CatholicEdChat is a twitter chat. Topics focus on discussions around educational issues for Catholic Educators and topics beneficial to Catholic Schools. We look forward to continuing to connect Catholic Educators online to discuss education and teaching with faith in our schools. The chat takes place on Saturday mornings. Time 9am EST.
Good morning @BarbInNebraska ! Pam Bernards, NCEA Director of Professional Development – excited to connect with #CatholicEdChat and talk about the 2018 NCEA Visions forExcellence Soul of Youth Sports Conference.
Good morning #CatholicEdChat Doing my best to join in via slow airplane WiFi. Heading to Orlando for @FETC#FETC this week! @nceatalk Let us know if you will be there!
Happy Saturday morning! Coming to you from the heatwave of the Midwest: Plainfield, IL! Excited to learn a lot today and contribute where I’m able! #CatholicEdChat
Good morning! Kathy from Maryland, Catholic teacher of public school 2nd graders, anxiously waiting for my daughter's plane to land at LAX #CatholicEdChat
Good morning, #CatholicEdChat! I am a theology teacher from @BMHSMustangs in Forestville, Maryland. Yesterday, we took some students to the @March_for_Life, and look whom I saw! He told me: "Let's take it with the crowd in the back, so everyone can see how many people are here!"
A1:Catholic schools have to make sure we are educating the whole child so our athletic programs must be considered a part of the overall program We must refer to all programs as co-curricular NOT extra. #CatholicEdChat#CathEdSports
A1: Many students with AD/HD and other learning differences are highly gifted athletes. Quality sports programs help them develop their talents and be in a position to share their gifts with other students. #CatholicEdchat
A1: Sports can teach you how to come together as a team/community and that is what being Catholic is all about...coming together as one...working toward the greater good. #CatholicEdChat
A1) There must be a greater emphasis placed on character building - on fostering broader Catholic values - than simply on "winning" at all costs. #CatholicEdChat
A1: Good morning! Catholic teams should reflect values...still remember lessons from grade school coach about how losing teaches skills too. #catholicedchat
A1: athletics are a part of a well-rounded student’s life. Lessons on hard work and overcoming are taught! I coached swimming and cross country at @BMHSMustangs#CatholicEdChat
A1: praying before games & practices, winning and losing graciously, playing fair. I feel off court/field behavior sets the tone for the team and school as well. As a team, support/participate in serving the community #CatholicEdChat
A1 Athletes and coaches are ambassadors for their school as they travel and compete. Conduct on and off the field make a statement about their school's Catholic identity #catholicedchat@nceatalk#CathEdSports
A1 with an athletic program and Catholic schools, the most important part is continuing to instill the already present catholic values and morals presented in the classroom. Dignity of all players, refs, spectators etc. to build on the foundation of good community #CatholicEdchat
As a former coach, I can tell you that my Num. 1 mission each season was to grow men of faith first. Mass as a team, prayer after practice/events, rosary on the bus. #CatholicEdChat
We to remind our coaches they are teachers on the field, the court in the pool & on the rink. Competition is good but not at any cost #CatholicEdChat#CathEdSports
A1 The WCAC gathered all the AD’s yesterday to discuss this very thing, led by the Mount St. Mary’s CC coach. Hopefully, someone from that workshop will see this and share. I did not get an update, yet. #catholicedchat
A1 with an athletic program and Catholic schools, the most important part is continuing to instill the already present catholic values and morals presented in the classroom. Dignity of all players, refs, spectators etc. to build on the foundation of good community #CatholicEdchat
A2 Lord, please help me to conduct myself during this game in a way that is pleasing to you. Help me to realize all glory from this game comes from God. #CatholicEdChat
A2:Like to remind our student-athletes, coaches & families there is patron saint of sports! #StSebastian Prayer before practices & games should be the norm #CatholicEdChat#CathEdSports
A1 The WCAC gathered all the AD’s yesterday to discuss this very thing, led by the Mount St. Mary’s CC coach. Hopefully, someone from that workshop will see this and share. I did not get an update, yet. #catholicedchat
A2 I don’t have a specific prayer to recommend, but in our school gym before every game both teams, the refs, and spectators pray an athlete’s prayer that is hung on our wall as a huge banner! This prayer is a great reminder for fair play and team support #CatholicEdchat
As a principal, I had shirts made for the staff for our CSW volleyball game against 8th grade that had "St. Sebastian, pray for us!" on the back. 😄 #CatholicEdChat
Such a missed opportunity...with our emphasis on mission-driven athletics here @NCEATALK and great practitioners such as those on #CathEdChat we can move the needle to ensure prayer is incorporate in our sports programs #CatholicEdChat
A1 As a coach, it’s important to show athletes, through our own actions and words, how we balance both competitiveness and respect. Important before, during, and after each event. Especially when things don’t go “our” way. #catholicedchat
A2: We pray the Suscipe of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Sometimes my students like to also pray the Hail Mary in Icelandic b/c I work as a missionary there. #CatholicEdChat
Love the witness of the prayer having a prominent place in the school gym! Helps drive home the message of the priority of our faith in all aspects of school life. #CatholicEdChat#CathEdSports@NCEATALK
A2 I don’t have a specific prayer to recommend, but in our school gym before every game both teams, the refs, and spectators pray an athlete’s prayer that is hung on our wall as a huge banner! This prayer is a great reminder for fair play and team support #CatholicEdchat
A2: as a coach in county rec programs, a player offered up his/her prayer along the lines of playing fair and no injuries for either side. I had my Ss choose when we prayed for our teams #catholicedchat
A1 As a coach, it’s important to show athletes, through our own actions and words, how we balance both competitiveness and respect. Important before, during, and after each event. Especially when things don’t go “our” way. #catholicedchat
Not necessarily a prayer, but I liked to include Bible verses on our team t-shirts as a motto for the year.
Joshua 1:9, 2 Corinth 15:7, and of course Philippians 4:13
One of my favorite wrestling tournaments, the CIT (Catholic Invitiational Tournament) celebrates Mass on the Wrestling mats before the final round. How cool would it be to do that in between games of a baseball/softball doubleheader!?! #CatholicEdChat
Always loved our meets against each other for this reason! Swimmers working their hardest, then handshakes across the lane line at the end no matter what. #catholicedchat
Some much wonderful discussion. I encourage you to post examples of mission driven athletics such as team prayer, team Mass, doing community service on Twitter using the hashtag #CathEdSports and don't forget to tag @NCEATALK#CatholicEdChat Let's keep the conversation going!
A3: We must remind coaches they are teachers on the field, courts, rink, track & pool. We must hire coaches who understand & can model our Catholic school mission
Q3: I feel more schools need opportunities where everyone can participate. Not every sport. But co-ed softball, for example, just for fun. Kids who are not talented need exercise and team experiences too. #CatholicEdchat
More often than not, athletes learn more through losing. Undefeated seasons are great, but losses and how you bounce back is where character shines. #CatholicEdChat
A3: as Campus Minister for our elementary school, I meet with all our parent coaches at the beginning of the seasons to update them on what students are learning in the classroom about being like Christ to others and how they can apply it to their team #CatholicEdChat
Sounds like a great idea to me. I invited the pastor or associate pastor to say the prayers at the various sporting events when I was AD. It was a great way to get them involved. Parents loved seeing them at the games! #CatholicEdChat#CathEdSports
They do not, which makes it all the more imperative that THEY rise up and be that example for the younger ones that look up to them. Win or lose, act like you’ve been there before. #CatholicEdChat
I never had great athletic abilities, but I made it all the way up to #6 on the team when I played tennis at Bishop McNamara H.S. as a student there (before later returning to teach). Nevermind that there were only six of us on the team! #CatholicEdChat
A3 emphasize the mission of athletics: holiness can be sought through team work and excellence can be achieved through collaborative effort. The power of community. Competition provides the setting for those virtues to be tested. #CatholicEdChat
Exactly. Those were great examples. Still work to keep that happening at every meet. Great thing about our sport that I won’t let slide. #CatholicEdchat
Hate to run, but have to get to my weekend job: Starbucks Batista! ☕️
Thanks for the morning conversation and look forward to checking back in this afternoon! #CatholicEdChat
I never had great athletic abilities, but I made it all the way up to #6 on the team when I played tennis at Bishop McNamara H.S. as a student there (before later returning to teach). Nevermind that there were only six of us on the team! #CatholicEdChat
Students athletes can be a such a great witness for the school and the Church at large to the local community. Not to mention setting a powerful example for their fellow students. #CathEdSports#CatholicEdChat
Coming to y’all from sunny but chilly Ponce Inlet, FL. It’s about 50 degrees here which is much cooler than usual! #givemebackmyflipflops#CatholicEdChat
A5:Communication! The reality is young students & even their families view athletics as a key component to choosing a school
Our advancement offices need to work in tandem w/our athletic programs Offer one vision & mission #CatholicEdChat#CathEdSports
Integrating the dimensions of Missionary Discipleship...thanks for keeping this in the forefront! Sports provide a perfect opportunity to be a witness! #CatholicEdChat#CathEdSports@NCEATALK
Hi #CatholicEdChat — here’s a resource that may be helpful for A1 & other topics today that I haven’t seen mentioned: The “Play Like A Champion” Program with Clark Power & his team:
A5: start by making sure both directors realize they are on the same team (no pun intended). Sports are as much a draw as academics, leadership, etc. Athletics also has the bonus of being able to help raise funds so highlight that, don’t see it as a divide. #CatholicEdChat
To me, it is a little sad that parents will donate for sports but not to other aspects of the school. So, this relationship is very important. #cathedchat. #catholicedchat
A5. It seems to me athletic events give advancement offices golden opportunities to see and showcase active, engaged students in community #CatholicEdChat
#CatholicEdchat. My son had brain surgery as a child. Football coach kept him, although he only played 7 times in 4 yrs. He worked out hard & became fit. Coach gave son 1st job in sports camp. Son volunteers w/ kids sports. Coach got fired - alumni said he didn’t win enough.
In reply to
@JFerguson226, @SHSeaglesNSB, @niceshelley, @sdaigle26
This has been my experience, definitely at the high school level, but in some cases, even at the middle and elementary school level (depending on the structure of the program). #CatholicEdChat#CathEdSports
A5. It seems to me athletic events give advancement offices golden opportunities to see and showcase active, engaged students in community #CatholicEdChat
There is only one creator and that is GOD! We all must look to Him for our gifts and glory! We all must feed his children with the words of our creator—God! #CatholicEdChat
Q6. What are some of the biggest challenges for
administrators in keeping an athletic program successful and stay mission
driven? #CatholicEdChat#CathEdSports