TNedchat is a way for educators in Tennessee to share thoughts, resources, and information. The weekly chat is moderated by Jessica Warner (@jessawarner) and Samantha Bates (@sjsbates).
HI, #TnEdChat! Julie and Greg are down in Orlando at #FETC so I'll be sending out the the Qs for this "snow day" chat. My twitter banner tells a lot about me. I LOVE adding creativity to all things that I do!
Good evening! I’m Courtney and I teach middle school ELA in Manchester! This Bitmoji is an accurate depiction of what I’ve been doing on this “Snow Day” 😂 #TnEdChat
A1: My best definition of creativity is making something new out of ordinary materials or ideas. We all look at tasks in our own way. I try to let students add their own take on a task. Sometimes this brings out some pretty amazing work. #tnedchat
A1. Creativity in the classroom to me means that the S has a vested interest in how and why they want to learn. Their voice determines the creativity to be gained. #TNEDchat
A1 creativity is the realization of what is in one’s imagination. Creativity is taking oneself and adding it to the building of a representation. #tnedchat
A1: creativity varies by teacher & learner and should be a starting point to change pedagogy & engage learners while thinking outside your box to grow learners #tnedchat
Creativity in education is delivering the content in a new, innovative way! Anything that makes the learning exciting and fresh is creative in my opinion! #TNEdChat
A1 Creativity is present when the students and adults know they can try things without a fear of "getting in trouble" for failure. Alot of what we do in TN makes that difficult but if you are part of #teamdisruption, then you do it anyways #tnedchat
A1: I define creativity as a willingness to try new and different things in our classrooms. I think there is a misconception that you're either creative or you're not. It's when we're willing to do things beyond the norm that creativity truly comes to life!
A1: I think incorporating anything hands on in my lessons allows Ss to be creative. We're about to create altered book art with their original poems! I also love being creative in my room through decor. I try to decorate my room to go along with what my lesson is about. #tnedchat
hmmm..creativity is the willingness to think outside the box and take risks to make an ordinary something or everyday experience more beautiful and/or meaningful, whether it be students, fellow educators or parents #TnEdChat
A1: I define creativity as a willingness to try new and different things in our classrooms. I think there is a misconception that you're either creative or you're not. It's when we're willing to do things beyond the norm that creativity truly comes to life!
I was at a conference & excited to see THE GREG in a vendor hall, gave him a huge shout from down the way...shortly after he dubbed me #TNFirecracker & it totally fits my personality #tnedchat
Q2: Have you seen an admin or teacher use creativity in an amazing way? Do tell! This will be a great resource for making the rest of the year awesome! #TnEdChat
A2: I LOVE what @HeckAwesome does in her middle school SPED classroom! Her students have a gamified experience w/Jedi challenges and space travel. They use #sketchnotes for learning and so much more! Follow her for some great creative ideas. #ideaflood#doodleandchat#TnEdChat
A1: creativity: hard to define but I know it when I see it. It has a feel, an excitement. Doesn’t have to be radically new - just a perspective that’s ...well creative! #tnedchat
A1. Creativity in the classroom is letting your students discover their strengths and letting them share those strenghts with others. In areas of weakness Ss need to have time to find how they can use their strength in a creative way to learn and discover. #TNEDCHAT
A2. Before SEL was at the forefront, I was one of those Admin that used it with students. I would use Positive Discipline with solutions with the students. So much better response from the Ss and Ts. I used it with both. #TNEDchat
Q2: Have you seen an admin or teacher use creativity in an amazing way? Do tell! This will be a great resource for making the rest of the year awesome! #TnEdChat
Q2: Have you seen an admin or teacher use creativity in an amazing way? Do tell! This will be a great resource for making the rest of the year awesome! #TnEdChat
A1 - Using available resources to accomplish tasks / give opportunities that may have seemed unavailable due to lack of ... things we Think we need. #MindSet#tnedchat
A1: Creativity, whether initiated by teachers, students, or other staff is the origin of ideas otherwise unrealized in the classroom or synthesis of ideas otherwise isolated. It may look like iteration rather than innovation; it’s somewhat contextually defined. #TNEdChat
A2 creativity comes from the students. I am only a conduit of their thoughts and ideas. I ask students what they like to do and build off that. #tnedchat
A2) @hrthomas13 does a #NowWeKnow with her kids. She let them put on a board what they want to learn about and she puts it in her lesson every week. Her first graders learned how to make paper and I think build a car! #TnEdChat
Q2: Have you seen an admin or teacher use creativity in an amazing way? Do tell! This will be a great resource for making the rest of the year awesome! #TnEdChat
A2: I once observed a teacher who used Whole Brain Teaching, where she coupled physical movement and gestures when teaching vocabulary terms. Not only did this help with retention of the vocabulary, but the kids also loved it!
A2: first day back for Ts & saw a “tailgate” style welcome back & each school had a tent, had an admin do a modified breakout where Ts discovered the goals/mission for the year, still enjoy the humorous snow day announcements #tnedchat
A2: I love to use @peardeck during my professional development meetings. This gives me a chance to see what the teachers need, what they know, and obtain questions on a quick whim. I also love using it for polls during PD sessions. #TnEdChat
I remember last year watching a teacher and an admin during a living tour of @CityofTullahoma was amazing and definitely creative! #tnedchat@ClintEpley
A2: I love to use @peardeck during my professional development meetings. This gives me a chance to see what the teachers need, what they know, and obtain questions on a quick whim. I also love using it for polls during PD sessions. #TnEdChat
Q2: Have you seen an admin or teacher use creativity in an amazing way? Do tell! This will be a great resource for making the rest of the year awesome! #TnEdChat
When I taught in NY there was a T who took her Ss out on a scavenger hunt in the village of about 1200, and the 11th grade was comprised of 32 Ss. They went through history finding info on the buildings, the cemetery and other cool places. The kids loved it! #tnedchat
Q2: Have you seen an admin or teacher use creativity in an amazing way? Do tell! This will be a great resource for making the rest of the year awesome! #TnEdChat
A2 I have seen several teachers inspire creativity using choice boards, various assessment options, & learner voice in their learning. Showing students that it doesn’t matter how they show the learning builds trust and individualLity. #TnEdChat
A2: Working with PLCs, I love watching teams follow an agenda to solve specific academic problems. That only happens with a healthy PLC culture. #tnedchat
A2: teachers are usually creative in their very nature - even if they don’t realize. Creating learning environments, creating clever ways to engage. And of course enabling and asking for creativity from their learners... #tnedchat
A2.2: had a group of admin that had buzz words for Ts & they made videos to connect the pieces for staff meeting — entire year was a different tech resource a month #tnedchat
A2 @MickShuran designed an extremely innovative schedule as an admin. Shared Google Doc entitled “Coaching Days.” Teachers could sign up digitally and he would teach, clean, and even lead the band! Creative way to be involved and collaborate #TNEdChat
Q3: Notetaking can become creative with #sketchnotes. Not about art and can develop your creativity over time as you continue using this strategy. What’s your experience with sketchnotes? #TnEdChat
A3 I doodled on my notes all my life and now I see a more intentional way to take notes using images and love it! So cool, I just stink at drawing lol #tnedchat
A friend uses it in her science class with fantastic success. Would love to use it for math, but both intimidated and not sure where to even begin. Anyone use it in a math class? #TnEdChat
I attended a session at @EdCampGigCity with my birthday twin leading @mospillman 😂 so I now know how to incorporate it into my classroom and scaffold the practice for my kiddos! #TNEdChat I love that everyone understood it was for some kids but not all. That’s important!
Q3: Notetaking can become creative with #sketchnotes. Not about art and can develop your creativity over time as you continue using this strategy. What’s your experience with sketchnotes? #TnEdChat
A3 A friend uses it in her science class with fantastic success. Would love to use it for math, but both intimidated and not sure where to even begin. Anyone use it in a math class? #TnEdChat
A3 I am not a sketchnote person. I tried it a few times and it became a distraction for me and others. I like to be part of the moment and it sketchnoting takes me away from it. #TNEdChat
A3. Well, let me tell ya'll, in Oregon I have been known to present this concept in workshops for Ts and Ss. I absolutely love #sketchnotes I have contributed to the #PasstheSketchnote#TNedchat
Q3: Notetaking can become creative with #sketchnotes. Not about art and can develop your creativity over time as you continue using this strategy. What’s your experience with sketchnotes? #TnEdChat
A3: I've never personally been much of a doodler, but I went to @wterral 's Sketch Notes session at TETC. Loved it, but I'm an apprehensive artist lol.
A3: No experience w sketchnotes in particular. I do have a couple Ss that doodle as they take notes or listen to me teach. I've thought about using them, but I'm not sure how to get it started, and I have six 45-min classes. I teach 8th literature #tnedchat
Q3: Notetaking can become creative with #sketchnotes. Not about art and can develop your creativity over time as you continue using this strategy. What’s your experience with sketchnotes? #TnEdChat
A3: I had the privilege to learn about sketchnotes from @TannyMcG and had her teach the faculty at my school. A year later I would learn more from @sylviaduckworth@iste conference. I’m a sketchnote believer and advocate #Tnedchat
A3: I am totally intimidated by #sketchnoting. However, I am sure that is exactly what I do when I'm listening to someone in a conference. It's just not as pretty and elaborate as @mospillman 😃 #TNEDCHAT
A3: I tried this some with my @getRocketbook Wave but felt somewhat frustrated when I was unable to articulate ideas in a manner that made sense later. Admittedly, I don’t know that I did this as it should be done. I tend to get caught up in the image, missing content. #TNEdChat
Q3: Notetaking can become creative with #sketchnotes. Not about art and can develop your creativity over time as you continue using this strategy. What’s your experience with sketchnotes? #TnEdChat
A3: I love them for me- However, they're not for everyone. Some students really enjoyed them and some students despised the practice. Choice should be a factor for sketchnotes. #tnedchat
I think it would go PERFECT for any math skill really. Fractions- draw then label with sketch notes. Area & perimeter- draw a box and label with sketch notes. Just make the concept a visual 💕 #TNEdChat
A3 - Honestly, I’m looking at moving away from notes altogether. Would like to go full #blended and have students answer three essential questions (daily standards - of using) while at station with me and only test over those questions (the standards). #TNEdChat
A3: My experience with #sketchnotes hasn't been amazing. Yet. My biggest challenge is that I don't recall the meaning in the images and doodles a week later. I prefer building an archive meaningful to me, live-tweeting in the moment instead. #tnedchat#hashtagwithpurpose
I think it would go PERFECT for any math skill really. Fractions- draw then label with sketch notes. Area & perimeter- draw a box and label with sketch notes. Just make the concept a visual 💕 #TNEdChat
Q4: You don’t have to be “artsy” to incorporate creativity! Let’s give and take- share your best example of using creativity in learning. Got any questions/apprehensions about getting started? #TnEdChat
I think too much emphasis is placed on the sketching. I learn better through conversation and not jotting down. People need to find the medium out there that helps them recall #tnedchat
A4: In Pre-K I get to let the kids JUST GO when it comes to play and creating. I love when they turn the blocks into cell phones, etc or turn the middle of the carpet into shark infested waters! I wonder how this would look with older kids? #TnEdChat
A4: former instructional technologist...used to intro new tech resources by building them w/ embedded clues to figure out the next place to go & you’d experience 5 online tech resources as a student during the session #tnedchat
Ahhh! So many things. I’ve let Ss design obstacle courses to code our @Ozobot through, use @FlipGrid to discuss content, use @Doink for green screen projects, & let Ss choose their project to complete for the lesson! #TNEdChat
A4: A murder mystery for my 8th graders in NY. It was x-curr. I brought in the college theater Ss as actors, a retired NYC det. to help the Ss investigate. Sci had forensics, hair samples, fake blood, etc. It was amazing. The goal? Support a claim with evidence. #tnedchat
Q4: You don’t have to be “artsy” to incorporate creativity! Let’s give and take- share your best example of using creativity in learning. Got any questions/apprehensions about getting started? #TnEdChat
A4: Free writing opportunities can unleash creativity especially in middle school students. It’s amazing what students create when there is not a rubric or prompt attached to it. #Tnedchat
A4: Find opportunities to let Ss produce work that is not attached to a grade/is interest or passion based, and support them when they try something new/redefine failure! #TNEdChat
Q4: You don’t have to be “artsy” to incorporate creativity! Let’s give and take- share your best example of using creativity in learning. Got any questions/apprehensions about getting started? #TnEdChat
Try it! As stated before, it’s not for every kid as some simply don’t enjoy it. But some kids love it and it really helps them reinforce what they’re learning! Just give it a go and don’t be afraid to admit it didn’t work. #TNEdChat
A4 some of the best examples I’ve seen involve active technology where learners are creating animations by coding, designing their own products & videos. Relevant learning! #TnEdChat
A4 this is what we are working on now. It is a @SpheroEdu water wheel to learn about the ocean. Going to be placed in a fish tank to make waves. #TNEdChat
Q4: You don’t have to be “artsy” to incorporate creativity! Let’s give and take- share your best example of using creativity in learning. Got any questions/apprehensions about getting started? #TnEdChat
A4 I have participated in a hands on crime scene investigation simulation with @jasonkennedytcs@chellemdaniels and @coricole2 It was unbelieveable! Students rocked it and JK taught them SO MUCH #tnedchat
A4: Room Transformations are pretty hot in my district right now. It is bringing out a completely different experience from our students and teachers. #tnedchat
A4: While this is true... the medium definitely affects the authenticity, translation, and sustainability of any idea's meaning. How we market our content is more important than the content itself. #tnedchat
A4: I love having my students create One-Pagers in response to what we’re reading. These allow students to make something that represents their own unique understanding and interpretation of a text and it provides lots of room for creativity! #TnEdChat
A4 - I think being creative in the way you approach your curriculum and make cross-curricular connections is important. Also, I think it’s important to remember creativity can exist without tech #TNEdChat
A4. I think the most fun I can remember teaching was the parts of speech in 8th grade. I know it doesn't sound fun, but we created a Word Market Game The kids bought and sold parts of speech & then put together sentences. They were hilarious. #tnedchat
Q5: Allowing the ones that we teach or lead to be creative can lead to amazing results! Did you get any new ideas from this chat that you’ll use for the rest of this school year? #TnEdChat
Neat! I’ve seen some of that & the kids always impress me!! This group has literally turned it into a full competition & welcome all schools...some judges are local officers, TBI & FBI officers #tnedchat
In reply to
@MissCEaton, @MickShuran, @jasonkennedytcs, @chellemdaniels, @coricole2
Dr. Bass (founder of the Body Farm) is coming to Tullahoma here in a few. @jasonkennedytcs will have to send you the date but he is a great speaker and super interesting. #tnedchat
In reply to
@MissCEaton, @tntechgal, @jasonkennedytcs, @chellemdaniels, @coricole2, @jasonkennedytcs
Q5: Allowing the ones that we teach or lead to be creative can lead to amazing results! Did you get any new ideas from this chat that you’ll use for the rest of this school year? #TnEdChat
A5: I always love these chats bc we sharte so many great ideas. Hard to keep up, but i'll be scrolling back through to see what I missed as well! Thanks for a great chat @mospillman#tnedchat
Q5: Allowing the ones that we teach or lead to be creative can lead to amazing results! Did you get any new ideas from this chat that you’ll use for the rest of this school year? #TnEdChat
Q5: Allowing the ones that we teach or lead to be creative can lead to amazing results! Did you get any new ideas from this chat that you’ll use for the rest of this school year? #TnEdChat
A5. I think this chat has served to remind me to be and encourage more creativity in the teachers I get to work with. #sketchnoting and @PearDeck#tnedchat
A5) definitely some strategies to bring in more creativity and just reassurance that everyone’s looks different! Great reminder to not compare yourself to anyone else and just do YOU! 😍 #TNEdChat
Q5: Allowing the ones that we teach or lead to be creative can lead to amazing results! Did you get any new ideas from this chat that you’ll use for the rest of this school year? #TnEdChat
@mospillman Thank you for inviting me to come home tonight and be a part of this fantastic chat. It was a great subject and one I absolutely love. I'll be back... #TNEDchat
Y’all should join them! Upper East TN...think they initially meet in summer to plan & register schools. Give me a shout if your CJ Ts interested & I’ll send you the contact info #tnedchat
In reply to
@MickShuran, @jasonkennedytcs, @chellemdaniels, @coricole2
A6: I love hearing what any teacher is doing when their Ss are talking about what they learned in class! So shout out to all the Ts who have had the kids talking about class at lunch, after school, or over the weekend!!! #tnedchat
A6 I am inspired by the incredible teaching @TCSPublic teachers as they are rocking creative projects and active learning for all students. Thank you for your hard work and dedication! You all are making a difference! @johnccarver#TNEdChat