A chat that offers middle school teachers a chance to have a collaborative discussion about a different topic each week. Our topics change from week to week, ranging from Common Core State Standards to Character Education. During the chat, participants exchanges ideas and resources. The chat group ranges in size each week from 10 to 50+ participants. Discussion can be general talking about instructional style or process to specific. Recently members of the chat group help each other create lessons.
Phil from Northern Virginia. I teach 6/7 US History I&II and am the founder of #waledchat (Thurs @ 9pm) and #Edusations (Youtube). Glad to be here tonight. #mschat
My name is David Yancey and I am a PhD student at UGA and I am a 8th grade social studies teacher in Rockdale county, great to be here. #mschat#edmg9150
A1: https://t.co/gwEqOBCWb4 “academically excellent, developmentally responsive, and socially equitable: these are some characteristics that make a high performing middle school! #edmg9150#mschat
A1: We have such a thoughtful group of educators who have asset-based perspectives of young adolescents and advocate for them every day! #mschat#edmg9150
A1 High performing middle school not only meet th needs of Ss, Ps, & Ts, but have a positive effect on the community Its about the people not just the scores #MSChat
A1: Positivity, growth-mindset, and an unwavering desire to see students succeed help create high performing middle schools (notice I did not say anything about constant state test prep) #mschat@ERobbPrincipal
A2b: A key to effective team structure: "when teachers worked in teams that focused on their *impact on student learning*, the number of students who were successful in school increased significantly" - see more here: https://t.co/joQVtikwDO#mschat#edmg9150
A2a: My former school @upacademyboston uses teacher teams to develop curriculum, address student misconceptions, and support teachers' growth. I had the same blocks off with ELA team to plan, troubleshoot, adjust lessons/units with student achievement in mind #mschat#edmg9150
A2: I built on/started a Bullying Prevention Essay (MS/HS) and Art (Elem) Contest in Clarke County to build relationships and community #edmg9150#mschat
A2b: The power of the PLC. Well organized PLC’s help to encourage teachers to dive into student data. This protected PLC structure could come from principal down or the teacher up. https://t.co/eCxlGUkUW4#mschat#edmg9150
@teachallya A2a: My principal encourages teachers to be autonomous agents for success by giving them the freedom to grow. Teacher efficacy has the greatest outcome of student achievement. https://t.co/5Aj48NEpdE#mschat#edmg9150
A2: Leader in Me and restorative practices and circles! This gives students the ability to feel included, use their strengths, and bond with their classmates. #mschat
A2: It takes people taking the initiative to choose positivity and to view failures as speed bumps instead of brick walls to help them develop that growth-mindset that will also help them see their students succeed. Positive people attract positive people #mschat@ERobbPrincipal
A1: As a member and former staff member of two Schools to Watch, I’ve learned from the National Forum for MGs that schools that focus on Academic Excellence, Developmental Responsiveness, Social Equity, and provide Organizational Support are highly regarded. #mschat
A3a: Sometimes stress and burnout can keep us from success, but on a hopeful note: teacher burnout, stress and exhaustion are NOT inevitable! https://t.co/FEH1SKuFC6#mschat#edmg9150
A3b: Some types of high-stakes accountability measures can be a barrier to building the awesome kid centered schools we dream of! https://t.co/oQ5S4RBtJn#mschat#edmg9150
A3: Largest roadblock is funding for teaming, advisory classes and maintaining the proper staffing levels #mschat#edmg9150 It cost money to make it all work!
A3a: Lack of support from admin- they can have high standards but if they are not supporting educators in achieving these goals then it won’t happen #mschat#edmg9150
A2: The Leader in Me is a character ed program that I feel truly supports the ideals of strong middle schools. Developing leaders is something that needs to be encouraged in the middle. #mschat
We have been doing Leader in Me for a year at our middle school, but the elementary school has for a few years. Restorative practices we have been doing for 3 years. It is great! It builds community quickly #mschat
A3c: Racism, sexism, classism, bias, homophobia, and oppression circulating our schools and the larger systems we live in keep us from reaching the aspiration of high-performing schools. https://t.co/mFUJuwBQA1#mschat#edmg9150#alwaysalready
A3: Sometimes, ironically enough, the very programs that improve a school can get in the way. Required paperwork/documentation, time out of classes for training & meetings, a grant funding one initiative & then flitting to another before the 1st is fully implemented... #mschat
A3b: Lack of buy-in from teachers, parents, admin, and/or students, no matter the reason. If no one, or certain groups are not committed, middle schools will struggle to perform at a high standard #mschat#edmg9150https://t.co/BDSIyj3kdu
A3 A vision stretched too thin A middle school has to know its limits & boundaries so the what of their vision can reach people inside and outside of the building #mschat
A3: The biggest roadblock to these are people (Ts, As) who feel they are “just one more thing on our plate,” instead of seeing that they need to be interwoven into what we already do in our daily routine and curriculum. #mschat
A4: It is important to know “how to apply this to the real classroom practice”. Here are some tips and resources that help you have social justice in your classroom. A collection of Resources for Teaching - https://t.co/6HEq4Z70m7#mschat#edmg9150
A4: Need to find time to help educators understand social justice and equity! #mschat#edmg9150 Many don't understand or even see these issue Training and awareness a must
I am totally with you on that!! I love that we are focused on changes, but its so hard when all of our time is dedicated to it. I haven't had a planning period in weeks... #mschat#edmg9150
How do stay "growth-minded" when we have that looming state test? It is definitely problematic from a current teacher's perspective. @TeacherRunner42#edmg9150#mschat
In reply to
@MrPStrunk, @ERobbPrincipal, @SteeleThoughts, @KTuttleEDU, @ItsAMrY, @Mr_Lisek, @blocht574, @mr_tbloom, @TeacherRunner42
A4: I think keeping cultural awareness of your schools demographic and having culture days. Hang flags up from different cultures represented on your campus. #mschat
A4a:“Relevance” is one of the most important connections we can make with our Ss. Social justice issues are present locally and globally https://t.co/gWcVAQJDrs#mschat#edmg9150
that's like my kid's HS guidance counselor who has 400 Ss on his docket. that's meeting for each kid for less than 3 periods over the course of a year! #mschat
In reply to
@blocht574, @AllyLysiak, @donald_gately
As a fellow current teacher, our school continues to think of how to provide quality instruction and innovation to our classrooms. We still have supports to help them with the tests, but the test is not the focal point of our school. @ERobbPrincipal#mschat
In reply to
@Teachallya, @ERobbPrincipal, @SteeleThoughts, @KTuttleEDU, @ItsAMrY, @Mr_Lisek, @blocht574, @mr_tbloom, @TeacherRunner42, @ERobbPrincipal
Yes! Collaboration and integration of subjects make me think of the fab work of James Beane on integrated curriculum. Check out his books and those of Mark Springer #mschat#edmg9150#curriculumislife
A4: Except for using various resources, teachers can also teach students social justice in the way they behave. Teacher’s attitude and role do matter. Classroom Teacher’s Most Imporatnt Roles - https://t.co/lrCTTcapYR#mschat#edmg9150
A4: Don't be afraid to talk about the hard topics that are current with Ss. Create debate norms and expectations then create a space for respectful discussion. #mschat
A4 I think these issues are central to the work of improving schools -- they're not an "add-on" to improvement. BUT, plenty of teachers need greater awareness and training to 1) see bias in classrooms and 2) know how to lead in tackling issues of equity. #mschat#edmg9150
Do you guys use restorative circles in a situation when a student causes harm? Do you ever use punitive measures like ISS or OSS? We just started the year a few weeks ago with these practices and I'm just not sure its working... YET #mschat#edmg9150
A5 - I’m out of the classroom, but being able to remind teachers that they ARE PROFESSIONALS and that they CONTROL the dynamics of their classes. Video: https://t.co/IQT3R9CcdR#mschat#edmg9150#mschat
A5b - Checking in on colleagues and offering them the opportunity to share their progress, challenges, and wins is a powerful way to support a culture of change and continuous professional growth. #mschat#edmg9150
A5: It is important to create structures which make space for voicing frustrations but insist on identifying assets/positives as well! #edmg9150#mschat
A5b - Collaborating with a network of other MG teachers for FREE PD. “If you want to go far, go together.” Hold each other accountable for being CHANGE AGENTS. Source: https://t.co/v2CU3E9F0d#mschat#edmg9150#mschat
I work in a school that is not diverse at all. (mainly White, middle class). Do you have any advice/practice with social justice in schools like mine? #mschat#edmg9150
A5b- Having ongoing conversations with administration about progress toward goals can build trust which is vital to change. #mschat#edmg9150https://t.co/3YiLEcYNtw
A5: By respecting their zone of proximal development, just like we would for a student, and meeting them where they are, coming alongside them to grow toward where they want/need to be. #mschat
A5 make them the work invite them into your classrooms find ways to collaborate with them find a way to develop a partnership and encourage them that small steps are still steps moving forward #MSChat
Leaders need to trust the process, lead with positivity and commitment by walking their talk and it will happen all over. Sadly doesn't happen that way everywhere #mschat
In reply to
@MrPStrunk, @JoveStickel, @Teachallya, @ERobbPrincipal, @SteeleThoughts, @KTuttleEDU, @ItsAMrY, @Mr_Lisek, @mr_tbloom, @TeacherRunner42
also check out Making Integrated Curriculum Work (Pate, Homestead, and McGinnis). Based on Beane's work, follows 8th graders for a year implementing integrated curriculum #mschat#edmg9150
A5: Teacher Efficacy is huge. If teachers feel valued they will be willing to stretch themselves to take educational risks. If they feel stifled they won't push their students
Melissa from NY here. I forgot that #mschat was back. Better late Than not at all!
A5 Offer ideas and suggestions when needed, but don't too pushy. I have found people are the most reception when you show don't come on too strong. #mschat
Big Thank you to @gayleandrews and her great class #edmg9150 from @UGAMiddleGrades for crafting the questions and sharing great resources tonight! Follow their hashtag and insights #mschat
A4a:“Relevance” is one of the most important connections we can make with our Ss. Social justice issues are present locally and globally https://t.co/gWcVAQJDrs#mschat#edmg9150
A1: Good communication between parents, staff, and students make a well-run middle school. Everyone should be supportive of each other's learning regardless of any obstacles that are present #mschat
I had a student complete a great circle, agreed to a small set of new norms, and broke every one within the hour. He played the system, agreed to what he thought we wanted and knew if he did he wouldnt be in ISS. As teachers, we are stuck thinking, now what? #mschat#edmg9150
A4: Experiences, experiences, experiences! Utilize and acknowledge different learning styles daily in the classroom. Make it a priority to provide students with unique opportunities that allow them to discover what techniques work best for them. #mschat
Find the book "The Leader in Me" for a great snapshot into how it happened. The process of getting trained as a LiM school is costly, but I feel if the school can get buy-in from the staff, it can truly be a great benefit to the Ss. #mschat