Join us for our district's monthly twitter chat focusing on "Integrating the Arts" on February 1st from 7-8 pm. Come and chat about how to integrate music, art, and other specialized areas into your classroom to build learning across the content areas!
Q1. I have heard of flexible seating. I have used it the last few years in my classroom, as have some other teachers at my school. We have gotten very creative with our choices! #ccsedchat#flexibleseating
Q2. I think the biggest benefit, is being able to have so many different types of flexible seating in the classroom. More students are able to find ways to be successful in the classroom now, whether it be with a yoga ball, stool, clipboard, etc.. #ccsedchat#flexibleseating
A4. Some may fear how it can “look.” To a casual observer, it may appear to be chaotic and disorganized. A closer look will show how engaged in learning the students are! #CCSEdChat
A5. I implemented flexible seating before it had a name about 14 years ago. Like anything else, it takes practice and clear expectations (of both the students and the teachers) for it to be successful #CCSEdChat
#ccsedchat Q6, A6 I would start by using @DonorsChoose to help you get items for your flexible seating! It has been great for our school! My favorite item is my pedal desk! The kids love it!
Q6, A6, #ccsedchat I would also look around online for ideas, and even talk to fellow teachers. Stores have great sales all the time for items to use for flexible seating! #flexibleseating
Q6. #CCSEdChat#fIexibleseating I started with a few bean bag chairs and some cushions. I talked with my students about using and sharing and I haven't much changed from that. I would just be clear on the expectations.
Q7, A7, I agree with the responses so far! #ccsedchat#flexibleseating This may not be whaat older generations had or needed in the classroom, but it is revolutionizing learning for a new set of learners! I think this is just the start of even more updates coming to classrooms!
Q7, A7, I agree with the responses so far! #ccsedchat#flexibleseating This may not be what older generations had or needed in the classroom, but it is revolutionizing learning for a new set of learners! I think this is just the start of even more updates coming to classrooms!
Q8, A8, I would love to get a pedal table for my room, to replace my kidney table! My students would active with their minds and bodies! I already have many options already though: different stools, cushions, yoga balls, etc... #flexibleseating#ccsedchat
#CCSEdChat I would have a classroom library with a wall of bookshelves. Surrounding would be comfortable ottomans, floor cushions, rocking chairs, stuffed animals, swivel chairs, bar stools, and floor-to-ceiling windows. There would be the latest technology for every child.
Q8. #CCSEdChat I would have a classroom library with a wall of bookshelves. Surrounding would be comfortable ottomans, floor cushions, rocking chairs, stuffed animals, swivel chairs, bar stools, and floor-to-ceiling windows. There would be the latest technology for every child.
Q8, A8, I would love to get a pedal table for my room, to replace my kidney table! My students would be active with their minds and bodies! I already have many options already though: different stools, cushions, yoga balls, etc... #flexibleseating#ccsedchat