Every third Tuesday of the month at 10am PT, Microsoft Innovative Educators and expert hosts discuss a monthly changing theme during two #MSFTEduChat TweetMeet sessions for educators. The topic for May 15 will be Inclusive Classrooms and Accessibility.
#MSFTEduChat TweetMeets are an initiative from the Microsoft in Education Marketing Team. Follow us on Twitter: @MicrosoftEDU.
Hi from Tampa! Excited for this TweetMeet as I move into a new role as a resource @DickensonES providing lots of PD to teachers moving into a 1:1 environment! Can't wait to hear your tips! #MSFTEduChat#NCCEchat#mieexpert
دعوة لجميع المعلمين والمعلمات
لنغرد ونتحاور بعد قليل
حول موضوع (التطوير المهني) باللغة العربية
طريقة المشاركة
سوف اطرح سؤال كل 10 دقائق
والمطلوب من الجميع الإجابة على السؤال
لا تنسى تضمين الهاشتاق التالي
Lots of connections with PD and upcoming book study with @SchwarzkopfElem Ts. PD challenges me to take risks. "The belief that with practice, perseverance, and effort, people have limitless potential to learn and grow.” #growthmindset#MSFTEduChat
Tweetmeet has started. Please join us.
Tweetmeet đã bắt đầu. Mời thầy cô tham dự và sử dụng hashtag #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI trong câu trả lời từ câu hỏi 0-6 nhé ah!
#MSFTEduChat Party time! Συμμετάσχετε με τους εξαιρετικούς οικοδεσπότες για να συζητήσετε την επαγγελματική ανάπτυξη Είστε έτοιμοι για την ερώτησή μας; #TweetMeetEL
#MSFTEduChat TweetMeet party time! 🎈💃🏼
Join these fine hosts to discuss Professional Development. Are you ready for our ice breaker question? Give us a few seconds...
Comienza #MSFTEduChat. Bienvenidos a este punto de encuentro global donde docentes de todo el mundo compartimos nuestras experiencias de #DesarrolloProfesional#PD#MIEExpert Usa el hashtag #TweetmeetES para seguirlo en Español, o elije otro idioma:
Pozdrav svim kolegama na #TweetMeetSR#MSFTEduChat Stručno usavršavanje je neophodna komponenta nastavničkog posla - treba realno sagledati svoje "slabe" strane i njih razvijati bilo kroz seminare bilo kroz neformalno usavršavanje
Empezamos con una pregunta... para romper el hielo y hacer pensar: Como educador/a, ¿Cuál es tu punto de vista sobre el desarrollo profesional? #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetES
Bir eğitimci olarak, mesleki gelişim / profesyonel gelişim hakkındaki görüşünüz nedir?
Cevaplarınıza #MSFTEduChat ve #TweetMeetTR Hashtag'lerini eklemeyi unutmayınız.
#MSFTEduChat TweetMeet party time! 🎈💃🏼
Join these fine hosts to discuss Professional Development. Are you ready for our ice breaker question? Give us a few seconds...
Welcome to #MSFTEduChat excited to have you all join us! Shaelynn from the US - Literacy, Technology, PBL! Looking forward to the discussion on Profe3ssional Learning
Team @Flipgrid is excited to join the inspiring educators participating in #MSFTEduChat 🎉 We'll be talking professional development in just over TEN MINUTES!
🐝 THERE OR 🐝 SQUARE! #FlipgridFever
Savet za nove učesnike - pitanja su označena sa P1, P2... (pitanje1,2...ili Q1, Q2 na engleskom) a vi odgovarate tako što tvit započnete sa O1,O2..(odgovor1,2...ili A1,A2 na engleskom) i obavezno tarabica sa oznakama #MSFTEduChat i #TweetMeetSR
التطوير المهني هو استمرار للتعلم للحفاظ على المعرفة والمهارة. A
التطوير المهني يساعد على مواكبة التطور في التقنيات والنظريات التربوية والأساليب التعليمية.
التطوير المهني تنقل المعلم إلى مستوى عالي من الكفاءة للقيام بمهام عملة.
Teaching & learning are not static experiences & PD should not be either. Like our Ss, teachers don't want to be talked "at", rather, we should be engaged, involved & able to take control of our learning. #MSFTEduChat@GEDSB21C#MIEExpert
#MSFTEduChat Professional development has to be in the hands of the educator. No school or district can know exactly what everyone needs to be successful or improve. So we must seek out those meaningful opportunities for our own learning.
Hi, I’m Kathi, a Technology Integration Specialist from NJ! Professional Development is my whole career! I teach teachers all about #edtech…and it’s the greatest job in the UNIVERSE! #MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert
Hi everyone 👋🏽 Charlie Miller here! Cofounder of @Flipgrid 🚀
Really looking forward to learning from all of you today 💚 So proud to join the @MicrosoftEDU team and #MSFTEduChat
Bir eğitimci olarak meslekî gelişim seminerlei, kursları düzenli aralıklarla yenilenmeli ve en son gelişmeler hakkında devamlı olarak bilgi verilmeli ve uygulamalı olarakta yaptırılmalıdır.
Bir eğitimci olarak meslekî gelişim seminerleri, kursları düzenli aralıklarla yenilenmeli ve en son gelişmeler hakkında devamlı olarak bilgi verilmeli ve uygulamalı olarakta yaptırılmalıdır.
As a teacher we must 💗 learning right? We do it every day with our students! Unfortunately not every teacher is serious about PD and that is a shame! #MSFTEduChat
Savet za nove učesnike - pitanja su označena sa P1, P2... (pitanje1,2...ili Q1, Q2 na engleskom) a vi odgovarate tako što tvit započnete sa O1,O2..(odgovor1,2...ili A1,A2 na engleskom) i obavezno tarabica sa oznakama #MSFTEduChat i #TweetMeetSR
التطوير المهني يجب أن يكون في أيدي المعلم. لا يمكن لأي مدرسة أو منطقة أن تعرف بالضبط ما يحتاجه الجميع للنجاح أو التحسين. لذلك يجب علينا البحث عن تلك الفرص المفيدة لتعلمنا الخاص.
#DP esla clave para conocer diferentes estrategias, metodologías y actividades con la misma meta proveer las mejores practices educativas para nuestros estudiantes. #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetES
A1: Working with the #FlipgridFever community, I see educators reinventing professional development every day. Many use @flipgrid as a tool to connect and learn with peers both inside and outside of their school/district.
Professional development is fundamental as educators to keep exploring and try to delivering practices that improve students learning experiences #MSFTEduChat
Hi everyone 👋🏽 Charlie Miller here! Cofounder of @Flipgrid 🚀
Really looking forward to learning from all of you today 💚 So proud to join the @MicrosoftEDU team and #MSFTEduChat
Đây là quá trình tạo sự thay đổi trong lao động nghề nghiệp của mỗi giáo viên làm gia tăng mức độ thích ứng của bản thân với yêu cầu của nghề nghiệp#@MSFTEnable #TweetMeetVI
PD is what the educator chooses to become a better educator. Sometimes you have to put effort to seek out opportunities, possibly outside your district, that match your personal needs, like a choose your own adventure. #MSFTEduChat
En mi escuela tenemos la cultura de ofrecer talleres entre pares mensualemente. Esta dinámica ha ayudado a conocernos como maestros y compartir nuestras mejores practices educativas. #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetES
Professional development, like a milk stool, rests on
a) Internal motivation to produce designated levels of performance
b) Following up workshops, webinars by providing implementation strategies to maximize learning
c) Opportunities for Collaboration
Professional development is a way to be updated. I think it's great to have the possibility to know new tecnologies and new tools to use in our classroom. #MSFTEduChat
PD is what the educator chooses to become a better educator. Sometimes you have to put effort to seek out opportunities, possibly outside your district, that match your personal needs, like a choose your own adventure. #MSFTEduChat
Hi #MSFTEduChat I’m Jornea Erwin, Head of Educator Innovation @Flipgrid
Professional development should be both a personal & collaborative commitment to continuous learning & growth to impact yourself, fellow educators, your students & the world.
A1: All of my teachers can book me any time for consultation, class demos, to help them earn a cert or digital badge, or any kind of personalized PD via my YouCanBookMe! So great during school hours, but I love to help remotely 24/7 too! https://t.co/GTJXO44Sci#MSFTEduChat
In my view, professional development at any level needs to do two things:
1. Focus on the needs of the individual educators. Rather than tell them their needs, listen first ❤️
2. Ensure everyone can embrace the value of failure and openly learn together 🙌🏽
Teaching & learning are not static experiences & PD should not be either. Like our Ss, teachers don't want to be talked "at", rather, we should be engaged, involved & able to take control of our learning. #MSFTEduChat@GEDSB21C#MIEExpert
#MSFTEduChat A1-The great thing about being so connected, as we should be as educators, is that opportunities for learning are endless. One of my favorites is @edwebnet. If you don’t know about it you should!
O1: Realizator sam 2 seminara pa malo vremena imam za lično SU. Usavršavanje za užu stručnu oblast (K1) nalazim isključivo online na besplatnim #MOOC seminarima. Nisu akreditovani ali na njima najviše naučim #TweetMeet#MSFTEduChat
A0 Đây là quá trình tạo sự thay đổi trong lao động nghề nghiệp của mỗi giáo viên làm gia tăng mức độ thích ứng của bản thân với yêu cầu của nghề nghiệp.#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI
تتنوع الخيارات مثلا : A1
1- برامج التطوير المهني الرسمية.
2- المجتمعات التعليمية.
3- التسجيل بالدورات التطويرية التي تقدمها المواقع التعليمية على شبكة الانترنت
Teaching & learning are not static experiences & PD should not be either. Like our Ss, teachers don't want to be talked "at", rather, we should be engaged, involved & able to take control of our learning. #MSFTEduChat@GEDSB21C#MIEExpert
In order to help the students to hone their skills, PD is of utmost importance on the part of educators so that they keep ameliorating themselves.
A1 I am undertaking training to be a head, plus use opportunities provided by online PD such as the Microsoft learning paths in the educator community. Needs to be needs based #MSFTEduChat
Hey #MSFTEduChat 👋.
I'm Justin, product manager for @MicrosoftEDU joining from Microsoft HQ in Redmond.
Lots to talk about this week, huh? Let's do this! #FlipgridFever 🚀
A1. Two things that are often easily overlooked by teachers - PLCs and https://t.co/VeEgZPzEFz! Both free and packed with inspiration and support! #MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI A1: is to be better in teaching and being a teacher. Also to find oppotunities to learn and help o ther teacher to develop themselves.
Hi #MSFTEduChat I’m Jornea Erwin, Head of Educator Innovation @Flipgrid
Professional development should be both a personal & collaborative commitment to continuous learning & growth to impact yourself, fellow educators, your students & the world.
A1: Many T’s like learning on their own, at their own pace, & when then want to – and often from their couch at home at night! Using @Credly, I created a site full of digital badge opportunities for #edtech tools. It’s hosted on our district website! #MSFTEduChat 😀
A1 Grateful for many options! Digital Lead Learner's PD, Microsoft Educator's community is a cornucopia of PD, I'm able to go to conferences, and finally my informal/personal PD via my PLN on Twitter and reading great books! #MSFTEduChat@GEDSB21C#MIEExpert#SurfaceEDU
#MSFTEduChat-A1 Professional learning opportunities are all around us. Twitter chats, FB groups, asynchronous communities. The key is to seek out the opportunities and connect!
#MSFTEduChat Every profession requires people engaged in it to be constantly monitoring their own expertise, learning, sharing and developing themselves into a better version. The profession that makes all other professions possible is certainly no exception.
A1: Professional development is key to success. As an educator we always have room to grow and develop. I value individualized PD for staff and always ensuring that our staff members have strong takeaways from all PD sessions.
A1: All of my teachers can book me any time for consultation, class demos, to help them earn a cert or digital badge, or any kind of personalized PD via my YouCanBookMe! So great during school hours, but I love to help remotely 24/7 too! https://t.co/GTJXO44Sci#MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat I have Microsoft Educator Community which can help me to train and update myself as well as guide mu co-teachers to aware about this wonderful tool.
Kontakti sa kolegama – direktna razmena ideja.
Akreditovani seminari.
Internet kao nepresušni izvor – usmeravaju ideje koje kolege posele na društvenim mrežama ili konferencijama.
خيارات التطور المهني :
* متابعة كل ما هو جديد بالنسبة للتعلم والتعليم
* حضور الدورات التعلميمية
* المشاركة في مجتمعات التعلم
A1: #MEC cung cấp nhiều khóa học rất bổ ích cho tôi. Bên cạnh đó, học tập từ các đồng nghiệp tại Việt Nam cũng như trên toàn cầu cũng giúp tôi phát triển mỗi ngày. https://t.co/KnkQ300726#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI
Hola Darlene! Totalmente de acuerdo! Mejorar las experiencias de nuestros estudiantes es lo mas importante a la hora de participar en #DP#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetES
A1 We offer Ts book studies, online options via @eduherorocks, Summer conference (where we encourage them to lead sessions) after school options, we still need to capture more of this dynamic #TeacherPD like Twitter chats and such #MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert
C1. Yıl içinde yapılan konferans, sempozyumları vb. eğitim etkinliklerini takip ediyor ve katılıyorum. Bunun yanında çalıştığım kurumun sunduğu mesleki gelişim olanaklarını değerlendiriyorum, faaliyetlerine iştirak ediyorum. #TweetMeetTR#MSFTEduChat
Best platform we have is MEC where we can collaborate with Global educators , can join Tweet meets to have live discussions, complete learning paths and earn badges as motivations.
A1 I am lucky to also have opportunities through the PD that is offered by the British Council and eTwinning to develop international collaboration #MSFTEduChat
A1: Rather than require PD for all, I like to use @SignUpGenius so that only those who are interested in an offering can register. All info about the session & objectives are up front on the sign up page! It’s a free tool that lets me offer #personalizedPD 👍 #MSFTEduChat
A1: #MEC offers many useful courses for me. In addition, learning from colleagues in Vietnam as well as around the globe also helps me grow every day. #MSFTEduChathttps://t.co/KnkQ300726
A1: My district offers PD that can be content based, but also currently focuses on the modern trends in education, i.e. creativity and technology. #MSFTEduChat
Muốn phát triển nghề nghiệp trong lĩnh vực giáo dục thì nên phát triển kiến thức, tính cách. Luôn học hỏi, tìm tòi, sáng tạo và bức phá trong giảng dạy. Và cũng cần phát triển tính cách theo hướng tích cực, nhất là hòa hợp với hs. #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI
PLCs are a fantastic way for educators to collaborate. On the @MicrosoftEDU team, we are trying to create free tools to allow teachers to have more effective and collaborative PLCs. Our PLC apps were designed directly with educators #MSFTEDUChat
In order to help the students to hone their skills, PD is of utmost importance on the part of educators so that they keep ameliorating themselves.
PLC, Technology (through the county) but I love CHOOSING to seek out opportunities on my own especially through the Microsoft Educator Community #MicrosoftEDU#MSFTEduChat
PD means continuous learning with the new innovative learning paths with openness to new era of learning to teach 21 CLD skills to next generation .
Tự đánh giá bản thân: Muốn tự đánh giá bản thân, tôi phải trả lời được 3 câu hỏi Who are you? What are you doing? và Where are you?
Xác định mục tiêu: Muốn phát triển nghề nghiệp, phát triển bản thân trước tiên phải có mục tiêu.#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI
A1 #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeeetVI Ứng dụng thuần thục một số công cụ về công nghệ thông tin để hỗ trợ dạy học, đổi mới phương pháp dạy học và phương pháp kiểm tra đánh giá.
A0: In my opinion, professional development means that involves maintaining and enhancing the knowledge, skills and experience related one's job. #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeet
#MSFTEduChat I have Microsoft Educator Community which can help me to train and update myself as well as guide mu co-teachers to aware about this wonderful tool.
A1: We have different PD tracks for each of our divisions. Our focus for next year across the divisions is improved our character education programming.
Bir eğitimci olarak, mesleki gelişim / profesyonel gelişim hakkındaki görüşünüz nedir?
Cevaplarınıza #MSFTEduChat ve #TweetMeetTR Hashtag'lerini eklemeyi unutmayınız.
#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI A1: is to be better in teaching and being a teacher. Also to find oppotunities to learn and help o ther teacher to develop themselves.
A1 there is this huge online community called Twitte 😛 which is a great resource for me to learn new stuff, I 💗 all the free how-to tutorials on YT, my PD is mostly online like the #microsoftEDU community #MSFTEduChat
A1: I’m Hollie and I love PD’s where teachers get to ask for help in technologies that they’d like more info on. Teachers basically ask“Can you show me how this works or what it is?” #MSFTEduChat
A1 The Microsoft Educator Community and Twitter are two of my favourite places to get Professional Development. Learning from other educators is also really important for me. So proud to form part of the #onederful#MIEExpert Community #msfteduchat#MicrosoftEDU
#MSFTEduChat PD brings opportunities to innovate, learn and grow. Brings excitement when we learn something new and keeps us motivated when there is sense of achievement.
A1- They say there's no limit to what can be learnt if you keep your mind open. Especially today, with the world becoming a global village thanks to technology, we have a plethora of edtech tools available that can provide a myriad of opportunities for learning. #MSFTEduChat
Lựa chọn thay đổi theo quá trình tùy thuộc vào xu thế và yêu cầu của giáo dục. Bây giờ là phát triển theo dạy và học tích cực, áp dụng công nghệ vào giáo dục. #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI
Thanks to @TDucassoux + her seriously INCREDIBLE students for organizing a fabulous #StudentVoice PD event today in Virginia 💯
“I feel energized and connected on Flipgrid! It’s a fantastic opportunity to share ideas with the world. ” -5th Gr student
#FlipgridBusTour 🚌💚🎉
a1 Best advice ever given - "surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you!" Remember that can also be done through technology! #MSFTEduChat
A1: My school district offers PD choice for many faculty members through the year. It gives Ts the opportunity to engage in growth suited for their needs. We also have a choice to fulfil PDP hours through professional days and other learning opportunities. #MSFTEduChat
Mesleğini iyi yapmak isteyen bir eğitimci eleştiriye açık olmak zorundadır. Kendisinde fark edemediği eksiklikleri bildiren kişiye kızmak yerine teşekkür edebilmelidir. #TweetMeetTR#MSFTEduChat
Potpuno ludo ... ako hoću da učim druge moram da budem korak ispred konstantno. Ne korak ispred drugih, nego korak ispred sebe od pre 15 dana :) #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetSR
In my view, professional development at any level needs to do two things:
1. Focus on the needs of the individual educators. Rather than tell them their needs, listen first ❤️
2. Ensure everyone can embrace the value of failure and openly learn together 🙌🏽
Los 3 factores clave son:
reflexionar sobre mis practicas educativas
conocer nuevas estrategias
aclarar dudas sobre las nuevas tendencias educativas.
And here goes the 2nd Question: What are 3 key factors for successful professional development?
¿Cuáles son tus tres factores clave para el desarrollo profesional?
a1 Best advice ever given - "surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you!" Remember that can also be done through technology! #MSFTEduChat
A1 I am always looking online for free options and have completed many of the @MicrosoftEduCA lessons. Beyond teacher networking, I rely on PD from my Board, but it just depends on availability and permission. #MSFTEduChat
Mesleğini iyi yapmak isteyen bir eğitimci eleştiriye açık olmak zorundadır. Kendisinde fark edemediği eksiklikleri bildiren kişiye kızmak yerine teşekkür edebilmelidir. #TweetMeetTR#MSFTEduChat
O2: Otvorenost i spremnost za celožitovno učenje, motivisanost i realno sagledavanje svojih kompetencija. Nakon refleksije kakav nastavnik želiš da budeš, napraviš plan i ideš ka tome. #TweetMeetSR#MSFTEduChat
دعوة لجميع المعلمين والمعلمات
لنغرد ونتحاور بعد قليل
حول موضوع (التطوير المهني) باللغة العربية
طريقة المشاركة
سوف اطرح سؤال كل 10 دقائق
والمطلوب من الجميع الإجابة على السؤال
لا تنسى تضمين الهاشتاق التالي
A1. La Comunidad #MicrosoftEdu es un lugar increible para encontrar todo tipo recursos. Twitter ofrece una gran plataforma para conectar con otros educadores. Me encanta formar parte de la comunidad #MIEExpert#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetES
A2: CHOICE of topics, CHOICE of way to learn (1:1, small PLC group, webinar, screencasts, Voxer group, etc.), and TIME to practice freely. These three value Ts as professionals and desire to improve becomes intrinsic. #MSFTEduChat
A! - One of our biggest and best areas has been our divisional internal Yammer community. Many open and closed PLC, School and divisional groups are running with a total of 1200+ edu's. #MSFTEduChat
A2 #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI Thái độ cầu thị, lòng say mê, năng lực tự học của GV + Sự hỗ trợ. giúp đỡ của đồng nghiệp và lãnh đạo+Được trao quyền trong việc phát triển chuyên môn
A1 The Microsoft Educator Community and Twitter are two of my favourite places to get Professional Development. Learning from other educators is also really important for me. So proud to form part of the #onederful#MIEExpert Community #msfteduchat#MicrosoftEDU
That's super valuable! I know you're always willing to learn something new and experiment. It was evident when I was visiting your classroom! 🚀#MSFTEduChat
A2 Key factors for successful PD:
1. Self-directed to empower educators - voice & choice
2. Collaborative - teaching can be isolating - ironic since it is a social activity! It allows support & to push each other
3. Include reflection
A1. I'm at one right now. I'm at the Clovis Tech Boot Camp in Clovis CA. In a session "Introduction to Computational Thinking, by Jeanette Wing. #msfteduchat
#MSFTEduChat A2-3 Factors for Successful PD:
1) Make it meaningful. What is the purpose? How does it apply.
2) What do I already know and how to do I connect that to my learning?
3) What opportunities for reflection are there? For your own learning and going forward?
A2- Key ingredients are : Being open to learning and growing, Enthusiasm and Commitment. There should also be a support system from your School leadership team. #MSFTEduChat
A1:امتلك عديد الخيارات
التكوين عن بعد باستعمال شبكۃ الانترنات
أتعلم من تجارب الاخرين وأشارك في عديد المنتديات الافتراضيۃ واشارك في محاظثات عبر تويتر
A2: From a participant POV -
1. Trainer flexibility
2. Creating something that can be utilized outside of the training
3. Engaging - get me involved!
Thanks for @TeachTCI for always doing these things!
A2: My number 1 and most important: Relevance.
How will what we do right now in this PD moment have a positive impact on instruction & students?
Not about the shiny new toy.
C1. Benim en çok yararlandıklarım; web ortamında çok çeşitli ve etkileşimli kurslar ve faydalı araştırmalar, uygulama örnekleri vb. Fırsat oldukça da yurt içi ve yurtdışındaki etkinliklere katılıyorum. #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetTR
A2: 3 keys factors for successful professional development are choice in learning, engagement for attendees, and key takeaways that can be used immediately. #MSFTEduChat
C:3 Eğitim Teknolojileri (EğiTek, EğTek) araçları eğitimcileri hayat-boyu hem kendi eğitimleri hem de başkalarının eğimleri için istekli, gönüllü kılar. Ayrıca bunu sürekli hâlâ gelmesinde çok önemli bir faktör olarak yer alır.
A2: -Giáo viên cần hiểu đúng và áp dụng được phương pháp giáo dục mới vào thực tế giảng dạy hàng ngày
- Giáo viên cần được khuyến khích và nâng cao năng lực,đổi mới phương pháp dạy học
-Đổi mới cách tiếp cận#TweetMeetVI #MSFTEduChat
Dediğiniz gibi önce geri bildirim kültürünü özümsemek gerekiyor. Eleştiri denildiğinde hep olumsuz bir algı var ve vur deyince de öldürüyoruz :) #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetTR
Mesleğini iyi yapmak isteyen bir eğitimci eleştiriye açık olmak zorundadır. Kendisinde fark edemediği eksiklikleri bildiren kişiye kızmak yerine teşekkür edebilmelidir. #TweetMeetTR#MSFTEduChat
Ice breaker: PD is ongoing and not forced. When you know better, you learn more or better, then you do more, which is better! 😁 The ongoing circle cycle. The more the merrier! #bettertogether#TeacherPD#MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat I am impressed by the initiatives taken by Microsoft towards learning collaboratively as it open opportunities for teachers not only in their country but also in other nations.
A2 Three keys to successful PD
1. Must be hands on - Get T's DOING
2. Must be RELEVANT - Nobodys got time to waste on things they can't use
3. Must have follow up - longevity
W/out a lack of support after the fact, great ideas become Buzzword Soup too often
A2. Relevancy, discussion, and hands on. The PD that is always the best is the one where it comes from an authentic need. Ts need to have more say in building Board PD programming. Chance to share and reflect and chat. and let me move and do! #MSFTEduChat
A2 Three keys to successful PD
1. Must be hands on - Get T's DOING
2. Must be RELEVANT - Nobodys got time to waste on things they can't use
3. Must have follow up - longevity
W/out a lack of support after the fact, great ideas become Buzzword Soup too often
A1 We are deep into Blended Learning thru 'Bring Your Own Device ' strategy #Allowing more autonomy to students # Shift from traditional learning #MSFTEduChat#microsoftEDU#PD
#tweetmeet#MSFTEduChat#tweetmeetar#teacherpd propositional development is the way that teacher can open new visions with his students, it is the path that teacher must walk on to reach to real life learning
#MSFTEduChat A2-And when it comes to #edtech PD the focus needs to be on the verbs (Creation, Collaboration, Communication) and not the Nouns (Apps, Websites, Tools)
A2 Key factors for successful PD:
1. Self-directed to empower educators - voice & choice
2. Collaborative - teaching can be isolating - ironic since it is a social activity! It allows support & to push each other
3. Include reflection
A2 Key factors for successful PD:
1. Self-directed to empower educators - voice & choice
2. Collaborative - teaching can be isolating - ironic since it is a social activity! It allows support & to push each other
3. Include reflection
#MSFTEduChat A2-3 Factors for Successful PD:
1) Make it meaningful. What is the purpose? How does it apply.
2) What do I already know and how to do I connect that to my learning?
3) What opportunities for reflection are there? For your own learning and going forward?
C:4 Meslekî gelişim faaliyetleri eğitimcinin kendine güvenini tâzeler. Yeni ve güncel bilgilere sâhip olmanın gücünü hissttirir.
A2: 3 keys factors for successful professional development are choice in learning, engagement for attendees, and key takeaways that can be used immediately. #MSFTEduChat
A2: most important factor is the passion to learn and change, support in the form of an organisation like microsoft which truly helps educators grow professionally using tools like flipgrid, One note and the educator network
A2 -
1) Understanding the difference between Pro- development and Pro- Learning.
2) Multiple entry points for all edu's
3) Flexible in content and approach
A2: Successful PD: Goals meaningful to those who are participating, time to share & discuss while exploring connections, wonders and planning possibilities, and embedded with ONGOING support. #MSFTEduChat
A2: -Giáo viên cần hiểu đúng, áp dụng phương pháp giáo dục mới vào thực tế
- Giáo viên cần nâng cao năng lực và đổi mới phương pháp dạy học
-Đổi mới cách tiếp cận và phương thức tổ chức thực hiện #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI
C:4 Meslekî gelişim faaliyetleri eğitimcinin kendine güvenini tâzeler. Yeni ve güncel bilgilere sâhip olmanın gücünü hissettirir.
A2: In my opinion three key factors for successful professional development are:
1. Collaborative learning.
2. Active learning.
3. Sustained learning, over multiple days and weeks. #MSFTEduChat
A1: I attend online courses and school training courses in using technology in classroom to develop my knowledge and skills in teaching English. I also attend whole-school improvement programs, groups among peers focus on a shared need and topic. #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeet
C2. 1) konunun mesleki gelişimi talep eden tarafından belirlenmesi 2) #mg sırasında ve sonrasında destek/dönüt 3) kısa süreli değil uzun süreli #TweetMeetTR#MSFTEduChat
A2: From a participant POV -
1. Trainer flexibility
2. Creating something that can be utilized outside of the training
3. Engaging - get me involved!
Thanks for @TeachTCI for always doing these things!
A2 Three keys to successful PD
1. Must be hands on - Get T's DOING
2. Must be RELEVANT - Nobodys got time to waste on things they can't use
3. Must have follow up - longevity
W/out a lack of support after the fact, great ideas become Buzzword Soup too often
A2. PD should give you opportunities to collaborate with other Ts. It should give you something you can immediately implement, and it should flexible! #MSFTEduChat
Choice is a Good one! Who wants to be told what to do all the time. let me learn what I know I need, and what I am passionate about. It will stick much better that way. #MSFTEduChat
Microsoft Education offers multiple high-quality learning paths for Professional Development. Check them out on the Microsoft Educator Community (MEC):
by @MicrosoftEDU
More #PD in the #MSFTEduChat TweetMeet at 10am PDT
A2. Relevancy, discussion, and hands on. The PD that is always the best is the one where it comes from an authentic need. Ts need to have more say in building Board PD programming. Chance to share and reflect and chat. and let me move and do! #MSFTEduChat
My perspective of professional development is gaining and updating knowledge for providing quality education, teaching moral values 2 make my students Global citizens ...not only for the profession or earning money but 4 personal satisfaction also @ #MSFTEduChat # TeacherPD
Hi I'm skyler, and I am a design intern at @flipgrid. I am so excited to be apart of the #MSFTEduChat. I am also excited to help everyone share there voice and be empowered!
a2. 1)Don't be afraid to try something new you have learnt. 2) Having to tweek or redevelop isn't failure! 3) ever stop learning and trying! #MSFTEduChat
A1: Teachers in the US have multiple Professional Learning Opportunities including: Graduate Classes, In-District PD, Individual PD, #edcamps, conferences, Communities of Practice on multiple Platforms, Book Studies, online courses. #MSFTEduChat
A1- There are numerous options available for an educator's growth and that to at ease. Online collaborations are the best options that have resulted in blended learning.
A3 Edtech tools mean you need to keep up to date and ensure you are using the most innovative tools and teaching. Professional development is crucial to keep up to date.#MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat A2-And when it comes to #edtech PD the focus needs to be on the verbs (Creation, Collaboration, Communication) and not the Nouns (Apps, Websites, Tools)
#MSFTEduChat Everyone wants to be valuable, everyone wants to be heard. It's important to get to know your colleagues. Attempting to lead by instructing othersonly shows an interest in managerial power. Leading through eg. and service, on the other hand, shows commitment!
C2. Katılıyorum. Farklı ifadelerle: 1) Başarılı MG programları eğitimciye doğrudan hitap etmeli! Zihinde direk fikir uyandırmalı. 2) Etkileşim ve geri bildirim çok önemli. 3) Mesleki sohbetler, işbirliği ortamı. #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetTR
C2. Başarılı mesleki gelişim için, 1) "iyi bir meslektaş koçluğu/mentorluk" 2) "etkili dizayn edilmiş workshoplar" ve 3) kısa süreli değil de, yıla yayılmış çalışmalar ile yerinde gözlem yapılan mesleki gelişim faaliyetleri...
a2. 1)Don't be afraid to try something new you have learnt. 2) Having to tweek or redevelop isn't failure! 3) ever stop learning and trying! #MSFTEduChat
A3. I think Alvin Toffler's 1972 quote says it best. "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, it will be those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn." #msfteduchat
A2: #MSFTEduChat 3 Key Factors for Professional Learning:::
1. Avoid Initiative Fatigue
2. Sustained and High-Impact Professional Learning
3. Leaders must know what desired state is and how to identify the why, what, and data collected
A2 Three keys to successful PD
1. Must be hands on - Get T's DOING
2. Must be RELEVANT - Nobodys got time to waste on things they can't use
3. Must have follow up - longevity
W/out a lack of support after the fact, great ideas become Buzzword Soup too often
A2 Three keys to successful PD
1. Must be hands on - Get T's DOING
2. Must be RELEVANT - Nobodys got time to waste on things they can't use
3. Must have follow up - longevity
W/out a lack of support after the fact, great ideas become Buzzword Soup too often
A2 a) Communication: Effective communication facilitate proper functioning.
b) Approach: A positive approach with the subjects is need of the hour.
c) Skill: Educators must posses the charm and skill to handle the young minds.
Hi Skyler! So glad to see you here. As a student, what are some ideas you believe educators can do to make learning meaningful for students? #MSFTEduChat
A massive plus point for me if I can use straight away. One of the reasons I love a tweetmeet so much. There is always something I can do in my class tomorrow #msfteduchat
A3: #MSFTEduChat#edtech tools allow educators to model connected learning, access people, courses, and communities across the globe, & continue the conversation anytime/anywhere
Buzzword soup... that's a great way of describing it! If we are overloaded with ideas but there is never follow-up, they become a long-lost dream instead of a helpful reality! #LUlearns#MSFTEduChat
A2 Three keys to successful PD
1. Must be hands on - Get T's DOING
2. Must be RELEVANT - Nobodys got time to waste on things they can't use
3. Must have follow up - longevity
W/out a lack of support after the fact, great ideas become Buzzword Soup too often
Professional Development efforts should exist as part of teaching and learning that includes 21st century skills standards, curriculum, instruction and assessments.
Teaching & learning are not static experiences & PD should not be either. Like our Ss, teachers don't want to be talked "at", rather, we should be engaged, involved & able to take control of our learning. #MSFTEduChat@GEDSB21C#MIEExpert
A2: Three Key factors to successful PD:
1. Relevance to the teachers' interests in needs.
2. Practice with hands-on and fun examples.
3. Relatable. Provide stories and anecdotes so the Teachers can see how they can use the tools.
So many online options these days - our favorite #freePD for the summer is Building a Reader course by Sesame Street. Great tactics for encouraging reading & writing + 25 free books for the class for completion https://t.co/iRej1lhtRN#MSFTEduChat
A1: We have school-wide and then district-wide PDs available. School PD can be tailored to specific needs while the District PD generally focuses on core contents. Join us July 12 for our #minilacue18@lacueorg if you're in Lewziana! #MSFTEduChat
تساهم التقنية المعلم ليصبح متعلم مدى الحياة من خلال سرعة البحث عن المعلومات – توفر المصادر – الدورات التقنية – تبادل المعلومات والخبرات
A3: They've REVOLUTIONIZED PD! I create shared #OneNote notebooks for collab resources, use MS Forms for needs assessments and gather feedback, use of @padlets, use @MicrosoftTeams to build community, @Voxer & @Flipgrid for ongoing convo, @Smore for newsletters... #MSFTEduChat
A3 #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI Các công cụ adtech phải có sự đổi mới, sáng tạo đáp ứng nhu cầu thiết thực của giáo viên, làm cho việc dạy và học của giáo viên và học sinh thực sự hiệu quả.
A3. I think Alvin Toffler's 1972 quote says it best. "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, it will be those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn." #msfteduchat
التطويرالمهني يجب أن يعطيك فرص للتعاون مع المعلمين الآخرين.
يجب أن يوفر لك شيئًا يمكنك تنفيذه في العملية التعليمية
ويجب أن يتسم بالمرونة!
Q3 - assistive technology completely transformed how I perceived #SEND and literacy difficulties but it soon became Edtech I used too - helps everyone #MSFTEduChat
I dont want to walk in a classroom and see the Teacher doing all the work, so if we want S's doing, why would we want T's sitting and getting, right? We have to model what we preach. I am guilty of not doing this too! #MSFTEduChat
A3. felicitating us with new techniques , as on MEC I am passionate about learning and earning badges , sharing my achievements with other educators and implementing the tools and love to be life long learner.
A3 Programs like #OneNote allow me to archive and share large amounts of info! We have a @MSOneNote for teachers, one for students, and one for #accessibility tools. #MSFTEduChat
C:5 İnsanlar genellikle kurumların verdiği imkânları kullansalar da bu imkanlar bâzı dönemler kısıtlı olabilmektedir veya böyle bir imkân sağlamamaktadırlar. Ben bu sınırları, engelleri aşmak için devamlı olarak çevrimiçi seminerlere katılırım. #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetTR
A2- Professional development, like a milk stool, rests on
a) Internal motivation to produce designated levels of performance
b) Following up workshops, webinars by providing implementation strategies to maximize learning
c) Opportunities for Collaboration
C3. Edtech araçları, sosyal medya, özellikle bilgiye erişim sağlama, iyi uygulamalardan haberdar olmaya imkan sağlamaktadır.
Ayrıca Mooc’lar ile her zaman her yerden eğitim alma ve mesleki olarak gelişme imkanı mevcuttur. #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetTR
#MSFTEduChat-A3-We live in an age where we can do things like this. Have a global, real-time conversation about meaningful PD. #Edtech is the enabler. We have to use the tools at hand to grow and learn.
A3. edtech tools help 2 personalize learning 2 suit needs of learners, allows 4 learning on the fly & gives access to resources across the world, breaking limitations of geography & time #MSFTEduChat#PD#MicrosoftEDU
Da definišem problem koji želim da rešim.
Da pronađem ideje - predloge rešenja.
Da primenim - razvijem svoje konkretno rešenje zasnovano na pronađenimn idejama.
A3 #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI Các công cụ adtech phải có sự đổi mới, sáng tạo đáp ứng nhu cầu thiết thực của giáo viên, làm cho việc dạy và học của giáo viên và học sinh thực sự hiệu quả.
https://t.co/vTd7KRPwVz creating content,employing interesting methods to involve educators and paving way for innovation,content creation ,collaboration and appreciation with recognition #MSFTEduChat#PD Q.3
In reply to
@sachdeva1981, @DePedagogics, @devikadatta15, @shelly_sachdev, @vineetagarg123, @MeenakshiUberoi, @chandni1910, @jyotichaba, @SONIAWADHWA26
A3: #edtech tools help facilitate life-long learning because they help meet the needs of all students and provide engaging and interactive lessons that make learning fun! #LUlearns#MSFTEduChat
Yes so many great ideas out there, but at the end of the day, what are the T's ready for. We cant keep throwing things at them. Meet them where THEY are and help them GROW from there. #MSFTEduChat
A3. EdTech tools help empower the educator to focus more on support, empathy, enthusiasm, engagement, collaboration, creativity, and amplification. #MSFTEduChat
Q3: edtech tools place new learning and opportunities at the educators fingertips, allow a space for collaboration, and organization of new learning/thoughts.
A3 being able to do things like this when it suits me. I can pop online and connect with fellow educators to share and collaborate even when I’m not in school #trainjourney#MSFTEduChat
I‘m admittedly not well rehearsed in proper PD but I’d say:
👆 Have Fun - learning should be an engaging journey
✌️ Be Open - keep things flexible and change as the discussion flourishes
🤟 Grove - don’t stay seated the whole time
#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeet A teacher should get updated with innovation in the tools s/he uses and get well prepared to use them effectively in the classroom.Then PD happens!
#MSFTEduChat Sky is the limit. Similarly EdTech tools are providing n number of resources to train teachers and trainers worldwide. Various number of courses and guide videos are broadening the horizons of knowledge not only in a town but in a street too.
A3: I use @TESTeach (Blendspace) to create PD units or flip faculty meetings, @Buncee to create beautiful presentations to share, @Credly for digital badges, @appear_in for easy live video chat & remote PD, and of course @twitter to learn, share & connect! #MSFTEduChat
A3: EdTech allows training and learning to be on demand. Using sites such as https://t.co/Q3FEstkiYv will place me into a learning path to deepen my understanding of tools to utilize in the classroom #MSFTEduChat
A2- positive attitude, willingness to mess it all up, and ability to share the new knowledge! #MSFTEduChat#msft almost missed this one! Don't be a Greedy Gus when you learn new stuff!
A3: Các công cụ công nghệ giúp tôi dễ dàng tìm các nguồn tài liệu học tập, các khóa học cũng như kết nối với các đồng nghiệp khác ở khắp nơi để chia sẻ kiến thức. #TweetMeetVI#MSFTEduChat
1. Clear goals - choose a path or a course to follow
2. Learning what really interests you - you'll be more dedicated & passionate
3. Avoiding overwhelm - bite-sized chunks of learning make a big difference over time #MSFTEduChat
A3: EdTech tools are great models for life-long learning because iteration happens constantly based on users & feedback in a quest to always get better. I can personally say that COMMUNITY is #1 to support life long learning- Thanks #FlipgridFever 💕! #MSFTEDUChat
A3 - ACCESS to relevant and purposeful learning that has the flexibility to be individualized or further enriched thru collaboration. #lifelongdigitallearning#MSFTEduChat
A3 easier to collaborate, to create your own learning diary, it is great to look back and see how many steps you’ve already taken! #MSFTEduChat easy to share your learning and the outcome
A3. Edtech tools bring innovation into the classroom. I love when we can use those tools to facilitate PD and interact with Ts across the globe as well. #MSFTEduChat
A3: Technology tools make it easy for me to find learning resources, courses, and connect with colleagues around the world to share knowledge. #MSFTEduChat@MicrosoftEDU@SkypeClassroom
A4 Professional development is empowering as you develop knowledge that can be used to improve teaching, learning and engagement. It is important to build your own confidence in what you are doing and allows you to share your ideas. #MSFTEduChat
A3 Well, 3 Q’s in and I’m going to mention Flipgrid 🕴! Tools like this allows teachers (and students) the ability to collaborate and reflect asynchronously no matter where they are. #MSFTEDUChat
Face to face, webinar’s ,Skype. So much of PD opportunities on strategies/ tools. I feel it’s more about What tools you r using for yourself & in your classroom for making opportunities for S’s to be creative , collaborative, reflective and be able communicators #MSFTEduChat
A3: edtech tools place new learning and opportunities at the educators fingertips, allow a space for collaboration, and organization of new learning/thoughts.
A3: Sooooo many ways but one of my favorites is the ability to connect with educators around the 🌍 #edtech tools give you the means to make powerful connections.
A3. I too have a passion for life-long learners! Once I retired from 40 yrs of being in ed I started a Twitter chat and then a website that corresponds as I wanted to continue to help with professional learning. You can check it out here --> https://t.co/S5pzTtgW6A#MSFTEduChat
I‘m admittedly not well rehearsed in proper PD but I’d say:
👆 Have Fun - learning should be an engaging journey
✌️ Be Open - keep things flexible and change as the discussion flourishes
🤟 Groove - don’t stay seated the whole time
C:6 Meslekî gelişimin hem kendileri hem de öğrencileri, ülke ve insanlık adına önemli bir algı olduğunu belirtirim. Ayrıca buna kendim de örnek olmaya çalışırım. #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetTR
A3 việc tự học luôn là điều thường trực hằng ngày với mỗi giáo viên luôn muốn các em học sinh tiến bộ. Vậy chúng ta không thể không biết trước chúng vì đó là xu thế #4IR#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeeetVI
C3. Edtech araçlarının eğitimcilere yeni bir güç ve hareket alanı verdiği açık. Profesyonel olarak “Öğrenen” kimliğimizi pekiştirdi. Fakat öğretmenler, yapabileceklerini bu araçların sunduğu özelliklerle sınırlarlarsa bunun çok katkısı olmayacaktır. #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetTR
#MSFTEduChat - PD should be happening all the time. We are always looking for ideas and ways to improve in all we do. Be well rounded in that learning, bring YOUR world into your learning and your fire will stay lit, and your Ss will benefit.
#MSFTEduChat Sky is the limit. Similarly EdTech tools are providing n number of resources to train teachers and trainers worldwide. Various number of courses and guide videos are broadening the horizons of knowledge not only in a town but in a street too.
On-demand online learning makes all the difference! Teachers have busy schedules, families and many have extra jobs too. Learning has to fit their lifestyle. #MSFTEduChat
A3: There are SO MANY opportunities out there!
If you as an educator wonder about your pedagogy, how to look at something differently, or just want to brainstorm with someone at the same grade level or subject, there are connections to be made! #msfteduchat
#MSFTEduChat A3- With Edtech tools, people can learn virtually anytime and anyplace without obstacles. Prime advantages include-
a) Facility of Access
b) Empowerment by providing the options to choose
c) Enhancement of Creativity
A3- Edtech tools dramatically change learning for students and teachers while facilitating an environment friendly option by reducing paper. Ss love them, Inspired teachers cannot get enough of them. Some amazing Edtech tools like @Seesaw@GetKahoot@Flipgrid
A3 - #EdTech tools allow for global communication expanding on the information and best practices available for teachers. They also continue to change with version updates always keeping us learning and adapting :) #MSFTEduChat
A3 In this modern era technology is an important part of our lives. With new ways coming up in teaching, we ensure our steady progress and develop an ever ready approach to new ideas.
Q3: Love the #PD that happens in Twitter. #MSFTEduChat is a fantastic tool where educators around the world get together to exchange ideas and experiences 😍
A3. Edtech tools gives new learning opportunities, help to share and collaborate with educators world wide and opens the doors of lifelong learning #MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert
A2- The foremost important element for one's professional development is the determination towards advancement on the professional front.Apart from that one's zeal and resource availability would also be responsible for professional development.
Q3: Love the #PD that happens in Twitter. #MSFTEduChat is a fantastic tool where educators around the world get together to exchange ideas and experiences 😍
Luôn tạo ra công cụ mới. Tạo điều kiện thuận lợi hỗ trợ về mọi mặt cho giáo viên. Nhất là giáo viên ở những nơi có điều kiện khó khăn. #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI
O3: Pitanje je da li olakšavaju? Veliki broj nastavnika je sebi postavio veliku blokadu upotrebe novih tehnologija. Čest slučaj nekompetentnih edukatora koji koriste nove tehnologije je takođe odbio nastavnike #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetSR
A2: I think there are three key factors for successful professional development:
1: always study to improve our knowledge and skills
2: use new methods effectively in teaching
3: create good collaboration in teaching and learning
A3: Edtech tools help to accommodate for those that need it, extend for those that are ready, and open the doors for everyone to share their knowledge in their own meaningful ways while also allowing communication and collaboration beyond the 4 walls😁 #MSFTEduChat
A3 The Tools provide opportunities to enhance learning, make it easier to deliver content and give Ss choices in how they show their learning. All these experiences foster engagement. #MSFTEduChat
A2 https://t.co/kRgcUoJg6cáo viên học tập và vận dụng có hiệu quả trong công việc
2. Được lãnh đạo ủng hộ, tạo điều kiện thuận lợi để vận dụng mở rộng, phát triển
3. Có niềm đam mê, nhiệt huyết để tìm hiểu, đổi mới
A3- it's all at your fingertips now: blogs, crash courses, Twitter chats and PLNs! If you want it, go get it! You hold the tools already within you to be successful! #MSFTEduChat
A3 - #edtech tools allow educators to have closer contact with educators from all over the world, share ideas and knowledge, and do collaborative projects. We have made our classroom a global space. #msfteduchat
A3: Mislim da je nemoguće bez Interneta, društvenih mreža i društvenih medija, a zatim slede razna tehnološka dostignuća u nauci i tehnici, posebno #STEM tehnologije.
A3. #edtech helps me to 1. Get work/life balance right, 2. Help student to develop essential transferable life skills, 3. Promote empathy 4. Inspire pupils 5. Assist SEN pupils so they can rightly shine! 6.. Make teaching awesome! #MSFTEduChat
A3: Edtech tools help to accommodate for those that need it, extend for those that are ready, and open the doors for everyone to share their knowledge in their own meaningful ways while also allowing communication and collaboration beyond the 4 walls😁 #MSFTEduChat
A3. There are SO many books for educators to grab and read. That is a terrific beginning yet being able to collaborate and fully implement the ideas requires a marvelous team! #MSFTEduChat
A3 Edtech tools are always changing, so learning about them means you are always learning. BUt it also helps with Curation, innovation, ideas, building communities around ideas and how tools can be used. It is a form of mindset but hard to explain #msfteduchat
O3: Ali sa druge strane oni inovativni nastavnici su NT prihvatili, koriste je i napreduju. Mogućnosti je mnogo sve je u kreativnosti. #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetSR
A3b I would also say finding tools they can also use personally. If they can use it personally, they are more likely to use it professionally! LIKE #OneNote! #OfficeLens#SeeingAI etc. #MSFTEduChat
A3: #Edtech tools provide access to so much information and new pedagogies. It provides teachers with endlessly evolving opportunities in the classroom. There's always so many new things to learn! #MSFTEduChat
Me considero de la vieja escuela y me gusta asistir a los #DP presenciales; aunque admito que la tecnología me ha arrastrado y tomar cursos en línea facilita y da acceso a un invaluable banco de recursos 24/7 mi disposición. #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetES
C3. Mesela bazı öğretmenler, basit araçlarla çok sıradışı ve faydalı ürünler ortaya koyarak derslerini çok iyi seviyede geliştiriyorlar. Bu, bakış açısıyla ilgili. #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetTR
A4: I set aside at least 1 hour daily to learn something via Twitter – that’s my go-to because there are so many BRILLIANT minds here! I 💜to learn and I’m lucky to 💜my job as a Tech Coach so I just want to keep getting better for those that I serve. #MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert
Q2. 1. Be enthusiastic about the product. 2. Show us how to use in our classroom. 3. Time to discuss with peers in session and build a support system. #MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat A4-For me, still as an educator and a learner, PD is something I do everyday. It’s how I keep improving my practice. Learning is empowering!
O4: Na seminarima shvatim da ja nisam jedina koja se suočava sa raznim problematičnim situacijama. Uvek je lakše podeliti sa kolegama i dobro i loše. Njihova iskustva su dragoceni resurs. #TweetMeetSR#MSFTEduChat
1- يساهم التطوير المهني بإدارة الفصل بشكل أفضل
2- الحفاظ على الكفاءة المهنية
3- الشعور بالإلتزام تجاه العمل
4- توظيف التقنية في الفصول الدراسية
A3. #edtech helps me to 1. Get work/life balance right, 2. Help student to develop essential transferable life skills, 3. Promote empathy 4. Inspire pupils 5. Assist SEN pupils so they can rightly shine! 6.. Make teaching awesome! #MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat, I gotta run, need lunch before afternoon meeting. Look forward to all the other great ideas I will be able to read about later. Thanks for sharing, we are all better for educators being willing to share and learn. See you at #ISTE18
A4:Tạo ra sự đồng thuận về mục tiêu, dần dần xác định vai trò, gợi ý về quy trình. Nhấn mạnh vào chất lượng để họ tự quyết, hợp tác, thảo luận, cộng tác, khuyến khích sáng kiến và động viên.#TweetMeet#MSFTEduChat
A4: PD allows me to feel vulnerable in a safe place, which allows me to open myself up to new challenges, remembering what matters the most is "process over perfection". #growthmindset#MSFTEduChat#mieexpert#nccechat
A4: Bạn hãy xem việc phát triển chuyên môn là nhu cầu của cuộc sống để tự đó bạn tự quyết định con đường và mức độ học tập của mình. #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI
Have alot of hands on projects and relate the lessons to real life. I just finished my first year at college and the professors related almost everything to real life. Also supporting students who may not speak up as much. (most of the time, they have the greatest ideas) :)
A4 PD empowers me to learn & try new things. That has made me more confident, enthusiastic & effective as a teacher. It's a win/win/win/win - I learn, I have greater sense of well-being, my Ss get more dynamic lessons, Ss engagement improves. #MSFTEduChat@GEDSB21C#MIEExpert
C4. "İyi öğretmenler, harika birer öğretmen olmayı isterler!" İyi bir öğretmen olmak için, kendimizi sürekli olarak geliştirmem/yenilemem gerekiyor. Bu da ancak iyi planlanmış mesleki gelişim/profesyonel gelişim faaliyetleri/planları ile olur. #TweetMeetTR#MSFTEduChat
A4 #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI Cho GV được lựa chọn, được chủ động tham gia xây dựng các chương trình hoạt động tập huấn phát triển chuyên môn để có thể ứng dụng thực tế, đổi mới và sáng tạo.
#MSFTEduChat absolutely, application of learning in ur individual situation is critical & leads to deeper insight. Collaboration provides a forum for exchange of ideas
#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetTR Time is changing and teachers have to catch up with innovation in different aspects of life that influence the way they teach.
A4 PD makes me more confident in using #edtech in class it is my drive to connect with my students using technology helps me making that connection #MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat PD empowers me to confidently make positive change in the classroom. It gives examples of what has worked...and what hasn't. It helps me feel less alone in ideas about what I want to see in my classes/schools.
In reply to
@sachdeva1981, @DePedagogics, @devikadatta15, @shelly_sachdev, @vineetagarg123, @MeenakshiUberoi, @chandni1910, @jyotichaba, @SONIAWADHWA26
A4: PD provides me with new knowledge and tools to better my teaching practices so I can be more effective with my students. Great PD provides accountability or actions steps to ensure SUCCESSFUL application.
Flipgrid and Padlet could be used for a purpose.
I used it to share about steps towards Sustainable development goals by few students, which in turn got multiplied as a source of inspiration
O4: Na seminarima shvatim da ja nisam jedina koja se suočava sa raznim problematičnim situacijama. Uvek je lakše podeliti sa kolegama i dobro i loše. Njihova iskustva su dragoceni resurs. #TweetMeetSR#MSFTEduChat
edtech tools keep us learning something innovative,useful , demanding and interesting according to the changes in teaching and learning process and thus make us life long learners.#MSFTEduChat#TeacherPD
O4: „Čuva“ me od situacija: da učenicima dajem zastarele informacije, da ih učim neefikasnim metodama ili upućujem na prevaziđene tehnologije...
PD gives us continuous edge for learning as teacher. Thanks to MEC which keeps our competitive spirit up by organizing events time to time. I use skype , Minecraft, twitter almost daily to learn and collaborate. @DePedagogics#MSFTEduChat@MeenooRami@pratibhakohli
A4. Jumping in a little late. Professional development empowers me the most when I'm able to CHOOSE the focus of what I want to work on rather than being told what to focus on. #MSFTeduchat
Professional development allows me to keep learning and to become a better teacher each day. I always try to do my best for my students! I'm a passionate teacher, love what I do! #msfteduchat
#MSFTEduChat, I gotta run, need lunch before afternoon meeting. Look forward to all the other great ideas I will be able to read about later. Thanks for sharing, we are all better for educators being willing to share and learn. See you at #ISTE18
It's like a ⚡️ of energy! Its reinvigorating. Good professional development makes you walk away and be ready to continue working into the night to be ready for the next day. #MSFTEduChat
A4: #TeacherPD empowers me as a teacher because I love constantly learning new things and using them to teach my students to the best of my ability! It helps me model the value of learning! #LUlearns#MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat A4 – Teachers say they are improving learning outcomes with OneNote b/c they can give students feedback faster than ever. MS Teams supports collaboration = students learning from each other. Learn more at our sessions at #ISTE2018https://t.co/cTtmYuwCxE
#MSFTEduChat There is no doubt that microsoft tech tools such as #OneNote#Skypeclassroom are designed so creatively that it keeps the learners motivated and boost their confidence to take a step ahead in their journey. Waiting for more exciting features and tools.
A4: If it wouldn't have been for the tech tools and the their evolution, I would have stagnated as a T and Lrnr. Ts need something new and fresh to keep us motivated. #msfteduchat#digcit8540-2
Teachers should be able to understand how their pupils learn. They have to get updated all the the time with innovation in teaching tools and ways
A4: Every new idea I learn reignites my excitement for teaching and motivates me to learn more so that I can bring my knowledge to the classroom so my sts. have the opportunity to love learning as much as I do! #MSFTEduChat#kidsdeserveit
A4- PD is the ultimate empowerment tool! Ts want to feel equipped✔ supported✔ in control of their learning✔ & like the geniuses we are when we share cool new tips & tricks w/colleagues, whether they wanna hear it or not! 🤣 PD says "I can do that. I did that!" #MSFTEduChat
A4: PD allows me to feel vulnerable in a safe place, which allows me to open myself up to new challenges, remembering what matters the most is "process over perfection". #growthmindset#MSFTEduChat#mieexpert#nccechat
A4 Với việc đổi mới giáo dục và trao quyền nhiều hơn cho giáo viên. Thì thực sự; tự học luôn là từ khoá để giáo viên có thể hỗ trợ được các em học sinh. Nếu càng nhiều giáo viên suy nghĩ như chúng ta thì đổi mới sẽ sớm thành sự thực. #MSFTEduChat
a4. When you see 'your investment' cause a reaction in your pupils - eyes lighting up or progress in grades, it fires you on more! just like we want them to be more and do more, the same should be said of us! #MSFTEduChat
A4: التطوير المهني يمكنني من معرفۃ ادوات جديدۃ استعملها في قسمي واتشاركها مع زملاءي و مع تلاميذي و تسهل لي عمليۃ التعلم وتجعلها ممتعۃ
التطوير المهني يمكنني من التواصل مع مدرسين من العالم ومعرفۃ تجاربهم في التدريس واستلهم الافكار من تجاربهم
A4: Veoma, jer jačanjem svojih kompetencija stičem sigurnost u radu, treba mi manje vremena da obavim neke zadatke, posebno pripreme, ostavrujem lakšu komunikaciju sa učenicima, bolje ih usmeravam ...
a4: #TweetMeetIT#MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDUas for the students the challenge to innovation is a great engine and also the fact of finding ways to understand the new generations and to educate them to a reading to reality
It's like a ⚡️ of energy! Its reinvigorating. Good professional development makes you walk away and be ready to continue working into the night to be ready for the next day. #MSFTEduChat
Definitely helps me see outside of the "norm" and helps me branch out with my lessons in class. Doing things the same way every year is not something you see in my class! #msfteduchat
A4 - PD powers me as a teacher by confirming some educational strategies and practices, making me question some of my methods annually, and introducing new globally vetted practices. Bring on #ISTE18!! #MSFTEduChat
A4: It’s opened up SUCH opportunities! I’ve learned so much! I’ve traveled to conferences like #ISTE and #BETT18 in London, created @EdcampHappyCamper, become a keynote speaker, secured grants & donations via professional contacts, ambassadorships, & so much more! #MSFTEduChat
A3: EduTech is the wonderful tool that help us to study online, meet colleagues on over the world to share information, teaching methods and learn each other.
A3- Edtech tools can be used 24*7, moreover the virtual connect removes the conventional methods of learning and therefore making learning interesting for educators.
#MSFTEduChat A4- I feel empowered to try new ways to enhance my Ss' learning. Best practices from around the world can be applied in your classroom. And Online PD like the Microsoft Educator Network provides, helps you upgrade at your own pace, in your own home.#empowerment
A4: PD is a way to learn and grow, as well as a way to share and build along with others. I can own my own learning and build skills to improve teaching and develop ways to improve student outcomes. #MSFTEduChat
Agreed! Motivating PD will make you so excited to use what you just learned that you drop everything and implement it the next day! #LUlearns#MSFTEduChat
Just participating in this #MSFTEduChat is getting me so excited for the new school year! It is exactly what I needed to get myself back in gear after the honeymoon!
PS - Michelle is my fave! #FullHouse
A4: Every new idea I learn reignites my excitement for teaching and motivates me to learn more so that I can bring my knowledge to the classroom so my sts. have the opportunity to love learning as much as I do! #MSFTEduChat#kidsdeserveit
A4 PD helps me go beyond my boundaries of learning and makes me more confident. Also helps me in my overall development ...
a4: #TweetMeetIT#MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDUas for the students the challenge to innovation is a great engine and also the fact of finding ways to understand the new generations and to educate them to a reading to reality
A4: Pd empowers me to be in line with the 21st century Ss. Every new technique learnt motivates me to go on learning and improving my skill set and facilitate learning in my class in the true sense.
1) passion and inspiration for learning from success stories 2) application based learning on how to do the same which includes the step by step guide 3) immediate action plan to follow up your PD #MSFTEduChat
A4 PD helps me go beyond my boundaries of learning and makes me more confident. Also helps me in my overall development ...
Yes, I too share similar views, couldn't agree more with u. Being brave enough to try, accept failure & using the learning from failure to bounce back is at the heart of all pd #MSFTEduChat
Wow! These sound like wonderful opportunities! Were these conferences paid for by your school district? Any suggestions about becoming a keynote speaker at conferences? #MSFTEduChat
Pored sticanja novih saznanja, uvek dobijem neku ideju kako mogu da unapredim svoj rad. Nastavnik 21. veka mora da ide u korak s vremenom u kom živi i da nađe načine da osavremeni svoje časove.
#MSFTEduChat A4- Expert assistance, access to new age learning tools and collaboration makes critical tasks like lesson planning and exploring new teaching ideas innovative and much less cumbersome.
#MSFTEduChat Q2 a) Life long learning. Never stop learning and updating your knowledge. B) Learn from other teachers: visit their classes, adapt their methodology to your needs. C) Reflect upon your own practice.
#TweetMeetES es esencial capacitarse, al mayor nivel académico que este a nuestro alcance y mantenerse actualizado para mejorar nuestras estrategias de enseñanza.
من فرص التطوير المهني المتاحة أمامي الالتحاق ببرامج معلمي مايكروسوفت فقد حصلت على شارة معلم مايكروسوفت الخبير وقدمت للحصول على شترة معلم مايكروسوفت الخبير كما أتممت دورات مدرب مايكروسوفت
برامج مفيدةممتعة وتساعد على النمو المهني المستمر ذاتيا
فرص التطوير المهني التي امامي الآن كمعلمة
اكمال الدراسات العليا للحصول على درجة الدكتوراه في المناهج وطرق تدريس العلوم
A4: Tạo được một môi trường học tập để giáo viên có thể học tập và áp dụng vào công việc một cách hiệu quả, phát huy hết khả năng sáng tạo và niềm đam mê được chia sẻ của họ#TweetMeetVI#MSFTEduChat
C5. Özellikle Microsoft'un Kurs ve Öğrenme yolları (Learning Path)ler eğitimcilerin kendilerini geliştirmeleri için çok iyi birer kaynak. Ben de bunları takip ediyorum. https://t.co/DgThZsr1v6#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetTR
التسجيل في الدورات التدريبية التي تقدمها وزارة التعليم
الانضمام لمجتمعات تعليمية (مجتمع مايكروسوفت التعليمي)
التسجيل في دورات التي تقدم عن طريق الانترنت
A5: I’m always taking courses in the Microsoft Educator Community, pursuing all the #MicrosoftEDU certs & finding fun new challenges for myself! I’d like to actually take on greater roles in the @MicrosoftEDU world, but I’m not sure what that looks like just yet! #MSFTEduChat
Agreed- I always feel revitalized after an awesome PD session and can't wait to get back into the classroom! Students can also tell when I switch up how I do things and I know they appreciate the change #MSFTEduChat
A5: I would like to participate in the TweetMeet sessions, participate in skype in theclassroom, online seminars, offline, MEC courses, collaborative learning with colleagues around, participate in learning exchange on the show. education
#MSFTEduChat PD covers a range of topics, including classroom management, curriculum innovations and subject-based informations.There are numerous self paced online options that include courses and webinars.
A5: I would like to continue learning about how to live the 7 Habits and more about PLC's. Also more #edtech tools that I can implementin the classroom! #LUlearns#MSFTEduChat
I have a new role next year in my school, that happens to involve tech and spreading the love of it through the building, so of course anything in that realm would be awesome! #msfteduchat#MIEExpert
#MSFTEduChat A5: I enjoy conferences. I love the variety of session to choose from and the opportunity to connect with so many people. They can be overwhelming and I can't go to too many in a short period of time, but they always give me energy and ideas!
A5: Just finished an Adobe course, come back periodically to the MIE courses, and we are interested in developing an EdCamp. Twitter--great resource, PLN, and PD! #msfteduchat
A5: I have seen the power of student-centered classes with project and inquiry based learning. I would like to continue to grow in these areas to feel more comfortable with delivery. #MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat A5-Whatever learning path you decide to take, make it meaningful. Knowing you need to start is the first step but keep going and keep learning.
Yes! They want to see we keep on learning too! That's why I enjoy using new tech tools on them @clase_espanol12 and w/ them! We learn tgthr! #MSFTEduChat
In reply to
@KimberlyLewis20, @SanjuSharma001, @MicrosoftEDU, @DePedagogics, @MeenakshiUberoi, @clase_espanol12
#MSFTEduChat A5 For your next learning path join us at #ISTE2018. Learn to set up a PC, how to use new tech tools in the classroom, and build more inclusive curriculum. https://t.co/cTtmYuwCxE
يساعدني التطوير المهني على صقل مهاراتيA4: المعرفية وزيادة كفاءتي التدريسية وتمكيني من المعلومات بشكل أقوى ويجعلني مطلعة على تجارب الاخرين واخذ بما يتناسب مع بيئتي المحلية وتطوير رؤيتي وفلسفتي الشخصية
A5. Crazy to think of all of the pathways I have been down that didn't lead to the destination I had hoped. Try, try again ...
Power of yet .....
By providing new opportunities of learning, by sharing achievements on social media, by personal growth, by guidance of our heads #MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU
Agreed! So many teachers hold back because they are nervous to make a mistake or for something to fall flat... We ask Ss to get out of their comfort zone all the time. Need to practice what we preach! #MSFTEduChat
In reply to
@Filibuster3, @dpskamal, @ladylanguage411, @MicrosoftEDU
A5 Professional development learning paths that I would like to take next: develop my skills further in training others to use edtech to support SEN learners. #MSFTEduChat
A4: Tạo được một môi trường học tập để giáo viên có thể học tập và áp dụng vào công việc một cách hiệu quả, phát huy hết khả năng sáng tạo và niềm đam mê được chia sẻ của họ#TweetMeetVI#MSFTEduChat
Çok önemli.. #TweetMeetTR#MSFTEduChat araç, amacın önüne geçmesin. bu çağda en büyük problem kısıtlı zaman. O yüzden dediğiniz gibi zaman ve mekan sorununu ortadan kaldırması çok önemli
A5: Next year, I’m definitely planning on creating and offering weekly evening live webinars to my district’s staff. That’s my learning goal for this summer! 🥳 I’m so, so excited about this! #MSFTEduChat#PD
A4- In order to cope up the changing needs of this fast pace era, professional development is indispensable, thus the new tools of PD help us to gamify the classrooms and make it engaging at the same time.
#MSFTEduChat I would like to get trained by various Experts of this sector and being evaluated by them. Moreover, I am open for contributing my learning to other nations through Skype sessions and aware them about wonderful community #MicrosoftEDU .
A4: Education is the leader in professional development. Because the quality of a community's education system relates directly to the economic success. The most important factor for a student's success is the quality of teaching.
A5. I would really like to start participating as a speaker in more conferences and sharing my expertise in different areas like #NGSS and #STEMed, but I don't really know where to start. Very overwhelming. I'd also like to start writing for teacher publications #MSFTEduChat
A5 I would love to visualise all the different paths teachers can walk so they can choose their own route, I hope I can guide them in their PD #MSFTEduChat 🗺🌋⛰🛶🚀🛴🙋🏼♀️ (me as some sort of tour guide)
A5 I would love to visualise all the different paths teachers can walk so they can choose their own route, I hope I can guide them in their PD #MSFTEduChat 🗺🌋⛰🛶🚀🛴🙋🏼♀️ (me as some sort of tour guide)
A5 Being more active in creating my brand, being part of conferences and education forums spreading my learning and digging deeper into tools that i still havent used fully like flipgrid and microsoft teams.
In reply to
@MicrosoftEDU, @MicrosoftEDU, @TweetMeet
#Pd help us to upgrade ourselves continuously by using skype, tweeter .we use this knowledge to upgrade our 21st century learners. #MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEdu#Pd
A5: مسارات التطوير المهني التي ارغب في اتخاذها هي ان اتعلم مدی الحياۃ من تجارب معلمين أخرين وان احضر في مختلف المنتديات العلميۃ والتي تخص التعليم حول العالم واقرأ المزيد عن كل ادات او تطبيقۃ حديثۃ يمكنها ان تفيدني في تجربتي المهنيۃ
A5: I would like to further down the @OneNoteEDU path learn more about what that tool has to offer Ts and Ss. The more I know, the more I can use and teach my Ss how to use. #msfteduchat#digcit8540-2
C5. Gerçek sınıflardan ders uygulamaları videoları paylaşan Edutopia, Teachers tv vb gibi platformlar, öğrencilerin merakını artırmak, işbirliği ve stratejiler konusunda cesaret vermek amacıyla yararlanabileceğiniz yeni yöntemleri öğretiyor. #MSFTEDUChat#TweetMeetTR
A5: Biggest new goal= #TeachSDGs! I'm on a mission to get 100% of my teachers & students globally connected w/other classrooms to learn about & take action on the SDGs! Wonderful organizations like https://t.co/rrJN1gno2O are helping me find ways to achieve this! #MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat#microsoftEDU#PD A4 PD keeps me abreast with the hot topics related to teaching learning. I feel confident that I am upgraded to the latest and this confidence infiltrates to my students as well in my class!
Started doing simultaneous live with colleagues in room& on Zoom platform this spring. Used #Nearpod for slides etc Makes it interactive. Worked great for rural location here #MSFTEduChat
A5 #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeet phát triển về ứng dụng công nghệ vào giảng dạy và học, có thể sử dụng được các công cụ công nghệ hiện nay, nghiên cứu, học hỏi thêm phương pháp giảng dạy tiếng anh.
#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI I’ve completed my development on MEC and hope to discover more some courses and resources about #STEM#STEAM and using @Office365 more effectively in my classroom.
A5. I would like to listen carefully to what others share so I can be proactive rather than reactive to their professional learning needs. #MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat A3. We can choose our centers of interest at any time of the day and create communities of teachers who also have our preferences, problems or desire to change.
A5 I love learning from others around the world as well. Fantastic opportunities provided by through collaboration around the world. Teaching #TeachSDGs in collaboration with a school in Jordan has been amazing. #MSFTEduChat
A5: I'm looking forward to more edtech PDs like @Flipgrid integration & @Seesaw, more Twitter chats, more PBL, more EVERYTHING! The theme of my district's PD is "Power of Possibilities" & that says it all. #MSFTEduChat#HumbleISDPOP
eSports for edtech! Interesting! There are probably a lot of different applications there. Statistical analysis, AI design, collaboration under pressure... very cool idea!
Dedicated TweetDeck set-up to follow all #MSFTEduChat TweetMeetXX international hashtags.
Pretty impressive. Do let your friends know that we are adding new languages every month.
A5. I would really like to start participating as a speaker in more conferences and sharing my expertise in different areas like #NGSS and #STEMed, but I don't really know where to start. Very overwhelming. I'd also like to start writing for teacher publications #MSFTEduChat
A5. For instance:
Cisco's Annual Visual Networking Index published in 2017, video will represent 82% of the Intent traffic by 2021.
Does knowing this shift your thinking about any of the strategies you will use next year with students? Should it? If so, how? #MSFTEduChat
Dedicated TweetDeck set-up to follow all #MSFTEduChat TweetMeetXX international hashtags.
Pretty impressive. Do let your friends know that we are adding new languages every month.
I teach children between ages 8 - 13 in rural area, looking for ways new ways and approach to engage them, which of the tools would recommend. #MSFTEduChat#PD
In reply to
@SanjuSharma001, @MicrosoftEDU, @DePedagogics, @MeenakshiUberoi
Definitivo que uno debe ser el ejemplo a mis colegas y demostrar la pasión por continuar aprendiendo así como la disposición para ayudar, colaborar y servir a mi comunidad de aprendizaje. #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetES
You should definitely connect with #MIEExpert@Mrs_Gozzard. She underwent a similar transition and she's tearing it up in her school board! #MSFTEduChat
In reply to
@mrgalles, @MicrosoftEDU, @Mrs_Gozzard
Podnela sam molbu za stipendiju na jednom onlajn kursu za tičere. Nadam se pozitivnom odgovoru u toku sledeće nedelje. Ako izvisim, tu su vebinari i moj PLN.
A5: Deep in thought over this one... to be honest, I don't know what I don't know YET. Always being willing to learn new things, seeking out opportunities, and being flexible in practice to apply.
A6: “Yêu những việc bạn làm. Cần những gì bạn muốn. Chấp nhận những gì bạn nhận được. Cho đi những gì bạn có thể. Luôn nhớ rằng: gieo nhân nào gặp quả ấy.”@TweetMeet#MSFTEduChat
Happy to hear this, Anthony! Have you checked out our section on the MEC? We have tons of awesome resources for you to get started! https://t.co/BeDAbLqrqQ#MSFTEduChat
A5: BTW, another way I plan on learning this year is to really use @participate. Have you heard of it? You can learn all kinds of things (including #TeachSDGs) and connect, share, collect resources… it’s an amazing #PD resource that’s free! #MSFTEduChat
A6: I show them the benefits of professional development. It provides professional development paths and guides, supporting people in professional development.
A6: The peer observation movement is growing. I always invite my colleagues to learn more about my personal growth and journey to help spark interest for them. #MSFTEduChat
A5. I would really like to start participating as a speaker in more conferences and sharing my expertise in different areas like #NGSS and #STEMed, but I don't really know where to start. Very overwhelming. I'd also like to start writing for teacher publications #MSFTEduChat
1. Integration of ICT in the curriculum
2. Using ICT for regular differential and remedial learning are the spheres I'd like to learn more about. Microsoft programmes have been immensely insightful but lack of resources is a problem that still needs to be tackled
C1: 4 eğitimci arkadaş bir araya geldik, eğitim üzerine haftalık podcast yayınlıyoruz. @geyikli_egitim yayınında belli konu üzerine herkes farklı kaynaklardan edindiği bilgileri paylaşıyor #TweetMeetTR#MSFTEduChat
A6: I try to be perpetually perky for them! 🥳 If I’m excited and make something seem easy and fun, I believe they’ll get on board, too. I also host Twin Twitter nights a few times each year to try to get more folks to take learning into their own hands! #MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat A6-I try to show everyone I can the value of being connected and the value of being in control of your own learning. Sharing is how we learn from each other.
A6:“Yêu những việc bạn làm. Cần những gì bạn muốn. Chấp nhận những gì bạn nhận được. Cho đi những gì bạn có thể. Luôn nhớ rằng: gieo nhân nào gặp quả ấy.”#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVIưw
#MSFTEduChat A2-3 Factors for Successful PD:
1) Make it meaningful. What is the purpose? How does it apply.
2) What do I already know and how to do I connect that to my learning?
3) What opportunities for reflection are there? For your own learning and going forward?
#MSFTEduChat#MSFTEduChat A5- I want to include more Ed Tech Tools in my classroom. I also want to further develop my understanding and application of Agency, Student Well Being, involving SDGs in the classroom, Leadership... The list is endless.
Hear what dreams they share with you. Ask if they would like any assistance in moving that direction. Then RECOGNIZE their efforts time and time again!
I will motivate my peers to participate in group discussion virtual meets so that collaboration happens at maximum which will eventually lead to knowledge sharing and learning #MSFTEduChat@MeenakshiUberoi@DePedagogics@sachdeva1981
In reply to
@sachdeva1981, @DePedagogics, @devikadatta15, @shelly_sachdev, @vineetagarg123, @MeenakshiUberoi, @chandni1910, @jyotichaba, @SONIAWADHWA26, @MeenakshiUberoi, @DePedagogics, @sachdeva1981
A6 Sharing experiences I have had, collaborating with others and being supportive are the biggest ways that I see in inspiring others to connect and pursue PD. #MSFTEduChat@GEDSB21C#MIEExpert
#MSFTEduChat A5 It's essential to have time to reflect upon the processes. In every school there are always call series of teachers interested in improving and doing things in a different way. We have to connect each other and propose methodology changes.
A6: Remind them that the brain is like any muscle - we need to strengthen and grow it! "There is a difference between not knowing and not knowing YET!" #GrowthMindset#MSFTEduChat#mieexpert#nccechat
Görebildiğim penceremin genişliği kadardır. Onu genişleten her etkinlik denize ovaya, dağa bayıra, yere göğe ... açılan bir başka yolun adımları olur benim için. #TweetMeetTR#MSFTEduChat
A6 #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI Đặt ra mục tiêu,học hỏi không ngừng, từng bước thực hiện mục tiêu để phát triển chuyên môn của bản thân và chia sẻ với đồng nghiệp.
Combine Zoom with Nearpod so you can show video clips w/o the stress on bandwith & collaborate w/o "taking turns" in audio #MSFTEduChat#Nearpod#PioNear#appsmash
This is a GREAT resource for getting girls interested in engineering and other #STEM fields. Also, you might want to look at if any organizations near you host and "Introduce a Girl to Engineering" day. Educators are welcome! #MSFTEduChathttps://t.co/VYYlFqaEmy
#MSFTEduChat By showing quality in our teaching, one can be inspired through showcasing handy tools used for teaching. Indeed, results will bring wonders in learning of the students.
Will continue learning ,join training programs ,attend workshops,webinars ,online Microsoft courses and by participating in teaching learning programs. #MSFTEduChat#PD
A6: Edcamps! I’m a proud organizer of #EdcampHappyCamper in NJ, an insanely awesome annual day of #PD that is all about choice & connecting with other educators! (Want to see our photos? https://t.co/4xSt6SdIGE ) Oh, and you’re all invited to our next one in March! #MSFTEduChat
A6- model, support and embed to help peers to se the value in pursuing professional development. Involve everyone and share ideas, sharing with others and learning together is key. plus loads of enthusiasm. #MSFTEduChat
Create an MEC account and dive in to any courses that interest you. Connect with educators outside of your building in person or via @SkypeClassroom Ask questions and collaborate. Don't be afraid to try new things.
A6: Remind them that the brain is like any muscle - we need to strengthen and grow it! "There is a difference between not knowing and not knowing YET!" #GrowthMindset#MSFTEduChat#mieexpert#nccechat
#MSFTEduChat A6: I am part of my division PD planning, so I try to push our plans outside of the traditional... I offer PD based on learning/classroom outcomes, not tools (Ts are willing to listen if you can solve a problem they have!) I also model. I attend and present PD myself
A6 - First I would sit them down and show them all of my footage and pictures from #E2#Singapore. Then I would get them to sign up for the #Microsoft Educator Community and become an #MIE :) Good start. #MSFTEduChat
Sonra konu ile ilgili sosyal medya hesaplarından dinleyicilerin geri bildirimlerini alıyoruz.. Sizlerin de yapıcı eleştirilerinizi bekleriz :) #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetTR
التطوير المهني يلبي احتياجاتي كمعلمة للتطور المعرفي المهني لمواكبة التطور العالمي المتسارع في مجال التعليم و التقنية والمناهج وطرق التدريس لأحقق كفايات المعلم في القرن الحادي والعشرون وذلك بالتأكبد سينعكس على مستوى طلابي ومهاراتهم وسيحقق تعلم جذاب لهم
A6: Create an MEC account and dive in to any courses that interest you. Connect with educators outside of your building in person or via @SkypeClassroom Ask questions and collaborate. Don't be afraid to try new things.
A6: I also try to inspire in as many ways as I can. As a Tech Coach, I do monthly newsletters, write a blog, have a Facebook Page (Integration Innovation), use Twitter accounts, & even hold fun challenge contests – like this #OneNote Class Notebook Avenger challenge! #MSFTEduChat
A6: Muốn truyền cảm hứng yêu thích việc phát triển chuyên môn cho các đồng nghiệp, trước hết bạn phải là người biết tự phát triển cho bản thân mình. #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI
C6. Her zaman onlardan öğrenebileceğimi ve her zaman onlara faydalı olabileceğimi bilirim. Mesleki sohbetler yapmak, pedagojik tartışmalar, sohbetler ve iyi örneklerin paylaşımı, öğrendiklerimi-uyguladıklarımı paylaşmak, meslektaşlarımı teşvik eder. #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetTR
#MSFTEduChat A5 It's essential to have time to reflect upon the processes. In every school there are always call series of teachers interested in improving and doing things in a different way. We have to connect each other and propose methodology changes.
A5: "Learning is a book without end paper". I study everyday to fill the lack of my knowledge in my life and teaching. Learning becomes my habit.
As an educator working with children, i see it as a key factor to learning/exploring more about the children themselves, this help equip me with better strategies to deliver and teach according to their level. #MSFTEduChat#PD
Invite them to lead what they want to learn...create a book club, PLC, rapid share session, idea picnic to bring out the ideas and collaborations! #MSFTEduChat
A6 - Inviting my colleagues to take part in my adventures in the classroom. Give them the pleasure to learn and to innovate in the classroom. #MSFTEduChat
Se tivesse poder, remuneraria os colegas para dedicarem tempo à formação continuada. Sábado à tarde ou na calada da noite as pessoas só vão por obrigação, ninguém se inspira.
Α3 Παρέχουν τη δυνατότητα για πρόσβαση σε εκπαιδευτικό υλικό και διάδραση με τους εκπαιδευόμενους, εκμηδενίζοντας αποστάσεις και προσαρμόζοντας τα ωράρια σύμφωνα με τις ανάγκες τους
#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeeetVI A6 I use my own story in transforming with edtech especially @MicrosoftEDU to persuade other students and educators that: always never stop learning and sharing
A6: يمكنني الهام زملاءي لمتابعۃ التطوير المهني عندما اأحدثهم عن
أتجربۃ المشاركۃ كم هي ممتعۃ وعندما أحدثهم عن الطرق والادوات الحديثۃ التي تعلمتها أثناء التطوير المهني كم افاتدني في قسمي و مع تلاميذي
#TweetMeetVI#MSFTEduChat I generally help my colleagues informally by sharing with them inspiring posts and inviting them to social/professional networks ...such as facebook groups,
I know it is working when others ask how do you #Skype gives me the opportunity to share what I have learnt and then encourage others to undertake more professional development. Got another teacher in school using #Skype next week.#MSFTEduChat
A1 Moltissime, grazie ad eTwinning, Microsoft e tante comunità di educatori che condividono i solo saperi con altruismo e generosità.#MSFTEduChat , #TweetMeetIT , #MicrosoftEDU
A6: I try to help my fellow Ts that feel they have reached a professional pause to try something new. PD usually moves me from Pause to Play. #msfteduchat#dugcit8540-2
Combine Zoom with Nearpod so you can show video clips w/o the stress on bandwith & collaborate w/o "taking turns" in audio #MSFTEduChat#Nearpod#PioNear#appsmash
For one to INSPIRE means one is living and teaching innovatively and always willing to SHARE best practices, ideas, and time.
What a lively party this was 🎉! Thank you, participants and #MSFTEduChat TweetMeet hosts.
Our topic for July 17 is still a secret! https://t.co/lk0EvfwQPJ
A6: Lead by genuine example--if you practice what you learned at a PD & it's honestly fun & engaging, others will want to do it too! It's like recommending a good book or restaurant: if it's real & exciting, it sells itself. #MSFTEduChat
Existe uma oportunidade bem b#MSFTEduChat bacana de virar MIE que está aberta! Fale comigo! Tem muitas coisas que poderá agregar na sua aula!
I will first discuss about my professional development to my peer groups and will show my achievement also, and obviously my good rapport with my students using Microsoft courses and resources
A6:I can inspire mu peers to pursue professional development by:
1- transfer the experience i had to them
2- spread the knowledge i got to them
3- making a team from them to be power of change inside our school communities
#MSFTEduChat thanks so much for a great chat! Thanks also to all the fantastic hosts today. I look forward to connecting and learning at the next chat. @GEDSB21C#MIEExperts
A1 Moltissime, grazie ad eTwinning, Microsoft e tante comunità di educatori che condividono i solo saperi con altruismo e generosità.#MSFTEduChat , #TweetMeetIT , #MicrosoftEDU
@TdGreenhouse A6 #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI#PD Mình sẽ chia sẻ những thành tích mà đồng nghiệp của mình hoặc mình (nếu có) đã đạt được cũng như những việc mình đã, đang và sẽ làm với sinh viên của mình vì đó là 1 cách để truyền cảm hứng cho đồng nghiệp.
A6. By showing them all of the amazing things happening in our classrooms and by encouraging them to get on Twitter! It's easy to become stagnant if you're not surrounded by Ts who are constantly wanting to grow, so community is important #lifelonglearning#MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat - A6 Inspire peers by continuing to share stories of tech impacting classrooms and taking advantage of the tools available today such as OneNote, Teams, Learning Tools, Forms, Education Resources, School Data Sync. Learn more at #ISTE2018https://t.co/cTtmYuwCxE
Thanks everyone for an awesome #MSFTEduChat! Remember to push the boundaries of your thinking, take time to reflect and share your learning far and wide!
Grazie per avere partecipato!!! Segna in agenda il prossimo appuntamento del #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeet che si svolgerà il 17 luglio alle 19.
L'argomento... è ancora un segreto! #MicrosoftEdu
#MSFTEduChat A6- Foremost, we need to get to know our colleagues-what makes them tick and their challenges. If we reach out to them with a resource that has some utilitarian value, we can capture their interests with minimum effort.
Also remember, lead by example!
Τι ζωντανό πάρτι ήταν αυτό🎉! Eυχαριστώ, τους συμμετέχοντες και τους #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetEL
Το θέμα μας για τις 17 Ιουλίου εξακολουθεί να είναι μυστικό!
What a lively party this was 🎉! Thank you, participants and #MSFTEduChat TweetMeet hosts.
Our topic for July 17 is still a secret! https://t.co/lk0EvfwQPJ
#MSFTEduChat#microsoftEDU#PD A6 Firstly motivate my peers to be active on Twitter & follow groups/individuals who are committed & involved in PD. Also be part of such Tweetmeet that help Educators to learn from each other across the globe!
@TdGreenhouse A6 #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI#PD Mình sẽ chia sẻ những thành tích mà đồng nghiệp của mình hoặc mình (nếu có) đã đạt được cũng như những việc mình đã, đang và sẽ làm với sinh viên của mình vì đó là 1 cách để truyền cảm hứng cho đồng nghiệp.
#TweetMeetAR#MSFTEduChat ممكن الهام زملائي وزميلاتي في العمل عن طريق اشراكهم فيما توصلت إليه من تطوير مهني وايضاً نشر ثقافة فوائد التطوير المهني على المعلم والمتعلم والبيئةالمحيطة وسهولة التطوير المهني في اي وقت #لولوه_الدهيم
Esta edición de #MSFTEduChat se ha terminado. Gracias a todos los que lo habéis hecho posible. Nos vemos en el próximo #TweetMeet. ¿Cuando? el 17 de Julio; ¿el tema? Aún es un secreto.
A6: This is always a tough one! Aside from word of mouth and really talking to my colleagues f2f, I'm really interested in @RACzyz 's new book, 4 O'clock Faculty #4OCF
Great pointers on how to spice it up! #MSFTEduChat
Las tecnologías cada vez avanzan más rápido y es esencial estar actualizado para prepara a los alumnos en las competencias de siglo 21 . #TweetMeetES#TweetMeet#MSFTEduChat
Thanks so much to ALL the hosts of #msfteduchat - my favorite topic and this was a busy, fun chat! I'll be going back through it for hours...maybe DAYS! Thanks to @OneNoteC for being perpetually awesome, too! ❤️
مبدأ أن زكاة العلم نشره
وأن تعليم الآخرين مانتقنه من معارف ومهارات تصقلنا أكثر وأكثر
فأنا شغوفه بالتدريب المهني للمعلم
والهام الزملاء بكل جديد ومفيد أضيفه إلى معارفي ومهاراتي
وقد دربت أكثر من ٨٠٠ساعةفي مجال التطوير المهني للمعلم وجودة التعليم
For one to INSPIRE means one is living and teaching innovatively and always willing to SHARE best practices, ideas, and time.
Tried to sign up for account yesterday but can't figure out how to do that since we don't have subscription with school for MVA. Been using MEC on 365 though #MSFTEduChat
A3 Consentendo una formazione "su misura", individualizzata, in qualsiasi momento e luogo, individuale o in comunità, in sincrono o asincrono.#MSFTEduChat, #TweetMeetIT, #MicrosoftEDU
A3: I use @TESTeach (Blendspace) to create PD units or flip faculty meetings, @Buncee to create beautiful presentations to share, @Credly for digital badges, @appear_in for easy live video chat & remote PD, and of course @twitter to learn, share & connect! #MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeeetVI thầy cô có đón được chủ đề của tháng tới là gì không ah? Em cảm ơn thầy cô đã tham dự phiên tháng 6. Thầy cô có đặt câu hỏi nào cho tháng 7 không ah? ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thanks for a great #MSFTEduChat ! I will have to spend time going back through the early posts that I missed. LOVE PD and always looking for ideas - for my own growth and to implement with Ts. #MIEExpert
Ohhhh, and I'll be going through to follow all the great folks who shared their smarts in this #msfteduchat - you make me better, and I thank you all for that!
A6: This is always a tough one! Aside from word of mouth and really talking to my colleagues f2f, I'm really interested in @RACzyz 's new book, 4 O'clock Faculty #4OCF
Great pointers on how to spice it up! #MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat With knowledge available to students from a multitude of resources at the click of a button, how do the classrooms need to evolve. #EvolutionofModernClassrooms can be one possible topic.
It is so easy to close your door and teach.... we have to share the goodness that is happening in our classrooms and desire to learn from others.
A6: Everyone has different strengthen and weakness. Help my peers if possible and learn from them what I am not good at.
A4 tutto quello che imparo, leggo, ascolto, vedo o sperimento ha una ricaduta sul mio essere insegnante ed educatore e modifica il mio stile di insegnamento. #MSFTEduChat , #TweetMeetIT, #MicrosoftEDU
Totalmente,es importante mantenerse actualizado en las nuevas tendencias para desarrollar en los alumnos la capacidad para explorar, crear, comunicarse y producir utilizando las tecnologías como herramientas. https://t.co/8v4xXh5znn ayuda mucho!!! #TweetMeetES#MSFTEduChat
As an Educator, you get to see different levels/characters/learning abilities/behaviours etc amongst your learners which is why continuous PD is very essential. #MSFTEduChat#PD
A6 #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI luôn áp dụng và đổi mới, sáng tạo, chia sẻ. Đặc biệt thường xuyên trao đổi và sẵn sàng hỗ trợ. Chia sẻ thành tích của mình cũng như học sinh. Khuyến khích đồng nghiệp ko ngại khó và tham gia cộng đồng MIE.
he aprendido que la comunidad te ayuda a crecer que compartir es apreder para contruir todos un mundo donde la Educación cambie la vida de nuestros estudiantes #edchat#TweetMeetES#TweetMeet#MSFTEduChat
PD is essential in 21st century . It’s a dose of energy to start thinking abt new ways to incorporate in taking learning to next level. having knowledge to different perspectives ,being empathetic to what other have achieved and that essential encourages to grow #MSFTEduChat
Wow! This looks incredible! I'm definitely bookmarking this and will explore it further. Thank you so much for sharing this with me! #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
In reply to
@Angelssoriano74, @MicrosoftEDU, @SkypeClassroom
Em không thể làm gì nếu em đi một mình chị ah. Em rất vui vì nó giống như nghề dạy học, mình làm người khác tốt hơn mà không cần phải cảm ơn. #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeeetVI
A6 creando incontri regolari, face to face o online, per scambiarsi informazioni, suggerimenti ecc. Creando canali dedicati di comunicazione. #MSFTEduChat , #TweetMeetIT, #MicrosoftEDU
#MSFTEduChat#microsoftEDU#PD A5 I would like to continue completing the various Microsoft online courses ; attending webinars like Summer Pathshala; be part of Tweetmeets wherein distinguished luminaries share their thoughts!
A6: عندما يسألونني زملاءي من اين تعلمتي هذه الطرق الحديثۃ وهذه الادوات الممتعۃ والمتطورۃ اقول لهم السر في التطوير المهني وحب التعلم
A6 creando incontri regolari, face to face o online, per scambiarsi informazioni, suggerimenti ecc. Creando canali dedicati di comunicazione. #MSFTEduChat , #TweetMeetIT, #MicrosoftEDU
Yes! We're out of school for the summer (my last day was yesterday!) but will resume in September. I hope to role out some inspiring projects for my teachers to try to get their students globally connected! Thank you! #MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeeetVI không có gì đâu chị. Chị và mọi người cố gắng thức để tham gia là em rất mừng ah. Đây cũng là cách rất hay để mình phát triển chuyên môn đó ah! #PD
Lần đầu tiên, lo viết cho xong thì thầy cô đã trả lời hết rồi. Viết câu cú cứ lủng củng hết nhưng mà rất vui. Cảm ơn em đã truyền cảm hứng cho mọi người.
النمو المهني عملية أساسية لا يمكن الاستغناء عنها لتحسين الأداء وتلبية حاجات التغير، وذلك للانفجار المعرفي المتزايد و تغير المعرفة التربوية بناء على نتائج البحوث التربوية والنفسية
بماتضم من تقنيات جديدة في محاولة لمواكبة مايستجد على الساحة التربوية.
Share my experiences, plan to attend conferences together, read a book, help them to become more active with Twitter, or join if they're not already using it #MSFTEduChat#mieexpert
I must say that I have paid for a lot of conferences myself. My husband actually gives me tickets to some as Christmas presents! The keynote thing arose as I started to make more connections, affiliations, and establish more of an #edtech presence - I'm so lucky! #MSFTEduChat
A6 -
1. Skeptical...ask for evidence of the program's/strategy's success.
No evidence? It may be a fad or not effective.
2. Ask yourself this question: How is this program/strategy applicable to my classrooms? My learners?
A1 Active in Twitter chats, webinars, reading a lot of books and involved in some book studies, have been to a few conferences and headed to #ISTE18 this weekend , always learning from Pln #MSFTEduChat#mieexpert
During our team meeting we have time to share about latest tools and what’s trending. Which ever tool everyone votes or wants to try as a team, we make it the tool of the week and we all as a team work on it . Learning together is more fun . #MSFTEduChat
I'm better at learning from others than sharing, but now that I'm officially on summer break, I'll have more time for the sharing part. It's always that way. I love when life slows down for a bit.... #MSFTEduChat
A3. Flexibility is the biggest benefit for me personally. When, what and how. Connectivity to others is also important as solo learning can feel very isolating.
R6: débuter avec une manifestation de mon niveau d'enthousiasme pour le Développement Prof et l'accompagner pendant leurs premiers expériences de formation. #TweetMeetFR#MSFTEduChat