Welcome to #TECHtalkGA! Tonight we're discussing "Conference Best Practices" before our very own #GaETC18! We'll be using the Q1/A1 format tonight, so let's go!
Atlanta educators, stop by the #GaETC18#PearDeck Booth 605 for not to be missed demos featuring the @PearDeck Add-on for Google Slides, giveaways & complimentary Premium access!
Can't make it? Check out where we'll be next! https://t.co/aahqDHg0An
We like chatting but would love to see you at the #TECHtalkGA meetup on 11.7.18 at #GaETC18! - hotel lobby after the after-party, 8pm. Come when you can, leave when you want!
If you're a lurker in #TECHtalkGA and want to learn more, please check out either one of the sessions here or go to @MmeBurgess session! We want YOU to join in the fun!
@GaETConf is ALMOST here! If you've wondered how to HOST a Twitter chat or how to KEEP UP in one, be sure and check out "Let's Chat!"
If you're mystified by how to build your network, @mycalfdoll & I will share in
Autobiography of a PLN". Hope to see you at #GaETC18
A1: Deborah, Dawson County HS, media and tech specialist, use the app, plan each day, and have backups ready (and make your hotel reservations NOW for next year, lol) #TECHtalkGA
A1: Mike Afdahl, Director of tech. Calhoun city. My tip? If it is someone’s first time hearing about a strategy/tool, stoke their excitement through humility #TECHtalkGA
Hey, #TECHtalkGA! I'm Angela, your sometimes-host, happy to turn over the reins tonight to @gabolhuis!
I'm the Dist ITS for MS/HS + a French T in Forsyth Co.
My best tip for #GaETC18?
Fill your cup. We can't pour from an empty cup.
#techtalkga A1
Ryan White. Lead #edtech learner from #floydpln.
Be sure you focus on people and applicability of what you learn. 10 extensions are great, but nothing beats good instructional strategies and learning from others.
#techtalkga A2
I keep a notes sheet in a table of everything that I go to. I have it open on my phone too, so I can get people's contact information as well.
A2: I take lots of notes on my iPad and pictures and I compile it all when I get back. Too much info to remember everything, even if you think you will! #TECHtalkGA
#TECHtalkGA A1: Jim/Fayette Co./CTO - conf. tip: spread your time between big name presenters, vendor hall, and the amazing teachers from all over GA that share their expertise and amazing ideas!
A1 Leah Kurtz, Cobb County - @allatoona_hs Instructional Tech Coach & Webmaster... Don't be afraid to take a few moments to breathe. It's okay to stop & sit & think about what you've learned so far...
A2: love google docs and share with teachers we bring. Each night we wrap up our highlights with 1. Something to use tomorrow, 2. Something to use after Christmas, 3. Something to share with a colleague to use #TECHtalkGA
A2: Last year I used @GoogleKeep to jot ideas and take notes. I shared them with a friend so we could cover more ground by going to different sessions. #GaETC18#TECHtalkGA
#TECHtalkGA A3:
I need to come away with SOMETHING new. It can be an app, a tool, or an approach. But something new is needed for me to consider it a win.
#techtalkga A3
I always go with a question that I want answered. This could be from a session or a colleague.
Fair warning @WCSTechDiva, I want to pick your brain on @NWEA
A3: I look for a new or deeper connection with someone, a new app or tool to use and share immediately, and something to shift my thinking or vision #TECHtalkGA
A3 I make sure I push myself to meet new people. I am an introvert, so a conference can be stressful for me. It's a LOT of people, but I also know it will fill my cup... #GaETC18 is an amazing event, and I always meet great people. It's cheesy, but open your ❤️.
A3. I want two things: 1) something to implement right now and 2) something to implement this school year. That makes its worthwhile. Something also to work towards makes it special.
A3: a handful of things I can share or implement and a renewed sense of excitement for all that is to come! You’re all “my people” and it’s great to share this conference time with you. #TECHtalkGA
A1: Casey Crumbley, Henry County, Media Specialist. Conference Tip: stay open-minded and try to walk away with one valuable take away from each session. #TECHtalkGA
A3: Making sure I’m attending sessions that I can implement ASAP when I get back to my school. And of course attend sessions I can implement over a period of time upwards to a year. #GaETC18#TECHtalkGA
A1 - Mandy Buckenham, ITS for Floyd County Schools, running late because I'm trying to get 7 outfits for 3 days into 1 bag!
Best conference tip: Talk to the people around you! You can learn tons just while hanging around between sessions! #TECHtalkGA
#TECHtalkGA A4: Interested to see responses here.
When presenting, I try to read my audience, build in frequent checks for understanding, active participation...all the same things I did in the classroom. 😂
A4: #TECHtalkGA I learned from @apsitnatasha to put all my "stuff" on one site. That way, people can get to it and share with others if they so choose.
#TECHtalkGA I like to pick a specific topic that interests me. Then I go to several sessions about that topic to get different perspectives from presenters. This year I am esp interested in personalized learning.
A2 - I usually have a Google Doc open and shared with my friends who are also attending. That way we can split up and share what each of us learned in different sessions. #TECHtalkGA
#techtalkga A4
You matter more than your presentation. Share your story. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Help others learn and grow.
Don't give us tons of bullet points, read a presentation, or lecture.
A4 Remember that every presenter is nervous... If you're not a little nervous, you're probably the only one there who's not. Deep breath, we all ❤️ the same nerdy things & we genuinely want to hear what you have to say.
A4: This year I will be a facilitator so I’m looking forward to seeing the presentations through a different lens. So with that in mind, presenters make sure your sessions are engaging. #GaETC18#TECHtalkGA
A4: I enjoy hearing in a presentation about ideas from different content areas or grade levels. There is always something to learn from other disciplines #TECHtalkGA
A4: Doesn’t matter if you are presenting to two people or two hundred - if you are passionate, engaging, and collaborating with others you are successful! #TECHtalkGA
This is SO TRUE! Everyone can learn from anyone, with an open mind!
Too often, we fall into the trap of thinking that we can only learn from our similar fields and that's just not true (imho)!
A4: I enjoy hearing in a presentation about ideas from different content areas or grade levels. There is always something to learn from other disciplines #TECHtalkGA
If I can come away with one idea that can help my teachers or my students, it's a win! I do have to remind myself not to get TOO excited about everything I see. I try to pick about three things to really focus on when I get back. #TECHtalkGA
#TECHtalkGA A5
I'm cautious not to list names for fear of leaving someone out. I would say that there are many that are there when I need help and push me to do my best.
#TECHtalkGA A5:
There are too many to name...I'd run out of characters! So many of the ppl I work with, collaborate with, and who have consequently become real, lasting friends!
We like chatting but would love to see you! Mark your calendar for a F2F meet-up for #TECHtalkGA on 11.7.18 at #GaETC18! - hotel lobby after the after-party, 8pm.
A5: #TECHtalkGA@iamryanwhite is right....no one wants to leave anyone out, but if you DO have someone who's inspired you, please take time to let them know at #GaETC18 or when you can. We need to build each other up!
Great chat tonight, #TECHtalkGA! Thanks to everyone who participated!
If you want you or your dist tagged for a reminder next week, fill out this form! https://t.co/1tvwjUSauj
#TECHtalkGA Thank you ALL for taking a break from packing (don't forget your VGA adapters, chargers and other essentials!) to chat with us. Big thanks to @MmeBurgess for creating this space! See you all at #GaETC18 !
I think I got the link late! 😂😂 I still managed to snag some great ones though but Wednesday looked picked over like fresh fruit at Jaemor Farms!! Hopefully we’ll get to meet! #techtalkga#GaETC18
Thank @gabolhuis for hosting tonight’s chat! It was great and I’m hoping to finally meet, and see again, so many peeps from my #PLN !! #GaETC18#TECHtalkGA