#IEedchat Archive
#IEedchat is a great way for Inland Empire (California) educators to share teaching strategies, educational resources, and more.
Monday February 1, 2016
10:30 PM EST
Welcome to . Our topic is setting goals. The format is Q1 for the question and A1: is what you will use to answer the question.
Q0: Introduce yourself and tell us your favorite quote regarding education.
Joseph Williams
Dir of Instructional & Information Technology
“I cannot be a teacher without exposing who I am.”
Chad Tech TOSA in Perris bruised & battered but present
Jed from
"When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps."
. Sorry to hear that. We love you for your mind anyway.
A0: Mark Synnott. Instructional Technology Coach. "I make, therefore I am."
A0: Tom Ashley, TOSA Instr. Tech Coach in the . Quote: "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance"
A0 Katie Johnson, 11th ELA. “If you treat [a child] as if he were what he ought to be... he will become what he ought to be..."
Hey - take a quick bit to holler at the
Talking goals, how to (not) break 'em
Remember to spell out and not . Q1 coming up.
A0: Candace Reines, Asst Supt Favorite education quote: "Innovation brought to you by "
Q1: There’s a lot of criticism of S.M.A.R.T. goals. What are your thoughts? Are these criticisms valid?
A0 Julia in the house. "Those who won't read have no advantage over those who can't" Mark Twain
Awesome to have you here! Like the quote. Sounds like my parents (in a good way)
A1: Often, staff go through SMART goals as a “check-the-box” process and nothing more.
was that for Joe's benefit??
A0: Every time we try, we succeed
A1 it's not about setting SMART goals. Goals are important. It's getting all the Ts on the team to care.
A0) Joshua Lewis, Director Education Information Technology Jurupa Unified. "Do or do not, their is no try." - Yoda
A1: SMART goals can be great for small groups but I don't believe in overarching goals that everyone from all depts should follow.
Follow up to Q1.
Q1b: Other than S.M.A.R.T goals, do you have another golal setting fromat or frame you use?
A1: SMART goals in my experience were always something that admin was pushing down at Ts. There was resistance and confusion.
That is great. Our IE ED Cats.
A1: IMHO, measurable and achievable is better than vague. Making explicit steps can help achieve goals and improve Ss confidence.
A1: focus on the steps- keep sight of the goal, do this do that, SMART goals have solid structure, but PEOPLE drive it.
A0) Josh Lewis, Director Education Information Technology - Jurupa Unified. "Do or do not, their is no try" - Yoda.
Awesome ideas on how to make goals and goal planning work.
A1: I agree with about SMART goals, but Goals do have to be made by all
A0)Paula Torres, Tech Coach-CJUHSD; “We do not learn from experience…we learn from reflecting on experience.”-John Dewey
A1b: I prefer weekly goals. Breaking time up by 7 day blocks works for me.
. Yes. I love that quote.
super true here. Anything /pushed/ on Ts is less palatable.
Let teachers design, & redesign action steps as needed.
A1) Depends on if you have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset. We all have room for improvement. When we fall, we learn.
A1b: Good goals have a SMART goal flavor without the SMART formality.
Q2: We hear a lot about procrastination. Why do you think adults procrastinate on their goals?
; A1) ANY goals need someone to hold the goal setter accountable. Often that part gets lost.
A1B: I always have goals relating to class culture, since I want to make sure I get to know all my Ss on a personal level
Too small of a focus for me. I go day to day but focus on units in terms of weeks
Soooo yes. Agreed.
Where does innovation/moonshot thinking fit?
Asking b/c I've been back/forth on this lately.
Still run into the same dilemma of Ts not wanting to be part of a learning team
Here is Q2 https://t.co/qzcHoxiWf5
Q2: We hear a lot about procrastination. Why do you think adults procrastinate on their goals?
; if there is no "due date", Ts are like Ss in getting caught in what calls "the suck".
I've missed you Paula. Glad to cross paths on the twitters again.
A2b, late - I got behind/sidetracked: I like daily and weekly goals. Checklists.
A2: I think we get caught up with life and we lose focus of what we really want and should do.
A2: Adults procrastinate because we're all still kids somewhere inside. Play time is always fun now. Dishes can be done later.
A2: Most goals aim to push the goal setter to a better place. Sometimes we'd rather not go to that place yet. :-)
I've missed everyone! !! Need some tutoring with tonight! :)
A1b, late - I got behind/sidetracked: I like daily and weekly goals. Checklists.
A2 I believe it has more to do with being complacent and unwilling to step out of comfort zones than actual procrastination
A2: no real accountability to goals. There is always a tomorrow.
A2: Maybe we procrastinate because we don't need that much time to get the job done.What say you ?
A2) We fail to set priorities. If it is a priority it gets done.
Q2b: Why do you think Ss or other non-adults procrastinate on their goals? Is this the same as it is for adults? :
A2: Procrastination is comfortable, stationary.
Growing toward a goal grinds.
We should be a beginner.
A2 We don't demand as much from ourselves as we do out students.
or if someone is expecting us to complete our part ON TIME, it gets done.
Here is a follow up to Q2 https://t.co/fqE1cw1iXI
Q2b: Why do you think Ss or other non-adults procrastinate on their goals? Is this the same as it is for adults? :
A2: Some adults procrastinate for the same reason as some kids procrastinate: perfectionism/fear of failure.
SO TRUE! Ts are the worst about double standards.
. That is an interesting point.
A2B: Ss need help with time management and also getting the bigger picture
So weird to think, we'd rather not be in a better place.
Is it pressure. If I grow now, I need to grow more again?
A2b: Ss and our kids don't procrastinate on their goals, they procrasinate on OUR goals for them.
A2b Fear of failure. Fear of success.
right on, gotta look ahead at where to go, how to get there, and look back to make sure on track
Q2b: I believe I heard say that if students wait till the last minute you gave them too much time.
So true ! Sometimes I don't want to start a thing I know I won't be great at. https://t.co/oxWkCaueyT
A2: Some adults procrastinate for the same reason as some kids procrastinate: perfectionism/fear of failure.
maybe this should tell us something about what we are delivering to them in the classroom.
My son's goal is to play video games and watch funny YouTube videos as much as possible. He meets this goal regularly.
I only do what I am good at, if I don't do it I am horrible at it.
My son's goal is to play video games and watch funny YouTube videos as much as possible. He meets this goal regularly.
This is great.
Q3 in a minute
A2b: priorities, hormones, distraction. Hard to realize sense of accomplishment when so much fun to be had.
Q3: Imagine you just finished a goal. What would've been a significant factor in its completion?
I hope it's not cat videos, just kidding
I have more good books to read! https://t.co/vjOvE29vVu
A2b: priorities, hormones, distraction. Hard to realize sense of accomplishment when so much fun to be had.
A2b life gets in the way, so many ways to get distracted
Really curious to hear what in general say to this:
Q3: Imagine you just finished a goal. What would've been a significant factor in its completion?
A3: For me it's all about preparation and making sure I gave myself a realistic timeline.
A3: When I visualize a goal, I complete it.
A3: planning and visualizing how it will be accomplished is key
A3) If I had enough time to do a good job, if it was "possible", and if someone was depending on my results.
Q3: the goal was attainable, usually could be accomplished quickly with very few variables
A3: Working with others on goals always works with me.
A3: passion,
other things become incorporated into the succeeded goal. It moderates other minor goals.
A3: I complete a goal when I stop making excuses for why I can't get the goal done.
A3: Encouragement/accountability from others who support me. ...Much as I would like to say it's all intrinsic motivation ;)
A3 Being able to find the intrinsic value in the journey and in the process. I have to have a valid, fulfilling Why.
I think my problem in attaining goals is that I am way to passionate at times.
Q3 follow up.
Q3b: What tips can you provide to help students set and reach goals?
Once again! YES!!!!! I need to see the what am I getting from this
A3: It would have had all the elements of a SMART goal AND I really wanted to achieve it.
helping them see the value of reaching that goal is essential
Sometimes my passion gets in the way. I put too many important things on my plate then lose balance. https://t.co/Nb08HxKJH4
I think my problem in attaining goals is that I am way to passionate at times.
A3B: Make realistic smaller goals that will contribute to your bigger or long term goal. I got this from teaching Health 4 years
Q3b: Coach students on their goals. Dont nag them.
So sad I missed tonight's chat. Tutoring went late!
agree, have to show Ss how to achieve smaller goals first. Otherwise it can be overwhelming.
. That is ok. Respond later and we will read them.
A3b: journal. Writing is cathartic and hard to argue with. It's hard to lie to paper.
A3b: start with realistic short term goals... baby steps lead to giant leaps
A3: For me it's about importance/significance. With these factors I can see goals through. Stupid stuff is easy to procrastinate
A3b My ELA Ss challenged me to do my own 20 Time Project. They want to see me set, work through, and reach goals. MODEL!!!
Nice advice for students y'all. I would want to be a student in your class.
Modeling is ALWAYS best!!!
Our team thrives working together on goals. https://t.co/4V6QJdRd11
A3: Working with others on goals always works with me.
A3b: Find an interest, set a goal, make specific steps, & find someone to support them (even if it's just to brainstorm ideas)
Wrapping up our half hour chat tonight. Do you have some final thoughts
I went to a Rugby coaching clinic yesterday and this World cup winning coach said "break it down for them, into smaller steps"
Thanks to the moderators tonight. Now I have to go work on some goals....feeling guilty!
I remembered Proud of myself. Goal for today accomplished
Thanks for another great chat. I've been away too long!
Final thoughts: "Fortune favors the bold." Set bold and ambitious goals in education.
Educational blog. My goal was to write more about education.
FT: Small steps will lead to bigger steps and that will get you to where you need to go in Rugby and in Education
Being told I couldn't do it in the first place. That’s been some good motivation for me a few times
Better late than never eh
A1: Almost any framework can be found wanting when applied too rigidly. Frameworks should have room for movement.
A2: I’ll get back to this one later, when I have more time
A3: Removing distractions, clearing a path for completion, focusing on the job at hand