Thinking that @brittanytaraba is having internet connection problems tonight! She's hosting, but has had internet and cell outages throughout the day. We can be patient!
#akedchat A1: I wanted to be a teacher or librarian ever since I can remember! I think I chose teacher so I could have the same hours my kids would have. HA! Joke was on me!!
I'm Tammy Morris, AK resident for 48 years, currently living in Juneau. I'm a retired classroom T and district tech coordinator currently providing PD for teachers around the state on my own schedule! Graduated with my first degree in education in '86. #akedchat
A1: My name is Jody Weber and I am a teacher for the ACT program with ASD. I have taught there 4 years. What inspired me to become an educator was that I really enjoy children and I like spending time with them. #akedchat
#AKedchat A3: The peers that inspire me most are those that are excited about what they're doing. They share stories of success! Since I don't work regularly in a Sch District, I hear the stories in classes, on Twitter, at conferences and I soak them up!
A2: Sometimes I find inspiration from the other teachers at my school. I can also get inspired by watching different YouTube videos. Example: If I am teaching interviewing skills, I try to find a good video with students their age to inspire my students. #akedchat
I'm Tammy Morris, AK resident for 48 years, currently living in Juneau. I'm a retired classroom T and district tech coordinator currently providing PD for teachers around the state on my own schedule! Graduated with my first degree in education in '86. #akedchat
A: 3 My peers inspire me every time I go to our Friday teacher meeting. We often talk about things we did with our students throughout the week and I can also see their classroom calendar and see what they are going to do for the rest of the month. #akedchat
Joining late due to kid bedtime - I'm Kelly Auer, science teacher, dept chair, & web master at East Anchorage. I've been teaching 15 yrs & did tech for 5yrs before that. #akedchat
When i have an idea, I go for it! I don't hold it back and try to get it right out there! I hope that I inspire in what I do (spontaneously), and I am also thoughtful in pushing those forward to inspire them, as well. #akedchat
A4: I really try to inspire my TAs in my classroom. I inspire them to take pride in our classroom and our students. I also try to inspire them to go get their teaching degrees and make the big bucks! #akedchat
A2: I'm constantly inspired by my peers' energy & ideas when we do our professional planning time on Monday a.m. I love hearing what's happening in their classes - success or failure! #akedchat
A4: Honestly, I think having another educator acknowledge the struggles & reassure you that you too can get through it - that can be inspirational when it's all a little too much. #akedchat
#akedchat A4: I hope I inspire others! That's why I keep doing what I'm doing.Get excited abt resources or story & just want to share it w/others in hopes it inspires them. I often have to tweet cuz i'm not in same rm/bldg w/others but also like to share in classes/wkshps I tch.
My students remind me of what enthusiasm looks like! I love watching them light up when we do a cool activity- the "whoa, I get it now!" comments are the best. They are also kids with some super hard lives which helps me not be a complainer! #akedchat
A5: I try to inspire my students with always being positive. Even when we have problems in the classroom, we get things turned around and start over. #akedchat
Definitely my 7th grade English teacher Mrs. Hoagland. She was tough, but I think that’s where I gained my 💙 for reading & writing and to be an Wnglish teacher. My mom (first teacher) inspired me to care for everyone, I added the Special Ed component to my degree! #akedchat
A6: I had a librarian in MN, Ms. Hess, who was always friendly, cheerful, and showed an interest in me when I was young. She had a great rapport with students and helped me find cool books. #akedchat
#akedchat A2: Inspiration comes from lots of places for me but the primary place is my students and what they need in the moment. Changing a lesson midstream to turn on light bulbs shows how they are my true inspiration.
#akedchat A5: I don't connect w/my students on a daily basis, and since they are teachers, the stories they share in our times together, about their successes in the clsrm, esp when they are implementing something inspired by me, send me over the top! It's a wonderful cycle!
#akedchat A3: This year seeing cheerful happy adults supporting the children of Chapman School & Anchor Point community is a daily occurrence that I appreciate.
#akedchat A6: My 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Natho. My mom saved a picture she showed me how to create with chalk and I still have it! Always said that was the only art I ever did well :)
I still remember the moment, in my student teaching, when my 5th grader lit up with the understanding of long division!! THAT is inspirational! #akedchat
A7: I have one favorite teacher at ACT that always makes me laugh. I can have a rough day and call her and she and I will end up laughing and laughing. She helps me not take things too seriously! And if your wondering who this is Robyn...her initials is MG - LOL #akedchat
I push them! When I see leaders or leaders within their own title I encourage them forward and ask them to lead! I give them freedom to be creative and inspire others, as well! #akedchat
Laughter really is the best medicine! #akedchat But wasn't that you that just tweeted that you work with your students to turn a day/attitude around? I'll bet there's a bit of laughter in that, too!
A1: Laura, 5th Grade Teacher from Wrangell. I was inspired to become a teacher after being a special ed aide in Barrow. Prior to that I had worked with at-risk youth in therapeutic programs, but my year as an aide in Barrow truly inspired me to teach.
I love my colleagues - I work with some fantastic folks & they can make me laugh when I'm tearing my hair out! I also keep a "bad day folder" of cards, letters, etc from students & parents to remind me why I love my job. #akedchat
A2: My best lesson ideas come from really listening to what the students are curious about and interested in, so it varies from year to year.
I would say I get some of my best inspiration straight from the kids! #akedchat
A8: I try to inspire future educators by taking the time to talk to them about working with students. I have had a few different sub TAs in my classroom who have finished out the day and begin asking questions about our school and how hard it is to get a degree #akedchat
#akedchat A9: There are SO many available that it's often best just to check out Twitter hashtags just to see what's trending! I'm sure some have gotten away from me, but I collect many at
Where is your collection? BTW, doing a workshop on that at #aste19
#akedchat As a Champs Coach for my school, I get to go into classrooms regularly and often get ideas for classroom management, instructional techniques, etc.
A4: I love to share my ideas and passion with others, and my coworkers in Wrangell are so good at listening to me ramble on and on even after all of these years. #akedchat
A2 #AKEdChat I’m all for TpT, Pinterest & websites-SuperTchr, edhelper, etc but I am a creative fly by the seat of my pants kinda girl & I love to listen to discussions in class, find kids interests, strengths/weaknesses & build from there. I teach multi grade so that helps too
I am a huge fan of every single book from @dbc_inc They are all inspiring and amazing! When you read the books you can easily connect yourself or someone you know to the content! #akedchat
#akedchat A9: There are SO many available that it's often best just to check out Twitter hashtags just to see what's trending! I'm sure some have gotten away from me, but I collect many at
Where is your collection? BTW, doing a workshop on that at #aste19
#akedchat I try to help them connect learning to their lives and set a good example. They frequently inspire me with their resilience and excitement for little things!