#TMchat Archive
Current and relevant education discussions are held every Tuesday in #TMchat. A weekly guest moderator, considered an expert on the the week's topic, joins @conniehamilton to guide the one hour chat and actively engage with participants. Founder and moderator @conniehamilton supplies her responses to the week's questions visually in Thinking Maps.
Tuesday May 31, 2016 9:00 PM EDT
Welcome to . Our topic tonight is Instructional Leadership. Please follow my guest moderator https://t.co/A40wdXf3uJ
Ok, warmup: what's your definition of instructional leadership?
HI Connie. Mary here from VA. I teach 2nd
I'm Connie Hamilton. Justin Baeder and I are your moderators tonight. Let the introductions begin. https://t.co/vGHKc2QpZA
Warmup... How do you define instructional leadership? https://t.co/fYiwrZGUlc
Ok, warmup: what's your definition of instructional leadership?
Good evening, ! Sonya, an instructional coach from Texas, joining in today!
Our format will include 7 questions. Use A1 to respond to Q1 & remember to include hashtag in all tweets. https://t.co/Vxq92VZe8x
Hi I am Terry, 3rd gr T in Fl Excited to be here tonight as always
Christina from FL back for another week. ❤️ tonight's topic
Hi Mary! Hope your final weeks are going well.
Thanks for returning to Terry.
Excited to hear from and tonight in ! I loved the instructional Leadership challenge!
Two weeks and counting . 3rd grade now for you.
Those final weeks had me too tired to show up.
Improving instruction and student outcomes while also influencing others to do the same through reflective practice
Good evening! Diane in NC
Hello, ! Bethany, elementary lead learner from Arkansas ready to be inspired by
What did you love about it? https://t.co/TZX2AonNBJ
Excited to hear from and tonight in ! I loved the instructional Leadership challenge!
I hear you Terry! I moved out of my classroom also. So much going on! Happy we're both here :)
Kimberly, Reading Specialist from north TX sitting in on . Wifi acting funny tonight.
Middle School Principal from TN joining in tonight
Instructional is supporting & leading others in their delivery of content & Ed methods. https://t.co/eGZOEhXJ3V
Warmup... How do you define instructional leadership? https://t.co/fYiwrZGUlc
Ok, warmup: what's your definition of instructional leadership?
Mike Phillips from Michigan first timer
Lots of practical ideas for organizing and planning to be effective. I needed a specific plan to start and got it!
Instructional Leadership is any leader (defined or not) that guides teachers to help their students learn and grow
Thanks for joining, Ethan.
I moved as well, final things were moved today. (Thursday was our official last day) https://t.co/M4jMH60LOF
I hear you Terry! I moved out of my classroom also. So much going on! Happy we're both here :)
Honored! Thanks for being here!
Hi! I'm Nardi, 4th grade in Ft. Pierce, Fl. Excited for this chat tonight!
Chris Tucker, assistant principal in Indiana.
Hi everyone, Joël McLean, Provincial Pedagogical Leader and Principal.
Great to see you in Nardi.
Instructional leadership means sharing your expertise and desire for learning in a collaborative culture 2 improve student learning.
Hi Chris. Thanks for joining tonight.
There's the science lady!
Hello . Lori 1st grade T, soon to be a K teacher in MO.
I student taught in Holland!
Welcome to . Looking forward to your contributions, Joel.
I like your point about formal and informal instructional leaders!
Instructional leadership means guiding, and showing others what good pedagogy strategies look like !
Hello all! Late but ready to learn!
Just in time, we're just kicking off Q1.
CONFESSION: Not a "school teacher." I'm a police trainer, interested in learning & education.
Amy- Principal in Chicago :)
Welcome to . Tonight's topic is relevant to all types of leaders. https://t.co/Kl9SwHRGHP
CONFESSION: Not a "school teacher." I'm a police trainer, interested in learning & education.
HI Amy. Glad you're joining us.
Welcome to everyone! What's your role, and how do you exercise instructional leadership?
Q1 What's your role, and how do you exercise instructional leadership?
Instructional leader is the lead learner because leading and learning are inseparable
Helen from Houston. 4th gr math & science
Hello! 4th grade teacher in SC. Formally of West Michigan!
A1: I am an elementary lead learner, and I exercise instructional leadership by modeling my own learning and growth--transparency.
A1 Instructional coach - leadership through observations/feedback, leading PD, modeling, integrity, and servanthood
I am a Teacher Leader within my building and work to model and coach teachers. We use a lot of Jim Knight's strategies.
Q1 What's your role, and how do you exercise instructional leadership?
A1: I taught 1st for 5 yrs, but have a brand new role as an ESL Resource teacher. It will push me to be an instructional leader.
Instructional leaders identify learning goals and convey research-based strategies that help Ss succeed
I have been k-5 science coordinator at AOE, design & collaborate with other leaders to provide prof learning opportunities
Thanks for joining. Formerly from West MI?? I'm in Caledonia.
A1: I coach principals throughout our province in regards to guiding the transforming pedagogy and 21st cent. management skills
A1: Will be an instructional coach next year after 18 years in the classroom. IL = creating, modeling, implementing and inspiring.
Modeling being a learner = powerful leadership!
A1 was a teacher, now principal, I lead by always growing and always helping others grow
A1 As Principal & Instructional Leader I'm responsible for modeling learning, assessment/evaluation, and goal setting (among others)
A1, but my primary role is to be a support system for teachers.
What does that look like, "model my own learning" https://t.co/zHZGbewVP0
A1: I am an elementary lead learner, and I exercise instructional leadership by modeling my own learning and growth--transparency.
Q2 What's the most powerful "unofficial" act of instructional leadership you've seen this past year?
Q2: What's the most powerful "unofficial "act of instructional leadership you've seen this past year?
A1. I oversee, mentor & support a cadre of police Subj Matter Experts who ask for help delivering their training/education.
A1: Have led a team of teachers working on improving Assessment for learning
Q2 What's the most powerful "unofficial" act of instructional leadership you've seen this past year?
Share continually, blog, participate in chats, share what I am reading, etc. https://t.co/rt4aSQdmWC
What does that look like, "model my own learning" https://t.co/zHZGbewVP0
A1: I am an elementary lead learner, and I exercise instructional leadership by modeling my own learning and growth--transparency.
A1 4th grade T, but I'm also a Teacher Leader at my school and district. I'm always learning, coaching, and sharing through PD.
A2: Having a veteran teacher take the reigns on implementing new technology in the classroom. Can teach an old dogs new tricks.
A2: a teacher willing to model and share what is working in their classroom. No PD session is better than that!
A2: Our instructional support leader caring about Ts as people! This improves the T's performance and therefore improves instruction
A1: I'm the assistant principal of curriculum and instruction. I model learning and growth and work with Ts to continue developing.
Lead learners are open and transparent. lead learners are more about the 'we" than "I
lead learners are inspiring more leaders
In what ways have you lead this team?
Principal from SC Palmetto's Finest! BSMS
A1: I think I am one of many teacher leaders at our school. I exercise it with some PD, share a lot, support and encourage.
A2 Teachers who observed one another on their own initiative bc they simply wanted to improve
A1: Principal- lead learner. I try to model and be consistent with instruction https://t.co/QWubwRnuSF
Q1 What's your role, and how do you exercise instructional leadership?
A2 Teacher sharing insights and ideas sitting on couches after school. Lead to peer observations & sharing.
A2: A teacher who contributed to our school blog and had never blogged before! Great model of risk taking and leadership.
A2 Ts opening doors to others to learn and grow. We often neglect learning from the best places!! Our peers.
A2 I've heard from countless teacher leaders this year who are standing in the gap when leadership is in short supply. Inspiring!
A2: Setting up meetings and Pd in a way we would expect in classrooms. https://t.co/r9aSuvdUbt
Q2 What's the most powerful "unofficial" act of instructional leadership you've seen this past year?
A2 a teacher always asking peers how to improve
A2. As a cadre, we rely upon peer feedback & assessments of our courses/modules. Requires courage to give meaningful critique.
A2 Our Computer teacher pushing to create a Makerspace on our campus. https://t.co/eYgPoHKEkg
Q2 What's the most powerful "unofficial" act of instructional leadership you've seen this past year?
A2: I have done lots of GHOs skype and online connections - shared and encouraged collleagues to do the same
Love it! I entered to check in and saw peer observations happening. Made my heart happy!
New administrator here. A1: This year I've found opportunities to demo IL in casual convos in my office & in classrooms w Ts & Ss
A2: Ts assisting 1 another w/smiles &encouraging risk taking.
Have you seen the pineapple chart from the book Hacking Education? You might like it for encouraging this. https://t.co/FXmoxkOwiQ
A2: a teacher willing to model and share what is working in their classroom. No PD session is better than that!
Seeing other colleagues begin to explore Twitter as a vehicle for learning.
HS finance and computer teacher and I advocate for learning by using formative assessment with
A2 Teachers observing other teachers to learn other strategies and our districts framework for effective teaching.
Observation is so powerful!
I keep hearing about Hacking Learning. Sounds like I need to check it out.
I would love to see this visual. Pineapple?
A1 As a math nerd, I share my ideas with my team. I also read a lot and try to improve as a teacher
Thanks! Hmmm...what else should I ask for? :)
A2: as TLs we moved from walk throughs for evaluation to walkthroughs for coaching. Big mindshift for teachers
I love the book study as a way of impacting instruction. It seems to make everyone more open to share ideas and best practices
A2 Students being the leaders and getting teachers excited about new technology.
A2: We had a push to "get connected" this yr. Awesome to watch people stand up, and lead others. It changed our culture.
A2: I would have to say blogging or Twitter chats.
A2: created a Google classroom for Ts to vertically articulate ELA resources
Agreed! I've had successes with book study formats! https://t.co/SD83czeP3O
I love the book study as a way of impacting instruction. It seems to make everyone more open to share ideas and best practices
You are my inspiration for being connected online - I talk about you all the time at school :) https://t.co/LkXVSXO4Ce
A2: We had a push to "get connected" this yr. Awesome to watch people stand up, and lead others. It changed our culture.
A2: Helping to build monitoring tools for principals and teachers.
I do a lot of professional reading and try to bring it back to my work at the state. Finding the research https://t.co/F3sqcS0CYh
A1 As a math nerd, I share my ideas with my team. I also read a lot and try to improve as a teacher
Q3 Scholars say instructional leadership is inherently distributed. Agree/Disagree? Why?
T in my district wrote grant for books she has enough left for some t-shirts to greet in Aug.
Interesting perspective. I hadn't thought about students as instructional leaders.
Q3: Scholars say instructional leadership is inherently distributed. Agree/disagree? Why?
A2: The many teachers at my school who have stepped out of their comfort zone to get connected & brand our school!
Sharing blogs and podcasts are becoming huge for me as well. So many experts out there! It's not hard to find wisdom and direction.
A2: Idea of RtI was explored. Example schedules reviewed. Schools visited. Teachers took it from there...
Get connected locally? globally? or both? https://t.co/gKrD3zO1KP
A2: We had a push to "get connected" this yr. Awesome to watch people stand up, and lead others. It changed our culture.
A3 Everyone has some area in which they can be a leader! https://t.co/JrXcBtiJ10
Q3 Scholars say instructional leadership is inherently distributed. Agree/Disagree? Why?
perfect. Smartest person in the room is the room!
A3: Agree 100%. Leaders empower others by helping them find their voice and igniting their passion so others will benefit.
We're doing a on blogging in July with
Trying to blog more often. Feel much comfortable on Twitter,my own leadership challenge
is the pineapple a symbol of welcome? Anyone specific?
A3 it has to be. Leading only works if people are following, and people only follow when they have reason to improve
does this too. Creates learning opps for Ts using Google Classroom. https://t.co/gO5HUUdV5V
A2: created a Google classroom for Ts to vertically articulate ELA resources
A3 Agree in theory. Sometimes we shut Ts down intent./unintent.. Empowered, confident Ts & staff naturally distribute leadership
Leaders help others realize their leadership potential
A3: It depends on the climate of the building. If leadership fosters growth, it becomes the culture that everyone leads
A3: I think everyone can do it with the right mindset and support.
A3 distributed leadership imperative, Leaders can't B experts in everything. I certainly can't. I'm continually learning from others
All. We did a book study of What Connected Educators Do Differently as our focus. https://t.co/GQysFagk8b
Get connected locally? globally? or both? https://t.co/gKrD3zO1KP
A2: We had a push to "get connected" this yr. Awesome to watch people stand up, and lead others. It changed our culture.
Love it! Connects with work on student voice
I agree. Surround yourself with really great people. We are stronger as a collective !
See ??? We're still talking about you in https://t.co/Gavc035fRb
All. We did a book study of What Connected Educators Do Differently as our focus. https://t.co/GQysFagk8b
Get connected locally? globally? or both? https://t.co/gKrD3zO1KP
A2: We had a push to "get connected" this yr. Awesome to watch people stand up, and lead others. It changed our culture.
A3: Distributed leadership builds capacity. The organization can't crumble if "the" leader is away...grow leaders.
Retweet Q3. https://t.co/mvsAUuLsUs
Q3 Scholars say instructional leadership is inherently distributed. Agree/Disagree? Why?
Very well said! Love this!
A3 Disagree bc the distribution would be due to the leader vision, hiring, &culture/climate. Would say unevenly distributed usually
A3: Leadership is only disbursed evenly if the main leader has allowed others the permission to take risks
A3 leaders make leaders. Managers don't grow anyone. To be a leader you have to grow leaders.
I will be there. Maybe can give me the nudge I need to write more often! https://t.co/NiTEANyTgB
We're doing a on blogging in July with
A3: So I would put the nuance in that a good leader has to purposefully push for others to find that voice https://t.co/S1VGhG4NGT
A3: Agree 100%. Leaders empower others by helping them find their voice and igniting their passion so others will benefit.
What are some successful branding strategies? https://t.co/NgPuL7L6EI
A2: The many teachers at my school who have stepped out of their comfort zone to get connected & brand our school!
A3: Maybe the leadership is distributed but it takes an inspiring leader for people to want to follow him/her, use ideas, etc.
Sounds like they owned it. https://t.co/dQD2vISFQ7
A2: Idea of RtI was explored. Example schedules reviewed. Schools visited. Teachers took it from there...
A3: Leadership=shared. Trust is critical-take time to build it=moving a school forward.
Using Twitter to showcase kids' accomplishments, share relationships, and celebrate learning! https://t.co/18YvHhjzii
What are some successful branding strategies? https://t.co/NgPuL7L6EI
A2: The many teachers at my school who have stepped out of their comfort zone to get connected & brand our school!
Our "ConnectED Classroom" is different than what you may think. Starts w connecting w self! https://t.co/mOqeGKWEcb
Do you see resistance as a form of leadership? :)
Sonay, consider this your personal invitation to chat on Sunday at 8:30 EST. https://t.co/XbwVTfiZOm
I keep hearing about Hacking Learning. Sounds like I need to check it out.
I'm the developing leader I am because I had a great leader nurture me and push me out of my nest. Thank you Margaret MacLean
Q4 How do you prefer to be involved decisions in your school? What kinds?
Agree that TRUST is crucial! And so important to build! https://t.co/8oJ9vv41pi
A3: Leadership=shared. Trust is critical-take time to build it=moving a school forward.
I will try to remember! Thanks! https://t.co/vr5ncZsbrU
Sonay, consider this your personal invitation to chat on Sunday at 8:30 EST. https://t.co/XbwVTfiZOm
I keep hearing about Hacking Learning. Sounds like I need to check it out.
Welcomes everyone... into your classroom. YES! That's exactly why it was chosen. https://t.co/NkRlhQzKec
is the pineapple a symbol of welcome? Anyone specific?
A3) ANY sort of can be grown within the individual. Of course it req's a to develop.
A1: Dean of Behavioral Mgt. I listen actively with empathy & provide questions that allow students to reach their own discoveries.
Q4 How do you prefer to be involved in decisions in your school? What kinds?
A3: it is situational based on individuals in a class and how each will master the learning objective.
Any specific tips for how you do this?
A4: Sometimes it is out front and sometimes it is from behind. All depends on what is needed.
A4: I like to be part of the discussion of causes and effects, help with PD choices. Input, but not the decision maker.
We have to surround ourselves with people who are smarter than we are. https://t.co/rct2g69gOU
A3 distributed leadership imperative, Leaders can't B experts in everything. I certainly can't. I'm continually learning from others
A4: I like to be consulted, but also understand that some decisions will be made without consulting.
A4 I like a discussion, all concerned viewpoints considered, and then a best-interest-of-students decision made.
A4: I love round table brainstorming where no idea is bad and everyone is open to tweaking things. Collaboration at its best.
You know has a conference in October? https://t.co/Gavc035fRb
All. We did a book study of What Connected Educators Do Differently as our focus. https://t.co/GQysFagk8b
Get connected locally? globally? or both? https://t.co/gKrD3zO1KP
A2: We had a push to "get connected" this yr. Awesome to watch people stand up, and lead others. It changed our culture.
I hope my voice will B listened to& considered before a decision is made. even if decision, not my choice, I know I was listened 2
A4 Def depends on nature of decision being made. Enjoy asking the hard questions. Want to be a better listener and perspective taker
A4: I like conversation, teachers coming to share w/ me what they want to do/try/learn. Want them to take risks-not ask permission!
A4 I like to share decisions, and I'm interested in all kinds. That's probably part of why I'm a principal
Joining in late bc this wifi barely worked. Catherine from Fresno CA. Current S 2 be Eng T. So hot today! 102 🔥😰
A4: It's powerful for a T to be in a discussion where she/he feels HEARD. To know your opinion matters is powerful in itself.
A4: There are many steps along the decision making process where leadership can be involved. https://t.co/lxUUljK8RF
Provide a nudge to get the ball rolling up a hill.
A4. Decisions are easy when your team either agrees on a plan or if not, at least agrees to be in alignment w/the decision
A4 Being part of discussions or having the opportunity to opinion so others can facilitate your ideas. Working as a TEAM!
A4) I involve myself in ensuring focuses on applied concepts/principles & dec-mkg over technical performance or knowledge.
A4 Interviewing potential team members & decisions that affect our Ss, like how long recess should be (longer)
A4: Don't like surprises but love when a Ts brings a solution to a problem! Love when Ts has the plan ready to share w/peers.
A4 Involvement to me is getting in a circle & coming together to be creative. Two is better than 1. Imagine a group! 😃🙌🏻
A4: In some cases we can also get student input for ideas and solutions.
A3: Ideally, yes! We have to make sure the culture and climate of school allows for this though. https://t.co/aROrUSi2Sd
Q3 Scholars say instructional leadership is inherently distributed. Agree/Disagree? Why?
Practise Reckless Optimism.
Agreed ! https://t.co/sI9vAJo02c
A4 Involvement to me is getting in a circle & coming together to be creative. Two is better than 1. Imagine a group! 😃🙌🏻
A4.2 However, some decisions (ex. have little impact or are urgent) need to be made quickly by the L with Ss & Ts interests in mind
A4: decisions are based on how we can maximize student growth, and if it can be done cross-curricular then we all win!
A4: when decisions have to be top down, communicating the reasons or thoughts that went into the decision.
A4: Stay informed. Ask for input. Consider input! https://t.co/xEYc4jEdkF
Q4 How do you prefer to be involved decisions in your school? What kinds?
Q5 What changes have you seen led by unofficial leaders? What was the result?
Q5 What changes have you seen led by unofficial leaders? What was the result?
Do you think there can be TOO MUCH collaboration when it comes to decision making? Don't need everyone's input, just the right ones.
Not the decision maker? Why not?
A4 Decisions are made by discussions started on School Improvement Team with input from everyone is the school. The SIT then votes.
Indeed, I do. I've seen that many times. A leader should discern which need many voices & which need fewer. Balance
Me too! You have to have a safe environment for this to be truly effective. https://t.co/kRqYiMUIEH
A4: I love round table brainstorming where no idea is bad and everyone is open to tweaking things. Collaboration at its best.
Thanks for a great time but it's time to read the next chapter.
A4: Face-to-face conversations for the good of S learning. Debate. Dialogue
A5 new system of tracking student behavior introduced by teacher. It got picked up school wide after showing it improved behavior
. Yes! Death by discussion. Need clarity about decisions in writing. Policy.
Yes, sometimes having too many people is not the most effective thing.
A5: Unofficial leader can be a tricky term. A leader is someone who inspires, changes, encourages. Anyone can do that.
Definitely gets my attention when a teacher starts a conversation with "I have an idea..."
Yes, when opening new school, all Ts had a vote in the color of the playground equipment. 2 hrs later... https://t.co/cCbKAUQamq
Do you think there can be TOO MUCH collaboration when it comes to decision making? Don't need everyone's input, just the right ones.
A5: A teacher who chose to rid her classroom of some traditional furniture to help kids' engagement. Then it spread to other rooms!
A5 Our Ts use social media more to promote our school when a T began creating a school video newsletter https://t.co/9rlECseB8Z
Q5 What changes have you seen led by unofficial leaders? What was the result?
A5: PLC activities, assessments created, PBIS implementation = all involved many others and were successful https://t.co/VcsmeIFypf
Q5 What changes have you seen led by unofficial leaders? What was the result?
A5. Teachers talk about great activities in school and across campuses. Many students impacted!
A5: We have had a lot of PD breakout sessions led by teachers which has helped develop the school culture and tech buy-in
I love ideas, especially ones teachers are a little scared to try! https://t.co/U77j0ab94f
Definitely gets my attention when a teacher starts a conversation with "I have an idea..."
A5 sometimes the unofficial leaders are the ones that motivate the most. I know people that became successful & all bc passion
Every decision needs to be grounded in the belief that it will serve students first & everything else second
Love those conversations! Love to make the time to have them! https://t.co/r6KkAwp86j
Definitely gets my attention when a teacher starts a conversation with "I have an idea..."
A5 The unofficial leaders tend to create a little bit of healthy competition. Witnessed this in celebrating student success
Was just told about this requirement from the State of MI for Federal Funds. "Written policies" https://t.co/LFzkiG4E7t
. Yes! Death by discussion. Need clarity about decisions in writing. Policy.
A5:I love seeing the chain reaction. One gets excited, admin notices, highlights it, and a fire is started. Culture changes.
My nonverbals would have been out of control...
I had the "traditional mindset" for my teaching. Once joining these chats, my mindset completely changed! https://t.co/007Kjkh8NO
A5: A teacher who chose to rid her classroom of some traditional furniture to help kids' engagement. Then it spread to other rooms!
Yes! Teacher leaders are the best! https://t.co/SGfzA3p6P9
A5 sometimes the unofficial leaders are the ones that motivate the most. I know people that became successful & all bc passion
Awesome ! https://t.co/Z2SU4QtAtB
I had the "traditional mindset" for my teaching. Once joining these chats, my mindset completely changed! https://t.co/007Kjkh8NO
A5: A teacher who chose to rid her classroom of some traditional furniture to help kids' engagement. Then it spread to other rooms!
A5: this is a caution area, because if unofficial leaders are not recognized, they can lead the fold astray. Not always bad though.
Unfortunately I'm struggling w the prophet N UR own land syndrome,Want 2 beat it so Ts will value, learn from & celebrate each other
A5-unofficial leaders sometimes don't know they are. Best 2 use their influence for good (or turn that ship around if you need to)
Q6 If instructional leadership is distributed, what are the keys to managing conflict and disagreement?
A4: Decision making is at it's best when done collaboratively with staff and fellow admin
Naming problems without proposing a solution = complaining. We can do better than complaining!
This might be my all-time favorite Twitter quote! https://t.co/iCWTs4qZ6J
Every decision needs to be grounded in the belief that it will serve students first & everything else second
A6 if people make decisions you wouldn't have made, but they are not wrong, you have to stand by those decisions
And I often follow it with, let's make this happen! https://t.co/WnHpmaQGBd
Definitely gets my attention when a teacher starts a conversation with "I have an idea..."
The "Yea but..." monster can really stall progress. https://t.co/Tyz0e4fHDJ
it's so refreshing when teachers don't just bring problems to my attention, but offer solutions as well
What gets my attention even more is when a student starts a conversation with "I have an idea....!" https://t.co/GpeAdpbJIO
Definitely gets my attention when a teacher starts a conversation with "I have an idea..."
A6: We have a leadership team at my school - 1 grade level T and Sped and specialists, Ell also represented
A6: Need to have a process and a person to have the ultimate authority.
Thinking of making this exact move for next year.... I'm even more motivated now
RT:A5unofficial ldrs sometimes don't know they r Best 2 use their influence4 good (or turn that ship around if u need to)
A6 be ok with criticism, but build a culture of being constructive, supportive with it. Get better through disagreement
Just like Twitter, people invite u, then u start to invite them & BAM! You have an AWESOME learning network https://t.co/5N4XdOH93E
A5:I love seeing the chain reaction. One gets excited, admin notices, highlights it, and a fire is started. Culture changes.
A6: every1 needs to be able to come to the table on equal footing. Favoritism can kill collaboration and instructional leadership.
Example of instructional leadership. Kelli took a risk and it's paying off. https://t.co/7gMsHvOfUV
My students love them! Wish we had more.
A6: Disagreement is fine if its done face-to-face. Be real. No gossip. Limits dissention within the team
Make sure you're driven by your values: Students first. Well said, https://t.co/XcmmiNwlCn
Every decision needs to be grounded in the belief that it will serve students first & everything else second
A6: we also use forced consensus when we really need to reach a decision with many options or rank priorities.
I agree with you. We want people to value our . It makes us feels appreciated. https://t.co/AUxQ5OuGqK
A4: It's powerful for a T to be in a discussion where she/he feels HEARD. To know your opinion matters is powerful in itself.
A6: advocate for your students even if/when the data doesn't support the claim. Not all ss fit a mold, some were meant to break it!
A6 honest conversations with each other- acknowledge it, don't ignore it... It'll fester. https://t.co/img6Mh9dUE
Q6 If instructional leadership is distributed, what are the keys to managing conflict and disagreement?
Q6: Embrace conflict because it often leads to commitment and accountability
A6: Effective communication skills and proper mindset and go a long way in resolving conflict. https://t.co/MCsV0OiMCn
A6: Disagreement is constructive when a healthy relationship (restpect and trust) has already been established.
Yes! A colleague and I are trying to change culture at our school and our motto is "model until it catches on!"
A6: Respectful disagreement face to face, where all are heard and the conclusion is based on what is best for kids.
A6 Honor the process. Support group decision even if don't agree. Support a leader's decision if it was made with pure intent & safe
Conflict and disagreement help to push our thinking. If you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room.
A6: Person who disagrees must have clarity on whether this poses a difference of opinion (must align) or principle (must leave)
A6 Key is to always be respectful &I no matter what be PROFESSIONAL. Everyone is diff & has ideas. Learn from success & faliures
A6: Disagreement is challenging and uncomfortable, but it helps us grow and we all need it.
I've noticed people aren't really good at subtlety. If they aren't catching on, throw some words in there!
Yep! And my next thought is kudos to those T's who have established the environment for that to happen! https://t.co/cjPDpsVrNg
What gets my attention even more is when a student starts a conversation with "I have an idea....!" https://t.co/GpeAdpbJIO
Definitely gets my attention when a teacher starts a conversation with "I have an idea..."
Yes. I like your wording.
Q7 What can leaders with formal titles do to encourage more distributed leadership?
I love a good debate. I don't even mind "losing" b/c it means I learned something. https://t.co/B9TB8pW1Uk
A6: Disagreement is challenging and uncomfortable, but it helps us grow and we all need it.
Yes. The 1st to be unprofessional is the 1st to lose something from the interaction.
Retweet Q7. https://t.co/3ijq35LgMU
Q7 What can leaders with formal titles do to encourage more distributed leadership?
A7: Empower T leaders, create a safe environment to try new things and even fail, release responsibility to others
A7: Avoid focusing on the title! Leaders lead from wherever they are...no title necessary.
Agreed! Can learn a lot when you don't have to have all the answers!! https://t.co/eAFTr3mRWf
Conflict and disagreement help to push our thinking. If you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room.
A6/Conflict based on authentic issues opens doors to real discussion, conflict for personal reasons slams that door shut-main diff
A6: Dysfunctional conflict is avoidable. Understand when to apologize, give compliments, or simply adapt.
A7 let people lead, support their decisions, ask "what would you do?" explain your decisions and thinking to encourage them to lead
A7: Never be afraid to roll up sleeves and work WITH T's. Always remember what it's like in their shoes https://t.co/T2QRFfTQFj
Q7 What can leaders with formal titles do to encourage more distributed leadership?
A7: ask teachers that are doing well to share what they are doing, be risk takers, don't be an army of one, share the info & rewards
I have found they listen when admin is encouraging it.
A7: Remove the titles and create a team.
I need a tattoo that says this!!!
A7 Be approachable and watch language. Ts with ideas don't always want/need the leader to do it. Encourage them to move forward!
A7- leaders need take time to get to know their people so they can help build their peoples strengths, ask ?s & listen
That would be a big tattoo... maybe a laminated poster??
A7: Empower all staff by capitalizing on their interests and talents
That safe environment is SO important ! Taking risks! https://t.co/dFwjORPYxV
A7: Empower T leaders, create a safe environment to try new things and even fail, release responsibility to others
A7:Give staff a voice and an audience. Allow them to lead, make decisions, take action toward common goals. https://t.co/1Zda9N6ATt
Retweet Q7. https://t.co/3ijq35LgMU
Q7 What can leaders with formal titles do to encourage more distributed leadership?
A7 CONNECT! Get diff ideas 2 be creative. BUILD RELATIONSHIPS! Doing that, you will grow & empower more lives
A7. When a problem arises, empathize & ask "What do YOU plan to do?" Begins empowerment process by handing them leadership reigns
Nothing better/more inspiring than someone trumping your good idea! The magic happens when you build on ideas via disagreement
A7) Include team members & THEIR IDEAS into the upper strategic & tactical decision-making levels. Make their vision count!
It takes putting pride aside, and that can be hard for some. The results are so worthwhile, though!
Thanks, AJ.
They're . That's the TM part of
A7: Encourage and empower them to become instructional leaders.
Take the mic, get on stage. Move to the front of the bus.
Thank you and for a fantastic conversation!
Build relationships and be approachable. Show concern and interest. https://t.co/ESzi222d55
A7- leaders need take time to get to know their people so they can help build their peoples strengths, ask ?s & listen
yes! you have build a culture of trust and professionalism starting w admin
Create a culture where it is safe to lead from where you are and take risks. https://t.co/ZG4Z9TYjQh
Q7 What can leaders with formal titles do to encourage more distributed leadership?
Thanks and for an inspiring chat. Lots to think about tonight!
Isn't the students' voice the most important voice in our schools? https://t.co/sKtV3rdeAX
Yep! And my next thought is kudos to those T's who have established the environment for that to happen! https://t.co/cjPDpsVrNg
What gets my attention even more is when a student starts a conversation with "I have an idea....!" https://t.co/GpeAdpbJIO
Definitely gets my attention when a teacher starts a conversation with "I have an idea..."
Thank you and and all who contributed for a great chat! Can't wait for next week with !
Thanks again for another great chat !
A7a) Flatten the hierarchy of authority. Build a culture of collaboration.
My pleasure. did all the work to prep. Your contributions always make better. https://t.co/dKhYG6EZtl
Thanks again for another great chat !
Awesome thanks 2n@eduleadership for a great chat. Being a leader is awesome but takes work. Learned a lot!😃🙌🏻
Q7. Being transparent and empowering people to make suggestions and not be afraid to fail. https://t.co/gDVMizr4EA
Q7 What can leaders with formal titles do to encourage more distributed leadership?
A7/Acknowledge each person's ability 2 contribute & provide opportunities 2 showcase. Build your team from the inside out