The #educoach hashtag is used by instructional coaches around the world. We chat each Wednesday at 8pm CST on Twitter and use the hashtag throughout the week to share resources, ask questions and collaborate with instructional coaches.
Hello - I'm Kathy. @lsmith0917 and I will be your moderators. My #eduwin for the week is working with great teacher leaders on Tuesday and again tomorrow! So reflective at our last teacher leader network session for the year. #educoach
Hi, #educoach! Lauren, Instructional Coach, Indiana. Looking forward to co-moderating with @KathyPerret for tonight's chat. My #eduwin is seeing evidence of impact through data collection in current coaching partnerships. Much to celebrate!!
Also wanted to mention that we've added a new feature to your #educoach Instructional Coach Blogging Tribe. We now have a facebook group. Read more here:
Ellen, k-12 instructional coach in Vermont where it is finally not snowing. My #eduwin this week is working outside of my content area with a fabulous HS English teacher and realizing that I did NOT sleep through #educoach again this week.
I'm Mandy, #educoach in TX. I've enjoyed celebrating our 5th grade math growth this week with teachers (and my own 5th grader). Intention yields results!
Hi #educoach -This is my 1st chat! Kristi from MO. My success celebration this week has to be an invitational book study meeting this morning with 12 K/1 and reading teachers. We are reading I am Reading by Matt Glover. Excited to chat tonight!
Also wanted to mention that we've added a new feature to your #educoach Instructional Coach Blogging Tribe. We now have a facebook group. Read more here:
So many good nuggets in this tweet. Way to stretch yourself as a coach, sleep is important (yet glad you ate here), and here’s to hopefully not saying the “s” word for awhile! #educoach
Hi #educoach! Fran Rogers, Middle Level Academic Specialist, checking in from SC. My #eduwin for the week is teachers volunteering to lead an innovative concept we’re launching in our summer PD experience.
We are focusing on intentionally closing gaps in previous grade-level skills and are using @DreamBox_Learn to differentiate for every student. The standards-focused convos have made a big impact. #educoach
Can't stay (got to pick up the kids...), but I hate missing #educoach! My #eduwin was starting some coaching as needed scheduling another observation today. It's May, but there's still time to refine instruction.
A1: We are coordinated and supportive, but not scheming. We pull from the same direction and that direction is transparent to and respectful of teachers. #educoach
If you like Glover and Miller, Collins is the missing piece! She's funny, real, and is clear she's put in the classroom time to have an opinion (that's important to me). I promise you'll love her! #educoach
In reply to
@KristiOdellFOSD, @KathyCollins15, @Mattglover123, @HeinemannPub, @millerread
A1 Strong partnerships are supportive of one another. They have a common focus and vision. They meet regularly so that the work continues. They deliver the same messages about coaching and share in the coaching! (Principals can wear a coaching hat aka #coachapproach) #educoach
A1: Transparency and an “all hands on deck” team-based approach first come to mind. Everyone shares the same mission and vision, and the organization’s purpose plays out through every move. #educoach
A1: Foundation of trust yet able to be vulnerable with each other. Shared vision and goals. Open communication, collaboration, and constantly continuing to grow alongside each other. #educoach
A1: A well oiled machine! My admin and I work very closely and make most inst. decisions together. We are a unified team with a great working relationship and close personal relationship. I am so blessed to have what I do with her! @ecrossprincipal#itlead#educoach
A2: When the coach is in multiple buildings, it's hard to stay connected and aligned. I meet with admin every 6 weeks or so, but still feel missed opportunities. #educoach
Yes, so important to have a strong foundation both professionally and personally! We have to know each each other as we carry out our shared vision and mission. :) You sound very blessed by your building leader! #educoach
A2: There’s a delicate balance that exists between the coach as a liaison between teachers and administrators. The evaluative vs. coaching lens can also cause hiccups. However, the shift to everyone coaching in some capacity detracts from eval/coach approach. #educoach
A1 When there is a strong relationship coaches and admin are always moving towards a common goal and collaborating on how to overcome the challenges along the way #educoach
A3: I followed @jimknight99’s advice an made a one-pager describing who I am what I do, etc. Just the practice of writing this and then reviewing it with admin is great for focus and clarity, but also discussion about what’s important. #educoach
A3: Continuing to open up lines of communication. Make commitment to meet and collaborate on school goals to ensure it is a collective and shared result. #educoach
A3: Discussing and clarifying expectations, educating others on the coaching role, ground everything in the impact on student outcomes. Reinforce the notion that it’s all about the work and not the person. #educoach
A1: A challenge of a coach and admin partnership leading the school is the lack of clarity in the role of the coach, as Ellen said, and how this appears to T. I have many leadership responsibilities, yet my badge says T. I'm their coach, and also their colleague. #educoach
A3: also, I’ve had admins go through the coaching cycle with me regarding their an aspect of own practice which helps them understand he work and empathize with me and with teachers. #educoach
A4: Clarify roles and expectations, provide time for coaching, keep evaluation separate from coaching, stay connected to coach... no small task with everything else on their plates. #educoach
A3: My admin and I meet weekly and treat it as our PLC. We celebrate, check in as accountability partners on prof. and personal goals, plan PLCs, PD, and address any business to make sure the building runs smoothly. It's our hub- our must! @ecrossprincipal#itlead#educoach
A4: I going to repeat myself, I think it’s crucial for them to experiencebeing coached. They need to walk the walk to understand and communicate the value of coaching. They need to understand the vulnerability, and logistical constraints, the need for flexibility, etc.#educoach
My principal and I have a standing meeting every week. We put it on our calendars, recurring, in August and make it a priority in our schedule. Maybe that's something you could try next year. #educoach
A4 Support comes in many ways. Keep coaching a priority rather than loading coaches with other tasks. Help coaches find time to meet with teachers - floating subs, cover classes, get creative. #educoach
We meet weekly, as well. Actually, we meet frequently...sometimes in the halls while working from our mobile offices. Her door is always open and she’s always a tweet or text away!! #educoach
We met on Mondays last year and this year it was Wednesdays due to the Monday morning craziness. I think next year we will put it back on Mondays, just make it after the bell rings and the T and S are in class :) #educoach
A4: This is a very special part of my current role. It’s critical for building/district admin. to dispel the us vs. them mentality. Open communication, generating awareness of programs/policies, and site-based support/modeling all contribute to a healthy relationship. #educoach
A5: We need to understand their direction. Have empathy for the difficulties inherent in their role. We also need to hold the transcendent vison. In my district admins come and go. We need to be the organizational memory at times. #educoach
Q4: Be clear about our role so T know what to expect. Be clear about expectations of us, so we know what to prioritize with all of the hats we wear. Finally, building and district admin need to be on the same page about our role and on what we spend most of our time. #educoach
Yes!!! @melissamcova started the year coaching each other...took the speed coaching protocol from @jpkillion that she shared during the @R13Coaches conference this past summer. #educoach
A6: having a clear definition of what a coach is and is not will help and having a having a clear communication about this definition. Speaking at staff meetings together. Having understanding that coaching is non-evaluative #educoach
A6: Again, I’m back to admins being willing to be coached and being open about it. Is this a case of “when the tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail?” #educoach
A5: Promote a unified vision, help them grow their #PLN, engage them in a coaching cycle/Inquiry cycle, model coaching moves/stances in interactions with admin teams. #educoach
Q6: Again, it comes to clarity and expectations. There needs to be a distinction bt coaching and eval and T need to be taught this difference so they don't resist working with a coach. Principals and coaches need to be unified and transparent about these things. #educoach
A7: We strive toward a coaching culture in our building and district. Our staff had an article chat on this article by Atul Gawande Spurred some powerful discussions! #educoach
A7 Building leaders can model the way. They can take part in coaching training WITH coaches so that there is a clear understanding of the practice. #educoach
A7: Admins must show that instructional coaching is a priority for everyone (over the counter, not a prescription drug) by helping coaches create a structure that allows them to partner meaningfully with teachers focused on improving things for students. #educoach
A6: Preaching the same message regarding coaching is critical in building trust. Authenticity is key. An important exercise is for individuals and teams to define trust. It’s amazing the variations you’ll get in doing this exercise. Our experiences shape all of this. #educoach
Thank you so much for sharing! I am going to use this. Have you seen this video? I've put this in the weekly memo but never have addressed it face to face- it needs to be a goal for next year! #educoach
A7: Explicitly communicating this message is essential to ensure the message carries weight. Make time for coaching—it’s THAT important. The mantra should be everyone gets coached bc this is the way we do business. #educoach
A9: Again, I’m going with: lead by example. Be willing to be coached. Also, don’t proscribe coaching to fix a teacher. That dooms our relationship. #educoach