Happy to be here tonight! Looking forward to the chat with @msyoung114 & the @goformative team! I celebrated Monday by getting into classrooms & talking to students and hearing about their weekend #formativechat
This week's #formativechat is super special because today we announced #FormativeSummit...a free, virtual conference where you can learn great teaching ideas!
It was inspired by all the awesome learning that happens here, each week :)
Sign up today:
Question 1: How do you collect background information about the students you serve? How can this data impact the learning targets you write? #formativechat
This week's #formativechat is super special because today we announced #FormativeSummit...a free, virtual conference where you can learn great teaching ideas!
It was inspired by all the awesome learning that happens here, each week :)
Sign up today:
Intro - Hi Dean Vendramin from Regina Saskatchewan Canada love teaching Ss at @oneilltitans and proud @goformative Certified Educator celebrated Monday with a smile on my face #formativechat
This week's #formativechat is super special because today we announced #FormativeSummit...a free, virtual conference where you can learn great teaching ideas!
It was inspired by all the awesome learning that happens here, each week :)
Sign up today:
A1: Ss often come with some data from past state tests or IEPs, 504s, etc. I normally try not to look at the data. I want to see effort, sticktuitiveness, and growth mindset above all. #grit#formativechat
Question 1: How do you collect background information about the students you serve? How can this data impact the learning targets you write? #formativechat
A1-The first day(s) of class I concentrate on getting to know my Ss, NOT content. I ask the Qs like what their passions are, what they do/don't like about sch, what are they looking forward to this SY. #Formativechat
A1) I spend the first few days doing activites that let me get to know them. Putting the learning on hold so that I can get to know their needs eventually accelerates the learning!
Question 1: How do you collect background information about the students you serve? How can this data impact the learning targets you write? #formativechat
A1: In online environment, discussion to introduce yourself and name 3 things that happened in the year you were born. Also, Ss complete a Change-Readiness Survey and reflect on their scores and plan to use their strengths in my course. #formativechat
A1 I used a formative to gather background information on my Ss. I used it both to get info & to show the Ss how easy it is to use @goformative. That info will help me to put the Ss' cultural backgrounds, personal likes and dislikes, and interests into lessons. #formativechat
I intentionally do not solicit information from Ss' former teachers. I ask the Ss themselves to share their past emotions, successes, and struggles. Privately on 1-1 Google docs which begin a metacognitive dialogue we continue all year long. #formativechat
A1: Teachers collect both formal & informal data to set goals for students through state & district assessment data, teacher observation, family surveys, conferences, etc. #Formativechat
A1 Blogged on this tonight actually. I give a survey to students the first day of school. Lots of questions, many personal, a few about how they learn and liked to in the past. #formativechat
A1: lots of talking and sharing. Opening up about myself gives them courage to share about themselves. It allows me to know what topics to be cautious of- death, divorce etc #formativechat
Question 1: How do you collect background information about the students you serve? How can this data impact the learning targets you write? #formativechat
I like that you do not solicit past Ts. Every Student should be allowed a clean slate every year. No past prejudices should cloud new Teachers. #Formativechat
A1 cont. I apply the effective strategies that students note from past teachers and try and inform my instruction with those. I also do a Myers Briggs survey with all kids to see how they learn. #formativechat
A1: I usually give pre-assessments and ask questions/listen to discussions about learning from the previous year. These help me gauge where my students are. I also focus on a growth mindset and meet them where they are. #formativechat
A1: I start by having Ss write their own syllabus. Class offers up ideas through various apps and collectively we define expectations, behavior guidelines, and standards. My first week of math lessons encourage conversation and free thinking. #formativechat
A1 I have conversations with Ss. When I pull them to read with them, I have conversations to and from my classroom. I take lots of notes when I do a running record. If I have more ?s, then I speak to T. #FormativeChat
Last year I used the Dot Day Project to have students color circles from @quivervision and I talked to each kid about their dreams and aspirations. I learned more that day than any test score from the past year. #formativechat
A1 I have a few get to know you activities including using this Formative https://t.co/QtUS3DC3cv Also talk to our school support team I use the data to build relationships with my Ss and make a formulate practices that will meet Ss needs #formativechat
Question 1: How do you collect background information about the students you serve? How can this data impact the learning targets you write? #formativechat
A1: Hi #formativechat - Barbara jumping in from Oakland, CA. Best way to collect background information is to ask them who they are, how they learn best, invite parents to share info abt their child. Have Ss collect their evidence of learning as data demonstrating progress.
Question 1: How do you collect background information about the students you serve? How can this data impact the learning targets you write? #formativechat
We do lots of discussions and activities that help us get to know each other. There is also carry over information from previous years. Just being able to share each student’s strengths can make instruction more effective and applicable to each child. #formativechat
#formativechat A1. I try and meet my Ss during short breaks, each day I'll ask some child to meet me for two minutes. it helps.then as a part of pastoral care, we make calls to parents once in a term...that helps a lot .
A1 part 2 - I also like to show a lot of optical illusions. Get my Ss thinking about math from WAY out of the box before we even start. Also, give me perspective about how my new Ss view things. Great way to get to know your Ss. #formativechat
In a writing course, ask Ss what genres are they most familiar interacting or using. What topics generate their interest or passion? Then combine the two—ask them to create genres on the very topics that interest them. #formativechat
Right. I dislike basing things on one standardized test. Who knows how that student was feeling that do or what had happened that morning? #formativechat
Right. I dislike basing things on one standardized test. Who knows how that student was feeling that do or what had happened that morning? #formativechat
A1: We don’t have many “official” records to gather in kinder, so in every interaction with parents I’m asking questions to casually gather background info on and I make every effort to get to know my Ss each day! #formativechat
A1: Have Ss co-design assessments so they feel a sense of ownership for their learning. Make sure you listen more than you talk. Be aware of the impact of your feedback - give less, maximize feedback so Ss are aware of their progress and what they still need to do #formativechat
A1. Talk to them. See what their needs are. Give them chances to connect their learning to their lives. It’s amazing what being actively present in the communications between a teacher and a student can produce. Ask, listen. Empower, engage, then observe. #formativechat
A1: to serve Ss well, it’s important to know students’ individual and social identities as well as their learner profiles. Understanding how these intersect & impact their schooling is also important. #formativechat
Question 1: How do you collect background information about the students you serve? How can this data impact the learning targets you write? #formativechat
I am sure that they include things on it that you would have also added. It is the same when I have them make their class expectations. They love it and so do I. #formativechat
I’m a water cooler. I dispense knowledge and ideas for those who thirst for it. However, sometimes my ideas are hot or cold depending upon how others use what I offer. #formativechat
Question 2: How can we involve students with the writing of learning targets, to involve the backgrounds of all students in the development of the assessments we use? #formativechat
I had done one of these at the start too, enjoy seeing responses, learning about each Student and our class backgrounds;/interests together #formativechat
A1. Use tools like @Screencastify to allow students the opportunity to talk about themselves. This gives you a chance to bring their beliefs, hobbies, and interests into the classroom. Do your research. :) #formativechat
A2: Ss can help create and write learning targets in a scaffolded fashion. How many steps do they need to complete the target? What will be their challenge areas? This would help them map out their learning. #formativechat
Remember to ask Ss what they would like to become as learners. Current profiles don’t always tell the whole story or narrative filled with potential. Future is malleable. #formativechat
A2: This actually works for learning targets also. Give the students the standard, have them point out the things they know, the “key words” and the unknown. Have the students make inferences on what they’re going to be doing. #formativechat
A1. Use tools like @Screencastify to allow students the opportunity to talk about themselves. This gives you a chance to bring their beliefs, hobbies, and interests into the classroom. Do your research. :) #formativechat
I’m a water cooler. I dispense knowledge and ideas for those who thirst for it. However, sometimes my ideas are hot or cold depending upon how others use what I offer. #formativechat
I did a speed friending activity. Each student spent 30 seconds with each other...including me..answering silly questions...like what's your favorite part of a birthday party?
A2: Meet with students and share their data with them; use this information to guide them in setting goals and supporting them throughout their journey towards meeting them #Formativechat
A2 My sci targets are based on #NGSS#phenomenon, so I have Ss write as much "science" as they discover in their words, not text book words. I also have them assist in developing rubrics & self-evaluation #formativechat
A2: Take pictures of what the students are doing this year. Next year use those images to hook the students. Students can make inferences off of the pictures and use those to infer what the learning targets could/should be. #formativechat
A2 - Great Q! Simple answer is to just do it. Ask for their input. Write what you think an "I can.." statement for them could be and then discuss it. Give them even more ownership of their learning B/C they wrote it! #formativechat
A2 I had my Ss set a Reading goal for the year. We did the math in how many weeks we have in school, how many books they might read each week, etc. Had them share on #Seesaw . Will revisit their goal weekly to check in on progress. #FormativeChat
Question 2: How can we involve students with the writing of learning targets, to involve the backgrounds of all students in the development of the assessments we use? #formativechat
A2: I ❤️ smart goals and reflection for Ss. Let them set assess and decide what they need to work on. Turn the power over to them but provide the resources to assist them. Every student WANTS to succeed. #formativechat
Question 2: How can we involve students with the writing of learning targets, to involve the backgrounds of all students in the development of the assessments we use? #formativechat
A2: Ss can self assess where they feel they need to grow and then discuss with small groups on a timeframe of progression as individuals and as a class. #formativechat
Question 2: How can we involve students with the writing of learning targets, to involve the backgrounds of all students in the development of the assessments we use? #formativechat
A2 My sci targets are based on #NGSS#phenomenon, so I have Ss write as much "science" as they discover in their words, not text book words. I also have them assist in developing rubrics & self-evaluation #formativechat
A2- Have students track their own goals and progress. This will help them write their own goals. You might need to model it at first but we need to pull away so students can feel empowered!
Question 2: How can we involve students with the writing of learning targets, to involve the backgrounds of all students in the development of the assessments we use? #formativechat
A2: Encourage (even require!) that Ss choose the type of evidence that they prefer to submit to demonstrate their mastery of learning targets. Place the power of assessment in their hands. #formativechat
A2 Set learning targets to address concerns with students needs, especially as it relates to their deficiencies and strengths. Always do a pretest to see what things kids are already familiar with for those targets. #formativechat
Love A2: #formativechat talk less, listen more. Invite Ss to share what they know and don't know about any task or skill so they can set the learning targets that are more relevant for them to help them learn. Encourage Ss to share type of feedback they need to reach targets.
A2 The learning targets are established for my ELs through the WIDA standards that we use. I involve my Ss by having them set personal goals to meet their targets. The students' backgrounds are found in the activities that I create, and often the students create. #formativechat
Me too sister! So happy I have been fortunate enough to have crossed paths with so many amazing educators (like yourself) that make me constantly challenge my status quo. #formativechat
A2 - By using peer collaboration and sharing ideas, students can gain insight into their peers strengths. Also, every student has different strengths that can be developed and used to help others. #formativechat
A2: I think it also needs to be said that we have to model this thinking process for our students. Sometimes they just don’t understand how to dig deeper. The modeling helps take away some of the fear of the unknown. #formativechat
A2: Give the students the standards in small groups. Have them collaborate on the key parts of each standard and what they mean. Have them create rubrics and even an activity with steps that allows them to show case knowledge and application. #formativechat
A2: I gave Ss an exit ticket last week. Some showed improvement, others did not. Today most seemed confident. Ss helped explain, in their own words, concepts to the few that needed help. They agreed collectively that they were ready to be assessed! #formativechat
Asked Ss how confident they were in their abilities of recent topics. A few Ss seemed unsure, broke out into a review discussion with Ss teaching Ss. All were confident, I suggested a short impromptu assessment. They agreed and crushed it! (during an observation)#TakeRisks
A2: backgrounds of all students? I think you need to work in some personalized learning principles into your formative assessment-find students zone of proximal development #formativechat
A2 Unpackingthe standards with students, have students share what they think they know and what questions they have . Build learning targets from here and students interactions with phenomena #formativechat
A2 - Talk to Ss and ask how they learn best because I teach HS Ss usually have a good idea but not always asked. I also use data from Formatives to help Ss see how they are doing on learning targets, set goals and make a plan #formativechat
Question 2: How can we involve students with the writing of learning targets, to involve the backgrounds of all students in the development of the assessments we use? #formativechat
A2: we can, after interpreting the curriculum, develop & share overarching learning goals & success criteria & work with Ss to identify gaps, learning targets, activities, assessments & criteria for success #formativechat
Question 2: How can we involve students with the writing of learning targets, to involve the backgrounds of all students in the development of the assessments we use? #formativechat
A2: Make it safe and trust-based in the learning environment so Ss can learn from mistakes, encourage peer feedback, and track progress as they learn, unlearn, and relearn. You will be amazed at how Ss will want to share and learn with and from each other. #formativechat
Q2 is such a great question. Too many times, our instructional content does not reflect the real lives/experience of our Ss. And then we wonder why some of them can’t engage when it’s our pedagogical fault. #formativechat
Hi! This is Janice, Program Director of @IAmSuccessLex in KY. Sorry I'm late. Just have a few minutes but I wanted to say hello and thanks for inviting me.#formativechat
I like how this was done, giving Ss opp to talk through it, and share that with peers, authentic learning and building those leadership skills too #formativechat
A3: Many assessments I’ve created involve choice and deciding which avenue they would use to demonstrate their learning. #diverselearners#formativechat
Q2 is such a great question. Too many times, our instructional content does not reflect the real lives/experience of our Ss. And then we wonder why some of them can’t engage when it’s our pedagogical fault. #formativechat
A3: Ask the questions in a way that aren’t “google-able”. Those questions are great to ask but on an assessment, I really want the students to dig deeper and make those fully understanding questions. #formativechat
A3 Give them voice and choice in how they demonstrate their learning. Written, pictorial, audio, video, etc. That's why I love #Seesaw ! #formativechat
A3 Assessments should be solely based upon the learning targets as should instruction, this ensures student success. I would always include a variety of questions, low level blooms to “reach” high level blooms application questions. #formativechat
In any type of reading and writing instruction, we have to meet students where they are and develop goals that focus on realistic, achievable goals. While I think standards can be effective, too often there are huge differences in ability levels. . #formativechat
A3 We create different choices for Ss and also are open to their own creations, we all benefit, build relationships, better understand Ss and more authentic learning #formativechat
A1: I am a people person and I like to gather peoples' stories. I like good old fashioned conversations to gather background information on students. The more you interact with them the more you both have the opportunity to share. #formativechat
Question 1: How do you collect background information about the students you serve? How can this data impact the learning targets you write? #formativechat
A3 Assessments, formative & summative, need to be performance based in science I want Ss to show me what they learned Use assessment boundaries in #NGSS & Ss ideas to assess #formativechat
A3-Don't make every Assmnt a paper assmnt. Projects give Ss a lot of freedom to show their passions along with learning. Hard to do sometimes if your Sch requires "tests." I want to make time for more projects this year and less paper assments. #formativechat
A3: Assessments can’t be one-and-done. Instead, they can be ongoing narratives of Ss learning journey. This means that Ss should control how they wish to be assessed and when—not every student reaches mastery at the end of a semester! #formativechat
Yes! We must acknowledge, celebrate/value students’ social identities & leverage the cultures, experiences and knowledges@they bring to school. #Formativechat
A3-Don't make every Assmnt a paper assmnt. Projects give Ss a lot of freedom to show their passions along with learning. Hard to do sometimes if your Sch requires "tests." I want to make time for more projects this year and less paper assments. #formativechat
A3: in science by using #PBL Ss have choice in their discovery. In ELA Ss also have choice in delivery of knowledge of their books. I assess Ss on their understanding with conferences and written expression #formativechat
A2: Providing a consistent student/teacher feedback cycle will open doors for all possibilities including students writing learning targets. Establish a culture of sharing, honesty, and support! #formativechat#ItsACultureThing :) @Rdene915
Question 2: How can we involve students with the writing of learning targets, to involve the backgrounds of all students in the development of the assessments we use? #formativechat
A3: Make assessments relevant to what they are learning AS they learn. Don't wait until the end - ask them where they are along the learning process, what do they still need to reach the learning targets, and what do they want to learn next. #formativechat
A3: In HS math, assessments are usually based on right or wrong answers. I encourage and support free thinking. Most I give have an area for the mathematics and another area to record their thought process. This set up is modeled all year. #formativechat
A2: Providing a consistent student/teacher feedback cycle will open doors for all possibilities including students writing learning targets. Establish a culture of sharing, honesty, and support! #formativechat#ItsACultureThing :) @Rdene915
Question 2: How can we involve students with the writing of learning targets, to involve the backgrounds of all students in the development of the assessments we use? #formativechat
I love this! I also am a huge fan of Ss taking an assmnt when they are ready. Not all Ss learn at same rate but we expect them to take the assmnt on the same day. Why? #formativechat
I like these options, I have been working more to trying to do this, but in a foreign language classroom, at first, sometimes it is less open ended for some assmts #formativechat
A3: Assessments can’t be one-and-done. Instead, they can be ongoing narratives of Ss learning journey. This means that Ss should control how they wish to be assessed and when—not every student reaches mastery at the end of a semester! #formativechat
A3: Assessments can’t be one-and-done. Instead, they can be ongoing narratives of Ss learning journey. This means that Ss should control how they wish to be assessed and when—not every student reaches mastery at the end of a semester! #formativechat
Our exit ticket on Friday was feedback on how I have done so far. When Ss created their goals, I also shared mine. Friday I asked very specifically how did I achieve or fail to personalize learning for you the first two weeks of school. #formativechat
How did you do it? What worked/didn't work? I have brought this up but get repeatedly shot down. Need data to support my claim and request. #formativechat
I had a multi-level Spanish 3, 4 5 and not all Ss on same days, was flexible, we did #pbl and some independent, just asked them to let me know when ready, what type of assmt, and went from there #formativechat
A3: differentiation all subjects, but it is not always that easy. In CTE the formative assessment could be- correctly install brakes on this truck. If the truck stops you understand the learning target. #formativechat
A3 I give my students different types of assessments to give them every chance to show what they know. Accessibility is enhanced by incorporating oral, written, and when feasible performance tasks. My ELs benefit from this variation of formats. #formativechat
A3: Assessments can’t be one-and-done. Instead, they can be ongoing narratives of Ss learning journey. This means that Ss should control how they wish to be assessed and when—not every student reaches mastery at the end of a semester! #formativechat
Thanks everyone for sharing how you work to build culturally responsive assessments in the classroom, you are amazing educators! Thanks @goformative and @Rdene915 for letting me guest host! #formativechat
I don't like the retort...Well, it isn't fair if Ss look at the assmnt, then get to have time to study before they finish. Or what if other Ss tell them what is on the assmnt. If a Student learns, then they learn. What is the difference? #formativechat
A3 I provide the learning goals as the specific standards and allow students to choose the best ways to show those standards. Working up to this, I offer choices and eventually total freedom. #formativechat
A3: we can triangulate our assessments (Conversations, Observations & Products) differentiate assessments, including the processes we use. In all of this include students’ voice & choice #Formativechat
Thank you for joining us this week #formativechat peeps! In case you missed it, we just announced #FormativeSummit - a free, virtual, educonference happening this fall! Sign up via the tweet below:
Hey everyone 🌎🌍🌏! We've got a surprise for you...
This fall we're hosting our first ever #FormativeSummit - a FREE, virtual conference where you can learn great teaching ideas from thought leaders in education!
Register NOW & secure your spot: https://t.co/jAzkwWLyv4
What helps here is if you create the assessment in a way where every Ss product is different or unique to them. Ss as creators rather than takers of the same standardized assessment. Not sure if this helps! #Formativechat
I don't like the retort...Well, it isn't fair if Ss look at the assmnt, then get to have time to study before they finish. Or what if other Ss tell them what is on the assmnt. If a Student learns, then they learn. What is the difference? #formativechat
#formativechat A3 so it depends whether you are designing for their Learning or of their learning...the process of continuous feedback should be supportive of each ones Learning style.
A3 Developing performance assessment. In this self reflection #blog I wrote you can find an example of some work I did around performance assessment #formativechathttps://t.co/fTYvmjlbxl
@msyoung114 Wow, that went fast! Great Qs. Thanks for moderating another amazing #formativechat. Loads of learning and thinking going on tonight. Thanks!
Agree! Traditional assessment feels more like deficiency identification rather than an integral part of the overall learning process. No wonder Ss hate to take assessments. #formativechat
As always great way to start the week. Helping out with a global @TweetMeet#STEAM in the classroom tomorrow at 10 AM PDT if anyone wants to drop by #formativechat
That is a great way to look at traditional assmnts. Assmnts should be about finding and celebrating the learning, not the gaps. So backward. #formativechat
Told my Ss today that it is harder to earn a 1 (our lowest mark) than a 7 (our highest mark) and they laughed at me. Our 1 is "No learning". Why would I give my Ss an assmnt if I think they will not be able to show me at least SOME learning??!! #formativechat
Exactly! It’s basic human psychology that a learner is going to progress when encouraging/challenged, not informed of how they committed an error with no opportunity to correct or learn from it. #formativechat
That is a great way to look at traditional assmnts. Assmnts should be about finding and celebrating the learning, not the gaps. So backward. #formativechat
We've actually seen @msashlylcot use a pretty cool site for allowing students to make choices which change the way a story unfolds (it involved using commands like - "pick up" "open"). Do you remember what it's called Ashly? #formativechat
In reply to
@msyoung114, @Rdene915, @kristi_daws, @msashlylcot
Speaking the TRUTH! Celebrate the learning, not the ability of the Teacher to find the gaps in learning. What has the focus of our grading shifted toward? Not sure of the answer but it doesn't seem to be about the learning. #formativechat
Agree! Traditional assessment feels more like deficiency identification rather than an integral part of the overall learning process. No wonder Ss hate to take assessments. #formativechat
A1: I love to have one-on-one conferences with my students to learn more about them. This data impacts the learning target because I am able to differentiate my lessons to meet their needs. #formativechat#educ5359
Question 1: How do you collect background information about the students you serve? How can this data impact the learning targets you write? #formativechat
Good question—perhaps the grading has shifted to this space because of administrative requirements placed on Ts, the role of data on tracking Ss, maybe even the traditional mindset that grades are the only (or best) measurements of learning. My best guesses! #formativechat
Speaking the TRUTH! Celebrate the learning, not the ability of the Teacher to find the gaps in learning. What has the focus of our grading shifted toward? Not sure of the answer but it doesn't seem to be about the learning. #formativechat
Agree! Traditional assessment feels more like deficiency identification rather than an integral part of the overall learning process. No wonder Ss hate to take assessments. #formativechat
Question 2: How can we involve students with the writing of learning targets, to involve the backgrounds of all students in the development of the assessments we use? #formativechat
A3: I create assessments that are specialized for each student based on the objectives they’re trying to accomplish. We have a great program in our district that allows us to customize our assessment questions for each student. #formativechat#educ5359
All great points. I don't have evidence for/against any of them (right now) other than personal opinion. I definitely do NOT think grades are the best or only way to communicate learning. Cannot wait for Transcripts to change forever! #formativechat
All great points. I don't have evidence for/against any of them (right now) other than personal opinion. I definitely do NOT think grades are the best or only way to communicate learning. Cannot wait for Transcripts to change forever! #formativechat