Hey... I'm looking forward to co-modding with @Teachinginthe21 tonight on #bcedchat to discuss WELLNESS IN THE FALL.
Christine from Prince George (currently in Burnaby). Math educator, Assistant Professor.
Q1: To sustain ourselves, we need to take care of ourselves. Can you name one thing in which you seek to improve better balance for the sake of your wellness this Fall? #bcedchat
Tess Riley, multi grade (k-7) in a rural school on a dirt road between a Forrest and a lake in #sd27😍 Early literacy, inquiry and outdoor education #bcedchat#biglakelearns
Q1: To sustain ourselves, we need to take care of ourselves. Can you name one thing in which you seek to improve better balance for the sake of your wellness this Fall? #bcedchat
Q1: To sustain ourselves, we need to take care of ourselves. Can you name one thing in which you seek to improve better balance for the sake of your wellness this Fall? #bcedchat
A1 I am to try to say ‘no’ more often and strive for ‘self care’ at least once/week. Wine with friends, walk, etc. Oh, and read something NOT related to education! #bcedchat
#bcedchat A1: I may be a bit of a rebel with this thought. One thing that has a powerful wellness factor is making a positive difference in lives and in the wellness of the earth itself. Too often we think wellness is "me-time". We feel great when helping others too.
Had a rollercoaster week at school. Our amazing Child & Youth Care Worker reminded us that we need to be using the Zones strategies (especially breathing!) Our zone is a huge impact on our kids. #bcedchat
A1: Hello folks! Working on my planning for next week and thus in-and-out. My wife and I have started to get a babysitter and have planning meetings where we map out our schedules for a couple of months. Makes sure we are making time for things that need time. #bcedchat
A1: I’m working on saying no when my plate is full. I can’t do my best work when I am stretched too thin. My colleagues and kids deserve the best at the things I do! #bcedchat
A1 Seek to improve work/life balance:
-do not take work home; disconnect; avoid checking emails after hours
-say "yes" to invitations to engage beyond pro-D related events
-drink (more) water
Q1: To sustain ourselves, we need to take care of ourselves. Can you name one thing in which you seek to improve better balance for the sake of your wellness this Fall? #bcedchat
I'm Rachel Krieger from Fort Collins, Colorado--a prospective English teacher studying at Colorado State University. Looking forward to learning a little more from you experts out there! #bcedchat#EDUC331
Q2: What coping strategies have worked for you before that you continue to apply now for your wellbeing? Remembering that not all coping strategies can be healthy- focus on the positive! #bcedchat
Q2: What coping strategies have worked for you before that you continue to apply now for your wellbeing? Remembering that not all coping strategies can be healthy- focus on the positive! #bcedchat
Will Dunn, crashing from Kansas; HS math. Crashing because all of my new favorite math teachers are from BC, it seems. #bcedchat
Feel free to crash back when I lead #MSmathed chat on Tuesday at 8pm (central time).
They are the nerdiest dates ever and our babysitter, a good friend, makes fun of us for it. Red wine and google calendar :) - romance beyond our dreams when we said "I do." #bcedchat
Q2: What coping strategies have worked for you before that you continue to apply now for your wellbeing? Remembering that not all coping strategies can be healthy- focus on the positive! #bcedchat
Q2: What coping strategies have worked for you before that you continue to apply now for your wellbeing? Remembering that not all coping strategies can be healthy- focus on the positive! #bcedchat
A2. I get up at 5am, have a cup of tea, and go for a swim each morning. I work out a lot of issues during my swim and the swim sets up my day. It also forces me to go to bed at a reasonable hour #bcedchat
Q2: My planner! I use it every day! It helps me reduce stress and anxiety about not only what’s happening at school but before and after. People chuckle when they see how much I have written but it’s my best coping strategy! #bcedchat
Q2: What coping strategies have worked for you before that you continue to apply now for your wellbeing? Remembering that not all coping strategies can be healthy- focus on the positive! #bcedchat
A2 I have a very supportive hubby @craig_mcaulay who lets me spend the weekend in the classroom if that’s what I need. I also try to remember that sometimes things are ‘good enough’ and it will all be fine! #bcedchat
A1: I’ve been going to a 6 am exercise class 2-3 times a week before work. Wakes me up and puts me in a good mood. Wouldn’t happen if I tried after with having a young child #bcedchat
Hope you can come up for our fantastic Pacific Northwest conference in less than a month. Fantastic group of speakers, workshops set in beautiful Whistler BC! #bcedchat
Will Dunn, crashing from Kansas; HS math. Crashing because all of my new favorite math teachers are from BC, it seems. #bcedchat
Feel free to crash back when I lead #MSmathed chat on Tuesday at 8pm (central time).
A2: I have always found having someone to talk things through to be super important for me. My dad was in education so I frequently talked to him when encountering new situations and now my husband is as well, so helpful to talk to someone. #bcedchat
Q2: What coping strategies have worked for you before that you continue to apply now for your wellbeing? Remembering that not all coping strategies can be healthy- focus on the positive! #bcedchat
Glad to see another article in the mainstream media providing an alternative to the overly-simplistic narrative, "I was sad, but then I transitioned and now I'm happy!"
Disappointed they ended up directing readers to trans-affirming groups for support.
@bcedchat A2. Walking & jogging have helped me in past. I walk in all weather. Talking w others going through same thing helps. It would help if school boards wouldn't break class composition rules #bcedchat
A2. I have given total control of my daily schedule to my Admin Asst. She runs my day 100%. This strategy helps me to focus on the content of my day rather than the schedule of my day. #bcedchat
Q2: What coping strategies have worked for you before that you continue to apply now for your wellbeing? Remembering that not all coping strategies can be healthy- focus on the positive! #bcedchat
A2 Visiting 'home' is a coping mechanism for me. My bestie and I head across the border 1-2x/month just to do some shopping or get an @AuntieAnnes pretzel. I can't even describe how much Canada is missing without those up here. #bcedchat
I try and make mornings a priority. Wake up, do a five minute meditation using the 10 percent happier app, make coffee, have breakfast and get ready in peace. I used to get out of the door in 20 minutes, go through drive through and have ‘breakfast’ at my desk.#BCedchat
A1 I know my “rest schedule” is still out of whack - I think I need to add some movement in the morning and maybe a little after the final bell so that I don’t take a pre-dinner nap! #bcedchat
#bcedchat A2: From TOCing, elementary staff rooms are full of teachers being well in conversation and laughter. In secondary school staff rooms are mostly staffed with TOCs at lunch. As a semi-retiree, I like to start my day with a crossword, sudoku and bridge column...
A2: on a more serious note- I am a verbal processor. I have a quick chat with as many people as I can before they leave the building "What was awesome? Is there anything I/we really need to watch for tomorrow?" #bcedchat
A2- finding your tribe. Talking to your tribe. Laughing with your tribe. Learning with your tribe. Being brave with your tribe. Being humbled by your tribe. Growing with your tribe #findyourtribe#BCEdChat
I love early morning work time, it also provides me workout time at work and allows me to leave generally at a decent time afterwards #BCEdChat#earlybirdsareeduawesome
Me too! My mom is a teacher and she always gives the best advice about things in and out of the classroom. She also always has the best education books to send my way. #bcedchat#EDUC331
A2: My well-being strategies at work include taking opportunities to not eat at my desk and enjoy lunch with people not from my floor; time-out to pray (go to Mass); take myself out (for a drive, a movie, etc...); travel w/o radio (silence)
Q3: Self-care is not always a spa day but rather a way to fill your own bucket mentally, spiritually and otherwise. What aspects of self-care are you applying to help you maintain a sense of wellness this Fall? #bcedchat
Q3: Self-care is not always a spa day but rather a way to fill your own bucket mentally, spiritually and otherwise. What aspects of self-care are you applying to help you maintain a sense of wellness this Fall? #bcedchat
#bcedchat A3: Surrounding myself with positive people, church & extended family, doing things together, lots of laughter & joy and then there is the support we offer to one another in times of struggle & need (as well as celebration) are all valuable.
Q3: Self-care is not always a spa day but rather a way to fill your own bucket mentally, spiritually and otherwise. What aspects of self-care are you applying to help you maintain a sense of wellness this Fall? #bcedchat
A3: #bcedchat Sharpen the Saw. I love to read a book (normally non ed. books) for growth and always take time to spend with family. The work will always be there but the kids are growing up. Fam. time is priceless.
Q3: Self-care is not always a spa day but rather a way to fill your own bucket mentally, spiritually and otherwise. What aspects of self-care are you applying to help you maintain a sense of wellness this Fall? #bcedchat
A3: Allowing myself to take a PJ day! Our society seems so concerned about being busy. Sometimes I just hang with my dog, my hubby, a good coffee and Netflix...and don’t apologize for doing nothing! #bcedchat
A3: Everything stops at 4pm in the Fleming household when the family get together for an hour. We have done that ever since the kids were little and it is a great time of re-connecting and checking in with everyone. #bcedchat
#bcedchat A3: I think creative acts are a powerful tool for wellness as well. Gardening and poetry are two of mine. Leisure reading, golf or table tennis. Hiking. Often just working alongside my wife is enough.
Reminding yourself that you are enough and supporting others to do the same. Moving beyond self care to belonging and lifting each other up. Feels good and inspiring to work together #bcedchat
Q3: Self-care is not always a spa day but rather a way to fill your own bucket mentally, spiritually and otherwise. What aspects of self-care are you applying to help you maintain a sense of wellness this Fall? #bcedchat
A3: For me, keeping up with current events in and out of education is a way of filling my bucket. It helps me feel up to date and practically is my version of a spa day. #bcedchat#EDUC331
A3 As many rounds of golf as possible. Science fiction novels. Netflix with the wife before bed. Eating lunch in the staff room and laughing at the absurdities of elementary school with friends and colleagues. Remembering that this an amazing job! #bcedchat
A2 I’m trying to get back to walking on a regular basis. Provides physical health as well as giving me time to think things through that may need extra thinking.
A3 I have tried a different kind of vitamin/supplement this fall that is totally helping! I have also made a ‘date’ with @MaryMonkmanNeto for coffee every Saturday morning at the best coffe shop in Smithers! #bcedchat
A3: Walks with my dog no matter what the weather is. I don’t have my ear buds in when I am with him. Just seems rude to him. It’s helped me be more present as a result. Plus he’s awesome company 🐶💖#BCedchat
A3 I make time every night for my hot tub time. Self care is of great importance at this point for me so there are many things I am going back to and try new. #bcedchat
A3) I’m pushing for Sunday’s to be agenda free in our house. Okay to do what the moment is telling you to do. If it’s watch a show- then watch a show. If it’s go for a walk- then go for a walk. If it’s take a nap- find one of the cats or kids, snuggle, and take a nap. #bcedchat
Love the optimism of remembering how awesome your job is! Sometimes I worry about my future job when I hear only the negative aspects of it. #bcedchat#EDUC331
A3 making new friends. I moved last year and while I miss my old friends I need to be brave and make some new friends. I made a new friend at school the other day and I feel 12 again #mynewfriendlikeswinetoo#BCEdChat
A3: wrt to "filling buckets" I love doing random acts of kindness (as I am so often the victim of such acts at the office: https://t.co/Z41mfNDTEA)
The more you give/love, the more you recieve.
A4 constant demand of admin not respecting your time, you have to say and the staff, in general, need to share jobs, not always the same people #bcedchat
A4- I was a bit of a reality tv junkie. We implemented a screen free September in the house, so I had to model what we said. I have no idea what any of the Real Housewives are doing and I am totally ok with that. #bcedchat (I am watching Survivor after the kids are asleep)
#bcedchat A4: I motivating motto is "A teacher who cares!" This is a positive attitude that affects my behaviour but can have a negative wellness factor when I defer lunch, snack break etc.
A4: The search 4 perfection. I spent 3 days cutting, laminating, recutting *86* prompts. Was not a good balance of time and something older kids could have helped with if they had free time. Kids won’t notice my perfectly straight lines or impeccable laminating! #bcedchat
A4 currently, I feel that my coffee consumption is impeding my ability to self-regulate a bit. I’d genuinely like to find better balance, another, on a more serious note, is that I internalize a lot during the day and feel the need to solve all immediately #BCEdChat
@bcedchat A4. Job requires so much of us now compared to 25yrs ago. Lack of resources. Lunch duty & meetings (all times of day). Hard to say no. Workload just so much. Wheres my time for my health? #bcedchat
Since I'm just a prospective teacher, I have a habit of overthinking or getting nervous when I teach lessons at the middle school where I volunteer. Any advice? #bcedchat#EDUC331
A4: Feels oddly ironic to confess this here but social media presence/twitter activity while it amplifies my work, might impede personal/life balance
Q5: We are faced with challenging aspects of our work in Education. To bridge self-care strategies and coping, how do you make meaning of events or challenges? #bcedchat
A4 Staying late is my habit, although I don’t bring work home, but staying everyday isn’t working so well. I need to pick a “ leave time “ and stick with it.
Q5: We are faced with challenging aspects of our work in Education. To bridge self-care strategies and coping, how do you make meaning of events or challenges? #bcedchat
My issue is more about "staying up late"... doing work and trying to get things done. Can be challenging at times. TIME is an independent variable. #firstworldproblem#bcedchat
A5 practice self-regulation. Know who you are and look at stresses around you. Make sure you get the stem brain involve when you have to make a decison #bcedchat
#bcedchat A5: "Everything works to the good to those who love God and are called according to His purposes", having a big picture view of life & purpose helps me see things in context and not just focus on the moguls of life.
Q5: We are faced with challenging aspects of our work in Education. To bridge self-care strategies and coping, how do you make meaning of events or challenges? #bcedchat
A5 I think it’s really important to have your ‘go-to’ person that you can debrief with. Being able to just vent and/or chat with a colleague is crucial. #bcedchat
We impart the growth mindset on our students, we have to remember it in our own lives as well! Challenges and mistakes are opportunities for growth #bcedchat#EDUC331
A5: Love the meaning-makers I am connected to incl: @GabrielPillay1 and others in #bced who are so generous with their time in answering my questions; listening to concerns; working with me through challenges
A5 time. Time is a powerful tool. Few decisions need to be “snap” decisions - and taking a few breaths can help when making mindful decisions #bcedchat
YEEEESSSS... I so agree. I am so grateful to have a critical friend who I can share things with and get perspective on this situation. REFRAMING helps. Don't make it easier but more manageable. #bcedchat
A5: I have a wonderful husband @BobBobfleming who understands and knows the ebb and flow of the school year. He always talks me down when I take things way too seriously. #bcedchat
@bcedchat A5 sorry. If event is voluntary I say no & dont go. 2014 strike almost bankrupted me. No more extra left in me to give. ProD I make sure I get a good power walk in during lunch break. #bcedchat
A5) I second @sandramcaulay72. I’m an over-analyzer and very chatty; so you can imagine I have a lot to say about math ed. I have my confidant and he hears about everything on my mind- especially school stuff. He’s also a teacher, so he gets it. #bcedchat
A5 I've discovered that I have a couple of people that I can talk to if I need to - about anything. They keep me grounded and my redheaded temper in check. And I try not to respond immediately #bcedchat
So true, @CindyPAndrew1 because I don't just love my work but who I work with and for! I consider my "work" the educators I support, celebrate and serve.
In reply to
@CindyPAndrew1, @bcedchat, @CindyPAndrew1
Everyone is replaceable. And I’ve dealt with many educators passing during school years...someone is always in their role the next day. Not replacing them per se, but.... #bcedchat
A5 Reminding yourself that mistakes are for learning and that people are doing the best they can. Live your values and be kind and compassionate to all and trust that things will work out as they are supposed to #bcedchat
#bcedchat A5: As an example: a friend with MS decided one day, "Lots of people have MS. Why not me?" This was an attitude changer for her and gave me an example that I will never forget to enforce this learning.
A6 my family knows me best and calls me when I’m not at my best - if sick tired sore etc and have ideas for what I can do different to get back in mental/physical alignment #bcedchat
A6: My kids and husband- I like them and want to be around for a long time. Not just around but also present with them during the evenings. I grew up with a workaholic as a role model, I like hard work but try to be more balanced. #bcedchat
A6. Answering this one... MY KID. I love her to bits. It's important to me to take care of me to take care of her. Mentally, physically, and (sadly) financially. LOL. #bcedchat
A5 I spend more time reminding myself not to sweat everything and realize I can only do so much. I spend time breathing and repeating my montra of saying no. #bcedchat
#bcedchat A6: I have a lot of friends who are amazingly active & young in their 80's & 70's that inspire me to stop getting old & to keep growing older instead. Attitude & wellness go together. It is not just about what you do for wellness but about how you choose to feel/think
Agreed. TO WHAT END... as my good friend @Teachinginthe21 has reminded me from time to time. I appreciate that mantra. You can do something, of course, but to what end. #bcedchat
My non teacher partner pushes me to pause and chill, and not try to do everything all the time. Then, rubs in that he’s retired and I’m still working. #bcedchat
A6) Probably my kiddos. They have a refreshing perspective on life; balance is natural, and as adults we tend to ruin it for ourselves in ways that can’t and haven’t (yet). #bcedchat
It's so great to have colleagues and mentors to support us in what we do and who we are. Care is so important to our wellness and how we do our jobs. #bcedchat
A6: I think we all need to remember that this amazing wonderful job does not define us. We need to make self-care a priority because there is so much more to us than teaching! (A mantra to myself!) #bcedchat
A6: Other than the usual suspects, the person who motivates me to be the best version of me is my Ma (who passed away). I am her LEGACY and I want to do her proud. I get to hold her memories and spirit.
Awe. Agreed. I think about my mom everyday. She inspires me to strive to be the best me... or at least humble me to consider what's the best me. I am very thankful. #bcedchat
#bcedchat A7: I have people resources (including many on twitter); my wife and family; our weekly bible study; church family; the Word. Then there are all the 'stories' kept from my life (and the lives of others) who are resources, anchors of learning & perspective giving!
Oh my goodness, @HarMath, your responses on #bcedchat are resonating with me this evening!
Attitude of Gratitude + Glass 1/2 Full + Lemonade Maker is very much my personal mission statement: https://t.co/gt4KKS2AKE
@bcedchat A7 I use SHealth app on phone. Records meals, step counter, heart rate, weight, etc. Started using it 2015. Motivates me to eat right & exercise. Lost 100lbs using it. Kept it off 2+ yrs now. #bcedchat
A7 understanding that I’m not alone in understanding how to make better meaning of my life without defining through one pathway is the quest right now #bcedchat
Great idea - the reason why I “blog each day of learning” is because it took a few years to find one of my dads old journals. Wish he shared more of his thinking’s on education! #bcedchat
I think this is likely better (in moderation) than the 'whine' teachers tend to share with each other about "ain't it awful" and "kids these days..."
Q8: THIS WEEK’S CHALLENGE: What’s one strategy you will commit to starting THIS WEEK that will contribute to your wellness this fall? Let’s check in and reflect on how this goes on THURSDAY, October 4th for a 30 minute #bcedchat at 7pm PST.
Q8: THIS WEEK’S CHALLENGE: What’s one strategy you will commit to starting THIS WEEK that will contribute to your wellness this fall? Let’s check in and reflect on how this goes on THURSDAY, October 4th for a 30 minute #bcedchat at 7pm PST.
We are having a THURSDAY NIGHT #bcedchat challenge. We will pose Q8 as a challenge for this week... and #bcedchat with @JanetChowMSc (this week) will check in with you on Thursday, October 4th at 7pm to 7:30pm to see how it's going. NEW STUFF for #bcedchat
A7 Anything @BreneBrown , Rick Hanson's Resilient, @SabreCherkowski "s book Teacher Wellbeing, Big Potential by Shawn Achor I could go on and on #bcedchat
Please join #bcedchat THIS THURSDAY for a 30 minute check-in on THE CHALLENGE, October 4th at 7pm PST.
What’s one strategy you will commit to starting THIS WEEK that will contribute to your wellness this fall?
Tell us how it goes.
Q8... THE CHALLENGE... is here. #bcedchat will check in with you on THURSDAY, October 4th at 7pm PST for 30 minutes. Let's see how this goes. #wellness
Q8: THIS WEEK’S CHALLENGE: What’s one strategy you will commit to starting THIS WEEK that will contribute to your wellness this fall? Let’s check in and reflect on how this goes on THURSDAY, October 4th for a 30 minute #bcedchat at 7pm PST.