Цей день настав - вперше в історії міні(не)конференція #EdCamp проходить в #Мукачево
Я, вже традиційно, приймаю участь в якості експерта з фінансової грамотності від Діловий клуб "Партнер"
Далі буде...
Bon dia! Si avui és 2/2/2019 vol dir que és dia de #EdcampViA a TJ! Avui aprendrem tots i totes de totes i tots, debatent sobre la formació que s'ofereix al sector associatiu! La Candelera riu, l'associacionisme és viu!!!
Finalitza la primera ronda de debats de #EDcampVIA !!! Per cert, coneixeu la metodologia #Edcamp? Una manera innovadora d'aprendre i fer intercanvi entre iguals. VÍDEO https://t.co/Wj6qhKP8A3
Comença la 2a ronda!! Seguim a TJ aprenent i debatent sobre formació pel sector associatiu. Estem fent l'#EdcampViA, el 1r #Edcamp sobre #Associacionisme i #Voluntariat . Moltes gràcies a totes les participants per les idees i reflexions!!!
Avui al #edcamp sobre voluntariat i associacionisme. Per una vegada no som majoria de profes! Entre la enorme quantitat de coses que hem de fer, obrir les escoles a les nostres associacions hauria de ser més prioritari.
Avui al #edcamp sobre voluntariat i associacionisme. Per una vegada no som majoria de profes! Entre la enorme quantitat de coses que hem de fer, obrir les escoles a les nostres associacions hauria de ser més prioritari.
Where can you go and win swag/prizes from some of your beloved programs/companies... All of whom are sponsors for @EdCampAldine! We must thank them all for helping us have an amazing 💓#edcamp! #personalizeyourlearning
In just 1 hour join us as we go edcamp style at #LeadUpChat. Learners are leaders...you bring the questions today. Can't wait to hear your thinking and discuss what matters most to you. Join @heffrey for a dynamic and fast hour together.
The #edcamp model is great for personal learning but, when paired with design thinking, it's even better for learning through complex challenges. Curious? Come learn more with edcamp founders at @ascd#empower19https://t.co/VgRmcinRja#satchat
A: Posts in weekly bulletin, personal conversations, sharing resources with those that would be inspired to use them, and personal invitations to #edcamp, specifically targeted at the new/pre-service teachers and admin. #leadupchat
So many great questions and ideas shared this morning! Hard to keep up! I know I didn't read everything! Might go back and look at the feed again! #leadupchat Thanks for the #edcamp style chat this morning!
These might be my favorite #edcamp post-its ever!
#EdcampLeander had an amazing board building process with soooo many diverse ideas; I hated having to leave so many on the table!
Thanks for helping us spread word! We loving having @BryanCoSchools Ts join us. Great that you also have your own. Is yours open to others outside Bryan County? #edcamp
In reply to
@EdCampBryan, @BryanCoSchools, @BryanCoSchools
Wish I could go to #edcampBryan2019 but I’ll be at the #Georgia#AdoptAStream conference. But I know this will be great day so go if you can and I’ll be watching for the twitter feeds on all the #Edcamp learning. #edcampGSU2019 is April 27.
Well, it was a bit improvised as I wasn't planning to do it; you can find links to the notes at https://t.co/1KDdrNyBtd in the schedule area; my slide deck is there.. I just substituted inspiration for joy & lego for Manila folders #designthinking#dtk12chat#edcamp#edcampwme