#UDLchat Archive
Meet and chat with colleagues about Universal Design for Learning (UDL) on Twitter! The best hour of professional learning you'll get in 30 minutes. Held the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 9-9:30PM ET.
Wednesday April 20, 2016 9:00 PM EDT
I'm Bryan from MI and I am happy to be your moderator for tonight. We're talking about Personalized Learning . get ready for Q1)
Hi I’m Ron Rogers from Ohio and my favorite chore is running the sweeper.
Joni Degner, UDL Facilitator for BCSC in Columbus, IN
Hi. I'm Sarita- past math teacher and current student at Harvard Ed school. Happy to join
Allison from Boston, happy it's almost spring here- hi!
Here we go...Q1) We know what is but do we have an agreed upon understanding of what personalized learning is?
Hey ! I’m Mindy from … Instructional Designer, Social Media & Communications Strategist.
Rachelle from St.Clair , Mi. Instructional admin for Spent a great day with today!
Uh oh, and at the same time.
This is going to be one busy hour!
What up glad you could stay up!
A1 Student centered instruction based on individual needs and preferences.
A1 Personalized learning: Everyone feels they belong; can hit flow.
Q1) We know what is but do we have an agreed upon understanding of what personalized learning is?
Happy to be joining in on the this evening!
Ready to learn and grow.
Hey Sarita! High-five to !
A1: I do not think we do, as a group, as a collective, as Borg
A1: I think defining terms is an important step. Find this often with Need to agree we're referencing same concept
Since the is over you all should come over and join us during the tonight.
My fav LMS in the UDL house!
I like this... what do you mean? or Personalized Learning or both?
Hey jumping a few minutes late. But I'm here!
I don't think I do- perhaps student driven differentiation?
I was thinking personalized. But outside of , probably both https://t.co/Zb3ox5TSij
I like this... what do you mean? or Personalized Learning or both?
A1: in our hearts as educators we know what personalized learning is but the way PL is defined has gotten convoluted
A1 Let kids co-design their own path toward "enlightment"! lol
Good point! I think there may be varying degrees of personalization. Defining terms would help.
If it’s personalized learning does that mean it’s not set up for the edges?
A1.1 too often PL is defined as every student working on their own learning path independently via adaptive software
A1: I think both & have misconceptions/misunderstandings. Who defines either? The field? Individuals?
Q1: personalized learning embeds interest, career paths , tailored instruction, feedback and such
get ready for Q2. I know it's a bit fast but maybe it will help with the 1st question.
A1 No, we do not. We don't even all use the same name for it.
Don't you think the term personalized sounds like it is something done to students?
Q2) Do and Personalized Learning compliment each other, work independently of each other, or work against each other?
A1 We start with goal and outcome. Mess around with that. Which path? Kids choose.
Zach smith here. UDL lead out in Sanger
A1 I think in PL the edges are defined based on butts in the seats. In some ways, reactive, compared to UDL.
Yikes. Just realized I was tweeting as . darn mobile app!
A2 UDL and personalized learning are enmeshed. Synchronous.
it's cool you can't hide. Good to see you Kit.
Q2 UDL lends a purposeful framework to PL.
A2) Sometimes I think they work against each other because Educators can think if they are personalizing all is good.
A2: Can worktogether. I think does personalize. But think personalization implies different paths, not alternate methods
how different or similar do goals need to be for learning to be personalized
Q2 alot of r good personalized learning strats turn out 2 either directly support or evolve in2 great UDL practice if we let it
Q2 They play well together in that both get away from the student deficit model. Both seek to fix instruction, not s's.
I think it's important for personalized learning to take cues from the culture building in Universal Design for Learning
A2: often says that you can't have w/out and competency-based education. I kinda like that.
A2 UDL is personalized. Personalized isn't UDL.
Q2: LOs are the same for all: students help plan demonstrations of learning - UDL compliments all as tool to achieve goals
Well you just made my point much more succinctly! Thank you!
Say it! https://t.co/pSnRxZSvx3
A2: often says that you can't have w/out and competency-based education. I kinda like that.
A2 personalized learning is "trees"; UDL "forest"
A2: UDL learning environments that honor learner variability support personalized learning.
A2: I think any great idea in education has the potential to become a buzzterm. Both & are at high risk.
this chat is starting to catch its traction so let me throw some more gas on the fire! Q3 coming up!
sure. From a sped standpoint those things designed solely for one kid, let to great supports for many kids.
does personalized put burden of change in learning environment?
A2 I think there's a danger of slipping into old habits of mass modification if PL is implemented without a framework:
Q3) What are the social and cultural ramifications of Personalized Learning and how can help?
Or “everyone gets an IEP.” *shudders at the thought of all the paperwork* https://t.co/w2BypGf4zX
A2 I think there's a danger of slipping into old habits of mass modification if PL is implemented without a framework:
agreed, as we personalize further and further is there a need to design environments? Is this the inherent danger
Well put https://t.co/fsJftw43wJ
A2 I think there's a danger of slipping into old habits of mass modification if PL is implemented without a framework:
Q3) seems like personalized learning could reduce teaching needed communication skills.
UDL empowers is to design learning environments w/ guidelines implemented & in action no matter the lesson. https://t.co/BTZJ9p2vqo
I totally agree. Which parts of UDL most impact not feeling like whack-a-mole?
A3: the current personalization has to do with student path. Parent driven. Career/college related. Must have advocate pursuing
It’s a concern, but not a dealbreaker. If it’s important and excellent practice, we can call it whatever we want, right?
A3 PL seems short sighted. UDL casts a wide, inclusive net. Everyone belongs. Everyone wins.
A3) I feel is a social movement. PL has the danger of becoming a social barrier if we're not careful. UDL First
I think you're starting to get to a deeper point
I think we have 2 be careful to make sure PL still incorps the needs of the group & interests/goals that can only come from tha
Super https://t.co/ZlNPrqI8at
A3 PL seems short sighted. UDL casts a wide, inclusive net. Everyone belongs. Everyone wins.
Gets trickier at HS when credits (by content) are involved. And personal curriculum, dual enrollment, AP, etc
A3 Reminds me of epiphany when I realized every kid would benefit from gifted ed principles!
UDL compliments PL, UDL is one of the ways PL can be successful
A3 The connection between UDL & culturally responsive teaching is so tight. Language, relevance, strategy, challenge, communication
A3:I think we need to keep social learning at the heart personalized learning. Peer learning is a powerful way to personalize
UDL can track PL from become just a series of tracks and another set of labels
“What is essential for some is good for all” Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
I'm out! Thank you for letting me join the conversation. So much to still learn
a3 Classroom culture will take a hit with PL. It grows deep and wide with UDL.
Wow this chat is far from over. I feel like we're just starting to scratch the surface. Unfortunately, we are almost out of time.
Totally agree! https://t.co/rv0dqduzQG
I think we have 2 be careful to make sure PL still incorps the needs of the group & interests/goals that can only come from tha