#122edchat is a weekly conversation designed to help inspire educators across the globe to reach their greatest potential in service of others. Megan Hacholski (@megan_hacholski) and Michael Abramczyk (@_on11), along with guest moderators, lead each week with a different focus tied to their strengths and areas of expertise.
Mike D, Tech Integrator/TOSA from NY here. Love the #122edchat community. Tagging in @MrsMonty5thGrd as I know she would add so much to the convo. She is always sharing such creative and inspiring stuff. She is also a @Buncee Jedi! #Culturize has been an awesome summer read.
Welcome to #122edchat
Please introduce yourself, where you are from, your role in education, and tag someone you would like to see join you here tonight!
For the chat tonight we will use the Q1/A1 format for all questions (Qs) and Answers (As).
Remember to tag all tweets with #122edchat, even replies & quotes!
Hello. My name is Susan, and I am a first year teacher from IL and will be on @PonderEducation starting in August. I would love to see @RaeHughart on this chat if she is able to. #122edchat
Welcome to #122edchat
Please introduce yourself, where you are from, your role in education, and tag someone you would like to see join you here tonight!
Hey all, Laura checking in to #122EdChat as we discuss Ch. 4 of #Culturize. I'm a veteran art teacher transitioning into the role of technology coach for the upcoming school year.
I'm late, sorry!
Vanessa Heller: #inquiry#pbl and #GiftedEd trainer and middle school humanities teacher from Southern CA. No one ever joins me in chats...one day though, one day… #122edchat
Thanks, Mike. Glad I could make this one finally. We've been on the go almost every Wednesday night. This spectacular weather here has not kept us indoors much. #122edchat
A1: "Our vibe attracts your tribe" is an awesome quote. I believe that if you are positive with students they will bring their 100%,. I also believe that being positive around your coworkers makes everyone positive. #122edchat
When we think of “your vibe attracts your tribe,” how can we change our words and actions so that we don’t bring harm to others or our learning community (“awfulizing”) but, rather, lift them up (“awesomizers”)?
A1 Nothing breeds more negativity IMO than the counters...
"only ___days until summer"
Don't count the days, make the days count. 180 days to change lives people!!!! #122edchat
A1: We need to make sure that our words and actions are motivating & inspiring others. We should be adding TO lives rather than taking away. If we aren't encouraging others to move forward & achieve goals they've set, then what are we doing? #beawesome#122edchat
A1: We need to be in the business of promoting the positive! Our words & actions should always be lifting others up, not tearing them down. We need to remember that we’re all in this together & teamwork makes the dream work! Celebrate ALL! #Culturize#122edchat
A1: Find the good instead of the bad. Focus on your successes and learn from failures. Go back to the shop and rebuild for next time. Don't be content with sitting in dust, crying about the situation. Get up, dust off, and go WIN. #Culturize with #122edchat
A1: Being an "awesomizer" depends on you! Be compassionate and inviting. Model a love for learning. Value relationships with Ss & Ts. Spread kindness. Show appreciation. #122edchat#Culturize
A1: Celebrate differences & find more commonalities among all. Collaborate, Create, & Celebrate all that we do. Each one of us is awesome, but together we’re #SUPERDUPERAWESOME ~ it’s not possible to be an “awfulizer” in this service profession. #122edchat
A1: Focus on the positive -don’t give attention to the negative (unless it is major and you have to address it). Build people up! Ask “is this in your circle of control?” If not, move on. How can you make the situation better? #122edchat
A1 phrasing is everything! My kids can’t really means I dont want to. We need to be positive and switch it up to how can I or wouldn’t it be great if! Happyness breeds happyness! #122edchat
When we think of “your vibe attracts your tribe,” how can we change our words and actions so that we don’t bring harm to others or our learning community (“awfulizing”) but, rather, lift them up (“awesomizers”)?
A1: I know the importance of being an encourager because, truly, the world has enough critics already. I surround myself with positive awesomizers who make an immense difference, and all of my #PLN fits into this category. #122edchat
A1: Consciously, I know I have an amazing job and truly nothing to complain about but I can fall I to that trap when I am overwhelmed, tired, and frustrated. My goal for this year is to avoid complaining to others! #122EdChat
A1.2: It all comes down to how we are framing situations with our words. Trending the positive will cause others to believe and fight on! We should aspire to inspire. If my words are damaging or pessimistic, others will give up before starting. #Culturize with #122edchat
When we think of “your vibe attracts your tribe,” how can we change our words and actions so that we don’t bring harm to others or our learning community (“awfulizing”) but, rather, lift them up (“awesomizers”)?
A1: We realize the importance of approaching our most vulnerable students through a trauma informed lense. This approach is really no different for little teachers. You have to remember that the adults in your life have struggles, pains, etc. #122edchat
A1 Awesomize & #culturize your tribe by honoring a person’s contributions - or potential contributions. Simply ask that one person for help, advice, ideas, & give them credit when you share that info w/ others = may bridge the gap of exclusion to inclusion #Culturize#122edchat
A1: cut the gossip. Make sure ypu compliment (genuinely!) before offering constructive criticism. Forgive members of your tribe when they have a rough day. Offer free hugs and coffee. #122edchat#Culturize
When we think of “your vibe attracts your tribe,” how can we change our words and actions so that we don’t bring harm to others or our learning community (“awfulizing”) but, rather, lift them up (“awesomizers”)?
A1 Ss see when Ts are excited and positive about something so they want to join in! It all goes along with building those relationships at beginning of the year. #122edchat
A1: Focus on & highlight the positive. Always. Even when it isn't easy. If you consistently highlight the positives others will start doing that too. #122edchat
A1: I have been working on staing things more in teh postive like remember instead of don't forget, I get to instead of I have to. I have found that even for me more positive talk helps my frame of mind. #122edchat
A1: I think that by always being mindful of what we say and how we are treating others will definitely attract our tribe....whether positive or negative. We all have our own struggles and showing others grace, daily, will create a positive atmosphere! #122edchat
A1: Focus on the positive -don’t give attention to the negative (unless it is major and you have to address it). Build people up! Ask “is this in your circle of control?” If not, move on. How can you make the situation better? #122edchat
A1 I think we have to be better about leaving the negativity out the door and finding the positive always. Also, smile! They are contagious!!#122edchat
A1. Small things go a long way. OUR kids. OUR class. OUR school. US! WE! This is a team. No one should go it alone.
I am smart. WE are brilliant. #122edchat#bettertogether
A1: cut the gossip. Make sure ypu compliment (genuinely!) before offering constructive criticism. Forgive members of your tribe when they have a rough day. Offer free hugs and coffee. #122edchat#Culturize
When we think of “your vibe attracts your tribe,” how can we change our words and actions so that we don’t bring harm to others or our learning community (“awfulizing”) but, rather, lift them up (“awesomizers”)?
A1. I make an effort to be a kind, calm presence. Ready with a reassuring word, a way to go, a hug or just a smile. I truly hope that they know that I am here for them, anytime...no matter what! #122edchat
When we think of “your vibe attracts your tribe,” how can we change our words and actions so that we don’t bring harm to others or our learning community (“awfulizing”) but, rather, lift them up (“awesomizers”)?
A1: we can change "i" into team. we have to work together as a staff to better our learning community. we have to be about the S's and not be prideful #122edchat
#122edchat A1 - I want to keep my speech mainly positive next year. I want to only talk about things that are positive for kids. I don't want to talk negatively about students anymore. Every misbehavior has an underlying reason that probably needs addressed.
It is often realized that it’s not just the big things that make a difference, what little things can you implement on Day 1 and sustain throughout the year that could “have a profound impact?”
A1. Staying positive with culture and ignoring the naysayers! Don't listen to the Jekyl and Hyde character, they will get caught in the end, creating their bad culture! #122edchat
A1: I like something I heard recently-when someone asks how your day is going, the best answer is always “Great”. No need to pull others down. Set the tone. #122edchat
When we think of “your vibe attracts your tribe,” how can we change our words and actions so that we don’t bring harm to others or our learning community (“awfulizing”) but, rather, lift them up (“awesomizers”)?
A1 Our words are powerful! Promote positive and growth! Awsomeizers promote growth mindsets not only in their classrooms, but with their colleagues! #122edchat
A1- Look for the positive in everything and try to problem solve through frustrating situations. This helps set a positive culture. I also think we need to be willing to step outside and try something outside our own comfort zones that others are sharing. #122edchat
A1: I know the importance of being an encourager because, truly, the world has enough critics already. I surround myself with positive awesomizers who make an immense difference, and all of my #PLN fits into this category. #122edchat
A1 By keeping a positive front even when you may be having a not so positive day. Also try to spread an "attitude of gratitude"! #BeGrateful@CaldwellElemen#122edchat
A2: Set the tone for the year & share with others your teaching philosophy. . .then, ask them what you can do for them to help them achieve their goals. Discuss the fact that this important work cannot be done alone, but has to be done collaboratively. #122edchat
A2 One little thing that is really a big thing is using others' first names when talking to them. Be intentional. Make it personal. I need to get better at this. #122edchat
A2 Biggest change I made is to stand in the doorway of my class and greet every student every day. A smile and hello, glad you are here go a long way to building....
A2: My "little" goal for the year is a personal one: to continue the 5-10 minute #mindfulness daily practice I've started this summer with the support of amazing colleague @LizzieFortin. I see evidence that it may be very impactful. #122edchat
A2: Smile, Listen, & Intentionally focus on building/strengthening relationships w/ ALL stakeholders! Be intentional in all that I do! #Culturize#122edchat
We actually have outlawed the countdown in our school pretty much for this reason. Treasure the time that we have together. I tell my kids that this will literally be the only time in any of our lives that this group of people together #122edchat
A2: Making sure to start to get to know Ss on Day 1. Then being consistent about investing interest in their lives after that. Even if it's just a quick chat about how their weekend was. #122edchat#Culturize
A2: POSITIVE ENERGY and authentic joy about being at school, especially during the dark, bleak, cold months were people don't want to get out of bed. If I am not excited about being at school, how can I expect more from our students? #Culturize with #122edchat
A1: I think that by always being mindful of what we say and how we are treating others will definitely attract our tribe....whether positive or negative. We all have our own struggles and showing others grace, daily, will create a positive atmosphere! #122edchat
A1: As a first year teacher, I want to cultivate a loving atmosphere in my classroom and one where the Ss know I will be there for them 24/7. I plan on having community circles on a daily basis and just talk about whatever my Ss would like to. #122edchat
I encounter colleagues (kids too) that don't feel that they have anything of value to contribute...with prompting and encouragement, there is always a treasure to be found. #122edchat#Culturize
A2: I used to be a magician growing up (part of the society of young magicians, did birthday parties, etc.). I want to make balloon crowns for my "King" or "Queen" of the class who demonstrate effective historical thought. I think it would be fun and uplifting! #122edchat
A1: I know the importance of being an encourager because, truly, the world has enough critics already. I surround myself with positive awesomizers who make an immense difference, and all of my #PLN fits into this category. #122edchat
A1. I think it starts within. I watched a #Tedtalk yesterday about how writing down positive thoughts each night for a few weeks trains one’s mind to focus on the positive, which in turn enhances positive interactions with those around us #122edchat
#122edchat Have you heard of beach front entry? Not plunging straight into cold waters. When I want to do new, 1st i need to give my team space to absorb, adopt and adapt.
A2: Smile, Listen, & Intentionally focus on building/strengthening relationships w/ ALL stakeholders! Be intentional in all that I do! #Culturize#122edchat
A1 Listen and ask genuine questions to help understand, be aware of your tone, assume good in others. We all want to give our best and we must assume this in others! #122edchat
When we think of “your vibe attracts your tribe,” how can we change our words and actions so that we don’t bring harm to others or our learning community (“awfulizing”) but, rather, lift them up (“awesomizers”)?
It is often realized that it’s not just the big things that make a difference, what little things can you implement on Day 1 and sustain throughout the year that could “have a profound impact?”
A2.2: Being present in convos for not only our Ss, but staff as well. Too often, we get so wrapped up in serving the kids, we miss that there are other people standing by us that need support. Ask Qs, pay attention to non-verbals, be kind...always. #Culturize with #122edchat
It is often realized that it’s not just the big things that make a difference, what little things can you implement on Day 1 and sustain throughout the year that could “have a profound impact?”
A2 One little thing that is really a big thing is using others' first names when talking to them. Be intentional. Make it personal. I need to get better at this. #122edchat
A2- Get to know truly know the people and students you work with everyday on a personal level. Ask them how are they are doing, make connections, and truly listen to what they have to say. Relationships drive everything. #122edchat
A1: Teachers who carry the banner for others want their students, colleagues, principal & superintendent to be great...and vice versa. In a healthy culture everyone roots for everyone else to succeed. #culturize#122edchat
A2. For Ss, greet them first thing in the morning...hugs...fist bumps...walk them to class, the reverse it for the end of the day. For my staff & colleagues, send a note of encouragement, checking in with them throughout the day/week, random acts of kindness/surprises! #122edchat
It is often realized that it’s not just the big things that make a difference, what little things can you implement on Day 1 and sustain throughout the year that could “have a profound impact?”
A1: Working together to solve problems. It’s easy to identify a problem (and also to dwell on it) but let’s take that energy together to work on solutions #122edchat#Culturize
When we think of “your vibe attracts your tribe,” how can we change our words and actions so that we don’t bring harm to others or our learning community (“awfulizing”) but, rather, lift them up (“awesomizers”)?
A2: day 1 is like no other Day 1 my Ss will have! Bringing excitement and engagement with challenges and twists and gamification. Learning about Ss as they learn about me. #122edchat
A2: Smile and make eye contact with people. Warmth makes people feel safe, and when they’re safe they are more likely to take the risks necessary to do dynamic and extraordinary things with/for students. #122edchat
A2: learn Ss names (w/proper pronunciation!!) asap! Greet with a smile, and treat them like PEOPLE not future numbers on a data chart. Show them your school spirit and get them excited to be in your class. #122edchat#Culturize#ElMejor#WeAreCaldwell
It is often realized that it’s not just the big things that make a difference, what little things can you implement on Day 1 and sustain throughout the year that could “have a profound impact?”
A2: showing appreciation - for all of the tribe. Making sure that my Ss, Ts, Ps, and Admins hear about all of the positives I see every day. #culturize#122edchat
A2. Welcome evry Ss with smiles and greeting them, thank them for coming, listen to their stories they have to share, ask questions, share compliments! #122edchat
Been framing many of my conversation this week with my daughter in "growth mindset". Refocusing failures with the concept of "yet". #culturize with #122edchat
A1 If you want a positive culture it starts with you. Everything we say, do and show communicates what we value. Let your values shine and build a culture around that. My family is super important to me and I love having a picture wall in my office #122edchat
A2: I am going to make it a priority to make sure I see all staff memebers daily and at minimum smile and say Hi. We are a small staff, but can get cuaght up in the day and miss seeing people. #122edchat
A2: Put everything else aside & connect. Honestly & openly connect with the Ss. Those connections/relationships will carry you through the entire year. #122edchat
A2 As a principal, I did car duty and I enjoyed every minute of it! It was fun to laugh and play around with the Ss to help them start the day on a positive note. #122edchat
A2: We have Positive Office Referrals. Ss get recognized, get to call home. Also, recognize Ts. We are recognizing teachers for their years of service 1st day back to school. Appreciate your tribe! #122edchat
A1: Teachers who carry the banner for others want their students, colleagues, principal & superintendent to be great...and vice versa. In a healthy culture everyone roots for everyone else to succeed. #culturize#122edchat
“Fear of making the wrong decision often keeps people from making any decision.” Give an example of when reflection, reinvestment, aspiration, or action changed the way you thought, planned, or dreamed.
Evening everyone! I'm a new teacher to middle school moving from 5th grade. @ThorntonCFISD has created an amazing culture and that is what drove me to read #culturize this summer. I kept saying, YEP while reading! I can't wait to meet my new students #122edchat
A2: Consistency, routine, boundaries, and a fair & fresh opportunity for students to "begin again" (if needed) at the onset of the year will make a significant difference. #122edchat
A2 Setting the tone, expectations at the very beginning will help throughout the year. Show empathy, understanding, support, etc during year and Ss will want to do things for Ts so impact sill be profound #122edchat
A2 I am always in the halls between classes. I get to know so much about my kids just by having casual conversations in the halls. Also making positive phone calls home are such a simple thing that pay huge dividends! #122edchat
A2: Day 1-Day180+ ... It’s more than saying hello, how are you? You must be present to not just hear, but listen to the responses of the Ss, the Ps, & other stakeholders in your community. #listennotjusthear#122edchat
#122edchat Be authentic on day 1 and show through your actions that you care about them and will take their feedback seriously. It is important to keep it up every day.
A2: Put everything else aside & connect. Honestly & openly connect with the Ss. Those connections/relationships will carry you through the entire year. #122edchat
A2: Aren't the little things what we always remember the most? Checking in on students and co-workers when they are having a hard day. Being intentional and staying positive through the fun days and the not so fun days! :) #122edchat
I always re-read my Harry Wong book, but simple things work. I always stood outside of my classroom door on day one, shook every student’s hand and introduced myself. I also called home to all families in the first week to build a foundation of positive support #122edchat
It is often realized that it’s not just the big things that make a difference, what little things can you implement on Day 1 and sustain throughout the year that could “have a profound impact?”
A2 Start with connections day 1. I don’t need one more day or week f content. Let me know about you, what makes you tick, and I’ll let you see that I care and we’re in this together for the next 180 days #122edchat
A1: Teachers who carry the banner for others want their students, colleagues, principal & superintendent to be great...and vice versa. In a healthy culture everyone roots for everyone else to succeed. #culturize#122edchat
A2-I'm going to make it a point each day to bring it!! No matter how I feel or what is going on, I'm going to bring my best self forward everyday!! #122edchat
It is often realized that it’s not just the big things that make a difference, what little things can you implement on Day 1 and sustain throughout the year that could “have a profound impact?”
A3: Aspiration and dreaming is what brought #122edchat to life. Without a push from @_on11 and the support from @Flood1Tracy, none of us would be here today!
A3 One aspiration I set myself to this year was through #OneWord2018. My one word was REACH. It helped me dream big and the connections made helped change the way I view collaboration and community. I also reached new students and new colleagues this year. #122edchat
A3 Best piece of advice I got from a mentor T:
"It's not brain surgery, it's teaching. When we make mistakes, we go back, reflect, reteach and move on."
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Some of my best teaching came from "I wonder if I can......"
A2: I think just by ‘bringing it’ like how we do on day 1 and doing that every day. The excitement of day 1 can be felt on that rainy November day if we ‘bring it’ #122edchat#Culturize
It is often realized that it’s not just the big things that make a difference, what little things can you implement on Day 1 and sustain throughout the year that could “have a profound impact?”
A2 I am always in the halls between classes. I get to know so much about my kids just by having casual conversations in the halls. Also making positive phone calls home are such a simple thing that pay huge dividends! #122edchat
A3: There was a project I planned and was nervous about doing out of fear that it would not be perfect, and mistakes would be made. I sat down and thought about how even if there are mistakes, they are growing points for next year. The project turned out solid! #122edchat
A2 Be the change you want to see. I am gonna work on making meaningful and intentional emotional bank account deposits for both students and staff this year! #LeaderinMe#122edchat
ESPECIALLY in your environment. There already is a negative stigma about math class. When you make them feel at home, there is nothing that will stop them. #culturize with #122edchat
A3: End of 16-17 SY I was curious about #122edchat & it's been life changing ever since getting involved. It's helped me be more open & try new things without that fear bc there are people I can reach out to for help & support. It's such a motivational boost for me! #Culturize
A2: It’s important to remember that whatever small things we implement in the first days of August to impact others in a positive way are the same things we should be implementing in every other day & month of the school year. #culturize#122edchat
A3: Not being promoted in the past was difficult. Struggled mightily and grieved the loss, but then decided to reinvent myself and push different boundaries. Took ownership over my story, moved out of my small network, and went global. #Culturize with #122edchat
A2 Greet everyone with a smile; high 5 random staff and Ss; place random acts of kindness around campus; tell each Ss they are loved before they leave. #122edchat
A3: Taking risks are important, but reflection has helped in more cases than not when I've realized an idea didn't work. Collaboration is key! #122edchat
A3- Fear can be paralyzing. On days that I think might be challenging or when I'm afraid to put myself out there, I talk to my own kids for inspiration. It helps me remember why I'm doing it and totally changes my perspective. #122edchat
A2 - list below
* greet students each class at the door
* learn names by saying them
* start every class with a positive affirmation
* end class with another positive affirmation.
* personal stories that inspire.
* ask students what they like and mean it. #122edchat
A2 - Makes me totally think of Be REAL (@TaraMartinEDU) , the book that I am currently reading. We have to Be REAL - Relatable. Which is all about building the relationships. Creating that kind of culture. #122edchat
A2 welcome them with a smile and a hug no matter who it is. We have all had rough mornings sometimes it’s a smile and a hug can change their day. Hey to know each student and staff by learning their names and just a little about them. Show that you care! #122edchat
A1-Kris from NY jumping in... Modeling positive behaviors and language and as @casas_jimmy challenge myself to be nice rather than right. If someone is an awfulizer I feel sad for them now rather than angry. #122edchat
#122edchat - A3 - Earlier this year when I switched my class from #teacher to #student centered and stopped teaching in front of the room, I was reinvesting in my teaching practice to better serve my students. It completely rejuvenated my career.
A3: As we move embark on a new school year, I’m ready to embrace changes & try new ways/things! I’m ready to be a part of a movement... can’t keep doing what we’ve always done! Not letting fear paralyze me... I’m jumping in & ready to make a splash! #Culturize#122edchat
I love this, Kate! Those acknowledgements...specific things...are like arrows that can pierce the armor of the toughest people. Good for you! Costs nothing, but means everything. #culturize with #122edchat
A3: So few of our decisions are life and death. Take the leap, see how you land. I am all for taking risks and keeping Ss needs first. When you do that, you'll be ok #122edchat
A2: Can’t stress enough that everything boils down to relationships- authentic ones. Check in- support- encourage - inspire and just show up for others. #122edchat
It is often realized that it’s not just the big things that make a difference, what little things can you implement on Day 1 and sustain throughout the year that could “have a profound impact?”
A3: opening a "performance room" in elementary school so students can practice listening to themselves sing- it's gonna be different next year, people! Hold on to your britches! #122edchat@LionsLearning@PHausTech
“Fear of making the wrong decision often keeps people from making any decision.” Give an example of when reflection, reinvestment, aspiration, or action changed the way you thought, planned, or dreamed.
A3: my biggest fear was introducing and teaching technology to my first graders. I learned quickly that I didn’t need to be the expert. It’s very empowering for them to be the teacher. #Culturize#122EdChat
“Fear of making the wrong decision often keeps people from making any decision.” Give an example of when reflection, reinvestment, aspiration, or action changed the way you thought, planned, or dreamed.
A2~ #122edchat ... connect with your Ss with purposeful language that shows care & concern ~ consistency & authenticity in delivery goes a long way 😊 builds trust and mutual respect & most importantly, connection to each other ❤️
I still remember halfway through my first year teaching when I decided to bring excitement into my every day that I brought the first few weeks of school. The change was night and day in my relationships with my students and how they received my instruction #122edchat
A2:They tell new teachers to not smile until the End of the first month. That makes no sense to me -I think being kind doesn’t mean you cannot manage a class. starting from day one I make sure I let my kids know that I’m approachable . #122edchat
Q3: I have grown in this area significantly over this past year or so. Thanks to the support of my co-workers and Principal! Now, if I have an idea, I ask. Most of the time I'm told yes...and I run with it! If I'm told no, I go back and either let it go or re-think it. #122edchat
A3: Moving to a more student choice-based classroom culture was a scary shift for me but one I saw other people doing well. I now wonder why I was so apprehensive about it. #122edchat
A2 I need to slow down to take more interest in others (their work & private life). I’d also like to thank others more often for their contributions & efforts. I tend to forget my social skills when I rush about or my brain is too busy (which is like always) #Culturize#122edchat
A3 We are doing a activity about learning how to fail and cheer about it that @casas_jimmy taught me this summer on our opening institute day. It's important to build a culture of failing forward if we want a culture of innovation #Culturize#122edchat
I think making decisions is an extremely important part of being an educator. We always want to have data to make decisions, but even that can not predict. Most important thing is involving others in making decisions, especially when they are impacted by them #122edchat
“Fear of making the wrong decision often keeps people from making any decision.” Give an example of when reflection, reinvestment, aspiration, or action changed the way you thought, planned, or dreamed.
A3. As a band director we have a set of norms that have been passed down. I am setting my own norms this year. I know my kids better than anyone. I must tailor what I do to best meet their needs. Not someone else's. #122edchat
It is often realized that it’s not just the big things that make a difference, what little things can you implement on Day 1 and sustain throughout the year that could “have a profound impact?”
A2- From day one Ican be present with people during interactions, focusing on them as people what they are saying, and how I can help them. In our fast paced field I too often catch myself worrying about the next task instead of what is truly important ...the people! #122edchat
A3 I feel I am continuously reflecting, reinvesting my time, and aspiring for more and for better… I am constantly adjusting to justify a more effective ‘action’ on behalf of kids and colleagues. We want kids to do the same, no? #Culturize#122edchat
#122edchat moving into 2 new positions at beginning of last year and then in the middle moving onto a new committee. It was a lot. I've grown and learn and am ready to tackle more this year.
Using names. Even if it takes me 10 minutes to figure it out - I ALWAYS use their names (staff too) to show I am trying and recognize them as an individual - usually settle on nicknames as year goes on "Smituzzle" was my favorite nick name This year lol #122edchat
Hi! Joining late, sorry. A3: I always choose to reflect and act. A lot more is learned from actions and chances taken than from not taking any risks at all. #122edchat
That’s awesome that you follow through with calling home right away. Sometimes it is something teachers strive to do, but then get bogged down with beginning of the year tasks and stress! #122edchat
A1: Just like we do for students - Look for the quiet ones that are always working hard and praise them. Strike up positive conversation and grow that tribe. Try to ignore the disruptors! Hopefully they'll soon see they are on their own and join the positive train! #122edchat
A3: Cue Michael Jackson’s “ Man in the Mirror” Self-reflection videos on a private @flipgrid grid gave me a safe place to validate my thoughts, concerns, & ideas for moving forward. #122edchat
A2:They tell new teachers to not smile until the End of the first month. That makes no sense to me -I think being kind doesn’t mean you cannot manage a class. starting from day one I make sure I let my kids know that I’m approachable . #122edchat
A3: I always thought classroom management and relationships were something I was naturally good at. A student in Year 3 made me realize I had a lot to learn (specifically to stop talking and start listening) #122edchat#Culturize
“Fear of making the wrong decision often keeps people from making any decision.” Give an example of when reflection, reinvestment, aspiration, or action changed the way you thought, planned, or dreamed.
A3 I wanted to create a survey with students and I reached out to @m_drez to see if he would collaborate with me on it. I wanted more reach than just my school, he said yes. We did it together #BetterTogether#122edchat
A3: As I was reading the book #Culturize, I began thinking of my thought processes last year and how much negativity I brought with me into class. After reading Ch 1-4, I'm re-energized to bring my best and remain positive throughout the year. #122edchat
A2: learn Ss names (w/proper pronunciation!!) asap! Greet with a smile, and treat them like PEOPLE not future numbers on a data chart. Show them your school spirit and get them excited to be in your class. #122edchat#Culturize#ElMejor#WeAreCaldwell
It is often realized that it’s not just the big things that make a difference, what little things can you implement on Day 1 and sustain throughout the year that could “have a profound impact?”
It is often realized that it’s not just the big things that make a difference, what little things can you implement on Day 1 and sustain throughout the year that could “have a profound impact?”
A3. I have been challenged to think about & articulate what I do with kids. I'm told it's different. To me, it's simply what I do. I was asked to be a mentor, share what I do & how I build relationships. Challenged my thinking - do I really have something to offer? #122edchat
“Fear of making the wrong decision often keeps people from making any decision.” Give an example of when reflection, reinvestment, aspiration, or action changed the way you thought, planned, or dreamed.
A3: It's just the realization that you aren't ALWAYS going to make the best decision, but if you make decisions based on what you think is best for kids, then more often than not you'll be heading the right direction #122edchat
A2: Guns N Roses started it all out with "Welcome to the Jungle." Start out with your class's metaphorical "Welcome to the Jungle." Let the Ss know what kind of rocking they're in for all year. #122edchat
YES! I love getting to do this...perhaps a little too much. I often get scolded for causing a traffic jam. I can't help it. I am just so happy that the kids are back at school! Seriously. #culturize with #122edchat
A3: When I originally wanted to go the self-paced, mastery learning route I thought the idea was crazy & I was crazy but I took some time to plan & just took the leap - a year & a half later I'm planning for an entire year of mastery learning! #122edchat
A3: During student teaching, I had a blog where I reflected on my experiences, and I made a separate blog for my first year of teaching. Along with reflecting on my blog, I plan on reflecting on @PonderEducation as well. I believe reflection is the key to growing. #122edchat
#122edchat A3: When I ask my students to give me feedback on lessons, reflect on their feedback and make changes, it shows students that growth is important.
A3 I make mistakes every single day, but in my class we celebrate that! I model reflection in my class for my Ss so they can do the same! Being more vulnerable with my Ss and admitting and sharing my mistakes has been a game changer! #122edchat
A3 There is always fear in change and taking risks but it is necessary part of growth. One just needs to take time to learn and reflect from it. #122edchat
A3- I was very afraid of Technology and that was difficult for me. I decided I need to jump right in and it has opened this fantastic world for my students and myself!! #122edchat
A3: I am not a fan of failure but I am even less of fan of leaving anything on the table. I try a new lesson and if it doesn't go well I ask why. Every time. Maybe it was me, the delivery, the content. Whatever who cares, just reflect and try again. #122edchat
“Fear of making the wrong decision often keeps people from making any decision.” Give an example of when reflection, reinvestment, aspiration, or action changed the way you thought, planned, or dreamed.
A4 This school year I am excited to work on a team to bring Positivity Project schoolwide. I have taken a lot of things on for next year, but I will hold to my goal of not grading at home! #122edchat
A4:You have to know WHAT you want to accomplish, create a plan for HOW you will do it, WHO do you need to collaborate with, WHY you're setting this goal in the 1st place, WHERE you will go if you need to reflect & regroup, WHEN you want to achieve this goal by. #122edchat
♥️Greet kids by name w/hugs, fist bumps, music, dancing, conga line, limbo. ANYTHING that will make kids want to come back on Day 2 & that you’ll cont. to do throughout the yr.
♥️Eat lunch w/kids
♥️Play w/kids at recess
♥️Love them from Day1️⃣ #122edchat#Culturize
A3: I think we need to evaluate whether we are perceived as being tolerant of risk taking. Teacher to student. Principal to teacher. Etc. We might believe we are tolerant, but what do people’s actions say? #122edchat
Very true... Sometimes heading in the right direction is the best thing you can do. With whats best for students steering the ship, seldom are you way off course. #122edchat
A3 Always remember the process is far more important than the result. We're gonna fail but it's the journey that makes us who we are. I wrote about this a few weeks ago https://t.co/TRCChvtY7c#Culturize#122edchat
Our superintendent and central admin folks do this too throughout the year. It's amazing how many students they reach throughout the year through a simple act of service #122edchat
A2 As mentioned, greet Ss & Ts. But, one thing I just read was to make sure the person greets you back. For Ss, we need to model how to greet someone bc they might know & have those exp else where. We can teach them to look ppl in the eyes & have good handshakes...#122edchat
A4 - #122edchat -Unfortunately, I have already made the decision to step back from being the cross country coach. I want to focus on being the best math teacher possible with all I have learned over the last few months. I don't want to teach in front of the room at all next year.
Q3: I had my Ss complete an end of year reflection. Two of my “good” students let me know that they didn’t really connect with me. This caught me be surprise, but I will be intentional about connecting with all Ss from this point on. #122edchat
A4: I will be sure to spread the positive messages of my district globally and especially throughout my area! Everyone should know its level of awesome!
A4: I plan on taking on more this year, so the biggest thing is just managing time & using it wisely. Realize you cant do everything in 1 day & make sure to make time for family, friends, & me! We can't carry the banner if we aren't strong enough. Self care is vital. #122edchat
A4: Carrying the banner is full-time work, BUT I must be mindful of how much time that I am investing in social activities that do not involve my family. They can't always take 2nd place. Too often, I get wrapped up in trying to be everywhere for everyone. #familyfirst#122edchat
A4: Have balance, communicate with your family about your work obligations, teach your colleagues what you learned over the summer, be giving with your knowledge #122edchat@PHausTech
A4: I think I need to start delegating more, or give up some responsibilities to let others shine. I have been saying "Yes" to a lot of things, and it has me feeling pretty exhausted. I work with amazing people who can do amazing things. Time to let them show it! #122edchat
Recently changed my perspective on a situation. Instead of being frustrated by a different approach will choose to continue to model what is best for teachers and students #122edchat
A3 We are doing a activity about learning how to fail and cheer about it that @casas_jimmy taught me this summer on our opening institute day. It's important to build a culture of failing forward if we want a culture of innovation #Culturize#122edchat
A4: One thing I've done is to drastically scale back the number of times were are meeting as a faculty before/after school. I was burning teachers out, myself included. #122edchat
A4: As a 1st yr teacher, it can be easy to become overwhelmed at times with the amount of things on a to-do list. I plan on giving my all because, of course, my #kidsdeserveit, but I also want to make sure to designate time for myself so that I do not burn out. #122edchat
#122edchat a2 Displays are big and have big impact but day 1 do a small temp one. E.g kids fav quote. Get their voice out there. Stamp their thoughts on @Seesaw or irl walls. Make them seen & heard 😃🤓😇
A3p2: ...And at 40+ yrs old I'm now a first generation college grad and about to start my 2nd year of teaching! Face your fears and life is great!
A4: One of the hardest things to do, but easiest solutions is to simply ask for help. Collaboration at the school can help with a more balanced home life. #122edchat
A3. Took a some risks, planned some projects with problem solving in STEM similiar to what I would do on the college level, but designed it for the lower level grades! It worked out well with our CSI investigation! #122edchat
A3: standardized tests not designed well shouldn’t dictate ur curriculum . Conferencing with Ss allows you to see how they learn & how they’ve grow. #pbl#flipped Eliminating high-stakes testing in class improved class culture & had great scores on the test . #122edchat
A3: I was passed over for my current job twice before. Each time I reflected on the progress, took feedback, made a plan, aspired to do better, and put my desires into action. Now, I have my dream job and feel.more ready than ever #122edchat
“Fear of making the wrong decision often keeps people from making any decision.” Give an example of when reflection, reinvestment, aspiration, or action changed the way you thought, planned, or dreamed.
“Fear of making the wrong decision often keeps people from making any decision.” Give an example of when reflection, reinvestment, aspiration, or action changed the way you thought, planned, or dreamed.
A4b: I will also keep strong my ties to family and friends being sure to listen when its time to disconnect from the virtual and reconnect to the physical.
A4: Understand that I will never be able to leave school at school, and that its ok when I can spend time with my girls and coach basketball #122edchat
#122edchat A4: I can be conscious of my students' home life and make certain that I am not asking them to invest copious amounts of time on my one subject. Respect their time with family.
I know firsthand how difficult this decision can be. After 6 six years I just gave up being a tennis coach. I know I will miss it, but I look forward the the extra time to invest in my other work and what's best for Ss! #122edchat
Absolutely. If we are asking questions and wanting authentic and well thought out responses we need to practice that not just w/ academic discussion but all convos #122EdChat#Culturize
A4: I will work on having balance! I will carry the banner & support my school but also remember to make sure I’m taking care of ME! In order for me to give 100% to my kids, I have to set some boundaries to not overextend myself! #Culturize#122edchat
A3 Flexible seating got me "alien looks" and comments of "there's no way..."; some things didn't work as planned but I've adjusted and never given up. Heading into year 3 and adding new options to replace those that didn't work out. #122edchat
I'm on the same page. I feel like I am so good at catching the kids, but miss the adults that are struggling. Need to fix that for 2018-'19. #culturize with #122edchat
A3 Saw that excitement started to wane years ago I rethought and reflected on my practices and realized it was all teacher centered. I’m not perfect but the amount of choice variety and input I allow my students to have in the classroom has made a huge difference #122edchat
“Fear of making the wrong decision often keeps people from making any decision.” Give an example of when reflection, reinvestment, aspiration, or action changed the way you thought, planned, or dreamed.
A3: this summer i refected on how i celebrate and promoye reading in my classroom. i picked up book whisperer and Lead with literacy to help me revamp that part of my teaching & and im learning alot #122edchat
“Fear of making the wrong decision often keeps people from making any decision.” Give an example of when reflection, reinvestment, aspiration, or action changed the way you thought, planned, or dreamed.
So, listening is so so important! Taking time to meet with teachers and students and know what they need to be the best they can be. Then, support them and follow through. Once the trust is built, it becomes easier, but trust is earned! #122edchat
A4- I have found by setting priorities each morning when fresch I am able to better focus on what is most important. I put 1 goal in each area Home, Work, Personal Growth, Health if I can only accomplish 1 thing in each of those areas what would it be #122edchat
A4 We can't pour from an empty bucket. Ensuring I model healthy work-life habits and making sure I engage with my family and friends is so important. #122edchat
A4 I'm going to continue the things that work for me: relationships, humour, morning meeting, students staying in at lunch for extra help or to chat 😀 #122edchat
A4: Jumping up&down to be more life-fit - Sharing how I carry the banner for me will provide a +ex to every stakeholder I come in contact with so they know I am so much more than a middle school math heroic teacher. #122edchat
This is so me! I often say yes to nearly everything and then realize I must get 10 minutes work done in 5 to stay on track. This is definitely a goal for me as well! #122edchat
A3~ #122edchat...reflected on my not holding my tongue during an end of year conv ... realized I held too long on the neg after effects and was time I could not get back ... going to not let naysayers have any more time in my life. Ever. Huge growth for me 😊
A4: I know I need to do this! Focus on me so I can be good for my family and work family. I’m setting workout/me-time goals and keeping up with it. #122edchat
A4. Learning to say no...or at least not right now...and not to take everything on. Schedule time for adventures that nurture and feed my soul. Make my well-being a priority...put my oxygen mask on first! Tough lesson! #122edchat
A3: For awhile now, I have been encouraged to blog, but never had until recently. With the support and positive feedback from others, it was a great reminder to — never question your ABILITY — and just go for it. If you don’t, you’ll never know your capABILITY. #122edchat
A4- If I am going to help and take care of others, I need to work hard to stay balanced & take some time to walk away from work at times. I often find myself getting out of balance & putting work ahead of allh. This makes me cranky and tired. It's really hard. #122edchat
A4: Part of it I think is planning with purpose. The balance of everything is found in the removal of wasted time. I plan to look at what is most important in both work and life and cut out the rest. Tough choices but worth it. #122edchat
When your work is your passion and not a job, how are things different? How can this passion spill over to lift others up, “filling their cups with kindness and gratitude...” that they can pay forward?
YES! If you're not at your best, then you cannot give the best to your kids. Heard so many amazing stories about @CaldwellElemen. They need you at 100. Take care of yourself. #culturize with #122edchat
A3. My introduction to ed chats this year has driven me to ignore failure and really push the envelope. Ive been reflective in preparing a blog with the help of #Waledchat and @MrPStrunk#122edchat
A2: I plan on making a "dab quote" at my door. In professional sports locker rooms they slap a motto on their way in, and I hope to create this small thing to make a difference. Haven't yet found my perfect quote, on the hunt. #122edchat
It is often realized that it’s not just the big things that make a difference, what little things can you implement on Day 1 and sustain throughout the year that could “have a profound impact?”
A4 I'm a firm believer in balance between work, family, friends, and self. In order to be best teacher I can be I need to make sure I have a good balance with all of these #122edchat
Yes! All my bulletin boards will be (almost) blank at the beginning of this year. I want my Ss to fill them up and realize it's their room too, not just the teacher's. #studentvoice#122edchat
a4 get back on track with my Twitter chat game. Grad school has been a killer this summer but it’s you all that keep me honest, inspired, ready to take on the challenge of each day! #122edchat#twitterfam
#122edchat A4: I can be conscious of my students' home life and make certain that I am not asking them to invest copious amounts of time on my one subject. Respect their time with family.
A4: modeling for my colleagues and my students by making time for myself. Letting them know when I need time and space for my family. they know that I would offer them the same space& time. #122edchat
A5 You wake up with a jump in your step and look forward to what's ahead. You embrace the unknown. Your passion fuels you and when your work is your passion it makes it that much easier to fuel others. #122edchat
A5: It goes back to perspective. Positivity is like a sweet aroma, enticing others to follow along and join the party. Find the good, then celebrate and "sell" that! #Culturize with #122edchat
A5 I have never called teaching my "job". It is my calling. It is part of who I am, not just what I do. When I talk to others, that passion often transfers! I talked about my feelings on this in my #edusations chat with @MrPStrunk#122edchathttps://t.co/nbPcDVtexv
A5: When your work is your passion, it's much easier to see each moment, even the not-so-great, as a learning experience and chance to do better next time. #122edchat
A5: You always have to remember your why, your reason for being & doing. How are you being an "awesomizer" in the lives of others? Are you pouring from your soul into theirs? If people go out of their way to stop by & say hi or thank you, you're doing something right. #122edchat
A3: Be fearless. Sometimes we let fear and being safe guide decisions but we grow by being passionate and breaking free. #122edchat#befree#bealifechanger
A4: I started an Apps Group for teachers at the end of last year. I hope to continue it this coming year and expand upon it. Hopefully involve others to help out, too! As for a balance, remember grace in all situations! #122edchat
A4: I think when you practice self-care (exercise, rest, healthy eating, time for reflection) you will be able to be a more positive influence on theirs around you. That’s my plan for the new school year. #122edchat#culturize
If we want students & staff to take risks, be innovative & creative, then we can’t put the lid on their dreams. When they share w/you, make sure they walk away more energized & excited than when they approached you. #culturize#122edchat
A5: I have made it a habit of saying, "I'm going to school" and not, "I'm going to work". Passion is where your talents and interests intersect--and for me, that's school! #122edchat
A4. Gotta have balance. And if you are out of balance make sure you tilt toward family. School life can be overwhelming. Dont sweat the small stuff! #122edchat
Ok- I am going with what @KateAshmore said- one of my biggest struggles. Knowing what is in my control and focusing on that- not spin my wheels on things I can not. #122edchat
A4- Work on time management. Try not to put things off. Leave work at work. I need to take time to take care of myself. I'm a more positive person when I feel better about myself. #122edchat
A5: You stop start recognizing you have been blessed and equipped with skills to guide the future. You stop complaining about a copy jam all the time, and start investing in the hopes and dreams of the kiddos in your classroom. #122edchat
Yes! So hard to find that balance sometimes! It's something we need to constantly work on as Ts and admin.. so hard not to feel guilty for putting one priority ahead of another #122edchat
A5: When work is your passion it doesn't feel like a job. It's an amazing feeling when your job doesn't feel like "work." Use this passion to be someone who energizes others, stays positive, and gives them hope. It's a win-win for everyone. #122edchat
A5: When your work is your passion, you never watch a clock for you love nearly every minute... Your passion is contagious and your #culture shows it!
A5.2: Think about this...If I am negative, I am decreasing the resources that my colleagues, students, and family have to offer others because they are using them to try to flip me to the positive. Being negative is a drain on ANY organization. #Culturize with #122edchat
A4 Well, I do work out regularly...never a habit b4 last year. It helps me energy-wise & age-wise (ahem). My learning community continues to expand as I carry the banner of #SharingIsCaring especially thru #inquiry#pbl. I’m always happy to help & be helped. #Culturize#122edchat
A4 My wife is an ex-teacher and I wish last year that I involved her more regularly in class! She helps me with lesson planning all the time but I want to bring her in more! Ss love to feel more connected to our lives and that’s one easy way to achieve it! #122edchat
A3: I am planning to retire from teaching in 2 years, but reflection has taught me that I need to remain fully committed to my students and this profession right to the very last school day! #122edchat
A4:Flowers only bloom with the proper amount of water, sunlight, minerals. We as teachers need to provide opportunities to be nourished & replenished so we ALL can bloom like the flowers. The days w/o no rain we need someone to water those flowers. #122edchat
A5: When you love what you do, you always do more & you’re happy doing it! There’s joy & excitement! Channel those feelings and use them to lift others up! Inspire them to find their passion & pay it forward! #Cultrize#122edchat
Yes! Hard to do, but so rewarding! When Ss see Ts collaborating it makes it real. Many times ideas turn out way better than I could've ever imagined b/c of multiple perspectives. #122edchat
A4: One of the hardest things to do, but easiest solutions is to simply ask for help. Collaboration at the school can help with a more balanced home life. #122edchat
A5 Passion can create contagious joy and excitement! It can in turn spark a flame in those around you...and before long...a blaze of excellence will be glowing bright #122edchat
When your work is your passion and not a job, how are things different? How can this passion spill over to lift others up, “filling their cups with kindness and gratitude...” that they can pay forward?
A5: You start recognizing you have been blessed and equipped with skills to guide the future. You stop complaining about a copy jam all the time, and start investing in the hopes and dreams of the kiddos in your classroom. #122edchat
A5: When your work is a passion it never feels like work. It doesn’t mean it can’t be difficult at time, but when you believe in your purpose, the steps to get there have meaning. That’s spills over to others. #122edchat#culturize
When your work is your passion and not a job, how are things different? How can this passion spill over to lift others up, “filling their cups with kindness and gratitude...” that they can pay forward?
a4: prioritize my time and make sure i give myself permission to leave work at work a couple nights a week and allow time to just be and be around family/friends #122edchat
A5: Your passion is contagious - not just with co-workers but also with Ss. If I'm constantly excited about everything we do in my class so are my Ss. If my co-workers are trying to be their best then I'm motivated to be my best. #122edchat
A5~seems like the “ job” is seen and felt as a labor of love and when you are engaged in such, inspiration, ingenuity & innovation comes alive for the betterment of all #122edchat
A3 some of the hardest decisions often occur when you are making one that will go against what everyone else feels is the right way. I always reflect and decide is what I’m deciding going to be the best for my kids. That trumps all! #122edchat
I think we are all more positive when we're happier and feel we've completed things! I am still working on being okay with not 100% completing something and leaving it for later. #122edchat
Spilling over requires positive relationships with your colleagues. Those relationships help us better understand what makes them passionate, and like great teaching, we need to be able to differentiate our approach to our colleagues to serve them best. #122edchat
When your work is your passion and not a job, how are things different? How can this passion spill over to lift others up, “filling their cups with kindness and gratitude...” that they can pay forward?
A5: This spring I found @givethxapp - a platform that could easily be used with not just Ss but also Ts & admins in a building. Small, consistent recognition fills our cups to continue to be passionate awesomizers.@mikefauteux#122edchat
A5: When your work is a passion it never feels like work. It doesn’t mean it can’t be difficult at time, but when you believe in your purpose, the steps to get there have meaning. That’s spills over to others. #122edchat#culturize
When your work is your passion and not a job, how are things different? How can this passion spill over to lift others up, “filling their cups with kindness and gratitude...” that they can pay forward?
A5: When you are a passionate educator, you are more invested in the school and thrive to create a culture that allows the students & staff within it to succeed. #122edchat
A5: It's different bc you love what you do, who you work with, and remember that you have the opportunity every day to to make a difference! It's easy to help others when you realize the impact everyone can have together. #122edchat
I want to blog more as well, but it's a time issue for me. Others would love to know your path towards mastery learning.... I know i would, And it's a great way to document your own mastery of mastery, lol! #122edchat
A5 In my case I look forward to things we have planned in our class. I often can't wait to get in and get going 😀 I think that enthusiasm is contagious. Students get excited about our projects. Win win 😀 #122edchat
I love this, Chris! Thank you for being such a bright light in your classroom! You would definitely love #waledchat on Thursdays at 9 EDT with @MrPStrunk. Solid guy, fellow brother. #culturize with #122edchat
A5: I have always wanted to be a teacher, so when I graduated from ISU, it was surreal. Then, I got my first teaching job and was ecstatic. I love brainstorming ideas for my classroom, and I have been having dreams about the first day, I am excited to share my passion. #122edchat
A4 I will continue to carry our @CaldwellElemen banner proudly! And while it can be hard to leave work at work, I need to be better about making time for me before 9pm each night! #122edchat
A5: Motivating new teachers, having student teachers. You can tell when it's different- real smiles, crazy talks, true excitement! The kids can tell, too! @LionsLearning#122edchat
A5: Your passion for your work pours enough everything you do, you seek to find a way to make the mundane meaningful because you love it that much. #passion#122edchat
Q4: Continue to build my #PLN. I have met amazing educators on Twitter that have helped me grow exponentially. I'm looking for that to continue in 2018. #122edchat
A5. Let them see how much you love what you do. I mean fo real tho. I teach band. I get to play all day. AND THEY PAY ME FOR IT. *Dont tell them, but I would do it for free* #122edchat
A5. Start with an attitude of gratitude! Focus on the positive & build others up! Relationships built on REAL kindness & care need to be modeled for both our students & staff - there is nothing greater than giving with no expectation other than the gift of joy! #122edchat
When your work is your passion and not a job, how are things different? How can this passion spill over to lift others up, “filling their cups with kindness and gratitude...” that they can pay forward?
@Hell2Teach you are so right & you may have just officially convinced me to blog all about this year! @DMooreSpanish looks like I'll be blogging.... #122edchat
In reply to
@Hell2Teach, @Hell2Teach, @DMooreSpanish
A4: Steps I can take in 2018 to ensure work/life fit — is to maintain balance & continually remind myself that while I want to be 💯 percent for my students & my family—I, first, need to be for myself. If I’m not my best for myself, I can’t be for others. #122edchat#Culturize
A3 #122edchat Just this week with 3D printer...a lot of questioning, walking away from the moment, reaching out, using all types of resources and it all came together
A5 I love @ToddWhitaker quote. When you realize the impact you can make, the lives that can and are being transformed, and what an amazing opportunity to do great things we have, it's hard not to have passion! Every child deserves a champion, every day. #122edchat
A5- When your work is your passion you are driven to do better, be better, learn more, inspire and be inspired. Your head hits the pillow exhausted but with a smile on your face because you know you get to do it all over again the next day! #122edchat
A5b: When you're passionate, you care about the success of the school. You care about the reputation of the school, the quality of the teachers, the well-being of the students, and value the support & feedback of parents. #122edchat
A5: Last year I had a job, the collection of a lot of things, my attitude, things going on in life and work...I made some changes and now my work is my passion. I am happy everyday and have the energy to give to others. I was a taker, I hope I am not so much anymore. #122edchat
When your work is your passion and not a job, how are things different? How can this passion spill over to lift others up, “filling their cups with kindness and gratitude...” that they can pay forward?
#122edchat a5 Can only speak for myself but I found and continue to find people reach out because it's purposeful and satisfying to be stretching yrself. It only needs the ss to reach back to kick it off.
A5: since teaching is not my first career the difference is obvious to me. I get to work an hour early, virtually refuse to take a sick day, and am proud to tell everyone what I do. If other Ts are down, remind them how blessed we are to impact kids lives every day! #122edchat
When your work is your passion and not a job, how are things different? How can this passion spill over to lift others up, “filling their cups with kindness and gratitude...” that they can pay forward?
A3 I wanted to create a survey with students and I reached out to @m_drez to see if he would collaborate with me on it. I wanted more reach than just my school, he said yes. We did it together #BetterTogether#122edchat
A5. You put aside your own complaints, pains, misgivings and really dedicate to the craft. Everyday when you ask are my students better with me as a teacher, you should answer hell yeah. #122edchat
I can not stress enough that you need to have a set time of day where you stop “work.” Don’t take work home. Finally, save at least 1 hour of your day to do something non-productive, purley entertaining. #122edchat
A5 it becomes your passion when you see things being paid forward in many ways. Sometimes it's not instant gratitude. It may be few years later when you see what amazing young men/women they've turned into & it warms your ❤ #122edchat
A5. The time of day no longer becomes a high priority. It is not a race to get out the door, which shows teachers you have time to invest in them #122edchat
When your work is your passion and not a job, how are things different? How can this passion spill over to lift others up, “filling their cups with kindness and gratitude...” that they can pay forward?
A5 POSITIVITY! If we can be positive we can translate that to others around us! My goal is to have fun with what I am doing everyday! If the students see them I am excited and having fun my students feel that they can do the same! #122edchat
Hey #122edchat. Gotta go! Thank you again for carrying the banner for educators everywhere & more importantly, for being a merchant of hope for our kids & our collegues. #culturize#youarethechange
a5 when work is your passion you are more devoted to what you do because its like continually being a kid at disneyland. your happiness is infectious and so is your mood. you pull people in and make them want to see it the way you do #122edchat
When your work is your passion and not a job, how are things different? How can this passion spill over to lift others up, “filling their cups with kindness and gratitude...” that they can pay forward?
A5: A mantra that we’re all in together. That our energies are infectious & practicing gratitude & kindness daily allows for that to overflow filling others’ cups. There’s enough love& kindness in this world to fill everyone up. We all just need to shower others #122edchat
A3: Took the risk of creating and applying for an FLIBS Excellence Grant in the coding/robotics field and received it. I definitely stepped out of my comfort zone. #122edchat
A5 My passion for ed is seen as negative cuz friends tease me for always thinking & working on ‘work’. I also exhaust others with my “passion” for ed. I isolate myself at times to give others a break. Twitter & conferences help fill my cup and cups of others.#Culturize#122edchat
A4: I'd like to start utilizing the work out equipment in the gym at school. Over the winter I don't run outside so it's harder to motivate myself to do other work outs. @mdeegan122 work out at school w/ me! #122edchat
A5.b: A phrase we use a lot at school is “bleed Bobcat red” (mascot), and it really implies our dedication and passion for our school runs in our veins. That’s how we describe someone who’s crazy passionate and how I aim to be described. #122edchat
A4 to be mindful of my time and know that I deserve “me time” and that my family needs to come first. I know I am not the only one who says yes to too many things and works too much. If you juggle too much eventually you will drop a ball. #122edchat
Nice chat tonight. Don't forget to join me on August 6th, at 12 to 1230p EST for #peat chat. Passionate, Engaging, Authentic Teaching. I will be keynoting on the same topic. #122edchat
A5. It's your passion and joy you are sharing with others. The fire the keeps the candle lit that is shared with your Ss. You spark their curiosity, and interests, and soon light the fire of their candles! They grow their wings! #122edchat
A5- Teaching is not a job it is a https://t.co/sMYFsUgqPe are called to teach. To me it has never been a job. People that love it bring an energy that is contagious. Those with passion are really in it for the kids. #122edchat
Totally true! It's so important! Really makes a difference for them..and helps with classroom management too! Ss respect you and love when they can relate to you and share their stories. #122edchat
Amen, but sometimes negative is the culture. I wish all educators could be on Edu-twitter to experience the collegiality, positivity, and ideas that fill these posts. #122edchat
A5: #122edchat#NelsonMandela would've been 100 years old today and this is what passion is about! Let us live large and nurture our Ss in a way that they live their biggest lives.
A5 #122edchat Realized very clearly that teaching is not what I do, it is who I am Inviting others to join class activities through cross age buddies (writing, integrating tech, movement, challenges to solve) Opening #4thwall to bring others in
A2: Start "culturizing" my students from the day they walk in my class. Don't bombard them w/ rules/expectations. Create the environment first! Keep that feeling on the 1st day going until the last day. #122edchat
A5: When your work is your passion, gratitude becomes something that sits at the forefront of that passion! You more naturally ‘work’ from a place of kindness, joy and gratefulness for all you are gifted with each day!#122edchat
A5. It's your passion and joy you are sharing with others. The fire the keeps the candle lit that is shared with your Ss. You spark their curiosity, and interests, and soon light the fire of their candles! They grow their wings! #122edchat
#122edchat a3 Had to say this year I couldn't back leadership, not my circus. To make my practice better went to study TESOL Helped me (cross fingers) to make a new road. Will carry a new banner that way.
Wow. Hey Jimmy! Didn't see you come in. LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID! Hahahahahaha. #Culturize is a huge hit. Thanks for sharing your story with the #122edchat family.
Looking forward to this! Hoping that #122edchat family is ready to reflect on those inspirational “teacher” movies that touched your hearts & made you believe you could change the world! Please join me. #teachermyth
Oh I do! I just stopped sharing my passion with certain folk who don't get it or appreciate my ethics. I have a fantastic tribe that I built from scratch. And you're a member Dr. P! #122edchat
A4: I put my foot down and implemented a lot of #selfcare this summer. Simple things like not making my coffee go cold, skin care, hydrating and taking time to laugh with my 15 mth old. I hope to continue it through those #180days. #122edchat
A3: Last year I started to assert myself more w/ my suggestions at meetings. I was afraid to do it the year before b/c I was "new." I reflected on my 10 years of teaching background & realized just b/c I was new didn't mean I didn't know what I was talking about. #122edchat
A5: Your passion for your work pours through everything you do, you seek a way to make even the mundane, meaningful because you love it that much. #passion#122edchat
and students love meeting a teacher's spouse...they have rock star status! My students get so dorky when my husband stops by though (but they are middle schoolers so 'dorky' doesn't take much, ha!). #122edchat
A5: Corporate Accounting was my first career, and I left after 7 years because it did not make my heart beat. Becoming an educator was a choice I made, and I will relay that and my journey of finding what I am passionate about to my Ss. #122edchat
You guys are so inspiring and vital in the global movement to help empower, support and guide our kids to be mindful, show compassion and understanding and connect by being kind, no matter how different we are. 😊❤️💪🏽🌎 #122edchat
#122edchat Sorry, on a trip away so time not completely my own, could only be here for a bit of chat. Nevertheless, thank you all for what, as I goback through, I’m sure I’ll find was a great chat. Carry the banner for our schools by carrying it for our Ss. We’re all learners.
Right there with ya. I left a lucrative career to be front and center with this new generation - even with many naysayers along the way. My fire has never burned brighter! #122edchat
Good for you!👏🏽Our daughter’s teacher (2nd grade) seemed checked out & took all her stress out on the kids. They absorbed it and were uncomfortable, stressed & afraid to connect with her. I say if your heart isn’t in it, please move on & don’t expose kids to that. #122edchat
I’m not a teacher but I am an involved parent that volunteers and works with my little girl. We also are so grateful to be building our #globaled website and brand and publishing our 1st children’s chapter book in Sept! Truly blessed! 😊❤️🙏🏼 #122edchat
A1: It's beneficial at times to vent, but it's even more beneficial to follow it up w/ a positive thought. I like the phrase "Yea, but..." I made my husband do it tonight after a tough day at work & want him to hold me up to my end of the deal too. #122edchat
SO late to this party but wish I would've seen it sooner! A5: I have had many of my family/friends express envy for my joy as an educator. I don't encourage this - I ask what makes them be their most authentic selves - and encourage them to do that! #122edchat
Definitely agree! Parents also get excited as well when they see teachers encouraged and excited to be with their kids. The kids also let us know and you know when your kid is happy to be in school-great feeling! ♥️ #122edchat
a4 At the moment I make sure to have a constructive Twitter chat like #122edchat. It helps mentally. That & reading whilst walking the old treadmill. Also #vlogging on youtube keeps my creative side happy.
Yes!! We are all in this together! We are all human, all have our challenges and gifts. And if we just treat ourselves and each other with a little more respect, kindness and love, just think how much we could change the world! 😊❤️🌎💪🏽 #122edchat
Thanks @m_drez! Your support and encouragement means the world to us! Can’t wait to share with the world and hope we can do our small part in putting something positive into the world. 😊❤️🙏🏼🌎 #122edchat
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@m_drez, @MrsMonty5thGrd, @Buncee, @m_drez
Just browsed all of the Q&As for today's chat and I'm bummed to have missed it! To share values and passions around teaching with so many people around the world is the greatest feeling #122edchat