Hello!! I’m Amy from Texas... and I don’t like scary movies - give me a comedy/drama/sci-fi anytime, but no thrillers or scary movies for me!! #FormativeChat
Q1: An easy tool to use for a cfa is google forms. It’s a great place to collect data to quickly see responses. Socrative is another tool as well. #formativechat
#formativechat A1: verbal feedback, whiteboards, exit tickets, entrance tickets, end of section questions, ask Ss to take a concept and make it their own.
missed from earlier fav scary movie is Event Horizon
A1 I’m very lucky that as a team we try and give common exit tickets and tasks so we can analyze the info to inform instruction and pacing in math. #formativechat
A1 #formativechat Set classroomto encourage students to interact w/ learning target & evaluate how they achieved goal. Could be exit slips, short Microsoft/Google Forms, data from @goformative. Good Ed tech helps students see visual representation of own growth @LizTechTrainer
A1b - I love a google reflection document that students type in. It’s a great way to see what kids know and it even can be used as a study guide. #formativechat
@EdjiNotes allows the T to add PDFs of text, images, etc. to Edji and Ss can mark up the text and comment using text and emojis. The T can see the thread of each student as well as allow them to either see one another or not. #powerfulstuff#formativechat
A1: Using tools like @goformative, Gforms, @Flipgrid, etc. #formativechat. It's all about having all students able to reply during the process in a way that they find comfortable.
A1: Tech apps are great way to utilize any type of common assessments. Our district has used edulastic, linkit, and personally I have been using Formative more and more! Anything on the google platform makes it easy to collaborate and share. #formativechat
A1: Level Your Assessments and let the students work UNTIL they can not work through them. You want to challenge them but not frustrate them. Find out where they are and adjust for each student. #formativechat
Jumping in late to #formativechat This is Barbara - just finished #rethink_learning and so excited to learn more about formative assessments. Thank you @Rdene915
A1: I like to have a nice chat with Ss about what they are reading/writing. It's common, differentiated, and formative in nature. Conferences are great! #formativechat
A1 - Definitely my go to now has been to use @goformative allow for a common FA but use a variety of responses. I have other tech tools and non-tech tools such as mini white boards to give commona FA. #formativechat
Hi all! Kristen here after a week off! You know ss who are notorious for being the problematic, academic or behavior? I’m living that. Be extra patient. It sucks just as much for them as it does for us, and they are aware and can’t help it. #nightmarepatient#formativechat
Thanks, Lisa! We are happy to offer our library and sharing to all teachers! Very excited about our new premium collaboration & co-teaching team/school/district features as well! #formativechat
Thank you! I wish you all could of heard the S comments in the hallway today. Some were nervous, others said how intense it was, but all were excited about participating in it with us. #formativechat
Interesting! On the fly formatives are awesome. Jumping ahead a little but have you found any good ways to share the data you get with colleagues? #formativechat
A1: I like to ask the Ss what worked, what didn't work using "I like. I wonder. I wish." Some Ss like to talk one-on-one with each other and share ideas. #formativechat
A1: a colleague and I have started giving more informal partner diagnostics. Then debrief the student comments and conversation. Look for trends and patterns. Used this to gather what grade 4 students already knew about graphing techniques. #formativechat
We have a common planning period and have been using that time to tweak common assessments to meet our needs. We also have a running google doc we post resources to under each standard(s) we are working on during the week. #Formativechat
Yes - and we got our hug and selfie. It was fun to be with you when I finally found you in the big room. Glad to be here at #formativechat after #rethink_learning. You are amazing doing both. Whew!
A1 cont: Lately instead of taksing "Do you have questions?, I've been saying "Ask me a question (related to what we covered)", and won't move on until they do. This has led to a beter understanding of what they actually understand #formativechat
I am submitting a PD request to attend a course being offered to prepare for Google Level 1 certification. I hope to get approval for that then host future PD sessions to spread the word and promote Formative. #formativechat
We have a common planning period and have been using that time to tweak common assessments to meet our needs. We also have a running google doc we post resources to under each standard(s) we are working on during the week. #Formativechat
This is such a huge shift! I like to ask "What questions do you have?" instead of "Do you have questions?" Makes all students realize their questions are valuable! #formativechat
#formativechat not in terms of numbers of Ss responding, but since I teach freshman who are all new to the school this allows me to check growth through the year and have some talking points during P-T conf.
#formativechat As a former ELA teacher, I used to constantly provide writing feedback & have students track that feedback on the rubrics. Digital Writing portfolios allowed us to revisit common errors and set goals for future writing. Using Microsof OneNote or Google Classroom
A2: We track skills through our LMS (Schoology). Each activity or test is aligned with one or more skills. We can check student progress throughout the year. #formativechat
A1: My team doesn’t have many common formative assessments, we all have very different teaching styles and very limited planning time. It’s something we can work on. #formativechat
#formativechat After a while (2wks) and the same folks are raising their hand I say: " I appreciate your courage by raising your hand, but let's get other involved too."
A2: Progress can be viewed through Google Classroom by isolating it to the one student view. Also, by adding the formatives to the Grade book, but not adding it to the grade book, Ss can see their growth. #formativechat
A2 I have data spreadsheets on my littles. I also try to do anecdotal records on each student. Handwritten note cards work on the spur of the moment! #formativechat
#formativechat As a former ELA teacher, I used to constantly provide writing feedback & have students track that feedback on the rubrics. Digital Writing portfolios allowed us to revisit common errors and set goals for future writing. Using Microsof OneNote or Google Classroom
A2 - We do unit reflecting journals of every topic. Also, daily post it notes about questions of the day. Finally, I believe that repetition of learning is a key. Keep checking in to see what students truly understand. #formativechat
A2 I keep a facilitation grid that I use to mark off ss progress toward mastery. It’s a combination of a checklist and anecdotal notes so I know how to plan instructional groups and what ss need to level-up. I like to use multiple points to show mastery #formativechat
A2: I use an old school notebook. With my daily marking (formative stuff) I need space to make lists and groupings rather than a formal grade book. Keeps me focussed on next day teaching rather than rear view mirror type grading. I can track groups over time. #formativechat
A2: I keep spiral notebooks with ongoing data as I update from writing conferences, running records, observations during okay and all of the other pieces of data I collect. #formativechat
A2: Huge spreadsheet tied to my leaderboard and individual student sheets (shared only with each stduent). Everything goes there so we all can quickly see what's what. Working on color coding. #formativechat
A2: I teach all subjects, so I have a variety of spreadsheets, running records, and checklists I use depending on the subject - it’s exciting to watch S growth through the year represented with these tools... I share those celebrations with my Ss at every step! #FormativeChat
A2 I will admit I need to work on formalzing this. I use GradeCam for Unit assessments and keep a running sheet for the year with major data. FOr the most part I just keep it in my head, and use my gradebook. #formativechat
A2: We keep an interactive notebook that keeps track of their learning. I also keep their tests and quizzes (that are not online) and highlight my paper copy of grades when they resubmit assign or tests. #formativechat
I use a google form & Sheet to keep track of student progress. On the google form I mark students progress Then use the google sheet and conditional formatting to look for patterns
#formativechat A2: through having each student write down the day and opener; for a diff class I have them use a google doc and do daily 3 things I learned today; notes on rosters; am looking for tech friendly ways to track formative progress, like @goformative
A2: I have recently spoken about the need to scaffold math problems across multiple cognitive domains. I am now using these for each main concept to track how well students are developing and progressing into high order thinking skills. #formativechat
I build feeds from my student, the patterns that emerge provide me with real time insights into learning: An example: https://t.co/Ky1sfPBIyI I include a feed of comments to drive learning through community and reflection. #formativechat (https://t.co/MRQGBYM8jN)
A2: Find a system of organizing student data that works for you; take anecdotal notes and use in combination with student work and formal assessments; either digitally (SeeSaw) or hard copies. It is important that the system works for you #formativechat
A2 - Getting better at using the Tracker feature in @goformative for Ss progress. Have students do reflections. Have many conversations with students. Use summative grade book. #formativechat
Our district is piloting the use of LinkIt this year to do just that. Not sure how it will go, I have some thoughts on it but it is still early. #formativechat
Yes. Something that would allow the Ss and parents to access that data. My @Seesaw users: is there a function that allows Ss to track their progress on the site? #formativechat
Q2 As a grade level we also have a pre and post assessment. Google Sheet is a great way to track data. It allows our grouping to stay fluid and allows for adjustment as needed
Very good representations for kids. @Stella_Pollard, you're right about this goal setting idea from @Catlin_Tucker. Students need to see visuals in a quick but prominent manner #formativechat
A2 I keep track of student progress through traditional grading program. I also use technology tools such as @Newsela and now @goformative to track progress. For oral progress I use @Flipgrid videos. Will be using Mixtaoes this year. #formativechat
A2: Huge spreadsheet tied to my leaderboard and individual student sheets (shared only with each stduent). Everything goes there so we all can quickly see what's what. Working on color coding. #formativechat
Q3: The best way to collaborate is during planning time. Look at what your final assessment and work backwards. Design your lessons, then create questions to use for CFAs. #formativechat
A2 I use google forms and sheets to track data pulled from reports from our system to track progress. Using formative data to drive CLT discussions #formativechat
I like it a lot. We have used it for several years now. They upgraded a few features here recently. I am getting used to the new assessment feature, but overall I am really happy with it. Nice to have everything in one place for the kids and the parents. #formativechat
Hoping for some feedback. Working on capstone project to complete my Master's in Curriculum and Instruction. Been tasked by district to evaluate and look into new lesson plan templates. My idea is to implement a reflection component. Thoughts? #formativechat
A2: Not all data of formative assessment should be quantitative. Students can use a process journal or learning portfolio to track their progress. #FormativeChat
A2: I teach all subjects, so I have a variety of spreadsheets, running records, and checklists I use depending on the subject - it’s exciting to watch S growth through the year represented with these tools... I share those celebrations with my Ss at every step! #FormativeChat
Bowing out a little early tonight to get ready to host #LearnLAP in less than 10 minutes. Would love for everyone in #formativechat to join us! We are talking How to Foster a Growth Mindset LIke a Pirate!
A3: Formative assessments are just that - practice - make the instruction meaningful for the Ss by adopting this mindset:
FAs would be what the “coach” (T) gives the “players” (Ss) prior to the big game (summative assessment). #formativechat
A3: In my school, I was the ONLY 6th grade math teacher. I loved working with my math team for collaboration, but we all taught different courses. #formativechat
A3 Using CFAs to drive CLT discussions every week we can help collaboration efforts have specific purpose. Using data to compare between both questions missed and overall student average to support learning/reteaching. #formativechat
The answer is yes. This is why I love G sheets. If you are careful about conventions, and use of functions (Vlookup for example), you can collect the data almost automatically. #formativechat
A3- have weekly meetings with colleagues to talk about common formative assessments and share assessments in @goformative or a google document.
A3 Our literacy team worked with our K-2 Ts this summer to help them use our state reading inventory data to drive instruction. We also gave them time to create or download activities to target skills in each area. #formativechat
A3: Plan with your grade level peers. Create assignments and tests together--it eases the burden and it adds new perspectives to your work. It is the same for the common formative assessments. Listening to each other's ideas helps you and your kids grow. #formativechat
A3: Collect Ss work, artifacts, examples, and data to share with your colleagues. Ask questions: where do you see gaps in learning? What artifacts demonstrate mastery? How are Ss reflecting on their learning? #formativechat
A2 We reflect regularly and this helps a ton! It’s student-centered and because they set their goals and reflect on their own learning, it’s student-led, too! #formativechat
A3: a colleague and I are now co-planning through the use of a shared google slide deck. Basically acts like a record of our teaching but is also interactive and has prompts we project for kids. Editable slides Allows us to see what comes up in the other classes. #FormativeChat
A3: Plan together. Create common activities, common assessements, and common reflection pieces. Compare data. Always always reflect on the process together. Be transparent and vulnerable with your colleagues. Share share share! #formativechat
#formativechat The reflection component could be on the following week's plan. There the teacher could provide information on the formative data he/she garnered from the week before and how that informed instruction from the previous week. What do you think @MrSeanOlson?
Hoping for some feedback. Working on capstone project to complete my Master's in Curriculum and Instruction. Been tasked by district to evaluate and look into new lesson plan templates. My idea is to implement a reflection component. Thoughts? #formativechat
#formativechat A3: can work within dept/grade level. be positive, start small and encourage. faculty/grade level meetings can be a place to start and continue to nurture the process. opening up the classroom to observations (if time permits). share out successes
Q3: The best way to collaborate is during planning time. Look at what your final assessment and work backwards. Design your lessons, then create questions to use for CFAs. #formativechat
A2: I have Ss create and maintain a Google Sheet to track their progress (accuracy percentage), their quiz scores, and their unit test scores. They are seeing a correlation! :) #formativechat
After reflection it begins with student goal setting and tracking and reflecting on personal growth. A rubric with six criterion useless to must learners. Let them choose to 1-2 criterion with you and track targeted growth. #formativechat (https://t.co/tYdm2ekvUi)
A3- Share @goformative FAs . Use the @goformative the library (would also invite to collaborate if Ts around me had access to that feature in @goformative). Keep having conversations and collaborate during PD, department meetings, even passing in the hall. #formativechat
A3: Our common planning period has been helpful when we stay on track. Establish norms, develop protocol, and meet with a purpose. This time allows us to reflect, make adjustments, and plan a direction for where we are going next. #formativechat
A3:shared google fders with formative assessments allows other Ts to see how I/we collect & analyze data. Sometimes virtual collab is the way #formativechat
A3: We have common prep by subject area, as well as bi-weekly Cycle of Inquiry meetings. Both of these allow us to look at overall picture of students across content areas #formativechat#AdvancingOGSD
Reflection is awesome for Ts in their lesson planning. It shows the lesson as constantly evolving and changing instead of being static. Also, I think reflection for the students is important in the building of a lesson as well. #formativechat
Hoping for some feedback. Working on capstone project to complete my Master's in Curriculum and Instruction. Been tasked by district to evaluate and look into new lesson plan templates. My idea is to implement a reflection component. Thoughts? #formativechat
A3: Collorbation is tricky because we are always up against time, I don’t have common planning time with my team and we meet twice a month. Most of the work is done informally with check ins. #formativechat
A3: My district is very small, so most are singletons. However, for the Eng 1 T & I, we share standards, so though our content is diff, we can plan our assessments over standards to be similar. We give each other feedback too. No common prep, so we talk as needed. #formativechat
A3: this week another sci teacher and I taught our classes together! It was perfect! Put both of our minds together and we are super teacher! Realized we both did it differently and learned how to improve ours using the other’s perspective (His was better, lol!) #formativechat
A3 The Spanish teachers at my school just created a Formative together to give to their students. Then during cpt they will discuss results. #formativechat
I like this! I want lesson plans to provide a purpose even for veteran Ts. Reflecting on a lesson plan would allow me to revisit it next year and be more effective moving forward. Would show what was taught that week bc usually things don't go exactly as planned. #formativechat
Most definitely! We also saw a teacher using #PineapplePD today so other teachers can watch them do it and how they implement tech in the process. We love this form of PD! #formativechat
Thanks for a great chat @sew1080. Always enjoy participating in #formativechat . I still have so much info to get caught up on from #FormativeSummit. Working on this capstone has taken priority recently.
Thank you #formativechat for another wonderful start of the week! If #formativechat was a formative assessment, I would say the progression is great and it keeps getting better! Have a wonderful week.
As we wrap up #formativechat, we'd love to give a huge shout-out @sew1080 ! It was her first time guest hosting our weekly discussion and she rocked it with great questions and facilitation!
I may have to schedule my answers for that one! My trainer might not like me leaving early again! @mhayes611 I will have to connect with you for the questions! #formativechat
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@Rdene915, @sew1080, @mhayes611, @mhayes611