#6thchat Archive
#6thchat is used to chat, collaborate, and grow with other sixth grade educators from around the globe. Each session we discuss a topic voted on by #6thchat participants. It's a great way to help grow your PLN and share ideas with others.
Tuesday July 19, 2016 9:00 PM EDT
Hi, Josie from CA. Moving from 7th to 6th. ELA/SS
Welcome to ! So happy to have you here tonight!
Thank you! I'm new to this and excited to build my PLN!
Welcome to ! I am Kristin and teach ELA and SS in a 5/6 school; I will be moderating tonight's chat & am excited to learn from you!
We use the Q1/A1, Q2/A2 format. Please remember to include the hashtag on all answers. Open up images as they include more info!
Leigh Anne 6th grade ELA from Indiana. So thankful for the reminder
Welcome to ! Please introduce yourself, where you teach, what you teach & include goals YOU have 4 next yr! https://t.co/CugFhxeNOF
Question 1 will come up in a few minutes! Still time to join to talk about goal setting!
Welcom Leigh Anne! Glad you are here!
Q1: Thinking about our students: Why is it important to help students set goals in our classrooms? https://t.co/svKboOaAMa
Goals for next yr-incorporate technology to make learning better for my students & to improve my guided reading instruction
I have similar goals. It is important to provide them with new tools to explore their thinking!
A1) I think about a doctor telling me to lose weight & selecting my goal for me; I need to own goal & buy into it or not happening
A1 Goal setting is a tool to help students see where they are going and growth.
A1. Setting goals keeps students focused; lets them know what they are working for.
A1: Wendy from Nj ELA and Reading goals include less paper, digital portfolios, blogging !
Can someone RT question 1? I missed it??
Yes! to and to digital portfolios! Welcome!
Why is it important to help students set goals in our classrooms?
A1 Students need buy and choice in or they just won't do it.
Wendy, we have the same goals
Yes...although many wait for us to tell them what to do; helping them understand "goals" is important so they do buy in.
of thingshttp://ow.ly/oni1302haFe
Yes they need to be taught how to set them ie SMART goals.
A1 Goals need to be relevant for students, not just to say we have "set goals."
Couldn't agree more! RT A1 Goals need to be relevant for students, not just to say we have "set goals."
Yes. And specific and measurable.
A2) Confer w/Ss, share data & discuss strengths; Ask Ss what they think; what imprvemnts they want to make Have Ss talk w/ea. other
A2 often will ask students to list strengths and weaknesses to determine
A1: Ss should know they can take on challenges and achieve them with hard work
Running late ! Be there to jump in soon!
A2. I usually meet with them one-on-one; discuss strengths and weaknesses and devise a plan together.
A2 when I see kids having trouble I ask them about it and then move them to think about a goal from there
Yes, and then use these to to create a path.
Me too; how do folks "record" goals? Just curious https://t.co/AjLSBeWKtP
A2. I usually meet with them one-on-one; discuss strengths and weaknesses and devise a plan together.
we lust them in front of the notebook. It is a section with dates.
Great ideas tonight! Thanks for sharing during !
A3) I like Ss to have one academic goal per subject, one 'habitude" goal & this yr want a "dream big" goal https://t.co/ioUKtnQHMn
I keep it pretty informal and we just write it on paper or sticky note. Would love to hear of other ideas.
A2: quarterly reflections in Google forms. Qs like what are you proud of this quarter? What do you need to work on?
It depends on how private the goals feel for Ss. Some Ss are more open to sharing them on a goal wall https://t.co/cujNUwbYbE
I keep it pretty informal and we just write it on paper or sticky note. Would love to hear of other ideas.
A3. One per subject. I have them set one personal goal and one academic goal per quarter.
Highlighting pride is so important! https://t.co/y5wlbidbxf
A2: quarterly reflections in Google forms. Qs like what are you proud of this quarter? What do you need to work on?
I like the idea of a goal wall. Thank you!
I would think could also be a cool way to collect goals digitally, but I think a wall visual is more tangible
A3 We have quarterly goals based on their self analysis and evaluation of their reading. They keep them in their notebook.
I love the idea of using Google Forms to collect information so you can review it and compare Ss progress
A3: discuss what's most important TO THEM
How is this structured? How do you see the data?
Q4) When writing goals, how can we help Ss develop growth-mindset goals and prevent fixed-mindset ones? https://t.co/PQrBuusrxI
Agree! They must be excited and enthusiastic; and we must coach them to keep pushing harder like an Olympic athlete!
Many of my kid students need a lot of time to make specific goals because self esteem is so low
A4) I spend first few weeks teaching habits & growth mindset while pretests given; then, meet in groups, talk about goals, examples
A4 By tailoring the goals to their needs. Goals can't be one size fits all.
Agree which is why goal setting is both imperative and also time-consuming. Easy to forget goals as we move along our days
A4. We talk about traits and habits in a class meeting setting.
Need to make sure the goal setting is non-threatening, and help Ss see that moving forward is progress
A4 goal setting is married to identity building. https://t.co/8JYSQWAnF9
A4 By tailoring the goals to their needs. Goals can't be one size fits all.
I think it is important for Ss to see our goals as Ts too. I always set a reading goal and they know what it is and hold me to it.
Q5) Which SMART goal acronyms (below)-- do you believe fits the goal-setting process for Ss the best? https://t.co/8quifhqYot
Good point! It's important to let Ss know when we are struggling to meet it, and how we plan to make it work
Absolutely! I agree! Ss love it when we share with them! Makes us human to them.
A5) I prefer a combo: Student specific, Motivating & measurable, Action-oriented, Relevant & results-focused, Time-bound
I think the "action oriented" piece is so important--sometimes "attainable" or "achievable" are hard to grasp for Ss
This is my fav too. Relevant is key! https://t.co/BaijZ4uQ3x
A5) I prefer a combo: Student specific, Motivating & measurable, Action-oriented, Relevant & results-focused, Time-bound
A5 I think the different acronyms fit different types of students. The wording is so crucial.
and action oriented is about action! Who is doing the work? The S goal setter
Q6) Students need control over goals. How do you help Ss retain control & actively work toward goals? https://t.co/EFWQBYSkCz
Yes! I have been thinking about how important the words are when we choose our acronyms; Ss react differently to them
A5. Realistic-something they can realistically attain that "fits" them.
A6) Ss pair-share or meet in goal groups where Ss discuss progress; ask for help from one another; more focus on them, less on me
A6 when I conference I always check up on what the S is doing to meet her goal
A6 This is a good question because I don't feel that I am very good at keeping goals in the forefront.
A6. We keep a running record of goals and try to reflect on them weekly so they stay focused.
I decided goal groups might work better so they are eager to meet and I won't forget! I did this for writing
So they had a goal as a group or you grouped because they had the same goal?
How often do they meet and what is your format? https://t.co/ML0d4LdJ1U
I decided goal groups might work better so they are eager to meet and I won't forget! I did this for writing
Great thinking! Question 6 is out now, number 7 coming up in a few minutes! So happy you are all here!
A6: This year I am going to have Ss create a MP goal and a monthly goal. We are going to meet virtually biweekly to look at goals.
What tool do you use to meet with them virtually?
No, they don't necessarily have same goals although some might; I grouped to achieve balance
I am intrigued by this idea.
Every other week on a Friday (Focus Friday). They reflect first, meet and share ideas, offer supportive ideas/coach
A7) Ask Ss how they can stay motivated: tracking graphs, journals, other Ss can help; Notes home when progress observed (by me /Ss)
I think I kind of like this!
A7 I might start a public share each time a student reaches a goal but I am not sure
I think about "teams" for Olympics & how they high-five ea other, lift ea other up, and we talk about that
A7: Journals is one way. This year I am going to try a google form where they self-assess their work towards the goal.
A7. Ss stay motivated by reflecting. Also celebrating their success is a great motivator for my Ss.
I like it because it takes a little bit of the work off of my plate yet still holds them accountable
I'm going to try this!!! https://t.co/oOoDC5efsT
I think about "teams" for Olympics & how they high-five ea other, lift ea other up, and we talk about that
A7: Goal Buddies! Two or three students working together to hold one another accountable and motivated to work towards their goal.
Exactly. You end up walking around and leaning-in to listen to groups; support them w/their thinking/words
A7 yes! Celebration is so important, not only for goals, but everything!
Great idea! Really like this! I'm going to have to give it a try.
The Olympic medal winners are certainly congratulated and recognized.
I want to have writing groups this year and these goal groups would blend in perfectly.
What writing program do you use? We are just starting Lucy Calkins. I'm always looking for writing resources/ideas.
Yes! I've been thinking about "Writing Circles"
Q8: Brendon Burchard argues SMART goals prevent dream-based goal-setting. Can SMART & DUMB goals co-exist? https://t.co/G4VodvxHTt
What is a writing circle? We use Writesteps as our writing program.
We are starting Lucy Caulkins this fall too! Training is next month.
A8) This yr I want Ss to have a Dream Big goal; it may be an overarching goal & SMART goals help support progress toward meeting it
we use multi aged writing groups and it works so well https://t.co/wo3juF47TJ
Yes! I've been thinking about "Writing Circles"
I wish we did. :( Are you guys middle school or elementary? Time is always a factor for us.
We are a 5/6 with 90 min. ELA blocks.
We are in elementary. We will only have 50 min for writing. Modifications will have to me made.
We are 48 min. periods for both reading and writing. It's tough but we make it work!
A8: yes can co exist! Ask what's your goal for this year? In five years? In ten years? Etc.
A8. I'm not familiar with DUMB goals, but it appears that it would be easy/beneficial to do both.
I should probably dream big too! 😀 https://t.co/yhefMCzAjS
A8: yes can co exist! Ask what's your goal for this year? In five years? In ten years? Etc.
We have 90 min for reading/writing. Never enough time! I need 90 min for each!
Join us Tues 7/26 for a special We welcome Wendy Young to discuss how to work w/challenging Ss https://t.co/WxKolK2btq
Agree...important we get kids to "dream" as many are not doing so or only dream of NFL, etc
Agreed! We have 60 minutes for reading with 50 more for guided reading.
Thank you for joining the tonight! See you next Tuesday, July 26!