Welcome to #SaskEdChat. Tonight we'll be exploring the anatomy of a super teacher! We have a secondary game going tonight, each of the slides Q's is a font from a super hero movie. Guess what it is to win #saskedchat for tonight.
Tansi! My name is Jessica and I teach a grade 3 class in Regina. My superpower is being able to see into the future! I see so much potential in each of my students. #saskedchat
Q1. Enhanced Hearing - Super teachers can hear through all the classroom noise to hear the one child struggling. What signs tell you that a student is struggling in class? #SaskEdChat
Good evening everyone! I am a Saskatoon Public School substitute teacher who is excited for both #saskedchat and Christmas! Hidden super power - napping in any situation #spslearn ☺️🎄🎁
A1: I really played this one up. Listen, take two steps away, and with your back turned, recap Ss discussion (whether on-topic or off) Impresses the hell out of them. Oh, response #saskedchat ? Staring at paper without writing, head down. Repetitive asking partner same question.
A1 - It is so important to build relationships with your students! Some signs that they may be struggling are: A change in their behaviour, missing school, avoiding their work or discussions about school, unusual social interactions #saskedchat
Classroom atmosphere is key. Modeling that it's okay to ask for help. I've called my colleagues in front of my class during a class to ask them a question #saskedchat
Q2. Super Bladder - Super teachers know how to hold a liter of coffee for hours on end. What is one way that you have physically suffered due to teaching? #SaskEdChat
A2: I recall a colleague saying at 3:30, "Oh, yeah, I needed to have a pee at 11. Still haven't, but I should, soon." Oh, right, answer: I had a student accidently kick me in the head during noon-hour pick-up indoor soccer. I only bled a bit, #saskedchat Oh, and CTS, of course
I am a fellow fiddler and need to be doing something, all of the e's, o's, p's and r's had their circles coloured in when I was in high school. #saskedchat
A2: Pulled shoulder from carrying too many bags of books! Learned that work CAN and often SHOULD stay at work...if it doesn't fit in on carried bag, it doesn't deserve to be carried that evening! #paceyourself#youCANsayno#saskedchat
Q3. Hyper Mind - Super teachers process and reflect constantly. Share the most valuable engagement "trick" that gets your students involved. #SaskEdChat
Works a treat. First full year; heard three words; said to students on other side of room, "Argue V6 vs V8 on your own time; get to work." "You HEARD that?!" #saskedchat :)
A2 - I haven't actually injured myself at school...yet! I have struggled with trying to keep my life balanced. School tends to take priority over friends, family, and myself! #saskedchat#mentalhealth#Balance
That it takes Ss work, and sends it to their classmates anonymously. Then the receiver leads feedback for the writer and it's all anonymous! It's a great tool. #saskedchat
A3: "Silly" connections. "By-law comes from the Viking word "by" for "village." "The first hard drive is always C: because we had A: and B: floppies before." The more subject knowledge, the better we can make connections for them. #saskedchat
Q4. Pre-Cognition - Super teachers see trends/changes in the future coming and prepare for them. What is one change in education you see coming? How are you preparing for it? #SaskEdChat
Something I had to learn while teaching, you can never be too cool to do anything. Don't care what your students think, be the weird lovable oaf I know all Ts are at heart! #saskedchat
You are prepping the future tech warriors for the eventual arrival of SkyNet. I tell Ss, we are not losing jobs, we just need to pivot our skills. #saskedchat
There’s an answer key for chats now? How did I miss this #saskedchat? (In Toronto airport on sketchy wifi but just couldn’t stay away!) But really, an answer key @nikulak? Did you remember to take out the trash? Oh, and turn off the lights please!
Okay #SaskEdChat, F's for all of you!
Super Teacher = Captain America Font
#SaskEdChat = Justice League
Q1 = Spider-man
Q2 = The Punisher
Q3 = Deadpool
A4: "Knowledge-bearer" Ts are DONE! We need to be generalists (mostly) with an expertise in LEARNING!! Google knows more than even @jadeballek !! :) #saskedchat
Q5. Shape Shifting - Super teachers are more than what meets the eye. What is the next most important role you shape-shift into in the classroom/school? #SaskEdChat
A5: I'm one of the "techy" teachers. I like to integrate new technology ideas and I like to help other teachers figure out tools to use in their classes. #SaskEdChat
I find that teaming up with another T to do a combined learning project with tech is great with staff. Great hands on way to learn. Diff Ss can work with each other #saskedchat
A4. I see a change where schooling is no longer knowledge based, but back to being skill based. I see the University Model beginning to fail, less skills for school more skills for life. #saskedchat
A5: Quasi-friend. I'm their teacher, not their buddy, but if they need someone to talk to, they have to know that they can. Knife-edge to balance, often, but that's one way we see the super-super teachers. #saskedchat
A4: CHARACTER being more important and relevant than content! Often those 'less edu-ma-cated ' have character that makes them wiser than those holding hoity-toity degrees!! #saskedchat
A4 - Technology everywhere. Learn how to use it and incorporate it into the classroom. Allow students to connect, grow, and learn in ways that we never thought possible, but also teach students how to use it safely. #saskedchat
I hear ya. I usually like them but there can be challenging flights.. My wife and I took our boys to Korea and back when they were 1 and 3. Those weren't fun flights. :.) #saskedchat
A6 - I am all about celebrating the little things in life! Take time to recognize every single amount of growth your students make, and let them know! #saskedchat
A6: Find the HUMOUR in the monotonous mayhem of everyday life! Cheesy as this is: Attitude DOES determine your altitude. Once you discover the funny locked in the mundane, your everyday will NEVER be the same!! #saskedchat
A7. I utilize them to do my evil bidding. Mwahahahah. Oops, wrong crowd. I use them as a sounding board to test my own views and philosophies. Check for my own biases to which I am blind. #saskedchat
A7 - I use the power of positivity from the people around me! People who support me and push me to be the best teacher and person I can possibly be! I also love being surrounded by people who make me laugh 😊 #saskedchat
Oh my. Now I'M blushing. That's 1 of the nicest compliments I've ever had (And it is bravadO, not bravery, for the record) #saskedchat (And I wish I always practised what I preach.) And insane? Hell, ya! (nervous I have been and STILL am, but WHY do you say that I am mad? EAPoe)
A5. A teacher wears many hats. We tutor struggling students. We are our students' best cheerleaders. Always prepared like boy scouts/ girl guides. Teachers are nurses, mini-parents, ah detectives too. Oh the joy of teaching! #saskedchat
In reply to
@heidi_paterson, @tgrantt, @nikulak, @KatieWhite426, @ianhecht, @ShaylaKapila, @kfidelack, @karataylorKT, @MmeGarg
TA Keep working on guiding young learners to become more independent and to take charge of their learning. I'm constantly reflecting and growing in this area (until I retire) #saskedchat