#LFOntChat Archive
This new slowchat will run over the course of a week with a single question being released each Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 7:00 pm EDT (with all three questions being related during a given week). This chat will focus on an exploration of Learning Forward's Standards for Professional Learning and we will discuss practical applications of those standards in our school districts. Learning Forward Ontario will host these slowchats, as an affiliate of Learning Forward. We are committed to proving student learning by providing leadership and support for those responsible for professional development.
Thursday April 7, 2016
7:00 PM EDT
Q2: Effective professional learning requires prioritizing, monitoring, and coordinating of resources. What does this mean to you?
Hello Looking forward to the chat. Moving between two chats. Can I do it?? LOL!
Welcome Elisa! I am sure you can do it! I look forward to your thoughts.
How do we monitor the effectiveness of resources? Often we look to a magic bullet....but how do we measure the impact?
This means that there is a direct correlation between the quality of the commitment and the quality of the PL.
Agree!Resources are a technical solution to an adaptive problem-but they are an important part of the whole solution.
How do you prioritize resources?
Imbed SMART goals in the PL delivery & follow-up - short term focus on implementation & long term focus on S outcomes.
Where can you find your voice in the application of resources?
My school has a shared vision & leadership model that prioritizes its PL focus - general & targeted growth foreach T.
That is so important - how are you resourced for this?
Devoting time each week for T-led critical friends sharing. Small school, limited funds, but a focus on excellence.
a2: part 1- effective means that it has sparked my curiosity. I like to have more Qs at the end of the session then at the start
Thanks for everyone's participation tonight...this is a slow chat....keep posting up until Saturday....signing off for tonight!
A2: Knowing your PLC members, you gear the resources to their commitment. 'thin' books almost mandatory today. Book study key. +
A2: Ex: 's 15Fixes 4 Broken Grades' great T.O.C. can stimulate discussion; Ts wanting deeper can read chapters then.
A1 Measuring effectiveness of resources must include the Q - Do they make a difference to student success? How do we know?
We need to keep student work on the table as a reference for determining which resource might be helpful. learning
To me, it means we also build personal models/frameworks of our thinking to stay organized, monitor progress.
Agreed, I think we need to set up effective personalized frameworks to guide how we measure the growth & achievement
It comes down to org of plans, models, inquiries - if built well, we can better assess impact of res's & S learning