#LearnLAP Archive

#LearnLAP occurs on Mondays starting at 7pm Central Time. Guest moderators and participants discuss topics from author Paul Solarz's book Learn Like a PIRATE.

Monday January 22, 2018
8:00 PM EST

  • KimSnodgrass Jan 22 @ 8:00 PM EST
    ✨☠️IN 1 HOUR the #TLAP crew will be setting sail on the Twitter Chat Blue. As we depart from the shore, you’ll fret no more, for there will be GIFs of treasure galore!✨☠️ #edchat #TeachLAP #LearnLAP #PlayLAP #LeadLAP #XLPAP @burgessdave ✨☠️
  • participatechat Jan 22 @ 8:00 PM EST
    Participate in the upcoming #LearnLAP by sharing resources and collaborating at https://t.co/wgRYlrTGON
  • oodlesofteach Jan 22 @ 8:00 PM EST
    RT @burgessdave "Excited to let you know I'll be hosting #DojoChat this Wednesday (1/24) at 4pm PST!! I would love to have you join me to discuss all things PIRATE!! #tlap #LeadLAP #XPLAP #PlayLAP #LearnLAP #scitlap #sstlappic.twitter.com/EmIqdCUacO"
  • AssignmentHelpN Jan 22 @ 8:00 PM EST
    7 Effective Habits of Writing the Best College Application Essay https://t.co/EDtWOHuw0P #edtechchat #flipclass #HolocaustEdChat #LEARNLap #masspchat
  • PaulSolarz - Moderator Jan 22 @ 8:02 PM EST
    Thankful to have @MrsReinagel moderating #LearnLAP tonight - Hope you'll all join in starting now!!!
  • TamiJ123 Jan 22 @ 8:03 PM EST
    Hi all! I'm Tami, an international T down in Mexico. #LearnLAP
  • PaulSolarz - Moderator Jan 22 @ 8:03 PM EST
    Please take a moment to introduce yourself to the group! I'm Paul Solarz, a 5th grade teacher from Arlington Heights, Illinois and author of "Learn Like a PIRATE." #LearnLAP
  • MrPStrunk Jan 22 @ 8:03 PM EST
    Phil from Northern VA checking in! I teach 7th grade US History II #learnlap @ERobbPrincipal @ToddRisser @PHausTech @misskoplin @MHSLewisHistory @Samuel_Wallace2 care to join?
  • dot2teach Jan 22 @ 8:03 PM EST
    Hello from Missouri. 4th grade teacher #LearnLAP
  • WA_JPollard Jan 22 @ 8:03 PM EST
    don't forget the #LearnLap too.
    In reply to @WAMacario
  • TeacherRunner42 Jan 22 @ 8:04 PM EST
    good evening, #learnlap - michael from columbus, oh - middle grades teacher
  • JoveStickel Jan 22 @ 8:04 PM EST
    Jove MS Principal from MO ready to get m learn on #LearnLAP
  • Sawyer4Chris Jan 22 @ 8:04 PM EST
    Christine Sawyer, 2nd grade teacher, Wilmington, NC #LearnLAP
  • chattygaede Jan 22 @ 8:04 PM EST
    Hi all! Lisa, K-5 Speech Pathologist from Wisconsin #LearnLAP
  • MrsAsztalos Jan 22 @ 8:04 PM EST
    Hello everyone, Melissa, 7th Grade Science, from Upstate NY. Psyched to be here with all the fabulous #LearnLAP peeps!
  • van_tastic6 Jan 22 @ 8:04 PM EST
    #learnlap I am Emily van Duerm and teach 6th in Lakewood, CO. Class meetings are my favorite tradition and I can’t wait to learn more from all of you
  • joerobison907 Jan 22 @ 8:04 PM EST
    Joe - MS Teacher from Valdez, Alaska joining in #LearnLAP
  • martianteacher Jan 22 @ 8:04 PM EST
    Hi! I’m Thomas from North Carolina. Third Grade Teacher!! #LearnLAP
  • MrNasife Jan 22 @ 8:04 PM EST
    Hello, Todd - 5th grade teacher from Charlotte, NC #LearnLAP
  • victori15670556 Jan 22 @ 8:04 PM EST
    Hello Victoria here, math teacher from PA. #learnlap #walearnlap
  • gdorn1 Jan 22 @ 8:04 PM EST
    Hi, Gretchen from KY joining in. #learnlap
  • StantonAlana Jan 22 @ 8:04 PM EST
    Alana Stanton here from Ga. Excited to learn from everyone here! #learnlap
  • LaurenPorosoff Jan 22 @ 8:04 PM EST
    Hello #LearnLAP! Lauren from NY. I’m a 6th grade English teacher and author of EMPOWER Your Students.
  • WA_Argento Jan 22 @ 8:04 PM EST
    Good evening everyone. My name is Carmie and I teach 10th grade English at Wyoming Area in Exeter Pennsylvania #learnlap #walearnlap
  • DramaLitandTech Jan 22 @ 8:04 PM EST
    Debb Adams, Lexington, SC--Middle School Theatre #LearnLAP
  • techteach4kids Jan 22 @ 8:05 PM EST
    I'm AnnMarie, a fourth grade teacher from Wisconsin. Happy to be closing out my birthday celebration with #LearnLAP and #TLAP tonight!
  • Mr_TubbsSS Jan 22 @ 8:05 PM EST
    Hi! Robbie from Central PA, teacher of Civics and Government at the high school level. #LearnLAP
  • theMrOlson Jan 22 @ 8:05 PM EST
    Mike, 5th grade teacher still digging out in MN. Looking forward to the chat! #LearnLAP
  • kylelaurie Jan 22 @ 8:05 PM EST
    Hi everyone! I’m Steve, A Tech Integrator from WNY #LearnLAP
  • WA_JPollard Jan 22 @ 8:05 PM EST
    Hi. Jon... Secondary Principal from NorthEast PA. Welcome our WA Pirates tonight and the Pirates from elsewhere as well! #WALearnLap #LearnLap
  • MsJBarger Jan 22 @ 8:05 PM EST
    Jessica- High School Asst Principal from VA #LearnLAP
  • StantonAlana Jan 22 @ 8:05 PM EST
    Whoop whoop Melissa! #learnlap
    • MrsAsztalos Jan 22 @ 8:04 PM EST
      Hello everyone, Melissa, 7th Grade Science, from Upstate NY. Psyched to be here with all the fabulous #LearnLAP peeps!
  • MsJenkins_3rd Jan 22 @ 8:05 PM EST
    Hello ! Natalie Jenkins 3rd grade teacher Frisco ,Tx #LearnLAP
  • StantonAlana Jan 22 @ 8:05 PM EST
    Jove so good to see you!!! #learnlap #longtimenosee
  • RLvballcoach Jan 22 @ 8:05 PM EST
    Hello from snowy Wisconsin. We got over 10 inches of the beautiful white stuff today. My 5th graders will LOVE recess tomorrow! #learnlap
  • jeaniekeating Jan 22 @ 8:05 PM EST
    Jeanie 2nd grade teacher from Maryland. #LearnLAP
  • effortfuleduktr Jan 22 @ 8:06 PM EST
    Blake Harvard, AP Psych teacher and blogger, Alabama https://t.co/EJp11sZu1q #learnlap #NYedchat
  • MrsReinagel Jan 22 @ 8:06 PM EST
    It looks like a great group with us tonight! #learnlap
  • chris_hizynski Jan 22 @ 8:06 PM EST
    #learnlap #WALearnLap. Hi gang, Chris Hizynski here. Hoping to learn something new and exciting in education.
  • loliveira55 Jan 22 @ 8:06 PM EST
    Hello everyone. Luis an ELL HS teacher from RI. #LearnLAP
  • JeremyDBond Jan 22 @ 8:06 PM EST
    Parent from Connecticut peeking in on #learnlap.
  • DemarcoJaimie Jan 22 @ 8:06 PM EST
    Hi #LEARNlap crew! I’m Jaimie, a 3rd grade teacher from Cherry Hill NJ. glad to chat with you all on this fine evening.
  • timlriley Jan 22 @ 8:06 PM EST
    Hello everyone #LearnLAP Tim in Omaha
  • MsJachymiak Jan 22 @ 8:06 PM EST
    Hello. My name is Susan, and I am a student teacher from IL. #learnlap
  • BrysonBridget Jan 22 @ 8:06 PM EST
    Good evening! Bridget from GA - 6th Grade ELA #learnlap
  • PaulSolarz - Moderator Jan 22 @ 8:06 PM EST
    Q1 - What are the purpose of class meetings and what tips & tricks would you suggest to teachers to have successful classroom meetings? #LearnLAP
  • StantonAlana Jan 22 @ 8:07 PM EST
    Yea Susan you are here! #learnlap
  • StefaniePitzer Jan 22 @ 8:07 PM EST
    Greetings #LearnLAP I'm Stefanie and instructional technology coach from central IL!
  • msweisenbeck Jan 22 @ 8:07 PM EST
    Kellie from Virginia- grade 4 #learnlap
  • WAMacario Jan 22 @ 8:08 PM EST
    Hi all, Anthony here. Middle school Reading/Writing teacher. #WALearnLap #LearnLap
  • StantonAlana Jan 22 @ 8:08 PM EST
    Bridget I am Ga too. Gwinnett county here. So glad we are back to normal in routine with all that snow last week #learnlap
  • victori15670556 Jan 22 @ 8:08 PM EST
    A1: to create an environment where Ss can communicate. Establish ground rules so Ss feel comfortable. #learnlap #walearnlap
  • joerobison907 Jan 22 @ 8:08 PM EST
    A1. it begins at the relational level... If you develop positive relationships, and let that drive what you do in your classroom and school... then class meetings can be very productive #LearnLAP
  • msweisenbeck Jan 22 @ 8:09 PM EST
    A1- the biggest purpose for our meetings is to build relationships and student voice- students are run class meetings for the most part #learnlap
  • StefaniePitzer Jan 22 @ 8:09 PM EST
    A1: Class meetings promote such a positive classroom culture which in turn empowers & encourages risk taking & creativity! #LearnLAP
  • aaritz_aritz Jan 22 @ 8:09 PM EST
    Hi everyone Ashley from WA! 7th and 8th grade teacher. #LearnLAP #walearnlap
  • LaurenPorosoff Jan 22 @ 8:09 PM EST
    A1 Class meetings empower students to explore and enact their values in how they treat their learning, their work, themselves, and each other. #LearnLAP
  • JoveStickel Jan 22 @ 8:09 PM EST
    A1 to me the purpose is to build community and give students a voice. Learning to trust and partner with one another #LearnLAP
  • StantonAlana Jan 22 @ 8:09 PM EST
    Oh this is my FAV topic. We do morning meeting everyday! I adore it. We start with a song, greet, activity, share, message, & end song If What I Am by https://t.co/ND53MivDaR #learnlap Nomatter what always have a share
    • PaulSolarz - Moderator Jan 22 @ 8:06 PM EST
      Q1 - What are the purpose of class meetings and what tips & tricks would you suggest to teachers to have successful classroom meetings? #LearnLAP
  • Sawyer4Chris Jan 22 @ 8:09 PM EST
    Q1: In my room, the purpose of class meetings is to build community. We have morning meeting & greet each other, start our day together. #LearnLAP
  • PrincipalSmart Jan 22 @ 8:09 PM EST
    Hello everyone! Michelle from Saskatchewan, Canada jumping in and excited to be here. #LearnLAP
  • JeanMarieGMA88 Jan 22 @ 8:10 PM EST
    Hi I’m Jean-Marie Learning Support Teacher Middle School #LearnLAP #WALearnLap
  • PoppaG77 Jan 22 @ 8:10 PM EST
    Hello Everyone, I'm here for my first #LearnLAP chat :) @ebethcave @NESSquick13 @AmyAmyorr @A_Dalton13 @Robertsjess_1 @laux_abby (it's me and the women again, story of my life)
  • martianteacher Jan 22 @ 8:10 PM EST
    A1: Class meetings is a great way to check in with each student- gives them ample opportunity to speak- & to be heard, first thing in the morning. They also help provide you- the lead learner to set the tone for the day- to meet w/ any students that may need 1:1 time. #LearnLAP
  • BrysonBridget Jan 22 @ 8:10 PM EST
    A1 - something I keep trying with my MS-ers, but need to get more creative. I try quick ones for team building in homeroom, which is very limited (maybe 7 mins after announcements). I debate on benefits outweighing need for teaching time in core classes. #learnlap
  • MrsAsztalos Jan 22 @ 8:10 PM EST
    A1 I wish I could do more meetings as a MS T, but 40 min goes by in a flash. I use our time at the beginning of class to not only get ready for class but check in with students. I like a quick chat and convo with them #LearnLAP
  • MsJachymiak Jan 22 @ 8:10 PM EST
    A1: I think class meetings help foster that community in the classroom and make students feel empowered. #learnlap
  • jenmalitvbcps Jan 22 @ 8:10 PM EST
    Jen, 4th gr teacher from Virginia Beach #LearnLAP Also, #FETC18 bound tomorrow so tips and advice welcome after the chat 😊
  • MsShute Jan 22 @ 8:10 PM EST
    Happy Monday everyone! Maria, 5th grade T from NJ excited to be here! #LearnLAP
  • KaragrozisPE Jan 22 @ 8:10 PM EST
    A1. Class meetings are important for ss to share their feelings and make sure the culture is a positive one. Ss should feel confident to learn and attempt new things. #LearnLAP
  • Samuel_Wallace2 Jan 22 @ 8:11 PM EST
    Sam Wallace, 2nd year high school Social Studies teacher from WI. Bouncing in & out tonight! #learnlap
  • MrsReinagel Jan 22 @ 8:11 PM EST
  • WA_JPollard Jan 22 @ 8:11 PM EST
    A1: Building relationships with Ss and Families. Head off problems before they impact Ss learning. Spend time for meetings and gain time on instruction. #WALearnLap #LearnLap
  • MsJenkins_3rd Jan 22 @ 8:11 PM EST
    A1: set class meeting norms with your students.#LearnLAP
    In reply to @MrsReinagel
  • DemarcoJaimie Jan 22 @ 8:11 PM EST
    It seems like almost every state is represented here tonight! What an awesome group to collaborate with #LEARNlap
  • theMrOlson Jan 22 @ 8:11 PM EST
    A1) Our are "Family Meetings." My best tip is to avoid only meeting in response to negative situations. Get out in front and teach proactively. #LearnLAP
  • divec100 Jan 22 @ 8:11 PM EST
    A little late but excited to join! I'm a student at Chapman University studying dance and education! #learnlap
  • RLvballcoach Jan 22 @ 8:11 PM EST
    Since reading @LearnLikeaPirate our class meetings have been more productive. It allows for shared ideas, discussion and communication in a safe and caring environment. My co-worker and I are stepping back more each day, and letting kids lead. #learnlap
  • StantonAlana Jan 22 @ 8:11 PM EST
    A1b Class meetings each morning make our class bond quickly. We learn so much from each other and it reduces stress. Kindness and manners always come in to play during these #learnlap
  • PrincipalSmart Jan 22 @ 8:12 PM EST
    A1 Morning meetings are for building relationships and creating a community. Place to learn skills together and solve problems. #LearnLAP
  • techteach4kids Jan 22 @ 8:12 PM EST
    A1: Class meetings create a sense of belonging and ownership in their classroom. We build community, support each other, have a laugh or two, start the day together on the right note. The meeting creates a culture of respect and shared experiences. #learnlap
  • Mr_TubbsSS Jan 22 @ 8:12 PM EST
    A1 in my experience class meetings are limited at best at the HS level. Ideas for better implementation? #LearnLAP
  • Sawyer4Chris Jan 22 @ 8:12 PM EST
    A1: We have a container of starter greetings & questions the Ss can pick from each morning. #LearnLAP
  • gdorn1 Jan 22 @ 8:12 PM EST
    A1. If you build relationships in the beginning, Ss will not be afraid to take the risks and speak during the meeting. The environment must be safe and equal for all. Ground rules should be set at the beginning. #learnlap
  • chris_hizynski Jan 22 @ 8:12 PM EST
    #learnlap #walearnlap. Class meetings are important in showing students that they too have a voice in their education and to help them take ownership in their learning outcomes.
  • DramaLitandTech Jan 22 @ 8:12 PM EST
    A1: I don't have Class Meetings. We have "Good Things" Circles and Group Launch at the beginning and end respectively. I could probably be more intentional with both. #LearnLAP
  • hayes_melisa Jan 22 @ 8:12 PM EST
    Hi #learnlap Melisa from Ohio
  • TamiJ123 Jan 22 @ 8:12 PM EST
    A1) Set expectations (listen w/an open heart & an open mind); have a system for who goes & when (we use a "mic" & u may only speak when u have the mic); #LearnLAP
  • JeremyDBond Jan 22 @ 8:12 PM EST
    A1) Here’s one I just learned on here: A school that streams its morning meetings on Facebook Live. Classrooms can do the same, to engage families—sometimes. Students should also have a more private opportunity. #LearnLAP
    In reply to @PaulSolarz
  • WA_Argento Jan 22 @ 8:12 PM EST
    A1: The purpose of class meetings is to allow Ss to have a voice - let Ss know it is a safe place - and that their voices will be heard w/o bias or judgement #WALearnLap #LearnLAP
  • MrYanuzzelli Jan 22 @ 8:13 PM EST
    👋 #LearnLAP Jim from N.J. checking in late
    In reply to @MrsReinagel
  • MrsAsztalos Jan 22 @ 8:13 PM EST
    I love that song. I play that song with my kiddos when we do growth mindset. I get eyerolls and smiles. Some of them are too cool! Don't care! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @StantonAlana
  • MsShute Jan 22 @ 8:13 PM EST
    A1: classroom meetings are all about building community! Giving Ss an opportunity to have their voices be heard! Tip: let them have say in how mtg runs #LearnLAP
  • van_tastic6 Jan 22 @ 8:13 PM EST
    #learnlap As student led as possible! Place for students to brainstorm topics. Discourse structures for students to discuss topics during meetings. Lots of student led kudos. Sense of tradition and sacredness.
  • MrsReinagel Jan 22 @ 8:13 PM EST
  • WAMacario Jan 22 @ 8:13 PM EST
    A1- For me, class meetings are a great way to establish/maintain positive atmosphere. Let students have a voice and express their opinions judgement-free. #WALearnLap #LearnLap
    • PaulSolarz - Moderator Jan 22 @ 8:06 PM EST
      Q1 - What are the purpose of class meetings and what tips & tricks would you suggest to teachers to have successful classroom meetings? #LearnLAP
  • divec100 Jan 22 @ 8:13 PM EST
    I think it is important to give students a chance to voice their thoughts and opinions while also listening to other peoples'! #learnlap
  • Samuel_Wallace2 Jan 22 @ 8:13 PM EST
    A1 They’re great for relationship building, addressing pertinent topics as a group, allowing Ss choice & voice! #learnlap
  • MrPStrunk Jan 22 @ 8:13 PM EST
    A1: Some sort of icebreaker. Students need to feel comfortable with the people they are going to be discussing various topics with. #learnlap
  • MrNasife Jan 22 @ 8:13 PM EST
    A1: Use it to create a safe env. in the classroom and a sense of community. We meet reg. every Mon and Fri (more if necessary). Usually ask rank questions (scale of 1-10) helps quiet Ss to get started and not feel too personal. Can go from there w/ more conversation. #LearnLAP
  • PaulSolarz - Moderator Jan 22 @ 8:13 PM EST
    QUESTION 2 - What role(s) should students and teachers play in the classroom meeting? #LearnLAP
  • DemarcoJaimie Jan 22 @ 8:14 PM EST
    Class meetings are great way to build relationships and establish the classroom as a place of conversation, rather than presentation #LEARNlap
  • emilyfranESL Jan 22 @ 8:14 PM EST
    Hi #learnlap Emily - ESL teacher in NC joining in sorry!!!!!!!
  • WA_Argento Jan 22 @ 8:14 PM EST
    Agree with the respect aspect of your answer! Respect is key! #WALearnLap #LearnLap
    In reply to @mshovpik
  • mrspattisclass Jan 22 @ 8:14 PM EST
    A1: Without a doubt, I would go with norm setting as a primary focus, followed by sharing values that are important to the community. And of course, you can and should, have those meetings in a circle!! #LearnLAP
    • PaulSolarz - Moderator Jan 22 @ 8:06 PM EST
      Q1 - What are the purpose of class meetings and what tips & tricks would you suggest to teachers to have successful classroom meetings? #LearnLAP
  • 4XSoccermom Jan 22 @ 8:14 PM EST
    A1 I'm a little late, but LOVE class meetings! They can start or end our day on a great note, helps build classroom relationships, gives Ss a voice, helps them learn to problem solve...#LearnLAP
  • MrsReinagel Jan 22 @ 8:14 PM EST
    Voice and safety are so important. #learnlap
    In reply to @WAMacario
  • StefaniePitzer Jan 22 @ 8:14 PM EST
    A1: My tip is weave how to give feedback into your meetings. Ss can see you model, you can practice within the meeting & then apply throughout the day #LearnLAP
  • MsJenkins_3rd Jan 22 @ 8:14 PM EST
    A1:I use class meetings to check the climate of the classroom . It’s important to check in with my students before we start our day #LearnLap
    In reply to @PaulSolarz
  • DemarcoJaimie Jan 22 @ 8:14 PM EST
    A1. Class meetings are great way to build relationships and establish the classroom as a place of conversation, rather than presentation #LEARNlap
  • MrNasife Jan 22 @ 8:14 PM EST
    I like this idea. Still have to work on it though. I still lead most meetings. #LearnLAP
    In reply to @msweisenbeck
  • jenmalitvbcps Jan 22 @ 8:14 PM EST
    A1: Respect is #1 in my room. Building a classroom culture of respect is huge. We talk about how we’re a family all day every day. ❤️ #LearnLAP
  • hayes_melisa Jan 22 @ 8:15 PM EST
    A1. Morning meetings are our family time;). Read quote of day from Wonder, share, etc #learnlap
  • TamiJ123 Jan 22 @ 8:15 PM EST
    A1) I also think it's a time for bonding, to address important issues in the classroom, & help us to strengthen our classroom community. #LearnLAP
  • JoveStickel Jan 22 @ 8:15 PM EST
    A2 Give students the ability to run the meetings and set the agenda the teacher should be a facilitator #LearnLAP
  • MrsReinagel Jan 22 @ 8:15 PM EST
    A1: I love that everyone gets to know so much about each other. We become a strong "family" unit. #learnlap
  • LittyMathaiEDU Jan 22 @ 8:15 PM EST
    So true! I need to work on this...as I fall into the trap of calling a meeting when we have an issue that needs to be solved. Need to be intentional about a regular rhythm of meetings. #LearnLAP
    In reply to @theMrOlson
  • Samuel_Wallace2 Jan 22 @ 8:15 PM EST
    A2 Allow Ss to lead portions of the meeting as they are comfortable. Empower them to taste success & feel they they truly matter and then watch them flourish! #learnlap
  • techteach4kids Jan 22 @ 8:15 PM EST
    Q2: At the beginning of the year the T sets the tone, the routine, the expectations of Morning Meeting and then I hand it off to the kids. It is their classroom, and their meeting to lead. It develops their speaking and leadership skills. #LearnLAP
  • emilyfranESL Jan 22 @ 8:15 PM EST
    A1: Listen to Ss’ story & share your own! #learnLAP
  • MrPStrunk Jan 22 @ 8:15 PM EST
    A2: Ideally, teachers should be a facilitator and students should be leading the discussion considering many of the topics we discuss addresses needs/concerns for them. #learnlap
  • msweisenbeck Jan 22 @ 8:15 PM EST
    A2- I started as the facilitator- now the students run the meetings for the most part- we start the day off with greetings and students share- end the day with a student Led RESET that they’ve begun to use like another class meeting! #learnlap
  • StantonAlana Jan 22 @ 8:15 PM EST
    In the older grades 2nd, I did a song, message, and share. In order to get it in at one school I had to set an alarm 10 mins before the bell. Glad I don't have to do that now. #learnlap But you do what you have to do!
  • PrincipalSmart Jan 22 @ 8:16 PM EST
    A2 Everyone plays a leadership role in meetings. Each person has a voice and deserves respect. #learnLAP
  • joerobison907 Jan 22 @ 8:16 PM EST
    A2. again, this is core at the relational level - if you have built those positives relationships, this will be a "give and take" meeting with feedback on both ends - highly constructive - the alternative is "top down", and doesn't work #LearnLAP
  • theMrOlson Jan 22 @ 8:16 PM EST
    A1) I also love using the list from @PaulSolarz book to teach life skills to Ss. I have been adding to this list all year! #LearnLAP
  • mrspattisclass Jan 22 @ 8:16 PM EST
    A2: Once norms are established and expectations are being respected through T modeling, both Ss and Ts should share the role of participant and facilitator. Classroom meetings are the perfect opportunity to@hear S voice! #LearnLAP
  • van_tastic6 Jan 22 @ 8:16 PM EST
    #learnlap A2: Ts should model structures then scale back and let students run the meetings as the year and structures progress. Ss should launch and facilitate the discussions
  • MrPStrunk Jan 22 @ 8:16 PM EST
    @ERobbPrincipal @KGT_Educator @HayslandScience @PC_MScounseling great discussion on class meetings going on here at #learnlap!
  • KaragrozisPE Jan 22 @ 8:16 PM EST
    Q2 - share and discuss equally. No one should speak more than the other. Reflect on what is being said #LearnLAP
    In reply to @PaulSolarz
  • 4XSoccermom Jan 22 @ 8:16 PM EST
    A2 My Ss are able to add their topics to the agenda and they run it, with some guidance. The more voice they have, the more they are willing to share with and support each other. #LearnLap
  • divec100 Jan 22 @ 8:17 PM EST
    A2: I think teachers should have a general idea of what they want to cover in the meeting, but students should really be the ones driving the conversation and discussing things with one and other while the teacher facilitates. #learnlap
  • StefaniePitzer Jan 22 @ 8:17 PM EST
    A2: Ts model first and through gradual release of responsibility, Ss can then be the leaders. #LearnLAP
  • jenmalitvbcps Jan 22 @ 8:17 PM EST
    A2: Students should be leaders, and teacher facilitators. But I also think teachers should participate! Kids love when their teachers are part of the family as well. #LearnLAP
  • JeanMarieGMA88 Jan 22 @ 8:17 PM EST
    A1. A c meet should include student generated lesson & topic ideas #LearnLAP #WALearLap
  • MrsReinagel Jan 22 @ 8:17 PM EST
    Great, detailed answer! Thanks, Angela. #learnlap
    In reply to @4XSoccermom
  • RLvballcoach Jan 22 @ 8:17 PM EST
    A2 Morning meetings set the tone for the day. Allows for discussion on our character thoughts which are shared with the entire school. Allows for critiquing in a positive manner. Our Ss are now to the point where they respond without Ts direction. #learnlap
  • victori15670556 Jan 22 @ 8:17 PM EST
    Allow Ss to have freedom with structure in the meeting. Ts should be a guide without controlling the meeting. #learnlap #walearnlap
  • MrsAsztalos Jan 22 @ 8:18 PM EST
    A2 I think Ts should take a back seat to Ss voices. I like to pose a question and watch the ideas go flying around the room. I tell them not to raise their hands, just add to the convo at the appropriate time. #LearnLAP
  • gdorn1 Jan 22 @ 8:18 PM EST
    A2. A teacher plays a facilatator, and the Ss play the roles of the leaders. They can nominate a pres. , v. pres. and so on in the class or just have the class as a whole speaking. #learnlap
  • MrsReinagel Jan 22 @ 8:18 PM EST
    It's tough to let go! #learnlap
    In reply to @MrNasife, @msweisenbeck
  • theMrOlson Jan 22 @ 8:18 PM EST
    It helps to set a positive tone for all meetings. We always start with a 3 minute dance party too. Even when there is something serious to address. #LearnLAP
    In reply to @LittyMathaiEDU
  • Samuel_Wallace2 Jan 22 @ 8:18 PM EST
    This is brilliant! #learnlap
    • PrincipalSmart Jan 22 @ 8:16 PM EST
      A2 Everyone plays a leadership role in meetings. Each person has a voice and deserves respect. #learnLAP
  • aaritz_aritz Jan 22 @ 8:18 PM EST
    A1) To create a positive learning environment where students can communicate and give their input #LearnLAP #WALearnLap
  • StefaniePitzer Jan 22 @ 8:18 PM EST
    Perfectly stated! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @PrincipalSmart
  • MrNasife Jan 22 @ 8:18 PM EST
    A2: If there is an issue that the students bring up, we usually designate a moderator(s) to run the discussion and try to find a solution. Sometimes we also have someone keeping minutes of the discussions. #LearnLAP
  • msweisenbeck Jan 22 @ 8:19 PM EST
    I leave for FETC tomorrow- my Ss asked if they could video the RESET at the end of the day and send it to me! Thought it was a great idea!! #learnlap
  • StantonAlana Jan 22 @ 8:19 PM EST
    #learnlap A2 In our room we both play a role. They participate in all 4 parts, I facilitate it and plan the greet and activity weekly. The daily teacher leader helps lead many parts such as the message. Each day that changes. #learnlap
  • MrsReinagel Jan 22 @ 8:19 PM EST
    #learnlap We begin and end each day with meeting. Lead by class leader voted on by the students.
    In reply to @LittyMathaiEDU, @theMrOlson
  • WA_Argento Jan 22 @ 8:19 PM EST
    A2: After the Ts model what is expected they would then become the facilitator and the Ss should run the meetings. Ss love being in charge and they learn responsibility along with other lessons. #LearnLAP #WALearnLap
  • JeremyDBond Jan 22 @ 8:20 PM EST
    A2) Yes. Every student should get an opportunity to lead, and choose how. (If they don’t want to lead the discussion, they can determine the agenda.) #learnlap
    In reply to @KaragrozisPE, @PaulSolarz
  • LaurenPorosoff Jan 22 @ 8:20 PM EST
    A2 Student and teacher roles in class meetings can be flexible. Depending on context, the teacher can be a facilitator, a listener, or a participant. #LearnLAP
  • aaritz_aritz Jan 22 @ 8:20 PM EST
    I agree Chris. Students like to know they have a say. It is much more motivating to them when their voices are heard and when they feel that their input matter. #learnlap #walearnlap
    In reply to @chris_hizynski
  • daleyscience Jan 22 @ 8:20 PM EST
    Hi everyone, jumping in late. A1: Absolute musts for any meeting are establishing norms and treating each other with respect. #learnlap
  • PoppaG77 Jan 22 @ 8:20 PM EST
    Speaking from inexperience, I would see the teacher more as a casual observer and the students lead and take ownership of the classroom meetings #learnLAP
  • emilyfranESL Jan 22 @ 8:20 PM EST
    A2: Students as learners and teachers. & Teachers as models and learners! #learnLAP
  • MsJenkins_3rd Jan 22 @ 8:20 PM EST
    A2: the teachers role is to model listening and feedback . The students voice is the biggest part #LearnLAP
    In reply to @PaulSolarz
  • Sawyer4Chris Jan 22 @ 8:20 PM EST
    A2: now that I have established expectations, I am there to facilitate. My Ss run the meeting. I participate too, I think that’s important. Ts are part of the classroom community too! #LearnLAP
  • MrNasife Jan 22 @ 8:20 PM EST
    A2: We do morning meetings on Mon and Fri. Every afternoon we do a version of REARJMCL from @LearnLAP. Students have roles of Recapper, Evaluator and Announcer. They really love it and is a great way to wrap up the day. #LearnLAP
  • MrsReinagel Jan 22 @ 8:21 PM EST
  • ConnieLund25 Jan 22 @ 8:21 PM EST
    • ConnieLund25 Jan 22 @ 8:20 PM EST
      Connie 5th grade T from Mo getting here late and hoping to get some guidance #llap
  • JessieRErickson Jan 22 @ 8:21 PM EST
    #learnlap jumping in late... multi-tasking. Hopefully Ss and Ts have two roles in class meetings. Passive leader and/or active leaders. Sharing responsibility.
    In reply to @PaulSolarz
  • Mr_TubbsSS Jan 22 @ 8:21 PM EST
    A2 giving Ss as much voice as possible can be an important element of class meetings Would also flow over to other class activities. #LearnLAP
  • hayes_melisa Jan 22 @ 8:21 PM EST
    A2. I, the teacher, am a silent partner and the kids are the managers who have the voice of our company 🤣 #learnlap
  • daleyscience Jan 22 @ 8:21 PM EST
    A2 The teacher should model facilitating at first, but students should also get a chance to lead. #learnlap
  • WAMacario Jan 22 @ 8:21 PM EST
    A2- Teachers should facilitate and encourage students to be actively involved in meeting. Students should be engaged in meaningful, relevant dialogue. #WALearnLap #LearnLAP
  • emilyfranESL Jan 22 @ 8:22 PM EST
    Respect!! #bigtime important 🙌🏼💕✨ #learnLAP
    In reply to @daleyscience
  • theMrOlson Jan 22 @ 8:22 PM EST
    A2) The roles with my group are pretty fluid. I do, however, make sure that I am encouraging Ss to lead as much as possible each meeting. #LearnLAP
  • JeanMarieGMA88 Jan 22 @ 8:22 PM EST
    A2 the teacher should be the student & allow the students to take over with gentle guidance from teac #LearnLAP
  • meyerisland Jan 22 @ 8:22 PM EST
    #learnlap A2. I think all are equal shareholders and s's voices being heard helps to change a classroom into a learning community
  • WA_Argento Jan 22 @ 8:22 PM EST
    Great answer Lauren! Teachers wear many different hats. We can do it all 😉 #LearnLAP #WALearnLap
    In reply to @LaurenPorosoff
  • StefaniePitzer Jan 22 @ 8:22 PM EST
    Oh my goodness I couldn't agree more. Ts must actively engage for Ss to buy in and to build that community environment. I feel that it's not a time to tune out or grade papers. #LearnLAP
    In reply to @Sawyer4Chris
  • divec100 Jan 22 @ 8:22 PM EST
    I think starting with meetings can help get the students engaged and give them a chance to reflect before beginning a new day. #learnlap
  • StantonAlana Jan 22 @ 8:23 PM EST
    #learnlap Thanks Sarah, not my site but found it once and it was so helpful in getting me started. Nice thing is they can go in math tubs later and ss can grab them at any time
    • sarahdateechur Jan 22 @ 8:17 PM EST
      Super-cool!!! Thanks Noah! Thanks Alana!
      In reply to @SenorG, @StantonAlana
  • MrNasife Jan 22 @ 8:23 PM EST
    On Mondays, I might ask how their weekend was on a scale of 1 - 10. It just gives me an idea of what kind of weekend they might have had. I usually don't ask why, just listen for the number. #LearnLAP
    In reply to @ConnieLund25
  • daleyscience Jan 22 @ 8:23 PM EST
    A3 I teach 7th grade with 5 classes. Beginning and end of day don't work...but I check in with my advisory every morning and touch base. In each class, we begin and wrap up each class together. #learnlap
  • msweisenbeck Jan 22 @ 8:23 PM EST
    A3- I think it brings it back to the Ss- it sets the tone of the say and ends the day on a great note! #learnlap
  • DemarcoJaimie Jan 22 @ 8:23 PM EST
    I love that you mention how Ts need to model listening 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 so important to build trust and respect and establish clear expectations #LEARNlap
    In reply to @MsJenkins_3rd, @PaulSolarz
  • MrsReinagel Jan 22 @ 8:23 PM EST
    Absolutely! #learnlap
    In reply to @jenmalitvbcps
  • PrincipalSmart Jan 22 @ 8:23 PM EST
    We do Monday and Friday as well. We call our Friday meeting "Friday Farewell." #LearnLAP
    In reply to @MrNasife, @LearnLAP
  • chattygaede Jan 22 @ 8:24 PM EST
    Q3: kids come in from such varying situations it seems critical to start the morning coming together, sensing that “family”, that for some kids does not happen before they reach us each morning #LearnLAP
  • chris_hizynski Jan 22 @ 8:24 PM EST
    #learnlap #WALearnLap A2: Teachers are like tour guides in that while it is up to each student to take that educational journey, the teacher guides them to the important spots and helps avoid the pitfalls along the way.
  • RLvballcoach Jan 22 @ 8:24 PM EST
    A3 Love morning meetings. This question makes me think that maybe our end of the day could be a LOT less hectic if we took time for an end of the day meeting. Something to consider! #learnlap
  • meyerisland Jan 22 @ 8:24 PM EST
    #learnlap A2. It's a tremendous opportunity to empower students to become advocates for others AND themselves! We also use it for "adulting" skills like eye-contact, handshakes, greetings, and asking questions while seeking genuine replies
  • van_tastic6 Jan 22 @ 8:24 PM EST
    #learnlap a3: setting the tone for a positive and inclusive day! Ending let’s students reflect...I never miss a morning meeting but need to get better at the end of the day!
  • aaritz_aritz Jan 22 @ 8:24 PM EST
    A2) it’s important to let students take on the responsibility and feel like they are in charge. Teachers can take on the student role, listen to what the students have to say and give them the power and freedom to take ownership #LearnLAP #WALearnLap
  • StantonAlana Jan 22 @ 8:24 PM EST
    This is great! Temperature Readings! Tells so much. Great for the older ones. I did this as a college student and I loved it! #learnlap Great meeting idea Todd
    • MrNasife Jan 22 @ 8:23 PM EST
      On Mondays, I might ask how their weekend was on a scale of 1 - 10. It just gives me an idea of what kind of weekend they might have had. I usually don't ask why, just listen for the number. #LearnLAP
      In reply to @ConnieLund25
  • 4XSoccermom Jan 22 @ 8:24 PM EST
    A3 I think it helps set the tone for the class. As a starter, Ss coming in stressed have an opportunity to either vent or hear positives, as an ending, Ss have a chance to solve or celebrate issues. For my class, we've had both and either worked well. #LearnLAP
  • msweisenbeck Jan 22 @ 8:25 PM EST
    We incorporate #Classcraft each morning which also pits and element of fun into the morning! #xplap #learnlap
  • PrincipalSmart Jan 22 @ 8:25 PM EST
    A3 I don't think it matters so much when the meeting is. Most of us deal with set timetables. #LearnLAP
  • Samuel_Wallace2 Jan 22 @ 8:25 PM EST
    A3 I make it my goal to personally connect with every single student of mine every single day. Even if it’s for 30sec just so they know I noticed them & I care. Some days I do better than others but I’m learning & growing! #learnlap
  • jenmalitvbcps Jan 22 @ 8:25 PM EST
    A3: I love morning meetings and our end of the day ritual. Both have their purpose: our day starts off on the right foot and our day ends with a goal in mind for tomorrow. It’s too hard to choose! #LearnLAP
  • meyerisland Jan 22 @ 8:26 PM EST
    #learnlap A3. I used to only do "tribal councils" on Fridays, but with snowdays kids clamor for "make-ups. This week I'm trying every day mini-meetings to work on skills and sharing, kids love it and so do I!
  • MrsReinagel Jan 22 @ 8:26 PM EST
  • MrMillerSAS Jan 22 @ 8:26 PM EST
    I think it’s great starting the day being an active listener to students helping them know that their voice and feelings are heard and acknowledged and to end the day in reflection moving forward. #LearnLAP
    In reply to @MrsReinagel
  • MrsReinagel Jan 22 @ 8:26 PM EST
    Glad to have you join in. #learnlap
    In reply to @JessieRErickson, @PaulSolarz
  • Sawyer4Chris Jan 22 @ 8:26 PM EST
    A3: I think both are meaningful, but we only have time for a full one in the morning. Best to set the tone for our day & set off right. I do have a check in at the end of the day though, just short. #LearnLAP
  • MrPStrunk Jan 22 @ 8:26 PM EST
    A3: We currently only meet once a week. Though I can definitely see daily class meetings as a great starting opportunity to the day for our students. #learnlap
  • aaritz_aritz Jan 22 @ 8:26 PM EST
    I agree Carm’s. Students love having leadership roles!! #learnlap #walearnlap
    In reply to @WA_Argento
  • emilyfranESL Jan 22 @ 8:26 PM EST
    A3: Depending on Students...it’s not always what best fits the teacher. Learning to read students’ personality could help! #learnLAP
  • StantonAlana Jan 22 @ 8:27 PM EST
    A3 The morning meeting I believe it essential. We do a short end one if possible with Count On Me Song and What we liked about our day response. But mornings are a norm always #learnlap
  • hayes_melisa Jan 22 @ 8:27 PM EST
    A3. Beginning sets the tone for the day and end is great for reflection😊#learnlap
  • KaragrozisPE Jan 22 @ 8:27 PM EST
    Q3 - proper introduction and closures are necessary for the environment to succeed and understand what will be going on and/or what went on and where we are heading to next #LearnLAP what learning went on during the meeting
  • PaulSolarz - Moderator Jan 22 @ 8:27 PM EST
    QUESTION 4 - In already full days, how can we justify making time for classroom meetings? #LearnLAP
    In reply to @MrsReinagel
  • LaurenPorosoff Jan 22 @ 8:27 PM EST
    A3 Start-of-day meetings can allow students to acknowledge any stresses they might be carrying into school. End-of-day meetings gove them an opportunity to notice what they tried that day, how it worked, and what they want to do next. #LearnLAP
  • SCEMyers Jan 22 @ 8:27 PM EST
    #LearnLAP A1: have a structure kids can rely on but be flexible, listen, create safety for all to share
  • MrsReinagel Jan 22 @ 8:27 PM EST
    #learnlap sounds like a meeting to me. It can be what fits your class, students, day.
    In reply to @daleyscience
  • MrNasife Jan 22 @ 8:28 PM EST
    A3: I feel like I am more consistent with afternoon meetings. Great way to reflect on the day and set the goal(s) for the next day. Would love to do both in a perfect world. Usually just remind in the morning of our goal we set from day before. #LearnLAP
  • StantonAlana Jan 22 @ 8:28 PM EST
    Once a week is great! I know kids look forward to this Phil and it gives ideas for the next week #learnlap
    • MrPStrunk Jan 22 @ 8:26 PM EST
      A3: We currently only meet once a week. Though I can definitely see daily class meetings as a great starting opportunity to the day for our students. #learnlap
  • DemarcoJaimie Jan 22 @ 8:28 PM EST
    A3. Both are beneficial for different reason- like “apples and oranges” Morning- set intentions for the day and reconnect with the classroom community End of day- reflect on the day and celebrate successes and areas for growth #LEARNlap
  • victori15670556 Jan 22 @ 8:28 PM EST
    A3: starting the day with a meeting helps Ss to clear their head before they start the day. Ending the day with a meeting might set the tone for the next morning’s meeting. #learnlap #walearnlap
  • gdorn1 Jan 22 @ 8:29 PM EST
    A3. In a meeting, it would occur towrds the beginning and/or end of the day. If Ss have suggestions, when working on a project or activity, they can speak freely. #learnlap
  • chattygaede Jan 22 @ 8:29 PM EST
    Q4: We will get more from kids who feel included, safe, respected, and part of a community!! #LearnLAP
  • PaulSolarz - Moderator Jan 22 @ 8:29 PM EST
    We're talking "Learn Like a PIRATE" philosophy on #LearnLAP now (Classroom Meetings, specifically) and #MasonEdChat starting NOW if you want to join the conversation!
  • meyerisland Jan 22 @ 8:29 PM EST
    #LearnLAP A4.0 to quote @casas_jimmy Relationships, Relationships, Relationships!
  • JoveStickel Jan 22 @ 8:29 PM EST
    A4 simply put relationships rule! This is a great way to develop them as well as build a culture of partnership. Ss that are more invested perform better #LearnLAP
  • techteach4kids Jan 22 @ 8:29 PM EST
    A4: If you don't make time, you'll end up taking time later. Creating community solves many potential problems, allows chances to share, and solve problems as a class. I don't feel the need to justify them, just come to my class and you'll see the results in action. #learnlap
  • daleyscience Jan 22 @ 8:29 PM EST
    A4 Connecting with students trumps the list of things to do. #rapport #learnlap
  • TeacherRunner42 Jan 22 @ 8:29 PM EST
    a4: how can you not? meetings build relationships. Ss are more likely to share & collab w/ peers they TRUST and KNOW #learnlap
  • MrsAsztalos Jan 22 @ 8:29 PM EST
    very true. Which is why as a 7th grade T, I appreciate all the hard work on routines you put in. #LearnLAP
    In reply to @storyteaching
  • KimSnodgrass Jan 22 @ 8:30 PM EST
    ⚠️IN 30 MINUTES!⚠️ ✨☠️ #edchat #TLAP #LearnLAP #PlayLAP #LeadLAP #XLPAP @burgessdave ✨☠️
  • WA_Argento Jan 22 @ 8:30 PM EST
    A3: Meetings are important at both times. To begin you Draw Ss in and get them focused, ready and excited - and a meeting at the end allows you to tie ups loose ends, a review or a question to ponder. #LearnLAP #WALearnLap
  • MrsReinagel Jan 22 @ 8:30 PM EST
  • JeanMarieGMA88 Jan 22 @ 8:30 PM EST
    A3. A morning meeting sets the tone & goals for the day & any concerns can be addressed #WALearnLap #LearnLAP
  • mrspattisclass Jan 22 @ 8:30 PM EST
    A3: Both meetings serve the purpose of beginning and ending the day...together. Sharing that moment of “we’re in this together” is so important to our Ss. Whether it’s a daily mindful moment, an inspirational quote, or a one word check-in, it all accomplished the same. #learnlap
  • MrsShorr Jan 22 @ 8:30 PM EST
    It's 8:30 already? I can't believe I'm late for tonight's chat with #learnLAP. I will try to catch up!
  • SCEMyers Jan 22 @ 8:30 PM EST
    #learnlap A2: teachers are facilitators, provide structure for conversations, students are engaged, empathetic, tolerant
  • StefaniePitzer Jan 22 @ 8:30 PM EST
    A3: I think it depends on the needs of your class & can be adapted. I preferred starting my day w/ a read aloud. Every Monday then w/ a meeting & then rest of week depended on their needs #LearnLAP
  • Sawyer4Chris Jan 22 @ 8:30 PM EST
    A3: I think it’s just so important to greet our Ss too. I make sure I say good morning to every student, every morning as they come into my room, separate from morning meeting. #LearnLAP
  • MsJenkins_3rd Jan 22 @ 8:31 PM EST
    A3: it’s important to start the day with a meeting . You never know what happened to a student on their way to school . The goal is for students to leave the baggage at the door #LearnLAP
    In reply to @MrsReinagel
  • jenmalitvbcps Jan 22 @ 8:31 PM EST
    A4: Building relationships with your kids transforms the classroom in every way possible. Whatever style meeting you choose...just do it. You’ll wonder why you didn’t start sooner. #LearnLAP
  • StantonAlana Jan 22 @ 8:31 PM EST
    A4 Make them as long or short as you need them. I have to remember each grade level needs diff things. When I taught the older grades I made them shorter but meaty enough to make a difference. A type of Share is vital in any meeting though #learnlap
    • PaulSolarz - Moderator Jan 22 @ 8:27 PM EST
      QUESTION 4 - In already full days, how can we justify making time for classroom meetings? #LearnLAP
      In reply to @MrsReinagel
  • MrNasife Jan 22 @ 8:31 PM EST
    A4: Meeting time can get Ss (and Ts) back on track. The time used to have a meeting is more productive than dealing with behavior problems or lack of focus because of no meeting. #LearnLAP
  • hayes_melisa Jan 22 @ 8:31 PM EST
    A3. That morning meeting is also great for kids who had a rough morning- whether parents felt rushed and said something to kid and kid took to heart or they got in fight with sis or whatever- The morning meeting is a great distraction of what may have occurred. #LearnLAP
  • chattygaede Jan 22 @ 8:31 PM EST
    Q4: The question might really be how can you justify not!? ☺️ #LearnLAP
  • StefaniePitzer Jan 22 @ 8:31 PM EST
    A3: I think it depends on the needs of your class & can be adapted. I preferred starting my day w/ a read aloud. Every Monday then we ended w/ a meeting. Rest of the week depended on their needs #LearnLAP
  • PrincipalSmart Jan 22 @ 8:31 PM EST
    A4 Time spent on meetings saves so much time later spent on conflicts, interruptions, etc. #learnLAP
  • WA_JPollard Jan 22 @ 8:31 PM EST
    A4: Spending the time upfront saves the loss of small chunks of instructional time during lessons. A meeting is structured time and intervention. re-directing Ss during the lesson is not #WALearnLap #LearnLap https://t.co/DqoYvZrbNy
    • PaulSolarz - Moderator Jan 22 @ 8:27 PM EST
      QUESTION 4 - In already full days, how can we justify making time for classroom meetings? #LearnLAP
      In reply to @MrsReinagel
  • victori15670556 Jan 22 @ 8:32 PM EST
    A4: the following day becomes more focused and goals are known to every Ss. #learnlap #walearnlap
  • MrPStrunk Jan 22 @ 8:32 PM EST
    A4: Schools should not be factories that create robots. Class meetings help promote concepts, beliefs, ideas, values that are essential to humanity. We need to help promote these ideas. #learnlap @DavidGeurin @_on11 @ERobbPrincipal @KGT_Educator
  • theMrOlson Jan 22 @ 8:32 PM EST
    A4) It is important to be clear what your objectives are for meetings. They should go beyond our Ss having a good day. The meetings can help them develop as better people too. #LearnLAP
  • mrspattisclass Jan 22 @ 8:32 PM EST
    A4: We find the time and make it up in other places, and we do this because it will GIVE us time later. #LearnLAP
  • WAMacario Jan 22 @ 8:32 PM EST
    Def agree - if forced to pick, I would opt for post class meeting. That way, I can reflect w students on what did/did not go well and adapt for future lessons. #WALearnLap #LearnLAP
    In reply to @WA_Argento
  • Sawyer4Chris Jan 22 @ 8:32 PM EST
    A4: How can we not? Our students are required to work together & Be part of a community. We must build that community & 21st century learners. #LearnLAP
  • 4XSoccermom Jan 22 @ 8:32 PM EST
    Luckily my district promotes this. There is huge value in building relationships between the T and Ss as well as between Ss. It also builds communication and problem solving skills. #LearnLAP
  • emilyfranESL Jan 22 @ 8:32 PM EST
    A4: Students need to be reassured that the classroom is a place that they are cared for and valued. Classroom meetings, outside of already loaded academic day, is just a drop of cool refreshing water! 💦 #learnLAP
    • PaulSolarz - Moderator Jan 22 @ 8:27 PM EST
      QUESTION 4 - In already full days, how can we justify making time for classroom meetings? #LearnLAP
      In reply to @MrsReinagel
  • MrsReinagel Jan 22 @ 8:32 PM EST
    #learnlap Glad you're here.
    In reply to @MrsShorr
  • MrsAsztalos Jan 22 @ 8:32 PM EST
    A4 Anytime you have Ss talking TO each other, you are building capacity for empathy and collaboration. #LearnLAP
  • Sawyer4Chris Jan 22 @ 8:33 PM EST
    A4: Working together in a community is a 21st century skill. #LearnLAP
  • RLvballcoach Jan 22 @ 8:33 PM EST
    A4 We are a family and Learn from our mistakes, so it is important to have that sense of belonging. I believe it helps with Growth Mindset if we know where everyone is for the day. We love to celebrate successes and failures from afterschool too, and this allows for it #learnlap
  • MrMillerSAS Jan 22 @ 8:33 PM EST
    As facilitators we model the importance of creating these opportunities for our students regardless of the demands of the day, in reality, because of the demands it is essential to learn to be flexible and make the most of what time we have together. #LearnLAP
  • SCEMyers Jan 22 @ 8:33 PM EST
    #learnlap A3: start of the day allows teacher to address any concerns or needs so students can have a successful day
  • JessieRErickson Jan 22 @ 8:33 PM EST
    A3 - it’s nice to start the day with a class meeting. Great way to check in with students and get a pulse for their status emotionally and physically. A great way to build community. #LearnLAP
  • WA_Argento Jan 22 @ 8:33 PM EST
    A4: Meetings can be just as educational as a question on a test or learning the definition of a new vocabulary word. It’s about the content. #LearnLAP #WALearnLap
  • van_tastic6 Jan 22 @ 8:34 PM EST
    #learnlap A4: to me, it’s just like a brain break, recess, a teachable moment or a re-teach—time spent building community is well spent and buys us back time in structure, routine, reflection and CARE
  • ConnieLund25 Jan 22 @ 8:34 PM EST
    A4 the time we take to build relationships up makes up for the tie we would lose “fixing” them during instruction time. #LearnLAP
  • MrsShorr Jan 22 @ 8:34 PM EST
    A4 I can't imagine not starting every day with a meeting. It allows Ss to transition from home to school in a positive,welcoming, and warm way. I hope it makes Ss look forward to arriving each day. Happy students will be more engaged students. #learnLAP
  • emilyfranESL Jan 22 @ 8:34 PM EST
    Oh...THIS...AWESOMENESS 👇🏼 #learnLAP
  • MrsReinagel Jan 22 @ 8:34 PM EST
  • hayes_melisa Jan 22 @ 8:34 PM EST
    A3/A4. The morning meeting is also great for kids who had a rough morning- whether parents felt rushed and said something to the child & he took 2 ❤️ or they got in fight with sis or illness in fam-Morning meeting is a great distraction of what may b occurring. #LearnLAP
  • StantonAlana Jan 22 @ 8:34 PM EST
    If you teach 2nd and lower this song is great to end the meetings. I have done it for over 5 yrs and we still love it. My husband did in 4th but used lyrics only https://t.co/DaNDRRmkcP #learnlap
  • SCEMyers Jan 22 @ 8:34 PM EST
    #learnlap A3: end of the day allows for reflection, set personal goal for home or next day, note and notice achievements for the day
  • LaurenPorosoff Jan 22 @ 8:34 PM EST
    A4 Academic and social-emotional learning aren’t mutually exclusive uses of time. We create a community in the process of meaningfully learning together. A class meeting is a way to deepen that learning and acknowledge the community that supports our learning. #LearnLAP
  • msweisenbeck Jan 22 @ 8:34 PM EST
    A4- I have to admit, I had a hard time when I started this 2 years ago! There isn’t enough time in the day! But I’ve found that giving students that 20-30 min. To build relationships and to 🎉 & reflect is priceless! Won’t go back!! #learnlap
  • TeacherRunner42 Jan 22 @ 8:35 PM EST
    LOVE. IT. #learnlap
    In reply to @StantonAlana
  • JeremyDBond Jan 22 @ 8:35 PM EST
    A4) The same way you justify teaching and learning as part of a complex web of relationships, not just a transmission of knowledge. Relationships and interaction are the first steps in that learning. #learnlap
    In reply to @PaulSolarz, @MrsReinagel
  • JessieRErickson Jan 22 @ 8:35 PM EST
    These meeting build and support character education, social skills, 4Cs, speaking and listening skills #LearnLAP
  • chris_hizynski Jan 22 @ 8:35 PM EST
    #learnlap #WALearnLap A3: Meetings at the beginning of class work better for me because it's more prospective than retrospective. I would rather go forward than look backward so kids know what's ahead that day.
  • MrsReinagel Jan 22 @ 8:35 PM EST
    #learnlap I agree, relationship building is essential.
    In reply to @4XSoccermom
  • KaragrozisPE Jan 22 @ 8:36 PM EST
    Q4. Who ever said classroom meetings had to be in person. 2018 is full with technology. Many ways for people to find time via some sort of app. #LearnLAP It all comes down to how important something is for someone .. there is always time! #prioritizes
    In reply to @PaulSolarz, @MrsReinagel
  • Mrjonresendez Jan 22 @ 8:36 PM EST
    A3: Since we are all learners, opening and/or closing meetings are good pedagogy. In opening meetings, people have energy, in closing they have experiences. Why not mix it up? #LearnLap
    In reply to @MrsReinagel
  • MrsAsztalos Jan 22 @ 8:36 PM EST
    You have to work up to that idea of having conversations, and not just talking AT each other. My 7th graders need help with how to interact and learn from each other. #LearnLAP
    In reply to @meyerisland
  • emilyfranESL Jan 22 @ 8:36 PM EST
    Well said!! #learnLAP
    In reply to @MrPStrunk
  • Sawyer4Chris Jan 22 @ 8:36 PM EST
    A5: Just building verbal communication skills alone is worth it. Many of my Ss can’t verbalize answers, I’ll ask additional questions sometimes to build that. #LearnLAP
  • PrincipalSmart Jan 22 @ 8:36 PM EST
    A5 Meetings can be a great time to reflect on learning and talk about future goals and the mindset to get there. #LearnLAP
  • MrPStrunk Jan 22 @ 8:36 PM EST
    A5: By using meetings by helping students learn what it means to be a positive influence in the world around them. #learnlap @MrsAsztalos @ERobbPrincipal @KGT_Educator @MHSLewisHistory @_on11 @Samuel_Wallace2
  • gdorn1 Jan 22 @ 8:36 PM EST
    A4. Communication is essential in relationships. Setting aside a few minutes for a class meeting where Ss can talk about concerns, issues, questions, or ideas that they would like to share with the group. #learnlap
  • MrsReinagel Jan 22 @ 8:37 PM EST
  • SCEMyers Jan 22 @ 8:37 PM EST
    #learnlap A4: classroom meetings build community and trust which lead to relationships and learning
  • Sawyer4Chris Jan 22 @ 8:37 PM EST
    A5: This is also our Star Student time, so students learn to ask strong questions & how to answer them. #LearnLAP
  • WAMacario Jan 22 @ 8:37 PM EST
    A4- As long as meetings have a productive purpose, they are justified. Class objectives, expectations, concerns, etc can be addressed, and structured learning can take place w minimal redirection. #WALearnLap #LearnLAP
    • PaulSolarz - Moderator Jan 22 @ 8:27 PM EST
      QUESTION 4 - In already full days, how can we justify making time for classroom meetings? #LearnLAP
      In reply to @MrsReinagel
  • msweisenbeck Jan 22 @ 8:37 PM EST
    A5- Ss set goals at the end of each day and often they tend to be academic- they realize a challenge and plan a way to meet it- their plans are meaningful to them and more motivating than mine! #learnlap
  • StantonAlana Jan 22 @ 8:37 PM EST
    And I will be honest, it helps me focus and transition each day. It brings joy. We have teachers visit during these times to elimate stress #learnlap
    • MrsShorr Jan 22 @ 8:34 PM EST
      A4 I can't imagine not starting every day with a meeting. It allows Ss to transition from home to school in a positive,welcoming, and warm way. I hope it makes Ss look forward to arriving each day. Happy students will be more engaged students. #learnLAP
  • Mrjonresendez Jan 22 @ 8:38 PM EST
    Student led learning is more meangful than any content we might cram into the end of the day. It’s worth the time!#LearnLAP
    In reply to @MrsReinagel
  • timlriley Jan 22 @ 8:38 PM EST
    Sorry I’ve just been lurking it learning tonight #LearnLAP
  • meyerisland Jan 22 @ 8:38 PM EST
    #LearnLAP A5.) by being risk-takers to share in "tribal council" students are empowered to have a voice within the school day. I've seen so many wonderful quiet voices develop into passionate, empowered learners the rest of the day
  • WA_Argento Jan 22 @ 8:39 PM EST
    Great idea! Ss love technology. #LearnLAP #WALearnLap
    In reply to @KaragrozisPE, @PaulSolarz, @MrsReinagel
  • Sawyer4Chris Jan 22 @ 8:39 PM EST
    A5: We recentlymissed 4 school days fro snow, we talked a lot about what we did on those days. Now that will be a writing piece, but students had a chance to talk, low-risk, first #LearnLAP
  • theMrOlson Jan 22 @ 8:39 PM EST
    A5) A classroom full of compassionate, empathetic, safe, secure, motivated and happy students...is a place where enhanced learning takes place! #LearnLAP
  • MsJenkins_3rd Jan 22 @ 8:39 PM EST
    A4: It is important time for my students to build relationships. It is the foundation for the rest of the day #LearnLAP
    In reply to @MrsReinagel
  • techteach4kids Jan 22 @ 8:39 PM EST
    A5: Our "activity" during morning meeting is often a game with a learning objective. Headbands with proper and common nouns, Padoodle to work on verbs, etc. Speaking and listening and leadership skills are a given in MM. Soft skills are a focus as well. #LearnLAP
  • ConnieLund25 Jan 22 @ 8:39 PM EST
    I’m just starting these in a class that has some relationship issues. Can you all give me some topic suggestions? #LearnLAP
  • JessieRErickson Jan 22 @ 8:39 PM EST
    A5 Class meetings can easily support content misconceptions, discussion, sharing and status of learning. Great use of time and collaborative work. #LearnLAP
  • mrspattisclass Jan 22 @ 8:39 PM EST
    A5: Meetings give us the opportunity to build relationships from our Ss...we see them, and they see us. Showing them that we are invested in them, will encourage them to invest in what we are presenting to them. #learnlap
  • StefaniePitzer Jan 22 @ 8:39 PM EST
    A4: I think that when something is this important you find the time. :) The environment you create by having meetings will make for more engaged Ss and maximize instruction. #LearnLAP
  • Mrjonresendez Jan 22 @ 8:39 PM EST
    A4: Now I just need to make sure I am doing it! Old habits are hard to break. #LearnLAP
  • StantonAlana Jan 22 @ 8:39 PM EST
    A5 You can do so much to add learning into it with every part including the message and activity. But I also know that social skills are an important part of our day and mm helps us practice these skills. By now my class is always hugging...always #learnlap
  • WA_JPollard Jan 22 @ 8:40 PM EST
    A5: Ss are reflecting on their learning. It is meta cognition. It is empathetic. It is Goal Setting. It is Community Building. #WALearnLap #LearnLap
  • TheStephenKeys Jan 22 @ 8:40 PM EST
    Hey gang! Stephen from Ky joining real late. Ill go back and read the thread, because I know it will be awesome! As usual. #learnlap
  • e_knupp Jan 22 @ 8:40 PM EST
    A5: I love using team leader meetings. S project groups nominate a team leader for the day. That person becomes the expert and shares knowledge w/ rest of group. S take ownership, increase comm/collab 👌🏻 #learnlap
  • emilyfranESL Jan 22 @ 8:40 PM EST
    A5: It’s all about OPPORTUNITIES! As small as it may be...a short moment where Ss are comfortable could be what they need to express needs! Also, opportunities to feel how much they matter. Doesn’t feeling like you matter promote learning?!?! 🤔 #learnLAP
  • kimbnov16 Jan 22 @ 8:40 PM EST
    #LearnLAP Q1-We use them to set the focus for the week/class, talk about the expectation for how our classroom should look, feel, & sound. We clear up any misconceptions and discuss everything and anything under the sun. They are vital to a well-run classroom!
  • RLvballcoach Jan 22 @ 8:41 PM EST
    A5 We have the mindset that we learn ALL the time. It is important to take EVERY opportunity to learn. So, morning meetings is just another opportunity to learn. #learnlap
  • Sawyer4Chris Jan 22 @ 8:41 PM EST
    Sorry! Typing too fast! When will they let us edit our tweets! #LearnLAP
  • LaurenPorosoff Jan 22 @ 8:41 PM EST
    A5 We can use meetings to help students connect their assignments and interactions to their own values. What do they want school to mean? #LearnLAP
  • chris_hizynski Jan 22 @ 8:41 PM EST
    #learnlap walearnlap You need to budget time for the meetings. This can be done by allotting time when you plan your lessons. You cannot squeeze meetings in here and there because the results will be as haphazard as your efforts.
    In reply to @PaulSolarz, @MrsReinagel
  • aaritz_aritz Jan 22 @ 8:41 PM EST
    A3) I think it’s important in the beginning to discuss what the lesson and the day will entail and at the end to debrief and get/give feedback on the days lessons and activities. #LearnLAP #WALearnLap
  • daleyscience Jan 22 @ 8:41 PM EST
    A5 Rapport and trust leads to honest conversation, question asking and digging deeper. Learning together helps everyone....even the teacher. #learnlap
  • StefaniePitzer Jan 22 @ 8:41 PM EST
    A5: Loved using class meetings for book studies that promoted healthy positive habits! Those positive social emotional skills allow for more focused instructional time which in turn benefits our Ss. #LearnLAP
  • WA_Argento Jan 22 @ 8:41 PM EST
    A5: Using meetings gets Ss involved and their voices heard. Great discussions arise and new ideas surface. #LearnLAP #WALearnLap
  • MrsReinagel Jan 22 @ 8:41 PM EST
  • kelly_zackrison Jan 22 @ 8:42 PM EST
    A2- Teachers should encourage students to be involved in the morning meeting. Both the teacher and the student could be a facilitator, a listener, or a participant depending on the context and content of the meeting. #LearnLAP
  • StantonAlana Jan 22 @ 8:42 PM EST
    Phone is dying and some last min chores to do. #firstThingsfirst Love this chat and loved loved this topic! Biggest thing we can do is to listen to our kids. Class meetings make time for this and shows them we prioritize them #learnlap
  • gdorn1 Jan 22 @ 8:42 PM EST
    A5. Find out what Ss are interest in and build projects and lessons around their interests that can apply to everday life situations/ problem solving. When having meetings 1:1, have Ss det. where their strengths and weaknesses may lie and where they think imp. is nec. #learnlap
  • emilyfranESL Jan 22 @ 8:42 PM EST
    I love this! 💕👍🏼 #learnLAP
    In reply to @LaurenPorosoff
  • theMrOlson Jan 22 @ 8:43 PM EST
    I also spend a lot of time "branding" in my room. We are #TeamOlson. It builds pride in our room and how we treat each other. It is also important to play and laugh together. I remind Ss that families don't get along at all times and that is ok too. #LearnLAP #FullHouse
    In reply to @ConnieLund25
  • daleyscience Jan 22 @ 8:43 PM EST
    A6 We had a meeting today about sharing the iPad cart. It wasn't ideal for us, but modeling sharing and kindness to another teacher was important and while kids weren't happy, they got it. #learnlap
  • StefaniePitzer Jan 22 @ 8:44 PM EST
    A6: I loved using class meetings to promote, model, and practice positive digital citizenship. #LearnLAP
  • MrsShorr Jan 22 @ 8:44 PM EST
    Sometimes we play guessing games w the message. Students look for clues about our day & goals.For example, I might write verbs in a different color & Ss have to figure out why they are different than the rest of the message. #learnLAP
    In reply to @StantonAlana
  • GassonJill Jan 22 @ 8:44 PM EST
    "Give Me Five!" is my absolute favorite take away from #LearnLAP! It has empowered my Ss in so many ways! #MasonEdChat
    • PaulSolarz - Moderator Jan 22 @ 8:39 PM EST
      A1: The most beneficial power I give to my Ss that enables them to lead in the classroom is the power to interrupt the class whenever they need to by using "Give Me Five!" The call-out gathers the attention of their peers & allows for directions to be announced. #MasonEdChat
  • SCEMyers Jan 22 @ 8:44 PM EST
    #learnlap A5: this year when I noticed an ELL always “passing” during MM I talked to her and gave her some ideas on what and how to share and she always participates now
  • MsJenkins_3rd Jan 22 @ 8:44 PM EST
    A5: students are able to hear different perspectives on certain topics . It teaches them to actively listen and engage in others point of view . When it is time to collaborate, students know how to be open to other ideas #LearnLAP
    In reply to @MrsReinagel
  • e_knupp Jan 22 @ 8:44 PM EST
    A6: include the students! Ask them how you can help, what they need etc #learnlap
  • KimSnodgrass Jan 22 @ 8:45 PM EST
    ⚠️IN 15 MINUTES!⚠️ ✨☠️ #EDchat #TLAP #LearnLAP #PlayLAP #LeadLAP #XLPAP #MSchat #ELAchat #nebedchat @burgessdave ✨☠️
  • WA_Argento Jan 22 @ 8:45 PM EST
    A6: Ss need to respect others while they speak, not react in a negative or harsh manner, learn to take turns. #LearnLAP #WALearnLap
  • kelly_zackrison Jan 22 @ 8:45 PM EST
    Q1: class meetings can be used to check the climate of the classroom. It is important to check in with your students to see where they are at. It allows them to let out what they need to let out before starting the day. #LearnLAP
  • PrincipalSmart Jan 22 @ 8:45 PM EST
    A6 Even the processes of the meeting help us learn social skills. #LearnLAP
  • JoveStickel Jan 22 @ 8:45 PM EST
    A6 that is a great time to talk about character and being kind, empathetic, supportive and tolerant with others #LearnLAP
  • PaulSolarz - Moderator Jan 22 @ 8:45 PM EST
    Yes! Some years it takes longer than others, but totally worth the struggle at the end! BIG PAYOFF! :) #MasonEdChat #LearnLAP
    • LittyMathaiEDU Jan 22 @ 8:43 PM EST
      @PaulSolarz This year, I have one group that is taking far longer to feel empowered despite all of my coaching. I'm not giving up! I know that true change takes lots of time! I just want to see them get there before they go to 6th grade! #MasonEdChat
      In reply to @PaulSolarz, @PaulSolarz
  • MrMillerSAS Jan 22 @ 8:45 PM EST
    A5: We create a safe space where students can create and develop real life solutions to problems that are meaningful to them and lend to teaching opportunities like transdisciplinary projects that bridge multiple content areas. #LearnLAP
  • jenmalitvbcps Jan 22 @ 8:45 PM EST
    A5: We start morning meetings in a social way in the beginning of the year while we get to know each other, then we’ll incorporate academic games and activities. My kids write meeting ideas they make up and we keep them in a folder to use as well. #LearnLAP
  • msweisenbeck Jan 22 @ 8:45 PM EST
    So agree with that! I was the first thing I changed after reading #learnLAP! Love, love, love!
    In reply to @GassonJill
  • mrspattisclass Jan 22 @ 8:46 PM EST
    A6: Meetings are a great opportunity to revisit all things #PBIS and to highlight Ss that are going above and beyond! #learnlap
  • daleyscience Jan 22 @ 8:46 PM EST
    Love this idea too. I want/need to instill it more. #learnlap
    In reply to @GassonJill
  • WAMacario Jan 22 @ 8:46 PM EST
    Yes! And when we model expected behaviors, hopefully students will follow! #WALearnLAP #LearnLAP
    In reply to @JoveStickel
  • hayes_melisa Jan 22 @ 8:46 PM EST
    A5. @geniushour projects and daily 5 interests are noticeable due to our morning meetings! #passions #LearnLAP
  • JessieRErickson Jan 22 @ 8:47 PM EST
    A6 Ss learn speaking and listening skills, including respectful disagreement and agreement. Everyone needs to take their turn and allow others a voice. Ss also learn to support each other and hold each other accountable (responsibility partners) #LearnLAP
  • SCEMyers Jan 22 @ 8:47 PM EST
    #learnlap A6: face to face conversation develops empathy, listening to others develops empathy, a culture of empathy promotes learning
  • theMrOlson Jan 22 @ 8:48 PM EST
    A6) Regular meetings can lead to Ss sharing very personal stories. The more they hear others' stories, the more care and compassion they will be able to show others. #LearnLAP
  • emilyfranESL Jan 22 @ 8:48 PM EST
    A6: We can discuss famous characters that model great behaviors and brainstorm together how/what to learn from them. #learnLAP
  • Mrjonresendez Jan 22 @ 8:48 PM EST
    A5: New here! Are these really “meetings?” They seem more like collaborations to me. Meetings to me are for information dissemination while collaboration is about group creation. Semantics? Pardon my obtuseness. #learnlap
  • msweisenbeck Jan 22 @ 8:48 PM EST
    A6- Ss start to look for positives of classmates to recognize and compliment! Ss love the recognition #learnlap
  • MrNasife Jan 22 @ 8:48 PM EST
    A6: For the past three years, I have used a book (like Ron Clark's Essential 55) to bring up topics for discussion to encourage positive behavior and habits. We then focus on 1 or 2 for the week. #LearnLAP
  • MrsReinagel Jan 22 @ 8:48 PM EST
  • PoppaG77 Jan 22 @ 8:48 PM EST
    Meetings could be a good time to discuss cause and effect of actions. #LearnLAP
  • gdorn1 Jan 22 @ 8:48 PM EST
    A6. When we made our classroom guide, have Ss participate in making them in the meeting. They will set the expectations and behavior that should be expected. Facilitate kindness, caring, empathy and role model situations.#learnlap
  • jkibbel17 Jan 22 @ 8:48 PM EST
    I love this too. My Ss have really risen to the occasion. They will meet our expectations--high or low, so shoot for the stars. #learnLAP
    In reply to @daleyscience, @GassonJill
  • WA_JPollard Jan 22 @ 8:48 PM EST
    Regardless of what level we teach/lead at... we can’t assume all Ss have same backgrounds. Meetings allow us to set expectations, model good citizenship, & acknowledge areas of strength and growth #WALearnLap #LearnLap
  • MrsShorr Jan 22 @ 8:49 PM EST
    A6 Modeling expected behaviors is so important. We take time to talk about how we feel when others aren't showing those behaviors. This helps Ss understand their actions impact how others feel & they are more motivated to show positive behaviors. #learnLAP
  • Sawyer4Chris Jan 22 @ 8:49 PM EST
    A6: Morning Meeting is so effective in reinforcing respect for each other, how to communicate positively to peers #LearnLAP
  • jenmalitvbcps Jan 22 @ 8:49 PM EST
    A6: We have a student-led portion of our end of the day ritual that incorporates goal setting. The kids reflect on their day and set a goal for the next day. There’s no pointing fingers - everyone comes together as a family to better themselves. #LearnLAP
  • msweisenbeck Jan 22 @ 8:49 PM EST
    Some of best topics go to #flipgrid- my very shy student will not talk in the group but can come alive on the video😙! The discussion continues! #learnlap
  • theMrOlson Jan 22 @ 8:50 PM EST
    I liken my "Family Meetings" to the ones that always took place on Full House and now @fullerhouse I even had to go out and buy a classroom couch! We come together and grow individually and as a family at these "meetings." #LearnLAP
    In reply to @Mrjonresendez, @fullerhouse
  • MrPStrunk Jan 22 @ 8:50 PM EST
    A6: As teachers, we can use times that we modeled good behaviors as examples. We can also use the times we've fallen short to show how some of our negative decisions did not grow fruitful outcomes. #learnlap
  • JoveStickel Jan 22 @ 8:50 PM EST
    A7 it gives them an opportunity to participate and share their opinions if students suggestions and comments are respected and valued confidence will grow #LearnLAP
  • MrsReinagel Jan 22 @ 8:50 PM EST
    #learnlap LOVE it!
    In reply to @mrspattisclass
  • hayes_melisa Jan 22 @ 8:50 PM EST
    A6 Set the tone/expectations of family culture on the first day! Every voice is valued and important! We are each other cheerleaders! We learn and fail together enthusiastically! #LearnLAP
  • kimbnov16 Jan 22 @ 8:50 PM EST
    #LearnLAP @PaulSolarz @mcnairan3 #ghbookstudy ME TOO!!! I used it all day today and I empowered a few of my students to use it to get the classes attention so they can make announcements. It's GREAT!
    • GassonJill Jan 22 @ 8:44 PM EST
      "Give Me Five!" is my absolute favorite take away from #LearnLAP! It has empowered my Ss in so many ways! #MasonEdChat
      • PaulSolarz - Moderator Jan 22 @ 8:39 PM EST
        A1: The most beneficial power I give to my Ss that enables them to lead in the classroom is the power to interrupt the class whenever they need to by using "Give Me Five!" The call-out gathers the attention of their peers & allows for directions to be announced. #MasonEdChat
  • PrincipalSmart Jan 22 @ 8:50 PM EST
    A7 Having a voice and respect from others when we share ideas can help us build confidence. #LearnLAP
  • JoveStickel Jan 22 @ 8:50 PM EST
    Great chat need to get a quick charge before #TLAP #LearnLAP
  • kelly_zackrison Jan 22 @ 8:51 PM EST
    A4: meetings allow students to form community amongst themselves. It allows the students to share and solve problems as a class. #learnlap
  • daleyscience Jan 22 @ 8:51 PM EST
    A7 A classroom in 2018 should not be sit and listen to the teacher. Having meetings, asking students to help you and other students, and letting them lead builds self esteem and empowers. If we empower the the kids in front of us every day they can change the world! #learnlap
  • techteach4kids Jan 22 @ 8:51 PM EST
    A7: Ss learning to share and listen and have empathy and respond to each other, to push their own boundaries, to lead and have success in leading, to find out that they belong, to answer questions and accept praise...all of these things build a Ss confidence! #learnLAP
  • MrNasife Jan 22 @ 8:51 PM EST
    Sorry. Have to leave a little early. Thanks so much @MrsReinagel for a wonderful chat. #LearnLAP
  • MrMillerSAS Jan 22 @ 8:51 PM EST
    A7: witnessing students become experts in conversations that connect to them personally is one of the most rewarding experiences for not only the students but for the teacher as well. #LearnLAP
  • PoppaG77 Jan 22 @ 8:52 PM EST
    q7: Showing kids they matter will build a student's self-esteem. Showing them that you are willing to listen and have a conversation with them is HUGE! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @MrsReinagel
  • DemarcoJaimie Jan 22 @ 8:52 PM EST
    A6. Any meetings that build relationships and deepen connection between Ss or S and T, will result in a more positive learning experience. Kids learn from people they like (and people they feel like them in return) #LEARNlap
  • WA_Argento Jan 22 @ 8:52 PM EST
    A7: Meetings can create a sense of community that allows the shy Ss the courage to participate. Also when they are given a role/job they feel a sense of pride and will work hard to do their very best. #WALearnLap #LearnLAP
  • WA_JPollard Jan 22 @ 8:52 PM EST
    A7: Meetings give Ss voice. Ts provide guidance and support for all Ss (some of whom we know don’t have that at home) and can scaffold confidence and self advocacy. Respond not react to others. #WALearnLap #LearnLap
  • MrsReinagel Jan 22 @ 8:52 PM EST
    #learnlap Meetings can be so much more than just info dumps! I think we need to break the mold on the definition. @Mrjonresendez
  • JessieRErickson Jan 22 @ 8:53 PM EST
    Because Ss have a voice and the opportunity for building leadership skills, self esteem building is a positive result. #learnlap
  • gdorn1 Jan 22 @ 8:53 PM EST
    A7. A class meeting gives leadership opportunities to Ss and allows them to take risks in a safe environment. It gives them confidence for speaking for themselves and leading the way. We empower them with the feeling "I can do it!"#learnlap
  • PaulSolarz - Moderator Jan 22 @ 8:53 PM EST
    • GassonJill Jan 22 @ 8:53 PM EST
      A2: Responsibility partners has helped a lot! Ss are not only responsible for their own work but for their partner's as well. #MasonEdChat
  • MrsReinagel Jan 22 @ 8:53 PM EST
    #learnlap Final question, then time for #tlap
  • emilyfranESL Jan 22 @ 8:53 PM EST
    A7: it provides opportunities for empowerment! Having the space/moment to guide others would give them the sense of worth they deserve #learnLAP
  • TeacherRunner42 Jan 22 @ 8:53 PM EST
    sorry for my in-and-out-ness tonight, #learnlap - internet issues!
  • SteffSchoolCoun Jan 22 @ 8:54 PM EST
    #learnlap jumping in from VB! It's amazing what happens to students when they get a second to feel at the center of their idol or mentor's interest!
  • Mrjonresendez Jan 22 @ 8:54 PM EST
    Yes, where I am from the word meeting is so negatively connotated that I have stopped using it. I use the word collaboration instead. Love your quest to redefine it! #learnlap
    In reply to @MrsReinagel
  • msweisenbeck Jan 22 @ 8:54 PM EST
    Ss can lead discussions, choose topics, lend opinions! Sharing that role promotes a shared leadership #learnlap
  • PrincipalSmart Jan 22 @ 8:54 PM EST
    A8 A safe place to practice leadership skills. Every voice counts. #LearnLAP
  • hayes_melisa Jan 22 @ 8:55 PM EST
    A7. Gives that student a voice where they may have faded into crowd before- can give the child chance to take a risk and speak- see family listening and cheering them on and will build that child’s confidence. #LearnLAP
  • MrPStrunk Jan 22 @ 8:55 PM EST
    A7: Use them to validate student feelings and to praise student successes. Students need a place to belong, and class meetings can help them connect to our classrooms. #learnlap @ERobbPrincipal @schug_dennis
  • jenmalitvbcps Jan 22 @ 8:55 PM EST
    A7: When students build each other up their confidence grows. As the classroom community strengthens and students trust one another, students gain confidence they never had before! Everyone gets a voice. #LearnLAP
  • RLvballcoach Jan 22 @ 8:55 PM EST
    Thanks for a great chat @ @MrsReinagel #learnlap
  • daleyscience Jan 22 @ 8:55 PM EST
    Calling all pirates!!! Do we have any pirates looking to talk Makerspace?Join #scitlap this Wednesday 8CST. We love talking and teaching science, but all subjects are welcome! #learnlap #tlap
  • MsJenkins_3rd Jan 22 @ 8:56 PM EST
    A7: I notice self esteem increase when students have similar stories . Students use their voice more once a connection is made . It brings me joy to watch how much they grow #LearnLAP
    In reply to @MrsReinagel, @PaulSolarz
  • LaurenPorosoff Jan 22 @ 8:56 PM EST
    A7 I’m more interested in how class meetings build self-compassion rather than self-esteem. Class meetings can help students notice their common humanity, put their struggles in context, and treat themselves & each other with kindness. #LearnLAP https://t.co/jRMobghWHo
  • SteffSchoolCoun Jan 22 @ 8:56 PM EST
    #Learnlap A8 to be so close to positive communication with Ts fosters the same courage in Ss. Especially as they grow as active participants in their learning.
  • Sawyer4Chris Jan 22 @ 8:56 PM EST
    A7: Class meetings build self-esteem by giving Ss low-risk opportunities to tlaknwith their peers on a variety of topics. #LearnLAP
  • storyteaching Jan 22 @ 8:57 PM EST
    #LearnLAP I have no excuse; I am totally lurking.
    In reply to @TeacherRunner42
  • MrsReinagel Jan 22 @ 8:57 PM EST
    #learnlap We're glad you're able to be here.
    In reply to @TeacherRunner42
  • daleyscience Jan 22 @ 8:57 PM EST
    @MrsReinagel Thank you for a great chat, lots of things to think about that will impact my Tuesday!! #LearnLAP
  • msweisenbeck Jan 22 @ 8:57 PM EST
    Amazing ideas and discussion! TY @MrsReinagel #learnlap
  • WA_Argento Jan 22 @ 8:57 PM EST
    A8: Ss will step up when others aren’t doing their job or are absent. #WALearnLap #LearnLAP
  • PrincipalSmart Jan 22 @ 8:57 PM EST
    Thanks for the great chat everyone! Have a wonderful week. #learnLAP
  • MrsReinagel Jan 22 @ 8:57 PM EST
    Woo Hoo another VB ' er. #learnlap
    In reply to @SteffSchoolCoun
  • Sawyer4Chris Jan 22 @ 8:57 PM EST
    A8: Class meetings promote leadership by giving everyone an opportunity to lead, allowing Ss to support each other in that leadership role #LearnLAP
  • PaulSolarz - Moderator Jan 22 @ 8:58 PM EST
    Thanks so much to @MrsReinagel for moderating #LearnLAP this evening! Hope you'll all join us again next week as @teresagross625 & @HeckAwesome moderate a special "Sketchnoting" chat! For now, jump on over to #tlap and/or #MasonEdChat for more great discussion!
  • EduGladiators Jan 22 @ 8:58 PM EST
    🍎SATURDAY wraps #EduGladiators January series: Rethinking Discipline! Focus is Classroom Discipline w/@SchleiderJustin leading us! Don't miss it! Plus be ready to share your favorite tricks of the trade! #admin2b #cleartheair #learnlap #edtechchat #NYEDchat #COLchat #FETC2018
  • gdorn1 Jan 22 @ 8:58 PM EST
    A8. Class meetings promote Ss leadership by taking risks and speaking up for themselves and others, owning learning by conducting the meeting and the topic with issues discussed, disc. their own ideas and creativity. #learnlap
  • SteffSchoolCoun Jan 22 @ 8:59 PM EST
    Thawed out and back to the playground! 😎 #LearnLap
    In reply to @MrsReinagel
  • woodard_julie Jan 22 @ 8:59 PM EST
    Oh gosh !! Missed it !?? #learnLAP
  • MrsReinagel Jan 22 @ 8:59 PM EST
    I agree, nobody gets excited about a meeting! Until now. #learnlap
    In reply to @Mrjonresendez
  • gdorn1 Jan 22 @ 8:59 PM EST
    Thank You! #learnlap
  • Mrjonresendez Jan 22 @ 8:59 PM EST
    First time! Thanks for the discussion. Love your philosophy. #learnlap
    In reply to @PaulSolarz, @MrsReinagel, @teresagross625, @HeckAwesome
  • msburlew Jan 22 @ 8:59 PM EST
    A3: #LearnLAP helped me re-envision my classroom environment. Kids are empowered to do EVERYTHING that they are capable of doing. Kids love being in charge. And, I love letting them. Life changing. #MasonEdChat
    • PaulSolarz - Moderator Jan 22 @ 8:58 PM EST
      A3: Although my Ss are assigned a job at the beginning of the year, everyone is encouraged to do each others' jobs as needed (the assigned student just ensures that it gets done). When a job is motivational & several Ss want to do it, they Rock-Paper-Scissors for it! #MasonEdChat