#K12talent Archive
#K12Talent chat is for K-12 HR professionals or any school leader interested in learning more about human capital leadership. Topics include: rewards/recognition, recruiting, hiring, interviewing, difficult employees.
Tuesday July 26, 2016 9:00 PM EDT
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TODAY’S TOPIC: Substitute Teacher Retention in
Don’t forget to respond to our Q's by using A: and !
A1. Leslie, Membership Coordinator for AASPA in Overland Park
Q1. Let’s start off with introductions! Share your name, position, and location!
Phil Kovacs, VP Partnerships , Huntsville Al
A1: Kelly Coash-Johnson, ED for glad to be joining you this evening from Overland Park, KS
A1 Thom Partner Consultant with
I am from Fostoria OH but tweeting from the Smoky Mountains https://t.co/q9YkmT4lbl
A1 Thom Partner Consultant with
Q2. What kinds of incentives do you offer your substitutes?
tks and glad to be here! hopefully we can add some value to the conversation. interested in improving sub experience all around
Q2. What kinds of incentives do you offer your substitutes?
A1 Jon Mock, Director of HR, School City of Hobart, Hobart IN
I am a retired school admin but previously we would give our subs priority in hiring for any vacancies as an incentive 2 sub 4 us
Glad to have you with us tonight Jon https://t.co/ikSzOwMBnn
A1 Jon Mock, Director of HR, School City of Hobart, Hobart IN
Q3. What are the different ways you communicate with your substitutes?
A2: I believe one of the better incentives you can offer Subs is good quality PD and the ability to grow professionally
We are exploring moving subs from temp employment to full certification
A2 we hire many permanents from our sub pool especially support depts. Subbing is a good way for us to get to know work ethic etc
We surveyed over 3,000 subs last year and almost 40% expressed interest in earning a degree and becoming a teacher
we just started adding PD two years ago. Great feedback from subs and staff
this seems like a straightforward way to begin addressing the teacher shortage. It does not address needed policy changes
It's nice to try it before you buy it in https://t.co/DVgBsinEea
A2 we hire many permanents from our sub pool especially support depts. Subbing is a good way for us to get to know work ethic etc
A3 primary communication was still telephone, then email and text messaging
A1 Sorry I'm late...joining from Cleveland, OH
A3 email is primary - and the use of Sub Mgmt software - quick to post announcements etc.
Q4. How do your subs receive information from your teachers?
A3: There are some really cool technology programs that are helping organize your Sub Pool/quick and easy
we use a variety of ways to communicate with subs but I don't think there is a better way than face to face. Hard to scale
hard to scale but essential for creating a genuine community, especially in large districts. imagine your first day subbing NYC
A2 Offering PD to your substitutes is an excellent way to RETAIN and DEVELOP your bullpen!
A3 teachers post links to lessons on their LMS or can email to the subs
fundamentally committed to changing that. There's a parent speaking here who has a boy in public school, a former teacher here...
A3 our teachers also used lecture capture software to pre record lessons and share the link with the subs
and an ed reformer wanting to address the opportunities with subs.
Q5. How do you manage your substitute pool?
A4 were still using the "sub folder" on the desk, but I'd love to get more buy-in on the use of sub software between both groups
A5. Balancing act. Just when you think you're set, the pool shrinks. Held a Sub Fair last week & hired 30 subs in 1 day
Learning Management System (LMS)
flagrent self promotion here but we use our own software for managing our sub workforce. comprehensive workforce mgmt.
Q6. How do you keep your substitute pool engaged?
A5: I was thinking the same thing as - worried we don't have enough subs just like teachers:(
We also need to think of substitutes as part of the "family" and not something that needs to be "managed."
spitballing here but what is the better language for using in reference to subs? UK uses "auxillary" instead of sub.
language matters. If I'm positioning myself professionally it sounds better to be an auxiliary teacher than a "sub" teacher
A6: Again I am big into Professional Development. It helps keep everyone on the same page and engaged
it is essential that we attach value and meaning to substituting. I think it could be a legitimate way into classrooms
A6: I am also big into a positive and - Having this will keep everyone better engaged in success
Q7. How do you recognize the accomplishments of your teachers?
and I say this as a former prof in an education department and a tempered critic of alternative certification programs
A6 We tried to let our subs know how much we valued them (Since we never seemed to have enough) Include them in social activities
What if substitute teaching could be a legit apprenticeship or internship? For some it will always be part time but for others...
A1: Chris Wolk, principal/HR K-4, Grayslake IL where the fish were biting. Jumping in late.
Q7. Is an interesting question and at first glance not directly related it would seem but recognition matters
Love the inclusion in social activities
So glad to have you on this evening :) Catch anything? https://t.co/CM38bmoVau
A1: Chris Wolk, principal/HR K-4, Grayslake IL where the fish were biting. Jumping in late.
Q8. Any final words of wisdom you’d like to provide on today’s topic?
A7: Via school/dist social media(fb/twitter), local newspaper, nominate for local&state awards
Prof Dev opportunities are a must people want to learn and to grow. that doesn't end when we leave school!
Thank you for bringing in the piece - What a great way to recognize
Biting but nothing taking. Oh well, tomorrow.
final words of wisdom are a request to keep the conversation going. the teacher shortage will not slow.
Q8. Any final words of wisdom you’d like to provide on today’s topic?
...need to offer alternatives to traditional roles. Think auxiliary instead of substitute or apprentice
also need to work to get retired folks into classrooms. provide them with some classroom management and then get them engaged
Thank you chat participants – see you on the next Tuesday, August 9/ 8pm CDT
A8: Great topic tonight for - Thanks for hosting/ creating some amazing questions. Looking forward to learning more
A6: Keep them busy and treat w respect. Check in during day, small talk and Provide PD.