#OHEdChat was started by an ad hoc group of Ohio educators and other interested people. For information and updates about the chat, visit https://ohedchat.wordpress.com/
A1: I received a perfect score on my Praxis III exam during my first year. After that I knew I had what it took to be successful as a teacher. #ohedchat
A1. Defining moment was watching a video done as a project by two Ss the creativity, energy, and effort was so awesome to see! And it was a great assessment tool!! #diffinstruction#ohedchat
I was asked to create a personal mission.. I thought it’d be easy since I have personal goals but it was far more thought provoking than I thought.. great way to guide and align values with teaching practice #ohedchat
A1: R Factor has been huge this year! Constantly reflecting and working to control my response to get the outcome I want. New to the district this year. #ohedchat
A1: Hey #OhEdChat friends! Liz • Buckeye born☃️•but a Georgia girl now🍑
I have had several defining moments: but one that shines 🌟🌟 is growing some of my teachers from great ➡️ elite! #Relationships
A1: It has been the response from what I thought was a small gesture- delivering snacks for teachers during conferences glean so much during coaching #ohedchat
A1: It has been the response from what I thought was a small gesture- delivering snacks for teachers during conferences glean so much during coaching #ohedchat
A1 (part deux): I have to also say being able to connect w/ #ohedchat PLN is powerful -esp. from "little 'ole me" from Hawaii. I have become a better educator & learner
Q2: If you were given a "redo" when getting to know your students, what would it be? What is your "go-to" when building relationships w/ others? #ohedchat
Q2: If you were given a "redo" when getting to know your students, what would it be? What is your "go-to" when building relationships w/ others? #ohedchat
Q2: If you were given a "redo" when getting to know your students, what would it be? What is your "go-to" when building relationships w/ others? #ohedchat
Not yet, training staff this year. All APs and AD are now trained to provide PD to all staff. They are doing a great job! @GMSMrG I think our PBIS team sees the natural fit with Ss. Will work on a plan for Ss this year for next year. #ohedchat
Q2: If you were given a "redo" when getting to know your students, what would it be? What is your "go-to" when building relationships w/ others? #ohedchat
A2: I spend the first couple days doing different activities getting to know students and build collaborative climate before ever getting to “syllabus” seems to always pay off as school year progresses. Don’t rush into syllabus #ohedchat
A2 My go to is getting to know the Ss individually. Really getting to know them and making them feel special and heard. You want to add to the emotional bank so when you need their trust it will be there. #ohedchat
A2.2 be authentic with your students and share about you and they’ll tend to buy in to building relationships and being authentic. Recognize we all can learn from each other. Not a one way street #ohedchat
A1: As a leader I️ am really trying to be present and slow down my day! I️ want to hear the students, parents, and teachers...stand in their shoes and give the true support or leadership that is needed at the time! #ohedchat
Q2: If you were given a "redo" when getting to know your students, what would it be? What is your "go-to" when building relationships w/ others? #ohedchat
A2 I think the biggest "go-to" in building relationships w/ fellow staff & Ss is to simply care to hear what is being said. Don't just go through the motions. #ohedchat#respect
If you know that though, you are already moved ahead of those that never reflect. It doesn't matter where you start. It matters where you end! #ohedchat
My go to is telling stories about myself. BUT biggest + Letting them know that I am present - eye contact, listening. Seems cliche but- being vulnerable, sharing mistakes. Takes time,trust& willingness to risk #ohedchat
My go to in building relationships is listening more & talking less. I️It’s important to show people that they are important & that we care more about the person than the position they fill. #ohedchat
Q2: If you were given a "redo" when getting to know your students, what would it be? What is your "go-to" when building relationships w/ others? #ohedchat
Q2: If you were given a "redo" when getting to know your students, what would it be? What is your "go-to" when building relationships w/ others? #ohedchat
A2 You should really know a special fact/trait about each Ss in your room & the people you work with. If not, then you really haven't built a relationship w/ them. #ohedchat
A3. #ohedchat Prompt observation feedback was something that I wish I can do better. I want to be mindful and helpful there I take to much time to give my feedback back.
A3-Was just talking about this w/ Ts today! I've been working hard to make staff meetings meaningful for Ts-trying to gain feedback abt what they want/need #ohedchat
A3: @PrincipalCMill introduces ed camp style staff meetings this Fall at @GESFalcons and staff are responding very well-so many experts in our bldg and this allows time to share! #ohedchat
A3. I need to up my PD game. Looking at ways to make sure that more PD is personalized. Also looking to provide more useful and timely feedback. #ohedchat
A3: Face-to-face interaction fuels connection. How many ways can I️ hear our kids, not through the words of others, but through them, personally? #ohedchat
A3: I do Recess/Lunch (unstructured time = behavior issues). R schl uses @PlayworksIL. Inspired to help Ss have positive recess w/recess “coach...Me!” #ohedchat
A3: Face-to-face interaction fuels connection. How many ways can we hear our kids, not through the words of others, but through them, personally? #ohedchat
Always "reading the room." What's the body language? What are the kinds of questions being asked, the type of discussion being generated? What needs are being shared with me, directly or indirectly? #ohedchat
A3: I do Recess/Lunch (unstructured time = behavior issues). R schl uses @PlayworksIL. Inspired to help Ss have positive recess w/recess “coach...Me!” #ohedchat
A3 To elevate, I ask questions, offer suggestions, listen, collaborate & troubleshoot. I try not to waste the time of those in front of me; Ss & Ts alike. Approachability is key! #ohedchat
A3: Such an awesome ?That is what needs elevating- posing quality/challenging questions for tchrs that encourage them to elevate their work. Being a better example of taking time to be reflective during coaching sessions #ohedchat
A3 - I strive to keep up with edu research...currently reading a journal article on the pretesting effect. Just finished up this one:
A3. #ohedchat Poor communication is always the break down in school leadership that works. I need to be careful and over communicate with all stakeholders.
A4: What are those things we've thought we could never do? What steps can we take to push ourselves? Love this article: https://t.co/oLiQXbTqKd#ohedchat
We just had PD last Friday & I was asked to be a @Playworks presenter! Data shows it helps w/Ss referrals, conflict resolution, some Ss need kids to play with. Recess TAs are “coaches”! #ohedchat
A4: Always reflect and push. It is what we want with our staff and students. It is important that we are modeling this as well. Need to be the lead Risk Taker! #ohedchat
I would counter that effective, thoughtful personal communication supersedes email responses hands down, any day in terms of "important job skills". #ohedchat
A4. #ohedchat something that I always say is "I need to be comfortable being uncomfortable." When I am working at challenging, empowering, and inspiring Ts It is not always comfortable.
A4: We just had PD, required to sign up, got done, and realized...I was a Presenter for 3 sessions! Uncomfortable...understatement!...I let my vocation for Ss guide me...nailed it! #ohedchat
a4: How about remove the fear of failure and go after it! Used this already today, but worth the repeat! The ease of comfort can't outweigh the potential reward of discomfort! If it's about Ss you will, if it's abt u you won't! #ohedchat weleaded
A3: Sorry I'm late, had a program. Taken edcamp and used to transform staff mtg. Tchrs get 1 contact hour each month and expands voice and choice. #ohedchat
A4. Two years ago in ASCD I saw a presentation that has a system to record Ts in they use it for coaching. I do not recall the name of the company that sells the equipment. #ohedchat
A4:Getting out of things that are my forte- open to failing forward like asking tchrs to critique training and coaching sessions- AND coming back later for "more" #ohedchat
A5 Say thank you and tell them what you appreciate verbally or in a hand written note. Have a staff recognition at the beginning of each meeting for staff to shout out to each other. #OhEdChat
A4 It's not comfortable seeking out criticism, but I've found simple Google forms for Ss & Ps are a great check in. Anonymous, plus they yield data which allows me to evaluate my delivery of service & make changes while in the current school year. #ohedchat
A5: Today we were playing our “Game of the Week”, 1 Ss who could use TLC, was doing great @ the game...”High 5’s” all around, acknowledged how well she was doing, all smiles! #ohedchat
A5-We've done lots of diff things to recognize people we're thankful and grateful for this yr-post its, thankful padlet, reply all emails, etc #ohedchat
I've always been a pen to paper guy. It seems to stick with me longer. Several unheard voice memos in my folders. I have gotten better at making drivetime listening more purposeful, though. Perhaps it could be used to listen to reflections? Thx! #ohedchat
A5. I like to highlight powerful teaching practices on social media. The parents love to see their kids at work and the teachers love the kudos. #ohedchat
A5 Handwritten notes, Voxer messages, face to face conversations, and staff to staff recognition awards. Here's the link to the awards. https://t.co/ONbaoqku2K#OHEdChat
A5-I like to take my phone with me when I'm out in classroom and text teachers positive feedback about what I'm seeing-also send a pic of them teaching #ohedchat
A5: Everywhere I've been I have used perk cards..Ts can use them to leave early, get out of duty, have a morning beverage brought to them! Here's an example from a former district #ohedchat
It's important to be in classrooms and see what Ts are doing since they're on the front lines! JW Reason would love to have you stop by anytime! #ohedchat
A5: Unexpected Phone Call to a Teacher's/ Colleague's parent or spouse to thank them for sharing their loves one. (Yes +Personal Notes; Shout Out Board; Verbal appreciation) #OHEdChat
A5: Handwritten notes, a face-to-face moment sharing, "I appreciate you," and even though it's less personal maybe, an email with a genuine thanks are all good ways to show that appreciation. #ohedchat
Q5: by dropping what we are doing and celebrating each other when the moment hits us - also by connecting educators’ strengths and areas for refinement based on conversations we have #ohedchat
A6: @GrahamSchools encourages taking risks as educators...trying and learning then trying again...like @PrincipalCMill says...”a better me makes a better we👍🏻 #ohedchat
A6: In the midst of struggle, bonding isn't the primary focus--but it is a positive outcome! I've been part of it as Ts wrestle with changes in schedule, standards, curriculum. #ohedchat
A6: When I attended my PD, 2 TAs from my schl were w/me. We provided R @Playworks experience for the sessions...by the time we left we felt revitalized/renenergized. It definitely brought us together! #ohedchat
A6 I led my school's first twitter book study chat tonight! It was only 7 of us but it was an opportunity for us to share and grow together. It was good for us! Can't wait for next Wednesday #ohedchat
A6: @GrahamSchools encourages taking risks as educators...trying and learning then trying again...like @PrincipalCMill says...”a better me makes a better we👍🏻 #ohedchat