#educoach Archive
The #educoach hashtag is used by instructional coaches around the world. We chat each Wednesday at 8pm CST on Twitter and use the hashtag throughout the week to share resources, ask questions and collaborate with instructional coaches.
Wednesday October 12, 2016 9:00 PM EDT
My tweets for the next hour are for my favorite chat of the week...!
Good evening Let’s start by introducing ourselves and sharing a success story from the week!
My tweets for the next hour are dedicated towards one of my favorite chats, .
Dan, business teacher from St. Louis. My success was helping a certain S through some personal struggles.
Jessica, principal in WI. My is not coaching related, but getting our 1st ms robotics team started!
Sara from WI...providing positive notes to my staff after observations to build positivity around coaching!!
Hi all! Lauren, K-5 Instructional Coach, Indiana. My is fall break. Looking forward to recharging!
Hi! Amy Herter Instructional Coach @ Dodge City High School in Kansas. Started a Book study on Mindset by Carol Dweck.
Hi!! This is my first twitter chat!! I'm a HS Special Education teacher
Diana, social studies teacher; 2 months straight of Ss-centered teaching, great observation as a result
Michelle from CT. Sped Teacher. My success was training a new teacher in a reading program
we did a book study with Mindset a couple summers ago...game changer read!! Great choice!
Kelly, HS Instructional Coach from Leander ISD, my success was organizing successful edcamp style PD for our Monday inservice
If you are new to we use a Q1 A1 format. Please make sure to include the hashtag in your tweets.
Q1: What experience have you had with peer observations or learning walks?
A1: we have just started doing learning walks again this year. They're so informative and gives great peer feedback.
A1: We ask our new teachers/mentors to observe each other and I encourage others to get out to observe, but not make do.
A1: I just did a peer observation of my student-teacher and she found it very useful coming from me, not admin.
A1 In a school I was a coach at a few years ago, Ts were encouraged to observe each other each month. It was highly successful!
A1: I'm still trying to get used to my new role. I felt self conscious at 1st. Its getting a little better!😀
A1: We've used learning walks through DOK lens as whole staff; I encourage peer observation for Ts in coaching as well.
I would love to hear more about that!
Q2 What are benefits of peer observations/learning walks?
A1: new Ts were placed in sm groups to participate in learning walks for an entire day. They got 2 observe 12 Ts during the day.
A1: I am new to the IC role, so haven't had much experience from this aspect. I am looking for suggestions
Ooh...tell more. What was their focus? Was it scheduled to see certain subjects?
A2: gives a different perspective as to what is seen on the observation.
Jordan from SC joining late! My win of the wk is that we came back to our home after Hurricane Matthew with no damage & lights on!
A1 part 2: Very powerful learning tool. Encouraged lots of great conversation and modeling for New Ts.
A1: I haven't had any experiences yet so am curious how coaching teams get it off the ground
we can definitely chat.It was very informative in driving some implications for instruction & instructional planning.
Oh wow...I can't even imagine!
A2: Peer observations/learning walks provide valuable feedback on areas of strengths & suggestions for growth. Takes a village
Q1 I am still getting comfortable with providing feedback to Ts through my observations. Would love to implement peer obs later
I have a group of teachers starting this with me after fall break. I cannot wait to see its impact!
A2: Varying levels of effectiveness depending on the skills, knowledge and experience of the participants (imho).
A2: I observed 3 Ts today and felt that they were open to suggestions and support. It helps when they know you are not evaluating!
I felt this way too in the beginning. Push through and it will pay off. Ts begin to get used to it.
A2: More intentionality in focus; feedback in any form can be powerful; seeing student learning in person makes all the difference
it's tough when you are the evaluator to coach...trust is imperative!
Q3: What are challenges to implementing peer observations/learning walks?
A3: Teachers feeling uncomfortable with others observing them, not enough trust/growth mindset.
A3: leaving personal bias/beliefs/friendships out of it and focusing on the lesson at hand.
A3: Challenge for teachers to be able to go see other classes with teaching, meetings, ARDs, etc.
We used our Walk through document as a reference point. Depending on the T we observed determined our focus.
A3: Culture is key-you have to have Ts willing to open their doors to their colleagues without hesitation or resistance
Instructional Tech Coach from AR going late. Looking forward to getting some advice. Love this chat!
A3 Trust, focus of observations, and scheduling
I hadn't seen that video before, what a great clip to introduce Learning Walks to teachers!
Q2 benefits are bldg a network of Ts 4 collab. Seeing strategies in action and being able 2 ask clarifying ?s
A1) none exp with peer OBS.
Q4: What steps might a school take to prepare for peer observations/learning walks?
A3: Making time for teachers to reflect and meet together AFTERWARDS.
A4 Teachers play a critical role in the development of Learning Walks. Build from within, rather than "to."
I would love to chat with you about how you have built those relationships!
A2) getting help with your blindspots...those things we don't know we don't know or do
A4: proper training and prep work from admin on how the walks should be done.
A4 lay the foundation for growth mindset among staff. People have to see and understand we can always get better.
A4: Show purpose and relevance to the teachers; let them co-develop forms; use feedback to guide professional learning
A4: I'm interested to hear your ideas! 😁
A4: model what one would look like.
Roy, IC from Bama, pretending to be fashionably late to the party.
Roy, IC from Bama, pretending to be fashionably late to the party.
A3 Ts can focus on a situation that was not the point of the observ. Or misunderstand the instructional strategy.
A3) fear... embarrassment...lack of skill observing...
Welcome. :) Glad you could join us!
A4: Having a focus for learning is impactful yet not always a necessity depending on need/purpose IMO; establish protocols
Makes me think of having a short video clip for Ts to watch & complete form ~ calibrate for consistency https://t.co/x26AtieFk3
A4: model what one would look like.
A4) observers and teachers must be trained in what to do and expect
A4 visit another school already doing it to see what it is like/model/set expectations
agreed, debriefing is critical! Reflection often lends itself to natural progression of next steps
A4: Providing time to develop trusting working relationships. Also, clear boundaries & expectations for this exercise
A4: at I heard that Ts making the "look for" list was a huge success for learning walks
A4 Contact Ts for permission 2 observe, share what your focus will b, have reflection/observation form w/ items u want 2 focus on
April. Academic Coach. NC
Q5: How can we ensure staff has a voice in the development of peer observation/learning walks?
A5) ask them what they want to be observed on. Follow their agenda...not the observer's.
A5 One way is to have Ts work together to develop the protocol school will use. Test it out. Determine if it is helpful.
A5: I love the idea of them helping create the walk-thru guidelines!👍
A5: let them have a say of when/how often/ how long/ and how they're going to be scored.
A5 by letting them come up with the expectations/evaluation procedures that will be set
A5: Ask for feedback-what's wanted or needed to support or take student learning to next level; have Ts help establish protocols
A5: PLCs are a great way to ensure T voice & feedback are heard. This leaves the power of the work in the hands of the Ts
A5 Allow Ts to choose specific practices they would like to have observed
A5: Ask Ts who wants to work on development and create a team or teams of developers.
I really see Learning Walks/Peer Obs fit in w/ the idea of Collective Efficacy new #1 factor for student achievement
Q6: What tools have you or could you use with peer observations/learning walks?
Do you have the observers create the purpose for observing for ideas or the observee develop the purpose to seek feedback?
A5: Make sure the school culture is open to approach- start w/ Ts who are willing 2 start- NBCTs are used to process & feedback
A5) let teachers decide on PD that will best help.improve their skills based on obs.
A5: have Ts come up with what exemplars would look like once the guidelines have been estaished
Q6 I've used both an established checklist and just plain note taking when doing walk throughs
could be applicable for both. Usually the T has focus going in; however allows for feedback of observee
Could/would you use smart devices to capture lessons/ideas?
I think some classrooms use QR codes to the form Ts want others to use for feedback.
Q7: How can we measure the impact of peer observations/learning walks?
A6: This has some great resources and things to take into consideration with learning walks/walkthroughs https://t.co/5ypw2D3q8v
I think this would have to be in agreement w/T that is being observed.
yes, I agree or they can email the T based on the goals posted. I like the QR code though to Google Form.
A7: Can consider curr collaboration efforts-looking at Ss scores across grades/curriculums based on data points from walks
I am coming in late, but I love this idea and want to explore it further. https://t.co/w2n2xrWeZn
I think some classrooms use QR codes to the form Ts want others to use for feedback.
A7: seeing improvement in student learning in areas of focus; willingness culture of continuous peer observation & feedback
Easy and Effective Professional Development: The Power of Peer Observation to Improve Teaching https://t.co/EUGcCkuMHP
- my dog needs to go on a Learning Walk ... brb
search the hashtag-it's powerful! :)
Q8 What questions do you have for each other on learning walks and peer observations?
A7: Good Q. I wonder what kind of concrete data one could have, measuring student learning before & after influence of peer input
A8: How often do these take place? Set schedule or as needed based on being responsive to individual and/or grade level T needs?
Q9: What is something you will take away from tonight’s chat and try in your own situation?
A7 I wonder if studying how to measure collective impact would help in measuring impact of learning walks https://t.co/VKwGN5porL
A8 How did you get this up and running at your school? Is it part of your norms or did you start with a few willing Ts first?
Q10: What other topics would you like to discuss here at ? I post a poll each weekend.
A9: excited to kickoff with small group of Ts to further build culture of peer observation-then lead to lab classrooms
A9 Teacher input in the development of observation tools
A9:I will def try the Learning Walk with our Ts! I have lots of great resources now! Thanks so much! https://t.co/l9pj5rWzPR
Keep us posted on how it goes!