Q1: Welcome to #TECHtalkGA! Share your name/dist/role and something new that's happened or hint at something that WILL happen.
If nothing new is going on, share what you love most about summer (even if you don't get summers off!).
Hey, #TECHtalkGA! I'm your "host" tonight, Angela, Dist ITS for MS/HS in Forsyth Co!
What's new for me is that my son will turn 16 and start DRIVING himself around soon! #cantwait
Q1: Welcome to #TECHtalkGA! Share your name/dist/role and something new that's happened or hint at something that WILL happen.
If nothing new is going on, share what you love most about summer (even if you don't get summers off!).
A1: Sarah, 6th grade teacher in Forsyth County! Not much is new - I've enjoyed swimming with my boys most days and watching my 5-year-old swim the length of the pool on his own for the 1st time last week! I'm getting lots of reading done too! #TECHtalkGA
A1 Ge-Anne, inst tech spec and media liaison for Whitfield County Schools. Last week was @glma Summer Institute and it was great! #TECHtalkGA#glmasi2018
#TECHtalkGA A1:
For those who work in the summer, everything new is happening! Comm plan, new staff directory, @CanvasLMS parent portal, summer PL, fall PL plans, schools going 1-to-1...
But let's emphasize the big news: @Flipgrid is now FREE for ALL educators! #FlipgridFever
Q1: Welcome to #TECHtalkGA! Share your name/dist/role and something new that's happened or hint at something that WILL happen.
If nothing new is going on, share what you love most about summer (even if you don't get summers off!).
Q1: Welcome to #TECHtalkGA! Share your name/dist/role and something new that's happened or hint at something that WILL happen.
If nothing new is going on, share what you love most about summer (even if you don't get summers off!).
Q1: Welcome to #TECHtalkGA! Share your name/dist/role and something new that's happened or hint at something that WILL happen.
If nothing new is going on, share what you love most about summer (even if you don't get summers off!).
While I don't get paid in the summer, I have conferences, workshops and meetings. I have web work, plans for how to set up and schedules now for when everyone starts back.
A1: Hi everyone! Martha Bongiorno/Fulton County @ Autrey Mill Middle School/Media and Education Technology Instructor which is my something new! I just moved to Cumming from the Savannah area & so excited to be back with my middles after a few years with elementary. #TECHtalkGA
Q1: Welcome to #TECHtalkGA! Share your name/dist/role and something new that's happened or hint at something that WILL happen.
If nothing new is going on, share what you love most about summer (even if you don't get summers off!).
A2 I did my first independent gig as a #gfect and that was awesome, but the #coffeeEDU session at @glma last week was great... Empowering to see so many media spec hungry to build relationships! #TECHtalkGA
A1 - Mandy Buckenham, ITS for Floyd County Schools. I've spent this month getting things ready to rock the fall, and also learning as much from my fellow #fcsdot folks as I can! #TECHtalkGA
#TECHtalkGA A2: I admit to stacking the deck a bit here...
I organized a "Google Camp" for my district that happened this AM and we had ~60 Ts who gave up their Mon AM for FREE to come learn more about @GoogleForEdu!
A2. My team is meeting over the summer to talk tech in preparation for our 1:1 integration. Our methods semester has been 1:1 but with the entire program going 1:1, there is added incentive. So very excited! #TECHtalkGA
#TECHtalkGA A2:
Haven't led/attended any PL officially, but I'm coordinating our new gForms-gSheets built registration / notification / evaluation system. A learning experience unto itself.
@JCSchoolSystem is offering 91 learning opportunities this summer for its staff! #proud
A2: I presented at FDRESA Summer Institute featuring @GoogleForEdu and @glma Summer Institute over the past two weeks. The best parts have been the moments of networking during the inbetween sessions or just out right skipping a session to delve deeper w/ a PLN member #TECHtalkGA
A2. Helping at #GLMASI18 was amazing, and my session on 30-second elevator speech went well. But the workshop on tying what we do to @aasl standards was really fun and successful.
While I don't get paid in the summer, I have conferences, workshops and meetings. I have web work, plans for how to set up and schedules now for when everyone starts back.
A3. I've been sessions that were not tightly organized - good info, but like finding nuggets. I've certainly given flops - but learned that energy / passion and organization make a world of difference.
Also, practice, practice, practice.
#TECHtalkGA A3: I've been lucky that most of what I've attended has been good. I hope that I've led has also been good.
But sometimes, flops happen. When they do, I always try to be objective when looking at the feedback, rather than making excuses. It's not about me, but them.
A3 - "Flops" can happen to anybody anywhere, but it still helps me to reflect on my own style and maybe how a different approach would have had a different outcome. #TECHtalkGA
You would know the best! You've seen some of my most recent work in Sheets. Arduous long hours, but always enjoyable and definitely a passion of mine. It's amazing what we can do. The final product always makes it worth the wait! #MakeAllTheGoogleSheets#TECHTalkGA
In reply to
@iamryanwhite, @mrsbuckenham, @ejstallings, @jdayedu
#TECHtalkGA A4: I'm part-way in to @ShakeUpLearning's book, part-way in to @casas_jimmy's #Culturize, & just bought the Edu Protocol Field Guide!
Too much to read, not enough time, story of my life!
A4: SO many! I'm reading @DianaLRendina@gravescolleen Challenge-Based Learning in the School Library MakerSpace and Reimagining Library Spaces this week. Next week I am so ready to finally read @trev_mackenzie Inquiry Mindset! #TECHtalkGA
A4 - Now that grad school is over, I can actually read what I want! I have a whole stack - Shake Up Learning & Google Apps for Littles are on deck right now, and I can't WAIT to get Path to Serendipity in my mailbox this week! #TECHtalkGA
I can HIGHLY recommend @casas_jimmy's #Culturize. I read it after I saw him speak at the 2017 Winter #GACIS and highly recommend it every since. He is an incredible and honest man, educator, and leader. #TECHtalkGA
#TECHtalkGA A4: I'm part-way in to @ShakeUpLearning's book, part-way in to @casas_jimmy's #Culturize, & just bought the Edu Protocol Field Guide!
Too much to read, not enough time, story of my life!
#techtalkga A5
Besides a week off? I'm building a tech work order system in July in Google Sheets and Forms. I'm pretty excited about the challenge and opportunity that it presents.
A5 - My family is getting ready for a two week vacation to Austria in July. It's going to be amazing! After that, I'm super excited to head back to work and jump right in! #TECHtalkGA
#techtalkga sorry I’m late. Book I’m reading @gcouros innovators mindset. One of the best PD books I’ve read lately. Next on the list is @DrIbram stamped from the beginning and @teddintersmith “What Schools could be”
A5 Can’t wait to meet staff at new school! And excited for some #passthesketchnote fun coming up soon during #ISTE18 and summer camp version for kiddos in July. ✍🏼 #TECHtalkGA
#TECHtalkGA A5: Well 1st, I can't believe we're almost done!
Next on my calendar is #ISTE18 & then in July, my first ever time at @gameisconf, which is sure to be out of my comfort zone, but also the types of push that I need!
A2: working with some great teachers @ElbertCoSchools in our Elbert Innovates academy! Was hoping to have 15 and have almost double that to sign up #techtalkga
Great chat tonight, #TECHtalkGA! Thanks to everyone who participated! We’ll see you back here on 7.23 and then we’ll be back for real in Aug!
If you’re going to #ISTE18, look for a roll-call and possible meet-up coming soon!
Want to be tagged in future #TECHtalkGA chats so that you're reminded? (My memory is only human, after all!)
Fill out this form!
Great chat tonight, #TECHtalkGA! Thanks to everyone who participated! We’ll see you back here on 7.23 and then we’ll be back for real in Aug!
If you’re going to #ISTE18, look for a roll-call and possible meet-up coming soon!
A1: a little late to the party since we had a late dinner out tonight...
My name is Cori and I am HS math teacher in Gwinnett.
Nothing new for next year, so looking forward to traveling to DC for the 4th and to #TMC18 in Cleveland next month.
Q1: Welcome to #TECHtalkGA! Share your name/dist/role and something new that's happened or hint at something that WILL happen.
If nothing new is going on, share what you love most about summer (even if you don't get summers off!).
A2: I have led a couple of PDs with my good friend @morgancookga that dealt with our LMS and formative assessments in math/science classes. Looking forward to doing a session next month at #TMC18#TECHTalkGA
A4: Most of my favorite books for use in education were actually written with a business audience, like "Start with Why," "It's Your Ship," and "Poke the Box."
I am about to read "The Global Achievement Gap" soon. Have any of y'all read it?