The Breakfast Club – #BFC530 – is a 15 minute, 1 question Twitter chat every weekday. We chat in 4 timezones Mon-Fri – 5:30am Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific Times. The mission of BFC is to empower participants to make a difference in education by engaging in consistent reflective practice in a supportive community that inspires and challenges one another.
@howie_hua will get my nomination today. He is a math professor in California that is doing awesome work changing mindsets of future teachers about what is the best way to teach and learn math. #bfc530
So many outstanding educators to follow!!
Consider following my two dear friends and fellow 2018 NASSPDigital Principals of the Year: @MacburyKristina and @MrsRackleyCCMS.
Both passionate rock stars! #bfc530
So many outstanding educators to follow!
Consider following my two dear friends and fellow 2018 NASSP Digital Principals of the Year: @MacburyKristina and @MrsRackleyCCMS.
Both passionate rock stars! #bfc530
I saw @PedroANoguera speak at our districts leadership conference. He's an amazing speaker and has an important message on equity. Totally deserves a follow. #bfc530
@ericcurts is my go to guy who keeps me updated on all new Google tools and how to use them in the classroom. He has blog posts, how to guides and videos on his site
I registered for the free educator resources at CALM yesterday. A little tricky to find on the website, but the application was real easy.
I've had this question before and there are so many, but @PrincipalKafele is always my goto. He is inspiring, encouraging and one of the most quotable people I have ever met. #bfc530
In reply to
@BFC_530, @BrianHerb17, @PrincipalKafele
@keithawynn is a fun follow—love his thoughts on coffee, cats, autumn, and Harry Potter. @Lin_Manuel with his g’morning and g’night tweets make me smile. #bfc530
I'd also suggest following leadership in your school district. We are fortunate to have a great superintendent @FCPSSupt who is very connected to schools and also connected on Twitter. #bfc530
Very hard to pick just one but I will go with @kerszi. She finds the best tech tools. Most educationally sound and some just plain fun. She is definitely someone to follow. #bfc530
#bfc530 I cannot think of one person I would name #Twitter connections are so powerful for advanced learning and maintaining connections. We need to connect to other #teachers, twitter chats like this hep us move beyond the walls of our #school. #Grateful for all of you!
I saw @PedroANoguera speak at our districts leadership conference. He's an amazing speaker and has an important message on equity. Totally deserves a follow. #bfc530
I can't name just one! But I always send people to #bfc530 and #sunchat and tell them to follow EVERYONE on there. Anyone who is willing to gather every weekday morning at 5:30 AND again on Sunday morning to become a better educator is someone you should associate with! #bfc530
I learn from too many to mention. But for now I'll add @perfinker who is doing amazing work with imagination in education. I highly recommend her blog and her Fb page:
Im not sure if I have a go-to person. I appreciate all of the folks at #bfc530 and I love just to scan my twitter feed & when I see I great thought or idea, I absorb it like a sponge.
Everyone should be following @Kareemfarah23 because he isn’t afraid to keep it real. Truth bombs left and right, which we honestly need in the wake of so much positivity on Twitter. It’s great to be positive, of course, but let’s not forget we still have work to do #BFC530
5yo: I love her. She’s really good at listening. You can tell her anything. And if you’re sad, you can ask her to tell you a joke to make you happy.
Me: Your mom?
5yo: No, Alexa.
I also follow @libraryms and @coreythornblad because they are great teachers (and because I don't get to work with them or see them in person as much as I'd like!) #bfc530
I was just thinking of @cultofpedagogy. Her website has many useful tools and resources which can be used immediately for short and long term results. Check #bfc530
In reply to
@loliveira55, @kerszi, @cultofpedagogy
Thanks Bridget! I hope today was better! Often we see things through a frame that stops us from seeing what is beyond the edges. Have s great day Bridget! 😀 #BFC530
I try to keep follows to ELA teachers & NJ educators/admin, though I interact w/in hashtags with lots of great folks. I need to keep a clear focus on who I follow. When I first got on Twitter, I followed everyone. Big mistake. Building your PLN takes time. #BFC530
Thursday and game day for us! Excited to share what happened in practice yesterday with our students. We got a free show from the Canadian Snowbirds. Have an awesome day everyone! #bfc530
I'm still reviewing the #wcpsschat stream from our discussion last night. So many perspectives, so much learning. Thanks again, @WCPSSchat-Nation! #bfc530
I'm still reflecting upon the awesome #wcpsschat tonight. I loved how some educators just popped in for a few questions when they could, juggling the higher-prioritized family time. Wishing people saw #edcamp-s in the same way. Can't stay for all of it? Just come for half of it.
There are so many that it is hard to choose. Such passionate, risk taking, innovative, creative, futurists educators that love, care for, want to all students and teacher succeed! #bfc530