Hey and WELCOME, #TECHtalkGA!
I'm Angela, Dist ITS for MS/HS in Forsyth Co, and your host this PM!
When I started teaching way back when, I was the "cool teacher" because I had an AIM acct to use with my Ss LOL...
A1: Carrie, TTIS from Cobb County. The coolest thing my first year was the rolling projector and laptop combo that was shared by five teachers on my team. #TECHtalkGA
A1. Robbie, Teacher-Librarian for HS in DeKalb Co.
I taught video editing skills on a Mac as a 1st yr teacher/librarian. We called it "Creative Writing"
A1: Sarah, 6th grade ELA teacher in Forsyth County. Probably smart boards - we had an ACTIVboard on wheels that we could check out and another brand too. You had to calibrate it every 15 seconds since both the board and the projector were on wheels. #TECHtalkGA
A2. My line to my teachers is that I'm there to support every student, faculty & staff in the building. My 2nd line is that you don't have to implement anything right away - just play with it.
Hi! I'm Mandy Buckenham, ITS for Floyd County Schools. Way back when in 2001, I was so proud of our snazzy class newsletters we made in Microsoft Publisher! #techtalkga
A2 #TECHtalkGA
My job is to support students, teachers, and leaders. I do it because I enjoy serving others, saving them time, and making a difference.
A2: Our coaching roles are by teacher choice. I am not made to work with any teacher. My role is 100% to support teachers in using tech, new instructional strategies, analyzing data, etc. They can put me to work doing whatever will make them better as teachers. #TECHtalkGA
#Techtalkga Roy, Floyd Co Science Guy - in my 3rd year teaching or so I got a dry erase board. I still kept chalk in my pocket for a couple of years after that just in case I needed it. Does that count as technology? #feelingold
#TECHtalkGA A2:
I always try to focus on the INSTRUCTION and minimize the tech...
"My role is help you use ALL the tools available because I want to help prepare Ss be ready to leave our building, and that includes ALL KINDS OF tools!"
A2: I tell them that I’m here to support them as they try new uncomfortable things with their students. It might not be tech driven. They can call me whenever they need help. #TECHtalkGA
A2 - I'm still new at all of this, but I try to make sure my teachers know that I am there to support them and do whatever I can to make their lives easier so they can focus on the students! #techtalkga
#Techtalkga A2: Only a portion of my job involved tech integration, but all support educators do the same thing, cultivate student learning. Sometimes it just happens to involve technology.
A3: courage and a growth mindset. If it doesn’t work the first time, be patient and try again. You’re not only learning something new; you’re also teaching your students what perseverance looks like in action. #TECHtalkGA
#TECHtalkGA A3:
IMO, the #1 skill that we ALL need for being the best T we can be is flexibility and adaptability. Hiccups always happen and change is inevitable.
Be prepared for both to be the best you can be.
A3: Creativity! There are so many ways to infuse tech into our students' learning experiences. How can we move our students from consumers to collaborators and creators using tech? Takes a little creativity to answer that question. #techtalkga
A3: Teachers need to be flexible when the first attempt at an instructional strategy or tech tool doesn’t work. Another key skill is being able to adapt cool ideas to various subjects. #TECHtalkGA
Howdy everyone! Sorry I'm a little late.
A1: I'm Nadia, Digital Leaning Coordinator for Cobb County School District.
I hope everyone's year had been going well so far!
A2: I support Ts by finding solutions to their struggles and helping them engage Ss by transforming lessons. Want an easier way? Want to do something different? I’ll find it for you! #TECHtalkGA
#techtalkga A3: Ts need the motivation and drive to keep learning and "troubleshooting". Find out what works and what doesn't. Weed out all the mess that gets in the way of learning !
A3: I think perseverance would be right up there. Often times, I know we think think if it doesn't go right the first time or the kids are off task then we may be hesitant to get back at it. #Techtalkga
A3 - The best skill for successful integration is a willingness to try new things without worrying if it's going to be a disaster! Showing our Ss that we can adapt and learn from previous experiences is a must! #techtalkga
Howdy everyone! Sorry I'm a little late.
A1: I'm Nadia, Digital Leaning Coordinator for Cobb County School District.
I hope everyone's year had been going well so far!
A4 - It really all depends on the students and the situation. I do encourage teachers to try to use tools that involve collaboration as much as possible. Being able to work with others in an important life skill! #techtalkga
A4: It isn’t he tool; it is the mindset. Pick any number of tools to give students autonomy, make learning authentic, and meet every S’a needs! #TECHtalkGA
#TECHtalkGA A4:
This might be the politic answer, but...
Is there a tool that is VITAL or non-negotiable in your district? Then that is the #1 tool that you have to help Ts use.
For me, that's LMS, followed by assessment engine, then others like @GoogleForEdu, @nearpod, etc.
A4. I'm not sure its the best tool, but having teachers play with @Bitmoji as a team building exercise is priceless for both colleagues & comfort with tech.
A3 #techtalkga
Is the tech tool appropriate for this content or increase student engagement?
ALL teachers need to use tech as a tool, not as a babysitter or because it’s “easy”
A4: The use of video collaboration is a great way to build soft skills in students while also helping them learn how to communicate content. A tool like @Flipgrid is a great place to start. #TECHtalkGA
A4: Ts need to show Ss they can adapt and be willing to listen and respect others ideas and opinions. The ability to research,listen and find the right tool for the job is a great asset . #techtalkga#mindfullearning
A4 #techtalkga
New teachers need to understand the foundational tool for their district. Apple, Google, or Microsoft. Then, branch out from there.
Start with veteran teachers and instructional technologists to learn more
A4. Pick two tools - one you know will quickly engage the students and you can manage in your sleep. THEN one you believe has the potential for a great results but you don’t know well and learn that one with your Ss #techtalkga
A3: I think new Ts need to be able to make creative connections to successfully integrate tech in the classroom.
A4: I feel like the skills above, being able to troubleshoot, and learn on their feet supercede knowledge of any one tool.
A5: Sometimes new Ts bounce around to many different tools not sure which may be best for different circumstances. Veteran Ts tend to be more cautious in trying a technology, but are more purposeful in the tool they select. #TECHtalkGA
A5. Veteran teachers are much more willing to try #edtech. More open to failing. New teachers, even w more comfort w tech, get hung up on learning how to teach first.
#TECHtalkGA A5: My experience is that the newer teachers are willing to embrace almost anything because they want to learn to be good at their job, whereas older more seasoned teachers believe they already know what's best and seem less eager to try something new. Some exceptions
Great chat tonight, #TECHtalkGA!
Thanks to everyone who participated!
If you want you or your dist tagged for a reminder next time, fill out this form!
A4: It isn’t he tool; it is the mindset. Pick any number of tools to give students autonomy, make learning authentic, and meet every S’a needs! #TECHtalkGA
A5 - My new Ts like to go out and look for the newest ideas on their own. My veteran Ts are willing to try something new, but maybe with a little bit more support. I'm so proud of how many of them are embracing tech! #techtalkga
A5. Varies more by attitude and pedagogical experience than age. One T @ my school is a VERY intentional tech integrator/risk taker at 59; some young Ts want to entertain/ practice more than challenge. #techtalkga