#RuralEdChat Archive
#RuralEdChat is a chat that focuses on the needs of the rural educator. This chat has been revised by Tammy Neil (@MathNeil), John Martin (@edventures) and Natalee Stotz (@nataleestotz).
Tuesday May 17, 2016 8:30 PM EDT
I'm Tammy from North Florida. I teach Computer Science and I'm happy to moderate tonight's
Linda from Upstate NY signing in for . Tonight I'm less worried about staying awake than staying aware. Keep it lively!
Hey, Linda! I took your poll and I'm glad you're here.
Let's take a few minutes to make the introductions.
Thanks, Tammy. Titles are a horror for me.
We will use the Q1/A1 format until the conversation takes over.
Hey ! Few minutes late. Fuming at killing off Ziva :-|
Steve from Appleton Tech Integrator/ Tech Ed finally a Tuesday I am not running my children all over the world
SPOILERS!!!!! Oh, well. Glad you are here. https://t.co/93xWy50Vv6
Hey ! Few minutes late. Fuming at killing off Ziva :-|
Bill from in Western Mass., where nearly all the college kids have gone home and it's way quiet. *WAY* quiet.
So glad you are spending your free evening with
Same here. Traffic in Gainesville is much easier in the summer.
College kid is home next door. Noisy, but a happy noise!
Question 1 will be here in just a moment.
Hi all, Paula from Maine dropping in!
Q1: How do you define perspective?
Hey ! Sorry to be screeching in a few minutes late. was reading and lost track of time! Natalee, Humanities teacher from Maine
A1: depends on the way we look at things.. ;)
Welcome, Paula. The first question just dropped.
A1 I was just talking about this how each persons perspective is their reality
No worries, Natalee. Just glad you made it.
A1: How we view things- its influenced by SO many factors!
A1 So many ways to define "perspective," one of which is "the set of lenses and filters through which someone views the world."
I'll try to be your wing man tonight! ;-) Don't want you to have to fly solo.
I like this! We each have our lens
A1 So many ways to define "perspective," one of which is "the set of lenses and filters through which someone views the world."
A2 Perspective? The way we see and interpret the world around us. Influenced by experience, emotion, cognition.
We do. Commonalities and differences as different communities, cultures, other influences intersect.
it is amazing how 2 people in the same place 4 the same event can have very different perspectives
... and how they don't always realize that unless there's sufficient conversation.
A1 Usually I think view point first, mental if not physical starting place.
Perspective is also the angle the lens is pointed to at that moment. Perspectives can change.
A1; How YOU see the world
makes me sad when Ppl r not able to see through another persons lens
Now this has me thinking about perspective and worldview. Are they different?
Kelly! Welcome to
I'm so happy to see you.
Kelly! Welcome to
I'm so happy to see you.
I love the idea of a "starting place" - implies perspectives can (and do) change over time. https://t.co/hGJz7a9RAQ
A1 Usually I think view point first, mental if not physical starting place.
For me, they're related, but "worldview" is maybe a little more general and culturally tied than "perspective."
My Ss are just starting to design for our 3D printer. They are learning they must change perspective to design properly.
I think they are different, but I'm sure I could explain why I think that in 140 characters
Oh. Right. The Amherst Starbucks now closes at 9:00 until the college kids are back.
I always try to understand how others see the world it is the empathy within me still learning
world view is "a" perspective
Question 2 will be here shortly but most of you have already hinted at it.
Ah, the character limitation. Definitely an issue for this! & I agree they are different. Just thinking about how
good habit to get into. Need to do that more, myself
not easy sometimes especially this time of year
They are different, but related. It's what makes them different that I'm contemplating now!
Q2: Why is it important to be aware of the perspectives of others?
Right - me too. It can be... odd when my different worlds come together. Takes some getting used to.
I think of worldview as more of a the world is good/ the world is bad overview
I typically think, "Yay! Water! I was thirsty!" Not full or empty. Hmmm.
A2: We need to understand where others are coming from and respect the fact that they have a different view.
A2 We need to be mindful of others where they are their beliefs and really listen. Then we can work together
agreed. Needed more than ever, but totally hard
A2 It's almost impossible to connect deeply without a mutual understanding of perspectives. And without that ...
A2.5 we can always agree to disagree as long as we respect each others view
A2: To effectively communicate sometimes we need to know the "playing field".
I see WV as much deeper then that- we view/interpret the world thru lens of our values and basic beliefs.
A2 Can't always fully appreciate someone else's perspective but acknowledging it exists is a good 1st step!
A2: The empathy spoke of earlier. Helps reach others
A2 Because none of us is the center of the universe.
I agree its deeper, but I think worldview is fundamental whereas perspective is more narrow. "Maybe?
It is possible to understand someone's perspective & respect it is different without agreeing.
I read something once pointing out, from our perspective, we literally are. Author poking at edge of my brain.
A2: Different perspectives see problems/solutions differently. By understanding that we can respect where each other stands.
A2 The world is not linear. No one is always right. Multiple perspectives make us better.
Good point. This is why I'm contemplating the two & what makes them different! I think it's a fine line in places
I'm like argument (the civil kind, not the screaming kind) because it contrasts opposite perspectives to find middle ground
Sometimes you have to give a little to gain
We need to be thinking and listening to be able to recognize other perspectives. Not always clear at first.
A3: changed in several ways--very subtle, though
A3 By coaching in SO many grades/classes my perspective on effective teaching has broadened exponentially! No one right way!
A3: I've definitely matured. Learned to be more reflective and less reactive.
A3: AGreed--going into different classrooms and watching other Ts, saw different perspectives, rearranging mine
A3 Well, first, my perspective just changed from Starbucks to my car.
A3: Experience has changed my perspective many times. I am more aware of lives of my Ss outside of my classroom/school.
A3 I have a lot more patience and understanding. I don't need to bulldoze through everything anymore I actually ask 4 help now
A3 More deeply, I've come to better understand student voice, to begin to decenter myself.
ditto. less bulldozing, more patience. Not enough, but more
A3: My perspective on what I'm doing and why I'm doing it is changing.
I still snap just not as much and I understand the difference between passion and frustration
A3 See more connections between diverse fields/points of view than I used to. I've diversified my reading more
A3: my husband's cancer diagnosis last summer majorly changed my focus/perspective. I leave more school work undone these days.
Sorry to hear :( That does tend to put things in perspective, doesn't it?
passion/frustration distinction -- that's good.
Seeing them as individuals and not just Ss helps me be a better teacher- more what they need. https://t.co/p2nRp15iTW
A3: Experience has changed my perspective many times. I am more aware of lives of my Ss outside of my classroom/school.
Your perspective, prioritizing, and professionalism are inspiring https://t.co/vNVjClZrNs
A3: my husband's cancer diagnosis last summer majorly changed my focus/perspective. I leave more school work undone these days.
A3: Participating in and other chats has helped change my perspective on so many topics.
A3: Participating in and other chats has helped change my perspective on so many topics.
Thanks. It's certainly does!
I agree. has been a big inspiration for me this year. Thank you, Natalee. https://t.co/8zCxs76nKN
Your perspective, prioritizing, and professionalism are inspiring https://t.co/vNVjClZrNs
A3: my husband's cancer diagnosis last summer majorly changed my focus/perspective. I leave more school work undone these days.
Question 4 is on the horizon.
You guys are making me blush! I do appreciate the warm-fuzzies. Thanks!
Q4: How do we help our students see the importance of a variety of perspectives?
A4: Through moderated discussion would be one way
A4 I try to break it down for them I let them know I c their point but can they c mine or their classmates?
A4 Discussing literature and the big questions it raises.
A4: It takes time, moderated discussion as said, and practice. They need opportunities.
A4 One thing I've tried occasionally is to have Ss plan a persuasive piece and then have them write it from the opponent's POV
A4: I'm hoping to draw a parallel to the camera angles. Then open discussion. Repeatedly over time.
A4: My humanities colleague started using CNN Student News w/ classes. Great opportunity to discuss the word & perspectives!
That's a good idea. Might pass that along
A4 For team projects, I create teams of Ss with different strengths and weaknesses. Makes everyone valued
My Journalism neighbor uses CNN Student News so students can practice their craft. https://t.co/GMUv75D2UW
A4: My humanities colleague started using CNN Student News w/ classes. Great opportunity to discuss the word & perspectives!
Yes! And then help them moderate/navigate the group dynamics to learn how to function healthily! https://t.co/djKM8XXnOe
A4 For team projects, I create teams of Ss with different strengths and weaknesses. Makes everyone valued
Works well sometimes with people who are very opinionated. (also sometimes bombs).
One last question...Five will be here to wrap things up.
A4 Ss need to see the importance of perspectives w authentic examples around them-school, community, world
Q5: Have you faced people who were not willing to see other's perspectives? How do you deal with them?
A5: unfortunately. Usually just have to walk away
This is such an authentic and tangible example! Great idea-mult. perspectives create big picture! https://t.co/TPjfvM9aAn
A4: I'm hoping to draw a parallel to the camera angles. Then open discussion. Repeatedly over time.
A5 Find small victories let them know I respect their view but we need to proceed and sometimes u have to leave them
A5: Yes, sadly. Can't force them to see other perspectives. You can provide opportunity. But ultimately it's up to the person.
A5 YES! It is exhausting to deal sometimes. I try to assume best intentions & just lead by example.
As we wrap up, don't forget to expand your perspective by following a few new people tonight.
A5 Takes strength and grace to engage with someone who is unwilling to attempt to see other perspectives. I usually cop out :-(
ur in good company. I have to walk away
Thank you all for a great conversation on Perspective tonight on