeH
A2: Consistent reflection on the agreements that each class makes to create a healthy learning community.
A3: Be a positive presence in the school. Build relationships w/Sts, not just the person in the big office.
None yet. Been handing them out for 3 years.
A3: Be positive, supportive, consistent, fair, listen, and hold people accountable (positive and negative).
A2 have a routine for Ss when they come to your class. Consistency. Be as excited to greet Ss in 8th hour as you were in 1st.
A3: Support and Promote PBIS, make it a point of emphasis. In our store, our Ss can purchase a shootout with me
A3 Be a presence for positive as well as negative. Let Ss see that admin isn't just there when you're in trouble
A2: Our school is a true example! So many wonderful teachers who build relationships, but it starts at the top! Follow !
A3: Be engaged with the students, teach alongside the Ts, show Ss that we are all in this together.
A3: I try to be as visible as possible, say Good Morning, say hello, to everyone.
Awesome job/role 2 have in your classroom! And a gr8 example of distributed leadership, as well! https://t.co/BlxJwzHlKh
A2. One of my Ts has a classroom job in which one student each day is required to pass out a behavior reward and praise fellow S
A3 Be present! Get to know the kids, be in the halls, go to their games/clubs/lunch tables
A3 Be visible in all settings, not just during issues. Pop into classrooms. Support Ts
A3 I'm an intern..worked @ 2 dif schools so far. 1 I saw principal daily, other I hardly saw principal. Be involved with T and S
a3 find a way to say "Good Job" to that kid you had to hold accountable. They need to know you still care after they mess up.
A3: I use the Finding Nemo analogy that if we are all swimming together we can accomplish amazing things!
I made my share of mistakes at 12. Learned from being held accountable in a supportive way.
A3: Today I played basketball with a group of students during the last period of the day. Be present and active. (p.s. I won!)
A3 Get out of your office and get into classes, hallways, cafe, playground. Learn with the kids. https://t.co/ruQO0oZqX9
Q3. Another patron in posi behavior restaurant: school admin. So what should school leaders do daily 2 help Ss grow behaviorally?
A3Be purposeful in providing Ts with prof lrng that increases their toolkit on proactive & reactive strategies to address S behavior
I hate to assume, Steve...but do you mean a basketball shootout? https://t.co/hY4TewIU2O
A3: Support and Promote PBIS, make it a point of emphasis. In our store, our Ss can purchase a shootout with me
A3: school leaders foster the environment for learning and caring, but aren't afraid to address issues and support teachers.
A3. Admin should model effective communication and seek out the most challenging Ss daily and learn something new about them
A3: Common theme = build relationships and connect. Support staff in a way that allows them to support students.
A3: Be engaged with the students, teach alongside the Ts, show Ss that we are all in this together.
Recognize students for doing the right thing. A lot and in public. Positive spreads more than negative.
Great way to build relationships... (I bet they didn't think you had game!)
A3B: Assist the teacher with the 8 effective classroom practice of PBIS
The more visible you are, the more you can know people and be specific with your praise. Be around.
We are currently working on developing this--any suggestions, tips? https://t.co/pkwhNhq8Pq
A3: Provide staff w/ high quality professional development/necessary resources to successfully implement PBIS into their classrooms.
A3: school leaders should state their expectations and support those who need help with them. Model, support, and listen.
a3: do something unexpected - get silly, sing during morning announcements - let them see the human side!
A3 be visible. Be seen welcoming students into the bldg. Be in the halls during passing. Don't just be there for punishment.
not a fan of "catch them being good" stuff. Then we're saying the default is not being good.
Right, Megan. Demonstrates a support that Ss recognize, grow to expect, and value
Yes a basketball shootout, should've proofread my tweet before I sent it
It takes a unified team of Ts, counselors and admin to support Ss. One key is to find the trusted staff member with the rapport
Some knew, who have seen me play before. Others definitely didn't. But now they do! https://t.co/CLTBFqxYNo
Great way to build relationships... (I bet they didn't think you had game!)
Bravo! Must reconnect w/ the disconnected Ss in our schools. We can learn so much fr them & their stories https://t.co/dXHF01kXag
A3. Admin should model effective communication and seek out the most challenging Ss daily and learn something new about them
A3 Catch them being good & recognize it w/them. Be w/them just because you want to. Kids know sincerity
Well doing nothing (the default) isn't good .. Not a huge fan but Ss need + attention
So Q3.5= How do scaffold yr PBIS program so it's cool & engaging 4 every grade level (i.e. the 8th graders still R in2 it)?
A3:Empower the leaders to run w/ PBIS and create buy-in from potential naysayers
It's important that our students see us as a "real" people. A favorite time is outside during student/arrival dismissal.
Key priority. Support piece is often overlooked. We are tasked to facilitate growth in all of our team members
We are forced to recognize bad, if we don't recognize good how do they see our relationship?
A3: Another common theme = consistency. Everybody in the building needs to know what to expect & what needs to happen.
Be the model, share the expectations and give voice to T's and S's.
not about "catching" but being present for the good and the bad, recognize accomplish
Whew! Thx 4 the clarification. I was imagining your waiver system or insurance policy for a moment! https://t.co/IZx8iSu3NH
Yes a basketball shootout, should've proofread my tweet before I sent it
Letting them know you are human is so important You need to be a person to them. https://t.co/Q0ZwIfQH66
a3: do something unexpected - get silly, sing during morning announcements - let them see the human side!
A3.5: For us, keeping our Hornet Store relevant and asking the Ss what they would want to buy. S voice creates buy-in
This is a great question https://t.co/0XcXuQUYxd
So Q3.5= How do scaffold yr PBIS program so it's cool & engaging 4 every grade level (i.e. the 8th graders still R in2 it)?
A3.5: I hope someone has a perfect answer for me on this one...listening closely!
Yes, establishing and solidifying those connections that Ss value and use during times of difficulty
Exactly! And even if it feels a little corny, wave 2 them on the bus! They will eventually wave back. https://t.co/Yeox904HaO
It's important that our students see us as a "real" people. A favorite time is outside during student/arrival dismissal.
students need feedback. They don't need manipulation with coupons, candy, prizes, etc.
A3.5) we have awesome rewards including a bowling party, ice cream party, pancake breakfast, pool party and tailgate.
I challenge myself to hold myself publicly accountable to members of my school community. It makes me a better leader.
A3.5:Recognizing Ss when they are going above and beyond, our Positive Referrals have had a great impact on even the toughest kids
A3.5: we are in the process of asking the kids what they want to see. Most kids just want time to be...kids
Awesome! How often do U ask Ss about this? https://t.co/2RfGy7hiDU
A3.5: For us, keeping our Hornet Store relevant and asking the Ss what they would want to buy. S voice creates buy-in
A3.5 Our 7th and 8th graders just went tubing as a reward and they loved it!
15 minutes of independent computer time is worth so much to them!
Every term the lady in charge sends out a Google Form asking for ideas
reenforcing good behavior will get them hooked on good behavior. Begins to be who they are.
Terrific! Do U have a separate budget line 2 support those activities? Do U collab w/ biz partners? Both? https://t.co/dQA0ArfMB5
A3.5) we have awesome rewards including a bowling party, ice cream party, pancake breakfast, pool party and tailgate.
"rewards & punishment are two sides of the same coin" -Alfie Kohn. Need to change outlook.
Amen! Intrinsic rewards are cultivated this way!
I love the idea of admin teaching with Ts. Instructional behavior leadership to make explicit for Ts and Ss
We do fundraisers to support most of it. We also collect donations. https://t.co/5xg0aA8NSU
Terrific! Do U have a separate budget line 2 support those activities? Do U collab w/ biz partners? Both? https://t.co/dQA0ArfMB5
A3.5) we have awesome rewards including a bowling party, ice cream party, pancake breakfast, pool party and tailgate.
Bingo! We used 180 degree forms (when Ss made a real turn-around) & loved making those calls home https://t.co/2Zb5Q3IPRQ
A3.5:Recognizing Ss when they are going above and beyond, our Positive Referrals have had a great impact on even the toughest kids
esp. if the joke is off the wall corny and bad!
Well done! If the principal is accountable, it's a powerful message for everyone.
A3.5 Teach Ss to recognize and reinforce positive behavior in each other. Nothing like hearing it from your peers!
Yes! It's a game a play, me against myself. How many adolescents can I get to engage me in a "hello"? 😀
a4) ask don't tell. support don't push
The positive referrals have been a great to call home on those Ss so when I have to make a difficult call home
180 degree forms - l like this idea! https://t.co/3wLQa6Iq93
Bingo! We used 180 degree forms (when Ss made a real turn-around) & loved making those calls home https://t.co/2Zb5Q3IPRQ
A3.5:Recognizing Ss when they are going above and beyond, our Positive Referrals have had a great impact on even the toughest kids
Q4 is about 2 get served up 2 , so get ready 2 chew on a new query! UR rocking out this tweet up!
They are handwritten on a form by the T, and the T gives them to the Ss to see me, we have a convo, Ps are called
it is amazing how much energy and inspiration I get from - so amazing!
Scaffold the "rewards/prizes" I've seen 8th graders thrilled using their devices with more responsibility, very cool
Thanks Chrys! I appreciate your leadership approach.
reinforcing good behavior with rewards will get them hooked on rewards. Research shows that.
. ...and undermine creativity and the motivation to learn over the long term.
Q4. How do U engage parents/families so they R involved in the posi behavior conversation? Challenges? Triumphs?
where does a general keep his army? in his sleeve-y!
A4 We send home a parent e-mail every night 2 the whole team of parents with hw, events, etc. keeps them in the loop!
a4: as much work as it is - weekly e-mails to my advisees' parents. find ONE thing each one has done well in the week.
A4: Let parents know what their kid did something great during class!
A4: I listen. A lot. I ask parents about their goals, expectations, about their children. We then work toward common goals.
A4: Open Line of Communications
A4: We use BeHAVE system for our positive acknowledgements. As soon as a T acknowledges a S the P receives an email.
A4: Start with the why. Explain our expectations and how we reinforce them. Use school to home communication 2 showcase our efforts.
we send out a 'parent goal' letter at the beg. of the year - keeps us on the same page
...very interested in reading what others are doing to successfully engage parents.
A4 make sure the first conversation with the parent is about something positive.
Glad I'm not only 1 played that game! Pick coolest "I'm 2 cool" kid & break that shell w/ crazy kindness! https://t.co/qAqjiDjRZp
Yes! It's a game a play, me against myself. How many adolescents can I get to engage me in a "hello"? 😀
A4: I do positive emails home and (not as often as I should) positive calls home. Those are so much fun to do!
A4 Do not just make negative calls home, find ways to call home to report positive behaviors.
A4 Face to face convos with parents, 1 on 1 & in groups. Agenda item for Family Info Nights. PBIS handbook. https://t.co/0AkNQN1ANB
Q4. How do U engage parents/families so they R involved in the posi behavior conversation? Challenges? Triumphs?
A4) They are included, and participate, on our Positive Behavior Program committee and meetings.
P's want their children in a positive environment, include parents in the teaching of expect. Share lessons/topics
Wow! Every night? That's awesome. Who's responsible for that task? https://t.co/LmWULAMCZ3
A4 We send home a parent e-mail every night 2 the whole team of parents with hw, events, etc. keeps them in the loop!
That's what the research I've read says. https://t.co/JhGaHMjBSn
. ...and undermine creativity and the motivation to learn over the long term.
A4: Communicate, also all Ps want their child to be successful and describing how these expectations will help their child succeed
A4: We also have monthly "family meetings” when we acknowledge the Ss receiving the most and the Ts that acknowledge the most.
Awesome strategy. When do you send it out, what is the turn-in rate?
A4: work in a choice at home like movie or dinner when it was a possibility. same system in both places =all adults on same page
A4 Start the year off with open, positive communication. Makes it easier to have the tough convos.
A4) We share our positive story on social media
A4 Finding out their expectations for their children & sharing ours, soliciting their support, informing them about positives
A4: Get parents of behaviorally challenged students on board early, so we function as a team. (Of course, this doesn't always work.)
Bravo 2 U, Michael! I hope others at the school house celebrate your dedication! https://t.co/lX1AV8Q027
a4: as much work as it is - weekly e-mails to my advisees' parents. find ONE thing each one has done well in the week.
we send it out beg. of the year - not sure about the rate, but fairly high. I keep mine in my advisee's folders & g'doc
A4: I used to do FridayFive: five calls home about kids I noticed doing something cool. I need to resurrect that.
A4: Bi weekly auto calls go to Ps informing them of our monthly challenge we discuss at “family meetings”.
Open lines that say "your goals for your child are my goals."
A4 We have a Shared Decision Mkg comm. of Ps, Ts, Ss and As. This grp has open discussions on a vrty of tpcs and keeps Ps connected
Key connection, Mike. They also can provide leveled incentive ideas that will motivate Ss
every night! Each teacher e-mails info for their own classes to team leader...team leader compiles and sends @ 3!
Love it! Connect the dots and tie it to the common goal of S success! https://t.co/tfHhOkxJ53
A4: Communicate, also all Ps want their child to be successful and describing how these expectations will help their child succeed
Q4.5: Does any1 have a PBIS committee that has parents/families on it? If so, how is that working?
A4. We're not part of PBIS, but the first call to parents should be a positive contact.
Key strategy, Walter. Making the early calls about the positive behavior of their children
a5) the buns of a burger. important because it holds the substance together. not needed but very messy without it.
Right Chrys! This exact thing happened yesterday in our meeting. https://t.co/KpkajEAeC1
Key connection, Mike. They also can provide leveled incentive ideas that will motivate Ss
Any social media channels that U find esp useful 4 raising the praise? Or do you mix it up? https://t.co/g0i7vaYjzE
A4) We share our positive story on social media
A4 Ps love 2 get positive feedback personally(meet them at the car @ pick up,call,email immediately)but don't forget to include S
A4: like we do for students, build relationships & try to personalize. Authentically engage them and show you care.
No, but an insightful question!
A4: USE all channels of communication to tell your schools POSITIVE story! Instagram, Twitter, FB, Blog etc
We use Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. We like to meet parents where they are, and that's what they use. https://t.co/uPdYSjeOLL
Any social media channels that U find esp useful 4 raising the praise? Or do you mix it up? https://t.co/g0i7vaYjzE
A4) We share our positive story on social media
A5: yes, their input was invaluable. A completely different perspective.
LCPS MS's have students, parents and some have community members!
Just listened to a podcast with you on it last week on the way to visit our college daughter
Cognitive knives & forks ready, edu-vores! Here's Q5: if posi behavioral support in middle grades was a food, what food would it B?
A4.5) Yes! And students! It's awesome! https://t.co/srSpzH4tk1
Q4.5: Does any1 have a PBIS committee that has parents/families on it? If so, how is that working?
A5: I like creating videos and putting on youtube
Same here. Each seems to reach a different audience. https://t.co/EirG7ZJwxZ
We use Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. We like to meet parents where they are, and that's what they use. https://t.co/uPdYSjeOLL
Any social media channels that U find esp useful 4 raising the praise? Or do you mix it up? https://t.co/g0i7vaYjzE
A4) We share our positive story on social media
love the fact that this models digital etiquette in a time when some use social media to be mean
A4 positive channels of communication: . newsletter, Facebook Twitter,
A4 To engage parents, we need to invite them to be part of the middle school experience. School today differs from what we remember.
Thanks for a great chat and the entire crew tonight. Happy Friday!
A4 We send Ps hw b4 school year starts.Describe ur child in A Million Words or Less.Great info, great 1st contact, start connecting!
a5: pasta - lots of different options, plenty of toppings and choices, and all lead to a brilliant meal
A5: ANY comfort food: For me MAC and CHEESE ... Need to make students comfortable to support their behavior
Another great reason for us to have a social media presence! https://t.co/HSGaLIoKUT
love the fact that this models digital etiquette in a time when some use social media to be mean
Would love 2 know how U pick em, train em, get opinions, etc. Article 4 AMLE Magazine? DTomlin@amle.org https://t.co/JlRL7EC7qN
A4.5) Yes! And students! It's awesome! https://t.co/srSpzH4tk1
Q4.5: Does any1 have a PBIS committee that has parents/families on it? If so, how is that working?
A5: Peanut butter & jelly sandwhich.
Sometimes sticky, sometimes messy, but relatively easy to handle. https://t.co/XzbE7zYgdr
people that drive my view are Montessori, Alfie Kohn, Dan Pink, Daniel Kahneman among others. Your stuff fits right in!
A5. Soup! Takes a long time to simmer and sets the foundation for the rest of the meal
Thanks for a great hour of learning PBIS style! Wishing you all the best in creating positive schools filled w/fantastic kids!!
PIZZA- Special ordered, made the way you like it, sometimes too hot at first...but always engaging!
A5 Sushi...lots of layers but when rolled together, it makes a great combination
Great chat Had a blast at with you & great information and great time!
Terrific! Does your district have a YouTube page? How do U get the word out ab a new video post? https://t.co/uA4xz1fOsS
A5: I like creating videos and putting on youtube
Thank you to for Driving the ship tonight
A5: Pizza, for each school it would be a different type to fit their needs and tastes
Thanks for a fantastic tonight!!
Thanks this was a delicious chat!
if you are looking to give some PRAISE - here are some ideas (some good & specific, some not good for Ss) https://t.co/Pizp8rtCKO
Theyre reps nominated by our Parent group. No formal training. They attend monthly meetings & help w events https://t.co/SX2esI8vQw
Would love 2 know how U pick em, train em, get opinions, etc. Article 4 AMLE Magazine? DTomlin@amle.org https://t.co/JlRL7EC7qN
A4.5) Yes! And students! It's awesome! https://t.co/srSpzH4tk1
Q4.5: Does any1 have a PBIS committee that has parents/families on it? If so, how is that working?
Yes parents need to feel welcome. We must have "Open Door" schools! https://t.co/CSuqju8MWc
A4 To engage parents, we need to invite them to be part of the middle school experience. School today differs from what we remember.
A5 It's a salad bar. You need to have a variety of consequences and rewards to make it work for all. https://t.co/ujmzvURqJw
Cognitive knives & forks ready, edu-vores! Here's Q5: if posi behavioral support in middle grades was a food, what food would it B?