Welcome everyone to tonight’s #Seesawchat!
Q1: Please introduce yourself and let everyone know where you’re from and what you do!
I'm a Tech Integration Specialist from Plymouth, MA!
So nice to meet everyone!
Q2: What is your favorite Seesaw tool, feature or activity to use during math lessons?
And, please explain why or it would be amazing if you could share examples! #SeesawChat
A1 So hard to choose but I have been LOVING Activities lately! My Ss have 30 mins of math instruction and 30 mins independent - independent now almost always includes a seesaw activity https://t.co/PreNEkWnzj#seesawchat
A2-I like students to use the recording tool. Solve a problem, take pic, then explain. Switch with partner and see if you can solve with their directions. #seesawchat
A2: The record while drawing feature on iOS devices is amazing! Allowing Ss to make a screencast of their work & explain their thinking is helpful to them, the T & the other Ss. #seesawchathttps://t.co/BWBgrGBiAk
A2 I love using Activities as an assessment tool. I just tag them with the grade level standard in the Skills area, and I have built in proof of standards. #SeesawChat
Q2 I love the ability to add pictures with labels. I also like that parents can chime in with feedback. Just had my Ss correct and reflect on math tests. Parents saw tests, heard reflection & hopefully will continue discussion & support at home. #SeesawChat
A.2 I’ve been having students write their own problem and solve it while using their math strategy while recording their math thinking! Stole it from my awesome teaching partner @MeanMrMeehan#Seesawchat
A2 I love using Activities as an assessment tool. I just tag them with the grade level standard in the Skills area, and I have built in proof of standards. #SeesawChat
A2-I like students to use the recording tool. Solve a problem, take pic, then explain. Switch with partner and see if you can solve with their directions. #seesawchat
A2 I love using Activities as an assessment tool. I just tag them with the grade level standard in the Skills area, and I have built in proof of standards. #SeesawChat
So nice to meet everyone!
Q2: What is your favorite Seesaw tool, feature or activity to use during math lessons?
And, please explain why or it would be amazing if you could share examples! #SeesawChat
Amazing answers! Thanks so much for sharing!
Q3: Seesaw is a fabulous tool for formative assessments. How have you used Seesaw for progress monitoring?
Hi all! Krystal from Illinois here. Excited to work on creating activities tomorrow on my Snow Day! 1st grade teacher and Seesaw Ambassador. #seesawchat
Yes! I started making some flipped math videos when common core rolled out. @Seesaw is so easy and quick to use and parents love seeing strategies so that they know how to help at home! #seesawchat
A3: I've been having students take photos of their Word Sorts and record reading them. Photos of stories they've written....record reading them. Booksnaps, reading fluency....all posted neatly to subject folders for later viewing! #seesawchat
A3: I like having students post responses to homelinks or check-ins with Seesaw. It lets me see how they are understanding the concept, ask deeper questions, and flag kids for follow up. #SeesawChat
A3: Some schools in our district are using Seesaw for Schools & the skills view is amazing for tagging standards or scales & viewing S progress on that scale. #Seesawchat
Right! This is HUGE for parents! They may be unfamiliar with new ways of problem solving or solving algorithms and hearing Ts and Ss explain their solutions helps the home-to-school connection! #seesawchat
A2 I love using Activities as an assessment tool. I just tag them with the grade level standard in the Skills area, and I have built in proof of standards. #SeesawChat
A2 #seesawchathttps://t.co/U8yqvbo8Xb I love listening to students explain their thinking; sometimes they can do it better orally than in writing. It’s great differentiation!
A2: I love using the video feature so students can record themselves counting or completing tasks in math centers so that I don’t feel pressure to create paper/pencil activities for kids to take home. #seesawchat
A3 I haven’t used Seesaw to progress monitor in math yet. (I have for HFW in ELA) I am planning to have Ss record themselves counting forwards and backwards. #seesawchat
Amazing answers! Thanks so much for sharing!
Q3: Seesaw is a fabulous tool for formative assessments. How have you used Seesaw for progress monitoring?
A3 I have used it for science. Students had to record their experiments as they explained what was going on and using the correct vocabulary. #SeesawChat
A2: don’t teach math but I feel like the draw could be great to show your work. You could create a video example as an activity and have their responses be their own work #seesawchat
Either in the morning or sometimes even during lunch. I let go of trying to make them polished and fancy - the content is what's most important! #seesawchat
A3- I do use an exit ticket-especially if I wanted to check for understanding . I used to have to wait till we checked HW the next day. Now I know before what misconceptions need fixing. #SeesawChat
A3: I used Seesaw recently to asses skip counting objects. Student recorded with video or photo of skip counting with objects and then used draw and video to explain. #SeesawChat
A3: @Seesaw is great for quick exit tickets to check in on progress with skills taught. Here’s a @Seesaw Activity to quickly check if #math7plus Ss know the difference between theoretical and experimental probability➡️ https://t.co/9SVpGUysar#seesawchat
A3: we are currently using @seesaw for #geniushour by creating a note and going back to update it daily as our “genius hour journal” so we can track progress #seesawchat
Amazing answers! Thanks so much for sharing!
Q3: Seesaw is a fabulous tool for formative assessments. How have you used Seesaw for progress monitoring?
A3: we are currently using @seesaw for #geniushour by creating a note and going back to update it daily as our “genius hour journal” so we can track progress #seesawchat
A3: I've had students use the drawing tool and mic solve math problems while explaining their thinking. I've also had them record themselves "teaching" how to do whatever we are working on at the time #SeesawChat
Amazing answers! Thanks so much for sharing!
Q3: Seesaw is a fabulous tool for formative assessments. How have you used Seesaw for progress monitoring?
A3: I haven't used @Seesaw for math assessments yet, but always for oral retellings. I do plan to create some activities this year to use for assessments. I definitely get some information from their recordings when solving math equations. #seesawchat
So nice to meet everyone!
Q2: What is your favorite Seesaw tool, feature or activity to use during math lessons?
And, please explain why or it would be amazing if you could share examples! #SeesawChat
A3 I loved using @Seesaw for my 2nd grade Ss to record their reading last year. I used it to listen for fluency & Ss learned a lot about themselves as readers when they listened to how they read. #Seesawchat
A3: Today I quickly (because it's that easy!) made a Seesaw Activity by taking a photo of a math page to use as a template. Kids used the template and the drawing tool to solve regrouping addition problems. Then used mic to explain thinking #seesawchat
Wow! Great ideas everyone!
Q4: How can teachers use Seesaw to promote critical thinking, problem solving, number talks, and communication skills? #SeesawChat
A3: I have students using @Seesaw during Daily 5. They record themselves reading and before they move to their next station, they answer a few comprehension questions. Hey practice their spelling words and record hemselves saying the words. #seesawchat
A3: Students responding to reading helps me check their understanding, using drawing tool for science and math terms/concepts, for math, and recording of word study to name a few. #SeesawChat
A3 - I'm not in the classroom but get to work with awesome teachers and y'all are sharing some great ideas. I can't wait to share with the teachers I work with! #seesawchat
A4: Utilizing the record while draw and/or mic tools are awesome for letting Ss share their thinking, but it's important that Ts model what's expected. Teach them how to frame their thoughts so they know how to explain their thinking. #seesawchat
Tagging posts with Skills - Its a premium tool but so awesome! Then you can keep track of which skills have been covered through Ss posts and they can be scored so you can know how well your Ss understanding the concepts. #seesawchat
A4 take a photo of a word problem or challenge; have students explain and reflect on their solution. Allow students the choice to use the record tool and give others the opportunity to write their explanation in the comments- differentiate! #seesawchat
A4: @Seesaw GIVES students a voice!With the features and tools, students can explain their thought process when solving problems.
I love having students create instructional videos for multiplication, adding and subtraction, etc. #SeesawChat
A4: Having students share their thinking by capturing it on @Seesaw is so powerful. Here’s an example of my 4th gr Ss sharing a math project. It’s math talk, creativity, group communication and so much more! https://t.co/Eky93L1fkR#seesawchat
A4: I set aside time for the students to watch posts from classmates explaining mathematical thinking. That way I'm not always the one demonstrating. #seesawchat
A4: I would like to get better at having my students comment on each other’s posts. I think it would build our communication skills and positive relationships within the classroom if kids give feedback to each other. #SeesawChat
A4 Love this question! Give students the "answer" and have them create the problem using a tool of their choice. Have Ss explain their thinking. Encourage Ss to respectfully comment on each other's problems. #Seesawchat
A4 Having Ss explain their thinking is huge. Make sure they listen to themselves. Also, I think older students could even create strategy videos, where they could teach the class a new strategy. #seesawchat
Wow! Great ideas everyone!
Q4: How can teachers use Seesaw to promote critical thinking, problem solving, number talks, and communication skills? #SeesawChat
A4: Watch @MrsBremTweets show you simple ideas that you can try tomorrow in math. She has ideas and links to share that are geared towards upper elementary and middle school. https://t.co/HXeDIKjQOT#seesawchat
Join literacy coach @stacy_bigham after #seesawchat as she shares ideas for enhancing reading response routines with Seesaw. Hear how to engage and excite your students while building a love for literacy. 5:30 pm PDT Thurs! https://t.co/Iz7mpoAFJ3
A5: Sometimes they need to see/hear it a different way. Often a peer can explain it in a way that's easier for them to understand. Also opens up more outside-the-box thinking. #seesawchat
A4: I would like to get better at having my students comment on each other’s posts. I think it would build our communication skills and positive relationships within the classroom if kids give feedback to each other. #SeesawChat
A5: I was JUST talking about this w a T! Sometimes Ss don't "get" it when we explain it to them, but hearing a peer's explanation or way or doing things can be so helpful & make it click. #seesawchat
A5: “Everyone’s a teacher, everyone’s a learner” @TopDogTeaching
There are so many different ways to solve problems. Students can LEARN from one another. Allowing students to become the teacher helps students remember the content and topic. #seesawchat
A5: Sometimes they need to see/hear it a different way. Often a peer can explain it in a way that's easier for them to understand. Also opens up more outside-the-box thinking. #seesawchat
A5: Sometimes they need to see/hear it a different way. Often a peer can explain it in a way that's easier for them to understand. Also opens up more outside-the-box thinking. #seesawchat
A4 Using a number of apps to create content for seesaw like @explainevrythng, @BookCreatorApp Swift Playgrounds or clips allow students to choose the app to express their learning #SeesawChat
In reply to
@BethHajder, @explainevrythng, @BookCreatorApp
A5: Allows students to view different strategies, especially if it is videoed, and hear that strategy explained. Helps students see math a different way. One way does not fit all. #SeesawChat
A4-one of my teachers took advantage of the students’ love of emojis. After solving word problems s a class, students wrote their own and solved using emojis. Some were hilarious! #SeesawChat
A5 - Other Ss might say it or do it in a way which makes more sense. Also Ss might have a better relationship with certain Ss and be able to hear/or see it better from them. #seesawchat
A5: Students learn in different ways, so by seeing work in different ways/formats from their peers, the information "clicks" for different learners. #SeesawChat
I can't even tell you how much my Ss LOVE emojis!! Sometimes I have to set limits but usually I can turn their enthusiasm into something productive and learning oriented! #seesawchat
A5 Using Seesaw to share thinking has been so effective. I have always done gallery walks for math. The journal basically becomes our new gallery walk. We can work on feedback and I can review it at home (instead of hastily checking the post-its). #seesawchat
A5: I have students who are non-English speaking or have little understanding of the language. I use Seesaw for a visual so they can better understand the activity. If they can watch a friend’s video or view their post, they understand what to do. #seesawchat
A5: Ss gain different perspectives by viewing others’ work on @Seesaw. I love having Ss comment (2 stars and a wish) to help provide feedback & insight. Check out these comments ⤵️ #seesawchat
A5 it helps my Ss to see different ways to solve a problem. Sometimes, a process someone else uses helps others finally put the pieces together. #SeesawChat
A3: For each unit of study, I use Seesaw activities to have students record the work - blending, high frequency words, fluency passages, labeling for science, etc. #SeesawChat
Like this idea! A6: I would HOPE they put more thought into it, knowing peers and family will see. Not sure yet. We use the blog frequently (connected w/7 classrooms right now), but haven't used it much for math. #seesawchat
Wow! Your ideas are AMAZING!
Q6: Seesaw allows Ss to share with a wider audience. How does the audience factor impact student effort and performance in math? #SeesawChat
A6: I think it impacts Ss effort & performance in every subject, not just math, because Ss know they are publishing to an audience & someone will see & hear what they create & say. That is so powerful! #seesawchat
A5-It is amazing to see how attentive to their peers posts on @Seesaw. If you’re lucky enough to have a student who is a natural speaker, they can inspire a whole class! #SeesawChat
A6: I would HOPE they put more thought into it, knowing peers and family will see. Not sure yet. We use the blog frequently (connected w/7 classrooms right now), but haven't used it much for math. #seesawchat
A6 Knowing that parents, grandparents and classmates are going to see their work is highly motivating to my Ss! This Ss couldn't wait to share his morning tub geometry creation with his parents! https://t.co/4QEUTeFpBk#seesawchat
A6: Students love sharing their work for their parents! And when parents comment back, they get excited! They, also, love when I print out QR codes to hang their work around the school! #seesawchat
A6 - publishing work to a wider audience seems to improve performance since it is more real. Ss want to publish their best work and for others to see their best and provide feedback. #seesawchat
Yes!! They love the instant feedback! I agree effort is much higher when they know other people besides the T will see their work! Awesome! #SeesawChat
A6: Ah! having families connected makes all the difference.
Ss are so proud to show their best work in seesaw so their families can see the great learning the are doing. So motivating.
A6: Students are more motivated to do their best when they know they are posting their work for their parents and their classmates to see. They love when their parents comment back on their work! #seesawchat
A6 knowing work is being shared with an authentic audience always promotes a more concerted effort and careful work. Can be a motivator for some students. Be mindful not all want to share #seesawchat
A6: I see the Ss wanting to do well on the items they post because they know others will see their work including Ts, Ss, Parents, and even principals. #seesawchat
This chat is AMAZING!
Here we go for Q7.....
How has Seesaw enhanced YOUR instruction during math lessons? Has it helped improve your teaching abilities? #SeesawChat
A6 I think so. They want to show their best, so they tend to take their time and really do their best. I know they also want that positive feedback. #SeesawChat
A6 I remind them that their families will see their thinking. I also project our journal from time to time to highlight amazing strategies and effective feedback. Most of my Ss are much more willing to make more than one attempt at a problem now #SeesawChat
Wow! Your ideas are AMAZING!
Q6: Seesaw allows Ss to share with a wider audience. How does the audience factor impact student effort and performance in math? #SeesawChat
A6: Audience matters for all subjects, including math. When introducing my Ss to @Seesaw blogs, their eyes widened and jaws dropped at the idea that other Ss would see their work. Extra effort went into posts. It was AMAZING. Check it out➡️ https://t.co/GoxqCskBCo#seesawchat
Last Minute Add-On
Q8: Last Question: Does anyone have any #MATHSNAPS they would like to share?
Thank you so much for joining! Try out an idea or two and share your success during the next #seesawchat
A6 Authentic audience is a powerful motivator. Whether its families, peers, other teachers, or admin, Ss work harder to do their best work! My Ss loved to get their work liked and commented on! #seesawchat
A6-I also love that @Seesaw is available on phones! People live by their phones and parents love having their children’s work always with them ready to show off!!! #SeesawChat
A7: Because Ss can record their thinking on @seesaw, I don't need to halt instruction in order to pull Ss 1 on 1 & ask them to explain their thinking. I can continue to teach, then listen to Seesaw later & adjust my teaching for the next day according to needs of Ss. #seesawchat
A7: Most days one rotation is now either a Seesaw Activity, or a post to Seesaw and show what you know. Using folders and skills has really helped me with FAs. #seesawchat
A7 @Seesaw allows me to easily share videos or examples with my students during their independent math time. I've also been trying out #vittle to make videos of me going over their independent work - got this idea from @Rs1stgrade in his PD in your PJ's #seesawchat
A7 using @seesaw allows my students to provide tangible examples that tell much more about their math understanding than a score on a math test #seesawchat
A5 A5 Young Ss need to explore their thinking & try different strategies. Ss would model strategies and explain why they liked one. Watching each other helped them develop these strategies & find the ones that worked best for them. #seesawchat
A7: Seesaw allows for me to assess my students. It allows them to practice skills. It allows them to show their work, though process and explain their thinking. It has transformed my math instruction! #SeesawChat
A7: It's engaging and is the perfect extension to our math curriculum. Ss can quickly add math work and now we can even assign specific activities to complete. Parents have a chance to see their children in action as they solve problems which they love too! #seesawchat
A7: @Seesaw is a game changer. Period. It allows for student voice & choice. It gives Ss the power to share their thinking and reflect on their learning process in not only math, but all subjects. Thank you, @Seesaw. #seesawchat
I use the note section. Ss look for their group in the feed, click and begin listening to the recording of their words. It's as if I'm sitting beside each one as they take it. They can rewind if needed and go at their own pace. All groups at once. #Seesawchat
A7 @Seesaw helped me to use my formative data more quickly to inform my instruction. Instead of correcting papers, I could watch or listen to S posts to see what my Ss knew & where they were. #Seesawchat
A7: @Seesaw is a game changer. Period. It allows for student voice & choice. It gives Ss the power to share their thinking and reflect on their learning process in not only math, but all subjects. Thank you, @Seesaw. #seesawchat
****Last Minute Add-on Q***
Q8: Do you have any #MathSnap Examples you'd like to share?
I'd love to see them! #SeesawChat
(Last Question)
Thanks for coming by everyone! Great chat!!
A7: @Seesaw is a game changer. Period. It allows for student voice & choice. It gives Ss the power to share their thinking and reflect on their learning process in not only math, but all subjects. Thank you, @Seesaw. #seesawchat
A7 Being able to make a flipped video for most of the class to watch while working with a few of my G/T students to get them going on a challenge activity has been a real time saver. #SeesawChat
A7: I can’t be right next to everyone during independent math centers. Using Seesaw lets me “check” student responses after math so that I can pull small groups or provide direct support to some students during math block. Increased accountability! #seesawchat
My favorite part about #SeesawChat is it reenergizes me and gets me excited for new ideas. Sometimes all it takes is sitting down and thinking about it explicitly.
****Last Minute Add-on Q***
Q8: Do you have any #MathSnap Examples you'd like to share?
I'd love to see them! #SeesawChat
(Last Question)
Thanks for coming by everyone! Great chat!!
A7 Definitely using it as our gallery walk. Since students can record and type, I am getting much more information about current learning and misconceptions. I can adjust instruction much quicker #SeesawChat
This chat is AMAZING!
Here we go for Q7.....
How has Seesaw enhanced YOUR instruction during math lessons? Has it helped improve your teaching abilities? #SeesawChat