#ukedchat Archive
Join teachers and educationalists for #ukedchat each Thursday between 8-9 pm GMT for Edu chat. Education news, resources, and @UKEdSch website with @UKEdMag
Thursday October 27, 2016 3:00 PM EDT
Tonight, we're talking all things future. Q1: How do you imagine the role of a new teacher will look like in ten years?
A1 Less workload due to shared responsibilities with other staff. Less pressure from Government for exam results
How can the profession work towards that? Trend seem to be the other way at the mo!
Tech playing a core part in education
If you are joining tonight, remember to use the hashtag in your tweets.
I think teaching will come close to collapse soon and it will HAVE to change
Hope: less policy. Greater student agency and co-constructed learning built on passions & curiosities
Fantastic parents evening tonight. Was great discussing how well the students have performed in their first controlled assessment
A1 Hope as now - ready to bring new ideas and enthusiasm, receptive to guidance and support from experienced colleagues.
not that different from now in structure and purpose and hopefully teaching principles won't be too different
Agreed. Unrealistic expectations set by those that haven't done a day in the job
With each and every one of us with different passions & curiosities, how can we cater for all? https://t.co/Zc7iFIAzBI
Hope: less policy. Greater student agency and co-constructed learning built on passions & curiosities
A1 Things have to change. Teaching children how to embark on the learning journey them taking control
Q1 a lot more student led learning through tech. Grown a lot since I qualified.
I imagine that schools will still be tackling workload, trying to retain teachers and will still be looking for funds!
SHOULD they be different?
I'm wondering how will be fitting in to the picture in ten years time...
Sadly I think it is nearly there
Do you foresee a time when this will not be the case? If so, when?
Question One again
How do you imagine the role of a new teacher will look like in ten years?
Before we all go tech crazy worth noting that tech without profound ped development normally gets left behind
By moving pre-set boundaries and fostering an exploration of learning. Core objectives can be built upon but the contexts diverse.
no. Principles of great teaching and learning have been constant over last 15 years of research. Perhaps more cog psych
Given we're going back to grammar schools maybe we should look 20 years ago for what it'll look like in 10 years time ;)
I hope (maybe optimistically!) that there will be less pressure from politicians etc & more recognition of teachers' skills etc
will mean teachers taking more note of how best to get students to retain knowledge.
When were those principles *first* in place? Are they truly future proof?
it will still be there. Education is the Gov. fav tinker toy.
Average wage will have shrunk by 25%. "Teachers" will work from state sanctioned lesson plans supplied by Murdoch.
more collaborative, more links between subjects and stages, more interactive (making use of tech)
Pedagogical fads? 😉 https://t.co/Hkd8ydlqRQ
On another note, it depends what is "pedagogically in" and seen as best practice by school leaders.
A1 not that different to today - preparing to implement new curriculum, changes to assessment and new interim SATs...
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Schools may not be run by teachers (altho' I hope to goodness they are).
Also believe huge scope for a flipped learning approach. I'd love to see this develop; pupils teaching each other
That'll save him some cash. How can the this dystopia be stopped with out resorting to Bruce Willis?
Some schools are fighting this very well and I believe this is indicative of the school leaders
Question Two
What aspects of technology do you think will be impacting on education in the future? https://t.co/CsUS4h8awF
Hopefully this can eventually be made national by sharing best practice!
Do you have the evidence/research to hand to share with ?
Communication. It's become the norm to email/text parents. I think this will continue to develop
Perhaps distance learning will develop in some areas due to teacher shortages
Achievement is fixed point that may limit interest in learning. Creativity is a process that increases interest to learn
assessment/exams - who knows what they'll look like in next ten years! https://t.co/dSp6JXbGU6
yes - exams slightly in dark ages. Though I'm unsure how to change them.
Good point! Although I prefer to think of myself as doing what's best for students, not ofsted!
Hopefully technology will continue to inspire creativity but still focusing on key skills such as literacy
wrong question. How can education shape purposeful tech development that makes sustained difference. https://t.co/8d5MDW5kAn
Question Two
What aspects of technology do you think will be impacting on education in the future? https://t.co/CsUS4h8awF
How can leaders (and everyone else) be discerning when it comes to positive practices and edu fads?
Q2: What aspects of technology do you think will be impacting on education in the future?
A2 Online assessments. Online learning blogs. Social media?
If timetabled, would it still be regarded as 'flipped'. Would it just be like any other class research?
I think assessment will change. It'll be interesting to see how and with which subjects
have some incredibly innovative rooms with 360 projections on the walls to contextualise learning
Agreed. Spread across all subjects rather than just core?
Do you think, at least in the long term, AI might play a role?
wider use of shared digital resources, accessible in school&at home. less paper hopefully!
take up of new technology will be slow in the near future as budgets are tight.
Oh yes. The potential for experiencing episodes in history firsthand would be inspiring
problematic! Not sure you or I have a huge influence on that!
quick perusal of report "great teaching" is good start plus reports.
Do you think virtual/augmented reality has a role to play?
Good and BIG Q - maybe professional judgement by practice or observations that you have done or had yourself?
Perhaps but really I think it would need to be an integral part of the schools teaching & learning culture
Long term I think they all will. The age of technology. Not necessarily better than the old written methods though
Can the wisdom of the crowd be trusted on this matter?
Yes, Elinfa. Both are key components of the approach so would need to be fostered.
For maths I don't like it!!! But for English (I teach that too) I think there is potential. Also for other subjects
A2 Tech has an important role in the classroom but balancing with other key skills like handwriting a letter, turning a page
Question Two again
What aspects of technology do you think will be impacting on education in the future?
I use an i3board (mix of smart and whiteboard) that is touch screen (so I can write with my finger) or use a board pen
Hi folks! Trevor from Victoria, BC, Canada joining you. LOVE !
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Technologies that are linked
Question Three
How will teachers best facilitate curriculum changes to meet the demands of a changing wor… https://t.co/MFE2cpomx2
a1 hopefully will spend more time researching/collaborating. In real world I think Ts will be wearing even more hats.
Will teachers have the change to decision make in anyway?!!!!
haha but learning, while helped by tech, will not be helped by it, until the exams can use it...
If you are taking part in tonight, remember to use the hashtag in your tweet.
Hopefully the curriculum will be developed to meet the demands... if not as we usually do - extra/cross curricula
being realistic with regards to curriculum, workload and the pressures on children
So we might have this technology - touch screen boards and the current idea of bring your own device may be standard
removing blocks to learning, whether technology or home-based is key to learning. schools
Could you expand on 'linked', please?
I think languages should be at the heart of the future curriculum - but not just European
Could be a combo of both to get us all staring at screen more than we already do!!
Absolutely, Miss Spencer. I like your thinking 😊
should play a role. We have to make sure we question but also embrace some of the changes which happen.
Can you think of specific ways/lessons you would use it in?
A3 Adding a real life aspect to learning. Reasoning in Maths is one example
I find with my ICT role that teachers seem to spend lots of time trying to find apps that are compatible etc.
Not really but if it works for you, and more importantly the students, then why not do it?
blogging, publishing, to collaborate with others, lots more online learning and online contact with parents a2
I believe teaching should be devolved from govt as Bank of England has been
creativity and resilience are the two most important things we need our children to learn. In school, in home, for life
A broad goal, but what specifics would you propose? What day to day differences?
Q3: How will teachers best facilitate curriculum changes to meet the demands of a changing world?
learning is about experiencing - and experiencing being on a space station in zero g
A3 less soloed teaching, a move towards interdisciplinary teaching Teaching Ss to think outside of the box, not inside!
I think this is a question for
How can one be sure something is actually working? What process could teachers use?
how do you get these into schools that are reluctant.
I agree! How we assess for understanding is impacted by how learners show us their understanding
I think project based learning in schools, with the aim of meeting a NEED of the community, could be key!… https://t.co/J0FtGWvQz2
the future is what we make of it. Lets make sure its a positive one
the future is what we make of it. Lets make sure its a positive one
Would a zero G experience be impressive here on Earth?
Totally. A room filled with 360 degree contextualised images/clips. AWE&WONDER!
Very important that assessments allow learners the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge
and face to face relationships, social norms, manners, body language, sensory details
...into our curriculum where possible and alter our curriculum based on what happens/what students are interested in.
well it hasn't really worked well over past 15sh years as some have views on good teaching that don't stack up
We can't. We can encourage & bring learning to life but we can't anticipate all just allow S's to understand 1/2
A1 Hoping for positive reforms which benefit teachers + chn. These need to come from ppl with classroom experience
Prevention better than cure?
Do we think the secondary curriculum has been held back/limited by EBacc & other measures? Will that still impact in 10 years?
one teacher/learner at a time. Change is slow but inevitable. YOU be the difference
Question Three again
How will teachers best facilitate curriculum changes to meet the demands of a changi… https://t.co/wnV4Jhh079
Don't forget the hashtag
As an RS teacher - we always talk about current events, e.g. recent religious conflicts in the media. Thus we always link it...
Hate to say it but it ALWAYS comes back to results, and lesson obs. Student voice is also key but can be unreliable!
A3 I entered teaching 15 years ago from IT. We needed to develop more people who could think then, still do and will in 10 years
Look at how twitter has impacted on education!
can't find the video-see me acting like the boy wanting to be an ASTRONAUT again
Welcome to the profession - it's a great job! https://t.co/KOrFwK2atb
I'm a trainee. When people tell me I must be mad I reply that yes, I am, but also things can only get better... Hopefully!
Its in the second half of the tweet ;)
Q3. Educate children by showing them how to learn and how to make next steps in learning for themselves.
Ideally within 10 years teachers will be given the time they need to effectively plan and deliver the education kids need.
why do you think this is still the case?
Do you think a formal results/grade focus in here to stay at ALL levels of education for all ages?
this will be a value judgement now. How the arts change as a result of this policy needs to be closely monitored
case in point! Me on the West Coast of Canada on my lunch break!
V. true - you need good leaders who try to encourage alternative methods... if you can!!
is there a member of staff with a passion for tech that you could foster?
bingo! And it's infectious!
This Is excellent practice. Keeps it relevant and enables high level of engagement through student agency.
and appreciate we live in an ever changing landscape but 'treat others as you'd like to be' works 2/2
challenging preconceptions of what must be taught,making links from school to real world, constant learning for teachers
LOVE this! Sylvia is pretty great!
Are there items you you believe MUST be taught? Complete freedom and no guidance?
Not sure - we talk about students getting caught up in summative grades but we as teachers are just as bad!
and that learning will need to be self-motivated and possibly self-led, not necessarily waiting for school managed CPD
Yes. Think we need to protect the arts & also vocational education/pathways
Q3. Giving children stuck strategies and using plenaries to build a conceptual model of how we learn which is stepped.
I just don't know what other alternatives schools can realistically take on the top of my head!
by creating a curriculum which is more creative and problem- solving
Yes, good point - if it works for them then why not?
A4: Recruitment and retention. From a maths leader. :(
The power/joy of edu-twitter - I'm on a midterm break here in UK! going global tonight! https://t.co/w7cK097AVK
case in point! Me on the West Coast of Canada on my lunch break!
Is everyone's idea of 'valid and exceptional' the same? Should it be?
I guess then, it would be good to publicize/promote all the fab tech work YOU are doing in your sch.
It keeps us grounded and keeps student interest as we do what they quite often find to be relevant - can be tricky!
In ten years time though, will there be same tech reluctance? https://t.co/TqvVf0x9tv
mean as a school we are but I know of people who teach in other schools who are a lot more reluctant.
A4 New ideas for teaching/learning and the curriculum, new methods. Less restraints?
sometimes its unbelievable the expectations.
People with mental health issue can't be as creative? Don't tell Van Gogh! (Although he won't hear you well!)
not a chance. I have seen amazing change in the past 5yrs. The future is bright!
A4: to continue to build a global community of educators - to learn and support each other.
who know?... 10 years... 10 months... 10 weeks who knows?
In academies and free schools isn't that the case already?
We want to develop students who are independent thinkers with the skill to critically reason
What do we do to encourage the offline educators online?
balance is key. Keeping relationships first above all and using tech to connect w/ other people helps
Q4: What are the greatest positive challenges ahead for the future of teaching?
i think its getting the right staff into the right jobs
end of the school week out here in Qatar
it is, but i'd be interested to know how many have done this, and moved away from whats always been done...
Q4 - Getting the right professionals into the right positions
Defo the most important mantra
Does the education system really value the independent and maverick in our classrooms?
I think a really positive challenge for teaching in future will be engaging with global issues. Technology making world smaller.
for Ts who are online and find it beneficial to spread the word - staffroom chat is a powerful thing!
A4 changing the structures we work under to synthesize w/ our changing pedagogies i.e. ,
Was being 'tongue-in-cheek' 😜, but would be interesting to hear you expand on this point.
My school does (its in our mantra for independence) and I strive to get them doing this!
Question Four again
What are the greatest positive challenges ahead for the future of teaching?
. sort retention; recruitment takes care of itself by positive messages from those retained Nurture what is there
a4 recruitment and retention. Improving public perceptions of teaching.
Couldn't agree with you more.
Defo needs to be both really! Teachers need to encourage it, pupils need to buy into it
positive aspects is the excitement of educational change - Changes for the better
Is there a limit to independence, for staff and for pupils?
BINGO!! This should be an explicit goal in the classroom - create student agency
Q4. Building the confidence & skill to move out practice from teacher centred to learner centred to learner driven.
Do we need to change public perceptions or political ones? https://t.co/rn3Hvtl2lp
a4 recruitment and retention. Improving public perceptions of teaching.
for subject excellence in secondary I don't see how it can't fail to be?
A4 Selecting the most appropriate approaches / resources as our awareness of the different possibilities ever increases
Although I'd love some stability & clarity at the mo too! https://t.co/YJV5uBMbBe
positive aspects is the excitement of educational change - Changes for the better
id say our system doesn't value the Maverick -for either.Secondary science is very constricting
i think it is going to get harder as recruitment is getting harder
Moving mindset from teaching children to preparing them for a future that is unknown.Arming them skills to action positive change
Q4. Move along the continuum from teacher centred to learner centred to learner driven.
not just perceptions but start to show them some basic principles that every parent should know.
Question Five
How do you imagine the classrooms of the future be designed (go utopian, if required)?
Figuring out what challenges the new students (each year) and how you can help them to develop their skill set
I think lots of school have got it right.. It all starts with believing in the professional.
I'd like far more open plan with lots of concrete resources. Music, IT, straws, books, space, working wifi!....
Have heard this from colleagues in other schools. Lucky not to have experienced this yet as range of experience in sch
political! - just a bit of respect and to be treated like a professional would do the trick!
Agreed, definately in some areas. I might have mixed my term here.
Could we and should we ever means test the tests to account for disadvantage? Would it lower expectations for some?
I can see where that would be difficult in science!
i know of school where the only applications are from NQTs. Sometimes experienced staff are needed.
Can you cite specific examples?
but it could be the most facilitating subject... :(
I've had 3 applicants for 2 jobs. One wasn't even allowed on school site. It's not good in maths at all
And so it should! But how? I'm genuinely curious!
Question Five again
How do you imagine the classrooms of the future be designed (go utopian, if required)? https://t.co/Vn8ZU3tB8l
It would be a fab subject to allow mavericks!
It can be brilliant. I think it will develop further though with non-face to face communication
Do we level the playing field in provision? Disadvantage the advantaged?
A range of experience is good.We have SLT who are class teachers with >20 yrs exp to recently qt. Learn from each other
flexibly!able to work in a variety of ways (individual,pairs,group)&methods (traditional,ICT,hands on),student specific
Oh dear! Is it worse in secondary schools for subjects like maths?
I don't think we do level the playing field - but we should. Need to develop PP
A4 - to discover new ways to enable all children to achieve their full potential.
A5 Keep learning walls and displays. More interactive displays
Too many possibilities! Hand held computers, outdoor classrooms, all encompassing spaces to help disabled students
How can this be improved upon what we do and have already?
I prefer mine thinking outside of the box ;)
This is perhaps what teaching is and will always be. https://t.co/QxLmEtmJmT
A4 - to discover new ways to enable all children to achieve their full potential.
Some school find it hard to recruit any staff! Teachers? TA?
2/2 do what we can do. We need them to do more than we did!
TAs are used. And non qualified staff too
I like 'em to believe there isn't a box.
We need to KEEP the staff we have. Then recruit.
True - open doors and seeing how far they go with an idea
How is this culture shift going to occur when things are seemingly heading is the other direction?
I stopped teaching in classrooms due to prolonged stress.Had messy bereavement. Walked away. Wanted life back
i Think staff need to feel they can look else where without being put in the firing line.
Best thing we can do is keep the staff we have. And get back the experienced into the classroom
too many staff feel they cannot move as they are putting there jobs in danger.
Absolutely. It's a relationship and at the heart is trust.
A6: teachers caring for the students and putting them first regardless of political/social challenges
Particularly on some occassions - no box at all!
Thanks for a great chat friends! Back to class for the afternoon. Will join next time
If properly looked after IWBs are a big asset to a classroom. However, how many schools can afford maintenance?
A6 Inn my sch the teaching of thinking skills across the curriculum is something I will promote for as long as I teach
A6 Self and peer assessment. Exams!
depends on whats already being done!flexibility as standard practice,encouraging best learning methods individually
Q5 - ideally, integrating the use of outside space more regularly into the curriculum.
No box...no boundaries...no limits.
Most definitely - they often need to see that you trust THEM to do it! Very well put!
not my personal school. Just know of schools where staff do not move as they are fearful.
Q6 The need to be able to track pupil progress will never change - but the ways in which we do so, will!
q5 all to have outside space, open plan, different types of seating, plants (!) and light and airy!!
AND joy!!!! Absolutely. Hear, hear! https://t.co/yt2Hcp0kki
Shifting perspective from teaching that focuses more heavily on results, to teaching that fosters humanity & joy :)