#educoach Archive

The #educoach hashtag is used by instructional coaches around the world. We chat each Wednesday at 8pm CST on Twitter and use the hashtag throughout the week to share resources, ask questions and collaborate with instructional coaches.

Wednesday May 9, 2018
9:00 PM EDT

  • kennycmckee - Moderator May 9 @ 9:00 PM EDT
    Good evening #educoach Let’s start by introducing ourselves and sharing a success story from the week!
  • kennycmckee - Moderator May 9 @ 9:01 PM EDT
    If you are new to #educoach we use a Q1 A1 format. Please make sure to include the hashtag in your tweets.
  • LaurenCoaching May 9 @ 9:01 PM EDT
    I’m Lauren, Instructional Coach in SoCal. My win for the week has been getting some time to read about Guiding Questions in High Impact Instruction by @jimknight99 #educoach
  • kennycmckee - Moderator May 9 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    My #eduwin was having some great discussions about improving writing and digital citizenship in my schools next year! #educoach
  • kennycmckee - Moderator May 9 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Check out https://t.co/2XFdNmM3RR to participate in chat and obtain transcripts. #educoach
  • KathyPerret - Moderator May 9 @ 9:04 PM EDT
    Hello - sorry I'm a few minutes late to the #educoach party. Thanks @kennycmckee for getting us started! My #eduwin is getting a lot of planning done for next year to support our teacher leaders!
  • MathPatty May 9 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    Hello #EduCoach Happy to be joining in! #AcademicTechCoach from San Antonio. My #EduWin is continuing work on my coaching reflection blog.
  • kennycmckee - Moderator May 9 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    Let’s get started with tonight’s topic: Navigating Co-Teaching #educoach
  • KathyPerret - Moderator May 9 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    I'm loving the spring weather. Spent the last 2 hours preparing gardens and now sitting on deck relaxing with the #educoach peeps!
  • franguinnrogers May 9 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Good evening, #educoach! Fran Rogers, Middle Level Academic Specialist, in Greenville, SC checking in. My #eduwin has been actually having the time to engage in some deep reflection regarding the long-lasting impact of my work.
  • Camp_InclusivED May 9 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Hi!!! Cory here! #educoach with a passion and specialization for working with co-teachers/co-teach teams on inclusive practices! My #eduwin this week, getting to connect with some awesome regional leaders back home in TX on #SpecialEducation and #inclusion
  • kennycmckee - Moderator May 9 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Welcome! Are you a new blogger? #educoach
    In reply to @MathPatty
  • KathyPerret - Moderator May 9 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Awesome. Did you know we have an #educoach instructional coach blogging support group! I'll grab info.
    In reply to @MathPatty
  • kennycmckee - Moderator May 9 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    I love that book. It's probably time to revisit it. #educoach
    In reply to @LaurenCoaching, @jimknight99
  • kennycmckee - Moderator May 9 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    Q1 Briefly share a positive co-teaching experience you’ve had. #educoach
  • KathyPerret - Moderator May 9 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    Hello Dr. Fran! Deep reflection sounds awesome! #EduCoach
    In reply to @franguinnrogers
  • LaurenCoaching May 9 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    That’s awesome! What are some of the ways you measure the impact of your work? #educoach
    In reply to @franguinnrogers
  • kennycmckee - Moderator May 9 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    A1: I learned so much during the year a co-taught with an ESL teacher who became a great friend to me! I really changed as a teacher because of our collaboration! #educoach
  • IAteacherNan - Moderator May 9 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    Hello! I'm joining a little late tonight from SW Iowa. Third year literacy coach for K-2 grades. #educoach
  • KathyPerret - Moderator May 9 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    A1 I used co-teaching during my last few years as a teacher. The impact we made on students doubled! As a coach I've co-taught various lessons while the teacher and I were learning new approaches. #educoach
  • CoachLaurenJ May 9 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    Anxious to see the replies others might post here...! #educoach
    In reply to @LaurenCoaching, @franguinnrogers
  • LaurenCoaching May 9 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    A1: When I was a teacher, I was lucky to co-teach with a Special Ed teacher that was a master at classroom management. I learned so much about how to be warm strict that year! #educoach
  • KathyPerret - Moderator May 9 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    Here is some info on our blogging tribe https://t.co/0BHUH5iqng #educoach. We have a new FB group just getting started.
    In reply to @MathPatty
  • IAteacherNan - Moderator May 9 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1: Two other instructional coaches and myself co-led professional development on MTSS and interventions. #educoach
  • kennycmckee - Moderator May 9 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    That's awesome, Fran. I had no idea that you were just down the mountain from me, by the way! #educoach
    In reply to @franguinnrogers
  • KathyPerret - Moderator May 9 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    #educoach peeps always have great ideas.
    In reply to @CoachLaurenJ, @LaurenCoaching, @franguinnrogers
  • franguinnrogers May 9 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    A1: Co-taught a lesson on linear models while providing in-the-moment feedback to teacher on the impact of the strategies used. #educoach
  • MathPatty May 9 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    #EduCoach A1: The day I finally realized (Stubborn-1st-Year-Teacher-Alert) that we shared all the students. They weren't my students or his students, they were OUR students.
  • KathyPerret - Moderator May 9 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    We are just getting started. Feel free to join us. #educoach And I love San Antonio. I have a nephew there!
    In reply to @MathPatty
  • Camp_InclusivED May 9 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    A1 One of my favorites was when a co-teacher and I, who were very different instructionally, discovered our opposite styles were actually very complementary and beneficial for ALL our math Ss making our math instruction doubly accessible. #educoach #inclusion4all #spedchat
  • CoachLaurenJ May 9 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    A1 I have been able to co-teach some math recently. Planning to add some technology to record our work next week! #educoach
  • Camp_InclusivED May 9 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    So important to effective co-teaching partnerships and #inclusion! #educoach
    In reply to @MathPatty
  • KathyPerret - Moderator May 9 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    Q2 Co-teaching cycles can be powerful professional learning. What are the benefits of a co-teaching cycle? #educoach
  • KRScienceLady May 9 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    Hanging in the background tonight #educoach
  • KathyPerret - Moderator May 9 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    That okay - jump in when you want. :) #educoach
    In reply to @KRScienceLady
  • kennycmckee - Moderator May 9 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    Q2: The team approach is awesome in a co-teaching cycle. It's great for building trust and emphasizing partnership because all want the students and lesson to succeed! #educoach
  • KRScienceLady May 9 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    The collaborationthat happens before the co-Teaching #educoach
  • kennycmckee - Moderator May 9 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    A2: The team approach is awesome in a co-teaching cycle. It's great for building trust and emphasizing partnership because all want the students and lesson to succeed! #educoach
  • IAteacherNan - Moderator May 9 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    A2: Both of the teachers benefit from co-planning. And each has the opportunity to observe students as the other one teaches. #educoach
  • KathyPerret - Moderator May 9 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    A2 Co-teaching in a coaching cycle forms a partnership - "we are in this together." Both teacher and coach are equals in the planning and implementation. #EduCoach
  • KathyPerret - Moderator May 9 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    Q3 What are the drawbacks of a co-teaching cycle? #educoach
  • IAteacherNan - Moderator May 9 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    A3: Finding common planning time can be a challenge. #educoach One teacher might lean more on the other to have all the "answers".
  • LaurenCoaching May 9 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    That’s so interesting! How do you measure teacher efficacy? Survey data? #EduCoach
    In reply to @franguinnrogers
  • MrJMMood May 9 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    Hi #educoach! My name is Jason and I'm so happy to be joining tonight's chat from Garland, Texas!
  • LaurenCoaching May 9 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    Where are Questions 2 and 3? I must have missed it #educoach
  • KathyPerret - Moderator May 9 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    A3 Once a coaching cycle has ended the teacher may miss the collaboration in planning and teaching. #educoach - Good to build in other collaborative structures.
  • Camp_InclusivED May 9 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    A3 Finding the time to co-plan, the T may rely more on the coach than if left to do it on their own, and bc the T is co-teaching, they may miss key observations/teachable moments (video can help this though) #educoach
  • KathyPerret - Moderator May 9 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    Welcome Jason. Glad you could join us. #educoach
    In reply to @MrJMMood
  • franguinnrogers May 9 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    A2: The greatest benefit of this type of cycle is the opportunity to learn and grow together. I’m always learning inside of others’ classrooms. #educoach
  • KathyPerret - Moderator May 9 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    Q4 In co-teaching, the coach is a partner (not a judge, critic, or rescuer)? How can the coach build trust as a partner? #educoach
  • MrJMMood May 9 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    A1: T was using a new digital tool and was unsure exactly how it would work with her lesson so I taught the entire 1st class and she observed. The 2nd class she taught the first half and I taught the second. By the 3rd she taught the whole lesson and I gave feedback. #educoach
  • Camp_InclusivED May 9 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    Recording the co-taught lessons is powerful for clarity in reflections and can be reused for later focuses with the T! What will you be using? #educoach
    • CoachLaurenJ May 9 @ 9:12 PM EDT
      A1 I have been able to co-teach some math recently. Planning to add some technology to record our work next week! #educoach
  • franguinnrogers May 9 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    A3: Respecting the contributions of others in the process is critical to learning & growing together. When mutual respect is absent, the process has lost its mojo. #educoach
  • KathyPerret - Moderator May 9 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    Great example of gradual release of responsibility! #educoach
    In reply to @MrJMMood
  • CoachLaurenJ May 9 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    Going to try a Swivl. Not sure if I can annotate that video however. Will I have to upload it to something else for annotation? #educoach
    In reply to @Camp_InclusivED
  • MrJMMood May 9 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    A2: Co-teaching allows the T to gradually become more comfortable with the tool/skill. It also allows them to observe the skill/tool in action and to receive feedback both directly and indirectly. #educoach
  • KathyPerret - Moderator May 9 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    I love @SibmeApp. Annotations can be time stamped! I use it when I virtually coach instructional coaches. #educoach
    In reply to @CoachLaurenJ, @Camp_InclusivED, @SibmeApp
  • kennycmckee - Moderator May 9 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    A3: co-teaching cycles can be time intensive (which also makes them great!), but when you coach in multiple schools, they can be difficult to manage with all your other tasks. #educoach
  • LaurenCoaching May 9 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    A3: Making sure you can be open and honest about your expectations a crucial #educoach
  • LaurenCoaching May 9 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    So true! #EduCoach
    • kennycmckee - Moderator May 9 @ 9:27 PM EDT
      A3: co-teaching cycles can be time intensive (which also makes them great!), but when you coach in multiple schools, they can be difficult to manage with all your other tasks. #educoach
  • Camp_InclusivED May 9 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    A4 I feel you have to start w a partnership approach to the coaching work (selecting a focus, choosing an intervention...) for this to feel genuine in a CT model. Being transparent & even considering what you each will do if the other needs support during the lesson #educoach
    • KathyPerret - Moderator May 9 @ 9:22 PM EDT
      Q4 In co-teaching, the coach is a partner (not a judge, critic, or rescuer)? How can the coach build trust as a partner? #educoach
  • kennycmckee - Moderator May 9 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    A4: For me, I focus on the skills we each bring. Working in HS, I can't be an expert in the content of every subject, so I learn from my colleagues often -- and I feel that builds trust. #EduCoach
  • jenn_baxter May 9 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    Jumping in late. Hi! Jennifer, math Interventionist/coach #educoach
  • kennycmckee - Moderator May 9 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    Q5 Have you coached teachers on co-teaching with one another? What strategies have you used? #educoach
  • KathyPerret - Moderator May 9 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    A4 I've used this Trust Edge workbook with coaches. There is a self-assessment at the beginning. It helps them identify area they may need to work on. Some are surprised at findings. https://t.co/2zTvyjhUVL #educoach
  • Camp_InclusivED May 9 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    Yes! @SibmeApp is the BEST in the biz... though I may be biased these days ;) Timestamps and having a framework/rubric embedded to categorize comments are my favorite features #educoach
    In reply to @KathyPerret, @CoachLaurenJ, @SibmeApp, @SibmeApp
  • KathyPerret - Moderator May 9 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    Welcome Jennifer. Glad you could join us. #educoach
    In reply to @jenn_baxter
  • CoachLaurenJ May 9 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    A4 Building trust as a partner requires honesty about your own skills and deficits. Far be it from me to be an expert in everything! #educoach
  • KathyPerret - Moderator May 9 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    A5 When I was a coach we helped teachers understand the various co-teaching models. I'm excited to go to some training this summer to learn more. It is an area we get requests for. #educoach
  • kennycmckee - Moderator May 9 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    Q5: I have had teachers brainstorm lists about the goals they have for students and the working relationship they like. Then I have them share their lists with one another to find commonalities. It's simple, but it works well! #educoach
  • franguinnrogers May 9 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    A4: It’s critical for the coach to demonstrate transparency and risk-taking. Practicing what you preach and following through are also great for developing trusting partnerships. #educoach
  • LaurenCoaching May 9 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    A4: 100% agree with this. If you’re co-teaching as a coach, the teacher needs to be positioned as the expert whenever possible #educoach
    • CoachLaurenJ May 9 @ 9:31 PM EDT
      A4 Building trust as a partner requires honesty about your own skills and deficits. Far be it from me to be an expert in everything! #educoach
  • kennycmckee - Moderator May 9 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    A5: I have had teachers brainstorm lists about the goals they have for students and the working relationship they like. Then I have them share their lists with one another to find commonalities. It's simple, but it works well! #educoach
  • CoachLaurenJ May 9 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    Hmmm. I have used VideoAnt from U-Minnesota It was easy enough. I will check out @SibmeApp #educoach
    In reply to @Camp_InclusivED, @KathyPerret, @SibmeApp, @SibmeApp
  • jenn_baxter May 9 @ 9:34 PM EDT
    A4 be transparent, respect that the teacher is the expert on her students #educoach
  • IAteacherNan - Moderator May 9 @ 9:35 PM EDT
    I'm enjoying a trial account of @Sibme! I hope my district will continue my account. #educoach
    In reply to @Camp_InclusivED, @KathyPerret, @CoachLaurenJ, @SibmeApp, @sibme
  • Camp_InclusivED May 9 @ 9:36 PM EDT
    A5 My favorite work! Ensuring Ts understand each others' roles and responsibilities and non-negotiables when it comes to instruction & classroom management are first- then the models of co-teaching to help them see the various structures they can implement #educoach
  • MrJMMood May 9 @ 9:36 PM EDT
    A3: Planning an effective co-teaching cycle can take quite a bit of time to do correctly. #educoach
  • LaurenCoaching May 9 @ 9:37 PM EDT
    A5: that’s really smart to focus on the WHY behind the teaching. What both teachers’ goals are for the students #educoach
    • kennycmckee - Moderator May 9 @ 9:33 PM EDT
      A5: I have had teachers brainstorm lists about the goals they have for students and the working relationship they like. Then I have them share their lists with one another to find commonalities. It's simple, but it works well! #educoach
  • franguinnrogers May 9 @ 9:37 PM EDT
    A5: I have not done this before, but now my wheels are spinning. This would be a great place to integrate a Lesson Study. #educoach
  • IAteacherNan - Moderator May 9 @ 9:38 PM EDT
    I like this idea, @kennycmckee ! I will definitely jot this idea down in my list of things to try! #educoach
  • Camp_InclusivED May 9 @ 9:38 PM EDT
    A5 - Critical Conversations in Co-teaching is an awesome resource if you're working with co-teachers! #educoach
  • kennycmckee - Moderator May 9 @ 9:38 PM EDT
    They usually have a quite a bit in common, and that helps them create some norms for working as a team! It has been quite a bonding experience for some of them. #educoach
    In reply to @LaurenCoaching
  • kennycmckee - Moderator May 9 @ 9:38 PM EDT
    Q6 What are points of discussion before co-teaching to make a lesson more effective? #educoach
  • Camp_InclusivED May 9 @ 9:39 PM EDT
    Yes! #educoach
    In reply to @franguinnrogers
  • LaurenCoaching May 9 @ 9:40 PM EDT
    Like @Camp_InclusivED said, the co-teaching structures are so useful for planning https://t.co/v74RvLySjG #EduCoach
  • CoachLaurenJ May 9 @ 9:41 PM EDT
    A5 The gears are grinding now! Hmmm. I wonder what could be accomplished. This question should come up again in Nov. See if any have tried and how. #educoach
  • Camp_InclusivED May 9 @ 9:41 PM EDT
    Texas uses Marylin Friend's 6 approaches as well #educoach
    In reply to @LaurenCoaching
  • kennycmckee - Moderator May 9 @ 9:42 PM EDT
    A6: I find who does what as far as classroom management can be an awkward situation. It's usually good to discuss it beforehand! #educoach
  • jenn_baxter May 9 @ 9:42 PM EDT
    A6 what do we want students to learn? Why is it important for students to learn this? How do we facilitate and not “tell”? #educoach
  • Camp_InclusivED May 9 @ 9:43 PM EDT
    Do it! co-teaching as a T was my most rewarding work, hardest but most rewarding! #educoach
    In reply to @CoachLaurenJ
  • IAteacherNan - Moderator May 9 @ 9:43 PM EDT
    So do the co-teachers in our Iowa district. It is very effective! #educoach
  • kennycmckee - Moderator May 9 @ 9:44 PM EDT
    Q7 How can co-teaching go wrong? #educoach
  • franguinnrogers May 9 @ 9:45 PM EDT
    A6: Understanding each other’s role, the lesson’s intended outcome(s), success criteria, supports for diverse learners, and assessing the learning are all solid discussion points. #educoach
  • LaurenCoaching May 9 @ 9:46 PM EDT
    A7: When one person does not follow through in planning or during actual teaching. It can get very frustrating #educoach
  • KathyPerret - Moderator May 9 @ 9:46 PM EDT
    Q8 How can we prevent issues that can occur when co-teaching? #educoach
  • agileschools May 9 @ 9:46 PM EDT
    A5 clarity on what part of co-teaching they are doing. Used #Trello for that. #educoach
    In reply to @kennycmckee
  • CoachLaurenJ May 9 @ 9:47 PM EDT
    A7 Co-teaching can go wrong when the plan is not clear, when roles are not well defined. #educoach
  • jenn_baxter May 9 @ 9:47 PM EDT
    A7 if the expectations, roles and responsibilities, aren’t outlined trouble can occur #educoach
  • franguinnrogers May 9 @ 9:47 PM EDT
    A7: Power struggles can quickly derail lessons. Not adhering to the expectations established beforehand can also decrease the effectiveness of the lesson. #educoach
  • LaurenCoaching May 9 @ 9:48 PM EDT
    So smart! #EduCoach
  • Camp_InclusivED May 9 @ 9:48 PM EDT
    Interesting! #educoach
    In reply to @agileschools, @kennycmckee
  • jenn_baxter May 9 @ 9:48 PM EDT
    A7 without planning together lots and lots can go wrong #educoach
  • kennycmckee - Moderator May 9 @ 9:48 PM EDT
    A8: Discussing what each person's role is during the lesson. I also ask teachers (from a coaching perspective) if they prefer us to confer on the lesson while in progress or afterwards. #educoach
  • kennycmckee - Moderator May 9 @ 9:48 PM EDT
    SO TRUE! #educoach
    In reply to @jenn_baxter
  • franguinnrogers May 9 @ 9:49 PM EDT
    A8: Ensuring collective commitment beforehand is helpful. A layer of accountability (not in an evaluative manner) is also a great motivator. Being collectively committed to the agreed upon terms is best. #educoach
  • agileschools May 9 @ 9:50 PM EDT
    Nice #educoach
    In reply to @kennycmckee
  • kennycmckee - Moderator May 9 @ 9:51 PM EDT
    I know it throws some people off to discuss during the lesson, but others thrive on it. I know there were many times I was alone in my classroom and wished I could turn to someone for insight! #educoach
    In reply to @CoachLaurenJ
  • KathyPerret - Moderator May 9 @ 9:51 PM EDT
    Q9 How can effective co-teaching benefit students? #educoach
  • LaurenCoaching May 9 @ 9:52 PM EDT
    A8: It’s all about norms that are mutually agreed upon. Lots of “what if this happens...?” questions #educoach
  • kennycmckee - Moderator May 9 @ 9:53 PM EDT
    A9: Teachers learn from one another by collaborating and watching one another teach. So students get better teachers. Also, students see TWO adults invested in their learning and success! #educoach
  • KathyPerret - Moderator May 9 @ 9:54 PM EDT
    A9 Co teaching can open the doors to new strategies and approaches. Two heads looking at the formative data can drive lessons even deeper which will benefit students greatly. #educoach
  • KathyPerret - Moderator May 9 @ 9:55 PM EDT
    Q10 What resources could you recommend to support co-teaching? #educoach
  • franguinnrogers May 9 @ 9:56 PM EDT
    A9: The different experiences, expertise, and contributions enrich the experiences of students & contribute to increased outcomes #educoach
  • jenn_baxter May 9 @ 9:57 PM EDT
    A9 students are able to see two adults working collaboratively and observe how teachers are learners which empowers students to feel safe. Mistakes are celebrated and used as growing opportunities- also the obvious- two educators instead of one #educoach