#NVedchat Archive
#NVedchat is dedicated to increasing communication and collaboration of education related topics in the State of Nevada. Originally, created by Mr. Snehal Bhakta.
Monday May 9, 2016 11:00 PM EDT
For tonight’s chat, we will use Q1, Q2… format for Questions. Please use A1, A2… format for answers & include
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Welcome to ! Tonight’s topic is Social Studies Across Curriculum! Kyle from Las Vegas, guest moderating! https://t.co/tiKObSuHuh
Wouldn't have it any other way!
Let’s start by giving a S/O to another educator(s) using their twitter handle & the hashtag to join us tonight!
I had a goofy/vulgar/amazing geography professor in undergrad that inspired me to be me and expanded my love for social studies
Q1: Why is it important to promote social studies and not just call it history in K-12 schools?
I will do my best. Trying to put the kiddos to sleep too. 😄
A1: Social studies and literacy connection is huge! Bridges together info text, writing, and vocabulary! Ss make more connections
Had a teacher who would jump on the desks and deliver speeches like Gettysburg Address. Never forgot it!
A1: Social studies is way more than history, it's what molds people into good, responsible citizens!
A1 - History implies a one-dimensional study. Social studies feels like a wider range of study https://t.co/g71ZplFh2z
Q1: Why is it important to promote social studies and not just call it history in K-12 schools?
A1-I like the idea of learning from the past "social" actions and making better choice today & in the future.
That's similar to what I do, he/she was awesome!
Not feel, IS a wider range!
Hi , fav S.S. memory was in 7th grade standing on a chair getting excited to talk about elevation on a map & I was told to sit down
A1: Way more than just dates and facts.SS includes culture, people, economy, etc.
My favorite memory from social studies is learning scandalous stories. Mr. Ryder knew how to keep our attention in HS.
Loved my 4th grade social studies teacher. We did some amazing projects. I remember doing long timeline on butcher paper
A1: Social studies connotes the role civic engagement plays in creating fair and equitable narratives. https://t.co/FwiMPy9wkB
Q1: Why is it important to promote social studies and not just call it history in K-12 schools?
A1: Had a history teacher that used to tell us stories with such rich details. Took us back in time! Hooked on history!
Always fun to go over scandals!
A1:Totally agree. I think SS goes beyond just memorizing dates and facts. https://t.co/qPwFhcE2aN
A1: Way more than just dates and facts.SS includes culture, people, economy, etc.
That one time we almost made it to the middle 20th century in the textbook ;)
I am guilty of that on a daily basis!
Q2: What aspect of social studies should be emphasized most (history, gov’t, economics, psychology/sociology)? Why?
A1- Social Studies reflects who we were, who we are, and where we are going. It is ingrained in every subject.
A2: As a SS teacher, I have a hard time narrowing this, a combination of all is best, but if I had to choose one...
A2-All of it. IF I had to choose, then economics. It affects so much of the world.
A1, history is alive & breathing, so social studies is fitting as we learn, create, & evolve
A2 cont: I go with economics, money unfortunately makes the world go round, a solid understanding of money will take you places
A1: Because social systems are alive and affect our lives
A2:they can all be taught in conjunction.I teach Am Lit and try to make sure all aspects of period are part of learning the lit.
A2:I don't believe any one area should be more important then another. Rather I like to think the 21st c.skills are most important
A2: There needs to be a balance and include connections to current events
A2- I think all aspects are important. We don't have nearly enough time to cover everything in social studies classes.
A2: History- it is what connects humankind.
A2: it’s the connection b/w all of those things that help Ss understand how the world works. They are so curious about it!
My kids keep making these amazing/creepy connections to a certain presidential candidate these days...
A2: Sociology is instrumental in teaching Ss to see power structures that marginalize minority groups. https://t.co/TFof86vWlr
Q2: What aspect of social studies should be emphasized most (history, gov’t, economics, psychology/sociology)? Why?
A2: Loved showing 5th graders CNN student news every day. Touched on all aspects of social studies and had high interest for S
A1: it's imp to include the interrelations btwn and cultural aspects not just a series of events https://t.co/Qp1lOnTYTT
Q1: Why is it important to promote social studies and not just call it history in K-12 schools?
A2 I think it's the rebel in me to think about civics, Ss need to know their rights to fight the power that be
Do you have planning time with ELA teachers to create cross curriculum opportunities?
A2a unless they are asking for that bathroom pass, lol
Q3: Should it be the responsibility of a school to promote civic responsibility, like voting? Why or why not?
A3: Pretty sure Thos. Jefferson would say “uh, yeah”
A3: Remember ? If MTV thought it was important, then it is absolutely important to encourage Ss to be EDUCATED voters
A4-There is no line for what should/shouldn't be taught in edu. Goal is to produce quality citizens. Social studies is a key.
A3: Why not.Ss have a choice but we can inform them& make opportunity accessible. Same for comm service.
A3-There is no line for what should/shouldn't be taught in edu. Goal is to produce quality citizens. Social studies is a key.
A3 cont: Ts are in a position of influence, this is a great opportunity to be an OBJECTIVE influence on the world's future
A3: Yes. Civic education and responsibility should be taught early and often. We are raising outlet next leaders
A3: Great learning opport. when voting takes place in many of our schools. Ss will want to know more about who, when, what, why
A2: tough choice, but with it being year, I choose gov with emphasis on history, economics, psych, & socio implications
A3- Many kids aren't taught the importance of voting at home, so it's important they get it from somewhere.
I teach Econ and Geo but it is difficult to understand any SS topic without a historical background.
The angst of this cycle is a great opp to show Ss what could happen if apathy wins
A3: Can be a minefield, I’m sure. Impt to have support from admin, keep your own views close to the chest 1/2
I always say that it's better to not vote than to make an uneducated one
A3: Yes. School is a microcosm of society where civic roles must be modeled and purposefully discussed. https://t.co/ISttYzlL4E
Q3: Should it be the responsibility of a school to promote civic responsibility, like voting? Why or why not?
A2 I think the inter relationships between cultures and events. They are what cause history to happen. Give meaning to the why
A3: not out of fear of parents, but to allow Ss to learn to form their own views. Ask lots of Qs. Socratic style
A4: All subject areas can be tied to history, econ, psych, gov't, etc. the possibilities are endless!
A4-It is already there or should be. Learning from the past is in every subject...trial/error, etc...
HMW lead with authentic systems?
A4: Ts can discuss the "history" and "society" of anything:mathematicians, scientists,musicians, athletes, etc.
So many real world ? to explore -today we were talkign gentrification in our town and how it reflects econ. changes
A4: every subject area should have SS content built in. History is everywhere. Helps with learning processes, cause/effect
A4- Social Studies & ELA are inseparable. All of the readings we do have a strong connection to it. I can't imagine separating it
But how gentrifying part of town is also reflection of segregated parts of our city,which relates to local history.
A4: and then we can understand that in the context of local literature, economic issues, etc.
Thanks for popping in to tonight!
I couldn't agree more, let the folks who do their homework do the voting https://t.co/eMCYKhhYK5
I always say that it's better to not vote than to make an uneducated one
Yes very True! You have to have a foundation of knowledge to build from...
A4: Which can then lead to further discussion of what identity is and what happens when communities are broken up.
A4: research people in each field with Ss. This would not nec. be standard in science or math
Q5: What effects will a strong social studies curriculum have on a school as a whole?
A4 S.S. is broad, ELA News is a great resource, STEM w/S.S. in mind too, art, language, ex. Aztecs=hydroponics=masonry art
My current project with my Ss is researching various contributors from history of "not white" backgrounds
A4: Incorporate non-fiction texts to promote civic literacy across the curriculum.
Just had a teacher discussion grp today' we veered off into this disc -building authentic experiences across curr.
A5-It's the foundation of knowledge and helps schools build a culture of learning. Key to academic success.
A5: Ss with strong social studies backgrounds will be better all around Ss and be better prepared for "the real world"
A5- Hopefully it will foster a more socially aware student population. But it is up to the kids to buy in & take it to heart.
A4: As a culinary T, the options were endless! I taught international foods elective & was able to integrate S.S. In every unit
A5: Informed, civic-minded citizens is never a bad thing.
So cool. I think this serves to humanize endeavors, relatable and engaging for Ss. Esp. imp. to diversity
A5: Ss will recognize the power of their voices to challenge status quo and promote cultural engagement. https://t.co/9o4mAJSZOG
Q5: What effects will a strong social studies curriculum have on a school as a whole?
Stick it to the man! Absolutely!
A5: Can bridge all across curr -- when you think of sociology, psychology, and history -- how do we tell our stories?
Thank you everybody for the amazing chat, I bow to your awesomeness!
A5: Along with ELA, forms backbone of liberal arts ed. Great foundation for healthy school culture; respect for all people, ideas
You asked ... here it is - 'Putting the Social back into Social Media'. Click if you are interested: https://t.co/dTLgC0ke3D
Great minds! (my answer is real similar)
A3 - Yes! Teach students that their voice matters and how it helps to vote. https://t.co/IXOpVVBQ0P
Q3: Should it be the responsibility of a school to promote civic responsibility, like voting? Why or why not?
Love this! Technology is how we organize our history. Bronze age, iron age... space age, information age