Join in the #HISDAdminChat conversation each Sunday night at 6pm CST as we discuss the challenges we face and the successes we celebrate while learning and leading as an HISD Administrator.
Thanks for being here. Who has made the very excellent decision to join in the fun tonight? Please share your name, school, and 1 goal you want to accomplish in the next 9 days before winter break. #HISDAdminChat
A1: I've always been waiting for distance learning to pop, learning from and with folks not in your building. Not sure if we're there yet. #HISDAdminChat
Thanks for being here. Who has made the very excellent decision to join in the fun tonight? Please share your name, school, and 1 goal you want to accomplish in the next 9 days before winter break. #HISDAdminChat
A1: The trend of online assessments are not going away! I am getting in on it by signing up for TEA online testing. Technology is here to stay. #HISDAdminChat
Deshaun Harris / 5th grade math / math lead @REDSTEM_Magnet. Within the next 9 days, I look forward to completing my instructional portfolio of best practices. #HISDAdminChat
We are not there but I think the number of catalysts continues to grow. Both modeling from central district and those with experience (thirst) have to begin to move in to influencer roles (or become more visible influencers). #HISDAdminChat
This reminds me of a article I was reading about everything being 'open book' - what we want kids to produce is far more than regurgitated facts on a scantron. #HISDAdminChat
A1: Blended learning will change the way we teach and learn. I envision a school where each department has their own YouTube channel and lessons are introduced online...then later extended in the classroom. #HISDAdminChat
A2: This is a work in progress but providing the resources and opportunity to explore...I attended my first tech conference this year and my mind was blown! Need to showcase the possibilities! #HISDAdminChat
I worry also. Can't wait for testing online to include using a tablet where Ss use a stylus to show work and record voice to explain answers. #HISDAdminchat
You're dead on to include all those aspects inside the idea to technology integration. I'll add find, and leverage, early adopters on campus. #HISDAdminChat
A2) The best way I think you influence teacher behavior to consider "what's next" is to model risk behavior and/or give them the space to choose their learning. Ts are professionals and will find those opportunities when ready. Our job is to not miss seeing them. #HISDAdminChat
A2: To prepare teachers for whatโs next, we must provide data-rich rationales as to why this new method or innovation will work in our academic setting. We want to work smarter, not harder. #HISDAdminChat
This would really be so easy to do. However the volume of work to assess would substantially change. I think that keeps it from happening. Which is just wrong. #HISDAdminChat
In reply to
@texasbuckeye, @lpapplegirl, @petecarter3
I think there is a qualitative piece to that as well. I hope the trends that will take root excite students to learn as well as positively influencing the data. #HISDAdminChat
A2: Also, we must encourage teachers to attend PDs or conferences outside of our district. There are great things happening in education around the country and we must go out and explore...then bring it back to our campus. #HISDAdminChat
I think that's critical for sure. Losing so much PD time this year hurts. What can the future look like in terms of sabbaticals? A great Calculus teacher with two classes of 60 and then other conference periods to model/coach/learn? #HISDAdminChat
True, but you would definitely get a better understanding of why a student chose an incorrect answer if you could see/hear thought process. #HISDAdminchat
In reply to
@debralcamp, @texasbuckeye, @petecarter3
A3: We need to keep up with college trends and business partners. We need to see how grad plans change and expectations of those doing the hiring. And then adjust what we do on campus.
Totally agree. You have to know what people are learningabout and talking about to stay relevant. So many leaders forsake all of that and I know they're missing out. #HISDAdminChat
A3: In teaching students that learning reflects the world around us, I use real-life examples in everything that I teach. I want students to find mathematics in the smallest object possible. Drop the textbook, use your surroundings. #HISDAdminChat
A3) The teacher-student relationship has to be restructured. #Collaboration is a Global-Skill and the teacher-student relationship must be a #partnership. Both learning from each other. #HISDAdminChat
Great! We will need your support and experience moving forward. And Greg, you are at a school that is ripe to continue to innovate. Make it happen! #HISDAdminChat
A3: Keeping up with career trends and what is driving our society to success...If the companies say they need a certain quality in an employee or team member...we should be helping to create this!#HISDAdminChat