First EdCamp in Pittsburgh to offer free professional development hours AND partner with PBS and its local affiliate, WQED! We are expecting around 100 EdCampers.
I just love #pbl and #stuvoice , seeing Ss explore and learn on their own, so inspiring #EdCampPGH Sharing this
Thank you so much for the opportunity to collaborate with educational professionals today! I am 1 hour into the day and feel like I've gained so much today :)
Sometimes the 1 teach, 1 observe model can have a negative view but sometimes as the observer it offers you a different perspective in #coteaching#EdCampPGH#PBSedcamp But be sure that you switch who observes/teaches
Found a Preservice teacher who studied #promoteLatin#edcamppgh Gave her an ancient coin. She now has the oldest thing here at a modern day tech conference. @GiuliaPucciEDU
It is so refreshing to come to @edcampPGH and meeting SO MANY educators who are making amazing strides in making our schools the best places they can be. I’m so proud to be a school teacher. #EdCampPGH#pbsedcamp#PublicschoolProud
Today my two jobs collided! Thank you @primantibros in Moon for providing us hungry teachers at @edcampPGH with Pittsburgh’s best sandwich! So many educational fans today! #edcampPGH#pbroslife
I have never heard of Genius Hour, but I love the idea of letting our students take control of the classroom to learn more about their curiosities and interests! @edcampPGH#EdCampPGH
@edcampPGH It’s a challenge to change the mindset of students to get them to try something new . They have set beliefs about themselves #EdCampPGH@ollendyke57
How do you bring the IT director and the teachers together to chat about the importance of #edtech in the classroom for meaningful learning? #EdCampPGH#PBSedcamp
I wish my teachers had encouraged Genius Hour, or time to be creative and study what I’m interested in. I’m so impressed to be surrounded by so many teachers of impact! @edcampPGH#edcamppgh
Love hearing about how motivated @DonnaSteff’s students were to participate in Genius Hour. Makes me so excited to let my students take reign of their learning, too! @edcampPGH#edcampPGH
Chatting about student engagement @ #EDCampPGH now; reflecting on how I teach/want students to think metaphorically-How is Washington's experience like yours? ANALYZE how. How was Jackson like a current leader?How are the first five presidents like @sesamestreet characters, etc!
@edcampPGH#EdCampPGH showing a real world connection between the problem and a real story using the design process with Engineering in Elementary @ollendyke57
More educators should get on board with the #EdCampPGH way of delivering collaborative and highly-engaging progfessional development. @edcampPGH. Consider signing up for @Edcampgcc in mid-April.
Everyone @edcampPGH is so great @Mkrenzer20 just won a book that she already read and @whittonCody was asking more about it - so she “regifted” it to him. Teachers helping teachers #EdcampPGH
Awesome! One of my favorite summer activities over the past few years was breaking out the table saw and making some @breakoutEDU boxes, "branding" them with a hot iron, and personalizing them for my classes #EdCampPGH
In reply to
@mlewis_iu27, @Miss_SmithRASD, @edcampPGH, @breakoutEDU, @WQED_EDU, @breakoutEDU
@EdCampPGH#EdCampPGH cleaning up an oil spill - what will we change to improve the outcome and stay under budget? Total STEM lesson with Engineering In Elementary @ollendyke57
Latest discussion: Every pre-service teacher should be required to take an improv or drama class. My experiences in HS musicals is used every day. Man, was I handsome in HS or what? #EdCampPGH
On student engagement: one of my classes picks a musical artist each day. How many times can relate content to song titles from that artist? Came about authentically in class, but kids (and I) look forward to it #EdCampPGH