A chat that offers middle school teachers a chance to have a collaborative discussion about a different topic each week. Our topics change from week to week, ranging from Common Core State Standards to Character Education. During the chat, participants exchanges ideas and resources. The chat group ranges in size each week from 10 to 50+ participants. Discussion can be general talking about instructional style or process to specific. Recently members of the chat group help each other create lessons.
#mschat Hello All!! Thanks for joining us tonight! Can I get a quick check in and introductions to whomever is on the chat? I am extremely happy to be here with you tonight.
Great topic. Parent of an 8th grader (and 3rd grader) and work for a Connecticut education agency that trains on cultural responsiveness, among many other areas. #mschat
A1 Seeing them as individuals capable of greatness, and doing everything is your power to clear the path on their way. Be their biggest cheerleader and most supportive redirector when they get lost on the way. #mschat
A1: Incorporating texts of underrepresented & traditionally silenced voices. SO important that Ss have access to texts with characters they can identify with. #mschat
We are also working toward more minor incidents than office referral so Ts work with Ss instead of sending to office. Helps build relationship. #mschat
#mschat The intermediate school (SGS) that I currently teach in (Franklin Township NJ) has a focus this year on culturally responsive teaching. We are using the awesome Grapple protocols to work through some important research on the topic and build some action plans!
#mschat The intermediate school (SGS) that I currently teach in (Franklin Township NJ) has a focus this year on culturally responsive teaching. We are using the awesome Grapple protocols to work through some important research on the topic and build some action plans!
A1: my school has been implementing Restorative Justice in order to allow both students and teachers to learn about & understand one another and their various cultures @StephDeLuca16#mschat
Working at a Catholic school, we've undertaken various efforts to feed and clothe people in the inner city. This teaches them that we are responsible for each other #EDLP6160#mschat
A2: An immeasurable amount. Recently, my media specialist & I hosted a social justice in YA luncheon for our Ss. Providing . platform to talk about books that are relevant & mirror Ss' lives is HUGE. #mschat
A2: Having 5 new students since returning from winter break can be stressful but I welcome and have Ss jump right in so the Ss also help and lend a hand to new Ss. Great life skill to be new and to help someone that is new. #mschat
#mschat Q2: This approach made me realize that that above all we MUST be careful of assumptions with our teaching. Our students come from so many different backgrounds and we need to constantly be mindful of that.
A2: It is important to recognize that we all have differences and struggles to deal with. Some wear them on their sleeve more than others. We as Ts need to be aware of and work hard to ensure we are not adding to the stresses of our Ss. #mschat
A2. We must realize that we are cultural beings and we come into our classrooms full of life experience, beliefs and world views. Right or Wrong they impact our pedagogical decisions.
Yes! So phenomenal. Now we're taking next steps to create a social change group. The kids are craving a space to make a difference, & I couldn't be more excited/proud.:) #mschat
Q3. Remember writing that ed philosophy? How does your educational/teaching philosophy reflect your beliefs on cultural responsiveness or cultural competence? #mschat
A3: Everything I do is grounded in the belief that all of my Ss can succeed & that all of their voices deserve to be heard. Building relationships is critical to determining the best way to help Ss share these stories & grow. #mschat
A5: It adds an EXTREMELY undue amount of stress for our students. It emboldens hateful comments about students. It means we have to check in our students more often. It means I (a white dude) need to engage in conversations when someone says something ignorant. #educolor
Been kind of in and out because, well, life, so I’ll combine A1&2: We had a dramatic increase in our already-high poverty rates. Staff learning more about stress, trauma, & effects on learning needs. Implementing PBIS too. #mschat
A5: In most educators remaining "neutral" on an issue rooted in the dehumanization of their students, it stunts genuine teaching/learning relationships. It also teaches a lot of horrific lessons to peers without status anxiety. #EduColor
A3: We are all at different pages in life. We need to be sure to meet our Ss where they're at, and strive together to move them forward. All have potential, and all deserve a change to reach it. #mschat
A3: Also, the belief that even as a T, I am constantly learning & growing! Are my Ss experiencing something I've never heard of or understand? I listen, I learn, I grow. We owe this to our Ss. #mschat
A3: Building relationships with students is key to just about everything in middle school. It's impossible to do so without getting to know our students and showing them that we respect and care about them. #mschat
A3 Teaching should be about empowerment of the student for the betterment of themselves and their positive impact on the community. The culture and community of a building is built one smile, positive comment and encouraging word at a time. #mschat
A3: My masters is in holistic ed, so I very much believe in educating the whole child. Trying to teach a student academics without consideration to their social, emotional, cultural, spiritual, relational needs would be an exercise in futility! #mschat
#mschat Q3: I think it goes back to all students can achieve and making sure we are not lowering our expectations for any child. It is ok to adapt the process but we should never lower what is expected. Kids can and will surprise you if given the right tools.
How do we reach other Ts? Lots & lots of dialogue. Unfortunately, I think it's our duty to convince colleagues that all of our Ss have the ability to succeed. We just might need to be more creative in our approach. #mschat
A3. I believe very much in the writing and reflection upon the personal educational/teaching philosophy. It centers us... It maintains the true North and yet still malleable as you grow in your practice #mschat
If you're referring to Ss, it's about finding an "in" any way possible & not giving up. I find that my most resistant Ss are often trying to test to see which adults will fight for them & for that relationship. #mschat
A3: We are all at different pages in our book of life. We need to be sure to meet our Ss where they're at, and strive together to move them forward. All have potential, and all deserve a chance to reach it. #mschat
A3: Relationships matter and meeting a child where they are& investing in their individual lives, goals, & dreams to help guide them along their path #mschat
It's not easy to stay positive, & I'll be the first to admit there are days when it's tough. But I feel like I owe it to Ss who might not have another advocate in their lives to do so. It's why I love this job.:) #mschat
Q4 What do you believe teacher prep programs should do to prepare pre-service teachers to bring culturally responsive practices and social justice to their classrooms?#mschat
A4: An in-depth examination of diversity (of all kinds) & our own biases as human beings. I was lucky enough to take a class like this as part of my middle level training, & it has been SO influential in shaping who I am as a T. #mschat
A4 Get PS Ts in the classroom as often as possible. I was doing classroom observations every semester. I learned a lot more in those classrooms most days! #mschat
#mschat Q4: Fostering programs such as sheltered instruction or other professional development that helps these teachers understand the importance of their teaching style. Yes, content is important, but so are the habits and skills these kids desperately need to be independent.
A4 My pre-service program had plenty of service learning projects so that we could see how different disciplines could integrate volunteer opportunities in the community #MSchat
A4 they need to require courses on how to build relationships with kids. Courses on poverty and students that grow up in a drug culture. They should also teach courses on behavioral interventions #MSchat
Q4 What do you believe teacher prep programs should do to prepare pre-service teachers to bring culturally responsive practices and social justice to their classrooms?#mschat
A4: Programs need to ensure they are placing their pre-service Ts into places with diverse populations. I know at @CMUniversity we were required to do that, but I'm not sure about other programs. #mschat
A4) Emphasize the importance of building relationships with families of all backgrounds, listening to families and students, and reflecting on the effect of their own cultural identity. #mschat
Q4 What do you believe teacher prep programs should do to prepare pre-service teachers to bring culturally responsive practices and social justice to their classrooms?#mschat
A4: I had college classes that required cross-cultural experiences. Definitely a start. But we also need to learn how to respect and respond to ANY culture other than our own, and that’s more of a character trait than a collection of specific cultural experiences. #mschat
A4 I went to @UMassAmherst a loonnnngggg time ago and we had diversity seminars as requirements to our degree. Covered wide range of issues: racism, LGBT, gender equity, etc. #mschat
A4: I had college classes that required cross-cultural experiences. Definitely a start. But we also need to learn how to respect and respond to ANY culture other than our own, and that’s more of a character trait than a collection of specific cultural experiences. #mschat
Q5 AMLE’s 16 Characteristics of Success Middle Schools calls for curriculum to be challenging, exploratory, integrative and relevant. Identify challenges you have seen/had in your schools to meet the needs for all students.
The challenges are real. I believe a lot of first year teachers are underprepared for the real challenges of teaching PERIOD, and then potentially stretching or draining cultural challenges on top of that...teacher ed must be more than just content area methods courses. #mschat
I miss Norma greatly! The first instructor who greeted me on my first day on campus, and the last one to shake my hand as I got my diploma. She helped mold my teaching. #NormaIsTheBest#mschat
A5: Providing time & space for allowing Ss to explore what they are most passionate about. Also, INTEGRATION of all subjects! So tough to do without teaming or time to devote to it. #mschat
A5 We don’t do enough enrichment and exploration, some of this is a staffing issue and some of it is just creating the time to do so with in our regular school day #MSchat
Oh, I totally agree! We had a lot built into our methods classes as well. But you couldn't complete the program w/out these seminars. Multi-days over 4 wks I think they were. I think it was progressive for the time. #mschat
And our responsibility when a new teacher comes on staff. We are in this together, and we are stronger if we have more good teachers, so we need to invest ourselves in these new teachers. #mschat
A5. many schools are still struggling with what "real world value" means, and how that may, or may not, line up with their current curriculum and standards. Ts have to find a way to make things have "real world value", even if the curriculum does not #mschat
A5: Our school uses an inclusion model for ELL w/out core class support. It can be a challenge for students with incredibly limited English to be in a "regular" core class but tech helps a lot. Google Translate is a huge help! #mschat
A5: I need to work more with the curriculum to ensure I can provide an exploratory experience for every unit. Ss need to drive and create content to what best meets their needs. #mschat
PLEASE?! When CMLACMU had a broomball team, our shirts had "Norma" written on them, but this takes it to a whole other level. Also, FYI as we started this a few years back with Norma: https://t.co/Atdu9VXPkf#mschat
A5: The newer standards are pretty challenging, and it can be hard to meet the needs of all learners so they can all access this already-challenging curriculum. It’s all hands on deck at our school—any staff w/ a free minute have a group to work with! #mschat