#ukedchat Archive
Join teachers and educationalists for #ukedchat each Thursday between 8-9 pm GMT for Edu chat. Education news, resources, and @UKEdSch website with @UKEdMag
Thursday April 21, 2016 3:00 PM EDT
: it is 8pm, let's get started. A1 is a way of answering Q1 etc.
An exam attendance register is a key part of the process of identifying candidates present in the exam room
Attempting to meet a word count can cause waffle in essay writing. How can this be prevented? https://t.co/FL5TibCIeV
A1: Teaching editing skills, really. Going through work verbally 1:1 with student, identifying waffle/condensing.
Sometimes it's quality over quantity, but also best to qualify your writing
Good planning and getting students to clearly understand what they want to say and why-use mark scheme! https://t.co/S3t2JHNw4l
Just use and look at the hashtag.
sometimes reading your work out loud can help
How can we secure one to one time in the busy school day?
Yes editing skills useful, try peer to peer editing? https://t.co/G494I3AyTz
A1: Teaching editing skills, really. Going through work verbally 1:1 with student, identifying waffle/condensing.
A1 So happy someone shares my ("century-old") idea of reading out loud. I've done it since the 90s (and happy!).
Yes, hearing it reinforces the flow of a piece of writing. https://t.co/YeOVOReKAv
sometimes reading your work out loud can help
I remember one teacher who didn't teach word counts. Only introduced it after you have written it.
Yes, but not easy to spot your own mistakes, as the voice inside does not read what is on the page
Can that work for all ages? Are young pupils able to see their mistakes?
Unfortunately, I have to leave this chat ... Looking forward to seeing this session's Storify!
Devote lesson to independent research/revision, use time to speak to students 1:1. Might take a few rounds of lessons?
as scientists, we definitely value accuracy more!
A2: accuracy first creativity can come later once structure is solid.
Having "expert" students to support you, those who are concise writers, might help as well.
I hate word counts for this reason. I say what material needs to be covered; then, the more concise the better!
Does it depend of the use of the writing at the time? https://t.co/37CzVzq0Fi
as scientists, we definitely value accuracy more!
A2 not o e over other. Practice technical to develop creative
A2 Creative writing is far more important, top novels aren't always blessed with technical quality.
Creativity every time. Technical accuracy can be refined and learned. Creativity & enjoyment is key! https://t.co/DXeEMb738O
Working on it atm! Trying out peer marking from simple criteria, along with modelling editing as a class
Some pupils my never master accuracy (I have my moments!) Creativity not for them? https://t.co/sXv6XIIBa8
A2: accuracy first creativity can come later once structure is solid.
A2 A travesty that the composition element of writing has been all but eradicated in favour of technical drivel
Creative. Give me a story/poem that engages me everytime even if some SPAG errors. Also depends on the objective.
Agreed Sharon, it's important we foster creativity and an ability to think outside box! https://t.co/JcunSuDwvz
Creativity every time. Technical accuracy can be refined and learned. Creativity & enjoyment is key! https://t.co/DXeEMb738O
good excuse for a new visualiser
A3. Interpret the criteria creatively, to reward creativity ;)
Objective is an interesting point. Value in stating a 'skill' objective and a 'creative' objective?
If only the budget would stretch that far 😂
A3 Not so difficult: designing criteria, test grids etc. & using them in 3-fold way: test outline (before), during write + after!
Good idea, have a range of 'experts' depending on skills so creative thinkers could help accurate writers! https://t.co/EQaeRPAuv5
Having "expert" students to support you, those who are concise writers, might help as well.
... And because of this session being so interesting, I have not left it yet ... But at 8.30 my next appointment is due ... Bye!
A1. I think it's important initially to get all the ideas down first & then to look at the word count.
A3 give as many opportunities as possible to write for a real purpose. Test criteria fall into place with high standards
Q4 a good old spelling test.
Weighing the pig? Does a test help improve spelling?
Creativity; if they feel motivated/inspired/encouraged/able to achieve in writing, they will care more about accuracy
teach morphemes and etymology of words.
A4 for some children give them a reason to spell correctly eg blog that can be read by the world, embarrassing if spelt wrongly.
Q4 anyone successfully organised an effective Spelling Bee?
it seems to have worked for many years. Some of the older principal are still applicable
As a teacher I find etymology interesting, but how does it improve spelling?
In an age of spell check does it help reinforce good spelling or make poor spellers complacent? Views?
It might for the test. Not sure it does for anything else. https://t.co/caODgaMvdL
Weighing the pig? Does a test help improve spelling?
A4. I am trying through teaching underlying knowledge of prefix/affix/root/stem words etc.
Spelling needs regular practice-little-often-consolidation. Make it fun-no one learns when bored! https://t.co/dtnEYDBUIn
I don't think it does either. a good iPad game might though... Know of any?
Would be interesting to see if a spelling test improved spelling of unseen words too. Slowly, it might, but not sure.
A really stimulating take exhibition. Thanks to everyone that attended our Twilight event
A2. Creativity every time, technique & accuracy can be learned - creativity is best when pursued freely
I see. Yes, I can see how that might work for many words, but not all.
Q4 there was some tall of looking at spellings in your peripheral vision helping. Not sure if true
Don't want students with poor spelling to be put off creating stories. Create first and help to amend.
Do you feel the classroom is the right environment to promote creative writing?
What person/organisation can come so close to that?
has almost had me arrive late for an appointment.
Such an interesting chat!
Not heard that. One for Google scholar after I think! https://t.co/CmBimR6p7e
Q4 there was some tall of looking at spellings in your peripheral vision helping. Not sure if true
And now ... Bye! Keep the spirit alive. I'll read about it tomorrow morning
What person/organisation can come so close to that?
has almost had me arrive late for an appointment.
Such an interesting chat!
A4 asking yourself 'how did I learn to spell' won't give you the answer for every child in your class
1 weapon in an arsenal, of course. Also trying creating suitable recommended reads, in belief reading improves spelling
Use a list of words to learn over a course of a few weeks. Then they compete in small groups&group winners compete
Is there a Leuven style wellbeing and involvement scale beyond early years? Has anyone adapted for yrs 1-6?
Depends on environment created by the teacher. I have seen some wonderful classrooms full of inspiration. https://t.co/c8fyDFGav6
Do you feel the classroom is the right environment to promote creative writing?
Using train and carriage to explain main and suboridnate cluases.
Absolutely-fear of making mistakes is so debilitating. Get past that and students can achieve anything! https://t.co/UjEt3oIG3f
Don't want students with poor spelling to be put off creating stories. Create first and help to amend.
(2/2)...listen to our chn, think on our feet and simply talk, reflect & 'explore the roads less travelled'.
A5. Sometimes, just talking about language, with passion and almost alarming zeal, is effective for engagement.
I think competition is a good thing to harness. Maybe employ a handicap system akin to golf!
The classroom is the best place to light the fire, but external practitioners can help teachers to keep the fire burning
Peeps.. Please welcome to twittersphere... There's no going back!
We are blessed as English teachers with a rich wealth of excellent stimulus materials to engage all learners!
Do we feel that it is important for teachers to be writers, in whatever capacity that might be? Blog, articles, novelists.
I think it depends on the subject,
'Good' to read is more important than 'easy' to read but, clearly, both are important
Encourage as means for writing to be read and shared. Make writing real rather than an exercise to be assessed!
A6 nothing is as inspiring as a live performance
A4 argument for including etymology:
Spelling it out: is it time English speakers loosened up? https://t.co/hq0VysTyDJ
A4. I think the key is making it fun - this way kids don't even realise their learning
lead in with current/well known song lyrics so they gain confidence with analysis 👍🏻
Y2 used video, animation, role play and them writing the script in teams on paper steps then assembling it this week
Banned self saying "exam" in lessons. Trying to stop perpetuating idea that grades are most important part of learning
- so true, it's about instilling pride & a desire to make it the best they can
Perfect opportunities this week with but also poetry recital competitions across our primary school
Difficult. Depends on the task but I'd w're to accuracy being most important for life-long language use https://t.co/ckGQKE4Dy3
A1. I think it's important initially to get all the ideas down first & then to look at the word count. https://t.co/Jy50l3Aiqp
Saw 'Man and Superman' at the Nation Theatre last year. Superb!
Bring it to life. Poetry, plays and performing arts are not intended to be static-perform it, play it. https://t.co/J0BYK7tXU5
Equally annoying 'but when will I use this exact bit of knowledge' debates.It's just good to learn things https://t.co/Rue4qZgHb8
Banned self saying "exam" in lessons. Trying to stop perpetuating idea that grades are most important part of learning
I think it's important that we model to students the literacy characteristics we demand of them https://t.co/RJvroEQf0L
Do we feel that it is important for teachers to be writers, in whatever capacity that might be? Blog, articles, novelists.
a4 practise, practise, practise! Use wordbanks and do short,, sharp sessions.
We're having so much fun with it. Fancy dress day tomorrow. Need my best Queen Titania outfit ready.
We use this in our English lessons - wealth of material to interest and engage learners. https://t.co/n621H6vlC6
lead in with current/well known song lyrics so they gain confidence with analysis 👍🏻
What makes a child WANT to practise writing?
I write alongside pupils. Member of SLT suggested as behaviour strategy, but also model creative process/editing.
Exactly! When deliver workshops I concentrate on ideas rather than technique that can come later https://t.co/2xAdk6zNG1
Don't want students with poor spelling to be put off creating stories. Create first and help to amend.
a6 bring actors,poets, musicians into school. Read poetry, write poetry. Incorp. music/drama into other areas of curr.
q8 actually wondering whether I have a LOVE of reading. I like a good book, yes.
Make it fun-correct the SPAG of song lyrics, punctuate a sports commentary. Then reinforce frequently https://t.co/LncAx0VOB3
Q8 Equip learners with the skills they will need to access the wonderful world of reading.
I do something similar. Walking the walk with writing is as important as subject knowledge.