#4thchat is a hashtag for teachers or anyone to talk about educational issues relating to 4th grade. Using #4thchat will create a network of 4th grade teachers or teachers working with 9-10 year olds across the world. We welcome anyone who 1. teaches 4th grade 2 .Works with 4th grade students and or 4th grade teachers 3. Likes 4th grade teachers (Groupies are encouraged).
Hi Everyone in #4thchat Tonite we'll be talking about Digital Citizenship! Thank you for joining in. @plnaugle is not with us tonight as she is celebrating Mardi Gras! Please share your role & where you're from!
#4thchat Hello! I am a student at Chapman University, double majoring in dance and education! hopefully becoming an elementary school teacher! i am from Northern California :)
#4thchat Hi! I'm a freshman at North Carolina state university studying Elementary Education! In my tech class we've talked a lot about digital citizenship and had to participate in a twitter chat for an assignment!
#4thchat Hi! My name is Olivia Hosbein and I am a student at Chapman University. I am studying Graphic Design and Education. I am from Southern California! #ies302chat
A1 A good citizen is someone how is aware of how s/he impacts others - both positively and negatively. A good citizen isn't perfect, but strives to do right by others. #4thchat
Great to have you with us Azuki! Did your professor assign a twitter chat? If so, give him/her a big Thank You - You will build a great #PLN here. #4thchat
Josie, it is so great to have you. I am so glad to see students joining chats for Professional Development! There are so many great resources and connections! #4thchat
Hi Josie! Can't wait to hear what you learned about DigCit in your classes. Thank you prof for sending you to Twitter - you will be so glad - great place for professional learning! #4thchat
A1 A good citizen is someone how is aware of how s/he impacts others - both positively and negatively. A good citizen isn't perfect, but strives to do right by others. #4thchat
A2. In my mind a good digital citizen is able to not only access information, but also evaluate it for how truthful and how useful the information is going to be. #4thchat
A2: A good digital citizen uses the internet and social media for good. They use technology responsibly to communicate with others and make a positive change. #4thchat
A2 A good digital citizen is no different online than offline. This time though s/he is extra careful with what s/he posts or says since interpretation can cause hurt feelings and potentially unsafe situations. #4thchat
My professor @KarenJan was the one who suggested I get on twitter in 2010 - and Here I am! :) #4thchat I thank her whenever I can. Ppl I've met here have positively impacted my teaching & learning. Not kidding!
A3 Being a good digital citizen is important if we are going to make changes that are beneficial and helpful to our communities and the world. A good digital citizen knows s/he is not alone and works from that premise in every online presence s/he makes. #4thchat
A3: Being a good digital citizen is important because we should leave a positive digital footprint. The internet and technology are amazing tools- so we need to use them right! #4thchat
A4 Classroom teachers are responsible for teaching Digital Citizenship, but I see it as everyone's responsibility. We need to serve as models for our students. #4thchat
Evaluation can be SO tricky - especially at the elementary level but it is so important to help them decide. #4thchat I still pause & think about some sites & whether it is legit!
A2. In my mind a good digital citizen is able to not only access information, but also evaluate it for how truthful and how useful the information is going to be. #4thchat
A4: I believe it is most effective if teachers can teach digital citizenship in the classroom. I agree it is also the responsibility of others if this is not done. #4thchat
A3 Being a good digital citizen is important if we are going to make changes that are beneficial and helpful to our communities and the world. A good digital citizen knows s/he is not alone and works from that premise in every online presence s/he makes. #4thchat
A5: I really like the way my professor is utilizing different profile websites, such as linkedin, video chatting websites, and this twitter chat! very useful! #4thchat
A4: We are ALL responsible for teaching #DigitalCitizenship It is something that should be embedded in whenever we have our students going online. #4thchat
A5: We went over some ways to teach children certain aspects of digital citizenship. Here's an infographic I made for telling them about privacy and security on the web. #4thchathttps://t.co/t0kMlVpc6b
A4 Classroom teachers are responsible for teaching Digital Citizenship, but I see it as everyone's responsibility. We need to serve as models for our students. #4thchat
A6 I really think that talking with kids and asking them about a time they went on a website that didn't feel safe to them is one way to approach this convo. We need to appeal to kids' instincts about what feels right and what doesn't feel right. They do know! #4thchat
A6: What is BYOD day.. if anyone can explain it to me! It is important to provide a safe environment. Some websites can be unsafe than others, and as teachers, we should keep in mind and list some websites that kids can also use. #4thchat
Yes! I love @CommonSenseEd. It's my go-to website when I'm not sure about a book, website, movie or anything else. I get good honest feedback there and then I'm able to make a decision as to whether or not to use it with my Ss or my son. #4thchat
BYOD is bring your own device. It's very helpful for schools who aren't 1:1. Talk with your admin about doing this. I was very specific about the devices being tools and showing the kids how to use them that way. The kids respond very well and enjoy it! #4thchat
A6: Safe online experiences need to be encouraged. Open communication is key. We shouldn't scare kids with internet danger warnings; but communicate with them how to use it safely! #4thchat
This is a great article. Thanks for sharing @JennRegruth! I like to talk to kids about how being safe ONLINE is like being safe OFFLINE & have them compare. #4thchat
I think it is important that educators work with parents on #digcit Plan a tech night and let parents know how their children should properly use tech and how to use it for educational purposes. See Family Tech Nights on My Family Events page https://t.co/g9ezgHWm8K#4thchat
A7: Kids are ultimately responsible for their actions. If they are well informed and held to expectations, it will hopefully become a part of how they handle online situations. Giving students the knowledge and responsibility is the first step. #4thchat
This is awesome @josieLThompson You would not believe how many 4th graders share their passwords with their friends. #4thchat Would love to use this if you don't mind!
A5: We went over some ways to teach children certain aspects of digital citizenship. Here's an infographic I made for telling them about privacy and security on the web. #4thchathttps://t.co/t0kMlVpc6b
A7: I think videos are something we can watch in order to teach online self-management. There should be videos everywhere... but I would love to make one myself! #4thchat
Yes they know. In having conversations I hear a lot of "my older brother/sister was on this site & I was with them...." For instance, Youtube is a site that kids visit w/ siblings but don't realize isn't always appropriate. #4thchat
A8: Open communication with parents is always a must-especially with online experiences. They are somewhat protected by firewalls at school. I ALWAYS use the phrase "with your parents" if I let the kids know they can find something online while at home. #4thchat
Teaching kids HOW to recognize a safe site is important. @CommonSense uses the Green/Yellow/Red traffic symbol as a way to get them to understand. Green-okay for you to use; Yellow-Use caution; Red-do not visit-site is for older kids/adults. #4thchat Like the traffic lite visual
I think I am more cautious with the word selection online. You lose the reaction and emotions people have to the words you use online, so I try to speak clearly through my laptop to make sure I am not misinterpreted. #4thchat
And, I think it's important to keep things in perspective and to keep the lines of communication open. If parents know what their children are doing online and kids talk to their parents, it will be a win-win for everyone. #4thchat
Students really trust and believe their teacher- and it would make a difference to your students if they were hearing it from you in a video! No doubt they were replay! #4thchat
Yes, and it is the future. We need to work hard to understand as much as we can as teachers to help Ss make the choices that are right for them. #4thchat
A9: Plagiarism was something I learned in middle school, and I think it should be expressed early elementary school. I was nannying, 3rd graders and tutored their writing, and they wrote a summary word-for-word that I wrote that I gave as an example! #4thchat
Teaching kids HOW to recognize a safe site is important. @CommonSense uses the Green/Yellow/Red traffic symbol as a way to get them to understand. Green-okay for you to use; Yellow-Use caution; Red-do not visit-site is for older kids/adults. #4thchat Like the traffic lite visual
A9 Mine do, and I am not doing my job if I dont' teach this. My kids have to research a topic and write a paper at the end of the year. Teaching how to put things in their own words is tough but a valuable skill they will use throughout their eduational journey. #4thchat
A9: Although I am not a teacher, I have seen my peers struggle with citing information in their essays. I think it is important that students are fully aware of what plagiarism is and how to avoid it early on. #4thchat
A9: They absolutely should understand plagiarism. We practice evidence from the text by using quotes if more than 3 words are taken directly from text. ie The story says that "the girl jumped for joy." They catch on quickly. #4thchat
BYOD is bring your own device. It's very helpful for schools who aren't 1:1. Talk with your admin about doing this. I was very specific about the devices being tools and showing the kids how to use them that way. The kids respond very well and enjoy it! #4thchat
A7: One way is students could have this visual handy: THINK - is it true, helpful, inspiring, necessary, kind. https://t.co/aZBy4H5SXy All kinds of versions out there. #4thchat
This is ABSOLUTELY important! So often we leave parents out of the loop - this is the kind of information they NEED to hear (from the kids too!!!) #4thchat Thx @cybraryman1
I think it is important that educators work with parents on #digcit Plan a tech night and let parents know how their children should properly use tech and how to use it for educational purposes. See Family Tech Nights on My Family Events page https://t.co/g9ezgHWm8K#4thchat
A10: I can model be a good digital citizen by learning with this and keeping this posted in our room and referring to it often! https://t.co/Zoe7Bv69c9#4thchat
I think having students MAKE videos that remind them of good online behaviors would help make the idea more solidified. I def think YOU should make one for kids too! #4thchat Pls share here if you do!
A10 I pull up my facebook page quite often for my kids to see family pics, etc. I take advantage of that and talk about what they will never see on my page and why. The same with my twitter. I try to grab every opportunity to talk about it. #4thchat
Oh my goodness -did you say anything to them?? Computers have made this such an easy thing to do now! #4thchat (again - sad to say). Educating our Ss about "respecting others' property" is a must.
A virtual round of applause for my amazing comod, @ncarroll24 for posting the questions and leading the discussion tonight. Thanks to everyone in this awesome #4thchat PLN that shared ideas and resources. It takes a village!