#digitaledchat Archive
#digitaledchat is a global twitter chat that covers almost everything and anything to do with modern learning, educational technology and learning spaces. Contributors are often from all over the world and new participants are always welcome to take part!
Monday May 23, 2016 5:00 AM EDT
Welcome to this Monday's chat. Number 1, 2 and 3 rules, have fun, get involved and be nice. https://t.co/AiHvyn22bl
Good evening . Looking forward to this topic :)
Welcome as always Michael, value your insight!
Evening everyone! James here. Year 11 student from in New Zealand. Ready to bring some tonight
A very cold and rainy hello from Melbourne this evening!
Great comments over the weekend and welcome!
Great comments over the weekend and welcome!
Myles, DP/Classroom teacher from Kapuni, South Taranaki - @ Auroa School,
You'd be one of the few, I think....
Ditto for AKL, winter is here! Welcome as always!
But well made all the same!
now now... crew value your insights too!!
Sci & Bio teacher at Howick College watching...
Feel free to jump in, Steph, all equal here and welcome.
Hello! I'm ab Ed researcher and HE teacher from the UK, first time looking in on !
Hey team! looking forward to this chat' great topic
Welcome Siobhan, always value POVs from another country!
Welcome Siobhan, always value POVs from another country!
Hi from chilly Invercargill
Hi Caroline from Melbourne. Hopefully my internet connection will be more cooperative than last night 🙏🏻
Welcome as always, snowing down south yet is it?
Welcome as always, snowing down south yet is it?
This will hopefully warm you up!
Welcome Caroline, always value your contributions!
A1: Numeracy in our school means just as much as every other subject. Fun, engaging & productive learning for all to enjoy.
A1 - imo it is solving problems using a tool from a toolbox, problem could be across contexts
0Hello! I'm ab Ed researcher and HE teacher from the UK, first time looking in on !
not snowing just lovely rain and rain and more rain haha!
Ah, true. I was thinking more along the lines of the people I work with in real life...
Welcome, jump in when-ever!
Hi, Anna here. Excellent topic - was just planning my Math lesson for tomorrow and wondering how to incorporate tech.
If this is winter, I'm in paradise :)
Great post James, numeracy can be perceived and received multiple of ways! A1
Hi All - Rachel from Australia - gorgeous weather here. A1 As the schools Numeracy teacher - it means my job.
Had to be nice somewhere! Welcome as always Rachel.
A1 - for my school - Number, and number operations, JAM, GLOSS, IKAN, etc
A1 Numeracy at my school is very hands on but still very pencil/paper - not a lot of tech integration
Made it, but late as usual!
A1 numeric at our school is Ss developing their knowledge & understanding of numbers and how they are used in life
A1: It means to give Ss meaningful experiences that comply with Board of Studies, but also that follow PYP inquiry/transdiscp
A1 for me - being able to understand numbers, their relationships and their applications in the real world.
A1 In our school, it has to be a school-wide undertaking, critical skill in and out of the classroom.
A1 In our school, it has to be a school-wide undertaking, critical skill in and out of the classroom.
Yes not PATS? We switched to NZCER last year and did them online, rather partial to them...
No way you're in time for Q1, Welcome Kendall!
why do you think there is not as much tech intergration?
Why Myles, we do e-asTTle instead of PATs.
Hi Patyricia from AKL, NZ here
I've only heard of PATS (my last school didn't even do JAM or GLOSS, but not in a good way)
A1 - I define Numeracy as being numerate ie. using numbers and Mathematics as all things maths - area, vol, length, etc.
Welcome as always Patricia, great to have you on deck!
Welcome as always Patricia, great to have you on deck!
Good evening ! Sorry I'm late - trying to fit in some planning.
A1 Problem solving and real life contexts are a big part of our Numeracy program
Like the idea of using the numbers!
not for want of trying but for lack of resources unfortunately!
Why indeed? (how much of that math do we, as adults, use in our lives?)
any particular reason why they wouldn't?
thank you. Geared up to learn!
and hours in a school day.. Just need a few more
Stop being so humble and to lead!
I must admit I do find myself justifying some random concepts within the curriculum!
They had their own assessments - which were not really helpful, and didn't even align with curriculum
an AWESOME answer from a great leaner at a wonderful school well done and CONGRATULATIONS james students staff
thanks hope to contribute being a language teacher I don't do much maths, but incorporate some numeracy
I've used e-asTTLe before like it as a platform but we're a PAT School that was working paper
A2 Mathematics is a language that helps describe our world. This language allows us to do many things if we understand it
a1: numeracy in our school has a stigma of fear for the students. We're working against it, and will overcome!
like literacy/info literacy its a joy in, familiarity, adeptness at numbers, equations, representational logic
I'm an English teacher but see the need for numeracy even in my subject. We've got experts on deck tonight!
A1 Unfortunately in many priamry schools digital maths means Mathletics while anything truelly digital is ICT.
was the assessment used to inform teaching or just done for doing assessments
A1: it's all about student thinking and relatability. WHY did you use that strategy? HOW do we apply this in every day life?
Welcome Amanda and to my Year 9 and 10 life as a student!
Great way of wording it! https://t.co/cyOK64WcPz
A2 Mathematics is a language that helps describe our world. This language allows us to do many things if we understand it
numeracy is in everything
Oh the assessment informed the teaching. Everyone taught to the test. Wasn't effective.
A1: Numeracy to us is manipulate concret materials to make sense of number
A1 this term numeracy is our focus for our priority learners - Place Value, Num Strats, Prob Solving, Patterns, & Basic Facts
Awesome post Fiona, why and how, so key for our students, can't be non-authentic learning IMO.
A2 Numeracy is one of 2 or 3 basic skills 3Rs, its a geat leap forward as a student, school and species, logic
Great comment, needs to personalised doesn't it?
Great point. Often we prep lessons with our own outcomes in mind rather than what the Ss need
Nice Tony and welcome but so overlooked today by Ts and Ss IMO.
A2: perhaps because so many avoid explicitly becoming numerate. Me included! I think empowering Ss to manage numeracy vital
A2: It involves SO many skills: communication, problem-solving, research, critical thinking to name a mere few.
Exactly, numbers mean absolutely nothing on their own. Need to have a context.
A2 Numeracy - strong links to problem solving which is an essential skill in all learning areas
A1 All girls -it's making sure they have confidence in their mathematical ability across all subjects https://t.co/C1q1lrWHiZ
Sad but true and welcome!
it certainly does! Abstract is too far removed for some ss
It's amazing how many people have raised the fear or low confidence issue already!
It's amazing how many people have raised the fear or low confidence issue already!
A2 (Ideally) numeracy provides a set of skills that help us make sense of the world around us
A2: Why are people thinking it's not a key focus? Really? Every subject at school is sentimental & you need to cherish that.
I need to see it to understand it!
Im looking at some of the questions and going.... hmmm... not sure if I can answer that! Brilliant!
Numeracy is language of symbols, representations, signs a powerful universal signifier that 'proves' science
A2. If you can't do the basics you can't proceed. You can't work out area without X, you can't work out cost without + and -
Indeed! Very important. Story telling with materials!
Lots of these skills r needed across disciplines~multidisciplinary learning could be a component in numeracy
It's far removed from all of us. But some can put it in context. It's about being shown how, I think
Nice James, I think there's a lot of fear and misunderstanding around Numeracy and its value.
Hello - I have eventually got broadband back so can join you!
My Ss really struggle with explaining how they solved problems
A2 lwhat said before it's a language that helps us describe/understand our world we live in and how it works
My Year 12 used sport contexts understood straight away!
A1 Numeracy is life! (I don't have a school so I operate in my own school. Maths for ever!!
Can anyone actually show me 1+1 without putting it into some sort of context? 1 what?
Yeah! Welcome as always Danille, nice to be on fastnet again!
A2 Because some Ss are a bit scared of it & we don't have a good score in PISA. Did I just say that? https://t.co/Xoh8hWHDx3
The world is your school! Welcome friend.
So many Ss saying "I don't need to know this". We need to show them its value from the start!
Numeracy is the language of science, underpins art, love, joy, music, relationships, harmony, reciprocity etal
fully agree would make it so much better haha!
You'd be surprised the high level of math some sports fan can do (think baseball and SABERmetrics)
Thank you!I thought I missed it but am so happy to see u guys and get to catch up a little ; )
& people maybe don't realize how vital these subjects are. Maybe people haven't unlocked it's full potential?
Whatever makes them tick. Out task is to find out their currency
A2:just did a PL session on TS section of lessons on analysing trends in data wonderful to see health math sci teams collab
Like language, numeracy is part of everything, be hard to get by w'out at least basic numeracy https://t.co/0cNnKvv3PO
A2: perhaps because so many avoid explicitly becoming numerate. Me included! I think empowering Ss to manage numeracy vital
The real circle of life ;)
I think when it's learnt as a skill over a means to pass a test, there's more buy-in maybe? A2
That's when children become disengaged!
Nice...again. They tend to see it as a subject not a context.
A2 Numeracy is the most important leg of learning, it is essential for science, life, work, economy, civics,
Yes exactly.Many of my Ss do not see relevance of numeracy literacy in real - life application
Personal finance, look at our finance interest, people being preyed on!
A2 numeracy allows us to understand why the world works it is integral to basic human function
Oh! We are entertainers aren't we!?
agree links and puts so much together. Foundation stones
I agree and then when they need numeracy, it's too late for them financially.
I think we often forget that we need to teach this! Model and scaffold! It is another language after all :)
Oh, no. That's exactly what I meant - we don't use a lot of what we HAVE to learn
That's why I loved the movie Moneyball
Hey guys - I'm not a teacher but work in schools - this is an interesting chat! Have you heard of - legends!
A2: Think how many parents tell their kids how bad they were at Math. Needs real world link for them to understand.
A2 Numeracy is the driver of all technology, all music, all science without it we are merely sounding bells
Love this! If we see maths as boring/bad Ss will see it like this. Can be fun/eyeopening/interesting https://t.co/lotoIMMS8a
A2 Mathematics is a language that helps describe our world. This language allows us to do many things if we understand it
I have literally today scrapped my textboook for REAL maths using a packet of wrapped lollies to find weight, cost, area, etc
Welcome and feel free to elaborate!
I know you & I know that. But parents/politicians don't get it-shouldn't AUS/NZ be more like Taiwan? or Korea?
Hi all. Glad to join you tonight. Sorry I'm a bit late.
The book explains a lot of the other points of what those guys did, but many beyond me
Well put. Need to be owned and understood by them in their own contexts!
A2: Maybe still a focus as results haven't improved a great deal.
A3 Ideal world..everyone in reality it's teachers and SOME parents
A2 Being numerate is just as important as being literate. Life skills
A2 Numeracy brings order, understanding meaning - NUMERACY makes data into info into knowledge into wisdom etc
No worries Ben! Jump in my friend, I'm learning here, that's for sure!
a3:everybody needs to commit leadership needs to demonstrate our Sci elearning math literacy leaders all organise numeracy PL
A3 Teachers, whanau, community - with whanau/community onboard it can provide a more authentic context
A3 We are responsible for fostering positive student attitudes towards numeracy through the way in which we teach it
But I think it can also give freedom, in my DP role, huge numeracy element- budgets etc.
A3 Every T in highschool has a specific part to ensure they teach numeracy. Maths Ts have a specialty https://t.co/s1ee81z0nb
Are you going to introduce yourself and use the tag?
A3 In an ideal world - the learner is responsible - learn what one needs to to survive/thrive, meet goals, desires and wants
A3 all parents, whanau, communities, people, teachers and businesses are responsible for teaching Numeracy imo
A3 Every teacher is - Art, Science, PE, Maths everyone needs it in everything they do.
Can this cause problems though, the wrong type of parental involvement?
For sure we assume if they can solve it they know how they did it
I need to do more of this!
A3: Tell me if I'm wrong, I don't think it's up to one certain person to teach this. It's a communal skill in the end.
Amazing some Ss "hate" numeracy but know every stat about their sports team!
A3 We give context, authentic experiences & learning opportunities. A lot of my parents don't get maths, hated it at school
A3 an issue is that some parents intentions are great but their pedagogy is 1870s and they do damage. Harness the enthusiasm
Numerate! Now there's a word I rarely hear...
YESSS! So important to :)
Need to break the damaging transfer of this POV eh?
A3 It takes a village to educate a child but a world to raise one to the power of ten - civilizations numeracy
I don't think you're wrong... fwiw
Q3: All subject teachers can inject or highlight an aspect relevant to their own disciplines. Be creative.
Sorry in a cheeky mood tonight. :-) Just tired of being compared to something we are not & don't want to be.
doing stats investigations learning 2 use different graphs recording writing conclusions
haha just tweeted something like that. How to harness the enthusiasm but actually make it helpful!
That's my son! https://t.co/4SjjxVtQOU
Amazing some Ss "hate" numeracy but know every stat about their sports team!
Nice Tony, students get surprised when I point that Google etc are a form of Maths business.
A3 I am responsible for teaching NUMERACY in every experiment, inquiry, investigation in every Lab, class, day
exactly and they are learning off each other rather than teacher student. Every week we do one
A3 All of us. Just as we are all responsible for teaching all the important things
A3 it is so integral to success in our society, should be everyone -starting from counting steps through to HS & beyond
That and any of the freakonomic books are awesome ways to look at math/stats
That was me with Eng soccer, is now with digital stats for my school, I love tech Maths! LOL
LOL! No one made the link for them!
Hadn't thought about it that way. Really like it 😊
I've never liked maths since high school and a particular maths teacher
deff! Student led conferences the parents see how passionate the kids are and show strategies they learning
Nice Lisa, if Ss see all ages' relevance, ensures continuity and momentum!
I was lucky, failed Year 10 Maths then nailed Year 11 and 12 because of one great teacher! One makes a difference.
And doesn't that reflect the engagement level. Numeracy has to be relevant or else there is no desire or passion for it.
I had a horrible one in uni (differential equations), but luckily had lots of awesome ones for years before
such a problem! Building a positive attitude towards numeracy in the early years is vital
A3: I love how my 7yr old girl tells people that her favourite subject is Math - like she's meant to not like it. 😄😄😄
like there love for algorithms and how they teach them :/
I'm starting to come around to the idea that this is relevant in all contexts for Ss
Good point.History Trs can teach origins and evolution of numeracy as well. Makes for a fun & interesting class
Yeah! Maybe it's because sports are seen as cool by students, while numeracy is school-linked.
Just planning a lesson on sex ethics... lots of numbers about statistics etc...
I left in 4th form because of her, did a trade and nailed high end calculations then into teaching later
A3 Maths is not subject, object, SILO Maths is to figure time space relationships MATHS is MEANING in SYMBOLS
It is important that we get Ss to understand it. Too many are passive learners
it's like 85 % of my whole classes fav subject is maths. I was completely opposite. I hated it now love!
Trains Ss to see patterns and make meaningful connections as well.
Great point, other teachers must support the need for numeracy e.g. today in a design class, Maths impt!
Yes. It's almost a badge of honour
Exactly - that is what my program MathsNMovemet is all about - use PE to make maths fun so Ss love it!
Yes! Patterns make it easier and more fun
love it! What were they doing
A3: Maybe not so much teaching as making connections to and appreciating - we can all do that by naturally integrating.
That's exactly how I see my job these days. Management, however...
A4: Problem solving and using it as a resource to help with learning
isn't it our job to make it relevant and engaging, not less than sports
That's what we do when teaching the writing of Chinese characters heaps of maths concepts there https://t.co/e9BSa13dV6
Trains Ss to see patterns and make meaningful connections as well.
Maybe there needs to be a close look at the whole 'subject' set up. All things are interrelated.
And parents! Super important that they give Ss productive msg's about maths learning
Nice, when we see numeracy as a key PS component, it become very valuable.
To me maths is all about patterns
a4:we just had this discussion at school re:mobile phones as calculators
A4 Allows more collaboration (shared documents), sharing (vids, pics), quicker ways of solving problems (Calculators),
Really pertinent point. Subjects are only in the second half of the NZC.
but you teach it so well now! It's because you are a learner too asking with them
Digital tech boosts engagement, allows for real variety in medium, can do things that aren't conceivable without dig
Our students love using their phones but hate using calculators...hmmm! A4
Our students love using their phones but hate using calculators...hmmm! A4
Wow yes thanks ~ I will look it up sounds v interesting!
History and Language are my passions.
So many places. Peer pressure, media, parent/friends attitudes, etc poor teaching
A4:using xcel has become a necessary skill in some work forces
Also allows more engagement and personalisation in my opinion e.g. scratch etc.
Also allows more engagement and personalisation in my opinion e.g. scratch etc.
A4 All Learning, literate literacy or Literal IS DIGITAL, analogue like wax cylinders, acetate, tapes are DEAD
A4 it makes it now for Ss they can't build in Minecraft without maths skills.
Totally. Learning doesn't happen in isolation. Maths is powerfully understood when made meaningful
A4: Provides them for opport. for repetition that ts can not afford in class
It's a good point you make. It's not about numeracy, it's knowing the application!
It's ironic that this Twitter chat on numeracy is stopping me from
Young ones ask SO MANY questions. We shd encourage & help them discover their world, teach math as neccesary
haha I'm getting better! My love for fractions have grown dramatically
the new growth area? I've become a huge fan of analytics, Maths that matters and you can see!
A4: It enables Ss to use current tech but still learn the same core skills. Keeping up with the new trends, same learning.
A4 Digital is now, Digital Lives, Digital remains, Digital is GOOD (pace GG fans be still) Digital like DNA IS
. UK numeracy curriculum lots of calculations no time to teach what maths does in world
Basic spreadsheeting is a great skill https://t.co/PQ8HhHWMjp
A4:using xcel has become a necessary skill in some work forces
It's ironic that this Twitter chat is stopping me from planning my math lesson for tomorrow.
giving them the skills/ tools
A4 The digital aspect can definitely work in favour for disengaged learners - spark the interest once again
Starts with our attitude (growth mindset). 1 step at a time Show math as useful
A4 Gets Ss involved and is relevant. So much of our maths is digital now
Yes their phone r always fully charged but they don't have batteries in their calculators !
A4 - your S who didn’t recognise her own wtg when you typed it up-“Wow, who wrote that!!?” She cld see her ideas.
Boom! And there it is! Awesome comment. Don't Kindergartens already do this?
I agree, I use Google Sheets extensive in my leadership role,same with Google Forms, Numeracy-key tool for me.
What are you looking for, for your lesson Anna?
and context and make connection to real life events
A4 My kids, my students my self are all and evermore shall be will be ARE Digital - Carbon based resources DIE
LOL! So true and they'll never loose their phone!
I found that so frustrating when I taught in the UK.
A4b Also great opportunities for Ss to learn at their own pace
Me too! I luv anything https://t.co/ZZpR745bnb
I agree, I use Google Sheets extensive in my leadership role,same with Google Forms, Numeracy-key tool for me.
I tell my Ss they don't know what cool is... (they really don't)
I have responsibility to teach S to be tech literate I would be a hypocrite not showing S how & when to use it
How do students own the numeracy then and embed or don;t they?
We are covering length - all hands on tomorrow. :)
A4. Ss use maths everytime they play - Candycrush - patterns, Minecraft-building, tip/tag - speed and distance. They need it
Haha ! It's a contructive distraction. They will forgive you ;p
Increasingly I think all Ts need to teach Ss tech literacy and numeracy, it's beyond a subject now!
Cool! Chinese number system is useful tool for understanding place value.
Not sure. When they get to me, it is harder (not impossible) to get them to ask though. Am trying
A4 Deliver ALL your Resources, all your learning, all yor lessons DIGITALLY or they die unread in bag bin bits
I think a lot of the cool factor of numeracy or otherwise is to do with the packaging?
What sorts of tech tools do you find most effective?
Not doing it very well! Mostly distracted from both! (Also by !) https://t.co/dAZo4OAx8C
I feel like simply participating in this twitter chat is multitasking! You are NEXT level!
That was an amazing moment. She was so proud when she realised it was her writing!
Many languages (Maori, too!)
But so many Ts don't realise it
A4: Go digital to document those wonderful hands-on experiences, record Ss thinking, assessment! is great!
A4 Kids these days live in a digital world. Teaching num'acy through digital is more authentic for them, an easier buy in
Tech in class is gr8 but there's always 1 off task https://t.co/bOzFg7zudM
I have responsibility to teach S to be tech literate I would be a hypocrite not showing S how & when to use it
Most definitely! Let's be honest some of the curric is dry & boring-we've got to make it exciting!
. I loved diff equations at uni! I'm qual sociologist now so don't do maths, making me miss it!
A5 Students often focus on tool not the task - or just want to play games
We have digital citizenship, students call Google sessions, same with numeracy, needs wow factor
A4 why read when DIGITAL speaks to me, why write when DIGITAL talks with me, why listen when DIGITAL shows me?
A4:Snip is a tool to make numeracy learning visible S can talk thru solving a problem
cool line of this chat, once we link to real life and history.
A5 when it simply replaces worksheets with digital worksheets. nation
A5. Back to the teacher on this one. If digital is well planned then there's no issue. Bad planning. Poor results.
A5 when the digital does not focus on learning or practise of learning. Digital for the sake of it
Gr8 idea blending tangible with digital https://t.co/fPq6EfS5aZ
And so enters wrapped lollies. How long can you tear a mintie wrapper? And you friends-graph it
Grade 3. I love teaching math. So much fun.
Devils’Advocate would say there always is when you are dong pen and paper worksheets too!
That's true. We use that skill so much in later life.
Math History - prob should be taught in schools
Just like the $1000 pencil! Our top Year 9s did a wevideo movie premiere on measurement! Very cool.
A5: "My Facebook tabs were already open", "I was just closing my game I had open from lunchtime". Off task could be issues.
A5 when our teachers fail to learn new languages, coding and technology and lumber on unaware comfortably numb
Done. Multi tasked. Now have three hands on activities.
It's not the tool that's the problem now, is it?
And don't get enough time making maths with concrete materials https://t.co/uUVVcFCKqn
A5 Students often focus on tool not the task - or just want to play games
Does that impede or is it just a continuation of the monotony?
But it's making you smarter for your students! LOL.
A5: It can't! When used authentically of course...
A5 digital for the sake of digital is pointless.T is responsible for making it meaningful & relevant https://t.co/ayh97Yn6dr
A5 when the digital does not focus on learning or practise of learning. Digital for the sake of it
A5: easier to get sidetracked. Strong temptation to go online quietly flying under radar
A5 when gamification, holodecks & spray on monitors lag behind the digital dreams of our 21st Century mokopuna
Can impede their ownership and then contextualisation maybe?
A5 Lack of hands-on activity, esp. for practical aspects such as measurement and geometry, hard to theorise from a 2D screen
Q5:Digital may hinder self-discovery.S needs to be trained 2 independently process and not look for model ans.
Must watch for all maths teachers - The Story of Maths
They outsmart me any day. I'm only at monosyllabic level.
Research shows that to learn math your brain needs to put pen to paper to solve complex mathematical problems.
I think the onset of VR could transform the learning of students and probably teachers!
Yeah, we try to use the tech to increase that. Take pictures or videos of materials, instead of writing, helps share
A when the digital divide gapes & those we consign to cars, caravans and garages don't get the call to techno
A5: When the word "digital" & "online" comes into play, temptations & boundaries come up along the way. Eliminate them!
A5: need to balance digital w/ hands on, individual w/ collaborative, etc. Learning must be balanced.
a4 dig = +engagement. Allows4ready personalisation&tasks that would be impossible irl Allows relevant problem solving too
A5 When they use a calcualtor and can't see that 345 - 120 can't be 465 cause they pressed + not -.
Nice share. I loved The Big Short, great movie about financial numeracy, real-life learning and application!
A5 when digital costs outweigh benefits and techno missionaries go for the quick buck on another generation's
Any teachers looked at their tablet or checked FB or tweets or had theses pop up during class? https://t.co/sghERf1IfB
A5: easier to get sidetracked. Strong temptation to go online quietly flying under radar
it's like numeracy proofreading!
Late but here now! Apologies
A5: By sticking them on a game without context, or replacing something without that same context. Pointless.
A5 I think particularly with younger learners dig can be too abstract and manipulatives still have a role to play.
Our Maths Department hasn't bought one text book this year. They want Ss to own the learning.
But there is a lesson in that mistake. Just need to learn it than the calculator becomes a powerful tool
“My pencil is broken.” “I have to go to the toilet.” “I can’t find my writing/maths book/worksheet ;-)
No worries always welcome!
Yes we replace hard copies with soft copy worksheets and think that it is progress ;p
That's where you add gummi bears!
I mean temptations as in facebook/games etc. Boundaries, internet connection. Pen/paper doesn't need wifi...
. Ss learn a calculation but if in different format/context are lost-v sad
Or with my boys, stories or food, then Maths becomes real to them!
A5 How can writing impede oral language? How can books freeze words, whakapapa, possibilities? then so digital
Great point, transferability of numeracy needs to be learnt too!
it is quite interesting really the amount of excuses as such that Ss have for being off task!
A5:lame math games that engage students because the level is easy enough to be competitive no real life application
Amazing story of the power of Maths but also how the power can destroy!
Too many don't go further though
A5 Digital impedes sleep, processing dreaming DIGITAL leaves eyes YOUTUBED out, Instant fixes, fast twitches
Important to figure out the real reason (task not engaging enough, bad day at home, etc)
A5:only use it if it adds to understanding no square in a circle hole
Yes! maybe we are not giving them a broad enough context to learn maths
Even older kids like to be kinesthetic with Math - we often forget that and expect abstract all the time.
Hence the need for balance I believe, students must consume and produce numeracy.
Hence the need for balance I believe, students must consume and produce numeracy.
yes! Tech is a tool used for enhancing learning and teaching! Not the end result!
I'm a big GBL fan, created a digital adventure for my Ss and it was numeracy and language based https://t.co/JhG4fRzTws
A5 when gamification, holodecks & spray on monitors lag behind the digital dreams of our 21st Century mokopuna
A5 DIGITAL as PISA shows and NZ discovers too late does NOT equal rising national, local, school NCEA results
Good point or maybe not locally relevant enough?
A6- I don't think you can narrow down & tools should keep changing as ss develop. The tools need to adapt & develop too!
A6 Any digital tool that encourages Ss to share and discuss real life problems would be a fantastic use of technology in math
for sure. You may never know the full story. I wonder why tasks might be not engaging enough?
A5 We have had a lot of success with Mathletics, but as a BT I couldn't say it was the BEST tool
A6: There is no best tool. They all have a support role to play and it is very much dependent on context and connection.
A6: For primary has to be
Nicde Steph, For numeracy and beyond the adaptability is key, must be learnt as life-long relevant task.
And projecting a PDF of the textbook on a whiteboard does not make it digital learning : )
A6 Levelling up gaming designed by teachers and created by gamers for NZ maths. My dream..
too easy, too hard, not interesting/relevant, etc
If we are brave enough, ask the students - they’ll tell you!
Others would sadly disagree with you. I won't!
. science/tech/eng/math shortage in UK
Ss learn calculations nt love 4 math
A6: I think that for some schools, just even bringing digital into numeracy would be a useful tool. Take the first steps!
is on here - it has to be Matific : )
A5 DIGITAL impedes: as Water impedes Land, as Land impedes Wind, as Wind impedes the Clouds - Let INFO flow to
I have been lately. Hard to get a "why" when they're bored though.
It is great to support classroom work. Fun as well
A6 yes too many to mention but the suite are a good start all based on numeracy concepts
Same here, Schools should promote numeracy need a lot more for Ts and Ss.
A6 Doesn't matter what the digital tool is - it's how the teacher utilises it to enhance the learning experience
We all need concrete in the early stages even if it's drawing
We use a shared slide to do all of our problem solving. Makes sharing very easy
This is a great example of how Numeracy can be transformed into something valued and embraced by students.
At the time,no! I’ve had gd success bribing them with chocolate over a lunchtime ‘chat.’ lol
A6. The basic calculator makes is digital for some Ss
Gr8 collaborative tool https://t.co/8hQylaAI4y
We use a shared slide to do all of our problem solving. Makes sharing very easy
I don't often advocate specific products but Id recommend sumdog and its free
Great point Joanna, a tradesperson is valued by the quality of their tools.
Tools like that changed the "reputation' of maths
With practice, mine are getting better at reflecting on such things sans chocolat
A6: is brilliant for formative assessment to identify misconceptions also good for EAL students to talk thru solutions
My Year 11s discovered Chrome omnibox is a calculator in Eng, now numeracy is more cool to them!
My Year 11s discovered Chrome omnibox is a calculator in Eng, now numeracy is more cool to them!
A6 the best digital tool is the one that meets the needs of the students, and is accessible
A6pedagogy shd drive the tool there isn't1magic bullet 4 gamification& personalising Twitter4 rl meaningful tasks
sorry have to run. Thanks guys for an engaging chat! Is this every fortnight?
Excellent point :)
Tech is never a T replacement, but is there to help teaching & learning be more effective
Yep! Presented it at and will be at
Great point, must be fit for purpose otherwise students will just get confused IMO and unimpressed!
A6.Once I get through lolly maths and other fun stuff for basic understanding I am going to start coding in my Maths time
Great stuff Michael, off to Denver well done!
absolutely! But it's easier (read lazier) to go full abstract. (Insert eye roll here)
I'm pretty sure it's every week but I tend to not notice these things carefully
A6: office mix with a quiz embedded in the analytics were brilliant to inform my teaching
Nice Patricia, when I talk to students about analytics, it's cool, say numeracy, the yawn, all about PR to some.
Thanks! But not Boulder... (Growth mindsetting that one)
Cheers to for a great tonight. Really enjoyed bringing & hope others liked it too! Until next time!
A6 Wearable, robotic, digital enhancements, mergers from digital devices to humans, uploading memories, AI for all, AuR too
A5 need to make sure that if a student has low digital literacy this doesn't stop then learning numeracy (or anything else!)
Much appreciated, you are the key stakeholders after all. Nice work!
Cheers everybody. Have a great week.
Have just started trying to wrap my head around a lot of these things. So many cool ideas!
Thanks everyone!. Talk about multi-talking (that was a predictive correction that fits better than multitasking!)