#WCPSSchat Archive
#WCPSSchat is designed to be engaging and all interaction should be 'solution-oriented' and consist of constructive feedback. Please refrain from derogatory comments. #WCPSSchat is a virtual opportunity for Wake County public school stakeholders to engage in conversations around instructional practices, county-related resources, and unique educational challenges.
Wednesday March 23, 2016 8:00 PM EDT
My next few tweets will be designated to the Topic - Behavior Intervention Best Practices. Follow for all questions!!
Hi friends-Kristin (with an i) Hendricks here from Int. Svcs. There will be 6 questions tonight. Q1 Comin’ at you in 2 minutes.
| Introduce yourselves and we'll get started with Q1 shortly! https://t.co/1taGsZIahK
Hi friends-Kristin (with an i) Hendricks here from Int. Svcs. There will be 6 questions tonight. Q1 Comin’ at you in 2 minutes.
Shari Heyman, following along from South Florida.
First time joining a chat. Wish me luck. Kindergarten teacher LPES
| Phil - Prof Learning Specialist (focusing on PLT support) w/the . Looking forward to supporting tonight's chat
Thanks for joining us Rodney!
Kara, 4th gr T. I'll be in & out tonight. Looking forward to !
Weclome Melissa! Thanks for joining in.
Ashli, 4th gr. Laurel Park
Thanks for joining us from sunny South Florida! We're glad to have you.
Part of my crying Jordan intervention
Mrs. Brem is in the house :) Welcome!
Thanks for joining us! Looking forward to a great discussion. Q1 coming in 3...2...
Hey, everyone! I'm Ashley! Fifth grade teacher! Raleigh, NC. Stoked to get on this !
Elizabeth, 3rd G T joining
Hi All ! Maggie M. Intervention
Hi! Renee White from ! way to hop in !
Newbies-reply w/ A1... and use
I'm trying to multi task this and bath/story. My preschoolers are feeling the Trackout coming tomorrow & fighting bed. 😄
Q1: How might you shift school culture from reactive/punitive to proactive/instructive/restorative? Why is that important?
Thanks for joining us Renee! Always appreciate your perspective! And thank you -->
Q1 https://t.co/EGnmZCtnQg
Q1: How might you shift school culture from reactive/punitive to proactive/instructive/restorative? Why is that important?
Tami Chaize technology always learning something new!
A1 - Set a positive tone of growth mindset and help students set obtainable goals
Jessica Downing from Laurel Park - 5th grade
Thanks for jumping in Margaret! Welcome!
A1: Start with building relationships! T 2 T, T 2 Ss, and Ss 2 Ss.
A1: Start with building relationships. https://t.co/V9e7Ewufv2
Q1: How might you shift school culture from reactive/punitive to proactive/instructive/restorative? Why is that important?
Thanks for jumping in Ashli!
So important. Not only relationships with students but between staff members is essential
A1: I think by using methods to teach Ss about their emotions&appropriate reaction,prob solving tech. &gang are great!
Always glad to have you Ms. Watt! :)
A1: Shift school culture with shared vision and reteaching expectations. Important to model what is valued/expected
Thanks for joining in Jessica! Welcome!!!!
A1: Build relationships and share your love of learning with Ss! Include lots of personalized learning.
Thanks for joining in tonight Tami! Glad to have you!
A1: I agree with . Relationships at every level. https://t.co/t1jefTDwcY
A1: Start with building relationships! T 2 T, T 2 Ss, and Ss 2 Ss.
A1-teaching expected behaviors. Use language that informs students of what you want to see through role play, social stories, etc
A2:Shifting culture takes powerful & consistent modeling of expectations. Positive mindset carries u far. https://t.co/hhLA50n7U3
Q1: How might you shift school culture from reactive/punitive to proactive/instructive/restorative? Why is that important?
Vision and expectations! https://t.co/XS1Lbh0fZd
A1: Shift school culture with shared vision and reteaching expectations. Important to model what is valued/expected
A1 Reinforce positive behaviors you wish to see repeated. https://t.co/0etUnxY5Y4
Q1 https://t.co/EGnmZCtnQg
Q1: How might you shift school culture from reactive/punitive to proactive/instructive/restorative? Why is that important?
A1 Plan a specific plan with x to y by when. Set attainable goals and celebrate often! Collective investment needed by staff.
It all begins with relationships! "Ss don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." https://t.co/8ukQ9Bz3Kb
A1: Build relationships and share your love of learning with Ss! Include lots of personalized learning.
A1 Just like any skill we would teach in math we have to teach Ss behaviors & how to create a positive culture - modeling is key
A1 Collaborate to identify specific plan with x to y by when. Set attainable goals & celebrate often! .
What are some strategies your school uses to build strong community relationships?
This is so true & sometimes easy to "forget" this time of year...keep teaching/keep modeling!
. community relationship important too
A1: PL around ; review current practices & data to guide ; align/connect to mindset & feedback.
A1 Have a common focus w/ clear comm. & Expect. w/ T's & Ss. Have a clear vision. 2 enhance S's Learning https://t.co/Ft2DvH02hN
Q1: How might you shift school culture from reactive/punitive to proactive/instructive/restorative? Why is that important?
Indeed! I see a reoccurring theme of "Relationship building" here :) https://t.co/L8xbzPHh6Q
A1: Start with building relationships! T 2 T, T 2 Ss, and Ss 2 Ss.
Amen! https://t.co/Ilwjki6uOo
It all begins with relationships! "Ss don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." https://t.co/8ukQ9Bz3Kb
A1: Build relationships and share your love of learning with Ss! Include lots of personalized learning.
Twitter among Ts has been great! Model, PBIS, involve parents Always a work in progress tho You? https://t.co/n90AxZ8c0M
What are some strategies your school uses to build strong community relationships?
Relationships are key. Also, identifying as a teacher of "kids", not just content
We could use some strategies to help get parents more involved and engaged...always could use suggestions
Q2: What strategies might you use for teaching behavior during core? How could those strats be applied across mltple settings?
Strategies you care to share? https://t.co/NamiGCDtSe
We could use some strategies to help get parents more involved and engaged...always could use suggestions
Just realized almost has 1,000 connections (followers) on twitter! Maybe they'll reach that milestone tonight ;)
So could we! It's tough. https://t.co/2UWbhtacg8
We could use some strategies to help get parents more involved and engaged...always could use suggestions
Agreed! Twitter bridged cross grade level&track collab that may not be possible in yr rd 2 story school https://t.co/CeKXmjK9MO
Twitter among Ts has been great! Model, PBIS, involve parents Always a work in progress tho You? https://t.co/n90AxZ8c0M
What are some strategies your school uses to build strong community relationships?
Q2 https://t.co/HIhEfDlyMu
Q2: What strategies might you use for teaching behavior during core? How could those strats be applied across mltple settings?
Twitter is also a great way to build community beyond the school walls! https://t.co/SOfeGshkYe
Twitter among Ts has been great! Model, PBIS, involve parents Always a work in progress tho You? https://t.co/n90AxZ8c0M
What are some strategies your school uses to build strong community relationships?
Res. based. Must be unique to needs of class. .
A2 - If you spend time creating relationships w/ Ss at beginning of year, you don't have to spend as much time on behavior later
A2: Ss leaders who don't normally "lead" to head off any issues that might arise, being aware of what might happen(anticipation!)
A2: Social stories & role play are great, or use as prob solving team building time.
A2: MODEL all the time. Hang ideas for Ss right up front. Refer to it often, praise when I see it with Ss
We have a hard time getting Ps on Twitter...ideas???
what about those parents who don't get involved with PTA? Our school could use some strategies on this...
A2: Including music, and lots of engaging moments to keep Ss engaged allows for less off task behaviors. Focus on the positives.
Can't go wrong with visual supports/ modelling https://t.co/lBeJ36f9E4
A2: MODEL all the time. Hang ideas for Ss right up front. Refer to it often, praise when I see it with Ss
A2: I used poetry a lot in BOY w mine & linked to retellings in literacy.
A2: Depends on the class. Changes every year. Model expectations throughout the day--in&out of class. https://t.co/Q9ukN1ZvNB
Q2: What strategies might you use for teaching behavior during core? How could those strats be applied across mltple settings?
A2: We hang anchor charts for core topics, how about anchor charts for behavior?
We created a class Collaboration agreement chart. All Ss and I signed and use it often.
A2: We are currently using several fifth graders as role models to help teach & model behavior for younger grades
I use all the time. Gets wiggles out, regroups and gets Ss back on task. ❤️ it!
A2: Always enjoy when teachers take advantage of "teachable" moments that extend beyond the classroom. Modeling always important
Build behavioral instruction into your content area lessons https://t.co/4GjhlDUlzm
A2: I used poetry a lot in BOY w mine & linked to retellings in literacy.
Focus on the positives! https://t.co/xVDphV9rXe
A2: Including music, and lots of engaging moments to keep Ss engaged allows for less off task behaviors. Focus on the positives.
Having a common belief/theme/mission/vision in classroom helps..."we're in this together".... https://t.co/sJtoq6kS17
Q2: What strategies might you use for teaching behavior during core? How could those strats be applied across mltple settings?
Modeling! I love it! This is such a great idea. https://t.co/dHrcGV2HjI
A2: We are currently using several fifth graders as role models to help teach & model behavior for younger grades
and will lead to productive post-school citizens https://t.co/2DAa83oMAi
A2: Always enjoy when teachers take advantage of "teachable" moments that extend beyond the classroom. Modeling always important
A2: Use common language, teach/review/model/integrate expectatons across content/areas; embrace authentic teachable moments
A2: Also using characters in read aloud/think aloud as good/bad examples of behavior is a great tool!
. I am too so I'm open to suggestions :) :) Are more Ps on FB?
A2: Use common language, teach/review/model/integrate expectations across content/areas; embrace authentic teachable moments
Q3: What are some components of strong core behavior systems and structures? What DATA do you use to assess effectiveness?
A2a: Always important to have expectations posted in all areas. Can always point to visuals to emphasize expected behavior.
Be precise with connection to teachable moments. Timely and effective examples that are relevant to Ss. Greater impact.
Q3 https://t.co/hRYzElMtcj
Q3: What are some components of strong core behavior systems and structures? What DATA do you use to assess effectiveness?
Any suggestions for involving families in behavioral instruction? https://t.co/CaFbBOPojO
. I am too so I'm open to suggestions :) :) Are more Ps on FB?
A3: mutual respect...and student response/feedback is ALWAYS the best data around!
A2: Integrate role-play. Frequently. May also open up opportunities for vertical alignment. https://t.co/Xu7sD1UcxO
A2: Also using characters in read aloud/think aloud as good/bad examples of behavior is a great tool!
A3: Remembering we have to model and show, not just tell. https://t.co/PynSDX1vzj
Q3: What are some components of strong core behavior systems and structures? What DATA do you use to assess effectiveness?
A3 - High expectations of self and others
Specific feedback (praise and corrective) tied back to behavior expectations https://t.co/RrQ6esHeqz
Be precise with connection to teachable moments. Timely and effective examples that are relevant to Ss. Greater impact.
Some Ss on contracts, anecdotal notes, nightly comm. w/ Ps. It's ALL data. https://t.co/nPkGCpshYo
Q3: What are some components of strong core behavior systems and structures? What DATA do you use to assess effectiveness?
A3: Relationships and consistency 4 P1; want to hear others' ideas about data 4 P2. https://t.co/3DmVKGkPDp
Q3: What are some components of strong core behavior systems and structures? What DATA do you use to assess effectiveness?
How do you gather this student data? https://t.co/s8uO4n2GyK
A3: mutual respect...and student response/feedback is ALWAYS the best data around!
A3: PBIS of course, contracts for those needed, consistent constant communication for littles(chart etc) & social stories
A2 Model! Clear Expect, building relationships & a risk free zone is key. Peer mentors
Engagement, quality of work and participation....all the feels, pretty much :)
A3:➕rewards not punitive while keeping expectations⬆️. Ss WANT to improve when you expect it &encourage. https://t.co/Q6KRxw3sN8
Q3: What are some components of strong core behavior systems and structures? What DATA do you use to assess effectiveness?
A3: Modeling, Reteaching, Reinforcing,... repeat. Data tracking by motivation, setting, time, etc..
A3: Prevent Teach Respond: everyone knows what to expect & Teachers set Students up for success
A3-REFLECTION! Ss and Ts should reflect on the situation, outcome, and future goals for adjusting mindset/choices
I also do mid-year & end-of-year surveys
A3: Must have multiple tools in the toolkit draw from: modeling, whole group strategies and individualized strategies.
YES!!! https://t.co/6yyTFiPlp7
A3-REFLECTION! Ss and Ts should reflect on the situation, outcome, and future goals for adjusting mindset/choices
A3: Consistent. Immediate. Corresponds respectfully to behavior. . Floods of positivity are most effective.
. Modeling in another reoccurring theme for the evening :)
A3- common expectations and school wide acknowledgment system. The TFI is awesome for data and guiding teams.
We definitely all need to be involved in reflection...this can help maintain mutual respect & pos. beh. https://t.co/JdtLPvjyJR
A3-REFLECTION! Ss and Ts should reflect on the situation, outcome, and future goals for adjusting mindset/choices
A3: Clear distinction b/t minors and majors; implementation and outcome data (TFI, teacher/student/parent surveys, ODRs, etc)
Expectations: clear, high, character-based.
Communication: clear, frequent, positively-framed.
Q3: What are some components of strong core behavior systems and structures? What DATA do you use to assess effectiveness?
Like this! https://t.co/0nMhKiUR2o
A3:➕rewards not punitive while keeping expectations⬆️. Ss WANT to improve when you expect it &encourage. https://t.co/Q6KRxw3sN8
Q3: What are some components of strong core behavior systems and structures? What DATA do you use to assess effectiveness?
A3: Data should always drive what we do. And we should always have high expectations for our kids. They can do it if we're clear!
A3: I think a huge piece is getting & keeping Ss engaged! No rewards needed when they ❤️ to be there&learn. Intrinsic motivation!
A3: Focus on positive moments, peer relationships to encourage collaborative groups to stay on task, relaxed learning environment
Q3 Modeling matters. Students need to see it, if they're going to be it!
Begins with modeling, then clear expectations, and time for students to celebrate their successes. https://t.co/j2sj9uULzg
Q3: What are some components of strong core behavior systems and structures? What DATA do you use to assess effectiveness?
Thanks for joining in tonight Carmen! Glad to have you with us.
A3: Cont. A behavior clip chart but I use it for positive recognition. Everyday is a new beginning for Ss to make good choices.
, and student reflection using Likert scales to effectively assess. The key is actually making changes.
A3a: individual student data- behavior by frequency, duration, intensity. Use that data for problem-solving
Reflection loses value without action steps. Action steps are non-negotiable to creating sustainable change.
A3:"2nd mama" thinking.When Ss know you care but don't tolerate bullying, etc behavior is better. Aka...like a 2nd mama=trust
Peer relationships are so important. Ss work better w/ peers they trust and are comfortable with
I completely agree. I think Ss are more likely to reflect and make change if they see Ts model that behavior
I think has Twitter signs hanging up. Other ideas to share?
Yes!!! Teach students to own their own data https://t.co/U1cVxLfnxb
, and student reflection using Likert scales to effectively assess. The key is actually making changes.
What is most effective record of behavior by F, D, I, with multiple behavioral issues in large classes?
A3: increase in student engagement and motivation.
A3 :PBIS- One must have Clear, Consistent & Fair expect. Built in Student accountability. involve parent w/ .
depends on the behavior (specific, measurable, observable), and function. Attainable goals set based on baseline
Love using ! https://t.co/49WXyJnS75
A3: Consistent. Immediate. Corresponds respectfully to behavior. . Floods of positivity are most effective.
Right on! Investing in reflection pays dividends in holistic Ss dev., impacting achievement beyond just our classrooms.
OK, time to provide that "extra scoop"...
Q4: How can behavioral systems/ structures be INTENSIFIED to meet the needs of students in need of extra support/ intervention?
Hate I missed such a great ! Had an call with the Carolinas team and couldn't multi-task. Great things are coming...
Q4 https://t.co/2HaKIUAdT1
Q4: How can behavioral systems/ structures be INTENSIFIED to meet the needs of students in need of extra support/ intervention?
Hey, family!! Just hopping in at the end but I'm here! Brendan...IRT at
Always looking for the next best time-saving, effective strategy to immediately direct Ss desired outcomes/beh!
A4: Hmmm...consistency (I struggle with this sometimes) and a whole-school approach
Consistency, Time, Support, more Parent/Community involvement. Open to ideas! ;) https://t.co/0DLrE6fERX
Q4: How can behavioral systems/ structures be INTENSIFIED to meet the needs of students in need of extra support/ intervention?
Thanks for jumping in! We're on Q4 with 2 more to go!
A3 Understand what triggers behavior(s). Know how to reach out 4 help & how to extinguish b4 it become a problem. Ss ownership!
A4: I believe with models such as MTSS being implemented we can begin to really focus on Tier II & III Strategies for Ss
A4: I would say contracts, parent communication, admin involvement, etc. would love more ideas!
A4 New theme brewing... Consistency :)
I struggle w/ using multiple social media outlets. Some Ps won't interact. Period. thoughts?
A4. Synergize with the other Ts, admin at school! Teacher PD and advocacy is imperative.
Jumping in late! Really interested in this topic tho!
A4. With our school going through MTSS cohort model now & being part of team truly believe in 'support umbrella' to reach all Ss
Looking forward to this! https://t.co/1N7166Kf8n
A4. With our school going through MTSS cohort model now & being part of team truly believe in 'support umbrella' to reach all Ss
Parent communication and Admin involvement key! https://t.co/Z5dTiSjFhx
A4: I would say contracts, parent communication, admin involvement, etc. would love more ideas!
A4: Consistent feedback to Ss and Ps. Involve Ss in goal setting and development of individualized behavior contracts.
Live . Deliberately model consistently & timely, so Ss can rise to meet expectations!
A4: Accountability and consistency. When I'm consistent with expectations, Ss respond. Communication with ps too.
A1. Relationships come first. When students make mistakes, the discussion is about the behavior, not the Ss, they know you care.
I guess when it comes to being punctual for , I definitely need to
A4. (b) Parent contacts in a variety of forms, student contracts. Communication that is genuine. When Ss know you care.... :)
A4: Modify expectations. Increase communication. Provide more ex of how consequence relates to behavior. https://t.co/PLr7UMWmSf
Q4: How can behavioral systems/ structures be INTENSIFIED to meet the needs of students in need of extra support/ intervention?
A4:Effctv interventions-explicitly linked to core (SW PBIS), provide addl. feedback/structure & can be build into self-monitoring
A4: John Wooden once said "I treat everybody differently based on the same set of rules"
A4: Interventions linked to Core/Universals, additional layers of support, help "return" students (fade off) to Core...
A4 We need to discuss w/PLT's & team- not B afraid to reach 4 help 4 that S we need help with. https://t.co/YQuGwq72e4
Q4 https://t.co/2HaKIUAdT1
Q4: How can behavioral systems/ structures be INTENSIFIED to meet the needs of students in need of extra support/ intervention?
A4 keep communication open so it's a team of home and school support
Q5: How can you continuously improve your multi tier system of support for behavior?
Thank you! I think this often forgotten that the goal is not to keep the intervention in place forever
home-school-connection https://t.co/vwllF8ZgAg
A4 keep communication open so it's a team of home and school support
A4 Sometimes U need to be outside the box when it comes to behaviors. It's not one size fits all.